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14x06 - Botanicals Week

Posted: 04/20/24 20:04
by bunniefuu
Ah, it's botanicals week,
celebrating everything botanical -

flavours, spices and edible floral

So, Noel, have a taste of that.

I'm not tasting that, it looks like
it won first prize

at the Chelsea Flower Show.

Well, it's all edible.

The whole thing? The whole thing.


What are you doing?! What? You're
not supposed to eat the plate!

Welcome to
The Great British Bake Off.

It's not bad actually.
It's got a nice crunch.

Are you all right?
I'm going to eat the table next.

Last time...
We're off to a really good start.

...the bakers felt the
pressure in pastry week.

Oh, no.

While Josh's sunflower shone...

I can't fault that. Thank you. was Cristy who won Star Baker.

They're three very good pies.

Things were absolutely less
fabulous for Rowan...

Look, it's broke. Oh, God.

...and Nicky...
It's not risen, has it?

...and they became the latest
bakers to leave the competition.

It was like a bag of pants
this week.

Saying goodbye is
the worst part about this.


Go, girl!'s botanicals week.
Dandelion syrup.

...and the bakers spice up
the Signature...

Come here. Yeah.
Just lean on these buns. Come on.

...are living on borrowed
time in the technical...

Out of sight, out of mind.

...and take on a blooming
ambitious Showstopper.

This is crazy.

Who will come up smelling of roses?

It's absolutely heavenly.

And who will be rooted out of
the competition?

That was t'wrong thing
to do, weren't it?

Week six. I can't believe it.

There's only seven of us.

It's a big change,
going from nine to seven.

Good luck, good luck, good luck.

Botanical week is quite different.

I had to ask Lara what botanicals
was and then Google it, but...

Tsh, tsh, tsh, tsh.

Botanicals is sort of like flavours
that have come from plants,

like flowers and the roots or the

It's not something that
I usually work with

because you can't go foraging really
in London.

Because we're coming closer

and closer to the end, I'd like
to get at least a handshake,

come first in Technical or
Star Baker.

One of them and I'll be happy.

Welcome to botanicals week,

Now, this is a chance for you
to get your botties out

and show us what they can do.

For your botty Signature Challenge,

the judges would love you
to celebrate spice by making

a batch of 12 perfectly
fragrant spiced buns.

You have two hours
and 45 minutes before Prue

and Paul want to see your buns.

Paul already checked mine out
this morning.

He did, didn't he? I saw him.

He was disappointed!

On your marks... Get set...


Here we go.

I have made spiced buns at home,

but just got to get 'em identical

Bread week went well
so I'm using what I know.

Oh, my God, I forgot the egg,
hang on.

It's botanicals week
and we're celebrating spice,

herbs and lots of floral hints.

In life, I would say I'm quite
spicy. Probably not in baking.

So the Signature Challenge
is 12 spiced buns.

Spice is the hero so we
want to taste it.

Don't want it to be too much, do ya?

I don't want to offend them with it.

And you know what Paul is like -

they have to be
absolutely identical.

It's about keeping it consistent,

to create 12 beautifully
sweet, spiced, sticky buns.

Hello, Saku. Hello, hello.

Tell us all about your spiced buns.

I'm making Swedish cinnamon buns
with lots of cardamon.

Saku... I'm not trying
to confuse you!

Well, I'm confused because I'm so
used to you bringing Sri Lanka into this.

Yes. Cinnamon and cardamon from
Sri Lanka.

This is international affair.

Swedish bun with the Sri Lankan
cinnamon and cardamon.

For her take on Swedish
cinnamon buns,

Saku will add cardamon to both
the dough

and cinnamon filling before creating
its intricate shape.

I swirl it and then I shape it
into a kind of little knot.

And they'll all be identical?

I hope it will be identical.
They will be.

Well, good luck, Saku, I think it
sounds delicious.

Thank you very much. Good luck.

That's looking pretty groovy.

All the bakers are making
an enriched bread dough.

It's got butter in it so it's got
the extra fat.

Kind of soften it, just makes it a
bit more flavourful as well.

Adding spices at this stage will not
only boost the flavour of their cake...

Smells nice.

...but also lend it
an enticing colour.

Saffron goes into the buns, gives
'em a nice yellow summery colour.

That's all the spice in, yeah,

so it's got, like, that
gorgeous brown colour to it.

...or not.

That is disgusting. You're not
putting this in your bake.

It's in there. When you
add mulled wine to egg,

it just goes really grey.

That is absolutely vile, babes.

Thank you.

They may currently be grey,

but Tasha's hoping her buns will
bring some festive cheer to the tent

with cinnamon, nutmeg
and cloves in her fillings,

and mulled wine in her egg wash
and glaze as well as her dough.

The mulled wine is the liquid that
goes into the dough, is it?

So it replaces half the milk
and water.

Quite a dangerous thing to do.

Thank you. Do you find that
the dough can be quite tight?

No comment.

Paul, she's playing you at your
own game. This is like poker!

I'm meant to say "no comment”,
not you!

While Tasha tackles Christmas...

The flavours are always nice.
Famous last words.

...Matty's embracing Easter.

I'm making a spiced hot cross bun.

I done a practice,
but they weren't very good.

But I think I was trying to get 'em
done before the West Ham game.

To ensure his flavours hit
the back of the net,

as the only baker not to use

a filling, Matty is packing his
dough with cinnamon,

nutmeg and ginger along with dried
fruits he's soaked in ginger rum.

Hot cross buns, recently,

the bought ones,
have got worse and worse.

Don't hold back, Prue!

You need to show the nation what
a really good hot cross bun can be.

Don't put that pressure on me!

Looking forward to this, mate.
Thank you, cheers. Thank you.

Good luck. Thank you.

The nation are dependent.
I don't even like hot cross buns!

I reckon that looks lovely.
I'm happy.

Looking for it to be really soft
and smooth and stretchy,

ready for its first prove.

A bit tack, but Paul said to me in

the technical of bread week
it was under proved.

You don't want to be told
the same negative thing twice.

Flying. Here we go.

In the drawer.

With their dough rising...

Do you want me to open it?
No, no, don't.

Don't want to be responsible
for lack of rise.

...the bakers can turn
to their fillings.

This is the cinnamon. I know they
like a punchy flavour, don't they?

I hope I get it just right.

As well as incorporating cinnamon
into her pecan filling

and dough, Cristy's also adding it

to her glaze, which she'll drizzle
on with maple syrup.

This is going to be good.

Can I just say something?

Go on. Star Baker. Handshake.

What the hell? No tears in this tent
today, is there? No.

Let's be honest. I don't know,
we've got to see how these go.

Go, girl!

While Cristy's
supersizing her spice...

Might need a bit more cinnamon,
you know.

...Dana is dialling hers down.

Last time I used cardamon, you said
it was medicinal,

so I'm reining it back a bit.

How are you bringing these
flavours into the bun?

The dough's plain and then the
cardamon comes in in the filling.

With no flavouring in her dough,

Dana's relying on her other
elements to pack a punch.

She's using cardamon, pistachio
and orange in her fillings,

glazes and toppings.

And to finish, she'll sprinkle rose
petals on her knotted creations.

Interesting shape. Lovely flavours.

I think it sounds really delicious.

It's about uniformity and it's about
getting all those flavours through

as well. Yeah, I hope so. And
getting the cardamon levels just right.

Um... Yes.

Just a tiny bit of maple.
I don't want it to be over sweet.

Ensuring the perfect balance...
More cardamon.

...with the spices dominant
but not overwhelming...

Just fine-tuning.

...becomes even trickier when they're
paired with other strong flavours.

Because it's going to be nice
and spiced,

I wanted something else
to just cut through that

so I'm going to inject a lemon curd
into the centre of the buns.

In addition to his tangy lemon curd

Josh is giving his cinnamon buns
a further fruity frisson

with fresh and dried blueberries.

Are we going to think this is
a lemon and blueberry bun or are we

going to think this is a spiced bun?

The dried ones |I've soaked in
a cinnamon tea overnight.

Does it stop the blueberry
being a blueberry?

No, no, it still holds the taste.

Paul's worried about blueberries,
I can see it.

Good luck.

Dan is also adding fruity
flavours to his spiced buns.

Lemon, I've got some orange,
I'm going to top it with some figs.

These are the type of buns
you'd like to eat outside

a Greek taverna with a lovely
little mug of espresso.

To capture the spirit of the Aegean,

as well as his figs
and citrus fruits,

Dan will use saffron, cinnamon

and star anise in his
Chelsea bun-style creations.

Can't go wrong with buns, can you?

No, no, hopefully not, no.

I probably can, but... we shall see.

I feel like.

So sorry, darlings.

Who's this? It's my stalker.
Don't worry.

The dame can appear anywhere.

It's like Rentaghost,
she can just pop up anywhere. Yeah.

Occasionally when I wake up in the morning,
she's there at the end of my bed. Is she, yeah?

That's... quite scary.
That sounded weird, didn't it?

It did, pretty weird, yeah.

Suppose it's better than Paul
being there, I suppose, isn't it?

Bakers, you are halfway through.

It's quite hot in there.
I don't want them to over prove.

The extra fat in an
enriched dough as well as

the addition of the fruit and
spices can mean a slower rise.

Let me just check.

But if the bakers remove their
dough before it's fully proved...

I've still got five more minutes.

Please, prove!

...they risk a tight texture
in their finished buns.

I don't know. It's got another prove
yet anyway so we'll go with it.

I'd say go a bit longer cos he always says it's
not proved enough, remember? He does, yeah.

Just do it a little bit longer.

Watch him say it's over proved this
week. Oh, don't say that!

If he says that, I'll just
look the other way!

I'm just going to get it out.

It's huge.

Pretty good. Um, it's nice and
proved. Perfect.

I'm just going to mix in all
of this filling.

I don't think blueberry is that
strong a fruit.

It's just a nice blend, I think.

Need to put a very thin layer.

I hope Paul loves these nuts,
these fine nuts.

If I can make sure that they're even
weight, it should mean that they end

up looking somewhat the same.

The judges are expecting

It's always a bit thinner at
one end, it's so annoying.

...but the more complicated
the shape of the buns...

I'm cutting into 12 equal pieces
then twisting.

...the trickier that
will be to achieve.

Pinch it and roll.

One done. It looks quite pretty.

Silly me.

Measured in inches and
then cut into centimetres.

These are quite big.

I've got a feeling they're
just going to go Waah,

like Yorkshire puddings.

Looks identical in shape,
isn't it? Happy, happy, happy.

Think a couple are a
bit higher than the others,

but the second prove, they'll all
sort of start joining together.

I'm happy with them. At the moment,
they all look quite identical,

apart from that one. I'm hoping
we'll have twins and not sisters.

Ready, in.

Bakers, you have half an hour left.

Prove is definitely done.

Think they look all right.

I'm just putting an egg wash on
there so it'll get nice

and brown when baked.

It's like this grey sludge.

Don't know if this is good.
It's very, very gloopy.

The figs are really nice on top

and I'm just going to baste it in
some of the honey and butter.

Turns into jam, pretty much.

We're going in.

They're looking quite nice actually,
yeah, nice and golden in colour.

Little bit longer.

Few more minutes.

They look beautiful, look at that.
Are you happy?

I am happy. You don't look happy.

But, you know, it's sticking out.

Oh, it's all right.
It's fine, it's fine. Come here.

Yeah. Just lean on these buns.
Come on.

Lean on these buns,
have a little sleep.

Let me rub your head.

I don't think the cross has worked.
It's, like, really faint.

Bakers, you have ten minutes left.

Oh, flippin' heck. Ten minutes
to get your buns out the oven.

Yeah, I'm quite impressed.

They're not identical at all.

All look very even.

Oh, these are not identical.

Pretty good. Nice and hollow.

I'm just going to give it
a nice glaze.

Quite pleased with that colour.

Maybe just they're not
quite identical.

Lemon curd in the middle.

I've got my mulled wine glaze

and it'll kind of melt
into the pastry.

And it's not grey!

Glaze on, going to get it all in my
nooks and crannies.

Lovely bakers,
you have one minute left.

Finishing touches, I've just
sprinkled some cinnamon.

I've never done that before so let's
see how that one turns out.

Add a bit of glitter. I wanted the two-tone
so you know they're lemon and blueberry.

So let's get 'em on, then.

Sprinkling some rose petals on
the top.

After all, it is botanical week.

Oh, my word, two more to go.
Not enough space.

Don't think it's going to fit on
my tray.

I hope they live up to
everyone's expectations.

Oh, mine are all misshapen.

Bakers, your time is up.

Step away-a from ya buns.


Come on, let's have a group hug.

I don't want anyone to touch me.

You smashed it, guys. Well done.

The bakers' spiced buns will now be
judged by Paul and Prue.

Hello, Tasha. Hello.

Hello, Tasha.

I like the colour. It's unusual.
It's quite festive.

I think, if anything,
they're a bit big.

But there's a lot of consistency
there, which I quite like.

Wow, that's quite an open structure
in there. Surprising.

Worth the risk.

It's Christmas. Phew.

I love the flavour.
I like the texture.

It is beautifully balanced between
all the flavours.

And you've created something that is
really pleasant in the mouth.

Well done. Terrific, Tasha.
Thank you. Thank you.

I love the shine on them.

I think they look really
tempting and delicious,

but they're very uneven.

They're dramatically uneven.

You do get the saffron,
you get the spices coming through

and at a nice level as well.
It's not overpowering.

My only big issue is the consistency
and the shape and size. Yeah.

You know, what I think is the
crowning glory

is the fresh figs on top. Yeah.

I think that's a real piece
of genius, it's lovely.

It does work well. Thank you.
Brilliant. That's great, thank you.

Thank you, darl.
Thank you very much, nice one.

The issue is the consistency or

of the shape and colour. Yeah.

There's not two alike.
It's a shame.

Not a lot of cardamon. OK.

You get the orange
and the pistachio.

Cardamon, barely getting that.

Actually get more of
the rose coming in.

Oh, do you? Yeah.
We'll just change the title of it!

They're rose buns. Yeah.

There we go. Thank you.
Thank you. Thank you.

I think they look very nice.
I like the colour.

Bit of an unusual size difference.

My maths went wrong.

Don't you work in accountancy?

Shh! I will lose my job now!

Um, the knot works quite nicely.

Yes, yes, I love the twisting,
it's lovely.

Quite a tight texture.


I think your balance
of cardamon is just lovely.

The flavour combination
between the cardamon

and the cinnamon is
absolutely spot-on.

Well done, Saku.
Thank you very much. Thank you.

Well, they look very unusual.

Looks like a cartoon character
with the eyes, you know?

“Look into my eyes!"

Nice colour,
it's got a lovely colour.

You don't get the blueberry.

The blueberry's become a
carrier for the cinnamon. Yeah.

I actually quite like it.

It reminds me of an iced bun with
the lemon running through it.

Iced buns are one of
my favourite things ever.

I do think the bread is beautiful.

The glaze is beautiful
and I like the look of them.

Wonderful. Thank you.
So it's a pretty good bun.

I think they're pretty
consistent, these.

Wow. They look impressive inside,
I'll tell you that now.

Oh, good. To get that even
all the way through.

You've rolled the dough really

thinly so that you get a lot of
filling... Yeah. ..and I like that.

Flavour is lovely.

Maple syrup's there. It's not too
sweet. Very nice. That's delicious.

It is absolutely delicious and
I'm trying not to eat any more.

Thank you. Well done.

Well, I think they
look lovely and shiny.

They're very even.
You've managed the cross.

Cross looks good.
I do like the colour.

There's some nice consistency there
as well. What is it again?

Hot cross. Hot cross bun? Yeah.

I'll judge you as a hot cross bun.

If it's better,
it's just a spiced bun.

Right answer!

It is too dense. OK.

I've had cakes that are
more open than that.

I think it's just under proved.
A little bit more proving just

would've opened that up a little bit. I'm not
really getting the ginger. There's not enough of it.

You need more fruit. If you're going
to put fruit in it, put fruit in it.

Yeah. I still think
it's very delicious.

Thank you very much, Matty. Cheers,
thank you. Ah, thanks, Matty.

Erm, Matty, I told you to prove it
a bit longer, didn't I?

You did! Yeah...

I think I impressed Prue a little
bit more than I did Paul.

I'm Team Prue for now!

I'm happy that the flavours worked.

Yeah. It's Christmas in a bun.

It could've gone better,
but it's fine.

We've still got the technical to do

so hopefully I can just kind
of smash that one out.

The bakers could practice
their spicy signature bakes,

but the Technical Challenge is
a mystery.

It's time for your
Technical Challenge.

This one has been set for you
by the delightful Prue.

Prue, any words of wisdom?

Yes, be bold with the botanicals.

I actually found that quite moving.

Ah, you all right?
Yeah, I'm all right, yeah.

Talking of moving, it's time for you
guys to move on out. Thank you.

We're going to miss you guys.
We are.

Prue would like you to make

a beautifully decorated lemon
and thyme drizzle cake.

They're looking for a light moist
sponge that is soaked

with lemon and thyme syrup,

and a sprinkling of
crystalised lemon and thyme.

How much time have we got?

On your marks... Get set...


Oh, my God. Right.

Interesting cake!

I imagine it's going to take a bit
of time, that. No pun intended.

Hey, this challenge will be right up your
street - you've actually come as a lemon!


I just want to point out at this
moment in time

that you've come as thyme.

So, Prue, tell us all about your
lemon and thyme drizzle cake.

It is just a cream sponge baked in
a fancy tin,

but the difference is it
has a lot of thyme in it.

What I'm worried about most is I
think the bakers won't put enough in it.

If you only put a bit in, it'll just
be a lemon drizzle cake.

I mean, obviously, they've got
the tin.

If they don't grease it properly,
Paul, as you know,

that cake will stick.

Come on, I'm dribbling now.

I need a bite.
My goodness, that's a fair slice.

That big enough? Yes.

Ooh, yeah.

This is very moist from
the drizzle, and the lemon

and thyme work beautifully
well together.

It is absolutely lovely.

Mmm. For me, it's all going to come
down to the flavour

and the balance between
the thyme and the lemon.

Are they going to get it right?

Got to have lots of thyme.

What's ironic is we've only given
them an hour-and-a-half.

I know!

Instruction number one,
"Make the cake mixture." Fabulous.

It's been so long since
I've made a sponge cake.

I haven't made one in yonks.

I'm creaming the butter

and the sugar together,
adding the lemon.

Self-raising flour.

Get that mixed in. I'm going to do
that on a low speed.

Think this'll be enough.

It's a light, fluffy sponge.

Have you ever made one
of these before?

I've made lemon drizzle cake.
You have?

But not with thyme.
Do you know what I mean?

Yeah, thyme for roast, not for the
cake. It's normally in food,

isn't it? It's not
normally in a bake.

Maybe it will taste
like roast dinner.

They've told us how much lemon to
use, but they just haven't told us

how much thyme to use.

What I would normally do is just add
only a little.

Baker's instinct.

Prue said be bold.
Prue, I'm with you, sister.

Try and get the thyme really in
there, you know.

Couple of heaped tablespoons.

I did not measure the amount of
thyme I was putting in. Risky.

It does smell strong.

I can't smell anything.

Bit more thyme.

Just preparing the cake tin with
some butter so it doesn't stick.

Really hard to do.

There's a risk of things catching

so obviously you want it
to come out.

I'm going to give it
a little dusting with some flour.

I've put more thyme into it.

You can easily see all the green
specks so I'm hoping it'll be fine.

Slap it down so it gets into all
those crevices.

Get it in.

Has she been kind with
the method and everything?

No. Not really. Oh, just, "Bake."

Oh, my gosh. "Just bake it!"

It's going to take a while in the
oven, that. It's quite a big cake.

It's definitely 40 minutes.

I'm going to set a timer
for 40 minutes.

Bakers, you are halfway through.

Oh, God.

Need to get a move on.

Make the lemon and thyme syrup.

Juice of two lemons,
sugar and thyme, right.

This is where Prue was also saying,
"Be bold."

I'm going to give her thyme.

I'm just going to let that infuse.

Feel like that's ready to rock
and roll.

Number four, we crystallise
the lemon peel and thyme.

There's an egg white in it?

Eggwhite, dip the thyme leaves in

and then just covering it all in

Why is there an egg white in it?!

It looks crystallised.

I'm just going to put enough sugar
onto it and then get it to dry out.


Honestly, I haven't a clue if I'm
doing this the right way.

What the hell is this?

What is that?

Somehow it's going to crystallise!

Is that in the recipe?

Out of sight, out of mind.

Saku? Yes.

How many keepy-uppies can you do
with a lemon?

None. None? None.

Look, one - boom.


Any good? Amazing. See?

Do you reckon I could hit one of
those saucepans, look, with this lemon?




It's fine, nothing broke.

Never a dull moment in here,
is there?

Bakers, you have

Oh, my goodness me.

Nervous, I'm nervous.
I'm not doing it.

Skewer's coming out clean, so...

Just going to go for it.

I hope it is ready.

Smells nice.
Can't smell any thyme, but...

It's definitely baked.

Ah! OK, yeah, it's coming out.

Er, little bit overdone,
but it's better to overbake it

and then cover any problems
with the syrup.

The problem is turning it
upside down.

Oh, I'm so scared.

Flippin' heck.

Worst thing would be for it not
to come out.


Bad, bad, bad, really bad.

Trying to find the good side.

It looks OK. It's come out neat.

Ahh! The bottom is ugly.

Oh, flippin' heck.

Bakers, you have five minutes left.

Come on, Josh. Come on.

Number five,
soak the cake with syrup.

Just going to give it little holes.

Right, just get that in.

There's not too much dripping off

so that indicates that it is
actually going in.

Oh, that smells like thyme.

I think. Maybe too much.

Made my icing.

Drizzly consistency.

Just could've done with
it being a bit thicker.

Control, control.

I just don't know what it's supposed
to look like, that's the thing.

Bakers, you've got one minute left.

Last bit. All right, let's
make this look pretty.

Lemon and thyme.

Oh, come on!

Going to use this very sparingly.

Just going to try and
make it look nice.

It's not that pretty,
but it's fine.

Quite rustic. That seems
to be my kind of thing.

OK, bakers, your time is up.

Please bring your lemon and thyme
drizzle cakes

up to the gingham table

and place them behind
your pictures.

My word! It was a race.

It's judgment time for

the bakers' lemon
and thyme drizzle cakes.

Prue and Paul are looking for
a light,

moist, aromatic cake decorated
with glace icing

and crystallised lemon and thyme.

And they have no idea
whose is whose.

Interesting array.

The definition on this one is pretty

It's got a strong colour. Very good.

Icing could've been a little thicker
or not allowed to run right off.

The crystallising looks OK,
doesn't it? Yeah.

There's a lot of drizzle.

The texture's very good
because it's very light.

It's not got enough thyme in it.

Moving on, little bit weird with
the colouring on this one.

See how light, dark, it's...'s like it hasn't
been mixed properly.

Quite an open-looking cake.

Far more lemon than thyme.

Which I don't mind.

I quite like the sharpness of
the lemon against the hint of thyme.

Hmm, yeah. I think I'd have put

a little bit more crystallised
lemon and thyme on top,

but it's very nice. Yeah, it is.

I like the decoration of this.
This is a thicker icing.

There's a few little marks here,
like it's caught. It's stuck.

Half the cake's probably
been left on the mould.

I can tell you now there's
not enough thyme in there.

Not a lot of lemon or thyme.

I think that texture's
a bit coarse too.

Hmm. A bit dark, this one.

It's almost overflowed on the top.

And I really think the icing is
a bit clumsy.

Definitely getting the
thyme and the lemon.

A lot more thyme.

I do think it's slightly over baked.

The icing on this is quite neat into
the grooves as well.

Quite clever because
the baker has put thyme in one

and lemon in the other. Yeah.

It's very neat.

Hmm, definitely getting the thyme
and the lemon, nice balance.

I think it's very good.

Moving on to this one,
bit irregular on colour. Hmm.

Darker on one side than
it is on another.

It's broken a bit here in
the mould.

The lemon isn't properly
crystallised. No. It's very raw.

I got more thyme than I did lemon.

Moving on to the last one.
I like the look of this.

Pretty neat on the baking as well.

I like the way the icing is confined
to small ribbons down the runnels.

I can see the thyme,
but I can't really taste it.

It could have a bit more.
It could have a bit more.

The lemon's tangy enough
and the bake's good.

The lemon and thyme drizzle cakes
will now be ranked from last

to first place.

In seventh place, we have this one.

Tasha, bit clumsy on the icing
and you had trouble with it,

getting out of a tin, didn't you?

In sixth spot, we have this one.

This is very irregular with
the colours.

Inside, it's too pale.

I don't know whether you had
problems with it sticking

to the tin or was it the bake?

No, I don't know! Hmm.

Saku is in fifth place,

Matty is fourth and Dan comes third.

In second, we have this one.
Whose is this?

Very nice, Josh. I like the icing,
I like the decoration,

I love the colour.

It needed a little bit more thyme,
but it's a nice one.

Which means...

...Cristy, I loved your decoration,
it's very elegant.

Lots of thyme, lots of lemon -
perfect. Thank you.

Well done! Well done.

Well done, bakers.

You've done so well.
Go home, have a little rest

and we'll see you tomorrow for the
Showstopper. Well done, kids.

I genuinely never thought I'd
get first in the Technical,

so, yeah, I'm over the moon! Ah!

I was hoping for a good technical,
but second to last, it's not last.

That was really bad.

Yeah, I can't lie, I feel
a bit sick about tomorrow.

I'm not ready to go home.

It's botanicals week so
did anybody really shine?

I think Cristy's in
a very strong position

for Star Baker again this week.

What about Tasha?

She did not do a good Technical,

but she did a tremendously good
Signature. She did.

Josh is doing quite well again,
isn't he?

Josh has done all right, which puts
him in line with Cristy,

but the likes of Dana, Matty are in
worse trouble than the rest.

Matty, why did he do so bad in
the Signature?

A bit boring. There
was not enough fruit in it. OK.

I didn't like Dana's signature.

The shapes were all wrong.

We wanted consistency
and we just didn't get it.

You've got to look at all of it -
texture, appearance, flavour,

technical prowess.

Any mistakes, you could go home.

Hello, bakers,
welcome back to the tent.

It's time for your
Showstopper Challenge.

The judges would like you
to bake a beautiful

and imaginative floral dessert.

You can choose any style of dessert,

but it must include a significant
baked element

and you should celebrate florals
through your flavours and design.

Floral really is the key word.
It is.

Something you could serve at
a picnic or wear as

a headdress at Glastonbury.

You have four-and-a-half hours.

On your marks... Get set...


Experimenting with different
floral flavours,

not really my comfort zone.

Anything that I can mess up on,
I tend to stay clear.

When you put elderflower in,
it sounds quite, like, potiony,

know what I mean? Harry Potter.

So we're asking the bakers
for a layered dessert.

We're talking jellies,
ganaches, bavarois,

mousse, biscuits,
anything they wish,

but we want it all to be
beautifully holding together.

Ah, stressful.

The overall flavour is floral.

The trouble with flowers is one
second, there's not enough flavour

and then you go over the top
and then they taste like soap.

Dandelion syrup.

It should taste incredible

and, of course, look like
a Bake Off Showstopper.

Hello, Dan. Good morning. Tell us
about your floral Showstopper.

It's a wild-flower meadow theme

and then I'm doing an opera-style
floral dessert.

When you say opera, how many layers
are you using there? Seven?

No, four layers of joconde.

So it's opera-style. Right. Are you
using chocolate at the top?

No, I'm putting, meadowsweet butter.

When you say opera... Yeah.

It's a layered dessert, how's that?
Yeah, that's it, that's better!

Dan's wild-flower meadow layered
dessert will include joconde sponges

flavoured with elderflower,

a dandelion jelly pond

with choux swans
and meadowsweet butter cream.

Meadowsweet. |I've never heard of
that. Yeah, it's just like a local

foraged plant, sort of grows around
bogs, marshes. So you made this?

I've made that, yeah, yeah. You made
this? Oh, it's recognisable.

Yeah, it is, yeah. Like cat pee.

Yeah, that's the one, yeah.

I'm very impressed that you guys
know what cat pee tastes like.

Matty's taking his inspiration not
from wildlife...

I've got one of those shot things,

I don't know why I didn't think
to bring it. ..but nightlife.

More of a drink, innit?

When you put elderflower in
prosecco or something like that

with some blackberries in it,

it's a real masculine
drink I find as well,

so people look scared
when you're drinking it.

"I'll leave him alone."

Taking his cue from his favourite
summer tipple,

Matty's adding elderflower
into nearly every element

of his dessert, including his
blackberry mousse,

lemon cremeux, Genoise sponge
and blackberry mirror glaze.

Is it true about blackberries?

Being? The blacker the berry,
the sweeter the juice? Is it true?

Is it true?

You tell me!

It's true.

Whatever complementary flavours
the bakers are using...

I am making cheesecake base
with ginger biscuit.

...their florals need to be
the star of the show.

Floral flavours are quite subtle

so I will use more hibiscus
to bring hibiscus flavour.

Want to get that tangy thing.

Hibiscus will flavour the mousse
and butter cream

of Saku's Earl Grey cheesecake,
which will sit on

a ginger biscuit base

and be topped with an
intricate 3D jelly flower.

I'm really worried about the jelly
art. I don't have artistic skills.

You say that.
You are really artistic.

Thank you very much. Baking's art.
Are you artistic?

Of course you are.

Who's your favourite artist?

Do you know Banksy? Yes, the one who
is painting, uh, buildings.

He sent me a letter once.

Really? Hmm. You're joking.

It just said "stop"” in it.
Just "stop™.

One baker who doesn't know when

to curb their artistic
ambitions is Tasha.

Hello, Tash. Hi, Tash.

Tell us all about your
floral Showstopper.


Ten layers. Ten.

Right, that's a bit ambitious.

OK. Here we go.

Amongst Tasha's ten layers will be
a palet Breton biscuit,

a bavarois, two sponges,

three different jellies
and a ruby chocolate mousse,

all flavoured with hibiscus
or elderflower.

These will be wrapped in
a hibiscus joconde sponge

and topped with jelly art.

Tasha, this is crazy.

Have you practised this?

If you pull it off,
it will be fantastic.

I'm really looking forward to this.

Yeah. Thank you.

Amongst their layers must be
a substantial baked element.

I'm going to rattle through four
joconde sponges.

And the bakers won't be able

to begin assembling their
spectacular Showstoppers...

Oh, come on, Josh.

...until their sponges and biscuits
are baked and completely cool.

It's like the flipping
Baking Olympics today.

Trying to get the ginger biscuit
base sorted.

These are going in.

That's good and spongy
so I'm happy with that.

This is a really nice,
light trifle sponge.

So I am doing a russe,
like Charlotte russe,

so it's going to have sponge
fingers round the outside

and it's going to have two sponge
layers in the actual cake as well.

As well as his sponges,
Josh's russe will contain

a compote, jellies and two bavarois,

flavoured with combinations of

raspberry, rhubarb and hibiscus.

Hibiscus is one of those flowers
that I used to grow with my nan.

We used to do competitions actually.

We'd have hibiscus plants
in our conservatories

and we'd see who could grow the
most hibiscus flowers on there.

Usually, she'd get up to 12 or 15
all on at once. It's amazing.

Dana's also using hibiscus,

but is pairing it with
floral powerhouse, rose.

Rose has actually got quite
a strong taste to it.

I just want the full-on flavour.

I don't want any criticism that
they can't taste the components.

Rose will feature in
her raspberry bavarois

and white chocolate mousse,
which she'll complement with

a hibiscus jelly and coconut sponge.

Her finished dessert will sit inside
an ambitious sugar work box.

I am just layering this up
with edible flowers

and then I'm putting
isomalt over the top.

I do like this. Do ya?
Yeah, I love it.

I actually went out with a girl who
put flowers in resin. Yeah.

It's reminding me of that. Well,
that's kind of like the inspiration

I went off. You know when you see
so many videos on TikTok

of it all going through? Yeah. So
are you endlessly watching baking?

Do you know what? I start off
watching baking stuff

and then somehow I've ended up

watching, like, shark att*cks
or something like that.

I get loads of shark stuff! Do you?

What is it about me and you
that they went... what is it?

..."These guys are going to
love shark att*cks"? Yeah!

One baker who could be heading
into deep water is Cristy,

who's the only one to
use an intricate mould

for her floral dessert.

So this is my mould.

It's risky cos it's
very textured.

If I get it right,
the pay-off, I think, will be nice.

It's so effective.

Cristy's moulded entremets
will contain lemon

and elderflower Genoise sponge,

creme diplomat and two jellies -

strawberry and elderflower,

and rhubarb and basil -

all encased in a

white chocolate ganache.

White chocolate? Yeah.

Does it work? You look worried.

It's quite warm today.

It's really hot. And you're using a
white chocolate ganache... Yeah.

...moulded on the top. If you get
that chocolate ganache out of

the mould intact, it'll look very
pretty. I think it sounds good.

Good. Good luck. Thank you!
Good luck, Cristy.

Bakers, you are halfway through
this mamm-ooth challenge.

Beautiful. No messing around.

Let me just check.

I'll take it out. Looks all right.

Sponge fingers.

Yeah, they're good. Very good.




That was t'wrong thing
to do, weren't it?

Now it's going to the fridge.

With their baked elements cooling...

Shouldn't be tough.
If it's tough, it's game over.

...or being remade...

I love making things twice, yeah.

...the bakers can finish making
the other elements of their dessert.

I've got my strawberry
jelly started.

But whether they're
making jellies...

My pond jelly, that needs
two gelatine leaves going in.


Hibiscus mousse.
It needs lots of setting.

...or custards...

This is the elderflower cremeux.

...the amount of setting agent
will be crucial to ensure

a melt-in-the-mouth texture
and clearly defined layers.

Just mixed in my gelatine.

Don't want it to taste
unpleasant, like rubber.

It could act as a bouncy ball.

Some of the layers are going to be
a little bit looser than

the rest, but as well, at the
same time, I want everything,

when you cut into it,
nothing's oozing out.

I feel like you need
another seven benches

with all these ingredients.
What's going on?

Why have you created
something so elaborate?

I'm the person that I shout
at when I watch it on TV.

As we were.

I might do another one actually!

Bakers, you have one hour left.

Going to start building.

Supposed to look like an
entremet so, like, layers

so there's a lot of setting.

Building their floral

I just need a really thin layer.

Oh, sugar!

Right, happy with that.

...will require expert use of
the fridge and freezer.

Might have to break this mould.
It's just set so firm.

Too long at low temperatures

and their delicate sponges
could dry out.

Think it's frozen solid.

But not enough time chilling,
and their jellies and creams

could fail to set,
resulting in a sloppy mess.

Oh, I don't want to make
a mess for everybody.

Just basically leaked.

That looks amazing. Yes, well...

What are you going to do with that?
Put it in the freezer?

You just pop that baby in
the freezer.

Not a baby.
No-one puts baby in the freezer!

That's a joke for
Patrick Swayze fans.

Bakers, you have half an hour left.

Just half an hour.

Oh, man.

Half an hour, hopefully might just
make it.

Right, next step, next step. Fab.

Nice and even layers.

It's set. I mean, I could probably
leave it in for longer.

I don't know why I'm not.

Could you just hold it steady
while I just peel off this?

Yeah, course I can.
Thank you. I just need to peel this.

Jelly just basically leaked.
It's going to crack.

Got my cream sorted
for my choux buns.

This is the cooled-down
mirror glaze

so it just covers it a bit better.

I don't know if it's set enough.

I can feel something not good.


Breathe. Trust your instincts.

I sound like Obi-Wan now. I'm Yoda.

It is lifting off. Hmm, trust
your instincts, young Jedi!

Oh! Yes?

It's broken. It's broken? It's
broken. You can fix that, can't you?

I'm going to...
No, it's broken everywhere.

Oh, my gosh.

I'm going to have to redo it.

I mean, literally, freeze it
and remake it. You can do it.

I'm just going to have to.

Oh, I'm going to cry my eyes out.

OK, just breathe.

Oh, bless her.

Babes, don't worry.

Babe, you've got Star Baker.

I just... Hello? I'm really hot,

I'm really hot. I know.

All right, cool down, cool down.

I'm really upset.

Bakers, you have 15 minutes left.

I'll be all right.

All right, do you need any help?

No, no, no, I'm all right.
Thank you, Dan.

All right. I'm fine, I'm fine.

Now, the next nervous task is
the jelly domes.

I'm going to do my
jelly art in these.

They're actually crystallisation
dishes that I'd have in

the chemistry lab.

I'm super nervous for this.

Choux swans haven't turned out
as choux swans unfortunately.

Come on.

Oh, it's wobbling, just like jelly.

I don't know if it's right.

Something might be right
with the mixture.

Oh, my gosh,
I can't even look at that.

When I did this in practice,
it collapsed.

I screwed up the first jelly
so I need to do another one.

This is not good.

Wouldn't really imagine that
I'd be standing here talking

to you while you make delicate
pink rose flowers.

No, at the turn of the year,

I didn't think this would
be a thing either.

Nothing's going to set...

It's just not...

It's just too...
It's just too, erm... Oh...

I'm just trying to think of this
gap. Yeah. Is that stuck on already?

Oh. See, now that's cracked. Yeah.

Holy mackerel. Oh, my God.

I'm going to take the top off.

This is such a disaster. Oh...

How long have we got left?

Bakers, you have five minutes

Need to dig deep now, gear six.

Oh, my goodness me, perfection.

Can't have 'em eating this.
They can't...

Right, I'm going to slide it.

Gentle, gentle movements.

This is where you could with being

artistic and I am far from.

Just going to have to risk it,
aren't we?

Please don't split, please don't
split, please don't split.

Oh, my God.

Don't know if it's going to slide.

Oh, dear.

I don't have steady hands.

Oh, I broke it.

Bakers, you have one minute left.
One minute.

I'm just going to try...
Don't break.

I just can't believe it.

I've got something out.

That's great! You did it!

It's better than it was, isn't it?

Come on, Josh.

Oh, I just feel like
the top looks a bit cack.

OK, just breathe.

I feel like if it moves,
it's going to break.

I don't know what I could do.

Anything I do now'd
just look random.

It looks beautiful,
but I broke a little bit.

Oh, my God.

Bakers, your time is up.

Please step away from
your Showstoppers.

Just don't think...

It just looks a bit like...
I don't know.

The whole thing bloody cracked

and I got it done in, like, two
minutes to go. No, it's fine.

It's time for the bakers'
show-stopping floral desserts

to face judgment.

Tasha, would you like to bring up
your Showstopper, please?

I love the look of this.
It's so professional,

I love the jelly on the top.

The line down there's not the best

but you're always going to get that

and there's always going to be a

And there's occasionally a bit of
jelly runs out. A bit of leakage.


That jelly looks lovely.
It doesn't look too rubbery.

It looks really as if it's
collapsing, which is lovely.


Hmm, it's absolutely heavenly.

Raspberry and hibiscus - you know,
that is the most delicious flavour.

Really good elderflower.

The bitterness that you initially
get probably from

the hibiscus balances beautifully
with everything else.

If you can manage to
fit it all in your mouth -

and fortunately I have a large
mouth - it means you get all

the flavours together, which is what
you wanted to achieve,

and you end up with something
that's beautiful so well done.

It's a triumph. Well done, Tasha.

Thank you.

It's very pretty.

It's very Bake Off in the
sense of it's very pastel,

which suits the tent beautifully.

Your flowers and your jelly work is
really beautiful.

Distinctive lines,
distinctive colour.

Very good texture.

Just set, which is what you want.

Thank you.

The ginger is the
overwhelming flavour.

I'm not getting much
flavour in anything else.

I mean, I'm hunting for anything.

Is this raspberry?

That is hibiscus.

Hmm. Hmm.

It's so mild. You need to
carry a big punch in this

to make it work. OK.

All your textures are spot-on,
but your flavours are lacking.

I'm so sorry.

Thank you, Saku. Thank you, Saku.

It's certainly imaginative!

It left the edges exposed,
which I quite like cos that...

Oh, do you? I think that's where
you are, like an opera cake.

Very nice, even layers.

I never thought I'd say this,

but I think there's actually
too much floral.

OK. It's very perfumed.

It's mostly elderflower that's
the strongest, isn't it? Yeah.

Hmm, that's really sharp.

Probably too sharp for what this is.

I get the meadowsweet as well.

It's a bit like freshly cut grass,
you know? Yeah.

It's got that flavour.

There is certainly a strong
botanical feel to this,

which is what we wanted.
Very good choux too.

Yeah, well done. Overall, I
think you've done a decent job.

Brilliant, thank you. Thank you.

Thank you very much, cheers.
Well done, Dan.

Whether it's a Showstopper,
I'm not sure.

Yeah. I'm not so sure.

The flowers actually would've been
better if you'd done

a pile and then sort
of cascaded it down.

Yeah, they're a little
like soldiers in a row.

Let's have a look and see
what it's like inside.



You've got your layers
nicely separated.

Yeah, the lemon, has that got
elderflower with it as well?

Yeah. It's not very strong.

It doesn't quite meet
the botanical brief.

One feels it's a lemon cake.

I think your custard layer is too
stodgy and a bit rubbery.

It's very rubbery.

It is delicious,
but it isn't a Showstopper.

Thank you. Thank you. Cheers.

Well done, Matty. Well done, Matty.
Thank you.

It's beautiful. It looks great.

Oh, thank you. It has split, that's
the only thing on the outside.

It does look very pretty.

I love the work here on the top.

Very skilful injecting.

Come on, come on. Wobble, wobble.

Look at that.

The setting of this is spot-on.

You've managed to get each of
the layers there without too much

rubber in each layer so they've held
together, just about.

The flavours are spot-on.

And I think the compote
is beautiful.

Great flavours, great textures,
great overall look.

Shame it's split, but...
Just needed a ribbon.

I think, overall, you've done
a great job. Well done.

Lovely. Thank you.

Well, Dana, you've certainly got
something of

a Showstopper just in the box.

It looks amazing. All those flowers
are beautifully done,

but the main thing is the dessert.

Let's have a quick
look inside this.

Oh, wow.

Wow, look at those.

Pretty stark colours, them.

I'm not sure I'm getting the floral.

OK. Not getting the rose.
A bit of a hibiscus. Hmm.

The raspberry comes through
more than the hibiscus.

Hibiscus. Yeah.

The sponge has dried out like it's
been sitting there for three days...

Mm-hm. ..because you've been putting
that in the fridge for so long.

The cake is pretty solid
and the layers are too thick.

Overall, your appearance
is exceptional,

but is it style above substance?

Thank you.

Be honest, I... It was all going
well, everything was set...

Stop. OK.

I think it's quite effective.
I like the colour.

These are quite nice.
There's a couple of little splodges.

Obviously you've had issues with it.

I am getting strong strawberry

and I am getting a decent amount
of tang coming from the elderflower,

which is your saving grace because
then it makes it floral.

The sponge is all right as well.

Setting, it's just a little bit
messy, that's all. OK.

I feel really sorry for you

because you were obviously nearly
into something perfect,

but I think with
your second attempt,

your chocolate ganache is
too much and too thick,

and the layers are
a bit all over the place,

but it's still very delicious.

Thank God, it's over!

I've seen people throw stuff in
the bin before.

I was determined I wasn't
going to be one of 'em!

I'm relieved.

I'll take that any day over what
could've been an absolute nightmare.

I do think I'm in
the bottom side of things,

but even if some of
the inside fillings weren't

the best, I'm beyond proud of it.

I fell right at the last hurdle in
terms of making it look like

the Showstopper it was meant to be.

They couldn't taste anything.

Look at my face for the last time -
I'm going home tonight.

So, Prue and Paul,

botanicals week - how do you think
it went?

Surprisingly well.
It's actually been quite successful.

I think the bakes have all been
pretty good

so when it comes to judging, it
comes down to little things.

Who were the stand-out people
for you?

Josh - the textures were right, the
flavours were terrific, the whole

thing was quite imaginative and
it was beautifully ex*cuted. Hmm.

I have to say, I was blown away
by Tasha.

I think Tasha started well this
week actually.

She didn't do too well in the

she was seventh, but she has bounced
back in a big way today

so it puts her in line
for Star Baker as well.

And then you look at Cristy - she
had a bit of a mess-up with this,

but, nevertheless, it did taste good
and it looked good.

At least she carried on.

Exactly, she never gave up.
I love that.

I think three people struggled.

I think Matty struggled.

It wasn't quite polished enough
and finished,

and a little bit simple,
but then you look at Dana.

I mean, the box was OK...

I thought it was amazing.

It was a Showstopper, but then the
dessert inside had to be perfect.

Is what it was all about, yeah.

The cake was too thick, a bit dry.

Yeah. And then Saku.

Hardly any flavour. Such a shame,
isn't it? Oh, heartbreaking.

But that's not like her either,
which is strange. No. No.

No. I think it's going
to be really tight,

whoever we choose to go home today.

It's only one today though,
isn't it?

Yeah, only one today.

Paul wants to send
three people home!

Well done, bakers. You did
fantastic in botanicals week.

I've got the great job this
week of announcing Star Baker.

And this week's Star Baker is...


And unfortunately,
I've got the job that no-one wants

and I've got to say,

this has been one of the hardest
decisions of the competition so far.

So, the baker leaving
the tent today is...


Thank you.

Sorry, Dana. No, it's OK.
It was not your week.

I feel like I've smashed it.
Week six.

Dana, you've been amazing.
Oh, thanks, pal.

I'm going to miss you so much.

I'm just kind of thinking of all
the fun that I've had throughout

the whole six weeks and that's
what I'm going to be remembering.

Oh, my God, Josh, well done.

You did so, so well,

I don't even know what to say.
It's incredible.

Yeah. I can't wait to tell my mum.

Well done, pal. You deserve that.

You've been knocking on
the door for it. Crazy.

Well done, pal. Well done.

I've got some news to
share with you. Yeah?

I'm Star Baker for this week.


Oh, thank you so much.

Through, yeah.

Probably a little bit by the
skin of the teeth... but through.


And now I'm going to have to ask
for annual leave from my manager.

That's my worry!

Tomorrow morning, email,
"Charlotte, I want more time off."

Charlotte will climb walls!

Next time, it's dessert week...

I'm pooing myself. ..and the bakers
face a wobbly Signature Bake...

It's jiggly. She's jiggly.

...the sloppiest technical
the tent has ever seen...

My gosh, they can't eat this.
They're going to get ill.

...and it's bombs away
in the Showstopper.

It lives up to its name of a b*mb.

Who will be the queen
or the king of puddings?

That is a proper dessert inside.

And who will get
their just deserts?

Oh, my gosh, what have I done?

This is a car crash!