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07x04 - Namaste Out of Everyone's Business

Posted: 04/20/24 13:49
by bunniefuu
[tense music plays]

Hi. Can we have three more tequila sh*ts?
Maybe four. Four, actually?


-Are you trying to take my shot?

When you are annoyed enough to not drink...

Oh, yeah. No, I can't...

Bre? Bre? Can we talk for a second?

[Bre] Sure.

[tense music continues]

I will eat this cold steak,

because I know the tequila in my stomach
needs some food to suck it up.

[Chelsea sighs]

So, we started off, obviously,
on the wrong foot, from my part,

and I wanna give you an apology
because I definitely came in strong.

And sincerely, I wanna say,
I'm sorry for voicing those opinions.


But I would like to have
an open door with you and a clean slate

to see if we'd just be cool, you know,
which I didn't offer you in the past, so...

So what is the reason
for the apology, exactly?

My mom always said, like, "If you have
nothing nice to say, say nothing at all."

I had nothing nice to say many a time,
and I said something,

and I wanted to let you know

that you don't have to worry
about it being a topic of conversation

with me or anyone else again.

[intriguing music plays]

I think there's a lot of moving parts.

I previewed a property with Amanza,

and... in her "Amanza's trying to have
everyone's back" kind of conversation

was saying that...
you felt like you were the messenger

saying things for other people
that they weren't saying to me.

I wanna know if people are talking shit.

Do you think
anyone's talking shit recently?

Amanza was making it sound very...

[intriguing music continues]

-That someone's talking shit? Who?
-She wouldn't say.

I said Chelsea feels like
she's been the messenger,

and she feels like she was the only one
that had the balls to message it,

and Bre said, "Who else?" And I was like...

But do you know who else?

I do know what Chelsea told me
at her birthday party.

Did she say names?

But she said other people
were saying and thinking...

Other people could be anybody, though.

All of the things I said were things
that everyone was thinking.

And they told you this individually?

-Everyone excluding Mary...
-Mary doesn't... Okay.

...said something about her situation.

So when I saw, like, Emma, I saw Chrishell
forming these close relationships,

I'm like,
"I hope it's based on transparency."

I'm kind of being villainized
for saying things everybody was thinking.

That's in the past.

Present day,
nobody has any judgments of her,

but, like, before we met her...

Everybody said... Made a comment.


What I will say is,

when you came into the office,

they got to know you

and started to form their opinion
based upon knowing you.

[intriguing music continues]

So no one's talking shit anymore?

-Not that I've heard recently, no.

I've heard so little that I'm like,
"You guys like her?"


I kind of felt jaded for a little bit,

because I felt like, damn, like,

maybe if they say it,

what I'm saying
wouldn't come across so bitchy.

I was like, "Y'all b*tches,
y'all changed your tune!"

"Like, thank you for leaving me over here.
I thought we were on the same page."

[intriguing music continues]

My question is, you still feel
the same way that you feel...

-About your situation?

I don't agree with
everything all my friends do.

But I'm not asking you to agree.

Are you saying you want my opinion
of the situation to change for us to...


So what are you saying?

I don't know
that I can genuinely move past that

because I feel you really meant it.

This is not me trying to backtrack
or say I didn't say this.

I did say some stuff.


And I'm sorry.

[intriguing music continues]

I hear you, and I appreciate the apology.

I find it hard
to move forward with somebody

that has such a strong opinion
on my situation

that I don't honestly know
if I can move past this.

["Burn It All Down" by Atalia plays]

♪ Burn it all down ♪

♪ Oh-oh-oh-oh-oh, oh, oh-oh-oh ♪

♪ Fire ♪

♪ Oh-oh-oh-oh-oh, oh, oh-oh-oh ♪

["Abracadabra" by Taki Waki plays]

♪ Say hello and look glossy new ♪

♪ Look at what I can do ♪

♪ I'm just so unbelievable... ♪

[Jason] Let's go next door.
I wanna show you something.

♪ Oh wow my eyes are black and ♪

♪ Some kind of magic... ♪

We've got something exciting to show you.

♪ Abra abracadabra ♪

[Chrishell] Ooh!

Oh my...

[Emma] Oh!

[Jason] This is the new office.


-[Chelsea] This is amazing, guys!
-[Emma] It's huge!

This... It's so bright and light!

[Nicole] Wow.

So, ten years ago,
we opened up that office next door.

We never thought we'd be this successful
or you guys would be this successful.

We could have stayed in that office
another eight years, but you wanted more,

bigger, better,
so this is what we're delivering.

We ask that you deliver in return.

[funky music plays]

I really love
that Jason's putting it on us

that we really need to pull our weight

so we can help pay
for his adult playground.

These are tough times, and we really need
even more from you right now

to make up for the expense.

Let me go over fun stuff,
what we're doing in the office,

'cause it's gonna be the sickest office
in the whole country.

Forget real estate.

There is no office
that'll be as cool as this office.

First and maybe most important,

is right where I'm standing
there's gonna be a huge 12-foot bar.

-[Brett] Not the most important.
-[Mary] Most important?

Alcohol into the walls.

It opens after 6:00 p.m.

-Or if you sell a house.
-Instead of ringing the bell, we do sh*ts.

Fine. Just sell a house.

This wall is actually super cool.

So we're doing
a whole Samsung frame TV wall

with vintage frames.

Huge, amazing chandeliers.

Even this billboard pole is gonna be
a crazy design with lights in it.

And a bench that goes around the bottom.

There's a pool table going here.

-We're doing a shuffleboard.

-Um, arcade. Um...

-We're gonna do a jukebox, yeah.
-We'll get our money back with quarters.

We'll also have
a really cool DJ booth in the corner.

This is so over the top
it's hard to fathom.

All the extra amenities Jason threw in
wouldn't be in my office.

Not really sure
how much work's gonna get done.

People need to come to the office to work
and not to play.

You know, he's always had
a little bit of a Napoleon Complex.

Most importantly, there's room right here
for four rows of four desks, 16 desks.

Now, there's ten of us,

which means the opportunity
for more people in The O Group.

There will be more people.

You have an estimated completion date?

-Soon. It's gonna look...
-Yeah. Sooner than it looks.

[Jason] Well, I hope you guys are excited.

There's no other brokerage
spending money on its agents now.

Every other brokerage
is combining offices,

cutting staff all across the country.

We are already dealing with headwinds,

and now I'm asking you guys
to make more money for the brokerage,

work twice as hard.

We've gotta overcome the high
interest rates, the new mansion tax,

overcome the ordinances
restricting development in the Hills,

overcome the fact that we've lost probably

[Chelsea feigns snoring]

Oh, sorry, sorry!

[Brett] Yeah.

So now would not be the time
to ask for a better commission split?

[Jason] This is what we're doing.

No, our commission split
is actually gonna get worse!

[Emma] Yeah!

And I want you guys excited
about the new office too.

I don't wanna be a downer here.

No, seriously, we're so excited,
but, obviously, it's a lot of pressure,

and we're wrapping our heads around things
and realizing we have a tall bar to meet.

[Brett] Yay!

-Hey, baby!
-Hey, baby!

[Mary] Hey!

If this office isn't done in time,
you can talk to that man.

[Chelsea] Well done!

I wanted Romain to come
to measure something out

to see if there's a little place
for a little nursery or something

for Heather, me, Bre...


-Yeah. [chuckles]

-Uh, no.
-[Mary] No?

-You didn't get it?
-No? You kind of missed part of that.

Yeah, he didn't get it. She got it!

-Wait, you have something to tell...
-[Jason] What?

Oh, my God!

Took 'em long enough!

[Jason] Let's go!

["Catch the Light" by SVRCINA plays]

-[Chrishell] My God!
-So it's a yes now?

-Holy shit!

-[Mary] We're not the quickest group!
-[Chrishell] Oh, my God!

We need a bell, Jason! We need the bell!

["Catch the Light" continues]

Thank you for sharing it with us.

We thought we had
a big announcement today, but...

Yeah, way to steal a day, Mary!

-Yeah, right?
-I'm sorry!

-We're all so happy for you two.
-[Mary] Thank you!

Jason, who knew
babies could make you smile like that?

♪ Won't let go, I won't let go ♪

["Facing My Fears" by Ophelia X plays]

♪ Here I am ♪

♪ Here I am ♪

♪ Facing my fears... ♪

-Two frozés for you.
-Oh, God, lovely.

♪ I can only run from you for so long ♪

♪ Every time I run from you, I go wrong ♪

-Look what the cat dragged in.

[imitates cat's meow]

What's goin' on?
Should I take my gloves off?

It got back to me that the conversation
we had at my birthday was relayed to Bre.

Bre was obviously very upset,

because she thought
people were still talking about her

when that wasn't the case, and...

I never said
people were still talking about her.

And to be honest, when I told Bre
the conversation that you and I had,

it was more so to kind of take
some heat off of your back.

-Like, don't just be pissed at Chelsea...
-Be pissed at everybody?

That's... No.

I said it to you 'cause I trusted you,

and now I have to explain
to all the other girls

why I'm being their mouthpiece,
and why I'm saying, they said this,

because you opened your mouth and told Bre
something that's very sensitive to her.

I didn't feel like that was a secret.

So when this whole thing
started with Bre and I,

why didn't you feel
strongly enough to be like,

"Hey, Bre, Chelsea's not the only one
that had this feeling."

Even in Palm Springs...

Until at your birthday, I didn't know

that anybody else was talking this stuff.

-That was news to me.
-You didn't know?

Amanza, you didn't know?

-No, I've never heard...
-That's a lie.

You knew, because everybody was...

If I look you in your face,
and I tell you I don't know...


...don't look me in mine
and tell me I'm f*cking lying.

You knew.

We did Google searches together
about Bre and her situation.

-You're hallucinating.

-I'm not. No, seriously.
-Google searches?

How'd you know about her situation?
You knew before.

How did I know
Bre had a baby by Nick Cannon?


[intriguing music plays]

How do I know
that the month is f*cking February?

The fact is,
you knew other people had these feelings.

Chelsea is upset
about digging herself a hole

that now she has to crawl out of,

and one way
to get a little bit higher out of the hole

is to pull dirt in from other people
so she can stand a little higher.

That's what you sign up for
when you join the family.

And since you joined the family,
there's been a lot of drama.

You don't have to feel like
part of the family, Chelsea.

We're not a family,
because I wouldn't have signed up.

Number one, because I know
who my family are, and it isn't based on...

Lucky you!

...signing a little agreement saying,
"I'm part of The Oppenheim Group."

That doesn't mean
everybody is my family, sorry.

-I thought I was helping.
-I was venting to you!

-You stirred up shit, made things worse.
-It wasn't my intention.

I don't think
she understands the ramifications.

I think Amanza hates conflict,

and by avoiding conflict

and avoiding taking responsibility
for the things she said,

she's throwing other people under the bus.

Causing drama
whilst trying to be above it.

We have a huge problem
with being honest in our office.

And you try to preach,

"I am going to be the one
to bring everybody together."

But then you're like,
"She's a f*cking bitch."

But here's the thing, Chelsea,
I never labeled myself as the neutralizer.

Everybody says,
"You're the middleman." I'm not.

If I feel strongly enough about something,
I'll jump to one side or the other.

I felt you were being messy,

and I know you way too well
to feel like you're being messy.

And then I felt like in the situation
with regards to Nicole,

I didn't know where you stood.

I told Nicole she started it.

And I told everybody else
to stop throwing daggers.

To me, that's just very honest.

It does seem like
you're flip-flopping here and there,

but it depends on who you're speaking to,
because then you speak to Emma again

and you're like,
"Maybe Nicole was in the wrong."

It's very hard to trust that anything
that comes out of anybody's mouth

is the absolute truth, otherwise,
it wouldn't be so easy to flip-flop.

Sometimes I just get so confused with you.
I really do.

-It's not confusing.
-I'm confused.

The last thing I want
is to be in a situation

where someone's denying
what I know for a damn well they said.

So when we came here tonight,

and you thought that I stirred the pot
and threw other people under the bus,

how is what you just said
not the exact same thing?

Or do you just not care?

I try not to.

I don't care that much.

I really don't.

I feel like this conversation has
basically highlighted a couple of things

that maybe you didn't know.

And you know what?

When people are asking for information,
don't give half-assed information.

Either say it, or say nothing at all.
It makes it easier, actually.

-Does it?
-Yeah, it does.

-How's that working out for you and Bre?
-Stay the f*ck out of it.

Maybe you should stay
the f*ck out of it too.

I'm not in other people's business.
I'm only in mine.

Can't tell.


["Lie to Me" by Luka Kloser plays]

♪ Ooh, ooh, ooh ♪

♪ Lie to me, said lie to me ♪

♪ When I was too blind to see ♪

♪ It's taking me ♪

♪ And I can't keep questioning while ♪

♪ You only ever care about beauty ♪

♪ Beauty ♪

[Chrishell] Hello.

-[Emma] Hello!
-[Chrishell] Oh, my gosh.

You're so cute.

I come bearing baskets full of blankets.

-What is all this?

-Oh, and it's pink! Emma! [chuckles]
-And it's slippers and it's cozy stuff!

I just found out
that I need surgery right away,

because I have this really huge cyst
that's hanging off of my ovary,

and if it were to burst,
I'm at risk of losing my whole uterus.

This is so cute.

-And I love this basket.
-We can use this.

-Where'd you get this basket from?
-Put some stuff of Gracie's in there.

-Raspberry Sparkle.
-We can probably light that with one.

I love that I get to see...
You're flashing me your ass right now.


I was trying to light the candle
with a candle, but it was failing.

You just lit the candle... Okay.
There's your card and a nice butt shot.

Aw, what a friend!

[light music plays]

"I love you so much it hurts,

and I'll always be there for you
for anything and everything in life

until we're old grandmas
living together in a sick house

doing granny wine challenges."

"Love you so much, your crazy bestie."

[laughs] Aw...

-I love you.
-I love you.

Thank you, this is really cute
and definitely made me smile and laugh.


So this morning I was scared
because I woke up and... there was,

you know, liquid and everything.

So I called the doctor freaking out.

She said the ovarian cyst is throwing off
the balance of my whole body.

-It's just making my hormones go crazy.
-No, of course.

I can tell
my fuse has gotten a lot shorter.

Because I can feel myself being
really irritable and snapping at people,

and I know it's not who I am, you know?

And I just feel like I have
a lot of expectation on...

I just... I don't know. I just don't...

I feel like I put
a lot of stress on myself

just to get it right all the time,

and it's, like, hard in these situations

where you're dealing
with different pressures in life,

and every day there's times
where I'll be disappointed, disappointed

in the ways that I've,
like, reacted or whatever.

I don't wanna be snapping at people.

I don't wanna be...

You know, like, sometimes when I...

You know, whatever.

If I'm just like snapping at someone,
I'm like, "f*ck." You know?

It's always in the back of my head...


[whispers] I can't say it.



I wanna feel
like my parents are proud of me. [weeps]

They are.

-f*ck, sorry. I don't wanna cry.

-Don't feel bad!


[Emma] No.

[quiet piano music plays]

I need to come under the covvies
with you and get closer. [exhales]

Okay! They are proud of you.

I'm just stressed. I'm just stressed.

No, of course.

Are you serious?

I would k*ll to have a daughter like you,
like, legitimately.

The last time I was in a hospital...

[quiet piano music continues]

...was when my mom died,
so dealing with this health scare,

it just puts everything in perspective.

I don't have my parents.

All the things that have happened
since they've gone,

you know, you really wish you'd see

what they would say,
what they would think. Um...

[quiet piano music continues]

Don't for one second doubt the fact

that you literally could not be
any better of a person.

Okay, that's not true.

You know, you just wonder.

Your parents are looking down, so proud
of everything you've accomplished,

the woman that you are, everything.

[Chrishell] I don't know.

It's always in the back of my head,
like, "Don't change," you know?

Like I'd be such a disappointment
to my family.

[music crescendoes]

[pulse plays]

[whispers] I'm sorry.

[sad music plays]

♪ I'll be hangin' by a thread ♪

♪ Gettin' closer to the edge ♪

♪ Slips so far about to faint ♪

["La Dee Da" by Sunchaser plays]

[instructor] We're gonna go down
to a downward-facing dog here.

Exhale, lower halfway.

Oh, shit, I'm gonna pop my implant!

Your elbows are by your rib cage.

I feel like they're gonna pop!

[Mary] Oh, no. Here we go.

[instructor] And sit up,
tuck your pelvis under.

♪ La dee da dee da ♪

♪ La dee da ♪

♪ La dee da ♪

This will release your lower back.

[Amanza] It's gonna also release
the skin on my face.

-[all laugh]
-Making it droop!

[Amanza] All my Botox is wearing off!

[instructor] And now rise to Crescent.
Slight bend in the back knee there.

Exhale, Warrior Two.

I've always been into hot yoga,
but since I'm pregnant,

I'm really focusing on taking care
of my body both physically and mentally,

so this private session with Amanza
is exactly what I need right now.

All right, big toes to touch.

I feel like
the new office needs a yoga studio.

That might be the one thing he missed.


Do you think he's nervous
about the amount of money he spent?

[Mary] He doesn't seem to be.

He's never followed the rules, though.
He always succeeds, but...

When does Jason listen?

[instructor] Namaste.


To peace in the office.

Nama-f*cking-stay out
of everybody's business.

["You Gotta Move" by Ruby Neon plays]

♪ Say it now, say it now ♪

♪ So you just gonna lay down
Way down ♪

♪ Let it slide like a playground
Hey, now ♪

♪ When I know when I'm stressin'
And it's messin' with my pride ♪

♪ You gotta move, move ♪

♪ You gotta move, move ♪

-Hey, love!

How are ya?

I'm good.

What's the matter?

I think we need to talk.

-Oh, gosh. About?
-I have a little bone to pick with you.

-Thank you so much.

-You're welcome!
-[Chelsea] Much needed.

[Emma] You know,
at the party the other night,

Bre came to me and was really upset.

Apparently, Amanza said to her

that you were saying
that you were the mouthpiece

behind what everyone was thinking
about Bre's relationship.

I was referring to everybody
in the office, except for Mary.

I think before she came to the office,

everyone, maybe, was thinking,
"Okay, this is a very unique situation."

I was the most vocal,
and I was the most transparent. Um...

I feel like Amanza was vocal about it too.


Correct. Which is what I confronted her
about the other day. Where do you stand?

I think that's the biggest question, yeah.

Stand for everything, fall for everything?
Is that your vibe?

[Amanza groans]

I gotta get to where you're at,
your Happy Mary Namaste.

I had a talk with Chelsea the other day,

and she's super pissed
about me telling Bre

that she felt like the messenger.

She was like, "You didn't help,
you actually made it worse."

"You're a pot stirrer,
so just stay out of everybody's business."

Well, that was rude.

[Chelsea] We're all very close.

She knows nobody's speaking about Bre.

She could've clarified that to Bre.

She could've been like,

"Well, you can kind of understand
where Chelsea's coming from."

But instead she's like,

"Oh, girl, people are talking shit
about you and nobody's telling you."

I feel like there's
a lot of messiness going around.

You mean there's a common denominator?

We both know
that Amanza is stirring the pot a bit.

I just think she's gossiping.

I mean, if you're gonna gossip,
I feel you have to have the right facts.

I don't know
what's being lost in translation,

but it's being completely
f*cked up in translation.

Do you think I try too hard
to mediate situations?

-A pot stirrer?
-I think that's who you are.

I mean, I think you try...
No, you're not a pot stirrer.

I think you really want to help people.
You're sweet.

You never mean harm by it,

but with these girls
and all the drama that's going on,

it's just like this web of craziness.

And there's no way out, once you get in.

-Hard to try to be everybody's friend.

But it's also hard to not say something

when you are everybody's friend.


I just see her flip-flopping with
the whole Nicole and Chrishell situation.

-I'm super confused by that.
-What side are you on?

Where are your values? Where do you stand?

She's saying one thing
about Nicole in one breath,

and then in the other breath, she's...

"Oh, my God, babe, I love you!"

Like a pancake, flipping and flopping,
and I don't like that.


I prefer waffles.

We're talking about mean girls, bullying,
about really trying to be neutral,

but you're doing the same thing
that you're calling people out on!

Which is worse,
because that makes you a hypocrite.

It's just funny that the person that
keeps saying we should cut the bullshit

is causing all the bullshit.

That's the last time
I try to help a situation,

because it's clearly not reciprocated,
it's not understood, it's misinterpreted,

and it's not doing any good,
so lesson learned.

I'm f*cking out.

I think that's smart.

I love 'em all,
but f*ck 'em, they're on their own.

[dance music plays]

["Push It to the Limit"
by Mad Circuit plays]

♪ Lemme see you go crazy ♪

♪ Lemme see you go boom, boom, boom, boom
Boom, boom, boom, baby ♪

-[Jason] Yo!
-'Sup, man?

What's going on here?

I wanna show you some stuff.

-So we got all the flooring in.
-[Brett] It's nice.

It's all open, we're letting it acclimate
for a couple weeks.

Okay. How much is this a square foot?

Uh, about $12.50.

It comes in six-foot planks,
four-foot planks, and two-foot planks,

and I can't use the two-foot
or the four-foot planks,

'cause I wanna do herringbone.

-You're using one of every three planks?

So it's not $12.50 a square foot,
it's probably $25 if you do it that way.

-[Jason] Probably $20 a square foot.
-[Brett] Okay.

Could've chosen
a different wood, whatever.

[Jason] I know, but I just love this wood.

Here's something.
So this is almost 100,000 just here.

My brand-new Range Rover cost that.

Yeah, but this is
the centerpiece of the office, bro.

Well, it ain't in the center.

We don't wanna save money on that.
That'll look great.

You don't wanna save money.
Name one thing you wanna save on.

Okay, I'm saving money here.

Instead of putting in a gas fireplace,
we're doing this humidifier kinda thing.

-Steam comes out and looks like a fire.
-Uh-huh. Yeah, yeah.

So it's $10,000 instead of, like, $15,000.

That's a weird way of saying you're
saving money. What's the budget at now?

-When we're done, it'll be a mill five.
-I didn't want to f*cking hear this, dude.

That's over 50% over budget.

In order to pay off this office,

the agents will have to bring in another
$80-100 million in sales this year,

and that's over and above
what they were already expected to do.

And until I see that,
I'm gonna be a little bit anxious,

and to be honest, a bit pissed off.

There's no way we can just cut back
and not spend 75 grand on that

and not spend 10,000
on some bullshit fireplace behind us?

I'm tryin' to get this shit done.

Yeah, bro, but I just see
$5 million listing,

$5 million listing, $8 million listing.

That's what we need
just to pay for these little pet projects.

This office will help us sell houses.
It's gonna be insane.

I think Brett's totally overreacting.

I've doubled my budget
on every project I've ever done,

and he's been with me
for all those projects.

And you know what?

When this office is unbelievable,
which it's going to be,

I know I'm gonna just say,
"I told you so,"

and he'll wanna take credit for the idea.

Wait till you see the pool table, the bar!

-How much is the f*cking pool table?

-Oh, my f*cking God.
-We can play games in here. It'll be fun!

Oh, my God, I'm gonna f*cking punch you.

It'd still be possible to sublease this
and save a million dollars, right?

-We're not past the point of no return?
-I don't wanna go back on this.

We are about to potentially lose
all of our buy-side commissions,

the volume that the agents are doing
is down 50%.

We're losing crypto buyers, tech buyers.

Why do you think this place is available?

Somebody went bankrupt here!
We're doing three offices in one year.

Over two and a half million dollars.
How will you spin that to be a good idea?

We know the market will pick up,
so why don't we expand now,

then when the market is picking up,
we'll be there.

Every other brokerage will be
two years behind us.

I'm not worried.

We're smarter than everybody else.

We'll figure it out,
and we'll have a great office.

Everything has worked out.
This'll work out, I promise you.

You need to get on board, bud.

We need to be a f*cking team.

We were a team, then you do stupid shit.
You need to stop doing that.

I don't think this is stupid.

Jay, this is objectively stupid.

I don't think you're being rational.

I think you've passed the point
of me just willy-nilly trusting you.

Bro, I'm in here every f*cking day
getting this office put together,

and then you just come in and you start
bitching about how much it costs.

That's because nobody else does.
You do whatever you want!

Then you design that shit!

I could design that shit
for one eighth the price right now.

-Then do the work.
-No. I'm f*cking over you.

[soulful rock music plays]

I'm spending $100,000
on the f*cking AV system, by the way.

I already put the deposit down.

[soulful rock music continues]

♪ Hold your breath ♪

♪ Are you ready now? ♪

♪ Never gonna stop
'Cause it's in your blood ♪

♪ Nothin' left to hold you down ♪

♪ No turnin' back, better run, run, run ♪

♪ Never gonna stop
'Cause it's in your blood ♪