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13x05 - Dessert Week

Posted: 04/20/24 19:58
by bunniefuu
Dessert week. I love a dessert.
What's your favourite dessert?

My favourite dessert
would have to be syllabub.

Oh, I love syllabub.
You know who invented syllabub?

Was it Syllabub Geldof?
It was Syllabub Marley.

Oh. Oh, boys.

Do stop being so syllabub.

Welcome to the
Great British Syllabub!

Prue nailed that.
Yeah. You're a real Prue-fessional.

Last time...

We travel led to Mexico.

While Maxy marked her second
Star Baker...

Maxy. Yeah!

...Carole courted chaos.
Oh, dear. Oh, look at that.

But in the end, it was double

You got chilli in there?

For Rebs.
Filling is too much!

And James.

Oh, I think I went wrong
across the board.

This week...
Ew, that's terrible.

...we indulge in desserts.

You know desserts
backwards is stressed.

And I am.

With a steamy signature.

Right, come on.

A timeless technical.

This is where experience
in baking comes in.

And a spectacular Show Stopper.

That is one of the best
mirror glazes I've ever seen.

But who will get their just

Oh! It's moved!

Halfway through pudding week,
exciting week.

I'm ready to see what everyone's
going to put in their puddings.

Now it's only eight bakers left.

I think the judges are going
to be more critical.

I think they've got faith
in me, which is nice.

I've got a handshake.

I've got two Star Bakers.

Hopefully be up there again.

Just try to do everything
on time and have a finished product.

That's all!

Hello, bakers, welcome back
to the tent.

It's dessert week and for your
signature challenge,

these two scallywags would love
you to make eight

individuals tea med puddings.

Good idea. I always steam a
pudding before I wear it to get

the creases out.

They can be any style or flavour
you like, but must be steamed

to perfection.

They must also taste incredi-bubble
and should be served

with an accompaniment
of your choice.

You have two hours.
On your marks...

...get set...

I do feel the pressure.
Honestly, there's a lot to do.

This is my steamer.

Some people are getting
their big steamers out.


A lot Asian house
like steamed pudding.

Steamed pudding. It's a classic.

A Christmas pudding,
it's a steamed pudding.

So we are known in the UK
for producing some

of the best steamed puddings.

I'd love to see a really good
old-fashioned treacle sponge,

but I'd also like to see
sponges I've never

had before with completely different
flavours or fruit inside.

Giving it that Sandro flair.

Let's forget about school dinners
with the steamed sponge.

The beauty of steam puddings
is the moisture.

So the last thing we want to see
in a steam pudding is a dry sponge.

The bakers must get good timing
for their steaming right.

They're not going to be able
to test them halfway through.

And they don't want when they open
them up to find that they We raw.

Morning, Mum. Er, Dawn!
Oh, yes, thank you.

You do remind me a little bit
of my mum.

I'm not that much older than you.

No, I'm just saying you remind me
a little bit of my mum.

Dawn, tell us about your steam

Well, I'm having caramel,
orange and apple.

They're very traditional.

Dawn's traditional steamed puddings
feature an orange sponge

and caramelised apples.

They'll be decorated with candied
peel and served with creme anglaise.

Absolutely lovely.
I love orange and apple.

You can't go wrong.
Good luck, Mum!


I've met his mum.
Paul's mum is very cool, actually.

Is she?
Yeah, I'm really cool.

There you go, you see?
You relax, Dawn.

I remind him of his great gran.
I never said that.

I said great, great, great...

...great grandmother.
That's really unkind.

Dawn might fancy oranges
and apples, but Sandro

has his own apple flavour combo.

I am making apple and cherry crumble
puddings with a bit of booze

because it wouldn't be me
without it.

He's using his apples to make
apple and cherry

crumble steamed puddings.

He hopes the boozy drizzle
pleases Prue and the glitzy

decoration impresses Paul.

I would love to get a handshake.
Can you trick him into a handshake?

Something in your hand.

Let me get it for you.
Where? Here?

There you go.

That's a good idea, isn't it?

Sandro might be going for glory,
but for Carole...

Oh, I've burnt 'em.
Flippin' 'ell.

...Dessert Week might
already be going up in smoke.

Morning, Carole.
Morning. Morning, Carole.

Oh, I might have to start again.

You burnt your plums?
I burnt me plums, yeah.

Not a good start.

If Carole does manage to prepare
her plums to perfection, her steamed

puddings will feature
a plum compote,

caramelised plums and cream.

What cream?
Chinchilli. Chinchilli!

Chinchilli. Chantilly!

No, no, no. Keep it chinchilli.
I've got my own words.

I want to see good things
from you this week, Carole.

No mess-ups.
No, I know.

I've just messed up. That's
your messing up for the clay.

From now on, perfection. Yeah. OK.

I've creamed my butter and sugar

I need to make it fluffier.

Light, airy.

Most of the bakers are
aiming for a light

and fluffy steamed sponge.

It's better lighter.

It's just nice.

But a soft texture isn't for Kevin.

He's decided to go off-piste.

This is dense.

We're looking for the texture
of a fruit cake, really.

So I feel like this recipe

is difficult to
compare with everyone else's

because everyone
else is doing a sponge.

Kevin's paying homage to
his Scottish heritage with clootie

dumplings, a hearty fruit dessert
typically boiled, not steamed.

In a nod to the clootie
dumplings' ancient roots,

they'll be minimally decorated
and hand-moulded in a cloth.

This whole recipe is just exploring
my heritage a bit.

I hope to start a bit of a revival
of the humble clootie clumpling.

Kevin might be sticking
to tradition, but true to form,

Syabira is trailblazing
something completely new.

The pudding is watermelon flavour.

It's going to do exactly
like a watermelon.

It's actually quite unique I think.

Her novel watermelon
puddings will crack open

in the steam to reveal the internal
colours and seeds.

They'll be
paired with taro ice cream,

a sweet tasting Asian vegetable,

which should complement the equally
subtle watermelon flavour.

not the strongest flavour.

Are you using an extract?

I'm using watermelon
essence in my steam pudding

to give a bit more boost
of the taste.

So I hope it's right.

Well, it's certainly original.

I've never had taro ice cream.
It sounds amazing.

Thank you.
Good luck. Thank you.

OK. Sorted out the plums.

Once the batter is added to
the moulds...

All right. Come on, man.

...steaming can commence.

This steamer will crack
the pudding open

to reveal
what's inside of the watermelon.

Whether they're using a fancy
steamer, a simple saucepan,

or steaming in the oven...

Oh, it's getting hot in here.

...the bakers must ensure the water
is boiling hot.

This will create the steam - so,
without boiling hot water,

there's no steaming going on.

But while most are feeling the heat,
Carole's hot water tap is looking

a little lukewarm.

So just put water in there.

Usually I'd do it in the kettle.

And that isn't really boiling.


I just hope it's enough.

Bakers, you are halfway through.

Oh, I wanted to do that.
I know, but you've gone a bit shy,

haven't you? Yeah.

With puddings steaming...

They're going in for 55 minutes.

...the bakers crack
on with their accompaniments.

It's a coconut base.

It has a lot of sugar in it.


So I've decided to make
a pina colada flavoured pudding.

So it's going to be a coconut creme
anglaise decorated with an umbrella.

Janusz's pina colada puddings
feature coconut sponges, caramelised

pineapples and pipettes
of coconut rum.

Whenever me and Paul are out
drinking, he always buys me...

...a pina colada.
We always have a pina colada.

I'm going to save one for you.

If Paul buys us a pina colada,
we know it's going to get messy.

I've had a pina colada on most
continents, actually.

Everybody loves a pina colada.

Look forward to this one.
Thank you. Thank you.

If you pull this off, it's going to
be like a Wham! Video in here.

Whilejanusz has chosen a cocktail,
Maxy has nabbed some nuts.

I'm making candied
pecans to go on top.

Thought it would be nice to have

something different, and I've never
actually made them.

I'm just hoping for the best,

Her candied pecans will top

date-laden sticky toffee puddings.

She hopes her elaborate decoration

will earn her Star Baker

for the third time.

Maxy, you must be thinking,

"I can just keep going
in this competition."

Well, I hope so.

And you've got two Star Bakers
and a handshake.

Yeah. You can retire now.

I know, honestly.
You've already won.

Abdul is hot on Maxy's heels
with his own intricate topping.

I'm trying to really up
my decorative skills.

We have figs, white chocolate,
some rose petals and pistachios,

all quite common in the Middle East.

Abdul is making a fig and date
steamed pudding.

Not only is he topping with
chocolate dipped figs, he's also

making mini isomalt sugar

Just making some isomalt now.

Everything is under control,
which is weird.

I mean, the steam
pudding's almost done, actually.

But Carole's concerned her
puddings are far from done.

How's it all going?
Not too good. Not the best.

Don't think my water in my
steam bath was hot enough.

You know desserts backwards
is stressed. And I am.

Oh, clear.

Will you often do that?
Yeah, like a horse.

I can't do it now.
Blah, blah, blah, blah!

OK. I used to be shy.

You've got to break through
that barrier.

We've talked about this.

We've been in training
for nine months now.

Go. This is your moment.

Bakers, you've got 15 minutes!

I think you pretty much
got over that shyness.

Whatever happens,
they're coming out.

Right, finally.

You know what's so scary, though?

Once you take them out
and you turn it over,

there's no going back.

Most of the puddings have been
steaming under tin foil.

The bakers will only know
if they're cooked

when they're removed
from the moulds.

I hate this bit.

I really hate it.

Let's see how it turns out.


It's supposed to be split
out, so it's fine.

Let's see.

So far, so good.

I think they're OK.
Yeah. Great.

Whilst most of the bakers
can breathe a sigh of relief...


...for Carole...

Right, here we go.

...the proof is still in the pudding.

Please stay together.


I'm a little bit worried
they might go splodge.

Said no more mistakes.

Let's have a look.

Oh, no!

It's collapsed.

No, no, no.

How stressful is this one?

Yeah. He's... See?

Not cooked.

It is what it is.

Eight collapsed puddings.

What a disaster.

Bakers, you have five minutes left.

Speedy Gonzalez.

We don't have a lot of time.

Got cream dripping down the side.

Ugh! Oh, this is bad!

Just sticky toffee sauce.

Let's see how it looks.


Pour in custard. Flowers.

Nearly there.
You're the steam queen, right?



What do I do with this pickle, then?

Plonked candied peel on top.

Taro ice cream.

The golden boy.
I add gold to everything.

Might be a bit messy.


This is a horrible one.

Bakers, your time is up!

That's it.


They're not very pretty puddings.

They're just humble
clootie dumplings.

They're beautiful to me.


I like that.
What the hell?

How did you manage that, Carole?

I can't guarantee they will
like the flavour.

No more mistakes, he said.

Well, this is one.

Flippin' 'ell.

The bakers' steamed puddings will

now face the judgment
of Paul and Prue.

Hello, Syabira.
Hi, Syabira.

Well, the design is amazing.

I love the way you've coloured
it so that when it does split,

you get that watermelon inside.

Ancl I like the seeds as well.
They do look incredible.

You are one clever baker.

Thank you.

I have lychee custard.

Ice cream. cream.


Look at that.

That ice cream is really fragrant.

I never had anything like that.

Thank you.

The watermelon essence in the
pudding is just too much for me.


It tastes a bit fake. Mm.

You've over k*lled it
with the essence.

I'll say that with a heavy heart.

Yeah... I agree.
I did put too much today.

Decorated well.

They certainly look Middle Eastern
and very, very pretty.

They have date and fig in them,
and saffron pouring custard.

Saffron and the caramel sauce
works beautifully well

and the fig and date,
again, works lovely.

It's moist and delicious
and it's light as anything.

Thank you. Thank you.

Obviously the cream's melted,

because it is quite warm
in the tent today,

but good height to them.

I made my version
of sticky toffee pudding.

We've got pecans and dates.

It's moist but really sticky.

That is the perfect
sticky toffee texture.

There's just enough nuts
to balance in there.

Ultimately, it's a great eat,
well clone. Thank you. Thank you.

They're a little uneven looking.

Some of them seem
to have more topping than others.

What's in this? Orange and apple.

Apple is nice and tart.
Ancl the orange works beautifully

as well with it. Yeah, well clone.

So what is the booze?

That's coconut rum.

There you go.
Try it with the rum.

You've probably ruined it now.

No, you haven't!

It has caramelised pineapple
with coconut sponge.

That coconut sponge,
it's a bit like tanning lotion.

Explain that.

Well, tanning lotion, I always
associate with some of

the tanning lotion I use - a bit of
a coconut smell. Oh, I see.

It's like being on holiday
when you walk down the beach.

You've got a coconut sponge
that's very sweet.

I just think it's slightly overkill.

These are clootie dumplings.

So they're made with fruit
soaked in whisky.

They're all misshapen.
So it looks messy. Yeah.

I love the flavour.

I just think it would
be much better lighter.

It's dried out.
It's just too stodgy for me.

It's too dense. Far too dense.
It's the wrong recipe for this.


I know you said no more disasters,
but I think I've done

this one in style.

I don't think my water and
my steam bath was hot enough.

I'm going to be kind and pick one
that's actually semi-done. Yeah.

It's stem ginger with plum.

It does taste delicious.

The sharpness from the plums
really works as well.

It's just that the pudding
didn't get cooked.

It's heartbreaking, really.

Thank you. Thank you.
Thanks, Carole.

They look quite sweet -
glitzy on the top.

They look very tempting.

I made apple and cherry
crumble puddings.

There's a bit of liqueur in there.
That looks like good sponge.

The cherry and the apple and
actually with the custard as well,

that blend of the spices works
beautifully well together. Thanks.

The crumble is perfect.
The custard is perfect.

I think the cherry liqueur
is perfect.

I think you've clone a good job.
Yeah, well clone. Thank you.

Super pleased with the feedback
I've got.

Felt like the handshake
was almost gonna...

Never mind. Next time.

I agree that it was too dry,
so I kind of saw it coming.

Very mixed feelings.

Just a tad bit too much
of watermelon essence,

that brings me...
It's fine.

I hate technicals. I really do.

Ancl the pressure is on.

While the bakers could
practise their signature bake,

the technical challenge
is a mystery.

Hello, bakers.
Welcome back to the tent.

It's time for your technical
challenge, which this week

has been set for you by Prue.

Prue, any words of wisdom or advice?

This is my favourite pud, so please
read the recipe very carefully.

As ever, this task
is judged blind.

So we ask Paul and Prue
to leave the tent.

They are actually heading off
to Pasha in Ibiza,

where they have a residency.

Dj Sweet Bread and MC Crusty Baps.

Paul's MC Crusty Baps, obviously.

For your technical challenge,
Prue would like you each

to make a lemon meringue pie.

You have two hours.
On your marks...

Get set...
Oh, go on, then, bake!

Have you seen the method, guys?

Oh, my God.

Come on.

There isn't any instruction.

No wonder she said
read the recipe carefully.

It just says,
"Make a lemon meringue pie."

The recipes before
were, like, decent.

This is like, what's the point?

Never made one before.

Don't know how I'm going
to survive this.

So, Prue.

So you've asked them to make a lemon
meringue pie, without a method?

Well, there's the pastry shells,
the lemon filling,

and there's the meringue.

I'm quite sure they can do
all three.

Why do they need a recipe?

Where do you think
they'll go wrong?

If they don't blind bake,
they'll be in trouble,

get a soggy bottom,
and if there are any cracks in it,

when they pour that filling in,
it's going to run straight out.

What you want is a crisp meringue,
but a soft sort of marshmallowy

but cooked middle, and the lemon
filling is just soft but firm.

The sharpness from the filling with
the sweetness in the meringue.

It's perfect.
This is a classic bake.

I really do expect the bakers
to all do well with it.

I totally agree.

I'm starting with the pastry,
it's a shortcrust pastry.

One egg, beaten. OK.

Don't handle it too much
because it will go too tough.

I've always clone my shortcrust
in the kitchen.

Ancl I just know when to stop.

Sweet shortcrust is sturdy,
isn't it?

It is pretty sturdy, yes.
You need to make sure

you don't roll it too cold,
because then it breaks.

That's what I'm talking about -
this guy knows.

He knows his baking!
Good luck.

Thank you.

Syabira, are you a fan
of lemon meringue pie?

I'm not really a huge fan
of the lemon meringue.

Well, make something else.

He's going to have seven
lemon meringue pies to try.

Maybe sweetcorn pie.
Sweetcorn pie, yeah.

So I've brought my pastry together.

I'm going to let it rest
to let the gluten relax.


Lemon filling.

So that's five lemons, cornflour,
orange juice,

caster sugar and egg yolks.

It resembles a curd, basically.

Put everything in a saucepan.
Keep whisking it.

I think everybody cooking their...

Yep. I'm going to follow.

This is just beginning
to really thicken quickly.

I hope it's enough, because if
it isn't enough, I'm in trouble.

Dawn, you must know
about lemon meringue.

I have made quite a few.
You've made a few, right?

They're the sort of thing
that I'd do on a Sunday lunchtime.

This is where experience
in baking comes in.

Right. It's great dough,
pretty straightforward to make.

I want the pastry to be sort of
even in thickness throughout.

If it's too thin, it could crack.

It has to be properly inserted.


I will blind bake it
for around 15 minutes.

Blind baking,

it sort of pre-bakes the bottom
so you don't have a soggy bottom.

I've always got a soggy bottom,
I have.

Oh, people are blind baking.

I don't know if this is
correct way to do.

I'm going to do the same.

Syabira might be worried

about her first-ever
lemon meringue pie... Ooh!

...but Sandro... That's good.
..Is hopeful his will get him a win.

You know what?
If I was to get Star Baker,

that would mean the world to me,
because it's like

proper validation, that.

Bakers, you are halfway through.

You want to see me juggle?
It's pretty powerful.

So I'm just making
a French meringue.

So you whip your egg whites

and then start adding sugar
bit by bit.

Hey! You did it.

I did it for a minute.

All right. There you go.

Let's see what we can do.

It's not as neat as
I'd like it to be, but it's fine.

Now I've blind baked it,
I'll bake it a bit more.

If it's under baked,
it will just stay gloopy.

It will not be crusty,
you know, nice.

I don't want to risk to overcook
the base.

I think it should be
partially cooked.

Just 45 minutes remain.

It looks cooked
and it's started to brown.

With bases baked,
or partially baked... can commence.

Oh, my God.
There's nowhere near enough filling.

I'm absolutely heartbroken
about this.

I'm just going to have to go
with it.

The next question is how to pipe it?

Make it look pretty.
Gonna be creative.

Just in case something's gone wrong,
at least it looks good.

I'm going in now.

I don't know how long for.
How long do they bake for?

How long?
Hopefully, half an hour,

so we go crunchy on top
and gooey inside.

Oh, it's going to be awful.

I've got about that much
filling, if I'm lucky.

I feel really bad because
it's a dish that my friends...

I have to make it for them

cos they reckon it is
off-the-scale good.

Well... And this isn't
off the scale good.

It's probably a lot better than
you're giving yourself credit for.

I don't think so.

I'm just staring at it!

She's not very interesting though.
She doesn't say much.

Quite dull and boring.

I ain't getting on the floor looking
at it cos I won't get up again.

I'd be like Bambi on ice.

Bakers, you have ten minutes left.


Five, four, three, two, one.

OK, it's going to have to come out.

It's a bit rough and ready.

My first meringue pie ever.

Oh, no.

Oh, man. Cracks.

My gloves caused it to, like,
pop out.

The really, really fun bit

is actually getting it out
without destroying it.

Thank you!

Ooh! That doesn't look cooked.

I think I actually under baked
the first bit.

If I go back in, increase it to 180
degrees, I might take the chance.

Bakers, you've got one minute left.


Maxy, would you hold my plate?

This is nerve-racking.


Yeah, there we are.

Dearie me.

I don't think mine is cooked.

Bakers, your time is up.


It's ridiculous.

I make this probably every week,
and I completely stuffed it up.

Oh, no, Dawn!

Please bring your lemon meringue
pies to the front

and place them behind
your photograph.

It's definitely not cooked,
at all.

Paul and Prue are expecting
eight perfect lemon meringue pies

with crisp pastry and a silky
filling topped with billowing

golden meringue peaks.

But they have no idea
whose is whose.

You can see none of you needed
a recipe, did you?

Start with this one. Looks neat.

The pastry is a nice colour and
there's no leaking that I can see.

That base is a bit soggy,
but it's tart,

and actually, the meringue
is not bad. No.

Good. OK. Right, next one.

Looks as if the base cracked
as it came out,

but it's not leaking.

Holds well, it's got a great base
on it.

That looks really luscious,
the lemon, it's not too thick.

It's just holding.

It's very tart as well.
Just a pity about the crack.

This is a mess.

The pastry shell is all over
the place. That's falling apart.

Doesn't look as if there's
enough filling there.

No, there isn't.
Where is the filling?

It's tart enough, but there's
not enough filling

and the pastry shell is not good.

Shell's quite good.

I quite like this -
mad waves on top. Yeah.

Ancl the crust looks properly baked.

Wow. That's a nice, proper...
Billowy meringue.

Very good.

That is a really good
lemon meringue pie. Yeah, it's nice.

Moving on.
That shell's a mess.

It's just not neat.
It's cracked all the way around.

The meringue looks quite nice. Yes.

But it's a bit soggy.

Well, this is quite novel.
Interesting, yeah.

This has been piped.
But look at the base -

holes all over the place.
Yeah. It's falling apart.

I like the meringue, though.

This is too thick on the walls.
Look how thick that is.

Quite clumsy.

It's quite soggy underneath.
Not enough blind baking.

Raw. It is.

It's tart enough,
but the base is a problem with that.

Moving on to the last one.

It's like a patchwork quilt,
and the meringue isn't as high

as it should be. But it's got
a lovely crisp bottom,

which means it's had a proper
blind baking.

That's nice. That tastes good.

The textures are all right.

Prue and Paul will now rank
the lemon meringue pies

from worst to best.

In eighth, we have this one.
Whose is this?

Too thick and too raw.

In seventh place,
we have this one.

Dawn? The filling was
a little narrow.

In sixth, we have this one.

Pastry all over the place,
broken up.

Kevin takes fifth place,
Sandro fourth and Maxy third.

Second, we have...

...this one. Whose is this?

Abdul? Pretty good, actually,
just a little bit broken up.

Which means, janusz -

this was a perfect
lemon meringue pie.

Thank you.

The method was, "Make the pie."

So I was like,
I'm going to make the pie.

Made the pie, won the pie. Great!

Dessert week is not going
too well.

Sixth in the technical,
but I wasn't last,

so it was one thing.

Nightmare come true.

Note to myself next time,
even if you don't like it,

just eat all of the British
very traditional classic dessert.

I am absolutely "beep" fuming.

I've made about 500, I reckon,
in my life,

so I'm just mad with myself.

It's quite exciting coming
into this Show Stopper.

I think it's split between two
camps at the moment.

Abdul, Sandro, janusz and Maxy.

All four of them are in line
for Star Baker, and I think the rest

of the guys are sitting
down at the bottom.

Carole's in trouble. Mm-hm.

I thought, the Signature, she didn't
do very well at all.

I think Dawn's down there and Kevin.

Including Syabira, weirdly.

But you know what? On her day,
she can be a bit of a genius.

Her technical was such a pity,
because she is such a good baker.

It's going to be tricky,
this Show Stopper today.

It's a difficult one, and I'm not
sure that the bottom bakers have got

the skills to be able to produce
something that good.

Surely that's your fault
for setting this challenge.

No, no, it's not our fault.

Bakers, welcome back to the tent
for your Show Stopper Challenge.

The judges would like you to make
a visually spectacular mousse-based

dessert with a surprise inside.

Any surprise you like.

Could be Quentin Tarantino's
pencil sharpener.

Ooh, crunchy.

Your Show Stopper must have at
least three further dessert elements.

One of which, weirdly,
for this show, must be baked.

You have 4.5 hours.

On your marks...
..get set...


Let's do it.

I'm feeling nervous about
this challenge.

I hope this time they will like it.

Our Show Stopper Challenge
is mousse cake.

The bakers have got to produce
what essentially is...


We want to see the layers,
and it's got to have that hidden

surprise smack bang in the middle.

Making my surprise.

The most difficult part
is the surprise, because you want

that surprise to be seen
in every slice.

I'm using gelatine, which helps
set a mousse.

More gelatine!

It's like a gelatine fest.

This is all about the use
of gelatine, because in and around

that surprise, it's got
to be stable.

Gelatine is my enemy.

They must be careful
because too much gelatine, instead

of getting something light and airy,
they'll get something that's

rubbery and unpleasant.

Hi, Carole. Carole, tell us about
your mousse dessert.

I'm going to make a strawberry

Ancl through the middle
will be a red velvet strawberry.


Carole's making red and green
velvet sponges

to form her strawberry surprise.

They'll be encased in strawberry
and chocolate mousses.

How much gelatine are you going to
go through?

I've got about 30 leaves
all together.

I don't want this to go splodge.

But also don't want it to fall
on the floor and hit the ceiling.

Bounce. Like a football. Good luck.

Thank you.

Working with gelatine
is a dangerous business.

You need to find the right balance
between it being not rubbery,

but set hard enough.

A large portion of gelatine
will help the layers

of creamy mousse set...

We're getting somewhere.

...but it runs the risk of making
the mousse dense and inedible.

Ancl one baker who won't be
compromising on texture is Syabira.

I need to be careful with the amount
of gelatine, because I want

it to be nice and smooth
when you bite into it.

It gives you a very pleasurable,
tingling feeling.

It's a buzzing bee's mousse cake.

Syabira is using the subtle melon
flavour for the second time

in Dessert Week, though today
she's avoiding artificial essence

for a more natural taste.

The top features jelly and a biscuit

Inside, there's a surprise of sponge
bees and plus signs.

I made a very silly joke
like "What is the bee's blood type?"

It's a bee positive.

While Syabira's planning a hidden

Kevin is determined to bury his

My bake is about my dogs digging
up the garden and the shape

inside is going to be the bone
that she's digging for.

Kevin's garden will be made
from creme mousseline,

banana mousse and chocolate mousse.

Buried beneath a butter cream
lawn will be a sponge bone.

So there's going to be bones
inside a cake.

But when I practise at home,
I didn't have a dog bone cutter.

Sol had to use a gingerbread man
and it just looked like a dead body

buried in the garden.

Let's bake. Colour, here we come.

Most of the bakers are making their
surprise element out of sponge.

This takes about 20 minutes
and then leave them to cool.

Hopefully I'll get it clone in time.

Fingers crossed for this one.

But if baking wasn't time consuming

Now we're going to make
a mess with lemon jelly.

...Dawn's making her surprise out of

which takes even longer to prepare.

The mould, it's got a flower

so I'm now going to fill these.

As long as they set,
I'll be all right.

Dawn's going to create a woodland
mousse dessert featuring two

ambitious set surprises -
a raspberry mousse toadstool,

and her lemon jelly flowers.

Obviously, yesterday I had problems,

so it's lemon redemption, jelly, OK?

With added basil.

Let's just hope it's not
a touch of Basil Fawlty.

Dawn's not the only baker
gambling on a set surprise.

Right. But if Sandro is to succeed,

he's going to have to conquer
the world.

I am doing the entire planet
with this panna cotta jelly.

It's basically going to be Earth's

I'm hoping to create something

No pressure.

In order to create planet Earth,

he must make a sponge panna cotta
and jelly core,

set a thick coating of white
chocolate mousse,

and shape the entire structure
into a perfect sphere.

This is structurally quite
difficult to do.

Yeah, the white chocolate mousse
is the majority of the dessert.

So I've got quite a challenge
ahead of me, but I'll put them in

two of these. It should set.

Come on globe. Look forward
to it. Good luck. Thank you.

Good luck, Sandro. Thank you.

I have to say, I don't have a huge
amount of confidence in this.

It looks too complicated,
but you do usually pull it off.

We'll see!

Sandro's not the only baker
sh**ting for the stars.

So I'm basically making
a little galaxy.

I'm a huge fan of space, planets,
just trying to understand what's

happening and it is just stunning
what's out there.

Abdul's galaxy features white
chocolate spheres,

and a celestial mirror glaze.

Inside, cake pop planets will be
suspended in layers of almond

crunch, blackberry mousse
and yuzu curd.

Abdul, you doing some space

I'm doing some space business,

Is he doing some space business?

He's doing an Earth apparently.
No competition though, right?

No. No competition, no.


When it comes to the competition
for the best sponge,

Carole's concerned she might
be sitting in last place.

Those little patches are under baked.

We don't want under baked
little patches.

I'm going to put this back
in the oven.

Janusz, though, is celebrating
all things cake.

I am quite confident today,
because what is the best thing

to hide in a cake than a cupcake?

Janusz's Rainbow Surprise
Cupcake features white and red

whipped cream to represent
icing and cherry.

He'll be surrounded by chocolate
mousse and chocolate sponge.

Can I try? Go for it.

Just the chocolate sponge.

I'm a little scavenger.

Very good. You can say
this to Paul now.

Paul Hollywood, right?

I know it's chocolate,
but it's a bit chocolaty for me.

I would have put less chocolate

but more chocolate.

So I can see that we've got
the next judge brewing here.

Oh, yeah. Yeah.

Oh, I'd love to.

Oh! Yes.

It's judgment time for Sandro.

He's about to find out if his jelly
gamble has paid off.

Got the weight of the world on me.

It's coming off the moulds.


It's definitely set.

But Dawn's jelly flowers...

No. That one's fallen apart.

...are a little wobbly.

Can't see the design.

I'm just going to say
they're very abstract flowers.

That's such a shame.

It's terrible. I hate it.

Bakers, you are halfway through!


Hey, Matt, not only is Sandro
a great baker... Hmm?

...but sometimes he shrinks himself
down and lives in my ear.

Don't be ridiculous.

Check this out.

I stand corrected.

At least my custard set.

Once each layer is set, the next
can be inserted and more surprise

elements hidden inside.


Here we go.

From strawberries... bees... to bones,

the sponge surprises are beginning
to come together.

It seems fine. There's just so much

It's quite a firm structure.

But a stable sponge isn't for Dawn.

Having failed to set her flower

she's now undertaking a second set

My mousse toadstool.

I just hope I can get it to hold

It's really a massive risk.

In order to complete planet Earth,

Sandro also has a mammoth
amount of mousse.

I'm really worried about how
the mousse will set.

I'm going to hope
that it gets solid.

Fingers crossed!

There might be pressure at
the centre of the Earth,

but Maxy is bringing the sunshine.

My Swiss roll.
It's meant to be the sun.

That's my surprise.

And it reminds me of summertime.

I hope it looks good.

She's making a sunset
surprise mousse cake.

Her Swiss roll sun will glow
amidst lemon curd,

and vanilla and strawberry mousses.

But this challenge is the first time
Maxy has ever made mousse.

I'm not a big mousse maker,
so I'm a little bit nervous today.

Oh, no, she's nervous.

Yes, I am.

But I'm hoping it works out.

Yes, you'll be all right.

Good luck. Sounds great.
Thank you so much.

It does sound delicious,
I must say. Thank you.

Bakers, you have one hour left.

We'll see if it's set.

OK, I'm just working on
my yuzu curd.

While most of the bakers
are building their final layers...

Quick blue butter cream. Let's see.




Syabira's jelly topping is yet to be
added to her cake.

My jelly has a biscuit bee.

Her decorative biscuit bee must be
embedded within the jelly,

but its intricate body
is prone to tear.

Come on.

Oh, no.

It's broken.

It's very scary, actually.

The more time Syabira spends
fixing her bee, the less time

the liquid jelly will have to set
on her cake.

It's a jigsaw.

Kevin, can I borrow your scissor?

Aye, go for it.

I made a lot of mistakes,
but I would expect this happened

because it's very delicate.


It's done. Finally, I'm going to put
a jelly on top.

But Syabira's worries
aren't over just yet.

I have to be careful, because when
I pop it in the freezer,

it might break.

It's moved.



While Syabira's facing a bee
in bits,

Kevin's struggling with his
decorative dog.

Ca role!

You're good at fondant.

How do I get these wee eyes to
stick on?

Put the ball in and then flatten
it out. Oh, OK.

That was a warm moment. Yeah.

She's trying to sabotage you.
You know that, don't you?

Come on.


Nearly there.

It is very fiddly.

I don't know why I put myself
through this one.

I was worried.

If the jelly doesn't set in time.


An unset mousse cake is
at the forefront of everyone's mind.

It needs more.
Three minutes and I...

...see if I will take it out.
It's nerve-racking, honestly.

It's like, if you get
it wrong, that's it.

I hope it doesn't collapse.

If it collapses, then I just
basically curl up in a ball

in the corner and give them
a tray of...


My tiny baking children,
you have half an hour remaining.

Half an hour!

I'm so nervous now.

OK, done. Enough, enough.
Let's do it.

Once the moulds are removed,
any unset mousses will leak...

Oh, boy.

...and ruin the appearance
of the cakes.

So far, so good.

It needs to be so solid.

It is.


But even if they appear to look good
on the outside...

It's held fine.

Very happy. The jelly set.

...the cake still might be a gloopy

when the judges cut a slice.

My mousse is all right.

But I'm just going to check inside.

And Dawn can't resist
having a sneaky peek

at her toadstool mousse surprise.

I really need this to work.

Oh, God.

ToadstooFs vanished.

There is no flower pattern.

It hasn't worked.


Excuse my French.

That is absolutely awful.

Bakers, you have 15 minutes


Right. So I'm making my Earth.

It should be OK.

I just need to decorate it.

Most of the bakers are decorating
with butter cream or icing.


But some have opted for a shiny
mirror glaze.

Gelatine. Here we go.

Ancl this means working with
gelatine once again.

OK, there's a lot of gelatine
in my mirror glaze.

You don't want to use too
less because then it's going

to just ooze out.

There's a lot that can go wrong now.

I just want more gelatine.

Oh, my God. I've got seepage.

I'm in trouble, aren't I?

Look at that.
All my lumps and my bumps.

It's not perfect.

But don't tell Paul.
No, I won't.

Rushing this.

How long left?
Five minutes remaining.

Quick. OK.

It's a bit of a mess.

It just doesn't look right.

Planets - awesome.

It's going all right!

I am stressed!

Gold. It's getting intense now.

Pretty good.

Ew, that's terrible.

I'm just mortified.

Bakers, your time is up.

It's a mousse world.

That's my own little country.

Sandro, you've outdone yourself.

We'll see.

I don't know if I've done enough
to save myself.

Some elements have been burnt.

Oh, clear.

Mine looks like a car crash.

My bag is there, ready to go.

See ya.

It's judgment time for the bakers'
surprise-inside desserts.

Abdul, would you like to bring up
your surprise-inside dessert?

That is one of the best
mirror glazes I've ever seen.

It's just beautiful.

It's like a really expensive piece
of marble.

Oh, look at that planet.

Perfect planet. That's so cool.

Look, the universe.


Blackberry mousse - lovely.

Yuzu curd - too much gelatine.

The marble effect on the top -
like rubber.

It's a shame, really.

It is. A bit too firm.

Thank you, Abdul. No worries.
Thank you. Thank you. Well done.

That's a work of art on the outside.
Isn't it fantastic?

That's wicked!

Too much gelatine.

I absolutely love the look of it.

It's so exuberant.

Thank you.

Oh, I see the sunset there.
Yeah. Perfect.

So now it just has to taste good.

The lemon curd was too gelatinous.

Oh. But the mousses, Maxy,
are absolutely beautiful.

Yeah, well clone. Thank you.

I must say, it looks just so funny.

This is the dog
that digs up the garden.

A bone!

A bone.

The cake is quite tough,
but the chocolate mousse is heaven.

Yeah. The banana mousse
tastes amazing.

Really punchy banana.

It's just got too much gelatine
in there.

It could have been
a bit more colourful.

Yeah, I agree.

Ah! Goodness. Look at that.

I think that's beautiful.

You can certainly see
the cupcake in there,

with the cherry as well on the top.

Wonderful, strong colours.

I approve, janusz.

Chocolate cake is beautiful,

and the chocolate mousse
is delicious. It's really light.

The drips, what are they?

White chocolate and cream.

Wonderful mixture of flavours.
Lovely. Thank you.

This sort of lost its way
a little bit on the top, hasn't it?

The template you've got
on the top? Yeah.

I do think it's very sweet.

Thank you.

What's the bee's blood type?

It's "bee" positive.

Oh, that's the positive!

Positive "bee".

Come on, that's genius.

I have made melon mousse
and jasmine jelly.

Textures of the mousses are perfect,

but overall, the flavours
could be a little stronger.

The melon, I cannot hunt
any flavour in that mousse.

Yesterday, you went really
overboard with the watermelon.

Ancl then today, we're going,
"Where's the flavour?"

The cake looks amazing.

Is that Sandro Island down there?

It is my island, yeah.

Wow. Look at that.

You can see the Earth's core.

Isn't that clever?

Sandro, it is absolutely

To be able to put that design

together with mousse and keep
that shape is impressive.

There is prosecco jelly with fruits,

and then it's
the white chocolate mousse.

The chocolate mousse
is mousse-like, light, perfect.

Love the core.

I love the textures.

I enjoy the flavours as well.

Well designed, well thought through.

Thank you, Sandro. Thank you.

Well done. Thanks.

It looks very '70s.

Another Fanny Cradock job.
Yeah, I think it is. Yeah.

There's nothing wrong with that.
No, there's nothing wrong with that.


Wow. Wow. That IS a strawberry.

Ancl the strawberry is red velvet?

Strawberry mousse is fantastic.

The chocolate one is too gelatinous.

Ancl also both bits
of the cake are a bit tough.


You look a bit dejected.

It doesn't look as sharp
as I wanted it to look.

So... It's gone a bit wayward.


Oh. Is that your toadstool?
Is that it there? Yeah.

The pink bit? It's lost
its shape a little bit.

That was very ambitious, to try
to do a mousse toadstool shape.

What does the jelly represent?

It's supposed to be a flower.

I wanted to leave it in,
even though it had lost its shape,

because I liked the sharpness.

The sharpness of
the jelly is delicious.

The textures are very good.

Very creamy mousse.

The lime one's got
yoghurt in it as well.

Technically, both the mousses
and the dacquoises

together are perfect. Oh, good.

However, you have no real surprise.

The surprise is there's nothing.
There's nothing. Yeah, well clone.

No-one saw that coming!

What was a delicious surprise
was the jelly.

Thanks. Well done.

Thank you. Well clone.

The feedback was
better than I thought.

I mean, they did like the flavours.

That was the only positive thing

that could have come out of that,

Have I clone enough to stay?

Hmm. I still give it 50/50.

If I gotta go, I gotta go.

I'll go and weed the garden.

Those were some good-looking
Showstoppers, weren't they?

They looked good. Yeah.

Not all of them had
quite the right texture.

I mean, for instance,
you look at Abdul's cake,

which looked amazing,
but tasted awful. Beautiful.

But then you look at Dawn's
that didn't look very good,

but tasted amazing.

Did anyone manage to get
their designs inside

and their textures right?

Sandro did well.
Sandro did. Sandro.

Yeah, I think Sandro andjanusz
were in line for Star Baker.

I think, for me,
in trouble is Carole.

The chocolate mousse,
it was just too stiff again.

She has not had a good week.

I don't know if she's clone enough
to pull herself out of the hole.

And then you look at Dawn.
Dawn's a good baker,

I just feel she's messed up
on a little things,

which has snowballed
into something that's quite big.

And you think, "Oh, she could go."

And Syabira...

For someone who's so potent
with her flavours,

she's failed us this week on her
signature and on her Showstopper.

Well, bakers, that was a tough week
and that was an epic Showstopper.

Now, there can only
be one Star Baker,

and that Star Baker is...


Well clone!

Well done, Sandro. Thank you.

That leaves me the horrible task
of announcing

the person who's leaving us.

Unfortunately, the person
who's leaving us this week is...


Oh, Carole...

Aw. That's all right.

My time to go.

Very proud of myself, cos I come
here to achieve something

as I get older.

So sorry, mate.

That's what I said - it was
between the two of us.

Even to get through
and walk through that tent,

that is an achievement in itself.

And those... those bakers,
what a great bunch of people.

I'm going to miss you so much.
I know.

Next week, I'm going to focus
more on the flavour and be brave.

I'm delighted and stunned
I'm not going home.

Well clone. And obviously
chuffed to bits for Sandro.

He's been craving Star Baker
from the get-go, I think.

Happy for you.

I mean, janusz started
so good this week,

so I really thought
he would have got it.

Ancl it's been bouncing between
him and Maxy, so I thought

that was going to continue.

But I'm going to definitely
push myself every week,

cos now I've got Star Baker,

I've got...|'ve felt...

"I've tasted it, and I love it!

Next time...


...Halloween comes early...

Did I scare you?
..With a scary signature...

It's like a cauldron. I just
don't want to ruin my make-up.

...a terrifying technical...
Too much.

Is this one on fire?

...and a spooky Showstopper...


We're struggling.

...that will leave one baker...

It's not going to hang.

...digging their own grave.

Oh, please! Oh, my God.
