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10x08 - The Captain and Camille

Posted: 04/20/24 08:30
by bunniefuu
Previously on 'Below Deck...'

Primary Karan Bakshi.

He and his wife never leave
home without their hookah.

This is why I did
not go with them,

because they're all
freaking crazy.

Yeah, I did not like it.

I need some hot sauce.

We're gonna take a moment and
just take in the sunset.

I'm falling hard
for this girl right now.

Oh, Ben.

What are you doing?

After going out,
it's just like he's sloppy.

I can't have him be
acting like that.

And then sleeping with me,
it makes me look like an idiot.

You have this charter
to prove to me

that you're in it to win it.


Because I promise you,
you'll be off the boat.

Okay, that's fair.

No more pushback.
Thank you.

I have a little welcome back
job for you, darling.

We can talk about
it in a second.

- Yeah.
- It's just ironing, babe.

Get the clothes out of the
master cabinet and iron them.

No, just wait a second.

Oh, my God.

If you can't understand
what the 'tude's about...

I mean, I guess I could
take it to the captain

and she'll understand it.

Yeah, go ahead.
Take it to the captain.

You're tarnishing who I am
because you want to believe.

No, you are...

You're bully, Alissa.

No, babe.
You're a manipulator.

You're a bully.

Camille. Stop.
This is insane.

Two crew members screaming
at the top of their lungs

while a charter's on board?

That is not okay.

- This is exciting for you.
- No, bitch.

We're on charter.

I'm no going to take disrespect.

You're the one with
the attitude.

You're bully.

Yes, everybody knows.

Is this exciting for you?

No, bitch.


You're a manipulator.

You're a bully.


Are you keep saying
sorry for the attitude

and then coming
with more attitude?

Sorry for the attitude.

I'm not going to take disrepect.

Stop, stop.
We're on charter.

You guys got to
compose yourself.

You're a bully.

She threatened me that
she'd take my attitude

to the captain.

I'm saying don't
have an attitude,

and I'm wrong for that.

Wait, wait, wait, wait, wait.
Don't discuss this now.

Let's get through this charter.

We got one more night.

Can you do that for me?

Of course I can.

It's just...

Reset, let's get
through the night.

It's never acceptable
for crew to fight.

On a scale of one to 10,
how unacceptable is this?

A 10.

Holy cannoli.


- All right, cheers.
- Cheers.


Camille, Camille, Sandy.

Meet me in the crew mess.

Listen, all that happened is
Camille walked in, right?

I said, do you mind
doing laundry?

Yeah, Camille just
said, oh, hang on.

I wouldn't have...
that doesn't bother me.


Alissa took my side and went,
don't talk to Hayley like that.

Captain Sandy, I'm so sorry.

That can never happen
on a boat that I'm running.

Yes, ma'am.

You both will be fired if
that ever happens again.

She's a bully.

- She's tarnishing who I am...
- Listen, listen, listen.

I'm standing up for myself.

I know you are.

And let's just leave in there.

Yeah, you can tell me a story.
I want to hear both sides.

So I'm at the beach
picnic, right?


Loving every minute of it.

Listen, I know it's bad,
it needs to be dealt with,

but we don't need to
- ing talk about it.

I want to hear the story. Finish.

This isn't your call, it's mine.

No, okay.

Everybody has a side
to the story, right?

There's three sides
to the story.

There's their story,
and there's the real story.

So I'm listening to Camille
without judgment.

I will listen to
Alissa without judgment,

and then I'll make a judgment.

I'm at the beach picnic, right?

- Mm-hmm.
- I come back.

First thing Hayley wants to
tell me is about the ironing.

I said, can you guys
just give me one second

I just got on the boat.

And Alissa's like, what's
the 'tude about, she said.

And she was going to
bring my attitude

issue back to you again because
I'm on my last leg.

And she just goes on and
on about my attitude

and that everybody notices
and that everybody

has a problem with me
on the boat.

But you changed your attitude.
I've noticed.

I have.

I gave you an opportunity
to show me on this charter.


As far as I'm concerned,
you showed me.

You did your job.

Thank you, Captain Sandy.


So who started yelling first?

I definitely said
Alissa, your comment,

was extremely childish
about the captain thing.

And then she started saying...

Well, that's not okay
to thr*aten you with that.

- Right.
- Okay.

And then it escalated
from there.


I can't believe
she called me a bully.

But like, are you
- ing serious?

Like, queen of projecting.

She's had the biggest attitude
with me from day one.

She's been praying on my
downfall since day one.

I give people chances.

She used them up.

She hasn't given me
a chance, really.

I don't deal with
nobody's bullsh... Bye.

And it's just bullsh...

It's just bullsh...

She has a lack of respect
for me as a human being.

Well, whatever happens
on a personal level,

it's not a requirement.

What is a requirement is the
mutual respect as a co-worker.

What I need is not what
happened in the main salon,

because I won't tolerate it.

But I won't do
that again, I promise.

- No. Thank you.
- Yes, ma'am.

I don't see a price tag.

If it's a Gucci,
then a Gucci.

If it's a Prada,
it's a Prada.

The vegetable samosas
you're using, one of these.

I'm going to need
like four bowls

for the tamarind
coriander mint chutney.

If I'm walking into Lamborghini,

I'm walking in to buy it.

Lambo black?

Lambo black with orange,
orange everything.

- Oh!
- The graphite.

Could you step on the bridge?

Yeah, sure.

And it looks great, huh?

Looks good. I'd sleep
in there tonight, maybe.

I'm from the school of thought

that there's three sides
to a story.


So I want to hear your
side of the story.

Hayley had ironed some stuff
for the guests earlier.

She was just letting Camille
know that it was done,

and I think there was one more
garment left to be steamed.

And Camille was like,
I can't stop.

I'm not going to listen to you.

Not right now,
like walking past.

And then I got into it with her.

And then she's like, you're
a bully, like da-da-da-da-da,

just screaming in my face.

And it's getting to that
point where I just feel like

I'm letting her walk
over me at this point.

If someone's triggering
you to that point,

you have to walk away,

because we're on anchor
in the middle of charter.

You know what I mean?

See, as a captain, I'm not
thinking about Camille.

I'm not thinking about Alissa.

Fraser needs to be worried
about Camille and Alissa.

I want my department heads
to sort the problem

before it gets out of control,

because this situation
wasn't managed properly,

otherwise this wouldn't
have happened.

What I want for you guys
to do is just reset.


Camille's doing a great job.
I've watched her.

Yeah, I think she's really
picked up the pace,

but I do think that she still

is working not as hard
as everybody else.

My thing is,
is if there's an issue,

you guys talk about
it when you're out,

because if there's screaming
like that again,

you will both be
off this boat so fast,

because that's unacceptable.

It won't happen again.

All right, awesome.
Thank you.

No problem.

Can I get some snacks, too?

Yeah, I can bring up
some snacks.

Guys, please don't eat.
Very little, yeah,

because we have
dinner at nine.

When you're a dumbass,
and know it.

You guys know what to do?


One, two, three, four,
five, six, seven, eight.

I'm not doing this.
I'm not doing that.

One, two, three, four,
five, six, seven, eight.

Shall I check on the guests
or are they good for the moment?

They were in a really
deep conversation

last time I checked on them.

One, two, three, four,
five, six, seven, eight.

If I want to have a
conversation with someone,

I'll do that, okay?

Yeah, okay.

Because what happened
in front of my eyes

can never happen again, understood?

- Okay.
- Okay, great.

We got that.
Thank you.

I'm really just gonna take
a breather myself right now.

Coming up...

You don't tell me to shut up.

It's your girlfriend
that' crazy.

She's obsessed Camille

and diseased p*ssy.

I've not had lunch.

I don't mind if you want
to go and run off

and eat something quick.

- Are you ready for the party?
- Yes.

I'm gonna ask you to just try
and get all this stuff...

- Out of the way?
- I'll bring this down to crew.

That is a massive carrot.

That's hilarious.

I'm sorry.

Put that there.

No, no, that doesn't go there.

Switch it up,
switch it up.

Fraser, Fraser, Sandy,
meet me on the bridge.

Copy that.

Technically, what happened was

I gave attitude,
too much attitude to Alissa

and she threatened to take
it to the captain

because I'm on my last leg.

It's like a threat, you know?

It's like, I'm gonna
thr*aten your job.

Like as if she has
the power to do so.

She was like talking
about everyone

and that everyone has
a problem with me.

For her to come to me
as a bit of a safe place

and a shoulder to lean on.

Like, [bleep] it's what I want.

Yachting has always
been a lonely place

and if you're on
the receiving end

of a lot of bullsh... on a boat,

there's not many friends
you have on board.

It's gonna go in
the piss soon

like, if she doesn't
change what she's doing.

All right, thanks
for talking to me.

Yeah, of course. Always.

- Hey, Cap.
- Hey.

I respect you and I respect
what you're trying to do.

But I'm gonna tell you this.

When two people start
screaming on a boat...

- Yeah.
- This is where I fire people.

- That is unacceptable.
- Yeah.

I think a lot of people
in Fraser's position

is they want to be friends
and they want to lead.

It's impossible.

How many of your friends
do you lead?

It's hard, isn't it?
You have to choose one.

You know the personalities,

so I'm gonna leave it with you,

but they need to know
that I'm aware

and the seriousness of this.

At one point, you'll
figure it out and say,

all right, I've tried
this, this, and this,

and then I'll make a decision.

I need Fraser to step it up
and figure it out.

It is serious
and they both will be fired

if he doesn't manage this.

If he can't manage it,
then maybe

you're in a position
you shouldn't be in.

All right, I will keep
you in the know.

Thank you for your advice.

- Hello, hello.
- Hello, hello.

You all look amazing.

We are starting to fire.

I'm gonna start plating the pani
pury sh*ts, okay?

Okay, copy that.

Welcome to your Bollywood.

- So pretty.
- Party.

I love the placemats.

Very Indian.

The curry goes in there.

With everything that went on

with last night's dinner service...

It's cold.
It's not warm.

Yeah, I know.

Some things are, like,
amazing and some are not.

I need to smash this the
[bleep] out of the park.

They've requested Asian cuisine
with Indian canapes.

Those pani puris
are the tits McGee.

- Ooh.
- It's like a treat

that might make you
hit the streets

because you gotta take a sh...

That's nice, Rach.


Cuddle, that's how they call it.

And I was born
yesterday, you know?



The golgappa pani puri.

Oh, my God.
It's awesome.

Vegetable samosas.

They're good.

It is really delicious.

Are those samosas?

- Pretty good.
- Oh, my God.

It's really good.

Rache, they said the
shot was perfect.

- Thank you.
- Perfect.

I've got plenty.

I'm loving every bite of this.

- It has good flavor to it.
- There's no fake bollywood.

Wow. What a day.

We're ready when you are.

I'm just waiting on my noodles.

- Okay.
- And I'll start plating.

- Cheers.
- Cheers, guys. Cheers, everyone.



If you want we can go
ahead and start pouring

all the broth in there?

- Oh, my God.
- Why?

We're so beautiful.

I want to take
pictures of everything.

This is a buckwheat soba noodle.

It's accompanied by a
miso and ginger garlic.

- Thank you.
- Enjoy.

It is really nice.

Copy that.

I'm breaking out.

All right, so something more.
We're finished.

You're finished.
Thank you very much.

Anytime, bro.

Try the broth.

Why? I tried it.
Not my thing.

Word up, word up.

Who's your best friend?

Excuse me.
I have a question.

He does not enjoy seafood.

I love seafood,
but if it stinks...

If it smells,
it's over.

Oh, so good.

I'm going.

These five-hour course
needs to hurry the [bleep] up.

No, they just need
to hurry the [bleep] up.

We need food.
We need food.

They're talking about
how long it's taking.

They're ready for you.

All right, cool.

I'm feeling some bad energy.

This charter got
everybody moody, man.

To plate it perfectly and
to add all the ingredients

that need to be on
that plate takes time.

It's not McDonald's.

The fish is going right now.

I'll bring the other
two fish up.

Thank you.

Very pretty.

They're making it
special for us.

Let's eat.

The cod is really good.

So good.

They're eating that wolves.

I'm plating now.

- Dessert is here.
- What is it?

I'm so curious though.

This is the vanilla panna cotta.

- It's so good.
- Perfect.

You get the dessert and you
don't add too many calories.

And then we're finished.

I'll put it back away.
Yeah, we're done already.

I'll draw it.

I'm going down.

We've got this.

I will be.

Dinner was horrible.

It wasn't seven star service.

Look what I have.


So I need to entertain
them with alcohol.

Can I get you guys some drinks?

- Vodka soda lime, please.
- I'll be back.


- I might bounce.
- You're out, mate.

All right, darling.
I'll see you in a bit.

- Sweet dreams.
- Good night.

It's time to dance.

- Can I get a drink, please?
- Anybody else?

- I'll take a modelo.
- And a modelo?

Yes, please.

Oh, what happened?

- Pour some water here.
- That's okay.

Can I get a lighter?

Yeah, I'm going to come
with a lighter

and something to clean that up.

Can I get a drink, please?

What can I get you?

I didn't do that.

Just watch your feet
down there, guys.

Those seven.

Can I get a lighter?

Do you know how to use it?

I'm gonna grab
a vacuum right now.

- Can I get some Pepsi, please?
- No, no, not by the sheet.

Not by the sheet.

- Grilled cheese, grilled cheese.
- Okay, I'll be right back.

- Grilled cheese.
- Are you doing this?

Then I'll do that, too.
I'll also do that.

Coming up...

I can't even remember what
I'm being forgiven for.

I think I need an apology.

You start the attitude and
then you're upset when people

come back with you
with attitude.

- What are you doing?
- Drinking.

- No.
- A glass of wine.

You don't drink on
the job, Camille.

Can we get any munchies?

Grilled cheese, grilled cheese.

- Oh, are you doing that?
- Okay, I'll be right back.

Toasty time for
our lovely guests.

I' exhausted.

We have some grilled cheese.

Thank you.

[alarm sounds]

Oh, you're out of it.

You guys literally did five.


Do not let them
see you again, please.

I feel like vomiting and
crying at the same time.

It's time to go to sleep.

- Good night.
- Good night, my love.

I'll see you tomorrow.

Thanks, Tony.

Yeah, yeah, thank you.

Good night.

I hate them.

Oh, my God.

I got to stop yawning.

Good morning.
How are you doing?

She dislocated
my shoulder last night.


- Good morning.
- Good morning.

- You guys had fun.
- We did.

We surely did.

- 5 a.m.?
- 5 a.m.

Yes, Tony.
You're my lifesaver.

He was almost going to make me
go down in the dungeon hole.


Deck crew, deck crew.

Haul the anchor,
we're ready to go.

Coming up.
Ready, Tony?

Anchor at waterline.

We're going to make
our way in now.

Nice riding boat.

You can feel the weight.

Oh, my God.
Look at that.

Oh, beautiful. Yeah.

So this morning's
breakfast special

is going to be the smashed
avocado on sourdough toast.

We can also do eggs
in any style.

Can I get maybe scramble?

Yeah, I can do that.

I feel tired today.

- Is that a joke?
- No, it's not a joke.

I have five specials.

Poached is in.

Omelettes about to come out.

This is the jalapeno one.

Very good.


All right, Cap, here we go.

- Cheers, everybody.
- Cheers.

For a good, amazing time.

Anything else, Kamna?

All clear port side.

All right, Katie, you ready?


Starboard coming in line
with the end of the tea belt.

There we go.

Hell yeah.

That's it, Katie.

Caption bow line ashore.

Pull that for me, please.

Lovely stuff, girl.

Katie's doing a phenomenal job.

This particular marina
with the wind direction,

the bow is
the most important part.

Good girl.

I have a strong exterior team,

but I think interior
needs some work.

For sure.

- Great stuff.
- Thanks.

All right, now get it
on the drum.

- Okay.
- That was fun.

Nice work, though.
Thank you.

- I think I got it down, though.
- Good stuff.

Okay, I'm going to get into
my one...

All crew to the aft deck
for guest departure.

- That was wonderful.
- I know.

That was amazing.

I know you guys are
going to miss us.

Thank you so much
for everything.

I am thrilled beyond belief
that these guests are going.

They've been on board
for far too long.

Oh, yeah.

We had amazing time.

We were happy with everything.

I was not happy with the beach.

Otherwise, it was nice.

That's a little something
for your crew.

Thank you.

It was actually the best crew
we could have got.

I know we made some amazing,
wonderful memories.

Thank you.
I really appreciate it.

All right, you guys
have a good day.

Thank you.

- Namaste.
- Bye you absolute wankers.

For you guys.

Never come back.

All right, everyone.

Out of our whites,
let's turn this boat around

- for our next charter.
- Yeah.

We survived.

Get in here, get in here.

Come on.

Everything needs to be done
at a really high standard.

If not, I'll keep us
working till five.

Let's do this.

This boat's getting a makeover.
I'll tell you that.


All crew, all crew.

We're going to meet in the Sky
Lounge for our tip meeting.

- Copy.
- Let's go.

Copy that.

Oh, look at that.

Congratulations on
completing this charter.

It wasn't easy.
I know that.

You worked long hours yesterday,
but you never stopped smiling.

And that's what it takes.

I saw how hard every
one of you worked.

Also, if the client ever
complains and I don't complain,

that's all you have to worry
about is if I complain.

Because you will have people
you can't please all the time.

This is not a
reflection of your work.


$1530 per person.


Hearing that amount is
just not acceptable.

I think we should have kept a
- ing security deposit

for these.....ers.

They're burning sh...

Oh, what happened?

Wow. Not okay.

They're breaking sh...


If you can' tip the
crew, go on a cruise, bitch.

Don't rent a yacht.

That's all.
Thank you.

- Thank you.
- Thanks.

We've actually managed to do
everything that we need to do.

Interior, how close are we?

Finished my jobs.

Laundry's just, like,
turning situation.

I think we can save that.


Cheers to the freaking weekend.


I've got some high ass heels
I'm going to wear tonight.

Don't [bleep] with me.

I have to get drunk before
I do my makeup and my hair

because it just turned out
better like that.

Yeah, girl,
you'll never not have abs.

I just need to stay away from
her to be completely honest.

She called me a bully.

And I was like,
you're manipulator.

Oh, yeah, baby.

Can't wait to get.....ed up.

Like, she's the
- ing fire, like,

and she just reminds me
of my dad or something.

Like, it's just weird.

Oh, my God, that's horrible.

My dad is really controlling,
really toxic,

constantly putting me down.

That upbringing shaped how
I let people treat me now

because I've forgiven her
so many times.

Literally, when
I forgive somebody,

it's like taking a piece of
me and giving it to them.

At this point, I'm not going
to let anybody bully me.

Do I want her gone? Yes.

I really need a sharpener.

I'm going to ask
one of the girls.

- Hayley?
- Yes, darling?

Do you have a sharpener,
like, for makeup?

- Have a look.
- Hello.

Do you have a sharpener
for, like, eyeliner?

No, no, I don't wear eyeliner.


No sharpener, that's fine.

Wait, where's our wean?

You guys had a
bottle right there?

I'm going to let you know now.
I could have walked away.

You triggered me.

Like, you come at
me with an attitude

I want to give you an attitude
two times harder back.

Right, right, right.

To be honest, I cannot
forgive you in full

just because I have
to protect myself.

I can't even remember
what I'm being forgiven for.

Just the attitudes.

I can take responsibility
for my attitude.

But I think you
fail to understand

the way you've been
with me as well.

I do, because, like,
I feel like

I'm understanding
and forgiving with you.

I think that I don't need
all the forgiveness.

I think I need an apology.

That's where we don't get on.

These two stews are at
each other's throats,

and guess who's in
the middle again?

I've got a mom,
and you're not my mom.

What you can do is
kind of stand and watch

and hope that it
sorts itself out,

which it clearly isn't
going to at this rate.

Someone's going to get m*rder*d.


Which is fine, but it's just
not fine for this industry.

These chicks next door arguing.

You don't find that in a
situation that's heated, saying,

I'll just run it back
to Captain is offensive.

We're supposed to be a team.

You start the attitude,
and then you're upset

when people come back
at you with attitude.

Guys, just stop. It's annoying
everyone in the hallway.

Ben, this has
nothing to do with you.


Oh, my gosh.

I mean, I can't
believe that this

is the way this is going now.

If you come and be crazy,
what the [bleep] do you expect?

Extra crazy back.

What happened?

She knows I literally
don' [bleep] with her.

I'm like, all I want to do get ready.

Like, get out of
space, you dumb bitch.

All I want to do is
- ing get ready.

Like, get out of
space, you dumb bitch.

What's the noise going
on in the corridor?

Oh, who do you think it is?

Alissa darling, just get ready
in your own time.

Don't be upset, please.

Alissa and I are trying
to figure this sh... out,

and I've learned now that there
is no figuring it out with her.

Oh, I don't want
to deal with this.

Oh, look, there's more
champagne, though.

Oh, wait, should we
finish our wine first?

Doesn't really?

Unless Ross is in the doghouse.

Well, well, well.
Tits in a wig.

Toots in a woo.

We're heading out, y'all.

Oh, my God, this trolley
is going to give way.

Oh, my wig.


Mary Poppins is out,
and she' moist.

Instead of 'Eat, Pray, Love,'

it's called 'Eat, Drink,


You look quite cute together?

So, everybody, I want to
say thank you so much

for all the way
up to Charter four!

- Yeah!
- Yeah, yeah, yeah!

Oh, yeah.

Wait, wait.

I'm definitely hoping tonight
that Ross can show me

he's changed because
every single night out

it's been the same damn way.



My ex-boyfriend was
very unfaithful,

and a huge trigger for me
is he changed when he drank.

So, I'm going to sit
back and watch him

and see how he acts.

Words aren't sh... if you
don't put action behind it.

Oh, yes!

You made a big mistake
putting that in front of me.

Sorry, people.

Last year.

I just assumed you were
always like that.

No, man.

Blackened shrimp
and Caesar please.

Please, may I have
a fillet mignon?

What is my food?

Do you want one?

No, I'm not a smoker.

I always have to do it
with somebody, so...


You guess?

I mean...

Alissa's naughty.

I think we'd be badly behaved.

But I have real
emotion with Katie.

And Alissa and I
are just some fun.

Who knows? Maybe I wouldn't have
even been able to handle her

once we got into the bed.

No, I would.

I'm like a work horse when
I'm at work and then I'm like...

I've noticed, yeah.

I'm a play pony
when I'm at play.

I don't know. I can't even
do this conversation.

Thank you.

All right, everyone's
got their food.

- Everyone, eat.
- Eating!

- Woo!
- In the morning!

I'm sorry, I've got like all
the cigarette in your face.

What are you doing to
make these cigarettes?

Being a
marijuana hook tour.

Look, marijuana ain't dirty.

Marijuana is clean.

I cannot smoke.

I'm gonna do a sex on the beach.

Are you?

I know Alissa is trying
to get under my skin

but I have to be fake

and I'm really
- ing good at it.

I could probably be an
actress in another world.


Are you feeling okay?

Actually better than okay.

Really good.

We are sitting
here pretty in St. Lucia.

Bit fed up actually.
with this bullsh...

Wake up.

I'm fed up.

To be quite honest
with you, Fraser,

I don't really know what else
you could do

get rid of one of them.

- I'm ready to go.
- Let's go dance.

I can't lose Alissa
at this stage.

- She's an amazing worker.
- She's a great worker.

- Camille.
- I will always stand by that.

Camille has been a problem.

Camille is also a good worker.

Are y'all loving me
- ing good working?

I think we're gonna
head off soon.

Yeah, we just wanna go.

We can talk about my
good work there, please.

- All right, give us two.
- No disrespect.

I said nice things, darling.

No, no.

I'm not saying bad
things about you.

Honestly, say what you want.

I got me regardless.

You guys are getting
so worked up over the fact

that it's a situation.

You say worked up
but you're there screaming

in my cabin earlier.

Because this is falling on me
so I need to be concerned.

I'm trying to fix this.

Don't go at me.
I haven't done anything to you.

How many people do you wanna
have an issue with on this boat?

Like, how much
drama do you need?

I'm not sat here saying,
oh, I don't like Camille.

She's saying this,
she's saying that.

I didn't think that.

I'm saying I hope that they can
find some kind of agreement

where they can just get on.

I'm leaving.
Too much like drama going on.

Are you upset or something?

Ben, come on.

You don't tell me to shut up.


For what?

Just get in Alissa.

It's your girlfriend that's
- ing crazy

and you just wanna live
- ing a false reality.

And you' pissed

because your girlfriend's
a sloppy ass bitch.

He's obsessed with
- ing Camille

diseased p*ssy, so...

What the [bleep]?

This group is crazy.

I don't even know
what's just happened.

He literally just told me
to shut up and get in his car.

Everybody's like,
you're acting paranoid.

No, I did not say that.

You literally told me
he was like... told you
she was talking sh...

about me to other people. told you
she was doing that sh...

And you were like, don't.
She's not.

Open the door!

Ben, let's go.

He's so mine.

This is just you and me.

No one is gonna piss us off.

I'm good.

The captain has told me
quite specifically

that I need to shut down

what's going on between
Camille and Alissa.

And as chief stew,
I need to fix that.

That's my job.

But I have to make
the right decision.

It kills me.
I hate it.



My romper has been romped out.

Is that Hayley out the window?

Help me!

I can't get my tits out!

Oh no. It's Alissa.


- Thank you.
- Ohh...

Right, guys.
There's a smashed glass here.

- Rachel, go out the other way.
- Okay.

- I'm hungry.
- We're bloody home.

We're bloody home, yeah.

It always gets weird at night.

It gets a little awkward.


Snatch me up and
give me a spanking.

Bye, darling.
Have a good night.

- Good night everybody.
- Good night.

- That's a wrap.
- Love you guys.

Good night, darling.
See you tomorrow.

See you in the morning, darling.

Well, you got an early morning.

There we go again.

I'm trying to not acknowledge.

[imitates springs squeaking]

Oh my God.
What the heck is going on?

Oh, God.

I had the best night's sleep.

You know, I woke up at 6.30.

I was like, yes,
it was a quiet boat.

- Fraser.
- I felt awful.

Last night, the response was,

we can do this without
this negativity.

I don't know how many
more chances I can give.

Do you want to give one more?

Yes, of course I do,
because I've been there,

and I was fortunately
given the chances

that I needed
to come to my own terms.

Normally I can remember a lot,

but last night
is a little fuzzy for me.

I have hope in people,

and no one believed in me ever,

and I turned things
around for myself.

So I feel like I can see a
little bit of that in everyone,

so I always will give
another chance.

- All right, I love you, Hailey.
- I love you so much.

What's your vibe?

We're working today?

Do you mind just tightening up?

I'm going to write a list.

Sorry about Camille coming
in last night, dude.

It's got to stop.

We can't keep doing that with
you, and it's your space.

Man, if you want to [bleep],
let me know.

And then I'm just going to go.

You're just holding
back, holding back,

and it's irritating.

You want to go all in,
and you cannot,

because you don't
want to wake me up.

Hailey and Camille, I want
you guys to do cabins.

Let's go, guys.

Oh, yeah.
How you doing?

Rachel, Ross, and Fraser

meet me in the crew mess
for Preference Sheet meeting.


- Hello.
- Hey.

Okay, charter number five.

Primary charter guests.

Alex Sax is a tech and
real estate entrepreneur.

He and his wife, Louisa, are
pregnant with their first child.

Louisa is 27 weeks pregnant,

and will need to eat
every few hours

between regular meal services.

He does not drink,
which is wonderful.

Dinner on night one is requested

as an around the world
multi-course meal.


Guests request time
with the water toys,

including jet skis
and the slides.

Beach picnic.

So it's going to be
gazebos, tables, chairs.


You know, last charter
was a lot of work.

I guarantee you this is
not going to be like that.

It's going to be fine.

- Thank you.
- Thank you.

Fingers crossed.

Tony's just doing those
stairs on the port side.

All washed down.


Do you want this one, or
do you want the long one?

I prefer them short and
stubby over long and thin.

Oh, God.

- I'm joking.
- Do you know my ex?

- Are we finished?
- Yeah.


That's three weeks from now.
It makes me so sad.

So hard dating.

Not that we're dating,
but it's hard, like,

trying to, like, stick
with someone in yachting.

I know.


Some little things
in life, isn't it?

I am done now.

Oh, you want to fight, huh?


Cheers, babe.



- So.
- So.


What are you guys doing?
You guys done?

You want some champagne?

I'm drinking a beer.

I'm thinking about sitting on
the dock, actually.

- What are you doing, Ross?
- Let's go sit on the dock.

- All right, let's go.
- Hi.

- What are you doing?
- Drinking.

- No.
- A glass of wine.

- I'm literally done.
- Done what?

All my tasks.

You don't drink on
the job, Camille.

Oh, sorry.

Come on, babe.

- The last.
- It's not a holiday.

Well, I'm also just a human.

I'm sorry.
You can, I'll put this away.

I'm going to go down and grab
the tea towels

that I left on the counter.

All right, then.

I did leave some on the counter.

Seeing Camille come out with a
pint-sized glass of champagne,

it just goes to show that
there truly is no care

or willingness to do the job.

ing hell.

- It's a full glass?
- Yeah.

That's a very Camille
thing to do.

Always get your sh... done

if you're going to be
- ing cocked.

ing hell.

Yeah, he's fine.

I think we came to
an understanding.

I don't really care.
to even talk about it.

ing sick.

We had work to do.
Tomorrow, we've got a charter.

This is not a holiday.

- Camille, Camille, Fraser.
- Go ahead.

- Location, please.
- Aft deck.

- Run.
- Yeah, run.

Of course. It's
inside, are you?

That's not aft deck, babe.
That's outside.

I know.
I'm coming to aft deck.

I've just gone into the cabins
and they're not done.

Just not your vibe.
I did all my jobs

and helped the girls do theirs.

Good thing my boss
has a crush on me.

A bed shouldn't look like that.

- That just fell.
- Yeah.

None of the hangers are done.

I just totally forgot
that was a thing.

There's no robe in the master.

Oh, sh...

I feel like Camille's
got an excuse

for every single thing that
I'm pulling her up on,

which she says has been completed.

And I don't know if
that's a very good sign.

In fact, I know it's not.

What booze were you
drinking as well?

We had the Veuve crew.

- You had Veuve.
- Yeah.

That's guest champagne.

I just thought that was the one
we've been using to drink.

I like to give people chances.
Seconds and thirds.

They're done.
We're not.

Those are things I'd like
you to address immediately.

Understood, understood.

And then we can maybe
have some time off.

If they can't play a role in
supporting the bigger picture,

then they have no role on
Motor Yacht St. David.

Funny girl.

- Night, darling.
- Love ya.

Can make the force be with you.

Yeah, thanks.

Should we take a shot?

We really need this.
We deserve this.

All we do work.

All right. I think I split
my vag*na with that one.

I'm raging tonight.

Excuse me.


I'm.....ed up.

No g*dd*mn reason.


I'm gonna drink my drink.

I can't get a wink of sleep
because I'm terrified

I will make the wrong decision.

I love the girl.
I think she's fantastic.

We need a little
of this, you know?

But she's not doing the job.

Where's Ben?


And what do you do with that?


[alarm sounds]

And then we get up again.,

Did we finish all
of this, you know?

I did my jobs.


- I'll go for a walk around.
- Yeah.

I believe this one goes in here.

Hey, so I never got to that one.

That's all right.
Don't worry about it.

Let's organize some
buckets with vinegar

and start the chamoising.

I've just got Camille doing
crew mess, emptying the bins,

making sure the fridge
is ready to go,

and just this morning I need to
work on...

Captain Sandy,
can I speak to you, please?

Oh, Lord.

Yeah, sure.

Captain, the reason why I'm
having this conversation

is because as much as I adore
Camille as a person,

and I truly do,

last night was just
the final straw for me.

I'm going to manage without
her, regardless.

To me, I'm tired of
hearing about Camille.

I'm tired of dealing with her.

She's the common denominator
in all of this.

Great girl, great personality,

but at the same time, we have
to do what's best for the boat.

I'm proud of Fraser,
that he took charge.

He's looked at it
from 30,000 feet,

and he's making the correction.

This is another growing
experience for him.

It was the right decision.

I'm here to support you.

I promise you,
it will run beautifully.

Camille, Camille, can you
please come to the bridge?

Camille, to the bridge.


- She just been called up?
- Yes.

Is it about to happen.


This is awful.

Oh, ai ai ai.

Oh my God.

Is this actually the right food?

My stomach hurts so bad.

- Good morning.
- Hey, have a seat.

- Good morning.
- Thank you.

- Okay.
- All right.

This is not easy for me.

Oh, my God, no.

- Mm-hmm.
- Really?

I'm letting you go
this morning.