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01x08 - Sibling Tsunami/I Was A Preschool Dropout

Posted: 04/21/24 10:31
by bunniefuu
♪ 5:00, get a call
to go blading ♪

♪ At the skate park
down by the mall, ♪

♪ But my mom says ♪

♪ I gotta prevent
hostile aliens ♪

♪ From annihilating us all. ♪


♪ With the strength
of a million and 70 men, ♪

♪ I guess I really
shouldn't complain. ♪

♪ Still, I wish I could
go for a walk ♪

♪ Without rusting
in the rain. ♪

♪ It's enough
to fry my brain. ♪

♪ So welcome to my life
as a teenage robot, ♪

♪ The story of my life
as a teenage robot. ♪

♪ My teenage robot life. ♪ ♪


Baked ham?




Cheese wheel?

Ant repellant?


Must be in the pantry.

You stay here;
I'll be right back.

Medicine ball,

Hi, tuck.


I just vanquished
the giant mechanical spider

That was terrorizing
the town.

Snow skies, check.

Wanna see the head?

So, johnny,
how do you like school?

[In monster voice]

Croquet set.


Hey, jenny.

Hey, brad.
What's up with tuck?

The annual brother/sister picnic
is this afternoon.

Every year,
it's the same thing.

We spend two days packing
a picnic basket.

Then tuck stuffs himself
with free corndogs

Till he passes out.

Oh, I'd rather have
my teeth drilled

Than slog through another
big bro-little bro event.

You can't mean that.

You should be grateful
to have a brother.

You'll never know
how lonely it is

Being an only.

Vat of pickled monkfish.


I could handle

[Wind whistles]

"Gone to town for supplies.

"Please move quantum gigulator
to the basement.

"Love, mom.

P.s. I left some motor oil out
in case you get thirsty."



A door?

I never noticed that before.

[Warbly whirring noises]

Get ready to see the dude

That put the "bad"
in "badminton."


More like "lame-minton," my lad.


[Peaceful music]

[Ominous music]

[Peaceful music]

[Ominous music]

[Peaceful music]

[Ominous music]

[Peaceful music]

Sporting mishap

Please return
to your carefree frolic.

[Both screaming]

[Footsteps thundering]


Hey, guys.

I'd like you
to meet my sisters.

But we thought
you were an only child.

Me too.

Guess mom was holding out
on me.

This little sweetie is xj1.


Somebody needs
her oil changed.

And here's xj2.

We have to find a cure
for those hiccups.

You might want
to make that a priority.

Come here, xj3.

Don't be shy.

She's a little clumsy.

There's no excuse
for untidiness.

Uh, thanks, xj4.

Hi, I'm xj5.
Nice to meet ya.

Whoa, you smell
kinda funny.

But then again,
all you humans do.

Oh, hey, lookie!
A munchkin!

You smell
a "little" funny.


I understand you organic beings
enjoy a good joke.

[Xj6 clears throat]

Uh, hi.

You must be xj6.

Don't patronize me.

You think xj9 is cuter
than me, don't you?

Don't bother answering.

It's written
all over your face.


I guess no one's going
to introduce me.

I'm worthless.

You're not worthless,

Why, melted down,

You'd easily fetch $20
at the recycling plant.

And this is xj8.

She's the closest to me
in age,

But she's still
my little sister.

It would appear
that I am larger than you.

I am the bigger sister,

And you are the little sister,

The puny, scrawny,

Yeah, okay.

Really, she looks up
to me.

since I am taller than you--

attention, picnickers.

The games are about to begin.

Come on, girls!
Let's have some fun...

Sibling style!

Okay, xj3.

This is
the three-legged race

We can win this.

But you've got to be
quick on your feet.

on your marks.

Get set.


we won!

We did it, xj3.


This is gonna be great.

You girls ready?

on your marks.

Get set.


You people
are filthy.

Have some

Tidy yourselves up.

So you're pretty darn old
for a human.

And those nose hairs--

Uh, xj5?

You should leave
that man--

Whoa, chatterbox,
wait your turn.

Can't you see
I'm having a conversation

With this gentleman?

Now you scared him off.

Hey, pops, wait up!

So how old are you
in, say, dog years?

Hey, xj7.

What's got you down?

Oh, life, the universe,

[Hoedown music]

What we both need
is a good square dance.


A crowd of humans laughing
at my awkward shuffling.

That'll cheer me up.

♪ ♪

Say, this isn't so bad.

You see?

You gotta learn to look
on the bright side.

♪ ♪


So what's the bright side
of this?

Well, at least
we're still clean.


[Girl screams]

What now?

Xj8, what
are you doing?

This human was blindfolded

And was using
a stick-type w*apon

To vandalize
a colorful paper pig.

It's a game, xj8.

It's a pinata.

It's filled with candy,

And the kids try
to break it open.


What is this candy
of which you speak?

Okay, let me show you.

We blindfold you.

Then we give you
a stick.

Now see if you can break
the pinata.

[Kids yelping in pain]

What's the matter
with you?


What's wrong, sis?

What's wrong?

I thought it would be great
to have sisters.

But you guys are terrible.

You're a thug.

And you're a neat freak.

You're a mope.
You're just destructive.

You never shut up.

And you...

Forget it.

You're on your own.

I'm back

To being
an only robot.

Jenny, I hate
to break this to you,

But brothers and sisters
are supposed to embarrass you

And drive you crazy.

It's like their job.

See what I mean?

I hear what you're saying,

Hey, who's that
on the dam?

It can't be.

It is.

The mad hammer brothers.

I still don't see why we can't
blow up the roller rink.

'Cause everyone's here,

You're the spaz.

No, you are.

You stink
like a monkey butt.

You stink
like a elephant butt.

You stink
like a spaz butt.

I hate to butt in,

But I think it's time
for this to end.

Not yet, robot girl.

Yeah, spaz.


Oh, no!

They're going
to split the dam.

[Jackhammers pounding]

Okay, you two, let's simmer down
and make nice.

you're too late, spazbot.

Too late!

Oh, no!

Water pressure...

Too strong.

Can't hold it back alone.

you're not alone!

Your sisters
are here to help.

Xj1, grease
the slice.

Xj8, use some muscle.

Xj2, do your stuff.

Tidy up, xj4.

Okay, xj3,
check for workmanship.

wow, we did it.

You guys
saved me.

And after all the rotten stuff
I said.

That's what sisters
are for.

Oil is thicker
than water.

But so much harder to clean
out of a carpet.

A few harsh words aren't going
to break up the xjs.

That's right.

Ain't nothing going
to tear us apart.

[Mad hammer brothers]

We hate to blow
this precious moment.

But we got two tons
of t.n.t.

That'll tear you apart
quite nicely, spazzes.

the dam's leaking.

Come on, folks.

Let's not let a little water
ruin our picnic.

This is a great chance
for some mud wrestling.

[Rumbling noise]

Oh, no.

What can we do?

We're doomed.

Everyone, robo wall!

Come on, jenny.

We can't do it
without you.

For heaven's sake.

Can't I even run to radio shed

Without pandemonium
breaking loose?

You should never
have reactivated them, xj9.

Xj1 through 8
are failed experiments.

They're unfinished prototypes.


They're heroes.

And more importantly,
they're my sisters.

Well, you and your sisters
have had your fun.

Now they need
to go back to sleep.

Great; they can
bunk in with me.

That's not what I meant.

Please, mom?

Please, please,
please, please, please?

Oh, all right.

But just tonight.

You hear that,

slumber party!

Good night, xj4.

Good night, jenny.

Good night, xj8.

Good night, jenny.

Good night, xj5.

Good night, jenny.

Good night, xj5.

Good night, xj6.

Good night, xj8.

Good night, xj2.


Good night, xj7.

good night, jenny.

Good night, xj1.

[Beeping noise]

good night, x--

[Creaking noise]

Good night,

Xjs 1, 2, 3, 4, 5,

And 9.

And good night, xj10.


Just kidding.


♪ minky, minky, minky, ♪

♪ Minky, minky,
minky, minky momo! ♪

♪ The minky momo
is an attitude. ♪

♪ The minky momo
is a mellow mood. ♪

♪ You're momo
when you're drinking lemonade. ♪

♪ You're momo soaking
in a marinade. ♪

♪ I know you're minky,
'cause I'm momo too. ♪

♪ So I know
what you're going through. ♪

♪ But there's no mo' momo ♪

♪ Whenever I get close ♪

♪ To you. ♪ ♪

Man, I hate that song.

What's that noise
coming out of your throat?

Are you sick or something?

No, it's thatminky momo song.

I heard it on the radio,

And I can't get it out
of my head.

Don't you remember
that one-hit wonder

From six years ago?


I was only built
five years ago.

That's right.

I forgot
you're only five years old.


So you don't remember
the blizzard of '24.


Or the alpha centauri


A five-year-old?

A five-year-old
in high school?

Anaconda to h.q.
Anaconda to h.q.

We have a code omega.

Repeat, code omega!

Super bowl 100?

Neptune olympics.

[Sirens wailing]

remain where you are!

Do not make
any sudden movements!

Step away
from the toddler, sir.

What todd--

and remain calm.

We'll have you
in the proper school in minutes.

But this is my school.


Don't you worry
about nothing, little girl.

We're taking you
to a place

That's all cotton candy.

Yeah, nothing
but cotton candy clouds

And all the cookies
yous can eat.

But I don't eat.

Where are they
taking her?

Where her kind belong:



Jenny, don't worry!

I'll call wakeman!

We'll get this
straightened out!

[Kids chattering]

Uh, I was told
to give you this,

But I think there's been
some mistake.

They said you were going
to be my new teacher,

But that can't be right.

I mean, what is this,

I'm a teenager.

I belong in high school.

But high school is for
much older children, dear.

According to this,
you're only five years old.

Yes, I was "made"
five years ago.

But I was designed
as a teenager.

I belong
with other teenagers...

In high school.


I've seen your kind before.

In such a hurry
to be all growed up.

But you have to learn

To crawl before
you can walk, sweetie.

But that's just it.

I don't.


Never crawled.

Walking just fine.

I don't belong here.


But only very special achievers

Are promoted
to higher grade levels.

Well, how special
are we talking about?

As special as this?

Or how about this?

This special enough
for you?

No, no, no, my dear.

The walking/crawling thing
was just a metaphor.

No, what we need to see

Is special achievement
in the classroom.

If you're as advanced
for your age as you claim,

I'm sure it'll become
apparent in no time.

Class, we have a new student.

Please say hello to jenny.

she's all metal-y.


Yeah, yuk it up, peewee.

I'm about to special achieve
my way out of this playpen.

Class, eyes front
for the alphabet.

Now, this is the letter "m."

Anyone know a word
that starts with "m"?

Oh, brother.

Yes, amber?


That's right, amber.

Now, this is the letter "k."

Anyone know a word
that begins with the "k" sound?

How about you, kevin?

Do you know a word
that begins with "k"?

Uh, "kevin"?

Correct, kevin!

This is the letter "o."

Who knows a word
which begins with an "o"?

How about...









Oak, oat, oaf, oath, oboe,
obey, only, oblige, obscure,

Observe, odor, octagon,
outrigger, ovation, oven,

Onomatopoeia, onset, overdrive,
oncology, onion, otter, ought,

Ounce, osmosis, ottoman,
ostrich, optical,

Orangutan, organic,


In your face.


What a baby.

[Miss binky]

Would you please come here?


I'm so out of here.

See you babies later.

I told you
I didn't belong here.

I should say not.

You have a long way to go

Just to catch up
to the rest of the class.

You haven't even learned
the very first rule

Of kindergarten.

It's not about
who's right or wrong;

It's trying our best
to get along.

Maybe the next exercise
will help.

Okay, class.

It's make-believe time.

Let's break
into our play groups.


Jenny, you can join
amber's group.

So what are we
making believe?

We're playing house.

I'm the mommy,
and kevin is the daddy.

Gerald can be
the smelly uncle.

And alex can be
the pool boy.

Who should I be?


You can be the dog.

The dog?

I'm not gonna be the dog.

I don't want
to be the pool boy.

I'll be the robot.

Doot! Doot!
Danger! Danger!

The robot?

Hey, if anyone's going
to be the robot,

It should be me.

How can you be the robot
when you're the doggy?

But I actually am
a robot.

I am
an actual robot.

Zoop! Zoop!
Zeep! Reet!

Zeep! Rrrt!

[Techno music plays]

But--but--but I am the robot.

♪ robot. ♪

♪ robot. ♪

♪ you...are...the robot. ♪

♪ You...are...the robot. ♪


♪ You...are...the robot. ♪

♪ You...are...the robot. ♪



But--but I am the robot.

♪ you are the robot.
Ooh! Ooh! ♪

♪ You are the robot.
Ooh! Ooh! ♪

♪ You are the robot.
Ooh! Ooh! ♪ ♪

This is so stupid!

She said the "s" word.


That's a time-out,
young lady.

Come with me.

I am very disappointed
in you, jennifer.

But I am the robot.

Well, you're certainly not
advanced placement material.

In fact, you may even need
to be let back a year

To preschool.

What? But I'm--

[School bell rings]

Maybe you just need
a break.

Let's see how you interact
with others on the playground.

[Kids laughing
and talking]

♪ you can't catch me. ♪

♪ You can't catch me. ♪ ♪



Hey, guys.

That looks like fun.

Can I call next?




Hey, dudes.

Can I play
jungle gym with you?

You don't "play"
jungle gym.

You play on
a jungle gym.

don't be stupid.


hey, how about
some twosies?

we don't jump twosies.

are for babies.

Stupid babies.


what about you?

I suppose
there's not enough room

In your mud pie factory
for two.


[Kids laughing]


You guys want to play hardball?

I'll play hardball.



I've seen more
than enough.

Advanced placement?

You don't belong
in school at all.

You may have damaged
these children permanently.

Class, what do we say

When someone can't get along
and doesn't belong?


No, class.

That's not--

jenny! Jenny!

[Girl #1]
are you a superhero for real?

[Girl #2]
do you have a sidekick?

Miss binky, can superjenny
read to us at story time?

Well, class, I'm not sure
that would be--


"And that's how the leopard got
his spots.

The end."


They look so harmless
when they're asleep.

You did a very good job
with story time, jenny.

Don't you want to take a nap
with the rest of the class?


I'm a high school student.

A nap in the middle
of the day...

Sounds pretty good.

This kindergarten stuff
isn't all bad.

Easier than high school.

Might be nice
to hang here for a while.

Error! Error!

[All gasping]


There has been an error

In the educational system.

As these diagrams illustrate,

Xj9 was made five years ago,

But she was designed
as a teenager.

Hmm, I see.

Well, in that case,
you can go.


But that's exactly
what I said.

Yes, dear,
but you didn't have diagrams.

Now, don't you think
you should be going?

Uh, I guess.


Are you going away,


We love you,

we'll miss you.

Oh, kids.

I'll miss you too.

No! Stop!


I changed my mind.

I don't want to go.

I want to stay.

I'm only five years old.

[Jenny crying]

Man, what a baby.