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01x11 - Daydream Believer/This Time With Feeling

Posted: 04/21/24 10:34
by bunniefuu
♪ 5:00, get a call
to go blading ♪

♪ At the skate park
down by the mall, ♪

♪ But my mom says ♪

♪ I gotta prevent
hostile aliens ♪

♪ From annihilating us all. ♪


♪ With the strength
of a million and 70 men, ♪

♪ I guess I really
shouldn't complain. ♪

♪ Still, I wish I could
go for a walk ♪

♪ Without rusting
in the rain. ♪

♪ It's enough
to fry my brain. ♪

♪ So welcome to my life
as a teenage robot, ♪

♪ The story of my life
as a teenage robot. ♪

♪ My teenage robot life. ♪ ♪




Another eight hours

Of uneventful sleep mode
successfully completed.

[Tuck wailing]


Um, jenn, you might want
to try the door next time.

What's all the racket?

Tuck was screaming
about a monster,

But it seems
to have run off.


There's no monster,
you silly robot.

I was just
having a dream.

A dream?

You don't know
what dreams are?

Dreams are images that enter
your subconscious mind

When you sleep.

But they're not
all nightmares.

People have awesome dreams
where impossible things happen.

Well, I guess
you can't really
understand dreams

Unless you've
had one.

[Echoing eerily]
well, I guess you can't
really understand dreams

You've had one...
Had one...have had one...

Have had one...

Can I have one?

One what, dear?

A dream.

A dream?

What do androids
dream of?

Electric sheep?

An interesting

I'll put it on my list
of things to do.

My long, long,
incredibly long list

Of things to do.

Great, another night
of dreamless sleep function.


Are you still awake?

I've come up
with a new dream program.

I don't believe it.

What about your long list
of things to do?

I put this
on the top of the list.

Now, open up.

[Metallic rattling]

The chip will
automatically kick in

When you enter
sleep mode

And send you
into dream mode.

Dream mode!

Sweet dreams.


[Snoring rapidly]


[Cheerful music]

♪ ♪

[Wings jingling]


[Speaking distortedly]
that banana
is larger than soup.

[Speaking gibberish]

oh, my gosh, and then
I enjoyed a glass of juice

For the first time--

Orange juice!

It tasted
like apple.

Then don and I
sat in a hot tub,

And I didn't
electrocute him!

You know, jenn,
dreams are more fun to have

Than to hear about.

I know exactly
what you mean.

You can't really
understand dreams

Until you've had one,
and boy, did I have one.

Did I tell you
about the hot tub?

[Male teacher]
good morning, class.

Today we are going
to discuss the kraken

And its fight
with the hero perseus.


I've already downloaded
that lesson into my memory bank.


I wish it was time to sleep
so I could dream.

Hey, I wonder if I can
activate the dream chip now.

but perseus bravely set sail
to conquer the beast.


And the kraken and perseus
were locked in fierce combat.


Release them,


Hold on!

I've got the answer.


Onion doughnuts!


Is there something you wish
to share with the class,

Ms. Xj9?


[Bell rings]

'Sup, bonnie?

Hi, brad.

'Sup, jarvis?

Hey, big "b."

'Sup, jenny?

Howdy, partner.

That's a swell
ten-gallon hat you got thar.

Uh, jenn?


[Electricity crackling]


Jenny, why weren't you
listening to me?

Why listen
to boring old you

When I can activate
my dream chip while I'm awake?

School has never been
so entertaining.

I don't know, jenn.

You seem to lose touch
with reality

Pretty quick
when you turn that on.

Maybe you should
give it a break.

I can turn my dream off
any time I want to.

I'm in
total control.

Is that why you've been
jumping on desks

And riding
drinking fountains?

You're just jealous
of my superior dreaming ability.

You can't really understand
a superior dream

Unless you've had
a superior dream.


Oh, that brad.

Dreaming is perfectly
healthy and normal.

In fact, this walk home
would be a lot more pleasant

In dream mode.



[Player piano music]

♪ ♪

[Laughing strangely]
I just set a personal record.

I've driven across
six states straight

On only one
cup of coffee.



Hi, mr. Elephant.

Give me a hug.


[Tires screeching]

[Electricity crackling]

[Jittery moaning]


What hit me?

By the gods!

The kraken!

Surrender, foul beast.


Do not worry.

I have slain the monster.

It still lives.



I think she's crazy!

What's going on
in there?


[Punching squishily]

Uh, jenn, I like
to play with my food

As much as the next guy,
but this is undignified.

So you're behind this!

Behind what?
Don't goat boy.ith me,


We can do this the easy way
or the hard way.




Halt, you horned


[Tires screeching]

Where'd the
little trickster go?

[Horns honking]

[Roaring and snarling]

More minions from hades.



Whoa, what's
the rush, tuck?

[Shouting gibberish]

So jenny thinks
you're a goat boy

Because she's stuck
in dream mode

Due to an accident that neither
of us should know about

Because we weren't there?


[Horns blaring]

Doh, what's holding
things up?

Some of us have petrie dishes
percolating, you know.



Wicked monsters!

Vile creatures!

[Metallic whirring]


Xj9, just what do you think
you're doing?

How dare you cause
all these insurance claims.

Gee, I don't know
what came over me.

I'm so sorry...


So you are behind
all this madness.

Uh, um, medusa?

If you've come
to defeat me yourself,

You're out of luck.

My metal body
cannot be turned to stone

By your evil gaze.

Prepare to meet zeus.


Oh, young lady,
you areso grounded!

[Cymbals crash]

Dr. Wakeman,
jenny's gone crazy!

I know!
I know!

So your goat boy horde
has joined the battle.

Any last words,
evil ones?

[All screaming]

[Feet scrambling]

Jumping into the mouth
of a griffin won't save you!

Cough 'em up,
you overgrown turkey!

Oh, we're doomed.

As long as xj9 is stuck
in dream mode,

We can't reason
with her!

I know a way
to shock her out of it.

But I need someone
to distract her.

But how?

In her
twisted reality,

Xj9 sees us all
as monsters.

Yeah, it's almost like
one of us

Has to look really weird
in the real world

So we'd look normal
in her dream world.


uh, hello, jenny.


[Chimes ringing]

Oh, it's so good to see
a friendly, normal face.

Uh, yep, that's right;
it's me.

Normal tuck--
just as normal as you are.

[Laughing nervously]

You're acting
kind of weird, tuck.

What are you
up to?

I'm acting weird?

Look, jenny,
don't take this the wrong way,

But you're totally hallucinating
and have gone completely nuts!

You've been talking
to brad, haven't you?

Look, I'm in complete control
of my dream chip.

Hey, did you
hear something?

Nope! Uh-uh!

No one here
but us normal people.



What's going on

Goat boy jr.!

This has all been
a trick!

put him down,

Pick on someone
your own size.

With pleasure.


[Twinkly music]

Oh, candy!



What's going on here?

[Twinkly music]


[Twinkly music]

Wow, I guess I really am
stuck in dream mode.

[Giggling nervously]

Boy, you won't believe
the day I've had.

[Giggling trails off]

I'm sorry about
my behavior earlier.

I have to admit
that I did abuse the chip,

Despite brad's warnings.

now, hold still,

I'll have the dream chip
switched off in a jiffy.

Uh, can you hurry it up
a little, mom?

We just missed
the t-bone steak,

And the next one's
not due for another hour.


[Whistling tunelessly]

♪ ♪

[Heavy breathing]


Tickle fight!

tickle, tickle.


That's it.

You're going down!

tickle, tickle!


What are
you guys doing?

tickle fight!

[Both laughing]

I don't understand.

What's tickle?


What's tickle?

This is tickle!
This is tickle!

this is tickle!

Wait a second,

I really don't think jenny
knows what being ticklish is.


it's simple.

It's that funny feeling
you get inside

When someone
pinches you a lot.

Clank, clank!


Uh, it's like the feeling

Of taking a bushel of dandelions
and jamming them in your mouth.

It's that funny feeling
you get inside.

[Gasping violently]

Like this?

No, spit that out!

Let me try
to explain this.

You see, we humans
have a sense of "touch,"

Which is caused
by nerve endings

Found riiiight
under the skin.

These nerves transmit a rainbow
of different sensations

That range from
the sharpness of a pinch

To the gentle caress
of the wind on your face.

[Wind blustering]


Wow, well, I guess it isn't
so great being a teenage robot

If you can't feel.

You've got
no feelings!

You've got
no feelings!


See, that's
the downside to feeling:


So I guess
it isn't so great to feel.

Eh, whatever.

tickle fight!

[Both laughing]

tickle, tickle.

tickle, tickle!

[Laughing continues]




Mom, why don't I
have nerve endings?

I did start
to develop some,

But they only worked
on two settings:

Ticklish and pain.

Not very helpful
for a crime-fighting robot,

So I shelved them.

In fact, they're
on the shelf right behind you.

They're beautiful.

Can I put them on?

Don't be ridiculous,

But it would help me
better understand the--

Uh, human condition.

I said no, young lady.


so I'll just be
putting them back, then.

That's fine,



[Air drill whirring]

Say, would you mind
turning my dial to "tickle?"

Now give me
a pinch.

Ew, no!

brad, check it out.

I've got my new
robotic nerve endings.

I can feel.

Here, give me
a tickle.







One more,
one more.



All right,
this is getting weird.

I'm out of here.


Only a geek would have
that much fun in school.

[Female teacher]
students, uh, today's scores

Count for most of your,
uh, grade this semester.

So no talking!

And begin!



[Clears throat]


I'd better switch off
the giggles.


[Sighs exasperatedly]

[Speaking quietly]

Oh, hey, there,

Would you turn
the knob on my back?

boy, would i?


Hurry up
and just turn it.

Thanks, sheldon.

[Laughing nervously]


[Alarm blares]


Jennifer, one more peep,
and I will fail you!

I'll be good.

See that you are.

Man, pain really hurts.

[Pencil lead groaning]

Oh, man.

Hey, jenny,
would you have an extra--



Jeez, sorry,
I'll get my own pencil.

[Sighs heavily]

I can get through this.

I just need
to find my center.

"B, c, a, d,
a, b, b.

"A, a, d, c, a, d.

B, a, d, c,
a, b, d."

Hey, slow down,

I can't copy
that fast.

"D, b, a, b, d, b."



[Alarm blares]

[Wailing loudly]


Oh, she must mean
"a, a, a, a, a."



[Dramatic music]

[Alarm blares]


[Bell ringing]

see you tomorrow--
[nervous giggle]




[Alarm blares]

[Thundering footfalls]

[Man #1]
thou calleth
yourselves men,

Playing with those

And who are you
to scoff at us

While wearing
a dress?


[Gritting teeth]
it's a toga.

I'll show you whoeth
you're dealing with.

[Nose wind whistling]

[Man #2]

That's right--

Ten times
the man hercules was.

I am, how you say,
muy macho.

Now, form a sewing circle.

Yes, the pain
of your humiliation

Gives me much pleasure

And increases my already
prodigious power.

Now, to profit
from your pain.

[Thundering footfalls]


Hear me, scrawny
but wealthy businessmen!

I, himcules,
command you!

Giveth me all your loot!


[Coins jingling]

[Laughing maniacally]

Now, I will haveth the richest
muscles in all of olympus.

The only place those muscles
will be seen

Is in the prison yard.


You make me laugh,
little lady.

Now get back
to washing the dishes

And scrubbing
the potatoes.

How 'bout I scrub that smirk
off your face instead?


[Alarm blares]



Your screams of pain only give
himcules more strength.

[Inhales deeply]


In fact, it's time
for me to juice up.


I was using
that bus.

Feel my pain.


[Alarm blares]

Ow, cut it out!

[Alarm blares]

Ow, please stop!

[Alarm blares rapidly]

Ow, ow, owwwwwww!

Yes, yes, that's it!

Your pain is bringing himcules
much strength!


If I could just
reach that switch,

I'd show you
some real pain.

You showeth a lot of spunk
for a little lady.

Just to show you
I'm a good sport,

I'll let you bust me
in the chops once.

Go 'head.
Right here.

This is gonna hurt you
more than it hurts me--

I hope.

[Alarm blares]


Ow, ow, ow, ow,
ow, ow, ow, ow, ow.

Ow, ow, ow, ow.

Now it's my turn.

Batter upeth.


Now, whereth was i?

Oh, yeah.

[Crowd screaming]

As I was saying before,
give me all your loot!

You gotta help me.

I was created
without the ability to feel,

So I stole sensors

And put them on
without my mom knowing,

But they only work
on two settings,

And that jerk himcules
keeps beating me up.

So could you please
set me back to tickle?

Beep beep beep!

Thanks, kid.

Whatever, freak.


Hey, himcules!

With all that cash, you can
buy yourself a new dress.


It's a toga!



Now you're laughing?

Laugh at this.

[Car alarm blaring]












Macho man himcules
is getting beat by a girl.

[All laughing]

Hey, cut it out.

I guess
he isn't so tough.

Ooh, I dropped
a stitch.

Stop laughing
at me!


My powers!


Oh, no!

Ah, great, reduced
to a 90-pound weakling.

Oh, himcules, it's not the size
of your muscles that matters;

It's the size
of your heart.

Ah, gee, thanks.

You know,
you're pretty cool--

I mean, for a girl.

That's it.

Batter up!



That tickles!

[Bell rings]

Hey, jenny, what happened
to your new nerve endings?

Mom busted me
and took them off.

Well, they were
a little primitive.

You'll probably
feel better without them.

Yeah, you're right.

