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03x04 - A Spoonful of Mayhem/Enclosure of Doom

Posted: 04/21/24 10:58
by bunniefuu
♪ 5:00, get a call
to go blading ♪

♪ at the skate park
down by the mall, ♪

♪ but my mom says ♪

♪ I gotta prevent
hostile aliens ♪

♪ from annihilating us all. ♪


♪ With the strength
of a million and 70 men, ♪

♪ I guess I really
shouldn't complain. ♪

♪ Still, I wish I could
go for a walk ♪

♪ without rusting
in the rain. ♪

♪ It's enough
to fry my brain. ♪

♪ So welcome to my life
as a teenage robot, ♪

♪ the story of my life
as a teenage robot. ♪

♪ My teenage robot life. ♪

[humorous music]

♪ ♪

An apple a day
keeps the doctor away.

But don't forget to brush.


But, Monsieur, the bill!

Excusez-moi, gar-con,

perhaps if you use

nonpasteurized butter
and cream--


[crowd screaming]

When's broccoli
going to get a break, huh?

[brakes squeal]

[idiotic laughter]

All right, everyone, don't
panic; everything's under--


Where'd he go?
Where's the Lieutenant?

Get off of me, you idiots!

As I was saying,
everything's under--




What in tarnation?

[ham yodeling]

Halt, you!

[whistle shrills]

By the authority
of Skyway Patrol,

I command you food items
to halt!

[ham yodeling]

I'm such a ham.

After them, you idiots!



[triumphant music]

♪ ♪

Merci, Mademoiselle Jenny.

You rock, Jenny!

Yay, XJ9, whoo-hoo-hoo!

We love you, Jenny.

Yay, Jenny, all right!

What's the matter with you?

Let's get out of here.

Oh, jeez, I feel
horrible about this:

the running around,
the screaming.

Tell me,
did they hurt anybody?

Whoa, whoa,
slow down, mister.

Take it easy,
it's okay.

Jeez, I'm sorry.

Allow me
to introduce myself.

Seymore Heinz,
President of Mechanicuisine.

Mechanic cuisine?

Yes, a new line
of food products

with helpful technology.

It can offer cooking advice,
count its own calories,

even dispose of itself
to avoid littering.

An unauthorized shipment was
made prematurely.

I'm terribly sorry.

No harm done.

Great, well,
I'd better get going.

Oh, sure, just remember
to bring back the cart:

My guts, you know.

Sure thing, kid.


You ever seen
anything so weird?

Tell me about it.

[sirens blaring]

[crowd cheering]

[crowd chanting]
Jenny, Jenny, Jenny!

Uh, thanks for the help, buddy.


I'm through being humiliated
by that XJ9.

From this moment on,

I won't stop until
I bring that robot down!

[Flunky #1]
Uh, Lieutenant,

you might want these.

[calm music]

♪ ♪

And just what do you think
you're doing, youngster?

Uh, walking to school?

You mean jaywalking.

Mm-mm-mmm. Oh, boy.


On a sidewalk?


[discordant electronic music]

All right.

You're under arrest
for noise pollution.

I'm sorry,
what'd you say?

Noise pollution!

I still can't hear you.


Noise pollution!
Noise pollution!

Noise pollution!

[car alarms beeping
and dogs barking]

Hey, knock it off, already!

You just woke up
my granddaughter!

Oof, ow, that smarts!

Ah! Not in the nose.

Well, well,
looks like I got you this time.

For what?


Define loitering.

Ha. Define loitering.

[clears throat]

Define loitering.

[ear squeaking]

The code book, deadbrain!


"He ran his strong fingers

through her sumptuous,
raven hair, and--"

The book from
undermy seat, dum-dum!

That was from
under your seat.

[crowd jeering]

You may have won
this round, XJ9,

but one more violation,
and you're under arrest.

Look, what is your problem?

You're my problem.

You're not Skyway Patrol;
we're Skyway Patrol.

We save people,
not you!

You're an outlaw;
you set a bad example.

Before long,
every John Q. Vigilante

thinks he can take the law
into his own hands!

Anarchy reigns,
and the kingdom falls!


[loud metallic roaring]

[tense music]

[motor buzzing]



[metal scraping]

[electricity sizzling]


Thanks for the assist;
glad we're on the same side.

Think again.

You're under arrest for wanton
destruction of public property

with a food product.

That's ridiculous.

You'll never get
that charge to stick.

Besides, you can't
arrest a machine

for doing what
she's programmed to do.

What are you going to do next,

arrest my toaster
for cooking my instant waffles?

That gives me a great idea.

Why arrest the invention,

when the real culprit
is the inventor?

You will cease
your unlicensed activities,

or I will personally haul
Mother Dearest off to jail!

[metal creaking]


[ominous music]

♪ ♪



Oh, no, Mother!

I don't know what foolishness
you've gotten us into, XJ9,

but I'll fix things somehow.

Move it, Grandma!

Oh, and by the way,

I'm getting an official order
from General Hardscape

to have you shut down

[dog barking]

[harmonica playing]

[chalk scratching]



Mrs. Wakeman.

Hey, Mom.
It's jailbreak time.

I don't think that's
such a good idea.

We're in enough trouble already.

But we'll go on the lam,

running from the law, while we
work to prove our innocence.

That's the problem.

we're not innocent.

You do act outside the law.

Normally, Skyway Patrol
is too inept to notice,

but this lieutenant
has made it personal.

Please, don't do anything
to give him more amm*nit*on

against us.

Fine, I'll figure it out myself.

Jenny, please!


You must stop before you get
shut down for good!

Jenn, maybe we should
listen to her.

Has the world gone mad?

Mom's in jail,
I could get shut down,

and I'm supposed to
just sit around?

It just isn't right.


There you are.

You have no idea how sorry I am
for the trouble I caused you.

But listen,
there's no time for apologies.

You see,
after the pizza debacle,

I tried to shut down
the factory

and destroy
all the food products,

but they rose up against me.


They're on their way
here now.

Run for your lives!

[earthquake rumbling]

[angels singing]

[church bells ringing]

[Flunky #1]
Lieutenant, Lieutenant.

Come in;
requesting backup.


Quick, fire the ballistics!

[Flunky #2]

Jenny, you can't!

I have to.

[high-pitched screaming]


Quick, call for backup.


No, no!
The radio!

The radio!

Lieutenant, Lieutenant.

Come in, Lieutenant.
Do you read?

You hear that?

She's interfering
with Skyway Patrol business.


So if you can just sign here,
General Hardscape,

the official order
to shut down XJ9 will be final.

Well, I suppose.

[roaring and gasping]

Get off of me.

And so, citizens of Tremerton,

it is my distinct honor
to declare XJ9

a city treasure!

[crowd cheers]

So eat, drink, and be merry.

Go on, everyone, dig in.

[chairs scraping]

I'm ruined.

And as for you, Dr. Wakeman,

a full pardon.


Eh, just a moment, Lieutenant.

You can have this back.


Nuh-uh, not so fast.


And the badge.

And the helmet.

And the pants.

On second thought,
keep the pants, please.

[crowd jeering]

[eerie music]

What is this place?

How did I get here?

And where is "here"?

Ugh, my head.

What the--

Oh, man.

What happened to me?

I gotta get out of here.



Oh, yeah?


You are wasting your time.

Who's there?

Show yourself!



Are you behind this,
you little scamp?


I have nothing to do
with this predicament.

For I, too, am a prisoner here.

But more importantly,

I am, in no way,
shape, or form, a scamp!

Here we go.

Do you see this?

Does it say "scamp," foolish
earth-lover who can't read?

Look into my coal-black eye.
What do you see?

A bundle of cuteness?

No, your doom, fool, your doom!

I am evil incarnate;
I am the harbinger of sorrow.

All tremble with fear,
for lo,

Killgore, the destroyer
of worlds, has come.

Fear and terror
are heaped upon my name,

for I spew carnage,
slaughter, and pestilence

from my very fingertips.

ding! ding! ding!

I wallow in oblivion.

The universe itself cannot

It's good to see you too.

Now to find a way out of here.

Destroyed gas pipes?

Like the kind you'd see
in an oven, but huge.

Let's see where you lead.

Portable plasma lasers.

Someone doesn't want me
to get out of here.

[laser beams pinging]

I'll never fit through those,

but Killgore could.

Great. Oh, well.

Listening to his diatribes is a
small price to pay for freedom.

[gears rasping]

I am unstoppable,
I am unbeatable,

I--I've moved.


I should have known.

I should annihilate you!

Listen, if we want
to get out of here,

we have to work together.

So you request a stay
of execution, do you?


Well, being in here

does hinder my plans

for universal domination.

What do you have in mind?

I'll get you through
a hole in the ceiling,

then you try and find
an access to this room

and let me out.

I'm free, free!

He left me.



You did it!
You came back for me!

You do have a heart.


I have no heart.

I am evil, darn it, evil!

All right, all right.

Let's just get moving.


Wait, I remember something.

I remember Tuck
excited about something.

Maybe about the villain
who did this.

Gee, that memory's helpful.

The only other thing I remember
is running into you, Killgore.

And all the kids
wanted to play with you.

Sounds horrible.

Well, what do you remember?


That's all I remember.

I was going to track
down my nemesis, XJ9,

and make her surrender.

And I still will!

Have at you!

Let's get out of here first.

[gears turning]

Curse you.

From Hades' heart,
I s*ab at thee.

With my last breath,
I spit at thee.

Hmm, what's this
strange depression in the wall?

Well, that's one way
to do it.

[mechanical knocking]

Wow, this is low-tech,
old-school technology.

Certainly from
before I was made.

Hey, I don't like your tone.

Low-tech is not a dirty word.

You're right; it's two words.


Poison gas!


Help, help, I surrender!

We're robots, you spaz;
we don't breathe.

We're immune to this.

Whoever is behind this didn't
design it specifically for us.

It's to stop anyone
from coming through here

or getting out.

I wish I could remember
how we got here.


Ahh! It burns!

Come on.

We can't stay in here;
we'll be crushed.

This way.

Well, it's been fun,

but it's time
I sent you packing.

It is you
who will be sent packing

when I reveal
my new secret w*apon.

Yeah, right.


That's too small.
Over there.

No, don't...


Close the door.

The walls are moving.

Quick, find a way out!






That's one well-made
wind-up toy.


Here's hoping
the side walls

aren't as tough as these.

All right!

[gears winding]


Stacks and stacks of CPUs.

This has got to be the
computer control nerve center

to the whole place.

Time to party.

Vejur? Who's--

Built by...

Mom? Why would--

Oh, no! I remember now.

You did have a new w*apon.



Why, you little--

[footsteps boom]

Are you insane?

You rebuilt Armagedroid?

I mean, wow, that's impressive
for a guy your size.

But what were you thinking?

Yes, I rebuilt Armagedroid,

and I've been fooling you
this whole time.

I knew where we were,

but I've been using you
to save my own hide!

That is it;
you're toast!

Toast, toast, toast.

Who is inside
Armagedroid's head?

Get out!

[alarm wailing]

Whoa, the self-defense systems
are on overdrive.

It wasn't supposed to happen
this way.

Let me out! Out, out, out!

Snap out of it.

Despite the fact
that I despise you right now,

you know this place
better than I do.

And I actually have skills
beyond yelling, "surrender."

So we have to work together
if we're going to survive,


If I have to.

Let's move.



Stop it!

Head to the light.

g*n it!


Somehow you survived
my furnace, w*apon girl.

But you will not survive
much longer.

Ha-ha, this giant robot
will surely destroy you.

You are just a steel lollipop,

a delectable treat
to be devoured.

Then the world will know that I,
Killgore, triumphed over XJ9.


No one will think
you defeated me.

They'll know
Armagedroid did it.

How could you do it,

when you're just a small,
cute, lovable toy?

[crowd screaming]

It's Armagedroid!


We're doomed!

Hey, it's Killgore.


Drat, the lollipop is right.

I must be the only one
to destroy XJ9.

Hey, you,
stop your attack at once!

Armagedroid cannot stop!

I will be allowed
to fulfill my destiny.

Stop at once!

I must destroy all weapons.

That's it!

It's not that he
wants to destroy our weapons;

he must destroy our weapons.

He has no choice.


do something.

Distract him somehow.

Killgore has an idea.





Armagedroid, looky, looky.


Must destroy!


Weapons, weapons...

Weapons in Armagedroid.

Yes, you are full of weapons;
they must be destroyed.


You are a w*apon.

Yes, must destroy.

Destroy, destroy!

Initiating self-destruct.

Good job, Killgore.

Thanks for the help.

But now, you've got to pay

for causing this whole mess
in the first--


A tape recorder?

[tinny, dramatic music]

One day soon,
I shall seal your doom!

This tape
will self-destruct.
