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03x09 - Indes-Tuck-tible/Agent 00' Sheldon

Posted: 04/21/24 11:05
by bunniefuu
♪ 5:00, get a call
to go blading ♪

♪ at the skate park
down by the mall, ♪

♪ but my mom says ♪

♪ I gotta prevent
hostile aliens ♪

♪ from annihilating us all. ♪


♪ With the strength
of a million and 70 men, ♪

♪ I guess I really
shouldn't complain. ♪

♪ Still, I wish I could
go for a walk ♪

♪ without rusting
in the rain. ♪

♪ It's enough
to fry my brain. ♪

♪ So welcome to my life
as a teenage robot, ♪

♪ the story of my life
as a teenage robot. ♪

♪ My teenage robot life. ♪

Okay, we need a few more players
for the baseball team.

I'll take you, you, you, and...

not you.

Bat boys--

we need you, you, and...

not you.

Weenie boys--

we need you, and we need...

naw, that's it.


[scoreboard beeping]


[scoreboard beeping]

Boop, boop, boop!

[scoreboard beeping]


Hey, Jenny.
You need help with anything?

don't interrupt.

I'm very busy
right now.


Superhero robot business.
You wouldn't understand.

[scoreboard beeping]


Okay, well,
have fun with that.

[scoreboard beeping]

I need a brave soldier

to blow up
the Galactic Planet Destroyer--

pilot Baron von Sheldon.

Oh, thank you, sir.

I shall do my best.

It's great to be nee--



I can invent anything,
do binary functions in my head,

and stage
an intergalactic invasion,

but no one cares...

except you, Broom-bot.

[bell rings]

[man over P.A. system]
Sheldon Lee

to the vice principal's office,

You wanted to see me, sir?

Sheldon, what are you
doing here?

I told you already they don't
need you on the pep squad.

What the?


Sheldon Lee, we are
with the Federal Govern--


We are a small secret
subdivision of the--


We are two
ice cream salesmen.

And we would like to make you,
Sheldon Oswald Lee, an offer.


I'm a tutti-frutti man myself,
but I--

We've been watching you,
Sheldon Lee.

You appear to be

a very accomplished inventor,

And we think you play with
action figures very well too.

Are you
with Skyway Patrol?

No, we are part of a secret
unnamed, unacknowledged--

Very hush-hush--

Shadow agency
of the Federal Government.

If you join us,
you can never, ever

tell the world
about the organization.

But you will forever
be part of an elite corps.

The best
of the best.

Well, are you ready
to join the team?

You had me
at "ice cream."

Blue 62, we are about to enter
the compound.

[suspenseful music]

[tinny ambience music]

Oh, hi, Marty.
Hi, Bob.

Hi, Fran.

Is the little one
here for a permanent too?


[machines hissing]

[bell dings]

[digital beep]


Welcome to the agency.

Hi, I'm Sheldon.

Not anymore.

[dramatic music]

♪ ♪



Well done, Agent.

Your training
is complete.

Your new code name
is Baron von Fashionista III.

Here is
your agency watch recorder

to record
your field observations.

[feeble beeping]

I'll wear it proudly.

Your first mission
is to infiltrate

a teen-filled enclave
to record information.

Our suspect: XJ9.


Why do we have to monitor her?

You remember C-Day,
don't you?

Sure, that's the day
Jenny saved planet Earth from--

Cluster Prime

Since this
robot invasion,

we can't
be so cavalier

about the androids
living among us.

We must do
everything in our power

to keep
people safe.

Well, they are safe
with Jenny around.

Look, we're 90% certain
XJ9 is 100% safe.

We just need you to provide us
with that extra 10% assurance.

We picked you
because we believe in you,

Special Agent
Baron von Fashionista III.

We need you.

And right now, we need you
to monitor XJ9...constantly.

No problem.
I do that every day, anyway.

Wednesday, 3:01 p.m.:

I am pleased to report

that Jenny is acting
perfectly normal.

Just keep me informed
of everything you can find out.

We robots
have to stick together,

or soon
we'll be...



Watch your back.

My favorite song...

is G5.

robot eyes only.

This is vital
to our cause.

Oh, my gosh.

Wednesday, 5:32 p.m.:

She's up to something--
plotting something.

Wednesday, 8:47 p.m.:

Why does Jenny keep meeting
other robots?

What are they conspiring about?

What is she keeping
from her human friends?

Psst, Sheldon.

Climbing up a tree
to look in Jenny's window?

Tsk, tsk, tsk.

That's why I installed
this ladder.

[electronic beeping]

Agent BVF III--

found anything?

I'll get back to you ASAP.


come in.

So that was
this morning?

That's when...

[Sheldon breathing heavily]



I came out
to get YK9, and--



it's me.


What are you
doing here?

And why are you dressed
like Mog's bookcase?


The real question is,
what are you doing here?

I'm talking
with Mog.

You don't even like Mog.

YK9 has

A whole lot of robots
have gone missing.

I gave Kenny the complete list
just before he disappeared.

or defected?

To what?

Robots aren't the problem here.
They're the victims.

I don't have time
for this.

This is robot business
and none of your business.

I don't need you
getting in the way.


What do I do now?

Are robots the victims
or the villains?


[Sheldon gasps]

Another robot missing?

[electronic beeping]

Agent BVF III reporting.

Agent, your report
is overdue.

Yes, sir.
But I'm not sure what--

Agent, are you a part
of this team or not?

Yes, sir.

Then bring all XJ9 intelligence
to the agency immediately.

Yes, sir.

[tinny ambience music]





Agent BVF III reporting.

We need your watch to download
the information regarding XJ9.

Thank you,

By the way, that new hair color
really brings out your eyes.

Your next assignment is to relay
a message to our outer compound.

It's time to eliminate
the robots being held there.

You mean our agency
arrested the missing robots?

Yes, we've been rounding up
all suspicious units.

Will that
include XJ9?

That is not
your concern.

You have
your orders.

Take the message
to the other facility.

Yes, sir.

Agent, take this watch
to the--

This isn't
the right watch.

Get him!

[suspenseful music]

What have I done?

I've helped a secret group
of robot hatemongers.


[suspenseful music]

I've got to get to Jenny fast.


what happened?

XJs one through eight
are gone.

Jenny, the robots
are all being held

just outside
of town.

How did you
find out?

And when did you
get a dye job?

It doesn't matter.
Come with me.


Hold on.

Sheldon, hugging me
won't make the problem go away.

[jet engines backfire]


I can't get
a bead on him.

But look how the sun
glints off that hair.

Look, they've used the old
ghost town as their compound.

We have to get
through the barbershop

and out the back
to access the facility.

That's easy.
We'll just ram right through.

No, wait.
Looks can be deceiving.

It's heavily guarded
in there.

How do you
know this?

No time
to explain.

Trust me, you're gonna
need me to get through this.

I have an idea.

I'm here
for a permanent.

Head on back.



Release that robot.


Your suit won't look so pretty
when it's full of holes.

Hand XJ9
over to us, Agent.


[lasers zap]

What the?

[laser sizzles]

zap, zap!

[suspenseful music]

[laser whirrs]




zap, zap, zap!




[rapid beeping]


[lasers whirring]

I guess I need
a little more firepower.

[g*ns click]

Freeze, XJ9.

You're surrounded.

Not so fast.

You're the ones
who are surrounded.

And what are you gonna do
with those peashooters, agent?



Sheldon, you totally
saved my life.

Thank you.


That was pretty fancy footwork
you did there.

And that laser mustache

and that trick you did
with the guards

and how you knew
where the compound was...

Hey, how did you know
where the compound was?

Heh, that's
a funny story, actually,



You knew
about these jerks?

You were
spying on me?

I'm going to rearrange your face
so you don't need a disguise.

I love you,
Jenny Wakeman.


Wow, a free skateboard.

Cereal swag just keeps
getting better and better.

Well, what's this?

Skateboard champ Tony Squawk

doing an amazing,
danger-defying stunt

over a giant bowl of cereal.

So if I eat this cereal
like Tony Squawk,

then I can do amazing,
danger-defying jumps too.

In your face, danger!

So 20 minutes with a hair dryer
and 20 minutes with a flat iron,

and it stays like this
all day.

One side,

Whoa, Tuck, be careful.

My naive friend,
caution is for the weak,

a self-imposed

to keep the truly extreme
from rocking the world.

Now, if you two senior citizens
will excuse me,

I have some adrenaline
to rush.

To the extreme!

hold on--

[both gasp]

Tuck, look out!

[light buzzes]

So I was all like,
"I am so sure, and"--

Sweet baby mud flaps!

[tires screeching]


[bus rumbling]

Tuck, Tuck!
Are you okay?

Say something.


[still screaming]

That was awful.

I saw my whole life
flash before my eyes--

my birth, potty training,

getting a skateboard
in my cereal,

the truck.



Okay, okay, we get it.
You were scared.

Now, enough with
the operatics, Pavarotti.

Scared--I was
beyond scared, Brad.

This world is a danger-fraught
den of danger.

Well, if you do stupid,
irresponsible things...

Sure, blame
the victim.

Oh, the terror.

I'm never going
to cross the street again

or leave the house
or my bed.

Isn't that
a bit extreme?


I never want to hear
the word "extreme" again.

Take me home,
where it's safe.

Don't worry,

I'll see that
our brave little soldier

gets tucked in.

Good night.

[doorbell rings]

Hey, Brad.
Is Tuck back to normal yet?

With Tuck,

normal is
a relative term.


Close the door.

You're letting in
natural light.

Do you want me
to sunburn to death?


So he's afraid
of the dark now?

Afraid of the dark,
afraid of the light,

afraid of switches,
afraid of his own shadow...


Afraid of earwax,
afraid of cats,

afraid of heights,
afraid of widths.

Heck, he's afraid
of everything but air.

Scoff all you want.
I'll dance on your grave.

Tuck, all this seclusion
is making you loopy.

Why don't you come
outside with us and--

Are you mad, woman?

The outside world

is a horrifying
death trap of pain.

You get out, before you give me
some awful disease.

Tuck, this is crazy.

you're crazy.


[hammer pounding]


Brad, we've got
to help Tuck.

I don't know; I kind of
like him better this way--

keeps him out
of my hair.

Well, I'm going to help him.

And I think I know how.

Must stay alert.

Must stay safe.

N-n-need more pillows.

But even the pillows
are against me.


Okay, Tucker,

this is an intervention.


I don't want
to be intervened.

Let me go.

I just want
to show you something.


I'm gonna prove to you
that all this

obsessive caution
is unnecessary.

You'll be
my doom.

Tuck, you remember my mom's
future-scope, don't you?


Take a peek
at the future.

Hey, who's the old guy?

That's you,

You kids are making
my bunions burn

with your

Now, get!

Okay, so I'm a cranky old man.

What's your point?

Tuck, you're going to live
a long life.

You've got nothing
to fear.

Oh, I'm going
to be fine.


I don't need
to live in fear.


My future
is secure.

Sure as sh**t'.

I can't
be harmed.


I'm invulnerable!

[inhales deeply]

I just inhaled a jillion germs,
and I didn't get the plague.

no cramps.

No intestinal

I did it all
and survived!

Well, he's sort of
back to normal.

I guess it's better
than being all paranoid and...

What the?


Hey, what's going o--ahh!


Tuck, that
was really dangerous.

I'm okay,
aren't I?

I'm destined to live
another eight decades, right?

Where did you even
get an anvil?



What makes you think you can
get away with a stunt like that?

I'm invulnerable, duh.

You are not invulnerable.

If you're so invulnerable,

why don't you go
lay in front of a steamroller?

Great idea.

He can't possibly
be that dumb, right?

Well, this is Tuck
we're talking about.


[steamroller rumbling]



So I'm all like,
"Oh, yeah, right."

And he's all like...

[creaking tremulously]



Now, listen up.

You better not do anything
so pointlessly dangerous again.

Cool your jets,

I promise I'll never do anything
pointlessly dangerous again,


Uh, yeah, okay.

See that you don't.

After all, why would I do stuff
that was pointlessly dangerous

when I could do dangerous stuff
for fame and glory?

[laughing maniacally]

Gather round, fellow classmates.

I, Tucker Cornelius Carbunkle,
shall take any dare

in exchange for lunch money,

ice cream,
or preservative-filled snacks.

Will you eat a bug?

Pff, too pedestrian.

Think of something dangerous.

Eat two bugs?

Pants the gym coach.

Roll around in poison ivy.

Stick gravel up your nose.

Eat three bugs.

People, people,
you're obviously not getting it,

so I'll give you
one free demonstration.


yonder solid brick wall.

Prepare to gasp
in stunned amazement

as I proceed
to ram my head through it.


[class cheers]




Tuck, you little maniac!

[cheers continue]

Thank you, thank you.

Your adoration
is well placed.

what gives?

You're interrupting
my glory.


Tuck, if I hadn't detected
your dopey stunt

with my stupid-o-meter,

you'd have cracked
your skull open like an egg.

But I didn't, did I?

The whys and wherefores
aren't important.

The fact is that I'm unharmable,

and my public is eating it up
like a Carbunkle sundae.

Look, I've got
better things to do

than chase after you all day,

so knock it off.

Get this straight--

you are not
indestructible, Tuck.

Hmm, she's right.

"Indestructible Tuck"
is too wordy.

I'll be...


For today's stunt,

I shall become
the human cannonball.

[alarm beeps]


[crowd cheering]


[crowd cheering]


The human wrecking ball.

[crowd cheering]

[alarm beeps]


[crowd cheering]


The human basketball.

[alarm beeps]

[alarm laughing goofily]


You traitor!

You've pushed me
way too far, Tuck.

If you go through
with this stunt,

I am not
saving you.

And I'll
tell Dad.

Will you two

Thrill seekers,
this is the stunt

you've all
been waiting for.

[crowd cheering]

Mere moments from now,
I shall endeavor

to ride
this rocket-powered tricycle

down this ramp,

jumping over City Hall,
which has been adorned

with a t*nk full
of Tuck-eating sharks.

[sharks growling]

But before I begin,
allow me to thank my sponsors:

Troy's Toys
for supplying the bike,

Amy's Army Surplus
for the rockets,

and Pete's Pets
for the sharks.

Let's do this thing.

[crowd cheering]

This is your last chance
to back out, Tuck.

Yeah, once you
jump those sharks,

the show
is over.

You go down that ramp,
you're on your own.

Guys, guys, guys,
when I flip this switch,

I'll be rocketed
into worldwide fame.

This is my moment.

Absolutely nothing
could make it any sweeter.

Oh, a ladybug.

That's good luck.

You see, guys?

It bit me.

It bit me,
and it hurt.

If a ladybug can hurt me,
imagine what would happen

if this stunt goes awry.

The rockets, the jump,
the sharks!

Get me off
of this crazy thing.

That a boy,

What was I thinking?

I just hope no one watching me

ever tries to imitate
my crazy stunts.

Most folks
aren't that stupid, Tuck.

Now, now, Brad.
At least he came to his senses.

I'm proud
of you.
[engine starts]

[all gasp]

[rockets fizzle]

[all sigh]





[crowd cheers]

Uh, maybe we
should go help Tuck.

What's left
of him.


Well, Tuck,
are you sad

that your career
as a daredevil is over?

Naw, I learned
a valuable lesson

about using good,
old-fashioned common sense.

Besides, I think
the future-scope

was pretty clear
on my destiny.

You kids are making
my bunions burn

with your

Now, get!