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02x11 - Bradventure/Toying with Jenny

Posted: 04/21/24 10:50
by bunniefuu
♪ 5:00, get a call
to go blading ♪

♪ at the skate park
down by the mall, ♪

♪ but my mom says ♪

♪ I gotta prevent
hostile aliens ♪

♪ from annihilating us all. ♪


♪ With the strength
of a million and 70 men, ♪

♪ I guess I really
shouldn't complain. ♪

♪ Still, I wish I could
go for a walk ♪

♪ without rusting
in the rain. ♪

♪ It's enough
to fry my brain. ♪

♪ So welcome to my life
as a teenage robot, ♪

♪ the story of my life
as a teenage robot. ♪

♪ My teenage robot life. ♪

XJ9 saves our town
from certain doom.

Not bad.
Your first cover story.

Wow, Jenny.

You're a real

Oh, please.
Nobody reads theTattler.

Jenny, Jenny.

Can I
get your autograph?

See? Pretty soon
you won't even walk home

with the likes of us.

Come on.
That would never happen.


Why, our Jenny Wakeman,

you're quite
the action hero.

Oh, well, not really.

Allow me to introduce myself.

Petto's the name.

G. Petto,
toymaker extraordinaire.

And I have an exciting

that's going to make you famous.

Famous? Me?

Come on.
I'll explain on the way.

Well, now I feel
about this tall.

Youare that tall.

Freeze, Dr. Raul.

General Jim.

Hey, guys.

Oh, it's you.

Shouldn't you be off
riding in a limo somewhere

without your friends?

I know; it's been a crazy day.

But I have something
I think will cheer you up.

I'm an action figure.


But my General Jim
is way cooler.

Drop and give me 20,

Are you kidding?

That thing is so last year.

This is state of the art.

She even transforms.


Ow! I'm hit.

I want.

I want. I want.
I want. I want. I--

Whoa, this is just
a prototype, Tuck.

But even as we speak,

Petto toy company
is going into mass production.

[industrial clanking]


[upbeat cheerful music]

♪ ♪

Come on,
we gotta get there

before they're
all sold out.

I got the super-rare
Milkmaid Jenny.

Me too.

Anyone who's anyone
has at least one.

Karate-chop Jenny.

I don't know
about this.

Don't be such a baby.

See, the line's not
that long.

Guys, guys!

Jenny's there
signing autographs,

and they're giving away
free hats

with every $200 purchase.

Now I've got an action Jenny

for every day
of the year.

There's no way I'm waiting
in line

to see my next-door neighbor.


Hold it.

Sorry, kid; the signing
is closed for today.

I happen to be

a close personal friend
of Jenny's.

I'm sure she's expecting me
to stop by.

I'll call it in.



Miss Wakeman, there's some kid
out here to see you.

Says he's a friend
of yours.

Yeah, I've got a lot of friends
all of a sudden.

Just give him
an autographed photo

and tell him to come back

Got it.

Okay, that does it.

Move aside, generic thug.



Action Jenny
and Petto Enterprises

thank you
for your support.

We know you have
a choice in action figures,

and we value
your patronage.

Ooh, look at me.

I'm Arctic Freeze Jenny.

I'm too famous
for my friends.

What's that?

You say it's time
for your death-defying ski jump?

Be my guest.



That was a heck of a jump,
action Jenny.

What's that?

You've got water
in your ear?

Let me help you
get that out.

bam, bam, bam!

Maybe I'll just throw you
in the garbage

and forget about you.

[sinister music]



I don't remember
turning you on.

In fact, I thought I left
your batteries

right over there.



What's the matter, Tuck?

Your doll have a lifelike
swollen head?


Get it off!
Get it off!

Tuck, what's
going on?

I think there may be something
wrong with these dolls.

No. Really?

I'm serious.

We need to warn Jenny.

[dramatic music]

♪ ♪

[alarm sounds]

Oh, no. Not yet.

One of the action Jennys has
been activated prematurely.

[sinister voice]
You idiot.

If anyone sees
that doll come to life--

But what am I going to do?


I don't think
you have any choice.

Yes, I must accelerate
my timetable.

[cacophonous beeping]


Quiet down.

You're giving me
a headache.




[children screaming]

[romantic music]



And right after Milan,

we can hit the expo in Paris.

Kiss, kiss.
Love ya.

Psst. Jenny.

Down here.

What are you two doing?

Shh, not so loud.

Too late!

Here she comes.

♪ ♪

Wait, is this
who you're afraid of?

No! No, don't!

Come on.
Just look at her.

How could you
be afraid

of something so adorable?



It's not programmed
to do that.


Nice homicidal
toy line, Jenn.

Jeez, I had no idea.

I guess I should have
paid more attention

to the designs.

I was so tickled
at seeing my face

on thousands of little dolls,
I didn't--crikey.

There are thousands
of dolls all over Tremerton.

[screaming hysterically]

[horn sounds]


I wonder what
they're doing here.


They're monsters.

They've obviously returned
to take sweet revenge

on their creator.


Mr. Petto!

The dolls, they're evil.

We're coming
to rescue you.

Rescue me?

[maniacal laughter]


You're the one who needs

from us.


And Crackus?

[alarm sounds]

[unison footfalls]

I'll clear a path
to the factory.

You guys get inside
and find out

what makes
these things tick.

I'm hit.

I'm hit!

[alarmed screams]


Hey, look at this.

Evil action Jenny power switch.

Activate, de-activate.
Huh, huh?

Nah, it can't be
that lame.

Hello! It says

What more do you want?

What kind of mega-villain
would have an on-off switch?

The intelligence
of mega-villains

is highly overrated.


Indeed; allow me
to explain.

Take Crackus, perhaps the most
incompetent mega-villain

in the galaxy.

[whimsical music]

[apocalyptic music]

♪ ♪

So what you're telling me is

all we have to do is
pull that lever right there

and all those creepy Jenny dolls
will just stop in their tracks?

Uh, pretty much.

Let's do it.

What's happening?

They've all
been de-activated.


Unless someone shut off
the master power switch.


How many times
have I told you?

No master power switch.


[triumphant music]

♪ ♪

Tired of playing dolls,

I'm through
toying with you, XJ9.

The next time we meet,

it will be the last.




You idiot.

Sorry, my queeeeen.

Sorry, guys.

I guess I got wrapped up
in that whole fame thing

and forgot
what was really important.

Let's make sure nothing
comes between us

ever again.

[Sheldon screaming]

They're alive.

The dolls are alive.

They tried to k*ll me.

They're pure evil.


I don't have this one.

[bell rings]
All right, class.

The new lab is finally
up and running.

Let's hope a certain someone
can keep her laser beams

away from the chemical bath
this time.

Okay, everyone find a partner.

Hey, Charlie,
you want to--

Yo, Wami, how about--

Outcast Pete,
do you--

So it's boys versus girls, huh?

What lucky gal
gets to team up

with a genuine superhero?

More like super zero.

Yeah, who'd want to
partner up with your rusty rear?


Don't listen to them.

I'm just like everyone else.

I wake up; I oil my gears;
I go to school.


I wake up; my head explodes;
I rocket through the roof.

[uproarious laughter]


Hey, Jenn.

How are you doing?

What are you
doing here?

The teen team broke up.

Mainly because Orion wanted
to join the Venusian ballet.

I thought I'd chill
with you for a while

if that's cool.


Finally a girlfriend
to hang with.

[nostalgic electronic music]

♪ ♪

This is the best.

Who knew you could spend the
whole weekend on the telephone?

Any teenage girl,
that's who.

Yeah, Brad's great.

But he can't really
get inside the head of a girl.

That's 'cause I'm too busy
breakin' their hearts.

Hey, guys.

Sorry I've been AWOL.

But Misty's back in town.

She's on the phone
right now.

Yeah, we can
see that.

Eh, you gotta use those free
weekend minutes somehow.

Hey, Brad.

Break any lately?

Hearts, that is.

Uh, well, sure.

I mean, not a lot,

but there have been
a few.

Of course.

But uh...

So, superhero robot,
superhero ninja,

what supercool adventures
are you two cooking up?

What's that?

A rogue's gallery
of supervillains?

That is one of the cutest boys
in Tremerton High.

Come on, you guys.

We're girls,
thank you very much.

And we're bonding.

Sharing our innermost

Opening up to each other.

Ew, gross.

And accessorizing.

[bell rings]

Wow, school is actually fun
when you have a girlfriend

to share it with.

Look, Tiff.

It's a pair
of identical geeks.

Double your pleasure,

double your losers.

Our local freak has finally
found her very own freak pet

to pal around with.

Ro-boob and kung fu.


What did you say?

Say that again.

What are you doing?

You can't go all
kung pao on someone

whenever you want.

You'll get
in serious trouble.

We just let
these Krust creeps

dis the dynamic duo?

I don't know.

I mean, working together,

we could really
rock their world.

But I've never used my powers
to mess with somebody.

Well, then, you haven't
truly lived.

Come on.



[vacuum hum]



[clandestine music]

♪ ♪

♪ ♪



That's it.

This tomfoolery
ends now.

Or there will be
dire consequences.


[fearful protests]

You did what?

I read their minds
while they were asleep.

And believe me,
there wasn't much to read.

But I found
what I wanted:

their worst fears.

The first two
are bad enough,

but number three
is a doozy.

And now that we know
their weaknesses,

we've got the upper hand.

But you heard Rizinsky.

Dire consequences.

Come on, Jenn.

Are you going to let those
creeps have the last laugh?

That last stunt was cruel,
even for them.

I'm still pulling feathers
out of my memory banks.

But how can we top it?

We make their worst fears
come true.

First we paint
you black,

and then [whispering].

Bowling ball.



Boxing glove
on a spring.




What? There's no spider
on this list.


"Come into my parlor,"
said the spider to the fly.






Ninja girl,
you gotta help us.

The school is lousy
with giant spiders.

I know; the whole town
is infested.

But there's one place
they can't reach.

The bell tower.

Oh, no.
You're not getting me up there.


Forget it, cuz.

Your height-ophobia
ain't gonna make me

no super spider snack.

Put me down
right now.

Do you hear me?

I will not go up there.

I categorically refuse, Tiff.
How dare you?

Put me down.

Tiffany Krust,
I said put me down.

Thank you.


No, don't let go!
Hold me tighter.

Hold me tighter.

Calm down, cuz.

I know you hate heights,

and I am none too fond
of spiders.

But it could be worse.

We could be trapped with...

We got your note
to meet you here.



Help, please.

Help me.



[maniacal laughter]

[defiant troublemaker music]

♪ ♪


The most hideous


It's very troubling

and certainly deserves
further exploration,

but I'm just
the janitor.

Misty, I think we may
have gone too far.

What are you
talking about?

Did you see how everyone
looked at us?

With respect?

More like paralyzing fear.

We've taken one cruel power duo
and replaced it with another.

Are your circuits fried?

We're the heroes.

The bad guys
are down for the count.

It's time to finish them off.

Brit and Tiff
can hardly speak.

They've had enough.

Puh-lease; if we stop now,

they'll be back to their old
tricks in less than a week.

But when I'm through
messing around in their minds,

they'll wish
they'd never been born.

Misty, no.




Let them go, Misty.

We never should have
played their game.

We're no better than they are.

Oh, we're far better.

At least I am.

I humiliated them.
I outdid them.

I made this entire school mine.

And I'd do it all again.


The true culprit
has finally confessed.

Young lady,
you are expelled.

I am so sorry, Misty.

It was great while it lasted,
wasn't it?


Partners in crime.

Don't worry, Jenn.

I'll be around.

We'll have plenty
of adventures, you'll see.


even in our vegetative state,

we could tell
you were trying to help us.

Yeah, after all we've done
to you,

you still came
to our aid.

And we just want you
to know

that you're a sap.


Hey, Brit just told me

she and Tiff have crushes
on you two.

[enthusiastic laughing]

[Brit and Tiff shrieking]

Is Misty gone?


I can't believe
she got expelled.

Yeah, she gets to hang out
in Tremerton

without having
to go to school.

How do I get that deal?

But seriously.

Misty hasn't learned
superhero rule number one.

With great power
comes great responsibility.

You can't use your powers
for personal gain or revenge.

Now, come on.

Tuck stole
all my underwear,

and I need you to fly up

and superglue his toys
to the roof.