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02x04 - Love 'Em Or Leash 'Em/Teen Team Time

Posted: 04/21/24 10:41
by bunniefuu
♪ 5:00, get a call
to go blading ♪

♪ at the skate park
down by the mall, ♪

♪ but my mom says ♪

♪ I gotta prevent
hostile aliens ♪

♪ from annihilating us all. ♪


♪ With the strength
of a million and 70 men, ♪

♪ I guess I really
shouldn't complain. ♪

♪ Still, I wish I could
go for a walk ♪

♪ without rusting
in the rain. ♪

♪ It's enough
to fry my brain. ♪

♪ So welcome to my life
as a teenage robot, ♪

♪ the story of my life
as a teenage robot. ♪

♪ My teenage robot life. ♪ ♪


[electronic blooping]

[Jenny sighs]

Hey, Jenny,
what's up?

The whole school
is in love, Sheldon.

I think the actual
air molecules

transport love
to everybody except me.

Do you know
what I need, Sheldon?

A boyfriend?


A boy
that is patient.

I can wait forever.

A boy
that's romantic.

Hey, there, Shiny,
what's cooking?

A boy that knows
what makes me tick.

It's an enhanced
Swiss timepiece

with a subatomic
power source.

Right? Right? Right?


A boy like...



[electricity crackling]

Hello, I'm--


Hello, I'm Kenny.

I'm Jenny.

I've never seen
such a pretty robot girl

in all my life.

Well, I'm
the only one around.

Can I
walk you home?

I love walkies.

[mechanical whirring]

Man, my whole world
has turned upside down.

Oh, good.

I thought it was me.

I like synth oil.

Me too.

We have so much
in common.

Do like new power packs
in the morning?

And getting
your exterior buffed?

And shopping for
neat accessories at Radio Shack?

Uh, I like synth oil.

Well, here we are.


Have you heard
about the super cool,

have-to-go, must-be-there
pizza party

at Mesmer's tonight?


You wanna go?


Is that a yes or a no?

Of course
I want to go.

I'll see you tonight.

All right!

XJ9, what are you doing?

You know cloud 9
is only a prototype.

Use cloud 7 or 8.

And why are you acting
so strangely, anyway?

I'm dreaming about Kenny,

soon to be my super cool
teenage robot boyfriend Kenny.

He's just like me,
only better.


A male teenage robot.


Who could have--


That second-rate copycat.

Visiphone, call Phineas Mog.

Nora Wakeman, to what do I owe
this unexpected interruption?

Can't you ever come up
with an idea of your own?

Whatever do you mean?

You've made a whole career
of taking my ideas and--

Perfecting them?

Why don't you just make them
perfect to begin with?

You know, I really don't know
what you're talking about.

All of my recent inventions

are due to my superior intellect
and mine alone.

Hey, Dad;
I had the best day today.


I knew you ripped off

my design for XJ9.

This is no mere rip-off
of XJ9.

He has extras
you've never dreamed of.

I've given him
the keenest instincts

and the most acute senses.

He can hear
extremely high-pitched sounds

and smell better
than a bloodhound,

better than XJ9.


This is the new,
improved YK9.

Dad, call me Kenny.

Gotta go, Dad.

Gotta get ready
for my date.

What date?

With Jenny.

You can't.

She's inferior.

Listen, man,
just because you made me

doesn't mean
you own me.

You can't tell me
who I can and can't date.

You wanted a teenager.


you cannot go on this date.

Why not?

That robot is a creation of Mog.

No daughter of mine
will ever cavort

with the son of such a man.

You can't take away
my one chance at happiness

because of some stupid rivalry.

Well, as a parent, it's my right
to destroy your happiness.

I'm sorry, XJ9,
I cannot allow it.

You're grounded.

[keys clinking
and lock clicking]

I'm a super strong robot.

No room can hold me.

Or I could always
go out the window.

[rocket blasts]

Hi, Kenny.

I'm not supposed to be out
with you tonight.

Me either.


Come on; let's go.

[mechanical whirring]

[dog-like whimpering]

This is gonna be
the best pizza party ever.

[boy #1]
Worst pizza party ever.

[boy #2]
You can't have pizza
with a broken oven.

I guess I bought this sack
of flour for nothing.

Well, that's it.

The perfect date
with the perfect guy ruined,

and all because
there's no pizza.

If my gal wants pizza,
she'll get pizza.

A little antigravity.

[bell dings]


Are you crazy?

Jenny doesn't eat
people food.

Don't you know anything
about your own species?

Anyone else want some?

[wetly chewing]

This is the best pizza
in all of recorded history.

Kenny's the greatest.

[cheers and applause]

There has to be something wrong
with this perfect guy, but what?

I had a wonderful time
tonight, Kenny.

Me too.

Is there some special way
you'd like to say good night?



look at the time.

We'd better
call it a night.


That was megaweird.

Something doesn't add up.

Let's see.

Obsessed with fire hydrants.

Shows affection with tongue.

Model number YK9.


[mechanical whirring]

My match-made-in-heaven
robot dreamboat

is actually part dog!


Nice work, Jenny.

You got the pick of the litter.

I'm gonna have
to end it with Kenny.

Still, such a great guy.

He's loyal, obedient, energetic,
and has a wonderful shiny coat.

I don't care if he is part dog.

I'm gonna stand by my man

or man's best friend

or whatever.

[mechanical puppies barking]

[siren blaring]


I'm gonna have to break up
with Kenny tomorrow.


Where are you?

Kenny, I'm sorry, but--

Oh, this is gonna be awful.

Hey, everybody, Jenny's here.

Where's your
new boyfriend?

so cute.

[all talking simultaneously]

Wow, with Kenny around,
I'm finally popular.

I can't believe it.

[sniffing sound]
I have a boyfriend,
everybody likes me, and--

and someone's sniffing me?


[all muttering simultaneously]

Uh, hi, honey.

I'm glad you like
the new perfume I'm wearing.

You want to go
to Mesmer's tonight, Jenny?

[boy #1]
Wow, if Kenny and Jenny
are going,

I'm gonna be there.

[all agreeing simultaneously]

[boy #2]
I bet Jenny's gonna be the most
popular girl in school.

We'll be there.

"How to Train Your Pet"?

Jenny doesn't have a pet.


Heel, boy, heel.

I knew there was
something wrong with him.


They're here!


It's time to expose that rat.

I mean dog.

[crowd sounds]

These fleas
will send that mechanical mutt

into an itching fit.

[sinister growling]


[metal pounding]



[alarm sounding]


[both howling]

Come on, everyone.


[all howling]


I swore I wouldn't wear this

the feline fan convention,

but now I have no choice.

[phonograph needle scrapes]




I said, "Meow."



[metal crunches]






Kenny, where are you?


[nervously laughs]

Sorry about
my boyfriend's reaction.

He's really
allergic to cats.

Oh, yeah, allergies.

[all agreeing simultaneously]



What is it,

What is it?

YK9, come here.


You've been
a very bad boy.

No more off-leash hours
for you.


How could this get any worse?


You've disobeyed a direct order

and went out with that--
that animal!

Maybe I should have followed
Mog's pathetic modifications

and madeyou part dog.

Yo, only Jenny'd
be desperate enough

to date a dog.


I'm gonna be grounded
until the end of time.

Don't worry, Jenny.

Until you're set free,
I'll serenade you every night.

[singing in cat voice]

♪ ♪


[alarm sounds]


Boy, I really
tanked that test.

I would
have studied,

but my sister
ate my homework.


Well, I had rabies
all last week.


How can you study
when alien invaders

your bedroom?


No, seriously.

Try explaining
those laser stains to your mom.

I say,
I'd forgotten

what an absolute freak
looks like.

that's right.

Thank you,


Ignore them, Jenn.

They haven't got a clue
about the life of a superhero.

That's just it.

No one does.

I wish I didn't stick out like
a sore, opposable digit.

of opposable digits,

get your thumbs ready
for the grand opening of...

the Goop Zone!

Oh, I forgot
all about it.

[distant screaming]

that's for me.

See you tonight.

Be at our house
at 7:00 sharp.








Great, XJ9 versus Tadzilla.

Another story starring Jenny,
the one-of-a-kind freak.

It's Teen Team time!


Mach 5.

The Amazing Orion!

Take that, tadpole of terror.


The Stupendous Squish!

Never seen a bronc
that can't be broken.






The Elusive Mist-ery.

Okay, Tadzilla, let's see
what's behind that pretty face.

It's just a kid,

and its biggest fear
is spankings.


That's my specialty,

Just hold him down.


[mechanical smacking]


We did it.

Our guppy friend
has given up.



Goop Zone!

Goop Zone! Goop Zone!
Goop Zone!

Goop, goop, goop, goop,
goop, goop, goop,

goop, goop,
goop, goop, goop!

Come on, let's go.

No, I better
wait for Jenny.

She already feels left out
as it is, but if you want to,

you go ahead.

I can't believe it.

A group
of superhero teens,

just like me.

Where did you guys
come from?

From outer space,

We were born in totally
different galaxies.

But we did have
one thing in common.

All three of us
felt like outsiders

in our own worlds.

So we got together
and formed the team

to hang out--

and kick
some monster butt.

Yeah, it pays the bills.

Wow, I've always
done it for free.

You'd never know it.

You got some righteous moves.

You totally fit right in.

Like a glove.

I do; don't I?

don't leave me hanging.




You won't believe it!

It's amazing!

The goop!
The candy!

The prizes!
The speeches!

The fun!



Sweet dreams, bro.



I mean, how can you study

when alien invaders
vaporize your bedroom?



Uh-oh, gotta go,

but I'll be back
right after school, okay?

That's not necessary.

We were getting tired
of you anyways.



I'll see you later.


[Brad snoring]



Huh? I'm awake!
I'm awake!

I can see that.

Oh, hello,
Miss Robo No-Show.

Sorry about that,

but I met
these really amazing kids

called the Teen Team.

You would love them,

and I promise to meet you
outside the Goop Zone tonight,

for sure, okay?




Guys, where are you?


Teen Team.

[door slams]

Guys, you in here?

XJ9, you have been selected

to join
the legendary Teen Team.


But first--

The initiation.


That was just
to set the mood.

Let the real initiation begin.

Where we test how sharp you are
as a superhero.

Okay, Jenn, let's check
your speedometer.

What's the matter?

Can't stick to me?

Hey, O,

you got an earthling
on your back.

Get it off of me!

Get it off!


I've got it.

Her weakness is--


Ach, she shut off her brain.

I got nothing.

Jenny's head get smoky.

You're true hero material,

to the Teen Team.


Jenny go boom.


another quality recruit.

As if Squish
wasn't bad enough.


[woman over P.A.]
Attention, the arcade

will be closing in one hour.

So will the loser in front

make up his mind?

Is he going to sulk all night

or come in and have some fun?

I'll show you what fun is.

You've never seen fun
like I'll show you fun.

Yeah, baby!


[mechanical whirring]

On top of the squirrel, Ma!

Hey, you, get down!

That squirrel
is a goop-free zone!

[electrical crackling]

[Brad screaming]

[all screaming]

It's Teen Team time!




Hey, Brad.


Goop Zone.

Ah, gosh, am I late?

Hey, Brad, I'd like you
to meet the Teen Team.

Hey, guys,
this is my friend Brad.

Yeah, sorry, Jenn.

We, ah, don't associate
with regulars.


You got me.

He's perfectly serious,

We just don't fit in
with regular humans.

It never works out.

I know it's hard,

but we outsiders
have to stick together.

Come on, Jenn;
let's blow this popsicle planet.

Leave the earth?

So those are
your new super friends?

What a bunch
of losers.

I mean, none
of your regular friends

would make
you wear spandex.

so don't go with metal.

You look like you're ready
to do someaerobobics.


Get it?

You don't need it.

You already have buns of steel.



What do you say, Jenn?

Losers, huh?


She's actually leaving?

Well, that's fine.

Good riddance!

Go be a Team Teeny Bopper.

We don't need you anyway!

Unless you want some excitement
in our lives.

Without Jenny, nothing thrilling
will ever happen.





maybe not.

You guys, wait.

Regulars aren't so bad,
and earth has so much to offer:

the oceans,
the mountains,

and turtle racing every
Thursday night at Mesmer's.

Look, kid, roaming the universe
is what we do.

You'll love it, Jenn.

Come with us.

[distant roaring]

[mechanical whirring]

The tadpole, it's grown up

and attacking the Goop Zone.

Brad's down there.

Guys, we're responsible
for that overgrown tadpole.

We have to help;
come on.

Let the local authorities
handle it.

I am the local authorities.

Okay, ego check.

This planet did just fine
before you showed up,

and it'll be fine
when you leave.

You want to be one of us?

Then let's go.



Hey, pond scum,

let her go, or face
another barrage of Brad!




Enjoying the show?

Actually, yes.

I've got $20
riding on the frog.

You losers.




This is
getting us nowhere.

I know;
got any bright ideas?

Hey, toad breath!

Yeah, you.

Come on, slime ball, over here.



Not bad for a regular.


a true super friend.

[cheers and applause]

Gotta go.

You sure
you can't come with us?

No, earth's
where I fit in best.

See you in the stars,
robot girl.

Brad, I'm sorry
I've been such a jerk.

Can we be friends again?

Mm, maybe,

but first,
there's a little initiation

you have to pass.





[rock music]

♪ ♪