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02x04 - Charter Guest Soulmate

Posted: 04/21/24 11:48
by bunniefuu
- Previously, on below deck.

- Okay, smile.

There's obviously
a connection.

- I've been away from my
boyfriend for a long time,

I'm in a confusing situation.


- I felt like when I'd run into
you in fort lauderdale,

You were kind of standoffish.
- No.

- Bull[bleep].

It's making
things awkward between us.

- I'm looking at all these
california augmented women

Reliving their glory years.
[All cheering]

- Kate isn't a smiler.
- You have such a pretty smile

And we like to see it.

- If I'm still doing
yachting in five years,

You might have
to put me on su1c1de watch.

- Andrew's porthole was left
open while we were traveling.

- So we're gonna sink and drown.

- I really embellished
my resume.

I don't think you get much more
inexperienced than I am.

- Did you hear about andrew?

- He's a liar.
He's a manipulator.

He has no business
being on this boat.

- This is hard for anybody,

Never mind having to be plagued
with some anxiety crap.

- I'm not gonna be
miserable for six weeks.

It's either me or him.

[Boat horn blares]

[Upbeat music]

♪♪ ♪♪

- Bye!
- It was nice meeting you!

- Bye, andrew.
- Bye-bye.

- [Woman kisses]

- Thank you so much and here's,
you know...

Appreciation for everything.
That was awesome.

- All right, I'll be
right there! Gotta go!

- Thank you!
- Take care! Bye!

- Thank god this charter's over.

I would've paid my own money
to make them leave sooner.

- I just noticed
some minor things.

Right when you think
you're done,

Charters are gonna ask you
for something

That is just gonna
test your patience.

So, that's when we have to be
really careful that we don't

Have a crack in our veneer

And that smile just comes out
and blocks out your face.

we've got some issues.

- Any "bitch work"
will fall on me.

- Maybe you don't understand

What you just said
was derogatory

Towards women.
- Oh, andrew.

- Let's get an assistant

Up here on the pole
with spring wire with andrew.

- Let go. Let go.

- You don't deserve the tip,
so basically,

You go and work your ass off
instead of standing in here.

- Now you're just being a d*ck,
but okay.

- I've got a pretty good idea

How I'm gonna deal with that.

- I really hope that
the captain's gonna fire andrew.

I definitely don't want have
to tell him that one of my crew

Has given me an ultimatum.

- All that being said,
I've got an envelope

That's really
a pain in my butt.

- Wow.
- Oh, that's--

- And I think we've got
$11,200 to split up.

- Nice.
- [Mutters]

Andrew better not get
his full share.

- Kelley.
- Yes, sir.

- There you go.

- Jennice.

Bosun eddie.

- Oh, yeah!
- There you go, buddy.

- Thank you very much.
- Thank you for your work.

I do appreciate it.
- My pleasure.

- Sturby, um...

There's $1,000 for you.

- [Bleep].

- Captain lee should have said,

here's your plane ticket."

- If captain wants to keep
a guy like this on the boat,

I don't want to be here.

- All right, guys. Thank you.

- [Grunting]
I hate these buckets.

They're, like, pressurized
or something.

- It was so hard for me
to sit there

And watch captain lee give him
a fair share.

- I don't think captain lee
is gonna fire him.

And that would be
the only solution.

- He's bringing us down, man.

He's come here to lie to us
and steal our money!

- I want to jump him
and steal his money.

- Umm...yes.

let's do it.

- He betrayed us, plunging
a knife into our back.

It's not gonna get better.

You know, I'm out.
I've had it.

- Don't let him push you
out of a good job.

- I know you're
probably upset with me.

- Well, my tip--

- You've also lied.
The first thing you said

To me was,
"I've done five charters."

- I couldn't blow
my cover at that point.

- You shouldn't have ever
had a cover, andrew.

That's the problem.

It was so hard to get
on a boat like this.

Andrew hasn't paid his dues.

And it's affecting
all of us negatively.

And he doesn't...
Belong here.

- I don't have anything
to say except...

- I don't expect you
to say anything.

- You have every right
to feel that way.

- Eddie, lee.
- Go for eddie.

- Find andrew. Make your way up
to the wheelhouse, please.

- Copy that.
- Andrew, do you copy?

- Hi, yeah, I'll meet you
at the wheelhouse.

[Groans] I just felt
like a rush of anxiety,

Thinking "holy crap,
what's going on?"


- I'm afraid I have some
unpleasant news for you.

I've come to a decision
and it wasn't an easy decision.

I don't think it's gonna
work out for you.

I'm gonna cut you loose.

I've made arrangements
for a flight

And your pay will be ready.

I wish you all the luck
in the world.

Thanks, andrew.

- Take care.

- Eddie, take care
of this young man.

You can't learn on the fly here.

If you don't already
bring it to the table,

You're toast.

And that's what
happened to andrew.

He brought a knife
to a g*n fight.

- I can't talk highly enough
about you.

You've really been there for me.

And I can't talk highly enough
about you.

- Thanks, man.

- I feel defeated.

A little part of me is saying,
maybe this is for the best.

Maybe all the anxiety
that was building up

Was just too much.

- Andrew's gonna be
leaving us, guys.

- really?

- He's on his way.

- This is a tough industry.
I respect all of you.

- Thank you.
- You deserve to be here.

- We are all benefitting
from this.

- A team is only as strong
as its weakest link.

- Bye, andrew.

- Bye-bye.

- I feel like I failed
or something.

It's not a good feeling.

It's a lonely feeling.

And although I respect
the captain's decision...

It still hurts.

- We're gonna be down
a man for a little bit.

- Okay.

Just means a little
more work for us,

But I think we can handle that.

- I think we can handle it.
- Oh, yeah.

A weight's been lifted off
my shoulders because of this.

- You've been liberated,
have you?

- That's a way to put it.

- You lucky bastard.

- [Laughing]
lucky bastard.

- Yeah.

- Yeah, he did
take it like a man.

That was the one thing
he took like a man.

[All laughing]

- Good luck, sturby.

All right.
Thanks, man.

Take it easy, all right?

- There's something very real
about working on a yacht.

We have different
relationships with people.

We see how they live,
you know?

We get in, you know, inside
their heads a little bit.

So, obviously, there's gonna
be a bit of sadness, you know?

Take care, sincerely, all right?

You're a good guy.
- You're a great guy, man.

I'm glad that I did this.

I've learned so much.

I put my heart and my soul
into it.

I did my best, and I'm just
really glad that I did it.

I'm gonna jump right back in.
I'm gonna grab my shammy...

I'm andrew phillip sturby.

And I am a yachty.

[Radio static]

- I'd like to chat
with everybody

In the crew mess
in two minutes.

Please respond.

- Copy.

- Copy. Two minutes.

- Andrew is gone and we're going
to have to go ahead

With this next charter
one short.

So everybody's gonna
have to step up to the plate

And everybody's got a little
extra duty to do.

So tomorrow, take the day off,

Go have some fun,

And we'll start fresh
the next day.

Appreciate your efforts.

I really do.
- Awesome.

- Bye-bye!


Look what you did.




Help me!

- What were you saying?
- Stop!

Oh, god.

That's exactly what I wanted.


- The guests are showing up

In three hours.
- All right, stop saying that.

- Are these playboy bunnies
for real,

Or was somebody joking?

- I feel like
you should go with me.

- Holy [bleep].

That's pretty cool.
I've never been on cat before.

- Me neither.
I'm excited.

- Not only are we
in the british virgin islands,

Not only do we have,
like, a day off,

We get to go and spend
the day on a catamaran

Where we're not working,
we're getting served the drinks,

And we get to lounge.

- And we're off.
- Smile for me, kat.

- Oh, this is amazing.

- In my line of work,
I wear a hideous uniform,

I work long hours,

I cater to people,

So when I have a day off,

I want to feel
pretty and special.

- Ahoy, mateys!
See an iceberg ahead!

- Have fun.
- Thank you.

- Here's to our day off.

We've worked hard.
We've earned it.

Let's just stay
completely horizontal

As long as we can.

- Such a tough life.

- Why are you over here
all by yourself?

- I'm just taking in the view,
I guess.

It's nicer over here,
there's not so many people.

- How's your new boyfriend?

- [Sighs]

It's confusing because you and I
had gotten so close so quickly.

- Yeah.
- And that's--that's nice.

- We mesh so easily.

When you're working on a yacht,
people on that yacht

Are your world.

I have a girlfriend,

But me and jennice, we're
going through the same thing.

We're going through
the same struggles.

Plus we live in the same room.

It's really hard, you know...

- Like, i-i want to be your
friend, I want to be close.

And that's something that maybe
I have trouble defining.

- I'm just here to party!

- This is what
I have to deal with.


- He's really cute.

We like you.

- [Snoring]

- The guests are showing up
in three hours.

- All right, stop saying that.

- Well, it's freaking me out.

- Well, don't--
well, keep it to yourself then.

- I want to make sure
that everyone understands.

- No, we get it.
- Do you?

- You--
- I'm not sure you do.

What's going on
with the flowers?

We getting the new flowers?
We throwing the flowers out?

- I would just forget
about the [bleep] flowers.

- No! It's important.

- [Groans]

- Kate, kate. Ben, ben.

I need you guys
in the wheelhouse, please.

How we doing, kate?
- Good.

- Benjamin.
- Sorry I'm late.

- I have preference sheets.

Dean slover is the primary.
Dean owns a bunch of night clubs

And he's bringing his employees
on as a treat

For all their hard work.

One preference sheet fits all.

He makes all the decisions
for everyone.

- Good.
- It was slightly strange

Because he really did stipulate
that he was the man in charge

And no one else got
any preferences at all.

They were just blank spaces
with photographs and names.

We could be dealing
with a bit of an egomaniac.

- Dinner is at 8:30 sharp,

He's very precise.

- Johnny blue, $188 a bottle.

I'm gonna love mr. Slover.

I can tell he
has high standards.

Me too.

He knows what he wants.
He's organized.

That makes my job
so much easier.

And he dresses well.

Charter guest soul mate!

- Two couples
and the rest are single.

- Where are they all sleeping?

- [Laughs]

- I'm not even going there.
- Okay.

- Oh, wait. How many
cabins do we have?

- Not enough.
- Not enough.

I'm--i'm not going there.

- Oh, so this
is a big swingers'--

- I have no clue.
- Well, it is.

- I don't know. Maybe he's
a voyeur and he wants to watch.

I don't know.

- Yeah.
- Yeah, he is! [Laughing]

- Just this hairy thing
kind of freaks me out.

- Yeah, it's called a protea

And that's not hair.
That's actually, I think mold.

- Ewww!

- The gingers look pretty good.
- Yeah.

- Everything else
looks kinda scary.

Yachting is perfection

Who wants to go
on an adventure?

- I do!
- Good.

These guests
expect nothing less.

Anything they want,
we deliver.

Just act normal.
- Okay.

And hide the scissors?
- Yep.

- I love kate.

- Good morning.

- Oh, yeah.
Right this way.

Chickens are so cute.

[Dogs barking]
- I'm not going that way.

- We're like literally
in people's backyard.

- Shut up!

- Oh, god, there's bugs!

- Oh!

- That's a lot.
- I know.

- Good job, girls.

- I would say
mission accomplished.

- Yeah.
- Who needs a florist?

- Perfect. Thank you.
- You're welcome.

- Have you seen our guests?

- Holy [bleep].

- Are these
playboy bunnies for real,

Or was somebody joking?

- These guys are gonna be
high [bleep] maintenance.

Holy [bleep].
Look at this guy.

He's wearing a velvet jacket.
- Oh, my--is he wearing

A frickin' velvet jacket?

- Velvet jacket!
- [Gasps]

Our primary, dean, you know,
is in his late 40s.

And these girls are young.

And there's one picture
of the girl, she's--you know.

This is gonna be a problem.
- "Dinner, 8:30, plated."

- It's gonna be
very interesting.

- We're shorthanded--
- I hope we're wrong--

- But still, this is gonna
be a great chater,

This is gonna be
a great chater,

This is gonna
be a great charter.

- Five minutes, everybody.
Five minutes.

- Copy.

- Let's go,
they're on their way.

We have guests on their way
walking down the dock.

- Uh-oh.
- Oh, no.

- Yes.

Dear lord.

That's my first impression
of the guests.

And then I'm thinking "great,
I wonder how much luggage

They have for me to carry up?"

- Hi there.
- Hi.

- Welcome aboard ohana.
- Thank you--

- Captain lee.
- Kim.

- Hi, I'm courtney.
- Courtney, my pleasure.

How are you?
- Nice to meet you.

- The primary is much older

Than the women in the group.

So I'm not sure if he put
an ad on craigslist

And said "I need hot friends
to come on a charter with me"

Or what the case is.

- Welcome again.

Kat and kate are gonna show you
to your rooms

And give you a tour of the boat.

So if you guys
are ready to get started,

We'll get this party going.

[Guests murmur agreement]
- okay?

- Let's do it.
- All right, do it, let's go.

- First, we'll go down
to the guest quarters.

- Okay.
- These guests are happy

And young and energetic.

So, I have
a pirate scavenger hunt

That I love to do, but it takes
a certain kind of group.

And I think this group
is perfect for it.

- They love a party.

I think
it's great for the tips.

I think it's great for me.

It beats the heck out
of cleaning a toilet.

So, we have three
state rooms down here,

A twin,
and two queen-size beds.

And then you guys can decide
who goes where after that--

- Okay.

- This is your
master state room.

- Excellent.
Fantastic, actually.

- Quite a large bathroom.
- Perfect.

- I think we'll be
really happy here.

- Guys, get out of our bed.

This is our bed
over here, come on.

- We'll be up here
if you need us.

- Ah, this is perfect--
- this is the grand finale--

- I love it--
- jacuzzi, bar...

[Man gasps]
- I will be right here

The entire time.

- A little barbecue up here.
- Love it!

- Like, I'm gonna get so drunk,

I'm just gonna
pass out right here, just like--

- So cool!

- [Sighs]

- This'll be fun.

- You guys gonna stalk the guy
or are you gonna go upstairs?

- [Whispers] kelley.

- I'm going. I'm leaving.

[Both giggling]

- I didn't come all this way
to spend my time in port.

I don't understand
why we're still here.

I'll be right back.

I have a couple questions.
- Okay.

- Do you know what time
we're gonna be heading out?

- 1:00.

- Okay. Then we'll be underway

In about 20 minutes then?
- Yes.

- Thank you.
- You're welcome.

This guy's gonna be
really demanding.

He's kind of like
a control freak.

This is gonna be a tough
charter to pull off.

Straight up? Good?
- No.

- No?
- Not really, no.

- Can't please you.
There's no pleasing you. Ever.

- Coming up.
- There is plastic on my food.

- That's bull[bleep].
I'm calling him out on this.

I don't give a [bleep].

- All right, let's do this.

Let's go bow to stern.

- Hey, kelley! One--
- hold on, you gotta--

- Two! Three!

It's wet. Ha.
I'm sorry, man.

- Let's go!
- Let's go, let's go, let's go!

- We're taking off!

- Cheers.

- You know where we're going?

- Little jost.
- Jost? Oh.

- So, after we
put up the slide--

- Oh! The slide?


That's gonna be our job, to put
that giant stupid thing up.

We're shorthanded.
We don't want

Anything to do
with the waterslide.

- Give me a check
on that anchor chain.

- Looks like she's holding.

- Copy that.
- [Hooting, cheering]

- [All chatting]
- hey.

- [Grunting]
- ah, jesus.

- [Bleep]


The waterslide.

It weighs like 700 pounds.

It's huge.

Oh, I hope I never have to set
this [bleep] thing up again.

[Girl laughing]

- That wasn't
synchronized! Redo!

[Air pump hissing]

- The waterslide is just five
hours of pain and suffering

For one little hour
of guest enjoyment.

- [Grunting]
- we're ready to launch.

- Let's see what you got.
- Okay.

- Are you guys going yet?

- All right.

- All right.
- Really slimy and slippery.

Let's do this. Whoo!

- Go!
[Women screaming]

- Whoo!

[Cheering, laughing]

- Whoo!

- I feel like
you should go with me.

- I sh--i--
- why not?

- God--
- let's go.

Lee, lee, this is kelley.

- Go ahead, kelley.

- One of the guests
is requesting

That I go down the slide.

- I mean, we could go
holding hands

Or we could
just hold each other.

[Woman laughing]

- Either way, I'm down.

- Yeah, I think so. Why not?

Should be fun.

- Go ahead, kelley.
One time.

Time to put
your big-boy pants on.

Roger that, captain.

- Tell him to take
his shirt off.

- Valid question.
- Tell him take his shirt off.

- He's gonna
take his shirt off.

- He probably will.

- Oh, really?
- That's fine. It's fine.

You can go fully clothed.
I really don't mind.

- Hey! So, position?

- Him on his butt and back.
- Slider!

[Guests laughing]

- That's not happening.

- Let's just do it this way.

- Oh, yes!
- All right, go!

- All right, you ready?
- All right, all right.

- Let's go.

[Woman laughs]

- Water?
- No. [Laughs]

I'm gonna do it much more.

[Man laughing]
- you all right?

- What's wrong?

- So, stay up there until
we're sure they're done.

- If you had
a maid at your house,

Would you ask her
to straddle you

And ride down a slide? No.

Okay? That's not my job.

I'm not your geisha boy.

- How was that?
- That was fun.

- That looked like a lot of fun.

- Wasn't painful.
- When kelley saw their photos,

He was saying
that they were hot.

It's possible that kelley's sort
of just faking discomfort

With, like, inner joy.

- [Whistling melody]

This is delightful.

- What are you guys drinking?

Champagne, wine?

- I'll do white wine.
- Okay.

- I want your opinion
on something.

Does kate hate us,
or what's the deal?

[Woman laughing]
she's not a happy person.

- They seem really
happy up there.

- Yeah, they're great.

They're polite, they're funny,
they're young, they're pretty.

Yay. I feel like god
is answering my prayers

After I hated
the last guests so much.

- Would you guys like
to come out to dinner?

- Who's gonna say grace?

Just kidding.

- Does your a**l--
really hurt bad or--

- It does!

- People do that.

- Cheers. Happy tuesday.

- Yes.
- Hey! Ole!

- Kate, what are your thoughts
on having jennice

Bring up plates
for us for dinner

So everyone can be...
- I love it. Yeah.

- Plated at the same time.

When you have lots
of guests on board,

They need to have
a lot of attention,

A lot of service.

And that takes a lot of people.

And it shouldn't matter
whether they're a man down

Or they're tired
or lazy or sleeping.

I mean, we gotta make
these guests happy.

- Jennice, do you mind
helping us drop plates?

- I figured that would happen
because we have so many of them.

- Yeah, thank you.

- It's kind of funny that, like,

We are a person down on the team

And then, the interior pulls me

From the team that is already
down a person.

They have large and medium
black shirts.

- you need a small.

- I need a small.

So--and everyone's
wearing black,

So, if I'm the only one
wearing white, I'll be--

So now I have to wear
a black dress.

I don't want to lose
my deck cred.

You know, like, I'm a deckhand.

And you won't see, you know,
eddie or kelley

In a dress and a scarf.

- I'd see how
they're running it.

- This is really dumb.

- You're a good deckhand.

in a dress.

- I don't want to talk about it.

- This is a fresh baked bread
with a truffle salt

And truffle oil.
- Oh!

- Thank you.

- That's no good, is it?
[Bleep] annoying.

- You took an oath.
- It's really good.

- Oh, you just tried it? Okay.

- That'll do it.
- You broke the cardinal rule.

- Yeah, like the thing they
have with the blue martinis.

[Chatter, laughter]

- Who ordered sh*ts?
I want food.

- sh*ts are more
important than food.

- No! I'm starving!
It's 10:00! I eat--

I'm gonna get fat because I'm
eating like way past my bedtime.

- It's only 6:00 on the east--
- I don't want this [bleep].

- I'll take your water
and I'll...

- Are you having a tantrum?

- I'm so hungry.

- Have you guys ever seen
a hungry korean woman?

- No, i--no.
- Well, you're about to see.

- This is all we get for dinner.
- I'm bored, myself.

- I don't think ben realizes

How on-time these charter guests
are expecting dinner to be.

And ben's typical
plating scenario--

He usually needs 30 minutes
just to plate.

So, it's not
looking good for ben.

- I did, actually.
- I'm still hungry.

You should go complain.
I am really pissed off.

- I don't normally
complain, but--

- But it is taking forever!

- Hi, how are you?
- Good.

- Good. Is kate around?

- Hello.
- Uh-huh.

- Kate?
- Yes.

- Who do I need to talk to?

The timing on the meal
has been slow.

- We're plating it right now.
- Okay, okay.

So, the natives
are getting restless

And it's just been
too much time in between meals.

- Certainly. Okay.
- So, work on this

For tomorrow please.
- Certainly.

- Thank you.
- We'll stick

To the preference sheet.
- Thank you.

- I never want to rush a chef.

They've got sharp objects.
They have tempers sometimes.

But when the guests
tell you in advance

That they want a meal at 8:30...

- Dinner is at 8:30 sharp,

He's very precise.

- There's really
not a lot of excuses

For it not being on time.

- I can do cheeseburgers
tomorrow, all right?

Hot dogs for lunch,
cheeseburgers for dinner.

If I throw out a bad dinner,

You're gonna remember
that [bleep] food

For the rest
of your life.

You're not gonna remember, "oh,
[bleep], he was 20 minutes late

For the appetizer."

You're gonna remember
that the food was impeccable.

That's what you're
gonna remember.

- What do you want to do?

- No, it's fine.

If you really
want me to be really on time

I'll bake them a casserole.

- I'm hungry!

[Laughing] I'm so hungry.

- I'm working towards
a great tip

And with my level of food,

I can't justify
to rush something.

You know, just sit back, relax.

Have a couple of cocktails,

And I'll throw out dinner
when I want to.

- Coming up...

- I don't mean to ambush you

In front of everyone else,

But you're not smiling.

You're coming off
kind of bitchy.

You're scaring all of us.

- I'm so hungry.

- They're plating everything.
It's coming right up.

- Maybe we could put a microwave
in the middle of the table.

And then give them, like,
hot pockets.

- Well, let's run this up--
- we're good to go, loves.

- It looks pretty tender.

I'll come back
for the lobster.

So israeli large grain couscous
and rack of lamb.

- The meal was late, but I'm
hoping that mr. Slover

Will forgive me due to
the immense quality of the food.


- I'd like to say that--
- is it coming?

[Gasps] our food's here!

- It's here!
- Israeli large grain couscous

And a rack of lamb
with a curried yogurt sauce

And a cinnamon balsamic

- Sounds delightful.
- Yeah.

- So that's why it took
an hour--or two hours

To get our meal?
[Laughter, chatter]

We sat down at what time?
- These take a long time.

- There's plastic on my food.

- Is there really?
- Yeah.

- Are you serious? Where?
- I'm not even joking you, look.

- On the lamb?
- What's that?

- Something was chewy in my
mouth and then there's plastic.

- What's the issue?

- Well, there was
a piece of plastic on it.

- I'm very sorry.
We can get you a fresh one.

- Okay. And I swear
I'm not one of those people

That just complain.

- We waited all this time

And there was plastic
on your plate?

I'd be pissed.

- So, the guests are getting
a little bit dramatic.

I know there's
no way that plastic

Was on the plate
when we carried it up.

But really, I'm just gonna take
it downstairs, pick it out,

And give it back.

They had a piece of plastic
on their plate,

So we need to make them
another dish.

I'm sure they found it and just
put it on there, but--

- That's--that's bull[bleep].

- Yeah.
- 'Cause it's absolutely clean.

If that was on the dish,
it'd be dirty.

See? It would be dirty.

It's absolutely clean.

If plastic is found in the food,

It's a really
poor reflection on me.

It means I'm not paying
attention and I'm being reckless

With the food.

I've never, ever
had a hair

On one of my dishes,

Let alone plastic.

- Your plate will be right up.
- Oh, thank you.

- Sorry about that.

- I don't know if it was
from there or from this.

- It's okay.
- It was from nothing.

- Yeah.

- I know exactly what happened.
It's from their own bottle

That they opened on the table--
- they opened a bottle

On the table
right next to the plate,

And the plastic
went on the plate.

- 'Cause you know,
it's kind of windy--

- All right, well, let me
call them out on this.

I'm calling them out on this.
I don't give a [bleep].

I think it's so important
to defend myself

Because I've got
a pretty major feeling

That they're
playing a prank on me.

And I take this
really personally.

I was a little worried
about this piece of plastic

And I searched high and low...
[Man laughs, mutters]

In my galley
for a bit of plastic

That would've
looked like this--

- And it was in my meal!

- I know and I'm so sorry,

But apparently,
it came off this bottle.

- Yeah, exactly!
That's what I said!

- Yeah.

- You were right,
you were right.

I might've done that myself--
- he blamed it on you.

- Yeah.
- I'm really sorry,

But apparently, it did.
- I apologize.

- No worries.
Don't worry, guys.

- Joke on ben!

- What a bunch of cocksuckers.

- Could I get a meeting
with you and the chef?

- Thank you.
- I'm already knowing

This is not gonna be good

Because guests
usually don't ask

To speak to the chief stew

Unless there's an issue.

- It's always a bit rattling
having a one-on-one meeting

With a client.

I have to change
my style a little bit

Which I am more
than happy to do.

All right, we're gonna
go and have a meeting.

- Yeah, I'm ready.

- This is gonna be fun.
- I know it.

I have a knot in my stomach
going up there.

- The timing--
you've got to work on that.

- That's fine.
- We really like our meals

Start to finish in about

Whatever you have to do,
hour and 15 minutes,

Start to finish.
- Mm-hmm.

I'm a perfectionist,
but at the end of the day,

If that's what he wants,

I have to make that happen

No matter how hard
I struggle with it.

- Thank you.
- Thank you both.

- Cheers.
- Appreciate it.

[Alarm clock buzzing]

- Breakfast is between

Stated on the preference sheet.

Now, I am following this
like the bible.

And I get up at 5:00.

I am not gonna be late
for breakfast.

- How's it going?
- It's going.

Not having andrew
for this charter,

It made it harder
on us.

But at the same time,
like, I knew everything

Was being done properly
the first time.

Now, jennice--her work ethic--

- She's such a hard worker.

- God, and it's like hard
to find a girl out there

That does have that work ethic.

- She's a doll.

She really is just like
such a sweetheart.

- Jennice--we're
really close friends.

And that's--


- Do you feel like you, like,

Really know her really well?

- You know, I would say yes.

Which is cool.
But at the same time,

It's hard.

- What do you mean?
- Feelings.

- yeah?

Well, it's hard because it's
like if you develop feelings

For someone you work with,

It's like, "well, if I go there,

"And it doesn't work out, like
is it gonna make it awkward

And such a good friend and..."

Kelley's kind of
having some feelings.

And I really encourage him
to just put it out there.

If not, you always
wonder or question "what if."

- If I wasn't working with her
and she rejected me,

I'd like
"pfft, whatever, your loss."

- Yeah.
- But here, now, I'm like--

"Well, [bleep],
she's around me 24-7."

And if I had a rubber band,
you could pop me.

- Yeah, I could.
- [Laughing]

I would like to pursue
the possibility

Because I think if we're
this close as friends,

We could be better
in a relationship.

But at the same time,
I don't want to upset

Our work environment.

So yeah, this is a very
difficult choice for me to make.

- I'm ready--i'm ready
for dinner--or breakfast.

I keep saying dinner.

- Is anyone up yet?

- We have two people up there
having coffee in the sky lounge.

Nobody's at the table.

- Well, breakfast
is almost over.

- I know. They'd better hurry,
they're gonna miss it.

- What time were they supposed
to have breakfast?

- Breakfast is between

He's a bit of a stickler
for timing.

- Yeah, I could tell.

- Schedule a strict time
and then don't show up.

- So, it's breakfast time.

Tick, tick, tick.
Tick, tick, tick.

Even in his sleep,
he finds comfort

Knowing that that table
is set and ready for him.

- I'm hungry.

- I really like a really good
hot [bleep] in the morning.

[Laughing] it really
gets me started.

- You are so bad.

- Jesus christ!

I wish it could happen
every morning.

- [Laughs]

- Hey, ben. Primary's up.

Both: good morning.
- Good morning, ladies.

- People are finally
starting to wake up.

- Yeah. I've been up forever.

- Attention all crew,
attention all crew.

We are hauling the anchor now.

- Coming up.

- [Grunting]

[Radio hissing]
- we are off the block.

- Oh.

- I feel like these
are the roughest seas

We've been in yet.
- Oh, [bleep].

This is gonna be a nightmare.

- Just--
- it really does not matter.

- It doesn't matter.
- It does matter.


- Very clean--
- oh, wow, yeah. Jesus.

- [Bleep] you're
really flustered, like,

'Cause the waves are crashing
the boat

And you're moving around and it
just--it's a lot of stress.


[Silverware clattering]

Three most stressful jobs--

Number one,
air traffic controller.

Number two,
emergency room doctor.

And number three, chef.

Thank you.

- Your eggs benedict
is right behind us, okay?

- Looks great.

- Yay.

- Thank you.

- Compliments to chef ben.

- Good job, ben,
they love everything so much.

- Are they happy
with the timing too?

- They're so happy.

- Well done. Well done, ben.

That must feel good.

- I just make good food
to stay out of trouble.

[Man laughs]
- see? I told you, we love him.

- Yeah, he's nice.

- He's my charter guest
soul mate for sure.

- Would you like some water,
sparkling or flat?

- I would love flat please.
- Okay.

- And coffee.
- Okay.

- Is kate just a bitch?
Or does kate hate us?

- She hates us.

- She is not happy,
she doesn't smile.

I'm gonna have to say something.

- I'm sorry that I have
to leave you to do

Lunch service
by yourself,

But until 2:30--that's an hour--

I'm spending it completely
on scavenger hunt.

Is that okay?
- Do it.

- My favorite thing to do
is theme nights.

I think it makes it fun,

It's a creative outlet for me.

So I am finding extra time

To get this pirate
scavenger hunt

Ready for my charter
guest soul mate.

So I've already soaked
the paper in tea

To make it look old.

- Oh, I saw that.
That looks really good.

- Thank you.

- What should we have?

- Is there any way
we can invite kate for a drink?

- Thank you.
- Yeah, you're welcome.

- What's that?
- Is kate available?

- Yeah, of course.
- We want to do a shot.

What should it be?
- Okay, what are you feeling?

You want it more creamy?
More tropical?

- I'm more about what the name
of the shot would be.

We could do an e.t.
- What's an e.t.?

- So an e.t., After you've had
it, you can't phone home.

[Girls laughing]

- Kate, they want you up there
for a drink

Or a cocktail or something,
they want to talk to you.

And then I'm making these
layered sh*ts that they want

That I have no clue what it is.

- How's everything?
- Hi!

- Kate?
- Yes.

- Things are good.
- Mm-hmm.

- We'd like for you
to do a shot with us.

- I don't think I'm allowed.
I'll have to ask the captain.

- You're not allowed.
I would like for you to ask.

And--'cause we have
some stuff to go over.

You know, I wanted
to go over this with you

And I don't mean to ambush you
in front of everyone else--

- Uh-huh.

- You don't seem happy. You're
not happy when you're out here.

You're not smiling.
- Oh, I'm sorry.

- You seem really like--
you don't want to be around us.

- Oh, no, I love it,
I'm just...concentrating.

- All right, maybe that's it.

Maybe you're just being very
serious, but it comes off as--

- I do take it serious.
- All right.

You're scaring all of us.
- I'm so sorry!

- Yeah, so, just, like--you're
beautiful when you smile

And you're happy, otherwise,

You're coming off
kind of bitchy.

To the happy stew.
- Thank you!

- Enjoy!
- Thank you.

- Nothing happy about that.

- I am this close to losing it.

- She's walking right now
saying, "I hate him."

- They look like bad news.
- They look like trouble.

- Look at courtney shoemaker.

I want to look her up.
Google her.

You know when
you read medical journals

Or you know, any kind
of peer-reviewed articles,

Usually the picture
of the doctor,

It's not usually doing like a--

Oh my god!
- What?

- Hold on! Wait!
- Holy [bleep]!

- Shut up. Holy [bleep]!

- Aspiring actress/model and she
looks like a porn star to me.

I was not surprised by that.

Yeah, I did not think,

Courtney shoemaker,
you know, radiologist.

I don't know. You tell me.

- [Screams] no!
- Whoa!

Yes! I bet she ends up--
- I can't unsee what I've seen!

- Whoo!

- I don't mean to ambush you
in front of everyone else.

- Uh-huh.
- But you're coming off

Kind of bitchy
and we don't like that.

- Aww!
I've never heard that.

How dare you?

So you want four sh*ts?
- Five.

- Give me a shot.
- I've got some whiskey and--

- What do you suggest?
- The happy stew.

- Let's do that.
- Okay!

- I love that one!

- I am this close to losing it.

- What's in the happy stew?
- I don't know.

We're gonna find out.
- I like that.

- I am on the verge of tears.

Okay, so, all pirate festivities
are canceled.

- Okay. They don't
want to do it?

- I don't want to do it.

I was hurt, but I was furious.

- I don't think you should have
thrown out the "bitch" word.

I really don't think so.
- That was kinda--

- It's what I'm
honestly thinking.

- That was a little intense.

- She's very scary.

- I've done nothing
but be nice to you,

Cater to your every whim,

Made sure you had your
champagne, your pellegrino,


I'm working hard.

To be called a bitch
and then told to make drinks?


There you go.
- Oh, thank you.

- My pleasure.
- Thank you.

- And this is the happy stew?
- It is.

- What is it with--made out of?

- Disaronno, crown,
triple sec...

- Cool.
- Cranberry.

- That's a huge shot.
- Very nice.

- Kind of like a red snapper.

- Yeah.
- Thank you.

- To kate. To the happy stew!
- Thank you!

- Enjoy!
- Thank you.

- Nothing happy about that.

- And that's fine. She has
a smile when she's out here.

- I've been humiliated.

I'm rage-filled.

[Whistling melody]

- You feel better?
- She does not like you at all.

- Cheers.
- Whoo!

- And there's
a lot of sugar in it.

- Mr. Slover demands perfection.

The perfect cocktail,
the perfect meal,

A perfect blanket fold.

- Next time on below deck...

- Today someone did the towel
in the form of a penis.

- That's a rocket ship.
- Rocket ship my ass.

- I don't think you're
in a position

To jeopardize everyone's tip

Because you're
pissed off with them.

- Think it's out of line.

- I think a lot
of things are out of line.

My crew is valuing
money over me.

- We're a man down and we've
still been helping them,

And they're not appreciating
a single thing.

So if they're not gonna
appreciate it,

We're not gonna help them.
- Yeah, exactly.

- Just another good old
"[bleep] you" to the deck crew.

- So, I don't know how
to exactly do this.

But I'm gonna do it.

I hope this doesn't
[bleep] up work.

- Things just got complicated.


- One thing
in particular I want to address

Is the towel art.

- [Bleep].
Kiss good-bye to a good tip.