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04x05 - Let Sleeping Dogs Lie

Posted: 04/20/24 09:43
by bunniefuu
[funky music playing]

♪ Out with the old
In with the fresh ♪

♪ Don't want to settle
For less than my best ♪

♪ I got a plan and I'm sticking to it
Nothing left but to do it ♪

♪ Anybody, anything in my way
Better look out, yeah ♪

♪ Watch the way I do it ♪

♪ Ow! ♪

♪ I'm making moves, yeah
I'm making moves, yeah ♪

♪ Making, making moves... ♪

[teacher] Exhale. Downward-facing dog.

Good. Beautiful. Strong arms.

I'm an avid horseback rider,

and, obviously, when I was pregnant,
I couldn't ride horses,

so I started learning yoga.

[teacher] Right leg lifts.
You're gonna step it through.

It makes me feel good.
Good for the body, good for the soul.

And I love it.

♪ I'm making, making moves... ♪

[Christine gasps] Did my weave fall out?


Also, it's just always important
to stay flexible,

just for sex in general.

♪ I'm making moves ♪

[teacher] Bring your hand to the inside,
wrap it with those long arms.

Bring your left foot
towards your right foot.

Now shift the weight
over to that left leg,

and on an inhale,
you're gonna slowly rise up.

Take your time.


- Oh, hi.
- Hi. Don't mind me.

- [Christine] Good to see you.
- [teacher continues]

- How are you?
- [Davina] I'm good. How are you?

[Christine] Good.

- [Davina] Oh, wow. Oh, my God.
- [teacher] Yes.

Press those forearms down,
almost lifting your head off the ground.


[Christine] So, what's going on, Davina?

[Davina] Wanted to check in,
see how you're feeling.

- But, apparently, very well.
- [Christine] I'm good.

My goodness!
You're a contortionist. That's amazing.

You could work at Cirque du Soleil
or something. Right?

Like, I feel like I see it.

I totally get it now.

[Davina] I think Christine
is the most impressive mom.

She is doing headstands,

all these crazy yoga positions.

It's insane.

- And now I see how you got pregnant.
- [both laugh]

[Christine] Namaste.
Thank you, that was amazing.

Namaste. Thank you.

I have no idea how she's doing all this.
It's kind of mind-blowing to me. No clue.

How have you been feeling
in general? Good?

I'm good. I mean, there's days where I'm,

like, super exhausted.

Um, other than that, it's been good.

Did everybody reach out?
Did everyone congratulate...

Everyone but Chrishell reached out, yeah.
But I'm not surprised.

Even with Mary,

her and I used to be,
like, super-duper close,

and she sent me, you know,
one text message and, like, that's it.

- [Davina] That's fine.
- I haven't talked to her since.

I don't know, it is what it is.

Then Heather, I've texted here and there.

Haven't really seen her much,

but Amanza and I have been talking.

Yeah, she calls me too. She's sweet.

Maya's been great.
I talk to her a lot too.

So how are things? How's work?

The project I was working on,
the new development project,

- It's kind of wrapped up.
- Yeah.

So, you know, now I'm, again,
like, "Hmm, I wonder what I should do."

I mean, I miss you.
I'd love for you to come back.

- I miss you too.
- [Christine] What do you think?

[Davina] I'm considering coming back,
but Jason's tough,

and, like,
I'm not gonna be bullied by him.

[Davina] When I left the Oppenheim Group,
there was a little tension

because of what had happened
with the $75 million listing,

because it didn't sell,

but he wasn't supportive
from the beginning,

and it just didn't start off the best way.

I have built a reputation
of well-priced listings.

I'm a broker too.
Like, it's my reputation.

- It's the Oppenheim Group listing.
- [Davina] But it's me too.

- [Jason] It is.
- I'm putting my face on there.

Yes, and you shouldn't be anymore.

Do you think you and Jason
could work together?

I think there's definitely possibility.

He's adding more and more people
to the brokerage,

and I just hope he doesn't say,
"There's no more spots left."

I have to talk to him.
That's the only way I'll figure it out.

So I feel like
the sooner the better, you know?

[pop music playing]

♪ Not sure where I'm going ♪

♪ But I'm taking it slow ♪

♪ Life is fast
It all comes and it goes ♪

♪ I gotta get outta here ♪

♪ Outta here, outta here ♪

♪ I gotta keep promises to myself ♪

♪ Just keep doing ♪

I drive past this place all the time,
and I've never been here.

- Me neither, but I love the name.
- I do too.

- I feel like the name is very fitting.
- It's so cute.

♪ Grab my girls, now let's roll ♪

♪ We're turning up, yeah
It's time to go ♪

- Hello!
- [barista] Hey, how you doing?

- How are you?
- Great, thanks. How are you?

[Emma] Good.

- I'm gonna do a double shot of espresso.
- Absolutely.

I'm gonna do
an iced chai tea latte, dirty.

- [barista] Dirty?
- With oat milk.

Excellent. Have a seat.
I'll bring your drinks.

[all] Thank you.

- [Mary] So...
- So how have you been?


We have
your dogs' birthday party coming up.

Jason said no expense spared.

He just wants to go all out.

- [Emma] Okay.
- Because Niko is getting older.

I think Jason's worried,
like, how many more years we have.

- So he wants to, like...
- Yeah, he wants to go big.

He wants him to feel special. I like it.

- Obviously, I'm coming.
- I don't know if the dogs actually get it.

But they'll enjoy the fun toys and treats.

- I'm so excited.
- Me too.

Jason and I share custody of our dogs,
Niko and Zelda, since we dated.

So we are throwing
a birthday party for both of them,

their birthdays are
just a couple days apart,

and the party's gonna be so much fun.

We'll invite all our friends,

and it'll be nice
to get together peacefully

without inviting
some people from our office.

Feeling a little weird about, like,
Christine coming in the other day.

Kind of blacked out in the moment.

I saw her come in,

it was like a pink highlighter.

I was, like, blacking out! [laughs]

- Oh, God!
- [Mary] I know.

I just start shaking
every time she comes around.

I'm like, "What's gonna happen?"

Right? I didn't know if I was gonna
have to put on a helmet.

Like... [exclaims]
Sitting there, trying to be polite.

She doesn't know you, apparently.

Apparently, yes, it was
her first time meeting me.

She blacked out the scene
when she was banging on my doors.

Christine didn't want
to be accountable for her actions.

She wanted to brush it off
like nothing happened,

like she didn't meet me
when she was banging on my window,

screaming bloody m*rder,
with her friend on the other side.

- Thank you so much.
- [Mary] Thank you.

I mean, that was
a whole playing dumb, whatever.

That's fine. She wants to play that card.

Well, at least she wasn't attacking you,
so... silver lining.

I would've thought that having the baby

would've made her, you know,
grow up a little bit and not be like that,

but then to come in
like, "Nice to meet you,"

give me a hug, stuff...

The games are still going on.

The games are just not ending,
which is so crazy.

Christine playing dumb
is just another one of her tricks

to get what she wants,

and I am so tired
of all of these stupid games.

I don't know what to do.
The baby's there, everyone's holding it.

Is it bad that I didn't try to?

But then she didn't invite me
to the baby shower,

so I'm not gonna come up
and grab her baby.

- [Emma] No.
- Like, that is so inappropriate.

So I just sat there.
I'm like, "I don't know what to do."

[Emma] I was sitting there, same thing.
I didn't know what to do.

For her to give me
the time of day and not you

is actually mind-blowing.

She's mad at me,
apparently, because of you, but...

- For being friends with me.
- [Mary] I just always have hope.

Maybe the baby changed her.
Maybe she'll soften.

Maybe she'll, like,
have bigger things going on in her life,

and she'll just be like,
"Oh, my God, I was so dumb."

It makes me fricking crazy.

I have so many things
going on that are positive.

I'm not gonna let
somebody that's a negative person

come in and take anything away from me.

Do you want someone in your life
that you don't trust

and is a negative person?

I just don't want that part of my life.
Like, there's so much good going on...

- [Emma] Yeah.
- I wanna focus on that.

- If it's negative...
- Yeah.

- Like, I can't do this anymore.
- Exactly.

♪ 'Cause I'm free ♪

♪ Free to be myself ♪

♪ Answer to no one else ♪

♪ And it's taking me higher ♪

♪ It's not I ♪

♪ It may have taken some time ♪

♪ But now that I'm here
I am taking it all ♪

♪ I'm laying all my cards on the table
'Cause you don't get... ♪

- Hi!
- [Jason] Hey.

Welcome in. I'm Amanda.

- Nice to meet you. Jason.
- [Amanda] Nice to meet you.

- You too.
- Thanks for coming by.

- Good to see you.
- You too.

- Thanks for coming.
- Yeah.

[Davina] So I invited Jason
to the Rangeley property

to show him my potential new listing,

and introduce him
to the property and my client

to see if it'd be a good fit
with the Oppenheim Group,

and if we could work together again.

[Jason] Nice house.
Ooh, really nice house.

- Oh, you like it, huh?
- [Amanda] Thank you.

- Yeah. Are you a designer?
- [Amanda] I am not a designer.

I put a lot of heart and soul
and work into it over a long time.

♪ Ain't nobody do it like I do ♪

♪ I'm gonna make some wave
And make some moves ♪

♪ So make way now
I'm coming through ♪

♪ Let's go ♪

- [Jason] Super original. Love the bar.
- [Amanda] Thank you!

[Davina] Thought you'd appreciate that.

- Have a look at the kitchen.
- Oh, my God.

Okay, this is my vision.

- Nice work on the kitchen.
- I take full credit.

[Jason] This is gorgeous.

I love these shelves
and the LED lighting underneath it,

and how you matched
the wood over here. I really love it.

So I'd love to discuss
the price with you guys.

Yeah. Usually, when I walk into a house
that someone's done this nicely,

and it's designer,
and it's curated like this...

Around 75 million?

Yeah, the price is usually
a little unrealistic, so...

I would be a very,
very happy woman at 4.2.

- I'm sure you would be happy at 4.2.
- [Amanda] Okay, tell me your feelings.

[Jason] Price per square foot
is gonna, like, break a record

if we get $4 million for this.

Surprisingly, I completely agree with you.

- Wow.
- [Davina] I know.

That is surprising
if you knew our history.

I think 3,995 is more appropriate
for the house and the square footage

and all the details and the comps.

I would feel
like I was selling myself short

based on the time and energy,

the passion, and the literal dollar amount
of the items in here.

You could have spent $600,000
remodeling a piece of shit,

and adding a ton of value.

Instead, you bought a basically new house,
and then remodeled.

I knew that while doing it,

that not everything
would make sense to every person

and wouldn't add value
in the traditional sense,

but we only need one person who gets it.

- Oh, God. I hate that line.
- [Amanda] We only need one buyer.

- [Jason] Oh, God.
- No, listen! I'm gonna go woo.

That's my worst sentence
in real estate right there.

Soul mates and buyers.

- Yeah.
- We only need one sometimes.

She's an adviser, I'm an adviser,
so you got some advice.

- You don't have to follow it.
- I appreciate it.

I'm taking it all to heart.
I'm gonna let you guys look around.

I have some work to do upstairs.
Let me know if you have any questions.

Thanks so much, Amanda.

- [Jason] You wanna go outside?
- Yeah.

[Jason] Look how charming that is.

I do like how private it is.
I mean, that's really nice.

[Davina] I agree.

Even the front yard, super private.

[Davina] So how's the office?
How's everybody there?

All great. Everyone seems
like they're doing really well.

I heard Chrishell bought her own place.

She found an epic house.

It's perfect for her.
It's private, it's gated.

Especially in this market.
Nothing's available!

I don't know how she did it.

I heard you were the agent
representing Chrishell on her purchase.

Of course, I help everyone on their deals,

but super frustrating for her,
you can imagine this proud moment,

and I'm getting credit for what she did.

She's rightfully upset about it.

Chrishell might have a buyer for this.

Well, it is very Oppenheim Group.

Yes, it is.

Don't get me wrong,
this is right up our alley.

You know I left
because of a new development opportunity

at the other brokerage,

but the job is completed.

The consulting is all wrapped up.

And it was a very... corporate environment.

And, while I can easily function there,

I do love the closeness
and the access to you,

and just the camaraderie
you have at the Oppenheim Group.

I miss that

and, I don't know,
I think maybe we should talk

about me coming back.

- Um, I'm open to it.
- [laughs nervously]

I'm open to that discussion.

One of the frustrations before you left
was an overpriced listing.

- That was a frustrating conversation...
- For all of us.

[Jason] On many levels.

- [Davina] He's asking 75 million.
- Oh, my God.

I know, I know.

That's just so overpriced

that we're just going to be
spinning our wheels spending money.

- All we need is one client, you know? One.
- [Jason] No.

That's almost embarrassing
for us to list it that high.

I don't think it's embarrassing.

And I wouldn't want to see us
back in that situation again

on this house or any other.

I don't want to be
in that situation again.

[Jason] Yeah. Listen, it's definitely
something to think about.

I've always liked you.

It's just something
I kind of wanna think through, you know?

It's not like I wanna set a precedent
for somebody leaving, then coming back.

That I understand, yeah.

But it's just...
I gotta run it by the team and everything.

Of course.

♪ Got ambition ♪

♪ Yeah, I'll be business
Ooh, yeah ♪

♪ Feel the beauty from the inside out ♪

♪ And you know I never had a doubt ♪

♪ Grow, grow, growing up
I'm growing up now ♪

♪ Grow, grow, growing up
Watch me now ♪

♪ Grow, grow, growing up
Ooh, yeah ♪

♪ Watch me, watch me, watch me ♪

- [Heather] Hi!
- Hey, how are you?

- Welcome.
- Nice to see you again.

- Good to see you.
- Great to see you.

Karan and I previously walked Doheny
during the day, and it was spectacular,

but I wanted him to see the best version
of the house, at night during twilight.

- Look at this.
- [Heather] I know.

- This is spectacular.
- Isn't it insane?

- It's beautiful, isn't it?
- [Karan] Yeah.

It actually gets even better
when you get further into the master.

- As you walk down.
- Amazing.

[Heather] Can you envision yourself here?
Anything you'd change?

[Karan] You kidding? 100%.

It's hard to say that, it's so beautiful.

[energetic pop music playing]


So let's take this in.

Now that it's dark inside,

everything's moody and sexy.

This is cool. I mean, it's so cool
how the master's the center of the house.

It is. The center of the house.

- Is there any complaints? Any worries?
- [Karan] No complaints.

Actually, as I was pulling up,
I noticed the house next door is leveled.

- The one right below you?
- [Karan] Yeah, the empty lot.

- [Heather] Yeah.
- [Karan] So are they building?

[Heather] Yes, they are gonna build.

I don't know how high though.

But the good thing is,

in this area, there's a height ordinance,

so I'm pretty sure
it's not gonna block your view.

It might a little bit,
but I'm gonna call Jason

and I'll find out if we can look into it
and find out the height.

That'd be great.
That's definitely a concern.

A big portion of this house is the view.
It's the main feature.

So if it's gonna block the view,
it'll be an issue.

Honestly, like, you... [sighs]

As beautiful as this is,
if it's gonna be blocked,

it's not the house for you,
and I know it's not.

[bouncy electronic music playing]

♪ Ah, I'mma win it ♪

♪ Run it, run it ♪

♪ Got no time to take it slow
Baby, I'm too busy ♪

♪ I'm the boss, boss, boss ♪

♪ You want better and I'm the best ♪

♪ No one else could handle it
Baby, I'm the queen ♪

♪ Ooh, I live it up... ♪

- [Chrishell] You guys have to try these.
- [Mary] What?

- Irish treats, and I'm obsessed with it.
- Oh, those are good.

You can't get them here.
Only in Australia, Ireland, UK.

Yeah, it looks like
a little Swedish something.

You wanna try one?

[Mary] Yeah, I used to...
Austin loved those.

I love these things.

- Yeah. So good.
- [Chrishell] Anybody else?

Jay, Brett, you want a chocolate bar?

- [Brett] Yeah, I'll do it later.
- Catch!

I'm good at it! Watch, watch.

Okay, ready?

- [Mary] Oh, that was good!
- [Emma] Damn, girl.

- [Jason] Okay.
- Yes!

You should be an athlete.

Listen, while I've got
everyone's attention,

um, let's start a team meeting,
hear what everyone's got going on.

- [Chrishell] Team meeting.
- [Mary] Niko's ready.

[Amanza] I always get stuck sitting
on the end, on the back, hanging half off.

You guys are so cute
over there, I must say.

[Jason] Awesome.
That's what we're going for.

I know! I figured! [laughs]

Then we can hear
what everyone's got going on.

The market's so hot right now.

I have high expectations.
Chrishell, if you wanna start it off.

Yeah. I'm excited. One of my clients,

his name is Thomas Bryant,
he's a 23-year-old NBA player.

He has all this money,
and he bought a house in Woodland Hills.

This really beautiful kind of family home.

Now that he's been there
for a little while, it's not his vibe.

He wants, like, a bachelor pad,

something sexier in the Hills,
so I'm gonna sell that house.

I think it'll probably be around 3.5,

then I'm gonna look to buy him
something up to four in the Hills.

So you're selling his house,
and buying him a house.

- Yes.
- [Brett] Awesome.

- Amazing!
- That's what I'm working on now, so yay!

Mary, you up.

So for French Montana's house,
we've got so many showings lined up,

um, tons and tons of interest on it,
so that's great.

I actually just received an offer

from a couple
that saw the property yesterday.

- [all exclaim]
- That's amazing.

Mary, when you close that deal,
because you will,

you'll ring that bell
a million times because it's, like, wow!

- I know. Yeah.
- Vanessa, you're up.

I have my pocket in Malibu

that I'm hoping
that it's gonna sell super soon,

now that open houses are back,
and hopefully we'll put it on the market,

so we can do that with that house.

I'm also speaking to a buyer in Mexico.

He's an investor.

He's one of the owners of AT&T.

I sent him the one we went to see,
and he's interested in that one.

Thank you, Vanessa. That's a good start.

- Good job.
- [Vanessa] Thank you.

Emma, this is your first.
What's your update?

So I closed on Alesso's house for 6.3.

- Nice.
- [all cheer]

[Emma] Thank you.

And then I have my client Patrick,
he's a billionaire from Singapore.

- [Brett] I like this guy already.
- Right?

He's flying in, and he actually
bought the house from Harry Styles.

- We're listing that.
- Can I ask the important question?

Did Harry Styles
leave anything in the house?

Or does he ever come back and visit?

- I don't even know. He's a...
- You don't know who that is?

He's a singer or something.

- What?
- [Jason] I've heard of him.

- I just don't know where.
- I've heard the name.

He was in that band One Direction.

- He's, like, huge, big time.
- Huge.

He sings the song "Watermelon,"
I think it's called?

- [Emma laughs]
- [Chrishell] "Watermelon Sugar."

But what is the point of watermelon sugar?
Like, what is that?

I never got it.

No, he's talking about, like,
how much he likes the taste of...

the orchid of a woman. [laughs]

I was wondering,
"What the heck is the watermelon?"

[Amanza] And he likes the sugar?

- Thank you, Chrishell, for explaining.
- I'm sorry.

Anyway, I have a question for you guys,
because Davina has been reaching out.

She has an interest
in rejoining the brokerage.

I wanted to run that by you ladies
and see what you think about that.

Obviously she left for a reason.
Did something happen?

Is she not happy there?

I think she was working
on a project over there that's done.

She misses the brokerage.

She did a lot of showings
for me when I was busy,

and I was down in Newport.

She helped me out,
and she was always professional.

I always liked Davina.
I mean, I think she's... a tough woman.

I think she says things
that maybe isn't the most positive,

but I think she's been working on that.

Her competence and professionality
aren't up for debate.

It's whether you're comfortable with her.

Where's she gonna sit?

It gives me a little bit of nervousness.

I obviously don't want to feel
any kind of, like, competition with me or...

because that's not how I like to work.

I always give people, like, you know,
the opportunity to be who they are.

If they don't do anything to me, great,
but if they do something to me

or someone that I love,
then it's not gonna be okay.

I always got along with her.

I thought she was great,

but sometimes the stuff that came
out her mouth was just like, "Wait."

[Maya] I do it too. I'm very direct.

I ask questions,

people can take it the wrong way,
but I don't mean to hurt them,

so I don't think she realizes that.

She doesn't do it to be vindictive.
She does it because that's who she is.

Well, isn't that worse?

From what I'm hearing,
she just doesn't sound

like a super positive person,

and I genuinely think
all of these girls are,

and that we make a great group,

but I obviously don't know
everything that went down.

- So...
- [Mary] Yeah.

I think the most recent thing,
she was beyond rude to Chrishell.

Chrishell, to be fair,
we don't know any details.

Obviously, Justin has his own side, right?

- Can we stop?
- That's all I'm saying.

He didn't get married
to get divorced, you know?

You know that, right?

Well, I just... Obviously, that night was...
There was a lot of emotions anyways.

I was trying to get through the night,
so I just wasn't ready to even...

And so I was really thrown off guard.

For me, it would've gone a long way
if she'd, like, apologized after that.

- So she never reached out?
- [Chrishell] No.

My relationship with Davina
since Christine's wedding

hasn't really changed.

We haven't spoken or anything,

and to kick someone when they're down

is just something
that you really should never do,

and, obviously,
it was painful at the time.

A lot of time has gone by.

I don't really hold a grudge,
but I do hold people accountable.

There's a difference.

When I was there,
I don't remember it happening

that aggressive, so...

Well, I f*cking do.

I don't think she meant it that bad,

but if I would say, "Of course,
nobody gets married to get divorced,"

maybe I sound more gentle than,
"Nobody gets married to get divorced."

[Chrishell] If that's all, it's one thing.

She was taunting me,

trying to get me to talk
when I clearly was shutting down,

trying to get through the night.

So I'm sorry, I have to disagree.

- It was rough.
- It was a huge moment.

I even said something to her.

[Mary] It was a really bad night.
She just had to get up and leave.

Like, "I can't do this anymore."
It was too much.

[Maya] Chrishell, you think you're ready
to put this, obviously, in the past?

- Maybe you guys can talk, hash things out.
- [Chrishell] I would prefer not to.

If she felt like she should've apologized,
she would have already,

so if she does it now,
it'll seem fake, and I don't need that.

You know, she left
so if she wants to come back,

I feel like she has to play by the rules.

She can't make
those snide comments all the time,

and just kind of, you know,
bring her air of negativity.

- Hurtful things.
- [Chrishell] They hurt your feelings.

You they can act like they don't,
but they do.

I think she's a good agent, you know,

but I think she comes
with some baggage in that respect.

We will have more discussions about this.

I'm not gonna make any decision
that would affect this family dynamic

without involving you all, so...

Maybe just... she's not allowed to talk.

- That would work.
- [Amanza] In time-out.

Not gonna work. All right, we good?

[Amanza] A muzzle?

[Jason] All right.

[pop music playing]

♪ Love the way you move
The way you keep me cool ♪

♪ You make my heart go
Make my heart go boom, boom, boom ♪

♪ I love the way you ride ♪

♪ And keep the beat alive ♪

♪ You make the drum go
Make the drum go boom, boom, boom... ♪

[Maya] This is the cutest store ever
for kids, Christine.

[Christine] This is adorable! Hi!

- Hi! Welcome to Rockstar Kids, ladies.
- [all] Thank you!

♪ I can make your heart go ♪

♪ Boom, boom, boom, boom ♪

♪ I can make your heart go ♪

Oh, my gosh.
Look at these blinged-out pacifiers.

Are you kidding me?

- [Maya] Oh, my God. That's so you.
- This is the cutest thing I've ever seen.

[Maya] This is really you, Christine.

- "Wanna be my friend?" [chuckles]
- [Davina] "Yes!"

[Christine] What is this?

I think it's a mask.
Yeah, 'cause it folds.

Doesn't this look like from...
"Clarice!" Like, Hannibal Lecter?

- What is this? Is this a baby mask?
- I think so.

I still can't get over the fact
you had a baby three weeks ago.

Like, I love you, but I also hate you.

- [Christine] It's not even three weeks.
- [Davina] That was a lot too.

- That was traumatizing.
- I know.

[Maya] How did it feel
to come back to the office?

[Christine] It was nice to be back.

I mean, Emma was mean-mugging me for sure.

- You saw Emma there?
- Yeah.

I was like, "Hey, how are you?
You look beautiful."

- Wait, she was mean-mugging you?
- She was.

- [Davina] Why?
- I don't know.

I didn't notice that.
Maybe she didn't know what to expect.

Obviously, the last time she met you
was not in a good situation.

She seems nice.
I think you guys can get along.

- I swear to God.
- Imagine they become, like, friends.

That's the thing. You bond over a guy...
I mean, you have something in common.

- Are they still together? I don't know.
- I don't know. I don't know.

I do have some tea though.

I saw her car at his house this morning

when I was driving here.

So I think they are still together,

but I was going to say I hope
that, you know, he's changed, and...

Was it awkward that she was at your desk?

No. I don't give a shit.

I mean, we're not children.
Like, this is not kindergarten.

Like, "Ooh!
She said this about me, boo-hoo!"

I mean, the ice was coming
from the back of the office,

not the front, so...

The thing about Chrishell,
she's like super glue.

She never lets anything go.

I feel like Mary
was a little cold to me, you know.

[Maya] By the way, are you coming
to Mary's dogs' birthday party?

- Did you get invited?
- I don't know.

What happened between you two?
You guys were so close together.

- And it felt like...
- Chrishell happened.

And then they became really close,
and then Mary just forgot about me.

When we were best friends,
you have to understand,

we were both single.

We were partying.

It was different times
when her and I were friends, you know?

- It was like the '80s, you know? So...
- [laughs]

- Yeah, back at Studio 54.
- [all laugh]

Mary and I have grown apart,

and Mary just needs
to grow up and accept that.

I don't know
if that's something she's able to do.

I took Jason to my new listing
to whet his palate a little bit.

He's open. He brought it up
yesterday in the team meeting.

Oh, he did? How did that go?

He was open.
I'm not sure about everybody else.

[peppy dance music plays]

♪ Get it, get it and move ♪

♪ Get it, get it and move
I got it ♪

♪ Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah ♪

♪ Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah
I got it ♪

♪ Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah ♪

Hi, how are you?
This is Emma from the Oppenheim Group.

Yeah, I wanted to see
if you had time for us to come in,

take a look at the property.

- Hey!
- [Jason] Hey, babe.

All right. Thank you.

- Bye-bye.
- It's Mary!

- [Brett] Morning.
- Morning!

[Emma] You look beautiful.

[Amanza] You look like a sexy, spicy mama.

At least I look sexy,
because I've had kind of a crappy day.

Um, Jason,
I have unfortunate news on French's house.

We started inspections, the husband comes,

and he just basically
stopped the inspections.

He was like,
"I didn't realize the first time

the primary bedroom
was on the bottom floor."

And he was like,
"I don't like that kind of floor plan."

So he sent all the inspectors home,

and it looks like they're pulling out.

- [Jason] Mmm.
- [Brett] Wow.

He didn't see it ahead of time?

He probably didn't realize
how important it was to him.

I mean, it's, like, the most random thing,

but unfortunately, like,
there's nothing I can do about that.

- It's not, like, a negotiating thing.
- No.

I just hate when this happens.

Like, it's disappointing to the client,

and then... But I'm gonna get it sold.

You will.

It's you. You will do it. [laughs]

Thank you.

Do you know anyone else
that might be interested

in writing an offer on that house?

Um, well, I showed it to my client Lenny,
and he seemed pretty interested.

[Brett] It's a start.

Yeah. You guys happen to know anybody

that might want
a gorgeous Tuscan villa in Calabasas?

Now that I'm thinking about it,
I have a new client, actually,

who's on the Lakers.

He might want it.

Six bedrooms,
um, a guesthouse, super high ceilings.

Good. He's nice and tall.
I don't know the exact height, but tall.

That could be a really good fit.
I'll take him by.

Okay. Yeah, give me his availability,
and I'll get you in right away.

- [Emma] Perfect. I'll text him right now.
- Look at that.

- [Mary] I love it.
- Yeah! [laughs]

- Saved the day, Emma.
- Yes. Fingers crossed.

- She's a real go-getter, that Emma.
- I know, right?

[Emma] Yeah, that newbie.

Welcome to the Oppenheim Group. I like it.

♪ When we want it
Better come and get it ♪

♪ Don't you know I got it? ♪

♪ Come and, come and, come and
Come and get it ♪

♪ Come and, come and, come and
Come and get it ♪

♪ I'm the boss, I'm on the move ♪

♪ All I do is win, and I never lose ♪

♪ I'm the boss, I'm on the move... ♪

[Mary] Are you excited
for your party? Yeah?

I can't believe you're 15!

You are so old.

- [Jason] Babe, don't say that.
- What? No, he's doing well, though.

- Yeah.
- He's a young old man.

- [Brett] Like you, Jay.
- Yeah. [laughs] That's true.

- Oh, my boy!
- You're like papa. A young old man.

[Mary] I'm so excited to throw
a birthday party for Niko and Zelda.

Niko's turning 15,
and Zelda's turning four,

and so we are just going to give them

the biggest, best birthday party
that they could ever ask for.

Mmm! Is it your birthday?

- [Brett] You got 'em Tiffany's gifts?
- Yes.

I'll remember that for my birthday.

♪ It's a feeling, ooh, ooh ♪

♪ Ooh, ooh... ♪

[Chrishell] This way. Come on, bub.

[Mary] Are these really dog tacos?

Yeah. Don't put those there.
People will eat those.

[sing-song] Hello!

Hi, guys.

Look at you. Oh, my God.

- You look so pretty.
- Thank you.

[barking happily]

Wow, this is a dog party.

[Vanessa] Oh, wow! Hello, everyone! Hi!

[Maya] Oh, wow.

Wow, this is awesome.

Which is the dog food
and which is the human food?

[Mary] Zelda, you want some bacon?
Come here.

[Jason] Oh, man,
they're gonna shit all day.

♪ I got that... ♪

[Maya] I feel bad now not to do anything
for my son when he turned one. [laughs]

Hello, hello!

- [Mary] Emma!
- [Emma] Hi!

- [Chrishell] Hi, babe.
- Hi. Oh, my God. You guys look so pretty.


Hi! Oh, my God!

- I can make you a mocktail.
- [Maya] I want a mocktail.

- [Tarek] Dude, this view.
- [Brett] Right?

[Tarek] My God.

[Brett] We have this
on the market for 8 million.

- But it's as a teardown.
- [Tarek] Wow, look at that.

Where do we get the drinks?

- Cheers.
- Chrishell made me a mocktail.

- I want one.
- This is the Salty Dog.

This the Niko.
There's also the Zelda, which is rosé.

[Heather] So cute!

- Tarek, you like yours strong?
- Just like you.

- Make it a double!
- Okay.

I didn't say a double.

- I gotta behave a little bit.
- All right.

Yeah. Behave, behave.

[Amanza laughs] Oh, my God!

This is a bigger party
than I have for myself!

- Hot mama.
- [Chrishell] Get over here.

- Hi!
- Yeah!

[Mary] Hey, babe.

Are you trying to get up on the table
and get food? Are you hungry?

[Emma] I saw you guys went out last night.

[Maya] Yes. Was me, Davina, and Christine.

[Emma] What do you think of Davina?
I know that, obviously,

everyone kind of said
not the nicest things about her,

from her being there before,
and, obviously, I wasn't there for that.

She's actually really nice.

Yeah, she comments here and there,
and she's obviously very direct,

and maybe almost sometimes too direct,

so I think some of the comments she made
come across, I guess, insensitive.

But, you know, she's not a mean person.

Has she ever had, like, a boyfriend
or, like, a significant other?

Yeah, she had a couple
of serious relationships.

Okay. I just wonder, if you haven't been
in a super serious relationship,

you don't understand
some things are sensitive.

- Who are you talking about? Is it private?
- No! Come in!

So, yesterday, Davina was telling me,

apparently, she was married too,
and she got divorced.

- [Emma] She was?
- She was married, yeah.

After four years, and he cheated on her...

Actually, the woman
showed up in their house, and...

- [Emma] Oh, wow.
- Pretty bad story, yeah.

That must be so nice that it was private,
and no one knew, and no one asked her.

So that must have been nice.

[Chrishell] Never in my life
would I ever speak to somebody

the way that she did.

And to now know
that she also went through a divorce,

it just makes everything worse.

I don't think Jason should have her back,
but that's not my call.

Sometimes, you have to think twice
or three times before you say something.

I have sometimes the same problem.

I think the difference is
your intention comes through,

where hers does not.

It did not come through
that she was coming from a good place.

It came through
like she was getting enjoyment.

There's certain girls that, like, feed off
of something negative happening.

- "Misery likes company" kind of thing?
- Yeah, exactly.


Knowing that she went through
the same thing is a little shocking, but...

[woman] Top step. There you go.

Okay, guys, so I wrote a poem
for Niko and a poem for Zelda.

And also, Niko and Zelda donated $5,000
to the Burbank Animal Shelter today.

- Yay!
- [all applaud]

[Jason] Which is where
Chrishell got little Gracie.

Gracie! Whoo!

- [Jason] Okay, so, to my poem.
- [whispers indistinctly]

Niko, at the age of 15
You're all grown up

Gone are the days of you as a pup

You teach me about life every single day

In the little things you do
To show me the way

You're one of a kind
A dog beyond his years

My love for you
It could bring me to tears

Every day together brings me so much joy

I love you always, Niko, you're my boy

[all] Aw!

- [Vanessa] So beautiful!
- [Heather] That is so cute.

[all cheer]

[Jason] Now for little Zelly.

Did I really cry at a dog poem?
That's ridiculous.

Zelda, your mom and I, we love you a ton

We want you to play and lounge in the sun

[people chuckle]

But you're a big girl now
You just turned four

So why do we still find poop on the floor?

[all laugh]

It's not that I care
About your poop or your pee

It's that you do it at Mary's
And then she blames me

[all laughing]

So, for now, my lecture is done
I don't want to dampen your fun

Your big ears are so soft to the touch

You're my little girl
And I love you so much


- [all cheer]
- Jason!

[Mary] That was so sweet.

[Emma] Oh, my gosh. So sweet.

- [Jason] I wrote it.
- [Maya] You did? That's awesome.

Can I say something?
Zelly and Niko, we love you a lot.

Now it's time for everyone to take a shot!

[all laugh]

[song scratches]

A cheers to Niko and Zelda's birthday!

[all] Yay!

- [Emma] Cheers to Niko and Zelda!
- [Jason] Love you, guys.

♪ Nasty ♪

♪ I'm gonna be the life of the party ♪

♪ I'm gonna go big
I'm gonna go big ♪

♪ Shake 'em up and... ♪

[Heather] Ready?

Come on, TJ! Let's go!

Come on!

[Chrishell] Why is she here?

[Maya] Oh, my God. Christine is here.

[Mary] Oh, my God.

Who crashes a dog birthday party?

I didn't crash her baby shower.

[Chrishell] Maybe because she thought
it was a party for b*tches!


- Hey, guys! How are you?
- [Jason] How you doing?

- Good to see you.
- [Jason] You too.

[Christine] Hey, Mary, Chrishell.
Hey, guys!

- [Heather] Gee, hi.
- Hi, baby girl!

You want me to protect you?
You want to hide?

Are you kidding me?
I have a camel toe the size of Texas.

- You had a baby, uh, two days ago.
- [laughs]

- You look like... Like, I can't.
- Oh, my God.

- I need to give you a hug.
- I'm offended.

I love you, but I'm offended.

[Mary] Who invited her?

I am angry
that Christine ended up showing up.

I don't want this to be about her.
She always makes everything about her.

This is not okay.

I wonder why she's here,
'cause no one invited her.

- Did Jason invite her?
- [Mary] No. I saw the guest list.

I don't want drama.
I knew Emma would be here.

I knew a lot of people don't...
And she didn't want me at her thing, fine.

I don't know why, but things are not good,

and if things are not good,
then I don't want someone here.

This is my dogs' party.
It's not about me. Like, the dogs.

Why is she...

She doesn't get along
with half the people.

- [Vanessa] How's the little boy?
- He's so good.

It was nice to get away.
I'm like, "I get to go to a party."

So Christian's at home.
I'm like, "This is great."

If she's mean to you,
I'll be like, "Sorry,

we were supposed
to take invitations at the door."

- "Can I please see yours?"
- [laughs]

Last thing I need is her coming in
and attacking someone at my party.

- [Heather] How are you doing?
- [Jason] A little buzzed.

[Maya] Jason, the speech
for the dogs was perfect.

- [Heather] So cute, Jason.
- [Maya] It was really cute.

- [Heather] Did you invite Christine?
- [Jason] I did.

[Heather] You did?

- Mary's a little upset, yeah.
- [Emma] Mary said you didn't!

[Romain] Jason invited her.

No, he didn't.

- Yes, I did.
- [Mary] Are you kidding me?

I would never be okay with this,
and I'm not gonna go along with this.

- [Jason] Thank you.
- Okay?

I've had tequila,
so I can finally f*cking speak up.

[Jason] Mary! Mary. Mary?

Mary, Mary!

Why does Mary look pissed?

[Jason] This is your kids' birthday party.

[Mary] Yes, which is why I asked
not to have drama here.

- [Christine] Why would Mary be mad?
- I don't know.

- [Vanessa] Do you know what happened?
- I think she was upset at Jason.

This is our dogs' birthday.

We spent a lot of money.
We've put a lot of effort in.

- [Jason] Yeah.
- We don't want the drama here.

- If she wants drama, do it at the office.
- [Jason] She's not gonna start drama.


[aggressive rock music playing]

♪ Ooh, la-la-la ♪

♪ Something worth fighting for ♪

♪ Ooh, la-la-la ♪

♪ Some, something worth fighting for ♪

♪ Ooh, la-la-la ♪

♪ Something worth fighting for ♪

♪ Ooh, la-la-la ♪

♪ Some, something worth fighting for ♪