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02x13 & 02x14 - Escape from Cluster Prime

Posted: 04/21/24 10:47
by bunniefuu
♪ 5:00, get a call
to go blading ♪

♪ at the skate park
down by the mall, ♪

♪ but my mom says I gotta-- ♪
[record scratches]

[dramatic military music]

♪ ♪

this entire area was

nearly destroyed
by a devastating earthquake.

There earth was torn apart
for many miles,

but the fault line
stops right here,

and here is where we settled.

And we called
our town Tremorton!

[crowd cheering]
Tremorton, Tremorton,
ra, ra, ra!

[mechanical hissing]


Here we knew we would
always be safe.

[crowds cheering]
Yay! Safety!


And so as Grand Marshall

of the Tremorton
Tri-Centeniall celebration...


I take great pride in unveiling
this towering monument

to our town's history.

[lever cranking]

I present to you

Tremorton's first and only
Richter Scale.

and I've never felt safer.

[distant rumbling]

[jet engines roaring]

Hey, Tremorton.

Am I late?

Run for your lives!
Ooh, a rocket!

Hang on, Jenn.
I'll save you!

[squeaky wheels]

Jenny! Jump!

I'll catch you!

Poor Brad, he tries
so hard to be a hero,

but he's just not built for it.

Well, I think I've had
my fun with you.

This oughta give the folks below
a heck of a lightshow.

[laser zapping]

[lasers bouncing off]

[crowd screaming]

[lasers zapping]

[balloons popping]


Laser-proof, huh?

Very tricky, Vexus.

Well I've got a
few tricks of my own.

[loud expl*si*n]

[crowd screaming]


Enjoy the fireworks, everybody?

[crowd gasps]

No problem.

Your friendly
neighborhood heroine

has it all under control.

clang, clang!

Bye-bye, b*mb-b*mb.

XJ9, that was
inexcusably reckless.

Hey, I trashed
the thing, didn't I?

So why get your bloomers
in a bundle?

You wrecked the rocket,
but did you disarm the warhead?

Did Iwhat thewhat?

That's the part
that goes "Boom!"


[engine roars]

[warhead whistling]


Steady, girl...

The trick to defusing
a Cluster b*mb

is to cut the wire behind the--

[loud expl*si*n]

Uh, is that supposed to happen?

[needle clicking]





What, not even a scratch?

That's it!

I've tried everything:
missiles, drones, robots,

nanobots, Smytus Krackus, acne!

Well, no more Mr. Nice Queen.

If I can't bring
you to the Cluster,

I'll bring the Cluster to you.

[lever cranking]



Oh, no.

Mean old Vexus threatened me.
I'm so scared.




Double oops.

The celebration is ruined!

All our work turned to rubble.

My balloon is broke!

We've known she was
a menace all along.

You destroyed
my statue!

You ruined
my stage!

You wrecked my
old-timey bicycle!

Uh, no, that was me.

Oh, yeah,
my mistake.

Is this why I built you, XJ9?

So you could showboat when you
should be super-heroing?

I'm very disappointed
in you, young lady.

[crowd grumbling]

Somebody should scrap her.

A pox upon her house.

Why can't I do anything right?

Why was I even built?

I'm about as useful as a...

broken Richter Scale.

I don't think I'll ever fit in.

[lever cranking]

I wish I could just disappear
off the face of the planet.

[low humming]

[magnetic humming]



Jenny? Hey, Jenny?

We came to help you
clean up.

That's funny.
I swore I heard her

muttering bitterly
to herself.

Well, this rubble isn't
going to clean itself.


[humming powers down]

[eerie music]


[dramatic music]

♪ ♪


[machinery whirring]

[dramatic music]

♪ ♪


♪ ♪


[dramatic music]

[door clangs]

Well, Jenn, you wanted
to get off the earth.

Welcome to Cluster Prime.


[engine revving]

[alarms sounding]

Is it Jenny?

No, I don't know
where she is,

but we've got
bigger problems now.

Much bigger.

[all gasp]

This is going to be a doozy.


End of the ride, punk.

Time to go back
where your kind belong.


You're sending me to school?

Do you not know who I am?

I know
all I need to know.

You're a hooligan,

and you should be in school
by order of Queen Vexus.

She's the education monarch.

All right, let's go.

Here you go, Professor.

You better keep your eye
on this one.

Do not worry, officer.

Nothing escapes my
optical sensor array.

Okay, who threw that?

I'm waiting.

Come on, bolt-brain.
Stay focused.

I need to get out of here
before they figure out who I am.

If I can get past that gate,

I'll be out of this
brainwashing factory.

Then I can get off
this messed up planet.

[classroom bell rings]

What a day.

I need a nap
in the server lounge.


[suspenseful music]

♪ ♪


Hey, you're that new kid.

Look, it's the new kid
I was telling you about.

So what's up with
the hole, new kid?

Uh, I was just--
I was just digging for worms.

Uh, I mean--

I was digging for

For mecha-biology class?

I get it, you're one of those


That's cool.
My name's Vega.

This is Drab.




And this is Tuff.

Hey, how ya' doin'?

We're going downtown.
Want to come?


Are you sure that's safe?

Oh, don't worry.

I'll make sure Tuff keeps his
roto-treads to himself.


This is Cluster Prime?

From the
sticks, huh?

Never been to
a robo-tropolis before?

You're going
to love it.

beep, beep!

[lively music]

♪ ♪

[bird chirping]

[hip-hop beats]


[slides clicking]

So, Jenny,
what do you think?

It's beautiful; it's like some
kind of robot paradise.

It's weird; yesterday I didn't
want to come here at all.

But after today, I'm not sure
if I want to leave.

Didn't fit in at
your old school, huh?

Nobody appreciated me,
especially not my mom.

Whoa, don't even talk
to me about mothers.

My mom's a real tyrant; she--

[phone rings]


Hi, Mom.



Yeah, but--




Yes, Mom.

Bye, Mom.

That was Mom.

Even when she's out of town,
she checks up on me.

I better go.

She wants me home
before darken.

It's a long walk.

Walk? Why don't you
just fly home?

Right...and after I fly home,
I'll just wave my magic wand

and all my homework
will be done.

Ha, ha, ha.

Ha, ha...

That's why I like you, Jenny.
You're so crazy.

See you at school!
Get home safe.


But I don't know if
I want to go home.

Don't worry, everybody,

my Jenny will
be here any minute.

I hope you're right.

We need XJ9 more now than ever.

This isn't just
any alien invasion.

It's the Cluster!

[engines humming]

[bird chirping]


[laser zapping]


They've brought
their entire fleet!

Why send that
crack-pot inventor?

Be free, my pretty.





Help, police!
We need help!

[man on phone]
Ah, this is Ray's Pizzeria.

Oh, well, in that case,

give me a large pepperoni,
no mushrooms, extra--


This haircut cost me 90 bucks!

Stop! We love robots.
We're Jenny's best friends!

XJ9, help us!

They can't do this to our town!

What are
you doing?

Close the window!

There's no time.

I'm going to need
more boards.

This is bad, boys.

over-the-planet bad.

Where is XJ9?

[birds chirping]


[lively music]

♪ ♪


[magnet humming]

Good morning.

Hey, Jenn.

How come you're not
using your superpowers

and flying to school?

With all these cool
contraptions, who needs to fly?

And I kind of messed up
my lateral stabilizers.


You're a trip, Jenny.



Hey, Jenny!



Wow, how did you do that?
You're fast!

No faster than
you are, I'm sure.

You're kidding right?

Enough with the googley eyes.

Let's do ourselves
something manly,

like decorating.

Yeah, you can help us decorate
for the Tri-Millennial.

What's that?

The city's 3,000 year

You'll learn all
about it in History 101.

Come on, Jenny.

Finally, a place where I'm
accepted as a friend.

This is the enemy,

traitor to the robot species

and monstrous defender
of the human world.

XJ9 is a vile
and malicious super-robot

who can stretch out her spidery
arms to horrific lengths,

move with blistering speeds,

and produce devastating weapons
from her innards.

Well, who can't do that?

That's not funny, Jenny.

Cluster citizens were designed
with the power to transform,

powers that were activated
by a golden chip.

But XJ9 destroyed
the chips

in a unilateral attack
on the Cluster nation!

That's not true!

That's why we are at w*r.

That's why we must
follow orders.

That's why we must
not ask questions.

Why do robots like
that even exist?

I don't know.



[laser fires]

That's it, I've had enough!

[laser fires]

Desperate times
call for desperate measures.


XJ9 is still missing.
I must assume the worst:

that Vexus already has her.

I'm going to Vexus' ship
to get her back.

And I'm going with you.

No, it's too dangerous.




I'm going with you,

and I won't take several "no"s
for an answer.

Oh, all right.

Don't vaporize yourself.

[door clanging]

[jet engines firing]


Well, Tuck, it's up to us
to save the city.

Can I have that?





Where's is XJ9?

Our attack is in
its second day

and still no sign of that
infuriating brat.

But that's why we
chose now to attack.

Because she wasn't here,
because we knew she wasn't here.

Yes, I wanted to get a jump
on her.

But I expected her to come
running to the rescue.

How am I supposed to enjoy

my life-long ambition
of enslaving the earth

without having crushed
XJ9 in the process?

Vexus, earth to Vexus.

Could someone zoom in
a little, please?

My confuserbots,
er, batterbots, testerbots,

I was never quite
sure what to call them.

Get on with it.

My machines are
starting to fail.

Some higher-form humans
possessing superintellects

are figuring out
their weaknesses.


There's a surprise.

They did their job
softening up the populace.

But we must send in
the real troops now.

No, I can't enjoy my ensuing
victory without XJ9.

She can't hide forever.

I can't hide forever.

Sooner or later they'll figure
out who I really am.

Another planet,
another place everyone hates me.

Maybe there's room
for one more dog on Pluto.

Should've charged my
battery last night.


So tired, can barely
keep my windshield open.

Oh, no.

I can't use my powers.




What was that?

Who was that?

Whoever it was,
we owe her our lives.

Thanks, mysterious stranger!


[door creaks]

You'll never take us alive!


Vice Principal Rizinsky?

It's Colonel Rizinsky now.

Welcome to the Minutemen.

One of our operatives,
code-named "Juanito,"

has found the robot's weakness.



Since you'll be using a water

I'll just hang on to that.

Uh, no.

Whoa, a secret underground lair.

This makes my garage/workshop
look like

a workshop in a garage.

Hey, XJ1 through 8.

Why don't we use
Jenny's sisters to--

No. Here's what we do:

we reverse the the
polarity of my rocket pod

and lock on to Vexus' ship
with a tractor beam,

while diverting all power to the
anti-matter engine.

A simple flip of a switch
beams us aboard.

[triumphant music]

What the heck are
you talking about?

Our only chance of reaching
that ship is to use

a negative ionizer
to destabilize

an undulating pulsar field,

propelling us at light-speed

through a wormhole
in space-time.

Where did you get that idea?
A gumball machine?

I've have you know

gumball machines hold
valuable information.

You are an amateur.

You are a know-it-all.


How dare you?

[happy music]

♪ Just when I thought
I should go away, ♪

♪ I found a brand-new reason
to stay. ♪

♪ They need me. ♪

♪ Yeah, I think they need me. ♪

♪ Saving folks,
that's what I do. ♪

♪ I won't reprogram.
I know it's true. ♪

♪ They need me. ♪

♪ They need me. ♪

♪ Yeah, I think they need me. ♪

♪ Oh, yeah. ♪

♪ I help my friends. ♪

♪ I don't need to flaunt it. ♪

♪ It means so much just knowing
that you're wanted. ♪

♪ Ooh, they need me. ♪

♪ Yeah, I think they need me. ♪
[crowd cheering]

♪ They need me. ♪

♪ Ooh, I think they need me. ♪

This lawless behavior
must be stopped.

It's time we bring this
vigilante to justice.

Where is XJ9?

The decimation of Earth is
finally at my fingertips,

and I refuse to fight this
battle without her.

Well, I don't.


Citizens of Tremorton,

yesterday you were bottom of the
pickle barrel scum.

Plumbers, used car salesmen,
Supreme Court justices,

C students.

But today you are soldiers,

defenders of our
beloved Tremorton.

Her future is in your hands.



How's this for water pressure?

Here's your extended warranty!

I'm out of order?
You're out of order!

I think we did it.

We won!

We did it!

[crowd cheering]

Now you're gonna get it.



Come on everyone.
We can do this!

Jenny wouldn't run!


I won't give up.
I'll fight alone if I have to!

Sounds good
to me.




You want a piece of me?


You'll never take us!

Tremorton is ours!
Earth will prevail!



[soothing music]

♪ ♪



[scary music]

♪ ♪

Excuse me, Mr. Guard sir,

but can I take my
ten-second break?

Yes, and you just
used it up.

Now back to work.

There's the McKinley family
trying to make a break for it.

[vacuum noise]

Oh, and get Jason!

He'd make a great sl*ve.

[vacuum noise]

Let's head
to the retirement home!

Somebody get me out of here!



Wow, we could've had a V-8.

[baby crying]

Um, I'll call for help.

I feel so used!

[baby crying]



So we finally catch
our masked vigilante.


How could you
leave me alone out there?

Uh, I was

Come on, we've got to
get out of here.

I just got in here.
I'm finally someplace safe.

We have to get back
into the fray

before the enemy
gets entrenched.

It's too late.
The human race is enslaved.

Then we'll join the
resistance; we'll--

Get ahold of yourself

There is no resistance.

There's no one
to join.

If there's no one
left to follow,

then I must lead.

It's time for a prison break!

Could you get more butter?


[Tuck and Brad]
♪ Mickey-mickey-mickey-mickey
moo moo! ♪

Hey, turn that off!

♪ The mickey moo moo
is an attitude! ♪

♪ Ya moo-moo
drinking lemonade. ♪

♪ Ya moo-moo's soaking
in a marinade! ♪

♪ I know you're mickey
because I'm moo-moo too! ♪


[casual whistling]

By the Great Cluster Hives,
it's XJ9!

What? That looks
nothing like her.

Sure it does.

Not at all, the proportions
are completely off.

So it's stylized.

Let me see that.

It's not even the same color!

It's an artistic

Ah, come on.
Just look at her.


After her,
you imbeciles.

[sirens wailing]

[over loudspeaker]
Attention, citizens.

XJ9 has been spotted
on Cluster Prime!



You tried that six days ago,
and it didn't work then.

Well, at least I haven't
resorted to using chewing gum!


smack, smack!

cough, cough!

Hey, you got your
time fissure capsule

in my quantum defibulator.

You gotyour quantum defibulator
inmy time fissure capsule!

[high-pitched noise]

Two great
that work
great together!

[dramatic music]

♪ ♪


♪ ♪

Eat paint, robot scum!



You, over there!









Viva la revolution!

You speak Spanish?

Where am I?



I must be in Vexus' palace.

[loud knocking]

Come out of there.

You're trapped!


The chips!
The ones they said I destroyed!

Vexus is the one depriving
her people of their powers.

[laser blast]

Ahh! I can't believe a bunch
of brats are foiling our plans.

[electronic pulse]



I haven't seen you wear
that outfit in ages.

It must bring up
painful memories

of the last time
I brought you down.

Ready for a repeat?

You forget, darling.

You're no longer
a spring chicken.

Whereas I still have 20 years
left on my warranty.

I suggest you give me
what I want.

Not before you tell me
what I need to know.

Where is she?

What are you doing here?

I live here.
I thought you knew.

Vexus is my mom.

What are you doing here?



Stop her!
That's XJ9!



Will you knock it off?

Tell me where she is.

I don't care who
you're looking for.

You're not getting
anything out of me

until you tell me where XJ9 is.

What? You don't know?

No, I thought you had her.


If you don't have her
and you don't have her,

that means
she's really missing!

We'll find her.

She could be anywhere
between here and Cluster Prime.

Cluster Prime!

That's why they
won't stop calling me.

[jet engines revving]

It's not over yet, Sheldon.

If we can infuse
the ionization feedback, we--

We don't have time
for sci-fi brinkmanship.

My Jenny needs me!

[engine turning over]

[engine revving]

[loud crashing]

We can do it!

We can stop them!

We haven't met a robot yet
we can't destroy.

Then you
haven't met me!

Your little game
comes to an end now.

Call off your pint-sized militia
or breathe your last breath.


So be it.

[lasers zapping]

Look out!

On your left!

It's me you want!
Don't hurt the others.


[lasers zapping]



Let's go get her!

Out of the way!

That was awesome; this is
the best Tri-Millenial ever!

We'll never make it through this

Call out the Air Force!

We know who you are.

But, but, but, but--

And we saw what you did.

How you saved all those innocent
robots from the guards.

We're here to help.


But how?

That's it?

Quick, access your
defense mechanisms!

Defense mechanisms?



Oh, yeah!

Come to Daddy!





Whoa! Don't hit me!
Don't hit me!


Look at me!


Retreat! Retreat!

Oh, no, you don't.


Now for some serious firepower.




Oh, come on!


Come on, we're getting you
out of here.

This is how we do it,

[lasers zapping]


Are you okay?


But at least I'm alive,
thanks to you.

You guys were awesome!

I can't believe they've
been shoveling this

"XJ-9 is evil" junk
down our throats.

If the robots knew the truth,
they wouldn't stand for it.

They'd bring down
those responsible.

But Vega, that's your mom.

I just can't believe
she's behind this.

There must be somebody making
her do it or some thing.

I mean, I know I said
she doesn't understand me,

but I never thought
she was pure evil!

Either way, we have
to get the word out.

And I think I know how.

Come on! Come on!

Nora, we're losing her.
I need more

secondary thrust!

I'm on it!

And call me Mrs. Wakeman!

Oh, no!

She's gone.

She'll get to Jenny, unless--

Don't even think about it.

Sending humans through
a multi-lateral Cluster vortex

would require incalculable--

Let's do it!

[rockets fire]

[evil laughter]

Pathetic sack of flesh.

We always knew he was going
to be a troublemaker.


Prepare for your doom,

Hey! He's no meat-bag!

He's 65% water!

And if you wanna take him out,

you're gonna have to
go through me first!

Two birds with one rivet!


Huh? Three birds with one,
four birds with one,

five birds, six...

So what's it going to be,

There. Up to the top.

The antennae?

If we tap into it,

we can broadcast
the truth to the entire planet!

But I don't have enough power
to get us up there,

even if I could fly.

Well, maybe I can!

Try using your boosters.

Oh, right.


We're live in three,
two, one.

Robots of Cluster Prime!

You have been deceived.

XJ9 did not destroy our chips.

They've been hidden
all this time.

We have been betrayed
and lied to by our leaders.

XJ9 is not our enemy.

But she is mine!



Not now, honey.
Mommy's working.

Release my brother,
you overgrown garbage disposal.

Ooh, I'm so scared!

The hairless monkeys
are banding together.

Whatever shall I do?

So you refuse
to go back to work.


You refuse to be enslaved.


And you'll stand together
until my armies are defeated

and the Earth is free.



Have it your way!

All troops, back to your ships!

Well, that was easy!

[crowd chattering]

Clean up our fallen comrades.

[robotic voice]
Yes, sir.

Prepare to destroy the planet!


Wait a min--
Did he say--
Destroy the planet?


Hey, where's everybody going?


Mother! Stop!

How nice it is to finally see
you where you belong!

Yes, all this time you
wanted me on Cluster Prime,

and look what happens
when I get here.

Down with Vexus!
Down with Vexus!

Down with Vexus!

How dare you!

This is my planet.
I am its queen!

Mother, listen to me!
She's not the enemy!

I'm gonna make you a
permanent part of Cluster Prime.


[evil laughter]


b*mb bay doors open!

Mom's away...

Smokin' outfit, Mom!

What? This old thing?

thud, swish, thud

Sweetie, Mommy could
use a little help here.

Be a dear and destroy
the old woman for me.

Vega! Save your queen!

Save Cluster Prime.

That's just what
I'm going to do!


You will pay for this, XJ9!

You haven't seen
the last of me!

[crowds cheering]


No more Vexus on Cluster Prime.

Who's gonna be in charge?

[crowd chanting]
Vega! Vega! Vega!

There are going to be a lot of
changes on Cluster Prime!

And I would love to have someone
I trust help me rule.

Living in a world of robots,
a world where I finally fit in.

It's almost too good to refuse.


No. Come home, Jenny.


Don't leave us,
I'm begging you.

Please, please,please.


Jenny, you've grown so much
since I first assembled you.

And there comes a time
when every inventor

must let her
appliances leave the lab.

No matter how much I want you
to come home with us,

it's something you must decide.




Brad! Tuck!


I didn't get a hug.


I'm so glad to see you.

You guys came all the way
across the galaxy for me?

Well, no, actually we--


Yes, yes, we did.

But we also came because
the Earth is in big trouble.

Smytus is planning to
blow up the planet.

We need your help.

Vega, a world full of
superpowered robots

is the one place
I could truly fit in.

But this planet
doesn't need me anymore.

You can protect yourselves.

I was meant to help others.

That's why I was built.

That's who I am.

I may not win any
popularity contests back home,

but the Earth needs my help.

And saving people
is its own reward.

I understand.

Just come and visit sometimes,


Now let's me get recharged and
we'll go kick some Cluster butt!

Ooops. Sorry.

It's cool.

Those drones are no longer
affiliated with us.

This puny planet's
final day has come!

Charge the atomic cannon!

Locked and loaded, sir.




We're going to be rammed.





Is it over?

I think so!

We rule!

We made it through this whole
thing and still look fabulous!


Everyone abandon ship!

I'll take care of Smytus!

Status report!

We're jacked up,
that's our status.



It's over.


Not so fast, XJ9.

You may have destroyed
my megaweapon and my ship

and my robot factory
and my troops.

But I still have one more
thing up my sleeve!


Self-destruct, baby!

Every supervillain's
last resort!

Say good-bye to your
beloved flesh bags.

This ends now!

In ten seconds.


[loud expl*si*n]

[crowd cheering]
Jenny! Jenny! Jenny!
Jenny! Jenny!

On behalf of Tremorton,

I hereby declare this
a day of celebration.

Our first annual

It's just nice to feel needed.


Umm, uh.
Excuse me.

Can I just get in there?

Give ya a hug?
