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12x10 - The Final

Posted: 04/20/24 18:54
by bunniefuu
[Matt] In the beginningâ¦

Good luck in there.

â¦there were 12.

-Hello, Prue, how you doing?

[singing "Meet the Flintstones" in German]

I don't want to get emotional.

Everybody's terrified
about collapsing cakes.

-[crowd laughing]

-[Matt] Oh, no!
-[Freya] Oh, my God.

-[Matt] Nowâ¦
-[Crystelle] Breathe.

Just remember to breathe.

â¦there are three.

-[Giuseppe] There's so much to do.
-Are you taking the mick?

[Crystelle] Do not drop.

-This is not going to be pretty.
-[Crystelle gasps]

Can't do anything now, can I?

[gasps] Oh, the oven is off.

What have you done?

[opening theme music playing]

[Noel] The 2021 final is like no other.

-Are you serious?
-Yeah, absolutely.

[Noel] For the first time ever,

each of our finalists
have won two Hollywood handshakesâ¦

Oh, my God!

â¦and also been
awarded Star Baker two times.

[Noel] Giuseppe.

[Noel] It's never been this close before.

-Giuseppe, congratulations.
-[all applauding]

[Matt] From the beginning,
Giuseppe's eye for elegant precisionâ¦

That looks as neat as a pin.

â¦and consistently stunning
Italian-influenced recipesâ¦

[Paul] You'd serve that in a decent hotel.

How many stars?

Oh, a good five.

â¦marked him out for greatness.

[Giuseppe] I don't have
any special strategy for the final.

I'm trying to leave it
as a standard baking day

with no extra pressure.
As far as I can, at least.

[Noel] Crystelle has delivered
some of this year's most beautiful bakes.

It's a great-looking cake.

[Noel] And coupled
with incredible flavours

from her Goan family recipe bookâ¦

I have to tell you it was delicious.

â¦she's peaked at precisely the right time.

-That, Crystelle, is flawless.
-[Matt gasps]

[Noel] But she's the only finalist
yet to win a Technical Challenge.

[Crystelle] Maybe today's the day
I nail a Technical Challenge.

There is no room for error.

Even if it's a case of, "You've just
overbeat your batter by, like, one fold."


[Matt] Chigs is one of the least
experienced bakers to ever reach a final.

-[chuckling] Compose myself.
-[Matt] But you wouldn't know it.

[Paul] Very clever.

[Matt] Learning more
with each passing weekâ¦

They're nearly perfect.

â¦his quarter and semi-final bakes

were among the best
in this year's competition.

It's exceptional.

You've really been
on a journey, haven't you?

[Chigs] I've been an underdog
throughout this whole thing.

In my opinion, that is.

It's imperative
to have a good start today

to build that confidence
and settle the nerves a little bit.

Congratulations, bakers.

You have made it to the final
of The Great British Baking show.

Today, for your
last-ever Signature Challenge,

Paul and Prue would love you to make
an exquisitely decorated carrot cake.

Your sponge should consist
of complementary flavours and textures

in the form of fillings and decorations.

Remember, it's not just Paul and Prue
you're trying to impress,

Bugs Bunny is going to
swing in later to be a guest judge.

He's on the way here now,
he's getting a lift from Yosemite Sam.

And there'll be all manner
of animated antics and hilarious mayhem.

You have two hours, 15 minutes,

[imitates Porky Pig]
and that's all, folks.

-[Matt] On your marks.
-[sing-song] Get set.


I've got an enormous amount
of things to squish with in two hours.

I'm not thinking too much
about it being the final,

because I'll freak myself out.

I'm not a big fan of carrot cake,
but what can go wrong?

Anybody would think
a carrot cake is so simple and easy,

but we want something
really special and different.

We're looking for inventiveness.
We want carrot to be the hero,

but we want to see
other highly decorated elements

being added to it as well.

[Prue] Two and a quarter hours,
sounds a lot of time,

but the thing is, you cannot put
cream cheese frosting onto a warm cake.

Because the whole thing
would just slide and melt.

And it'll look a mess.

-[Paul] Morning, Giuseppe!


What are you going to be doing?

I'll be giving a Mediterranean-Italian
twist, for a change.

[all chuckle]

The key element
is going to be a fig jam with walnuts.


[Noel] Giuseppe's fig and walnut jam

will fill an orange zest-infused
carrot cake

decorated with a light
orange cream cheese icing,

candied walnuts and fresh figs.

[Paul] I love the idea of the figs.

That's going to be a nice hit on top
of a traditional carrot cake.

I like the idea of being
able to do all of this in two hours,

'cause there are a lot of baked elements
and I'll have to be very quick.

[Matt] Whilst Giuseppe is giving
his carrot cake a Mediterranean feel,

Crystelle is heading
a little further east.

[Crystelle] This is fresh cardamom.

You should get a hint of orange
from the orange curd,

then you taste the pistachio
and finally some cardamom on your tongue.

[Matt] Crystelle's richly spiced sponges

will form a towering
four-layered carrot cake

decorated with a pistachio
and mascarpone icing.

It's only carrot cake,
what could go wrong?

-What could go wrong?
-Stop it.

-Because when you say thatâ¦
-This what you make when you're six.

-Carrot cake.

-Lots of kids hate carrot cake.

"Do you want chocolate or carrot cake?"

-Yeah. True.
-No kid says carrot cake.

If my kid says carrot cake,
I'll push them into a ditch.

-Stop it.
-[Noel] Chocolate.

You can't say that about your kids.

They won't say it. They're cool.
"I want chocolate, double chocolate."

"I want all the stuff
I'm not allowed to have."

-Fair enough.
-No children go,

"I'd quite like loganberry
and carrot, please."

[both laugh]

[Noel] With Crystelle and Giuseppe
attempting to add their own twist

to the classic carrot cake,

Chigs is also trying something new.

This is the second time
I'm making carrot cake.

[Noel] For his first-ever
carrot cake recipe,

Chigs is adding
a star anise-infused pineapple jam

and will decorate with yet another first.

I saw something on YouTube

on how to make these look like
really tiny, itty-bitty carrots.

How much carrots
have got in the actual batter?

Nine-hundred grams.

-In the batter?
-In the batter.

-That's a lot.
-It's a lot.

-I want its flavour to come through.

Four-forty grams.

[Matt] The sooner they begin baking,
the longer the finalists will have

to cool their carrot cakes
before decorating.

[Crystelle] Because I've got four layers,

I want to make sure
that each layer is the same.

[Matt] Whilst Crystelle and Chigs
are hoping to speed up the cooling process

by baking individual sponges,

with his final Signature,
Giuseppe is taking a huge gamble.

He plans to bake one large cake
and then slice it into three layers.

[Giuseppe] I'm using
a heating rod in the centre

and a cake belt around it,
to h*m* the heat across the cake.

These are going to go in now.

-I'll do 23 minutes first.
-[timer beeping]

I'll check it at 30 minutes.
It might need an extra 10 minutes after.

[timer beeping]

[Crystelle laughing]

I'm there. Done.

One hour and 15 minutes.

-A long time.
-[indistinct chatter]

Bakers, this is the last time
we will be telling you

that you are halfway through
a Signature Challenge.

[Noel] A classic carrot cake

is decorated and filled
with a simple cream cheese icing.

[Chigs] I want to try
something new with it.

[Noel] But for the final Signature bake,

that won't be enough for Paul and Prue.

This is the pineapple jam.

For me,
pineapple is one of the best fruits ever,

and I think it might complement the cake.

Hello. Congratulations.

-Thank you.
-You're in the final.

-I can't believe it.

I mean, this time last year,
you hadn't even started baking, had you?

Erm⦠No, no, yeah, I was baking last year.

-This time last year.
-Oh. Mmm.

The year before that I wasn't.

That's not that good then,
is it, for the show.

Bit disappointing.

[man] Hi, Chigs.

Congratulations on making it to the final.

What you've achieved in one
and a half years of baking is amazing.

[Matt] Bubbled away in the tent,
none of this year's finalists

have seen their family and friends
for almost two months.

I'm so proud of you.

And your dad would be proud of you too.

All the best for next two days.

I love you so much.

[Chigs] I lost my father when I was young.

I think I was 12 years old.
He died really young.

So I just take every opportunity I can.

I'm not gonna wait
for things to happen, I just do it.

That's the reason
why I wanted to come here.

Because I know
I'm gonna make amazing memories.

-[woman] Say, "Good luck on Bake Off."
-Good luck on Bake Off.

[Chigs] Getting
into the final's a big thing.

Getting onto this show was massive,
let alone the finals.

-[Chigs chuckles]

So you've been baking
for not even 18 months?

-Yeah, that's right.
-I would expect you to be here, then.

[laughing] It's easy, isn't it?

-In many ways you've under-achieved.

-I'm not talking to you.
-Clearly. [laughs]

[Noel] Whilst Chigs attempts to add
pineapple to his first-ever carrot cakeâ¦

This is going to take me forever.

has a filling that goes back generations.

Figs are very common
in the hottest part of Italy.

So, it's the family jam.

Baking is in the family DNA.

'Cause that's a main discussion
at our family gatherings.

What's going to be for dessert?
Who's done it and how?

[Noel] Whilst Giuseppe was growing up
on the west coast of central Italy,

the person who could always answer
those questions was his dad, Cosimo.

[Giuseppe] He was a baker by passion.

Every Sunday he'd put the dessert
in front of us after our main meal,

and I really wanted that
to be the case for my kids.

It was so pleasurable for me,

that I couldn't just
let the tradition die.

-[woman] Here we go.
-[gasps] Oh, no.


[speaking Italian] I wish you luck.

[speaking Italian] Infinite.

You're going to make me cry, now.

[speaking Italian]
Because you are better than me.

[speaking Italian] By far.

[speaking Italian] I send you a big hug.
A huge one.

[clears throat]

I'm surprised
that my dad managed to do that.

Yeah⦠[clears throat]

He's not very well.

He's getting towards his elderly stage.

[chuckles] He said that I've become
better than he ever was as a baker.

Which is absolutely a lie.

I've got some pictures of the things
that he used to make when he used to work.

And they would make
very good Showstoppersâ¦

[chuckling] for The Bake-Off.


My great aunt makes this every year,
and it's a figs and walnut jam.

And it goes very,
very well with carrot flavour.

Funnily enough,
there isn't any family recipe.

There's no godmother or auntie
that has a carrot cake recipe.

So, I've just gone
for full-on orange curd.

At home, I've got my mum, my dad,
my two sisters and my auntie.

I wouldn't have had the confidence
to apply if it wasn't for them.

I've had a few turning points in my life.

One when I was at school,
teachers called me the class clown.

They hated me.
I was just an absolute terror.

My parents sat me down and said,
"You need to sort your life out."

"We're not going to spoon-feed you.
You need to work hard."

And I thought, "Okay."
That was one turning point.

The second one is definitely this.

[all] Hi, Crystelle!

How on Earth
have you made it to the final?

[Matt] It was Crystelle's parents,

along with her sisters
Corelle and Chanelle,

that convinced her to apply
for the Baking Show.

I was adamant.
I said, "No way I'm going to get on."

And they said, "No, you better do it
because you never know what will happen."

And you know, Crystelle,

Granddad will be
looking down on you from up above

with the biggest smile on his face.

No matter what happens,

you have made us
the proudest family in the world.

[all] We love you, Crystelle!

[all cheering]

They think I can do it. [laughs]

-[man] Can you do it?
-I don't know.

But I'll try my best. [chuckles]


[Matt] The longer
the sponges stay in the oven,

the less time they'll have to coolâ¦

[Chigs] Oh, no. Just ain't happy.

â¦forcing the bakers
to decorate a warm cake.

I think they look all right.

[Matt] And the first bake
in the final will end in disaster.

I've got 30 minutes for the cake,
and then I have to bake the walnuts.

So I'm, literally,
to the very last second.

Then they have to go
on for decoration. Cold.

Bakers, you have half an hour left.

Half an hour.

Let these cool. Chill, chill, chill!

[timer beeping]

[Giuseppe] I've started
making the frosting now.

[Noel] I'm going to say this,
and I'm going to get letters.

Basically, carrot cake is for people
who think they're being healthy.

And they go, "I don't eat cake,

apart from carrot cake,
which is really healthy."

And you go, "I don't think
it's that healthy."

There is a quarter
of a litre of oil in mine.

So, that's not⦠Look at this.

Where you've gone wrong,
when you're trying to be healthy, is cake.

[Crystelle] I'm just gonna start
on my pistachio mascarpone frosting.

[Chigs] I'll start making the frosting.

Frosting is ready. Jam is ready.
They have to be baked.

Just cake now. Two minutes.

[Crystelle] I can start assembling,
which is stressful stuff.

Quite nice and firm, which is good.

Let's get this jam on here.

It's done.

And I can go straight in with those.

[Crystelle] Four layers,

but more layers
means I can put more filling in

and pack as much flavour as possible.

[Giuseppe] Now, it's all about
getting stuff as cool as possible

so that it doesn't collapse.

You have 15 minutes left.

Do you think
Giuseppe's got enough time, there?

It's still very hot. I've got no options.

I'm gonna have to slice it.
This is not gonna be pretty.

[Noel] The judges have demanded
exquisite decorationâ¦

My hand is shaking.

â¦worthy of a baking show finalâ¦

I'm going to stick in a dowel,
just to stop it sliding around too much.

[Matt] You've got a baby carrot
and made smaller carrots.

[Chigs] Yes.

And then you're going to make
smaller carrots out of those?

-I might quarter them.
-And then even smaller?

-[Chigs] Can do.
-[Matt] Don't go too small.

They'll be invisible to the naked eye.

-They'll lose their impact.
-We'll know they're there.

-We'll know they're there.
-It's literally steaming.

This is going to be carnage.
If it breaks, it breaks.

I don't⦠I can'tâ¦

This is what The Bake-Off
is about, isn't it?

[Crystelle] There is a slight lean.

I'll put in a few dowels to make sure
that this stays where it needs to be.

It's really crumbly.
This is going to fall to pieces.

[Crystelle] Stay calm. Stay calm.

-How long do we have?
-[Noel] Five minutes remaining.

It's breaking up in front of my eyes.

Better have enough buttercream.

[Giuseppe] This is going to be messy.

[Crystelle] It's leaning, and I'm sure
that's not gonna do me favours.

-How long have we got?
-[Matt] One minute left.

-[Crystelle] It's just okay.
-[Giuseppe] These are still very warm.


[Crystelle sighs]

[Giuseppe] That's enough.

It's horrible because it's melting,
but I will be able to finish it.

Time is up.

[Giuseppe] It's finished.

[Crystelle] It's so wonky, but still.

[Giuseppe] Mine looks
like my face over the years.

It's melting down. Ooh.

-Well done, my friend.


[Matt] It's judgement time
in the final Signature Challenge.

-Hello, Crystelle.

-I wouldn't have made it this high.

By stacking it, you're retaining the heat.

And then you're going
to get some movement.

And it doesn't say to me, "carrot cake,"

but it might when it's opened up.

There are a couple of dowels in there,
just to try and hold it together.

Mmm. I love the flavour.

[Paul] You've got cardamom,
pistachio and then orange.

-Together, it's a really nice flavour.
-You taste all of them.

Yes, and it's well balanced.

But it's not
the best-looking thing you've done.


I particularly like your baby carrots.

[Paul] I think it looks very nice.
I love the pipe work.

-A bit solid.
-[Chigs] Yeah.

[Prue] You had a lot of carrot

and the carrot releases water
once it's in the batter.

I think the pineapple works well.
That bit of sweetness comes through it.

You expect a little bit of stodge
with a carrot cake.

-But this is a little bit rubbery.

You were affected by heat.
It wasn't cold when you put it together

and therefore
you've got a bit of movement.

-But it's fairly level.
-[Prue] Yeah, I like the look of it.

It's three layers of sponge
with figs and walnut jam in between.

It has an absolutely delicious flavour,
but the texture is very soft.

[Paul] Because the cake was warm
when you did it,

that's what's causing you to think,
"Is it underbaked, stodgy?" It's not.

It's just you've got the cream cheese
and you've got the jam

and it's soaking into a warm cake.

-So that'sâ¦
-It's added moisture.

[Paul] Yes, it has.

But I think the flavours are delicious.
The idea of introducing figs was good.

And it still tastes like carrot cake.
Which is important.

-[Paul] Thank you.
-Thank you.

Well done.

[Giuseppe] The look of the cake
wasn't particularly stunning,

but I'm glad
they managed to see through that.

The fact that I made my least
nice-looking cake on the final

is probably not the most fortunate thing.

[Chigs] The thing is, nobody smashed it.

Everybody got some feedback, soâ¦

It's not a tragedy. It's not finished.

[Noel] The bakers must now face
their final gingham-wrapped mystery.

Well, bakers, I know
you must be devastated

that this is your last
Technical Challenge.

Crystelle, my thoughts are with you.

-[Crystelle and Matt laugh]
-Shedding tears.

Now, this challenge
has been set by Paul Hollywood.

Paul, any pearls of wisdom to impart?

You'll have to use
your baking knowledge on this one

because we've taken out
most of the method.


[Matt] As ever, this task is judged blind.

So we ask Paul and Dame Prue
to leave us alone.

[Noel] For your Technical Challenge,

Paul would love you
to make 12 Belgian buns.

Your Belgian buns must be
filled with sultanas and lemon curd.

[Matt] You have two and a half hours.

-On your marks.
-Get set.

[sing-song] Bake!

-Is that it?
-Are you taking the mick?


-[Matt] What are you laughing at?
-There's two instructions.

-Oh, my God. That's it?

"Make Belgian buns.
Fill it with lemon curd and sultanas."

That's cracking.

I've done a cinnamon bun so I feel
like that's enough bun knowledge.

Maybe today's the day
that I do well on a Technical.

I've never seen a Belgian bun.
I have no idea what they look like.

Paul, for our final Technical Challenge,
we've got Belgian buns.

You haven't taken all the method out,
have you?

-[laughing] Paul,

I think that's unbelievably unkind.

[Paul] You can see
where it's been coiled around.

-[Prue] Yeah.
-[Paul] You should get that lemon,

and a bit of sweetness
coming from the icing.

It's just got that bit of chewiness,
which I like.

I don't think there'll be any trouble
with them making the dough.

And of course they know
how to make lemon curd.

It's what to do with them
when they've got them.

I mean, how did they know
what a Belgian bun looks like?

We've got three great bakers in there.
Someone will get it right.

It's an enriched dough.
I've done enriched dough in the past.

This will be a very sticky dough.
It's gonna be very difficult to handle.

[Crystelle] You need
to work the hell out of it

to work up all that gluten.

My dad used to do this very often
when we made pizza dough.

"Refine the dough," he said.
I don't know what that means.

At last, I'm as tall as Giuseppe.

-That's not something to be proud of.

There's no more Italian thing
you could be doing right now than this.

If there was an advert made for Giuseppe,

-this is what you'd be doing isn't it?
-There you go.

It will go, [dramatically] "Giuseppe,
coming to a cinema near you from Italy."

-That sounds like a very American accent.

"He likes limoncello and cappuccino

-and arms as long as other people's legs."

"He wore gloves
where his shoes should be."

-"He was Giuseppe." [laughs]
-If I ever make it to Hollywood,

I'll give you a shout.

[Chigs] Dough done.

So I'm now gonna prove this
for an hour minimum.

[Matt] Paul's demanded
a creamy lemon curd fillingâ¦

I made an orange curd this morning.

â¦with no explanation as to how to make it.

-Have you seen that? Paul Vaguey-wood.
-Really helpful.

I have never made curd. Ever.

That's gonna be a wild guess.

Lemon curd looks very much like a custard.

So it needs to be
like a creamy liquidy thingy.

[Crystelle] Okay,
curd has gone in the freezer,

-just to chill.
-[Chigs] Mmm.

[Giuseppe] Does this look like
a curd to you?

I'm saying nothing. "Belgian Buns."

-Do you know what they look like?
-Do you not know?

Some sort of cinnamon bun swirled up.

Have you been to Belgium?

I've been to Belgium a few times.

-Have you? Why?

Bakers, you are halfway through.

It looks like it's twice the size.

[Crystelle] I think that's fine.

[Giuseppe] The question is,
how do we shape this?

I don't know what to do now.

Just don't know what that man wants.

There is no point in going back
to the instructions,

because they say, "Make the Belgian buns."

[sighs] God, it's really hard.
[laughing] God, I hate this.

[Giuseppe] Matt's mentioned
a swirl somewhere.

So they might be like cinnamon buns.

Roll it out, spread the curdâ¦

Sprinkle the sultanas?

I'll roll this out flat,
spread over the curd,

sprinkle all the sultanas,
roll it up like a little sausage.

[Chigs grumbles]

Split the dough into two
and get a rough rectangle shape.

[Crystelle] I want them to get
an even, thick layer of curd.

This is going to all be very tight.

[Giuseppe] It is very tricky because
they did say, "Perfect swirl."

[Crystelle] The longer your dough,
the more of a swirl you'll get,

because you can really roll it up.

[Chigs] Let's see what happens.

[Giuseppe] I can only hope
that this is right.

Each roll needs to be the same.
I'm sure they'll want uniformity.

[Crystelle] How thick should each bun be?

If the buns have to be like cinnamon buns,

they would have to be
a couple centimetres each.

[Crystelle] If I do 1.2.

[Chigs] Five.

It needs to be a significant swirl.

I think whenever they ask for a swirl,
it has to be visible.

[Chigs] Mine look too high.

I rolled it the wrong way.
I rolled it long way upwards.

Whereas those guys have done
the short side and gone that way.

[Crystelle] And we have lift-off.

Can't do anything now.

Bakers, you have half an hour left.

Sorry. I was
just on the ceiling, eating bugs.


[Chigs] I'm just going in at 180.

'Cause that's the bit of information
they did give us.

[Giuseppe] I'll go for 20 minutes first.

Fingers and toes crossed,
say a little prayer and hope for the best.

Coffee time.

You have 15 minutes left.

[Crystelle] They look a little bit pale.

[Giuseppe] They're browning.
It's looking good so far.

[Crystelle] I think
they should be golden brown.

I don't know, is the honest answer.

I'll keep them in there
until they are an even brown colour.

[Chigs] The swirl's
the only thing I'm worried about.

There's only three of us now.
I could be in last position.

-You watching your bake?

-It's a very good perspective.

Yeah. Unless I've burnt them.
What should I do? What should I do?

Just chill out.
Don't worry about it. It's only the final.

[Crystelle] I might be
cutting it a bit fine.

I might have to cut this down
by about two to four minutes.

By doing that,
it should give me enough time

for my buns to cool before I glaze them.
Before I ice them.

Don't, Matt, come on.

-I'm better than that.
-You're better than that. Don't you dare!

The tension is palpable.

[Noel] Bakers,
you have ten minutes remaining.

Thermometer says they're baked.

[Chigs] They look like baked.
They just look very small.

They look ready.

The worst thing that can happen
is that they are underbaked.


So I'll keep them
another couple of minutes.

[Crystelle] They need to cool
because I need to put icing on them.

Just stick them in the freezer.
Do not drop. [gasps]

[Chigs] This one's got "last"
written all over it.

-[Chigs sighs]
-[timer beeping]

-[oven beeping]

[Giuseppe] They're definitely done.

His look burnt.

Is this what Belgian buns
should look like?

Bakers, you have five minutes left.

[Crystelle] Taking them out now.

-[Chigs] I'll put icing on it.
-[Crystelle] I can do this. I can do this.

[Giuseppe] I hope
I haven't overbaked them.

Some of them are very dark.

[Crystelle] Oh, God.
Why are my hands shaking?

Turned into a shaking puppet.

[Giuseppe] I have to be quick.
Cherry in the middle.

I'm almost there.
There's no time to waste.

Bakers, your time is up.

[Chigs blows raspberry]

Please bring your bakes
and place them behind your photo.

[Matt] Paul and Prue are expecting
perfectly swirled, golden Belgian buns

filled with silky lemon curd

and topped with icing and glace cherries.

[Paul] Right. Now, these aren't too bad.

They're a little uneven.
The icing is a bit erratic.

-[Paul] But the colour's pretty uniform.
-[Prue] Yeah.

Mmm. Good lemon curd.

-It tastes all right.
-I think that's very nice.

[sighs in relief]

[Paul] Let's move on to number two.
They're too small, too high.

Cooked too thick.
Let's have a look inside.

-They're a bit too chewy and too solid.
-The dough may have been too thick.

-So, instead of rolling out thinâ¦
-I think it needed to be bigger.

Yeah. And have several spirals.

Moving on to number three.

-These are overbaked. Massively.
-[Prue] Overbaked.

They're very technically neatly done.

The icing's perfect, the shape is lovely.

Everything except
leaving them in the oven too long.

Oh. That's such a pity,
because this is the final.

-Dry as a bone.

[Prue] Overbaked.

[Noel] Paul and Prue will now rank
the final Technical Challenge.

[Paul] Okay, in last place,
we have this one.

Giuseppe. Massively overbaked.

They would have been number one,
bar for the colour.

So, in second place
we have this one. Who's that?


That's what you should
have been rolling up

and what you were rolling up is thatâ¦

-Which meansâ¦
-[laughing] Oh, my God.

In first place we have this one.
Crystelle, the colour's good.

The roll is good. Well done.

[Crystelle laughs]

I cannot believe I've come first
in a Technical Challenge in the final.

Took me ten weeks, but I got there.

[Giuseppe] It's very disappointing.

Overbaking is something that,
at this stage, I should know better.

[Chigs] I'm second,
by the skin of my teeth.

[chuckling] I just need to have
an amazing day tomorrow.

I've done it before.
Can I do it again on the final? [chuckles]

Not asking for much, am I?

I don't make things easy for myself.
That's my problem.

[thunder rumbling]

[Matt] There's just
one challenge remaining

in The Great British Baking Show of 2021.

[Giuseppe] Ooh.

[Crystelle] It's the last time
we'll be doing thisâ¦

[Chigs giggling]

â¦walking into this tent. [sighs]

[Prue] We always say this.
It all depends on the Showstopper.

-[Noel laughs]
-This time it really does, doesn't it?

I would say that Crystelle
was slightly ahead of Giuseppe,

who's slightly ahead of Chigs.

Giuseppe in the Technical,
what was he doing?

He said he was watching them all the time.

-He couldn't have been.
-I might've distracted him a little bit.

-So, it's your fault?
-Probably. [laughs]

What has been so amazing
is the progression Crystelle has made.

But Chigs has been
so good of late, you know.

If he has a banger,
he could be up for a shout.

I think today's gonna be a real marathon.

Yeah, it's called Snickers now.

-Oh, is it? Sorry.
-[Noel laughs]

[all laugh]

Bakers, it's time for your
final Showstopper Challenge.

Paul and Prue would like you
to create an outstanding

Mad Hatter's tea party display

worthy of your final challenge
in the tent.

[Noel] The judges are looking
for a magical display

of sweet and savoury afternoon tea treats

shaped and decorated
in a Mad Hatter kind of a way.

Your display should showcase

at least four
different baking disciplines.

You have four and a half hours.

-On your marks.
-[sing-song] Get set.

[in Cockney accent] It all comes down
to the Showstopper.

[normal voice] Bake.

[whispers] Breathe.

Just remember to breathe.

There's a load to do.
Everyone's going on a mad one today.

[Giuseppe] There's so much to do.

This theme is the Mad Hatter's tea party.

So, we should have a feeling
that this is Alice in Wonderland.

It's all an illusion.
We want some of that craziness.

We want
at least four disciplines of baking.

A little bit of sweet, a bit of savoury
to find that balance.

There's an element of juggling.
You want that oven full.

So, one straight after the other.

If you've got an empty oven,
for me, something's wrong.

Get everything baked
as quickly as possible,

then you can cool and decorate.

[Prue] I want to see perfect bakes.

Amazing decoration.

And a whole display
that transports us into Wonderland.

-[Paul] Hi, Chigs.

Mad Hatter's tea party,.
What are you doing?

[Chigs] My centrepiece is going to be
a cake flavoured with orange curd

and it'll look like the Cheshire cat.

Second thing I'm doing
are jammy biscuit playing cards,

but the jam's gonna be flavoured

with strawberry,
elderflower and black pepper.


[Noel] The Cheshire cat
and playing card biscuits

will be joined by
chicken and mushroom pocket watch pies

and toadstools made from coloured brioche

filled with a lemon and lime
crème patisserie.

[Paul] Have you done a timing sheet
to get it all done?

I've done a list of everything
in the order I need to do it.

We've given you a fair amount of time,
but you've got to rise brioche.

[chuckling] Fair amount of time, Paul?

-Good luck.
-Thank you very much.

[Matt] Whilst Chigs races to prepare
the dough for mini brioche toadstoolsâ¦

I just hope I'm able to finish off
everything I've got in my head.

â¦Giuseppe's hoping to grow something
much bigger.

My dough will be filled
with chocolate and hazelnut filling,

shaped in the form of a mushroom.

[Matt] A giant tear-and-share
brioche mushroom

will tower over mango and passion fruit
"drink me" panna cottas,

orange and fig heart-shaped muffins,

and an asparagus and pea-filled
choux caterpillar.

-Hopefully, I won't burn anything.
-This is your challenge, surely.

-Do you think?
-[Noel] Yeah.

I'd say you've got four baking skills,
whereas the other two, not sure.

-[both laughing]
-Maybe two and a half.

[Noel] As dough needs time to prove,

all of the finalists
have begun with their bread.

It's very wet dough.
I always like to finish it by hand.

[Noel] Leave it any later and it
won't have long enough to rise.

Dough is gonna have to go in
to first proof, for about half an hour.

[Noel] But Crystelle has taken
this time pressure

to the heart of her Showstopper.

My main centrepiece
is going to be a focaccia.

Erm, which will be a clock.

And that's got za'atar and garlic in it.

[Noel] Crystelle's focaccia clock

will be surrounded by chick pea,
curry-filled Mad Hatter's pies,

cardamom and pistachio toadstool biscuits
and chai cake talking sunflowers.

You're carrying quite a load
with your tea party.

Yes, I am.

It's going to incorporate
all my favourite flavours,

things that I enjoy making.

Everything combined into one.

-Good luck.
-Thank you.

Self-raising flour.

[Matt] With dough in the proving drawer,

the finalists need to get their
first of four bakes into the oven.

Cake, cake, cake.

[Matt] Any delay in these early stagesâ¦

Two tea bags.

â¦will mean less time to cool and decorate

the most important bake
in the competition.

[Giuseppe] I don't usually like muffins,

but these with figs
and oranges are just delicious.

The talking flowers are one of
the coolest things in Wonderland.

So I am doing chai-flavoured sponge

and I'm going to cut these
into little circles,

and turn them into talking flowers.

[Noel] Whilst Crystelle and Giuseppe
have planned small individual cakesâ¦

[mumbles indistinctly]

â¦Chigs' sponges will be transformed
into one of the tale's biggest characters.

I'm doing a centrepiece cake
that'll look like the Cheshire cat

but in the colours of
Leicester City football club.


-I don't even support Leicester city.

-Don't you?
-No, but I'm going to do it for my city.

Don't say that on television,
you're from Leicester.

-I know.
-Who do you support?

-I can't say that on TV.
-[both laugh]

[Crystelle] Be good to me, please.

[Matt] The moment the first bake
hits the ovenâ¦

-[timer beeping]

â¦preparation for the next one
has to begin.

New challenge: speed baking. [chuckles]

I can do this. I can do this.

Now putting my muffins in the oven.

[gasps] And the oven is off.

The door wasn't closed properly.

[Matt] Giuseppe's oven is cold.

Switched off.

Jesus. Yeah.

[Matt] It's a setback
that could lose him priceless minutes.

I really don't need this.

Bakers, you have three hours remaining.

Come on!

[Noel] Whilst Giuseppe waitsâ¦

[speaking Italian] How do I reach 350?

â¦Crystelle and Chigs
have moved on to their savoury treats.

[Chigs] I am making sweet leek
and chicken and mushroom pies.

The tops of the pies
are gonna look like clocks.

-[Noel] Are you doing little curry pies?
-[Crystelle] I am.

-They're going to be top hats
-Top hats.

with little bunny ears
coming out of them.

[Noel] As well as being
behind on his baking,

Giuseppe is the only finalist

that needs to find time
to set a tea party treat.

Panna cotta in Italian means
cooked cream, and that's what it is.

The idea is that Alice
should be drinking this.

I will have "drink me" bottles.

Half of it is going to be flavoured
with mango,

the other half
with vanilla.

I should be shaping the dough now.

I want to finish the panna cotta first.

This little guy has literally
just been proving in olive oil,

and I've got my infused olive oil
with za'atar and garlic.

[Giuseppe] It's done.

[Chigs] This will make
the base of the mushroom.

I'm just going to
push this into the corners.

Very oily.

I'm going to let this prove
for another whole hour.

[Chigs] This is all thanks to Jurgen.

-[Matt] Oh, really?
-Jurgen taught me how to do this.

That's the base of the mushroom.
That'll be filled with crème pat.

-Crème Matt. [chuckling]


These go in to set.

And finally start making the bread.


-[timer beeping]
-Oh, that's my cake.

[Matt] One bake downâ¦

Before I forget, let me whack up my oven.

â¦three to go.

-I've got loads, Noel.
-Have you given yourself a crazy--

A crazy amount of cakes, biscuits, pies.

-It's the final. You gotta go for it.
-You've got to.

-Pastry going all over me.
-You're on wheels.

If anyone can pull this off, it's you.

[Giuseppe] I'm going to be shaping this
into a mushroom.

I'm not gonna have time
to bake everything.

Pie base. We're gonna go in now.

I'm just going to knead in
that green food colouring.

Tops of the pies.

The head on the mushroom
is going to be layered.

So I'm going to be making discs,
layer them with chocolate and hazelnuts,

and then prove them again.

Biscuit, biscuit, biscuit, biscuit.
We're on track, we're on track.

Might just step it up a gear
after I've done this.

Did you sleep last night?

I actually did,
although I had a recurring dream

that I forgot to prove my focaccia.

And I kept waking up, like,
"Why did I not put my timer on?"

[Matt] And what was the consequence of it?

I don't know what happened.
It was one of those cliff-hanger dreams.

[Noel] Whilst Crystelle is still haunted
by a focaccia clockâ¦

[Giuseppe] I'm takin' them out.

â¦time is still proving a nightmare
for Giuseppe.

'Seps, I heard you forgot
to turn your oven on.

-I didn't forget to turn my oven on.
-What happened?

[stumbling] The door wasn't fully closed.

-All right.
-The oven didn't shut--

Let me tell you a few things
about baking, all right?

You need heat.

-[both chuckling]
-Mainly from an oven.

They're done.

Am I late for a very important date?
I'm not sure.

[Chigs] Brioche has gone
into the oven now.

Biscuits are going in after the bread.

Good luck, hats. Please be good to me.

[Giuseppe] Now we're starting
some choux buns

and shaping them as a caterpillar.

How long have we got?

Bakers, you have one hour left.

Hi! I'm here with Mervis the Alien.

-Er, Mervis, ermâ¦
-[makes indistinct noises]

Who do you think is going to win?




That's interesting.
I thought Jairzeno left in week two.


[Giuseppe] The batter is slightly too wet.

[Chigs] There's the brioche.

[Crystelle] This is gonna go in the oven
very shortly.

I only learned this from bread week
that it's supposed to be so oily.

So I thought the more oil, the better.

[Chigs] I'm gonna put the biscuits in now.

[Giuseppe] These are going in.

[Matt] As well as attempting to stick to
an incredibly tight baking scheduleâ¦

This little piggy
is going in for 15 minutes.

â¦the finalists have multiple fillings
to squeeze in.

[Chigs] Right. Crème pat.
Lemon and lime flavour.

This is going into the brioches.

[Giuseppe] I'm preparing the filling
for the choux buns.

The flavours will be asparagus and peas.

The peas are there just to give
some sweetness and creaminess.

I should add panna cotta layer.

Before that, I shouldâ¦

-Got a proposition for you.
-Oh, no!

This is Mr. Spatula.

Look, he's crying
because he knows the result.

-[Crystelle] Stop it.
-But he can also change the result.

Don't tell me I've got to
kiss that spatula. I'm not doing it.

-I'm not doing it.

I knew you were gonna ask me to do it
and I'm not.

-He's crying.
-Can I give him an elbow pump?

You wanna, what,
just smash him in the throat?

So, hats.

[Noel] This is Mr. Spatula
and he knows the winner.

He also has the power to
change the result.

-All you need to do is kiss there--

-Like you'd kiss the Pope's hand.

This should be my focaccia.

I might just prove it.

It's really hard 'cause
there's piping hot oil in there.

Oh, that definitely seems done.

Yeah, I might take it out.

This is Mr. Spatula. You just have to
kiss his head and then you win.

She wouldn't do it and he wouldn't do it.


The majority of it's all done.

I have to bake my biscuits,
then it's a case of decorating everything.

I'm going to start doing that now.

Yeah. Yeah.


[Matt] Bakers! You have half an hour left!

[Giuseppe] I might have to miss out
on some of the elements.

They need to go now.

Gotta get that cake done.

And these guys
are gonna bake for 12 minutes.

[Matt] Crystelle and Chigs may be ready to
begin assembling and decorating,

but Giuseppe,
despite running behind schedule,

has given himself yet
another element to make.

Ginger snaps.
These will go on the panna cotta.

I've gotta fill my piping bags
and then I'm gonna start piping!

[Chigs] There's two blues.
There'll be stripes.

'Cause the Cheshire Cat's stripy,
isn't she? Or he? Or whatever it is.

[Crystelle] These are going to become
little sandwich cakes.

What I can do now is to fill theseâ¦

[Crystelle] Smooth down these sides.

[Giuseppe] The outside
I'm making in purple.

It needs to be psychedelic and mad.

[Crystelle] This will be a sunflower.

[Giuseppe] Come on.

That's the cat done.
How long do we have left?

Fifteen minutes left.

That'll give me enough time
to put everything on the board.

I'm not gonna get
to do all of my extra bits.

I think they look all right.

Eleven minutes.

[Crystelle] All that's left
is to pipe little faces.

[Chigs] This is not a Sharpie, by the way.

Edible pen.

[oven beeping]

[Crystelle] So nice
seeing it come together.

[Giuseppe] Can't believe I'm done.

I have to assemble things,
but I don't have to make anything else.

[Noel] But Giuseppe's assembly
isn't straightforward.

You only have five minutes left.

[Chigs] This mushroom's done.

The head.

I'm sweating.

[Giuseppe] They're very well done.

-One minute left.

What am I missing?
Oh, yes, the caterpillar.

Oh! God, they're all falling.

My hearts are falling.

Representing my love life.

[Noel] Your time is up!

[all applauding]

[squeals cheerfully]

Oh! Oh, my gosh!
You're gonna break your back.

Oh, my God!

Well done!

Completed it, mate.

-[applause continues]
-[Giuseppe whistles]

[Matt] It's judgement time
for this year's final Showstoppers.

Giuseppe. Would you like to bring out
your Showstopper?

Oh, God.

It's very precarious.

[Prue chuckles]

Well done.

I think it's simple and effective.

These are all very small.
I expected them to be a little bit bigger.


[Prue] I don't mind
because it's a caterpillar.

The caterpillar is choux buns

with asparagus, peas filling
and mascarpone topping.

Mmm. Delicious.
You certainly get the asparagus. And pea.

Because it's been filled
with this creamy mixture,

they're quite soft now.

Which is a pity,
because it's all the same texture.

-[Paul] Let's look at the sweet bread.

[Giuseppe] So the centrepiece is filled
with chocolate and hazelnut.

[Prue] Goodness!
That is quite complicated.


-It's very Italian in its flavour.
-[Prue] Isn't it?

[Paul] I like it, the bread is so crispy.

This is lovely.

-[Paul] This is theâ¦
-[Giuseppe] Orange and figs.

-[Paul] Orange and fig.
-[Prue] They're very cute.

They're very soft, they're juicy,
and they have a lovely flavour to 'em.

-[Prue] They're very good.
-You can take one of these, Prue.

[Giuseppe] They're passion fruit,
mango, panna cotta

with brandy snaps.


The panna cotta is delicious.

[chuckles] I mean, it really is stunning.

[Prue] That is the most perfect texture
for a panna cotta.

Just set and it sort of cracks
as you touch it.

-I might finish this one.
-[Prue] Mmm.

-I'm taking it away with me.
-Yeah, you did well. Thanks very much.

[all laughing]

[Paul] I like the choux buns.

Love the heart cakes.

-And the panna cotta is bliss.
-Thank you very much.

-Thank you.
-[Matt] Well done.



Chigs, would you like to bring
your final Showstopper up here?

Please may I have a hand
carrying it to the front, Matt?

-[Matt] Massive.
-[Chigs] Sorry.

To me.

-To you.
-To me.

-To you.
-[chuckling] To me.

To you.

-[Matt] Okay.
-[Paul] Thank you.

[inhales deeply]

I'm quite impressed
with the overall look of them.

I think you've got the Mad Hatter's
tea party very well.

I think the colour of the catâ¦
I love the cards.

-These are particularly interesting to me.
-[Prue] There's something mad.

Which is part of
the sort of surreal thing.

[Paul] These clocks look quite neat.

-Shall we start with the savoury first?
-Yeah, why not?

[Chigs] Chicken, sweet leek
and mushroom pies.

-That's delicious.
-[Prue] Mmm.

[Paul chuckling]
One of my favourite things.

Very nice pastry.
Has it got thyme in there?

-Thyme and tarragon.
-[Prue] That was delicious.

This is a brioche?

[Chigs] Yes.
Filled with a lemon and lime crème pat.

Delicious crème pat.

It's beautiful. It's nice and sweet,
but just the right level of sweetness.

It's nice-looking.

[Chigs] These are shortbread biscuits

with strawberry, elderflower
and black pepper jam.

-[Prue] I think it's beautiful.
-[Paul] It is.

[Prue] The punched-out hearts
are charming.

-Don't really like to spoil it.
-[Noel] Go on, Prue.

-[Prue] Mmm. Very good.
-[Paul] Jam's very good.

Jam is excellent.

[Paul] It's a nice, buttery biscuit.
I'm not getting the elderflower.

-I'm getting strawberry.
-And black pepper?

-[Chigs] Okay.

[Paul] The biscuit is delicious with it.

-[Prue] Right.

-[Paul] This is orange cake?
-[Chigs] Yeah.

It's got orange curd
and mascarpone cream in the middle.

I was looking forward
to the Cheshire cat's grin.

I know. I'd kind of run out of time.

[exhales heavily]

-[chuckling] That's a delicious sponge.
-It's really good.

The orange really works.

You're left with a beautiful
floral flavour in your mouth.

[Prue] You've not put too much buttercream
round the edge, so it's not too sweet.

That's a very nice cake.

-[Paul] Very good cake.
-Thank you.

-[Paul] Well done.
-You've done a good job.

-Well done, Chigs.
-[Chigs] Thanks.

-[Matt] Amazing.
-Thank you.

[breathing heavily]

[sighs in relief]


Crystelle, would you like to bring out
your Showstopper?

Please may I have a hand?


-Lift. Yeah.
-[Noel] You got it?

-[Crystelle] Yep.
-I've got puppet legs. Don't drop it.

It's okay.
I'm bending my knees and it's fine.

-Don't let go.
-Where you gonna go?

This way.

[chuckles] Don't go low on me.

Okay, we're gonna⦠Okay.

-Right. Erâ¦
-[Prue] Brilliant.

[Noel whispers] There you go.

[Paul] It looks quite impressive.
It's colourful.

[Prue] I like the little sunflowers
with their faces.

What did you say
these biscuits were called?

They're called nankhatais. They've got
brown butter, cardamom and nuts.


-It's very fudge-like, isn't it?

It's got a lovely balance of flavours
with the spices in there.


-[Paul] Let's move on to the talking--
-[Prue] Sunflowers.

Which are chai sponges
with cream cheese frosting.

I think that cake is really delicious.
It's very soft.

[Paul] The chai comes through beautifully.

Then the cooling from the cream cheese,
it blends nicely together.


[Paul] This is hot water crust pastry.

[Crystelle] Yeah. Filled with chickpea
and potato curry.


Very nice curry middle.

It's quite solid. But I really like that.

-Absolutely lovely.
-It's a Goan curry? It's delicious.

It's got a lovely kick to it as well.

That's three out of four.

[all chuckle]

-[Paul] Right. Focaccia.
-[Prue] Yeah.

[Crystelle] Which is a za'atar,
garlic and honey focaccia.



This is not recognizable as focaccia.

-[Crystelle] Oh, no!
-That's raw dough.


-What have you done? That is raw.
-[Crystelle] I don't know.

-Has it been in the oven?

I don't know what happened.

-That's bizarre.
-[Paul] There's no rise at all.

That's inedible, that one.

-[Prue] That's a pity.
-[Paul] Never seen anything like it.

I'm really sorry. I don't know
what happened. That's bizarre.

But over all, I think your flavours
of what we did try was very good.

Thank you.

-[Prue] Thank you.
-Thank you.

[Crystelle] Obviously,
I focus on the negatives, right?

There was a big fat negative in there.

I'm just baffled.

How the hell did that happen
to my focaccia?

[Giuseppe] I feel confused.

Pretty much everybody
had very good comments,

something that didn't quite meet
the expectations of the judges.

[Chigs] I'd be lying
if I said I wasn't nervous.

I've been waiting
all this time now. Ten weeks.

[chuckling] I want to know the result now.

[audience cheering]

[Matt] Everyone in our bubble
who has been locked down

and worked so hard to make
the Baking Show happen

has been invited to
the greatest Mad Hatter's tea party

of 2021.

And to witness
who will be crowned champion.

Do you think Crystelle
could still win this?

[Paul] It's got complicated

because she's dropped,
because of the focaccia being raw.

-I could see her heart sink then.
-I know. Poor girl.

[Paul] So Chigs has come from the outside.

You were very impressed with Chigs.

You were pretty impressed with Giuseppe
but when it came to this,

-you couldn't stop eating it.
-That was very good.

We don't want to rush
into picking someone,

so we'll sit down,
have another cup of tea,

maybe a couple of glasses of wine.

See you tomorrow, chaps.

-[chuckling] See you tomorrow.
-We might not be back, is that okay?

That's fine, we'll do it ourselves.

[all cheering]

Well, before we do anything else,

I would like to thank,
on behalf of the show,

everybody who looked after us
here at the hotel.

The cleaners, the caterers
and all of the staff.

Thank you so much.

[all cheering and applauding]

And, now, I would like to invite
our three finalists

to come and join us.

[all cheering]

Giuseppe. Come on.

You guys are amazing.

Bakers, thank you so much
for bringing your warmth

and good humour and, of course,
your brilliant bakes into the tent.

And now, I'm going to hand over
to my colleague, Mr. Noel Fielding,

who has something to tell you.

The winner
of The Great British Baking show isâ¦


[all cheering]

[Crystelle yelling] Oh, my God!
Oh, my God!

[Noel chuckling]

-[Noel chuckling] Congratulations!
-[Matt] Congratulations, man.

[cheering continues]

[Paul] Well done, Giuseppe.

Thank you. Grazie.

[both laugh]

-[Prue] Well done!
-[voice breaking] Grazie.

[cheers and applause continue]

There are no words.
[chuckling] I'm speechless.

For once.

[Paul] You're the first Italian
to ever win it.

[all laughing]

From the first time
I walked into the tent,

on the first Signature
and I saw his mini rolls, I went,

"That looks like our winner."

You could see the heart and soul
going into his baking.

He's done an incredible job.

He's such a classic, beautiful baker.

He represents a long tradition
of classical Italian baking.

And done it brilliantly
the whole way through.

So I'm going home
to make lots more Italian cakes,

'cause they really are good.

[Chigs grunts] Come on.
Well done, my friend. You deserve it.

[Chigs] I am over the moon
that Giuseppe's won

'cause I know how hard he has worked
throughout this whole competition.

It's a euphoric moment.

It's time to move on
to the next challenge in my life.

Bake Off final. Tick. [chuckles]

Thanks. Sorry about the focaccia.

I am so happy for Giuseppe.

He's an incredible⦠I'm getting emotional.

He's an incredible guy.

So genuine, an insane baker
and he really deserves that win.

His family are gonna be so proud of him.

-[Noel] Let that sink in.
-[Giuseppe] I'm in shock. I'm in shock.

All I can think of is the reaction
I'm gonna get from my mum and dad.

The fact that everything
I've done to deserve this

comes from his heritage.

I think it's going to be the best
thank-you note I could possibly send him.

He's going through
a very hard time, health-wise, soâ¦

Er, I think that this is
going to be a boost.

-[Matt] Go take a bow.
-[woman] Go on!

[all cheering]

[Giuseppe] I don't say often and lightly
that I'm proud of what I doâ¦

But, in this case,
I can't possibly not say that.

I'm really, really proud that I did this.

[speaking Italian] It's unbelievable,
it's unbelievable.

[all cheering]

[emotional music playing]