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03x02 - Confidence Is Key

Posted: 04/20/24 09:09
by bunniefuu
♪ Na na na na na
Na na na na na na na ♪

♪ I've gotta run run run to the store
Got it in spades and stacks on the floor ♪

♪ Spilling out the windows
Breaking down the doors ♪

♪ Y'all ready for more?
Do it do it like this ♪

[Jason] Let's have a team meeting.

First thing's first.
I don't know if you guys know,

me and Mary got into escrow on Doheny.
Nine point two million.

- [applause]
- [Mary] With the guy

I showed on my wedding day.

[Jason] And, by the way,
what an example of hard work.

Because that guy called me and said,
"I wanna see this house today."

I said, "No."
Then went around me and called her.

- I love that.
- She's like, "Yeah, I'll show you."

- She sold her own wedding venue...
- It's rewarding.

- ...on her wedding day.
- [various] That's awesome.

I got into escrow with my client
for nine million yesterday.

Chrishell in escrow on Laurelwood,

[Brett] That's the end
of a long road right there. Heather?

As of today,
I'm in escrow on Nichols Canyon.

- [Jason] There it is.
- [Mary] Yay!

[Heather] Despite the drama
at my broker's open. Thanks, ladies.


- It coulda been good luck. I don't know.
- [Jason] It wasn't.

[Brett, Mary] It's not.

I think it was good luck.

We're having our best week ever. We got
into over $20 million of escrow this week.

[Heather] That's awesome.

[Jason] And where is Amanza?
Has anybody talked to her?

She... the kids... don't have school today.
She's trying to get a last minute nanny.

- [Jason] Tired of the excuses.
- You asked!

- It's an excuse. That's why he's mad.
- Mary, a lot of people manage.

She's late
and says it'll never happen again.

- Tell her she can't be late.
- You're her boss, you tell her.

[Davina] You should.

I have. She says it'll never happen again.
I can show you the text.

- It happens for every single thing we do.
- I'm seriously...

If she's not gonna be reliable,

if I can't feel like
I can rely on her professionally

then she's gone.

- Look who just showed up.
- [Amanza] Oh, hey!

- [Jason] Welcome.
- [all] Hi.

- [Heather] Uh-oh.
- [Maya] Right on time. [laughs]

Listen, I have one flaw,
and that is that I am always late.

But... I show up.

- Davina, how about you?
- [Davina] Um, so...

So I still have Adnan's listing
for 75 million.

Obviously, the listing agreement
is close to expiring,

so I've had a few showings.

I was talking to Christine.

Maybe we can work together
on bringing some people.

Maybe she has a database.

You don't trust our database.
Only Christine's?

[Davina] No, I do.

[Maya] You don't know my database.
- [all laugh]

[Davina] That's true. That's true.

Christine's got some big whales
on her database, so...

[Jason] Alright. Christine?

Um, tonight is my broker's open,

doing burgers and Botox
to promote our newest listing.

[Jason] So you should pop by
and check it out.


- I'm just here for the coffee.
- [laughter]

So I'm still looking
for someone to buy Stanley.

Doing my best,
open houses, broker's opens.

[Maya] You showing up on time
for the open houses?

I'm kidding, Amanza. I'm kidding.

No, I'm actually on time. I take snacks,
I take water, I show up, I look cute.

If you guys focused 100 percent on work
and put all the drama aside,

- you would all be unstoppable.
- [Amanza] Christine, are you listening?

Are you listening to this?

[Jason mumbles]

[various] Alright, go team.

Well, I agree with Brett. Focus.

Amanza, let's have a conversation.

- [Jason] Thank you, guys.
- Alright.

- [Heather] You're in timeout.
- [Jason] Yeah.

[Christine] In school they made you sit
with your legs in a corner.

- [Jason] Alright.
- [laughter]

[Jason] Listen, you've been coming
in late. You're late for a lot of things.

It's really starting to frustrate me.

I don't have patience for that.
You've gotta understand.

I love you,
and you've got a ton of potential,

but being on time is super important.

I know. I'm sorry.
It's something I'm working on.

I've been working on it for a long time
with other stuff,

- and I've got a lot going on.
- [Jason] I know you have a lot going on,

but honestly you've had a timing issue
your whole life.

You have to focus on it.

- Yeah, I know.
- [Jason] Okay?

Promise I'll work on it.


♪ Then again ♪

♪ I'm feeling the rain come down ♪

♪ Rain on your head ♪

I'm really excited for this broker's open.
I'm doing a twilight event

and it's going to be burgers and Botox.

I would really want to create something
that everyone will remember,

and I mean, it is the two essentials:

food and Botox.

I mean, come on. I'm a genius. [scoffs]

[Christine] My co-listing agent, Monika,
wasn't on board with this event.

But I know this is exactly what we need
to create a buzz about this property.

["Werk" playing]

♪ Oh oh oh oh we came to party
Oh oh oh oh let's get it started ♪

♪ And werk werk werk werk ♪

♪ Turn it up
Werk werk werk werk werk werk werk ♪

♪ Turn it up
Werk werk werk werk... ♪

[Christine] Oh my God.
I really outdid myself.


- [Monika] Hi.
- Hi! How are you?

[Monika] Good. How are you?
Good seeing you.

- Good to see you. Hi.
- [Monika] You look lovely.

This is my sister, Ivy.

- Hi, so nice to meet you.
- She's been helping me

with the open house...

- You look so much alike.
- Thanks. Beautiful color on you.

- Oh my gosh.
- Thank you. You look great.

Do you have a lot of people coming?

- Yes.
- We do, yes.

Hopefully, they'll show up.
You know how LA is.

- You know?
- Yeah, I know.

- We have food, right?
- [Christine] So... I have some food.

I have the burgers here.
Botox lady's on the way.

- Obviously, this is a little more...
- Oh, wow.

- ...casual than I would've liked.
- We're doing the Botox?

I thought we could be more laid back,
not too... not...

[Monika] Botox... I think it's...

Um, we... I wanted to do something
really, really big.

Like I said,
I thought it'd be more casual than this.

This is casual though, no?

This is casual. Burgers are casual.

And I invited every broker in Los Angeles.

So I feel like if we do Botox,
they're gonna come.

We're in Hollywood after all, right?

Then we have some wine
and, you know, drinks.

We could booze people up
before we put needles in them.

It's definitely not
your regular broker's open...

- [Christine] I know. [giggles]
- ...right?

[Christine] Hi, guys!

What a fun concept! Burgers and Botox.

[Amanza] Wait. Quinn-N-Out?
Like your last name. That's super cute.

I know.

So Jason has been adamant
that I step it up at work.

It's just annoying that my first chance
to do that is at an event for Christine.

there's burgers and there's Botox.

Two things that I really love,

so that's gonna get me there.

- [Brett] It looks great. Good to see you.
- [Christine] Look at you in your jackets!

- [Amanza] You gonna get some Botox?
- I got Botox yesterday, so you won't know

- if I like the house.
- [Christine] Really?

- [Jason] No. This looks cute, by the way.
- This is insane.

[all] Hi!

Wow. In-N... Wait, from where?

"Quinn-N-Out," look. That is so cute.
Is that one vegan?

- [Mary] Is it Botox anytime or...?
- I don't now, let's see.

Let's find out the deal.

- Basically, my whole face.
- [nurse] I'm gonna take some make-up off.

Guys, I'm so excited.
We're here at my broker's open

and it is burgers and Botox.

I'm not gonna lie, I'm pushing 40,
like, any month now,

and if a little Botox can help me
look like myself...

sh**t me up.

So feel free to get some Botox.

In the meantime,
I wanna show you guys around the house.

So this is super gorgeous.

This is 4,100 square feet,
views of the city.

[Amanza] Oh my gosh.

Upstairs has a golf course.

- [Jason] Let's go golfing.
- [Maya] I wanna see the upstairs.

[Brett] Let's put money on this.

- Hundred bucks I get closer.
- [Jason] I'll bet.

[Maya] If I try to golf,
I'll probably smash someone's window.

[Davina] Don't do it.

[Brett] Oh my God,
that's the putt of my life.

[Maya] You always fighting
for the same holes.

- [Davina] Gross!
- [Jason] Shut up, Maya.


[Maya] That's why they have to be quiet.
Have to focus.

[Maya giggles] Boo!

[Heather] Oh, not hard enough.

- [Jason] I've never heard that.
- Been nice doing business with you.

Good putt, bro.

- Huh?
- [Maya] That was aggressive.

[Maya] Nice pose, Heather.

[Brett] Where are you aiming? Hold on.
You're aiming over there. You're going...

- [Heather] I'm not ready yet!
- [Jason] Can I see a practice swing first?

Just to see if you're gonna...
Don't go nearly that hard.

[Heather screams] What?

[Davina] Go, Heather.

[Heather] You do your thing, I do mine.
Watch out.

[Amanza] Heather, go!

- This will be the worst putt of all time.
- [Davina] Can you hit the ball?

- You guys!
- [Davina] Go!

[Heather] Ready?

[Maya] Uh-oh.

- [Jason] Yes, Jesus. Oh, man.
- [Amanza] Way off.

- [Maya] Through the neighbor's house.
- [Heather] That was good.

- Hi, guys. Christine.
- Hey, Christine. Asaf.

Asaf, nice to meet you.

- This is gorgeous.
- Hi.

You wanna get people to come
to your broker's open in LA? [clicks]

- Botox.
- [Jason] Veggie burgers and Botox.

Heather's like, "Yeah, I'm there."

Four bedroom, five bathroom.

- There's a lot of people here.
- I know it looks great.

[Christine singing] So excited.

You should do some.
- [Jason] You should do some more.

[Christine laughs]

Christine, I've seen burgers,
but I've never seen Botox.

It's fun though.
People are coming. It's working.

- Good job. It's a good show out.
- [Christine] I'm happy you came!

- [Jason] Good job.
- [Christine] This was so fun.

♪ All around the world
They want, they gotta have it ♪

♪ Everywhere I go
Feeling fabulous ♪

♪ Mm-mm-mm... ♪

You tired, Brett?
Did you wake up before noon today?



I love those shoes. I wouldn't wear them
'cause I cannot pull that off,

but you can totally pull it off.

Might be the best outfit
anyone's ever worn.

I just threw this together. I wasn't sure.

[Chrishell] You really gotta work on
figuring out how to express yourself.

[Jasons laughs] You gotta come out
of your shell, Christine.

[Christine laughs] I know.

[slurps loudly]

- [Jason] Anyone hungry?
- Yes.

- I'm starving.
- [Chrishell] Question...

When you're really hungry
and you eat a smoothie, have a smoothie,

how long until you have to eat again?
Because it can't last that long.

Here's the thing, I don't get hungry.
Ever. I get low blood sugar

and I'm low blood pressure
and low blood sugar. I'll get dizzy.

- [Heather] But smoothies fill me up a lot.
- Yeah.

Hey, I have something for you.

[Jason] It's just 1.6,
but it's a lot of activity.

- I think it's dope.
- [Jason] An easy double-end, I think.

[Mary] That is a dope house.

So is Jason giving Mary another listing?

- I'm sure.
- What about us?

I need to call for sale by owner
to get something.

- I need to go door-knock. [laughs]
- Oh God.

[Christine] Favoritism at its best.

- [dog barks]
- [Jason] Come here, baby girl.

- [Amanza] Hi.
- Hey.

I'm coming to your desk,
but not in trouble this time.


I have a question for you...
about my Stanley listing.

I have this... person
who's not ready to buy just quite yet,

but he would be interested in leasing.

So why isn't the house selling?

I don't know.

[Amanza] I mean, I looked at comps
with Mary just the other day.

It's listed right around
a thousand square foot. Um...

I don't know.
It seems like it's listed perfectly.

I know it's not, like, ideal,

but if I haven't gotten any, you know,
firm offers from anyone else.

Do you think that's something
that would be appropriate,

to present a lease
rather than come to him with a buyer?

[Jason] The answer is this:

you have to present everything
to your client.

Anytime you get an offer,
whether it's lease, sell,

it's your obligation to go to your client

and give him that information
and let him make a decision.

If you don't think you can sell it...
leasing's better than nothing.

- Yeah. Okay.
- Barely. Yeah, barely.

That sucks.

Make sure your tenant's a real tenant.
He's not throwing in some shitty offer.

So what do you think
a fair lease price is?

What's the asking price on Stanley,

You usually get
about 4,000 dollars per million,

on just a rule of thumb.

So a reasonable lease
is around 11,000 dollars a month.

- Yeah.
- I think the bottom line is,

you need to go to your client and say,

"Listen, you've got a lease opportunity.
Are you interested?"


- Talk to him and let me know what he says.
- Alright. Thank you.

[Mary] Don't worry. You got this.

It sucks because I'm trying to navigate
my way through this real estate thing,

and I just feel like
a huge disappointment.

You know, my first offer's a lease
and the boys are just, like...

not having it.

I am starving. Let's go eat.

- Oh, I am too, actually.
- I need to make this phone call.

- Yeah.
- [Mary] Okay.

I'm really hard on myself.
Like, everything is my fault.

It makes it ten times harder
when I don't achieve right away.

I'm scared
and don't always know what I'm doing.

I have so many questions,
and I'm scared to even ask the questions

because these are my closest friends.

you know, it's hard to be vulnerable
around people that you've always been,

like, the tough one.

[Amanza] You think I'm doing a good job,
right, Zelda?

♪ Solid gold vibe eh
Solid gold vibe ♪

♪ Where'd she get that bag?
Where'd she get that swag? ♪

♪ Oh that body bag
Really want me one like that ♪

♪ I'm like a Barbie in real life
Yeah I keep it real tight ♪

♪ Snuck up in your mind
With my solid gold vibe eh! ♪

- [Christine] Hi, how are you?
- Good to see you.

Hi, good to see you too.

- This is Christine and Shena.
- Hi, how are you?

- Christine, nice to meet you.
- Come on in.

Mr. Adnan,
Davina and Christine are here to see you.

- Great.
- [Davina] Hi.

I haven't had any offers
on my 75 million dollar listing.

After seeing how creative and successful
Christine's broker open was

with the burgers and Botox,

I'm really hoping she can channel
some of that towards my listing.

If anyone knows how a millionaire
wants to live, it's Christine.

So what do you think
you can bring to the table?

It's all about clients and who you know.

I have an extensive database
that I could hopefully round up...

- [Davina] Tap into. Yeah.
- ...and tap into

and see if I can find someone
that might be right for this house.

I'm not promising anything,

but I do know that this house is amazing.
I've loved it from day one.

And I feel like
I might be able to help facilitate

at least some interest on this house.

It has been so long and I have not seen
anything concrete on the table yet.

- [Davina] That's why we're here.
- You guys...

everyday, not selling,
it's costing me a fortune.

[Adnan] For me,
the most important thing is the result.

I mean, it took us three and a half years
to build here.

Wow. What did you buy the property for
when you bought it?

We should be discussing
how you can sell it,

- as I also told her in the beginning...
- In addition to that, I'd love to know...

You should not negotiate with me,
you should negotiate with the customers.

- This is what I always say...
- It's not a negotiation to ask

about the lot that you would love me
to help be a part of.

[Christine] It's off of Coldwater Canyon,
there's no view and it's a very busy road.

I'm trying to justify a price
so that when I bring people in here,

I can tell them
that this is the most amazing property,

and every cent that I'm trying to sell
is justified.

♪ Not holding back anymore ♪

[Chrishell] Jason, did you see this?
For Coldwater?

I did not.

Ah! You gotta check it out.

This is one of the photos
you're talking about.

- But look at the two... two pages!
- [Jason] That looks good.

- [Jason] You wrote the description?
- [Chrishell] I did.

I'm gonna look for grammar.
Hold on, gimme a sec.

[Davina] Oh my God. Only Jason would.

I had Angelica look over it.

[Jason] No, it looks really good.
Good job.

And with that...

- [Chrishell] That was dramatic.
- I'm out.

- You're out of here?
- [Jason] Good job, again.

- Thank you.
- [Jason] See ya.

Have a good day.

[Jason] You're outlasting me today,
good job.

- Yeah.
- Right?

[Davina sighs]

Okay. Now that he's gone,
we don't have to work.

[Davina laughs] Yeah, it's true.

That was actually really fun
for Christine's birthday.

- Like, the tarot card...
- Good. I'm glad you had fun.

- The restaurant was so cute. I love that.
- Right?

They did a good job
with the cocktails and stuff.

I did think we might get kicked out
at one point, but...

I was caught off guard with Amanza.
She's coming out of left field,

attacking Christine. I was like,
what is happening right now?

I was so uncomfortable.

How does she even know
what Christine said,

and why would she say it at her birthday?
I was like, "Oh my God."

I told Amanza and Mary.

- Why would you tell her?
- Everyone knew about it.

You think it was gonna be a thing
where Amanza wasn't gonna find out?

But Amanza's, like,
such a bully bodyguard with...

you know, for Mary. It should've stayed
between Mary and Christine.

Heather didn't get involved.
And, you know...

I don't know, I didn't get involved.

Amanza and Mary and I are all very close.

There's no scenario
in which I tell Mary something

and Amanza doesn't find out anyway.
Christine's actions, like, was rude.

It's not okay to do what she did
at a broker's open...

Let me finish. Not okay to do what she did
at a broker's open in front of clients.

I don't like what she said,
but it's coming from a place of hurt

that her and Mary
kinda drifted apart more.

Yeah, and hurt people hurt people,
and that's what Christine does,

and I don't think that's a reason
to defend bad behavior.


Yeah. No, but...

The days of Christine, like, being, like,
this tyrannical type of, like,

"Only people can do and say
what I approve,"

and stuff like that
in this office are over...

I think she's going to be who she is.

You know what I mean? So...

- Yeah. Sometimes that's a problem.
- You didn't have to involve Amanza.

[Davina] You didn't have to.

Christine involved
the whole office and clients.

I'm gonna have to leave it at that,
'cause honestly, it's, like, lunacy to me

that you care that I told Amanza,

but you don't care that Christine told
the whole West Side at a broker's...

I just think you're adding fuel
to the fire that wasn't necessary.

That's all I'm saying. It was too much.

- All of us were uncomfortable.
- Oh my God. Okay. I'm getting a headache.

- Why add?
- Oh my God, Davina!

Look... I'm going to defend my friends,
and I know you're defending your friend.

I don't really see how you can defend
what Christine did.

I can't be held responsible
for what she said.

- Okay.
- Right, but what you did was your choice.

And I would choose that again every single
time because those are my friends.

- So agree to disagree.
- Okay.

- Okay.
- Sounds good to me.

[Chrishell sighs]

♪ I hear the beat so ready to
Burn this down, burn this down ♪

- It's so hot. Are you hot?
- [Noah laughs]

- [Noah] Yeah. I'm going on the red thing.
- [Amanza] Okay. What's the red thing?

- [Noah] Climb it, Mommy.
- [Amanza] Can I? I can,

but might break something.
We can make an obstacle course.

- Yeah.
- [Amanza] I could time.

We can see who does it the fastest, okay?

This new schedule with real estate,
it's so grueling,

that I've been missing
so much time with my kids.

It's hard because I'm torn, you know.
I made the right decision to work longer

and more on this real estate thing.
I have mom guilt, like, extreme mom guilt.

So I'm just excited to connect with them

and, you know,
get a little mommy time with the kiddos.

[Amanza] Braker, ready, go!

[laughs] Oh look, he's moving so...
Your shoe's untied. Please be careful.

[Noah laughs]

[Amanza] Go down! Watch your shoelace!
Push-up! Whoop whoop!

- That was a jumping push-up.
- Stop!

- [Noah] That was 16.02.
- 16.27.

Woo! Okay, ready?

- [Noah] Set. Go.
- [Braker] Fifty seconds.

[Amanza screams] You said 50 seconds,
Braker? How rude! [laughs]

Oh, I think I'm gonna win this time!

Oh my God. I almost broke my neck.

- [Braker] 21.
- 21.40

- [Braker laughs]
- Okay. Clearly, I won.

- [Noah] No, Braker won.
- What?

- [kids] Yeah.
- No, I smoked Braker.

Don't I get, like, a pass, like a...

An old pass.

- Yeah, an old lady pass.
- [Noah] You don't get an old lady pass.

Are you gonna sit with us or are you just
gonna sit over there by yourself?

- [Noah] I'll sit.
- I think I should get an old lady pass.

- No!
- Why?

One point.

You know when you go to a restaurant,
if you're 65 or older you get a discount?

Seriously? [giggles]

What do you think, now that mommy
started selling real estate?

Today was the first day that I picked you
up from school for a while.

[Noah] Mm-hmm.

- And you're not quite used to that. Huh?
- No.

I think I'm better at decorating houses,

not quite at selling houses yet.

- That's a lot harder.
- You got one!

Well, I have one listing.

- Oh.
- But I don't... I haven't sold it yet.

Well, we believe in you, and we know
you can sell a house and a building.

You do?

[Braker] Mm-hmm.

You are so sweet. Thank you.
So, what do you guys think?

Do you think
that mommy made a better home-stager,

designer, or real estate agent?

I kinda like that you're in real estate

'cause you can make more money
for yourself.

Oh! Look at you, Mr. Business.
Braker's right, you do make more money.

It's just, it's a lot harder
than I thought it was gonna be.

[Noah] You're doing really good.

You can make more money for,
like, how daddy left off.

So you can make more money for that,

to buy more groceries
and, like, whatever you want.

- I'm proud of you.
- [Amanza] You're proud of me?

- [Noah] I'm proud of you too.
- You guys are sweet.

- Who made you so sweet?
- [Braker] Mommy, are you crying?

- [Noah] I don't want to see you cry.
- [kisses] I love you.

[Noah] I know that you can do it.

Can I get a kiss? I love you.

[Braker] I love you too.
I'll always be by your side.

You will? Always?

It motivates me to work harder
after hearing them say

that they're proud of me. But it also...

A bit of a breath of fresh air
to know they're not angry with you.

They're not...
You know, there's no resentment

and they're really cheering me on.

They're so sweet and they...

they see how hard I'm working...

and instead of...
He could have easily been, like,

"No, I want to spend more time
with my mommy." They really get it

and they understand
what's happening and um...

I don't know.

It shook me, but they're just...
They're freaking awesome.

And that just makes me want to go out

and just work even harder
and make them more proud.

I hope you sell the listing
and then you can buy me a trampoline.

- [all laugh]
- [Amanza] Of course.

- I promise you, if I sell it.
- Okay. [laughs]

I'll buy you a trampoline.
- Okay.

♪ I love my money
And my money loves me... ♪

[Christine laughs]

♪ I don't really care
Imma be a billionaire... ♪

- Isn't it gorgeous?
- [Christian] Yeah.

I'm bringing Christian to Davina's listing
because he is a baller.

He worked as a tech entrepreneur,
and he knows tons of people

in Silicon Valley that might be
great clients for this house.

- What's the price?
- [Christine] Seventy-five.

The main house has seven bedrooms
and ten bathrooms. So it's huge.

I know Christian well enough to know
that he's not gonna bring his friends

or a potential client to this house
if he can't run the numbers

and see where the price is coming from.

Between my real estate expertise
and Christian's connections,

if we can't sell this house,
I don't know who can.

Take a look and see if you have

- anyone in mind for this property.
- Yeah.

- That's the whole reason we're here.
- Okay.

[Christian] Wondering about the price
because 18,000 square feet...

[Christine] Little more
than 4,000 a square foot.

[Christian] Is that a guest house?

[Christine] There's a guest house
totaling 3,000 square feet.

And an additional two bedrooms out there.

This is the master suite.

His-and-hers closet.

I like how it's split up.

- With a gym. I love the gym.
- [Christian] And there's a gym. Great.

- [Both] A little plunge pool.
- [Christine] Isn't it gorgeous?

[Christian] So the bedrooms are basically
upstairs with the guest bedroom here.

[Christian] You said this was on an acre?

[Christine] Yeah. This is an acre lot.
They bought this in 2013.

- And all these open up all the way.
- [Christian] Mm-hmm.

- Um, this is a beautiful house.
- I got it. I'm the real estate agent.

- You're doing it?
- Thank you.

- Still, I would be the one doing it...
- So rude.

Looks like you're struggling.

- This is... No, I'm the real estate agent.
- Okay. [laughs]

This is why I get paid
the mediocre dollars.

Just to struggle with heavy things?

- [Christine] So what do you think?
- [Christian] Okay.

[Christian] Uh, It's obviously
a spectacular house, let me say that.

I don't understand the asking price.

I'm still trying to get to
the 4,000 a square foot number,

and if you want me to ask my friends
to come see it,

I have to make sense out of the economics.

[Christine] Let's look at the rest
of the house because it's fantastic.

Maybe it'll help justify
the price for you.


I'm putting an effort to help Davina,

even though I know it's overpriced,
because she is a friend of mine.

And obviously, I wanna make
a million dollar commission. Who wouldn't?

So it's kind of a win-win situation.

But first I have to get to the bottom
of the price.

[Christine] Hi. How are you?

This is my fiancé, Christian.

- So nice to finally meet you.
- Hi, Christian. Nice to meet you.

[Christine] Good timing.

[Adnan] Yeah. You're gonna go
around the house?

[Christian] We took a look.
It's beautiful.

I had to understand the math of it,
but I love the house, obviously.

- Spectacular house.
- [Christine] Gorgeous.

Yes, it is an expensive project,

but very rare to have two lots,
especially in Beverly Hills, you know.

What did you buy the lots for?

[Adnan] What we are building
is top-of-the-line.

If you want a really good thing,
the client has to pay for it.

Not being able to get information
and answers out of Adnan, it's...

making it hard to justify the price.

All I hear is "Grade A. Top quality.
Grade A."

Good stuff costs.

Took us over three and a half years
to build.

- Four years. Exactly. Oh, yeah.
- [Christine] Wow.

It is a pain. I mean, it is, but...

- someone has to do the job, right?
- [Christian] Mm-hmm.

Well, I love it. I think it's fantastic

and I hope we can find a buyer
that'll love this house for you guys.

So far, I see you guys are doing great
effort, but it's all about the result.

We'll have updates soon, and it was great
to see you guys. Bye, babies!

Let's be in contact. Say hi to Davina.

- I will, definitely.
- Alright.

[Adnan] You're not going. Come.

- [Christian] What are the property taxes?
- [Christine] A lot.

♪ Watch me do it like this ♪

♪ Like this... ♪


- Hey!
- [Preston] How's it going?

- How are you? Good to see you.
- [Preston] Good. You too.

[Mary] Congrats.

You too.

- Congrats, man.
- [Preston] Thank you. You too.

- Thank you again so much for showing.
- [repeating] Oh, my pleasure.

[Mary] How's your client feeling?

- Super excited?
- [Preston] Very excited.

We've done a few together. I love it.

- It's awesome, let's keep going.
- [Jason] What's that saying?

Ten percent of the agents
do 90 percent of the business.

- [both men] It's 100 percent true.
- [Jason] Mary, want to do the honors?

- [Mary] There you go. Congratulations.
- [Preston] Awesome.

Thanks. Every key should come like this.

- [Jason] I know, right.
- [Mary] I know.

- It was awesome working with you.
- [Preston] Thanks. Such a pleasure.

[Jason] Good job. You're always great.

- See you later.
- Bye.

Ciao, bud.

- Yay Zelda, we did it!
- [Jason] Dude, did I...? Good job, babe.

I think I'm probably the first agent

to sell my wedding venue
on my wedding day.

[cheering, applause]

I feel like a badass right now.
I'm so proud of myself

and I never thought I would be here.
Since I had my son at such a young age,

and I mean, working these brutal jobs

just to barely, barely get by.

And now I just appreciate
the value of a dollar,

and I want to make sure
I always have a lot of them in my account.

How does it feel to be rich
after selling your wedding venue?

- [laughs] No more money twitch.
- Now it's gonna be a money dance.

Oh yeah.

It went from this... to this.

But my dancing skills are meh...
not so great.

This is Amanza.

[phone] Hi, Amanza, it's Lisa.
How are you?

Hi, Lisa, I'm well. How are you?

I'm good.
I am calling with not such great news.

Unfortunately, my client that wanted
to lease the Stanley property

is not interested anymore
because they want...

They're looking
for a work-at-home type of situation.

They're concerned
that there'd be issues with the neighbors.

So now they're just gonna look
for an office space.

Kind of a bummer for both of us,
I'm sorry.

It is a bit of a bummer,
but if you have other buyers

that potentially want to see it,

I'm happy to show them
because it will still be for sale.

And maybe, you know, we could just find
somebody to buy it instead. [chuckles]

Yeah, absolutely.
I'm gonna let my colleague know as well,

because this is a great property.
And we'll be in touch soon. Hopefully.

Okay, I appreciate the phone call.
Thank you.

- You're welcome, talk to you soon. Bye.
- Okay, bye.

- Well, that kind of sucked.
- [Mary] They're not gonna lease it now?

They want to work from home,
and they're afraid it'll be too loud.

Yeah. So does he know?

[Amanza groans]

I feel like I'm failing everybody,
and I'm trying to prove myself

to so many people.

I'm trying to prove myself to Jason
for giving me the opportunity

to be an agent at his brokerage.

Trying to prove myself to my kids
that I can take care of them

and keep a roof over their head
and feed them.

But, like, this is the most successful
real estate agency in West Hollywood.

And I'm, you know,
sitting at a desk here every day,

having sold nothing,
and I feel like a misfit.

- [Amanza] Hey, Jay.
- [Jason] What? Yeah?

The Stanley lease offer,
they just backed out.

[Jason] Let's sell it then.


That is not the answer
that I was expecting, but I like it.

Jason's like, "Just sell the house.
It's okay. Just sell the house."

And I'm like,
why does he still believe in me?

Because I feel like a total failure now.

But if my kids think that I can do this

and if Jason thinks that I can do this,

like, I gotta start believing in myself,
you know.

Sell the house, make a huge commission.
Watch out, b*tches. Like, I can do this.

I have to get back on this
and try to find a buyer.

You got this. You'll sell it in the end.

Maybe this was supposed to happen
so we could sell it.

♪ Give whatever, whatever it takes ♪

♪ Give whatever, whatever it takes ♪