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02x06 - Pajama Party Prankapalooza/Sister Sledgehammer

Posted: 04/21/24 10:42
by bunniefuu
♪ 5:00, get a call
to go blading ♪

♪ at the skate park
down by the mall, ♪

♪ but my mom says ♪

♪ I gotta prevent
hostile aliens ♪

♪ from annihilating us all. ♪


♪ With the strength
of a million and 70 men, ♪

♪ I guess I really
shouldn't complain. ♪

♪ Still, I wish I could
go for a walk ♪

♪ without rusting
in the rain. ♪

♪ It's enough
to fry my brain. ♪

♪ So welcome to my life
as a teenage robot, ♪

♪ the story of my life
as a teenage robot. ♪

♪ My teenage robot life. ♪ ♪

[girls chatting]

the last invitation

to the Crust Cousins'
annual sleepover goes to--



That fudge and feather prank
last year was the best.

I can't wait to see
how you top that.

Neither can we.

What are we
gonna do this year?

It must be unparalleled
in its rascality.

Girl, we need something extreme.

A secret w*apon...

Something huge
and freaky.



[sinister music]


Oh, Jenny!

Won't you come
to our slumber party, darling?

Come on--
I wasn't built yesterday.

What do you have planned?

Replacing my batteries
with roasted weenies?

Pouring soda pop
on my circuits?

Oh, but Jenny--

It's those very naughty things
we've done

that we'd like
to make up for.

Let's start over.


Please, Jennifer.

We want you
to be our guest of honor.

A slumber party
guest of honor?

[majestic harp music]

♪ ♪

It does sound tempting.

We need your RSVP.


Okay, I'll be there,
your guest of honor!

Guest of horror,
more like it.

If we play
our cards right,

we can use that little
robot freak

to pull the greatest night
of pranks in Tremerton history!

[all laugh evilly]


Coming, coming.

[shocking music]

No one's home!

We're here
to issue a warning.

Some other time,

This concerns
your XJ9 unit.

I'm in the middle
of a very important experiment.


Hey, do I smell cookies?

As a matter of fact,
I just made some, and I--

[feet scampering]


We have some concerns
about XJ9.


[film projector running]

Our latest reports

a 20% rise in mischief,

a 40% rise in shenanigans,
an 80% rise in tomfoolery,

and don't even get me started
on the horseplay.

This is ridiculous.

My XJ9--

Gets one last chance.

If we spot her
at the scene of any trouble,

General Harsgate
will order

the confiscation
and dismantling

of the XJ9 unit.

it's time for you to leave.


[eerie vibrating noise]


My XJ9 is not a danger
to anyone.



Mom, I was invited

to the Crust Cousins'
annual sleepover.

Isn't that great?

I need super-cute pj's.

Yellow, with feetsies.

And a boss sleeping bag.

I'm sorry,
but a slumber party

is out
of the question.

Oh, Mom!


Please, please,

You can go down
on 20 knees,

but the answer
is still no.

I have Skyway Patrol
breathing down my neck,

and you need
to stay under my watchful eye

till those imbeciles
cool their jets.


Stupid Skyway Patrol.

This isn't fair.

I'll show her.

I'll just go
to the sleepover anyway.

[crickets chirping]


[party music playing]

[girls chatting]

[doorbell rings]

That must
be the guest of honor.

Smiles, everyone.

this is a slumber party?

The girls,
the games,

the chips,
the dips,

and everyone's awake.

This is so much better
than I imagined.

Welcome to the club,



You can sleep next to me.

I'll give you
a makeover.

And then I'll give you one.

But first,
as guest of honor,

there are
a few ceremonial duties

you get to perform.

We'll have so much fun.

And so I said,

"No, silly, the gas
goes in my carburetor."

[girls laugh unenthusiastically]

Oh, Jenny,
you are a gas.

But you know what
would be even more hilarious?

Oh, if you say--

flipped over
one of these cars.

that would be wrong.

Come on,

It's just
a harmless prank.

I don't know.

Oh, maybe
you'd better head home

and sleep
with all the other babies.


No way.

Go, Jenny!
Go, Jenny!

Go, Jenny!
Go, Jenny!

[girls cheer]

[giggles mischievously]

Yay, Jenny!

[girls cheer for Jenny]

This is so typical.

How is this my fault?


What is the meaning of this?

It's after midnight!


It is past robot curfew,

and our trackers show that XJ9

is not connected
to her charger.

She isn't?

Uh, I mean,
of course she isn't.

She's, uh,
mopping the furniture, uh--

Dusting the floor--

Uh, you know,
doing chores.

Robot chores.

Robot chores
at midnight.


A toaster?

Oh, I told XJ9 not to go
to that party, and now--


Mm, sourdough.

That young lady
is in serious trouble.

[rockets blasting]

Even more trouble
if I don't find her first.

You must be thirsty
after all that heavy lifting.

I bet you could
swallow this whole lake.

Go, Jenny!
Go, Jenny!

Go, Jenny!
Go, Jenny!

Go, Jenny!
Go, Jenny!

[whooshing noise]


Just as I thought:
robot shenanigans.

[rockets blasting]

This never used to happen
when I was dating Charlie.

Oh, here we go again.

I hope I'm not too late.


[girls chanting]
Yes, J9!

Yes, J9!

Yes, J9!

"It's a beautiful night.

Let's take
the convertible jet."

Dr. Wakeman?

[laughs nervously]

You know,
they're just not biting tonight.

[suspenseful music]

♪ ♪

Enjoy your freedom.

[animal noises]

That's nice.

Now she'll
have someone to play with.

[all laugh evilly]

[all scream in terror]

Wait for me, you guys!

Our tracker says that--

Ow, get it off!

Get it off!

Ah, fellow animal lovers,

Don't you just love
this new organic, cage-free zoo?

Well, Jenny,

there's just
one last tiny prank.

No sleepover would be complete
without a joyride!

Stink bombs ready?

Next stop:
City Hall.

Wait a minute--
this is taking things too far.

Jenny, you don't even
have to throw the stink bombs.

You're just
going to fly us.

You only need to help us

with one last
super-cool adventure,

and we're
friends forever.


Oh, okay.

[rockets blasting]


And for her final stunt,

Jenny will amaze
her new friends

with a triple-decker

on the way to City Hall.

Oh, I should remind them
to fasten their seat belts.


Can you believe
that clueless creep?

We get all the fun,
and she gets all the blame.

Who else could
drop stink bombs on City Hall

jet-powered Jenny?

[both laugh]

I should have known.

They were just using me.

Uh, Jenny?

What is going on?

How could I have been
so stupid?

Now I've got a huge mess
to clean up.


This had better be worth
dragging me out of bed

at 2:00 in the A.M.,

Yes, General,

wait till you see
the destruction XJ9 has caused.

We've tracked her
to the airport.

Forgetting something?


The Skyway Patrol
is hot on our trail.

We need to put everything back
the way it was, and fast.

I've always wanted to do that.


[cannon firing]

So the airport
was normal,

but wait till you
see the mess at the zoo.

You see, General?

Look at this place.





Animals in cages--
what a tragedy.



We're in range
of the lake.

Courtesy flush.


Look, look!

Very picturesque,

the picnic lunch?

It may have taken three hours
in a locked car,

but I finally agree.

This relationship
is worth saving after all.

I swear--
they were all upside-down.

is so typical.

XJ9 is not
connected to her charger,

and I can prove it!

Aha, see?

Hi, officers.

Can I help you?


Or should I say "Private?"

Take me home.



This isn't over,

We've got eyes like eagles,
and we'll be watching.

We'll be watching!

[rockets blasting]


Sneaking out,
overturning vehicles,

emptying the lake,
freeing animals from the zoo--

I'm glad you were there
to help me, Mom.

Yes, well--

And it was great the way you
shook off Skyway Patrol for me.

I suppose so.

Because you don't think
I'm a freak, do you, Mom?

No, I don't.

I just think
you're grounded for two weeks.

Good night, XJ9.

Good night, Mom.

[door shutting]

Good night, girls.

[girls yelling for help]

Can I
just say one thing?

This is going
to be so easy.

I mean, really,

maybe we should
give you a bit of lead,

since you're a girl.

'Cause two boys
against one widdle girl

means somebody's gettin'
a butt-kickin'.

Eh, beginner girl's luck.



Do you realize I just beat you
at soccerand foosball?

[chirping insects]


Yes, little XJ9.

It is time
to fulfill your destiny.

Uh, to be widely accepted
as a normal teenage girl?

No, to become one
with The Cluster.


Wait here, guys.

This shouldn't take long.

Get her!

Thank you.
Thank you.


You know, it's so sad when they
have to show off to feel loved.

Oh, woe is me.

You've bested me again.

Or have you?



[laughs maniacally]


[both yell fearfully]

[continue yelling]


Boys, what is it?

[start yelling again]

[muffled yelling]


Boys, relax.

was stolen by The Cluster!

Stolen by The Cluster?


[Jenny groaning]

XJ9, it is pointless
to struggle

against the power
of The Cluster.

Just lay back

and enjoy your
long-overdue transformation.

The only thing
I'm going to enjoy

is taking you apart
piece by piece.

This stubborn streak,

along with the rest
of your bothersome personality

will soon
be a thing of the past.

You'll be joined,
body and soul,

to the all-powerful hive mind
of the drone army!











XJ9 is one of us!

Her very essence powering
the ultimate doomsday machine!

No one on earth,
not even Wakeman,

will be able to stop us!

[Brad and Tuck still yelling]

Boys, stop.

will be fine.

XJ9 has battled The Cluster
before and beaten them.

The only problem would be
if The Cluster

somehow assimilated her.

But what if they do that?



Did I say impossible?

I meant improbable,
by which I mean--

They've done it!

They've taken over XJ9!

We have taken over XJ9.

Isn't that
what I just said?

We have returned her
to her people.

Or, rather,
to her robots.

Or to her robot people.


Scatter, puny humans,

for you have no one
to save you.

And how apropos
that the human who made her

shall be the first one
XJ9 destroys.

Say good night,


[laughs maniacally]

So, um,
what do we do now?

[panicked yelling]


[cannon vibrating]

[laser blasts]

Oh, kids today.

You feed them,
you clothe them,

then they come back
to destroy you.

We're doomed.

[electronic voice]
No, you're not.


What are you girls
doing awake?

When Jenny became part
of The Cluster,

a silent alarm
was triggered.

Do you really
think you can stop her, XJ5?

Hey, we may be earlier versions
of XJ9,

but we can still kick
some serious butt!

Excuse me, but why is everything
always about Jenny?

I'll bet if I was captured
by some alien robot race,

nobody's silent alarm
would go off.

What are you talking about?

That's crazy.

you're just jealous.

Jealous of what?

[all bickering at once]


At this rate,
we'll never leave the house,

let alone save Jenny.

Oh, no, you didn't.

[deep electronic voice]
This arguing is inefficient
and counterproductive

to our main objective.

We leave now.


I reiterate:
We're doomed.

Well, you are,

A second hand?

Who would
have guessed?

[all yell]

[laughs maniacally]

My brilliant plan's
working perfectly.

I must remember
to congratulate myself later.


More Wakeman robots?









XJ2, please hold your breath
before you continue blasting!



[sputtering noise]

Now, don't you worry,

We're here to stop our bigger,
stronger, faster sister

from crushing you, hitting you,
blasting you to bits,

or pulverizing you
into dust.

[all yell]



We should really try not to make
such a mess when being pummeled.


This is all
that's left to defend Earth?

The scrap metal brigade?

Come on, girls.

Let's work as a team.

[buzzsaw noise]

Hmm, interesting.

If they survive,
they might be useful.



[electronic beeps and squeaks]




Oh, there, there,
XJ1, don't cry.

It's okay.


If she's going to trash us,

the least she could do
is dispose of us

in a proper receptacle.

Why are we
even trying?

She's unstoppable
with all that Cluster power.

Yes, she is.

And she'll
be even more unstoppable

once she's tricked out

with some
extra attachments.

[laughs maniacally]

[weird vibratory noise]

What, I'm not good enough
to be absorbed first?

getting bigger.

We must fight faster,
hit harder.

No, wait.

We have to stop fighting
the machine around her

and start appealing
to the sister within her.

I know you're in there.

Please stop.

You're hurting
the ones you love.

You have to find the strength
to break free.


We love you.

[emotionally wrought music]

♪ ♪





There, there.

It's okay.


Just not here.

Yes, the sweet taste
of victory.

It was inevitable.

As was
your annihilation!




Baby barf.


What's going on?




[metal groaning]


[tinny tinkling]


I was so close!

You're through,

[ray-g*n beam]

[metal clattering]

You've not
seen the last of me, XJ9.

Be forewarned

that the mighty Smytus
may lose a battle,

but never the w*r.

I shall return,
and vengeance shall be--

Blah, blah, blah.

I got two words for you,

penalty kick.



So you guys okay?

Oh, yeah.

My nervous twitch
should be gone by tomorrow.

Well, lesson learned.

If you can't
appeal to her heart,

to her disgust of barf.

I couldn't
have done it

without you,
little one.

[beeping joyfully]

You can
say that again.

[all laugh]

[prototypes shut down]

Yes, yes, yes,
thanks for saving the world.

Now back to the basement
with you.

[rock music]

♪ ♪