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02x07 - That’s Why They Call It Real Estress

Posted: 04/20/24 09:08
by bunniefuu
♪ Let me show you how it's meant to be ♪

♪ And how to make it a reality ♪

[Christine] It's so nice outside.

- Yeah, the temperature's perfect.
- Teddy! Come here!

[dog yapping]

[Christine] I want the sun.

- Hi there. Where's your ball?
- [dog yapping]

- Here you go, sweetie.
- Thank you.

[Christian] How was Jason's dinner
last night?

[Christine] Oh, my gosh.
It was Heather yelling at Amanza,

Amanza yelling at Heather,

Mary yelling at Heather...

It was a lot to keep up with.

- I even tried to talk to Amanza.
- [Christian] What happened?

She was a hard cookie to get through to.

But you got through.

I got through, I did. Yeah.

When you go into the office,
are you feeling, like, what?

Like, happy to see her?
Like, "Hey, let's go grab lunch"?

I wouldn't go that far.

I'm taking these off.
Do I have marks on my nose?

- No, you're good.
- Um, I wanted to talk to you

- about the dinner party last night.
- What?

Did you see me talking to Christine, like,
for a minute?

- How'd that go?
- She was being so sweet to me.

Like, saying, "You're doing a good job."

Then I was like, "f*ck."

So I just said, "You know,
I need to be honest.

I was totally talking shit about you
a couple of days ago." [chuckles]

- You did?
- 'Cause I felt bad. She's telling me

- how proud of me she is.
- Yeah?

I just don't understand
where her logic is.

[Amanza] So, your bachelorette party...

- Yeah?
- Do you want me to invite her?

Uh... I don't know. Yes, let's invite her.

I want everyone there, even Davina.

It's my night, not Romain's.

- You know how I am, I hate conflict.
- No, I know.

- Me too.
- I wanna get along with everybody.

[Christine] I don't care what
those b*tches think of me. I am who I am.

- I'm gonna go in the water.
- You look great, babe.

We're gonna have fun.
So you just show up

being your cute pretty little self,

and I'll take care of the rest.

I'm gonna put a seating arrangement,
so it's gonna be Chrishell on this side.

[laughing] Davina and Christine
on this side.

Alcohol in the middle.

And if the boat gets rocky...

Is that the... If the waters get rocky?

If someone rocks the boat,
we'll just leave.

♪ I know you like what you see ♪

♪ I bet you heard about me ♪

♪ Stuck in your head like a dream
I would be ♪

♪ Just move to the beat
Feel it in my feet ♪

♪ Dance in the street
All eyes on me ♪

♪ 'Cause I get what I want
Get what I want ♪

♪ Yeah, I get what I want... ♪

[Heather] She clearly knows
nothing about vegans

because vegans do not eat egg whites.

[Maya] How dare she?

[Heather laughs] No, come on.

I knew vegans don't eat eggs.

Like, what? [laughing]

It's a ridiculous question.

[Maya] I actually took a break
from eggs for one year

because I heard that eggs
give you cellulite. [laughing]

- [Heather] And what was the...
- I still have cellulite.

- [all laughing]
- I'm going back to eat eggs.

- [phone ringing]
- Hello?

Hi, it's Larsa Pippen.

Yes. Hey, Larsa. How are you?

I love how it's, like, open and airy.

Just tell me there's a huge closet
in the master.

There is a huge closet.

- I'm excited to show you, right this way.
- [Shawn] Let's go.

[Larsa] I just wanted to call
and say thank you so much

for showing us the house.

I love the house.

Once I thought about it, I slept on it,

I just feel like it'd be too much work
to redo the closet

and, like, the car situation is
another problem for me.

I understand. I...


I appreciate you calling though,
you know, because I...

I did talk to Guy about maybe
doing some things,

but there's not much I can do about
the space in the driveway, I'm sorry.

[Larsa] So, I feel like maybe
if you have any other listings

or you come across anything else you think
I'd like, you can send it to Shawn,

- maybe we can see that.
- [Chrishell] Absolutely.

I'll sh**t 'em over to Shawn.

Okay, perfect. I'll see you.
Thank you so much for you time.

Okay, nice to meet you.



This listing has been sitting
on the market for a long time.

It's a little stressful.

I gotta sell this house really quickly
because I'm in hot water. [chuckles]



today's been unsuccessful.

I'm going to run and try and beat traffic.

- [Heather] What happened?
- [Maya] What happened?

I just keep trying to sell
this Laurelwood house and...

it's the most beautiful house
in the best area, but...

- You're having issues with it?
- [Chrishell] I know.

Somebody that I thought
might be a good fit for it,

they just called and they were like, "No."

They're not interested?

No, she has 12 cars.

- There's just no--
- [Maya] Twelve cars?

Yeah, and there's no room
for that much parking.

- So, there's nothing I can do about it.
- Not in that budget.

All right, I'm gonna get out of here.

- Bye.
- Bye.

- If it was easy, everybody would do it.
- Right?

- [laughing]
- It's not always easy.

Why do you think I call it
"real e-stress"?

♪ It's like false behavior ♪

♪ I'm your motivator ♪

♪ I'm your force of nature ♪

♪ It's like false behavior ♪

- Hello, Dear. Welcome to Yardbird.
- Hi! Thank you.

Can I get you some wine to start?

- Uh... Sauvignon Blanc?
- I'd love to.

Thank you.

[indistinct chattering]

- Hey.
- [Mary] Hi. This place looks so good.

- I know, I've never been here. Have you?
- No.

So good. Smells amazing.

I never get, like, Southern food.

I know, me too.

It's not, like, the most diet-friendly.

- Huh. All right...
- [Davina laughing]

I don't follow a diet that much,
but you don't get it in LA.

No, it's true. Yeah.

So, how have you been?

Good, just working a lot.

I know you are too and you must be
crazy with the planning,

and the open houses
and all that kind of stuff.

Yeah. I know, it's been crazy.

Your Sunset Plaza closed, right?

- It did.
- That's awesome.

Jason gave me a really hard time,
so I'm really glad it sold.

And then I'm listing Doheny,
which is incredible.

- Have you seen it?
- I have not seen it, no.

It is my dream home, it's where...

It's where I'm getting married.


[Mary] Um...

So, I-I... Obviously,
I feel bad about the whole thing.

[Davina] Yeah.

Even though I don't...

you know, agree with things
that were said...

[stuttering] ...I have to stand by my man,

but it's not my decision on the wedding.

You know, I'd love to just
put all that in the past

without any awkwardness or anything.

- [server] Pardon me, ladies.
- [both] Thank you.

Thank you so much.

- [Davina] Wow, this looks so fancy.
- Yeah.


Okay, so...

[Mary] Um...

Uh... I wanted to talk to you about,

um... maybe inviting you
to my bachelorette party.

Um, we're gonna do a girls,
you know, thing

and then a guy's thing somewhere close,
or at the same kind of venue,

and then come together at the end,

and just, like, have fun as a group.

So, I would love for you to be there.


Why would she invite me
to the bachelorette party

and then not the wedding?

Like, I'm struggling here.

Maybe it's a political move because

she's trying to keep the peace
at the office and doesn't want

repercussions from the other girls,
I really don't know.

Well, I'm not sure
I feel entirely comfortable.

Mostly because Romain,
I mean, he seemed so angry and...

I don't want to interfere at all,

so I think maybe it's, like, better
if I'm not there, you know?

He's passionate about why he's,
like, offended,

but now he's said what he has to say,

he doesn't want you at the wedding,

but I told him I wanted to invite you
to my bachelorette party

and he's cool with it.

I'm really hoping that by inviting Davina
to my bachelorette party

that this will be the first step in
to repairing the damage that's been done.

I don't want any more drama.

- I don't either.
- It just seems like so much has happened.

I'm hoping everyone can kind of coexist

and get back on a good page again.

So, I would love it if you were there.

- [Davina] Thank you.
- Um, the invitation is open.

I'll definitely think about it.


[Maya] All right, so...

Welcome to this beautiful tear-down.

- Not tear-down, fixer-upper.
- Uh-huh.

- It looks like a fixer-upper for sure.
- Right.

- Yeah, this is...
- By the way, I like how we match today.

Somebody got the memo.

We're synced.

I feel already a lot of pressure
to find a buyer for my co-list with Brett.

It's the first time I'm doing it.

So, I've known Aaron
for a couple of years now.

He's an experienced developer.

I really hope he is going to recognize
the potential in this house

and make a move on it.

I looked at this project
probably two years ago.

Honestly, like, nothing has changed,
it looks exactly the same.

And at that time,
there were no permits, no nothing,

and I just didn't want
to take up that time

spending, you know, a year and a half
to get on the market for a permit.

[Maya] Yeah, now the permits
are all approved.

Construction can start right away.

Actually, I want to show you
a picture of the rendering.

[Maya] So, you have north
of 3,000 square feet, all permitted.

We're talking about three bedrooms,
five baths,

but you are the developer,
you can buy this

and put your own style into it.

[Aaron] Perfect. I think it's going
to cost between 1.3 and 1.5 to finish.

I know the listing price on it currently,
it's too much money.

You know, I think it needs
to be in the 2.3

to 2.4 range to get a deal done.

- Yeah.
- To make sure that the profit

I want to realize
in this thing is realized.

I have to check up with Brett to see
where his clients stand.

Hopefully, our offer will be
very competitive and aggressive enough

to make the deal happen.

Let's that be our starting point
and see where it goes.

- I don't want to pay a lot more than that.
- We can always try.

- Let's make it happen.
- Thank you for showing me the house.

- No problem.
- I'm excited. All right, let me know.


Next time, I'll tell you what I'm wearing
so we can match again. [chuckling]

[Aaron] Oh! I like it.

♪ Fame and glory

♪ One's my middle name
One is driving me insane ♪

♪ I'm untouchable ♪

♪ Kiss me baby,
I got something maybe you want ♪

♪ Poison ivy
I'm a little pricey for ya ♪

♪ Kiss me, baby... ♪

[Davina] I'm excited to be in Los Feliz,
checking out a different part of town.

[Heather] I'm like, "Where is Los Feliz?"
I don't even know. [chuckles]

We made the long drive of 30 minutes to go

over to Los Feliz.

[Heather] We are here looking
at this place for a client of mine.

And, you know, it's good to get out there
and see other areas

and, um, kind of know what's out there
for our clients.

[Heather] Are us three
taking over Los Feliz area?

[Davina] Sure, let's do it.

[Heather] I like that.

Los Fe -liz... Los Fe -liz?

Los Fe -liz.

Los Feliz is a community, um...

I can't even get it out.

- Hello. Oh, hi!
- Hello.

- This is gorgeous.
- Hi.

Hi, I'm Heather.

- [Suzanna] Suzanna, with PLG Estates.
- This is pretty.

[Christine] How are you? Christine.

- Hi, Christine. Nice meeting you.
- Hi, so nice to meet you.

- [Heather] Love it.
- [Christine] Wow, this is so beautiful.

[Heather] We are new to Los Feliz.

Tell us about the house.

[Suzanna] So this is a four bedroom,
four bathroom,

- about 3,000 square feet home.
- [Davina] Good.

[Suzanna] The house is 2.84.

Great, we'll take a look around.

- [Davina] Yeah, check it out.
- Thank you.

- [Christine] Thank you so much.
- [Suzanna] You're welcome.

- [Heather] Go in here?
- [Davina] Okay, it's a bit tight.

- [Heather] Oh, okay.
- It's like a little tunnel for Jason.

Quite an interesting tunnel.

The perfect house for Brett and Jason.

[Heather] This is pretty, though.

- [Christine] Yeah, this is nice.
- [Davina] I like the backsplash.

[Christine] I like the backsplash a lot.

- [Heather] It's very chic, huh?
- Very sparkly.

Nice colors.

[Christine] I feel like
it's a little overpriced, though.

- I think it's overpriced, too.
- Think about my listing in West Hollywood.

It's 3,000 square feet,
which is the same square footage...

- North of Sunset.
- ...which is 2.8.

- This should be 2.4.
- [Davina] Exactly.

- It should be 2.4.
- [Davina] Yeah.

- Yeah.
- [Davina] That's the thing, right?

I think, like, it's good to see this area.

- We're not used to this.
- So we know. Yeah.

It's definitely a little far
for our liking, but...

You think these are okay to eat?
Are they, like, staged food?

[Davina] No, I think it's real.

Okay, it's real.

This is a good idea though,
to put fresh fruit out for open houses.

In Chinese culture,
it's actually good luck.

- [Davina] Fruit?
- Mm-hmm. In open houses.

- And number eight.
- In a bowl, yeah.

- [Heather] Why don't we do this?
- [Christine] I do.

[Davina] Yeah.

- [Heather] A little bonus area up there.
- [Davina] That's cute. I like the--

I like the landscaping in general.

[Christine] I like how we're up here,
this is really gorgeous.

[Heather] Yeah, this is cool.
It's so cute.

Let's check out the master in there.

Look at her, she's, like,
climbing down a ladder.

- I have to be careful.
- [Heather] Do you need help?

- No, I got it.
- Careful.

[Davina] It is spider-webby.

- [Heather] You can see your ass.
- I think you should come... Thank you.

Yeah, I sure can.

[Heather] Um...

[Davina] That's kind of awkward.

[Heather] Oh, I like it. I like it.

So is this the master
or is this a guestroom?

[Davina] It's a little small for a master.

[Christine] It does, doesn't it?

I really like this view of the mountains.

What mountains are those? Where are we?

- Nevada.
- [Davina] San Gabriel?

[all laughing]

[Davina] By the way, guys.
Mary invited me to her bachelorette party.

- Should I go because--
- [Heather] Yes.

You're going.
I'm not taking no for an answer.

Honestly, it's gonna look worse
if you don't come.

At least you can show,
like, that you're trying.

You know, it'll make you look good.

[Davina] Okay, I'm gonna go. I'm just glad
you guys are going to be there.

I'm just so tired of everybody
shit-talking all the time.

Constantly. They can't, like,
move on, you know?

I just feel like I'm really sick
of everyone talking

- about everyone else's relationships.
- Yeah.

Like, talking about me and Tarek,
and you and Christian...

Me and Christian? What do you mean?

Well, like, Mary and Chrishell

were questioning you
and Christian's relationship.

- Like, how you guys met and--
- What?

- [Davina] What were they saying?
- I don't remember who said what.

Uh, and they were like, "Well,
wasn't he dating someone right before?"

They were suggesting
I was, like, the other woman?

Yeah, there was some type of, like,

- First of all, that's not true.
- [Davina] Oh, my God.

Second of all,
that's a really strong accusation to make

about someone's relationship.

This isn't someone that I'm dating,

this is someone I'm getting married to.

So, it's insulting to him as a man,
and it's insulting to us as a couple.

- Do you remember who said it?
- No.

I don't remember, I'm sorry.
I don't know who said what.

I seriously cannot remember who said what.

I'm gonna at least tell Christine
what I do remember.

Because if she found out
that I knew something

and I was there for that conversation
and I didn't say anything...

Ooft! I do not want to get on the bad side
of Christine, absolutely not.

What did you say?
You just were, like, uncomfortable...

- I don't remember what I said.
- Was Maya there?

It was just us three girls.

Mary, Chrishell and me,

we were looking at
the 43 million dollar house.

It's okay, at the end of the day,
it was one of those two girls,

I'm gonna get to the bottom of it.
It's really pissed me off.

No, let's figure it out
because I'm upset for you.

I'd be pissed off if someone was saying
that my fiance was--

- It's pretty shitty.
- Yeah.

[Heather] Well, let's get out of here.

♪ Y'all ready now
I'm making my move ♪

♪ Can't hold me down ♪

♪ I'm never gonna stop
Until I'm on top ♪

♪ I'm making moves ♪

[Amanza] On Sunday, I did the open house
for my Stanley listing

- and I locked myself out.
- [Christine laughs]

- [Davina] Oh, man.
- It happens to the best of us,

we all lock ourselves out.

I even called Mary and I was like,
"Listen, do I have permission

to try to break in to the kitchen window?"

She was like,
"Do it, just don't break the screens."

So I'm like, out there, like, in my skirt,

- moving it, like...
- Oh, my God.

I pop the screen out, I'm filthy dirty.

[Maya chuckles]

- Maya, I saw you offer on 1450.
- You got my email?

Yeah, why don't you come over
and we'll discuss it.

So, Aaron, he's really hot
on that project,

but he did mention,
"Look, the numbers are a bit tight.

Let's do 2.4 as my starting point."

So, I do think we have some
wiggle room, but not a lot.

- You're gonna need wiggle room.
- [Maya chuckles]

But here's the thing, it's all cash.

It's 30 days close
and 10 days contingency.

- Mm-hmm.
- So, it's a very quick close.

I'm fine with the terms, I imagine
my client will be fine with the terms.

- Can you be fine with the price?
- No, absolutely not.

That offer is way too low.

- It just is.
- It's a starting point.

I'm just thinking,
your client is obviously overseas,

so maybe there's
a little bit more motivation on the price?

No, there is. He's highly motivated.

But this offer isn't going to cut it.
I think you know that. I hope you do.

So, are you gonna call your client now
and just at least present my offer

and see what he says?

- I will, yeah.
- Because legally, you have to present it.

I'm going to present it,
it's not that bad.

Can you tell him to take it and...

I wouldn't let him take it,
but he wouldn't anyway.

So tough, Brett.

Brett is a really nice guy,
but he's a tough negotiator.

I really want to close on the deal.

So, I'm a little bit nervous.

Hey Fred, comma.

We got an offer of 2.4 million.

Let me know what you think ASAP.

Period. Thanks. Period.

Hey, Aaron.

I just got my period. Period.
I'm kidding. [chuckles]

- I don't know how to do that voice thing.
- No, you don't voice-text?

I don't do that voice.
My accent is gonna mess up everything.

- So I'm gonna text him. [chuckles]
- Okay.

Okay, he just got back to me. 2.625.

So he came down 75 grand.

I mean, it's not aggressive,
but hey, it's something.

[Maya] Let me call him.

So 2.625.

He's gotta get really close to that.

[ringing tone]

Hey Aaron, it's Maya.

Hey, what's happening?

[Maya chuckles] All right,
so the good news is we got a counter.

The seller came back at 2.625.

So, he did come down 75,000.

[Aaron] Oh...

That's definitely not where we want to be.

- Our offer was 2.4, right?
- 2.4, yeah.

I feel already a lot of pressure
to perform, co-listing with Brett.

It's the first time I'm doing it.

This better be a good counter offer,
otherwise the sale is not going to happen.

So, let me just talk to Brett
and hopefully we can make this happen.

Thank you very much, Maya.
I really appreciate it.

Okay, cool.

Bye, thanks.

All right, so he got pretty close...

You should work your client
because it's a great offer.

- I mean--
- [Brett] Not great, but it's reasonable.

[Maya] You know, it's close.

If he's reasonable, he should take it.

- But, I'm just saying.
- [Brett] All right, let me reach out.

All right, I'll know in a minute.

- It's a good one.
- We're good.

- Yeah?
- Yeah.

Opening escrow...

Good job. I'm gonna draft it up right now.

So look, one more thing.

If the project is done, you know, like,

when you're nice to me,
maybe I'll bring you on the listing.

Ooh, I like this role-reversal.

- I'll be nice.
- [both laughing]

- Good job.
- Nice. Thank you. Thank you.

I'll send it to you
for signature right now.

[Christine] How'd that go?

I'm opening an escrow with Brett.
I mean, wish me luck.

- [Davina] Awesome.
- Congratulations.

Thank you, thank you.

- [Chrishell] This is so exciting.
- [Mary] I know!

I know Amanza's got
a few things up her sleeve.

Oh, I'm sure.

♪ Who wants to get a little taste?
Taste of what we got ♪

♪ Gonna make 'em wanna stay ♪

[Amanza] Housekeeping is gonna love this.

♪ No, we ain't gonna stop ♪

♪ Right here, right now... ♪


Happy Bachelorette Party! [chuckles]

Oh, my God.

[Amanza] Pick a color, Mary.

What color penis
do you want to suck tonight?

[Amanza] You have white,
so let's just see what else.


- Cheers.
- Cheers.

There's something red
coming out of my penis.

- Yours too? Oh, no.
- [all laughing]

[Amanza] Yours has worse.
Yours is internal.

You cannot have a bachelorette party
without the cheesy sash.

[Mary] I feel like I should be
walking around like this.

- [Chrishell] Oh, that's cute.
- [Amanza] Beautiful.

Fun is here.

- [Heather] Yay!
- Oh, my God, you have a sash.

- Hey!
- [indistinct chatter]

- [cork pops]
- [all screaming]

Tonight's gonna be interesting.

I'm glad that Davina's coming.

I think that's a very strong move
on her part.

At least, she's showing she's trying.
And if anything goes down,

at least I know
she'll be my wingwoman.

[Davina] Uh...

- [Christine] Okay.
- [Davina] Oh, here we go.

[both laughing]

[Christine] Hey! [screaming]

- You look beautiful.
- Thank you. You do too.

- [Mary] That's later.
- [Christine] Thank you.

Wow, look how fancy this looks.

Can we do a toast so I can actually
drink out of my penis straw, please?

[all] Cheers!

[Heather] So sweet.

- [Christine] Congrats, Mary.
- [Heather] Cheers, Mary. Yes. Congrats.

- [Davina] Wow, Christine.
- [girls chuckling]

[Maya] Mary, like,
my nanny's clock is ticking

so unfortunately, to the club,
I cannot make it.

- I know, I'm so sorry, but...
- [girls booing]

Well, what are we playing?
What games did we bring?

Truth or Dare over here.

[Christine] I'm terrified.

[Amanza] Okay, it's Maya's.

"What was your most cringeworthy
sexual experience?"

[girls laughing]

[Maya] Here's the truth.
You go down on a guy, right?

You pretend you love it,
but honestly it tastes like shit.

- It's always gonna...
- [girls laughing]

It doesn't taste like orange juice, so...

- I think it's cringe.
- Keep your ears closed.

[all laughing]

"Have you ever peed in
a ridiculously public place?" Yes.

- Haven't we all though?
- [Maya] Where?

I went to Diddy's, like, party,

and, like, everyone was there.
Jay-Z, Beyoncé, the Kardashians.

Everyone was there and I was so drunk.

And leaving,

I couldn't hold it, so I squatted down,
and my girlfriends, like, held me up

and I just peed.
I have pictures of it too.

That is so...

I had no underwear on,

and, like, my girlfriends took a picture,
so it's full out. Yeah.

[Heather] Yeah.

I was not expecting to hear that

because you are like--
You barely even drink now.

I'm a fun drunk. I'm wild.

Good, this is a bachelorette party.

I wanna see it!

The best answer so far of the night.

- Cheers.
- Yep. You--

[Amanza] "What are you top three
deal-breakers in a relationship?"

My deal-breaker would be,
yeah, if they were a cheater...

[Davina] Totally, liars.

- [Chrishell] Jealousy, is a good one...
- [Mary] Jealousy!

Especially with, like, with our situation.

- Yeah, that's a good one.
- [Mary] Because with Jason...

You have to deal with it.
You have to understand.

We're friends, he's gonna be there,
he's one of my best friends, my boss,

I talk to him all day, everyday.

Would this be a deal-breaker for anyone?

[Davina] Yes, it would be.

Oh, yeah. That's a good one.

- Yeah.
- [Mary laughing]

[Heather] Thanks, babe.

- Whoa.
- [Christine] I would like--

[Amanza] Oh, Jesus Christ.

- What?
- [Davina] What is it, I can't read.

- [Mary] No!
- [overlapping yelling]

- [Heather] No!
- [girls laughing]

[Christine] What does it say?

[Heather] Do it now.

[Mary] I can't even say that. right?

[Heather] You have to.

Describe your first sexual experience.

My high school boyfriend.

First time I had sex.

Not only did I get teased, like... uh...

- She had a baby.
- There was like-- There was a...

The first time you had sex,
you got pregnant?

- [Mary] Yes.
- Oh, my God.

Which is why I've got an IUD.

An IUD-- I was like--
I was thinking a DUI.

[girls laughing]

Everyone in the office,
including Brett and Jason,

who would you eff, marry, and k*ll?

I would f*ck Heather,
I would marry Davina--


Because you're a loyal bitch
and then I would k*ll...

You can k*ll me. It's fine.

[Maya] I was waiting for Chrishell's name.
[Christine] No, I wouldn't k*ll a girl.

I'd k*ll Jason, f*ck it.

Give me a better split, Jason.

I just got a text from my nanny.

Braker got bit?

- By, like, a spider or something.
- [Heather] Uh-oh.

She's taking him to the Urgent Care.

- Oh, go.
- [Mary] Guys...

I feel like I've done my job here.

Everybody's getting along.

- I love you guys. I gotta go.
- [Heather] Bye, Amanza.

- Have fun.
- [Davina] Bye, Amanza.

I think it's probably best to put my kids
before drinking with the girls,

when my son's at the ER
with a possible venomous bite on his ear.

I really think that's probably
the right thing to do.

Obviously. [chuckles]

I got a spider bite in my vag*na
in Indonesia.

- Who gets a spider bite in their vag*na?
- I did.

That's why you wear panties
when you're in f*cking hotel rooms.

[Heather] Sure,
that's what he was called, a "spider".

[girls chuckling]

- Sure...
- No, it was.

It was.

The only time I looked at my vag*na
was months after I had my baby.

- No, not the only time.
- I look at it all the time.

I'm like this,
I, like, drop shit over a mirror,

I'm like, "Yes, what the f*ck
is going on down there?"

- Oh, my God!
- You don't do that?

I'm like, "Yes! You got this shit."

Everyone knows about the p*ssy pat.

I've never done a p*ssy pat like that.

Oh, my God!

- [Christine screaming] Nicole!
- Hi, pretty girl.

- I love you. Oh, my God.
- Sorry, it took me so long to get here.

Okay, I gotta ask you, hold on.

You ever look at a mirror and be,
"That's my p*ssy, f*ck yeah."

You look at it, right?

- [girls laughing]
- [Maya] That's a no.

I mean, I don't, like, not look at it.
But I don't look at it.

[Chrishell] But I think, like, more
not looking at it I think--I have an idea.

Since Maya can't drink,

how about, we have to take a shot
out of Maya's boobs?

- Yeah, I don't have milk anymore.
- At least let her--

Not the milk! Oh, my God.

- [Heather] Maya. Maya.
- [Maya] I thought you wanted to...

- That's not what I meant!
- [Maya] Chrishell,

I thought you were talking about milk.
I was like, "Wow, Chrishell..."

[overlapping yelling]

[Maya] No, Christine.
Christine has better boobs than mine.

- [Chrishell] Oh, my God.
- What are you supposed to do?

- [Davina] No, she has better boobs.
- This suit's couture!

I don't think so.

[Heather] Nicole, then.

- Nicole.
- Yes.

I feel like I'm gonna f*ck this up!

- You got it.
- Okay.

- [Nicole] You got it. You got it.
- [Heather] Take it.

- [all cheering]
- Yes!

That was really impressive.

[Christine] That was so impressive.

It's been fun, guys,
but we have to go to the bar.

[Chrishell] Next venue, guys.

- [Davina] Down the hall.
- [Heather] That was wild.

[Davina] Down here.

♪ I'm immaculate
Stare at it ♪

♪ I'm immaculate
Stare at it ♪

♪ Go ahead and stare at it ♪

♪ Stare at it
Why not ♪

♪ I know what you like and I got it ♪

[crowd cheering]

♪ I know what you like and I got it ♪

♪ I know what you like
And you like it like this ♪

[crowd cheering, laughing]


♪ I know what you like and I got it ♪

♪ I got it ♪

♪ I got it ♪


[Mary laughing]

- [Mary] Hi, babe!
- [overlapping chatter]


[all cheering]

[man 1] Woo-hoo!

- I love you.
- I love you.

- I love you more.
- No.

[Heather] I'm still trying to remember
who talked about you.

Have you asked anyone about it?
Or have you--

No, but I mean,
the conversation needs to be had.

Like, that's none
of your f*cking business.

- Why not just come to you?
- Why not just come to me.

[Davina] Why not just ask
the person that it's about?

Because that'd mean you'd
have to have one face.

- Are they fighting?
- Mm-mm.

Also, you're not my friend

if you're, like,
questioning my relationship.

- That's just, like, number one.
- Wait...

I kind of overheard you guys a little bit,
so I just wanna clear the air.

Like, I heard something

that was said.

And that there was an overlap,
and I didn't know what that meant.

I just wanna clear something up because
I was sitting with Mary and Heather,

and then somebody said,
and I don't really even truly remember...

Did you say it? I don't even know.

Yeah, I just wanna know
who said that though.

- Maybe Mary?
- I don't know, I don't remember,

it doesn't matter.

But it does matter who said it though.

because someone's, like,
saying things about my relationship,

like, obviously I want to know.

And I would hope that person
would come to me.

So, like,
I would love to know who said that.

Jason! Jason!
Can Mary come over here for a second?

We just have to clear
the air about who said this.

We just don't want to, like, k*ll her vibe

of her bachelorette party.

As long as it, like, stays clean, right?

- Because I don't to, like, get messy.
- [Christine] I just want to know.

[indistinct chatter]


Okay, this is just one of those things
we're gonna clear up real quick.

Nothing drama. Nothing bad.

Oh, gosh, Mary's-- Mary's face!

Can I remind you
this is a fun night, everybody?

I wanna have this conversation
before any side conversations go on.

[Mary] Okay, let's do it.

So there was a comment
that was apparently made

about Christian being a cheater
or an overlap...

and my relationship was being questioned.

That's all I heard,

was the word "overlap" was used.

An overlap? I said that.

"There was an overlap."


I didn't know, so when people asked,

I said, "I don't know."
I haven't talked to you enough.

- [Christine] Okay, yeah.
- [Mary] So...

- [Mary] Is everything fine?
- Yeah.

Everything is not fine right now.

I'm trying to be as cool
as a mother f*cking cucumber

in a g*dd*mn grocery store.



[Mary] That's pretty dope.
That's pretty dope.

- [whooping]
- [Nicole] That's so dope.

You don't look satisfied.

[indistinct chatter]

- I don't know.
- [Jason] Romain.

You're making things, like, really
awkward right now. Could you maybe...

[Mary chuckling]

That's the last thing
I expected anyone to say.

Especially that person.

[animated conversation]

[all chanting] Mary! Mary!

Mary! Mary!

[Mary] Oh, my God,
what am I supposed to do?

[Chrishell] Woo!

No. I mean, it's just f*cking Mary.
I don't know.

♪ If you tango with the darkness
It'll steal your light ♪

[chanting] Mary! Mary!

♪ If you tango with the darkness
It'll steal your light ♪

♪ Round and round
Until your body is too weak to fight ♪

♪ So you made a deal
To dance with the devil ♪