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09x10 - The Smell of Sweat and Desperation

Posted: 04/20/24 08:23
by bunniefuu
Previously, on "Below Deck"...

I'm engaged.

You're engaged?

You stuck your tongue
down my throat,

and you don't wanna say nothing?

How did this happen,
please tell us.


Jake is very attractive.

I might have a little crush.

Kiss, because I wanna see it.


- I'm so free, sexually.
- You should be.

Due to a recent
bicycle accident,

co-primary Chelsea
will be coming aboard

with her jaw wired shut.

Like, what the [bleep]?

They wanna do a silent
disco beach party.

I love silent disco.

I'm really sorry,
I need to leave.

At the end of the day,
I come first.

Jess just said,
"I'm gonna leave."

Oh, my God.

Crew search, interior,
third stew.

Heather, can we get some
liquid food for Chelsea, ASAP?

Of course.

She's got a
chicken breast coming right up

right now, liquid.
Yeah, of course.

Heather, Heather,
Chelsea's curry is ready.

Copy that.

We had one job...
to serve the primary first.

We're a man down,
and it's showing.

Things are feeling stressful.

Chelsea is weeping in
her cabin between courses.



But listen, we're doing
the best we ca...

Well, I don't know if we are.
I'm doing the best I can.


Chicken and breadfruit
curry with spinach.


She's having a meltdown.

Can I take it to her room?
Did she go down?

- She went to the restroom.
- Oh, okay.

Hopefully, she'll
be right back.


I do believe there's a
chicken breast in there,

as well as some other

So, give it a try.

It's just not...

not appropriate to bring us
all food without food for you.


Can I please clear
this for you?

We really wanna emphasize

we don't wanna eat
until she gets food.

Of course, I'll be sure of it.
You have my word.

- Thank you very much.
- Of course.

Are we gonna test them out?

Oh, it's working.

Oh, hell, yeah.

Wait... hm, hm.

- Oh, yeah.
- Yeah!

Dude, let's go wash
the boat down!

Yeah, all right, cool.

Okay, things that
make ya go "hmm."

So, his issue is that,
like, he didn't want them

being served shellfish and
not her having something.

Like, if we're
gonna bring this up,

we need to bring her
another cup...

- Yeah, we will.
- That is blended.

Yeah, I'll just do it...
blend it.

Blending raw shellfish...

have you ever vomited
in your mouth?

I think that we
now found something

that Rachel won't do...

that ----ing dish.

Hold the oyster snot, thanks.

- Oh.
- I'll follow.

Let me set hers down first.

You have a coconut curry done
with a locally grown breadfruit,

along with plantain
and cassava.

- Perfect.
- Beautiful.

Really tasty.

- So good.
- It's delicious.

How's your beverage?

Chelsea, I'm sorry.

Yeah, we'll completely respect
how you wanna handle it..


So, this is all ----ing snacks

and a helium t*nk
and some string.

- Maybe we'll go in five.
- In five?

I'd rather scrub a bidet
with my tongue

than be here leading
this dinner service.


The energy is so dead
at the table.


[singing bell rings]

I'm really hoping
that the silent disco party

turns the night around.

I feel that our tip
depends on it.

Would you still like to enjoy
the beach silent disco?

Yeah, it did.

If you're good to go,
we'll do a quick change.

- Well, we'll all rally.
- We'll head over there.

I'm gonna go over
and set up the side bar.

I'm just gonna run these down
and bring Sally down.

I could bring all
my magic to the beach.


I'm so full.

First time I've seen it.

You wanna grab
some candles, too?


This is a full moon
party setup, right here.

There it goes.

Yeah, yeah,
it's my kindling action.

Let me get the guests.

Yeah, baby.


Absolutely beautiful, love it.

You guys ready
to go to the beach?

- Yeah.
- Yeah?

- Silent disco.
- Oh, yeah, there's my girl.

- Watch your head.
- There you go.

- Are you excited?
- Yeah, I am.

Well, hey.

See you guys!

- Welcome, welcome.
- Woo!

Thank you so much,
this is awesome.

Of course!

Let's start with some cocktails.

[electronic music plays]



♪ Whoa, oh, oh, oh

You're such a good sport.

I love this song.


We are rebounding hard.

They are loving this,
they're happy.

Go, girls!

Thank you!

That makes it all worth it.

Of course!

Now, watch your head as
you get on, okay?

- Bye, little beach party!
- Bye, beach party.

The guests have left the beach,
tender inbound, two minutes.


Party's over, b*tches.

Honestly, I think that picnic
just saved our charter tip.

It definitely... they saw
how much hard work went in.

- Hi!
- I have a towel for you.

- Thank you.
- Welcome back.

All right, I'm going
back to the beach.

That was fun, over there.

- Was it?
- Yeah, it was tons of fun.

I didn't see, I hope
there were some pictures.

Take me home, mama.

High-five, good job.

- Well done.
- Thank you.

- Night, you guys.
- Thank you.

That was the best night.

Tonight was the best,
that was so much fun.

- You gotta go down.
- Yeah.

- How's it going?
- Everything's great.

Rayna, how are you doing?

Rayna, you alive?

- Barely.
- Oh, I just get the thumb?

She's barely alive.

I don't like that.

Thank you, Rayna.
Have a good night, sweetheart.

- Good night.
- Good night.

- [alarm sounds]
- [bleep] off.



You sick?

- While we were eating?
- At dinner, yeah, yeah, yeah.

She put her fingers
in the spaghetti.

Oh, I thought it was
just a slight, like...

No, I was, like,

can you please not put
your fingers in the food?

You know, it's like she
had a piece of bread,

she, like, scooped
up the spaghe...

like, that's disgusting.

All I asked her was,
like, please not...

like, to not use your fingers,

and Eddie was, like,
that's very low of you.

I was like... because I told
her to not use her fingers?

She's grown as [bleep],
like, have some manners.


I was like, it's not
low as [bleep]

that I told you she
was saying [bleep]

and you said it didn't matter.
That wasn't low.

She said it at the restaurant,

when we were
leaving the bathroom.

I should have had said
something when I first heard it.

I know.

But I didn't say
nothing, because then gain,

I was sparing
people's feelings.

- Would you...
- Because I don't wanna be the...

- aggressive Black woman...
- But you wait to do this?

I'm always the
aggressive "Black person."

I... but you...
You don't have to be.

Again, yin and yang.

Yeah, but that's
how they al...

but that's how they
always make it out to be.

Black person freak out one time,

"Oh, look at the
aggressive Black woman."

I'm not dealing
with that sh--.

I don't know.

I... like, you should just
never be that comfortable,

you know what I mean?

It doesn't really
matter the context.

And then I told Eddie.

He's like,
"Oh, it doesn't matter."

"You need to focus on work,

that shouldn't affect
you or your job."

- What Eddie did is...
- Eddie said that?

---ing pissing me off
a little bit more.

Because I go to you, my boss...

That's literally what he said.


He, like, shrugged it off
like it was nothing.

I'm not about to let these
people bully me outta here,

though, I promise you that.

It's not fair.

I deserve to be here
like everyone else.

Good morning.

Those are some oatmeal-raisin
paleo vegan muffins.

I'll have some of
the cannabis...

what are they, hemp seeds?

Cannabis, coming up.

We have the eggs Benedict today,

so you can do that with smoked
salmon or bacon or ham.

- With salmon.
- Okay.

Just a little bit.

Okay, perfect, sounds great.

- How you doing?
- I'm good, yeah, you?


Would you mind pouring
that for me while I...

- Sure.
- Thank you.

Maybe a minute.

Perfect, I'll be right back,
as soon as I drop this.

Are we taking
the trampoline out too, yeah?

Oh, trampoline.

So, this is your
breakfast order.


Your eggs, sir.

- How y'all doing?
- Oh, we're... we're good.

- Yeah?
- Is it thick, or...

No, it's nice.

You good with that?

All right.

Morning, everyone.

- Good morning.
- How y'all doing?

I think we're gonna
start doing water sports.

Great, great, fantastic.


Do you guys wanna go and,
like, chill out for a minute?

You guys good?
- Yeah, yeah.

- Sure?
- Absolutely.

I got this, I got this. Go chill
out for a minute, you guys.

One, two, three.

Where's Jess' radio?

Hang on...


Here you go.

That was fantastic.

Thank you, Rayna.

I don't know why you
never respond to me.

I'm not here to make friends,
I'm here to make money.

But I'm also here
to work and have respect.


Like, I never did
anything to you,

I've never said anything to you.

I've only been kind.

I don't know what
I deserved for that.


I gotta pick my battles wisely.

We're close to the end
of the season,

but I just had to tell
someone that that sh--

is so irritating to me.

Bet you it's because of Jess.

Good, be mad over nothing.

No, I don't think it has
anything to do with that.

Well, clearly you know something
that you're not telling me.

She just, when we were in
the galley yesterday...

That's what I gather it might
have something to do with.

Interior, interior, galley.

Go ahead.

- Perfect, of course.
- Woo!

Rachel, I need
to take 10 minutes.

I'll be back on the
floor in just a few.

It's so fun.




Ooh, nice air on that one.

Wow, thank you.


Ooh set.

Oh, come on.


Thank you, guys.

- Pleasure.
- Of course!

Pull everything in
and get the slide in.

Let's frigging rock and roll.



Did you have fun?

- Yeah, I did.
- Good.

I foolishly assumed that when
we had the conversation

the other night
it was an apology

and a promise to do better.

Careful when you
say the N-word.

What do you mean?

I like you...
it's okay, I still love you.

I can respect that, thank you.

I got you.

I don't know the right way
to handle this.

I have never in my life

wished for a time machine
more than I have now.



Well, Heather's been
off the floor...

There's too much going on.

You don't have
to roll it so tight.

Like a sausage!

- Here you are, sir.
- That's perfect.

And can I take your pressing
from you?

Oh, no!
Oh, no!

Oh, that's priceless.

- Sick.
- Sick!

So, I just wanna be sure

if we're sh**ting
for a 6:30 dinner.

Yeah, of course.

And would you like to dine
on the inside dining room

or the outside dining room?

I don't care.

Okay, beautiful.

How we doing
on that interior search?

Talk about a sh-- sandwich,
this is it.

I have to get a new stew
who's willing to come on board

this vessel and only
for a couple of charters.

I don't think there's
enough lipstick

you could put on that pig
to make it appetizing.

All righty, thanks a lot.


Yeah, I think I need
to get out of the sun

and lay down for a minute.

I took a lot in today.

One, two, three... ugh!

No, no.

Hi, where are you?

- What's going on?
- They're all good.

- Primaries are down.
- I'll chat with you later.


Can I give you a quick
little hug, though, madam?



Smells good.


Eddie, Eddie, do you guys
need help up there?

Change into your blacks.

Copy that.

Oh, what the [bleep].

- Can I borrow that?
- Yes, you can borrow that.

- Thank you, baby.
- Mwah.

g*dd*mn it.

I love it!

and I'm gonna need somebody
constantly on standby...


...washing it and blending
with me, unfortunately.

Okay, yeah, I got you.

Deck team, Heather.

Is anyone available
to help us

take out the trash
in the stew pantry?

Why can't she take
the trash out?

Yeah, copy that, I'm on my way.

- Thank you.
- Apple juice for you.

Thank you.

♪ Rachel, I'm here for you


Let's put the captain
at the head.

It's a free-for-all
after that.

I'm gonna go slip on
my black coat real quick.


You look great.

How are you feeling?

I think sleep will feel good.


How do you feel?

Just sore, like, physically.
Housekeeping on my mind.

Oh sh--.

- Good evening.
- There he is.

- Captain.
- How are you, sir?

I'm gonna actually
start going now.

♪ Wanna get this done

All right, she's ready.

With the sensitive situation
we've got going on

with the primary
because of her wired jaw,

and the fact that I ----ed up.

---ing nightmare.

Ugh... why tonight?

Tonight for our tantalizing
multicourse tasting menu,

she wants every single
course in liquid form,

so she can slurp it down, too.


This is the most absurd request

besides prostitutes
and coconut oil, like,

that I have received
in my whole career.

As soon as I finish this,

I've gotta go straight
into the polenta,

and then from the polenta
I can start plating the main.

That's when you had
the kiddie pool.

Yeah, we had a kiddie...

[glass shatters]

[bleep] me, [bleep].

Hey, Eddie, can you
meet me at the crew corridor

- between the galley.
- On my way.

What have you done,
cut yourself?

No, I just shattered the
pitcher, putting ice in it.

- Is there glass in your foot?
- No.

Will you help me
just vacuum this up?

Oh, yeah.

Okay, these are ready
to start rolling.

All right, stand by.

- If you want, we can serve.
- Watch out.

- I'm fine.
- Okay.

The crew has been working
so hard for us.

We definitely see
the teamwork and all of that.

Rachel, just give us...

We got a ----ing problem,
not gonna lie.

I've had a lot of crew members,

and it's really unique
to find a group

that really gets along well.

I rip b*tches' faces off,

but I eat ----ing crew
for a ----ing snack

if you're a bunch of douchebags.


All right, we gotta go.


I'll be right there.

We've gotta go, it's... the
salads are about the be ----ed

and they're gonna sit there.

It seems to me that nobody's
head's in the game,

and I don't know
what's happening with service

because my interior's missing.

AKA, it's ----ed.

I'll be right there.

Coming up...

- Morning, Wes.
- Good morning, guys.

Yeah, sure.
Interior, interior.


We've gotta go.

I'll be right there.
I'll be right there!

I could help you serve.

I'll be right there.

[bleep]'s sake.

No blue tape or
anything down here?

- Thank you.
- Thank you.

For your first course,
you have blueberries,

Mandarin orange, a poached
seckel pear in Grand Marnier.


- Well, that was fun.
- Enjoy.

I kinda like the way
you're getting yours.

I know!

I know, it's easy.

It's like salad, yet dessert.

It's just been phenomenal.

Am I waking you?

Did you see my text about
getting a job offer in Miami?

They make about 50
grand in tips a year,

Yeah, that'd be actually nice.

Me and Paris, we're still
kind of working sh-- out.

Obviously, I really like her,
and so I'm just taking my time.

Being fun, being stupid,
that's easy.

But showing people your
feelings is a little bit harder.

I know she's my fiancé,

but I'd like to make her
my girlfriend at some point.

All right, good night.

- Bye.
- Bye.

How any hands do
you need for this?

All of them.

I'll call Eddie real quick.

Is that bloody?
Like, is it deep?

- I don't really know.
- Okay.

I'll be the first to admit
I may have

too much of an ego
to ask for help.

Can we get you, Wes,
and Rayna

to help with the cloches
this next course?


But I'm already 10 steps behind

because Jess is
no longer with us,

and my foot is just
bleeding everywhere.

I just wanna keep
another volcano dormant.

Wes and Jake,
you're gonna be

helping with service,
so stay close.

Yeah, copy that.

This is steak,
polenta, mushroom.

We're, like, literally,
like, one minute out.

Okay, we're ready to go.

Okay, I can start smoking now.

We'll all lift up the
cloche at the exact same time,

and then you're gonna
turn the cloche like this.

These cloches are
very cloche to my heart.

Let me tell you what...

it was a cloche call
getting them here,

because I ordered 12,
and 11 only showed up.

I'm gonna go set primary.

Okay, you can take that.

Oh, wow.



That looks amazing.

Thank you, Rayna.

On the count of three...
one, two, three.


For your main course, you have
an Australian Wagyu strip loin.

- Bon appétit.
- Thank you.

Whoa, it's so pretty.

- Very good.
- This is delicious.

I like my steak medium-rare;

maybe a little crispy
on the outside,

on a plate, knife and fork.

Preferably not
blended to a pulp...

that's definitely
a waste of Wagyu.

So, Chelsea, how long
do you need to keep...

- Wear this for?
- Yeah.

I have another four weeks.

So, what type of an

would warrant getting
out the wire cutters?

- Yeah.
- Okay.

High-five, thank you.
Love you guys.

You're k*lling it.

May I clear this for you?


- Down at 12:00.
- Good night. Bye.

- Good night!
- Good night.

- See you tomorrow.
- Good night.

Yeah, oh, I would love that.

I'm so excited!
I get to sleep.

Lord, help me.

Oh, God.

- Hello.
- Hi.

Great dinner,
they thoroughly enjoyed it.

Thank you.

I know, I'm falling
apart right now.

You can go down and
be up at 6:00.

All right, mate.

I love you so much.


I'm so tired.

Sally's standing
for you, Heather.

- I love that!
- She's so proud of you.

Good night, Larue.

Get some ----ing rest,
because you need it.

- Jake?
- Yeah?

Oh, thanks, mate.
You're legend.

It's just been one, long
----ing one-day sh-- show.

The fact that she reiterated
it to him...

---ing hell.

Look, I have nothing but,
like, apologies and, like, hurt.

Well, have you talked
to her yet about it?

I will tomorrow.
This is not the time, you know?

I just, like,
really upset myself.

- That's understandable.
- Like, so embarrassed.

It's extremely important to me
to clear the air with Rayna.

I realize that I care a lot
about what people think of me,

and I just couldn't
put the notion aside

that she didn't like me.

So, I wanted to relate
to her and have a moment,

but the lesson here is yeah,

it should never ----ing be said,

regardless of my way
to create friendship.

It was so wrongly done.


I'm so tired.

[alarm sounds]

- Morning, Wes.
- How you doing?







He did?

♪ I'll be

I'm Wes, I'll be your
interior stew today.

Yeah, yeah, yeah.

French press coffee pot,
milk and sugar.

I didn't know anything
else existed.

Good morning.

- Here you go.
- Thank you, Wes.

Oat... got it, coming right up.

- Heather.
- Yeah?

Everyone's up!

Holy sh--.

Coming up...

Listen, I might
have a little crush.

Who wouldn't want
to date their best buddy?

It's adorable and sexy.


Holy sh--.

Oh, you gotta
be kidding me.

Did you wake them both up?

I did!

- Hey, bud.
- Hey.

Good morning.

Oh, wow, yeah, I just
woke everyone back up.

Oh, God, I never thought
I'd be someone

who would sleep in, ever
in my yachting career.

Like, I'm starting to question,
like, am I good enough for this?

Like, I shouldn't be
making these rookie mistakes.


No problem.

We're gonna get out
of you guys' way.

You guys are amazing.

I don't know what happened
to my other pants.

Oh, wait, there they are.
Hey, what's up, girls?

A moment on your lips,
forever on your hips.

This whole experience,
right, of this charter...


...Is like doing a**l
for the first time.

Oh! Ow!

You're trying to smile,
but all you feel is pain.

And you're with someone
you don't wanna be with.

Not you, the guests.

I can give it,
but I can't receive it.

I always stand with my feet

and then go like
this to crack my back,

and the whole thing
just went [trills tongue].

- Ooh-la-la.
- Yeah.

Just tuck those in
a little more over here.

Maybe we're the other way round.

- Let's see how tall you are.
- Is that right?


Welcome to the dark side.

Guys, it's 9:00 a.m.

Should we get to the table so
we can get our French toast?

- It's French toast time.
- French toast.

Oh, yeah, son of a bitch.

French toast for you.

Oh, wow.

And some French toast
for Chelsea's angels.

You are speaking my love
language now, Heather.

Are you guys gonna be
joining Captain Lee

on the bridge
when we go underway?

Yes, yeah, thank you so much.

Of course.


Come on in.

Have you had any luck with
getting some stew résumés in?

I'm working on it.

Someone kinda comes to mind.

My second stew
I work with in Florida.

She knows the ethic that
I expect,

so I feel like she'd be
the perfect person

to just jump right in the mix

and help us
finish out the season.

Do you have a resume?

I would love
to print that up for you.

I'm open to anything that helps.

A warm body that
can just flip the laundry

and do the dishes.

I trust Lee to
find me a replacement,

but I'm the one
in the lion's den here.

Kaylee's a very
go-with-the-flow, kick-ass

second stew for me
from a previous vessel,

and the devil you know is better
than the devil you don't.

Look, I've got my department,

you just handle
driving the boat.

Yeah, get me her resume.

- Okay.
- I'll take a look at it.

I'm gonna be in the wheelhouse
during docking today.

You're gonna be calling
in the distances

from the two day markers.


And also the distances
coming in.

We're pulling the anchor
in 10 minutes.

- Go up there...
- Yeah.

and prepare for hoisting, okay?

- Yeah.
- Hey-oh.

- Morning!
- Come on in.

Morning, Captain.

There's always
pressure with clients

being right there
in the wheelhouse.

Can't go, "He did it."

Let's get ready to depart.


Short stay, 9:00.

He's giving me
the direction that the chain

is leading, and a "short stay"

means it's directly
alongside the boat.

Short stay, 10:00.

Anchor at the waterline,
you are good to maneuver.

Roger that.


We're underway.

Nice job, Jake.

Attention all crew,
attention all crew,

I need everybody
in their whites.

Let's go and get
into our whites.

Okay, I'm just gonna put
some product in my hair

so it doesn't look like
a four-year-old girl.

All right, guys, heads up.

We're on our final approach,

so let's get ready
to pull it in.

- Captain Lee?
- Yes?

Have you ever had any
whales breaching near you...

- Mm-hmm.
- while you were sail...

You were out?

Will you be able to
do these ones as well?

Because I've gotta
call the distances,

and I don't wanna [bleep]
that up.

I got you.

Every time...

It was blowing 10, 11 knots.

Oh, Jesus Christ.

Twenty-nine, 30.

You know, you just
don't have a lot of room

to work with when you come in.

If you get off-kilter,
it gets expensive.

All right, guys,
we can chuck the fenders over.

Jeez-Louise, you feel that?

Feel the wind starting
to blow the bow around?

We are rolling.

It's trying to tell me
it's got a mind of its own.

The ----ing wind
is about 30 knots right now.

I'm so ----ing terrified of
----ing up docking this boat.

Forty feet, port side.

There's a lot of
pressure on me, yeah.

It's a bit ----ed really.

About to hit the channel marker.

Wow, that's tight.

Thirty-five feet,
stern 50 feet from the dock.

Oh, sh--.

I have to rotate the boat

Thirty feet,

Wind's coming on our stern,

which is pushing us
into the dock and forward.

Fifteen feet.

You really have to stay focused.

Have you ever had, like,

when the mass of dolphins
are swimming with you?

Never let 'em see you sweat.

Ten feet.

Come on, man,
please don't [bleep] up.

Come on, come on, come on.

g*dd*mn it.

Midship, 70 feet from the dock.

Come on, man,
please don't [bleep] up.

Eddie, we're clocking

- We're 50 feet from the dock.
- I need a better look.

Forty feet from the dock.

Fifteen feet from the dock.

This line across?

That's good.

Thank you, gentlemen.

And that's it.

- That was impressive.
- Amazing, yes.


That was pretty incredible.

---ing hallelujah.
I'm a ----ing top geezer.

Top geezer, fridge freezer,
lemon squeezer, Julius Caesar.


That was so cool.

Smooth, wasn't it?

Oh, that was amazing
to share that.



I'm a little sad
to be packing up.

You good?

It's at a weird muscle

where I'm actually super
strong right here.

Don't let me forget...

her smoothie with alkalized
chocolate, coconut milk,

berries, hemp seed,
all of that for protein.

Oh, an easy one.

You sure you're not
leaving anything behind?

I know.

All crew, get your hot asses

to the main deck aft
in five minutes.

It's already down here,
hot stuff.

Come and get it.

Got it?

As soon as I get
my hands there.

I had an awful time.

- Oh!
- Sh--ty.

Oh, come on, I'm a hugger.

Bye, Sally.
I'm gonna miss Sally.

Thank you.

Thank you for everything,
it was so wonderful.

You're welcome.

We have two for you
to take to the hotel.

Take your smoothies.
Then get the [bleep] out.

I wanna thank you all

for your patience
and understanding.

That was really heartfelt.

And Rachel, thank you
for allowing me

to participate in the meals.

We only have gratitude.

Thank you so much.

- Lots of love.
- Thank you.

- Take care.
- Be well.

Let's go to work.


Bitch is lookin' Thicciana.

I've got no clean uniforms,
that's good.

No, me neither.

I smell like sweat
and desperation.

This smells like old ass.

Do you need a hand?

♪ I deserve a beer

Son of a bitch!

Attention all crew,
attention all crew.

I need everybody
in the crew mess ASAP.

Copy for galley.

I thought that charter
went extremely well.

Jake, you stepped up.

Your docking procedure
improved vastly.

Thank you.

I have to say thank you
for all stepping in

when we were down a person.

It's unbelievably appreciated.

So, our tip was 22,000 total...

$2,000 apiece.

A little more, now that
we're short-handed.

- Thank you, Captain.
- Thank you, Cap.

I think you guys
deserve a day off.


So, you guys are gonna go
to a beach by boat,

eat, drink, be merry,

have a good time,
and enjoy your day off.

Come back well-rested,

because I plan on working
your little asses off.

- Thank you.
- Thank you very much.

I'm so excited to finally spend
some time with Jake

outside of work and just chill,

and joke around
and drink champagne,

and hopefully have
a kiss or two.




Wes, don't put any of
this in your pocket.

Oh, no, no.

I'm missing two more.

All right, let's start
the wash-down.

Taking all this beach stuff
apart from the party.

Knock this out,
and we'll be done.

Where are we at?

Just start rinsing
all this off.

Got it. Copy.


So, do you think we'll
be lucky enough

to get a stew before
the next charter?


I just think it'd be nice
to have an extra person.

I don't want an extra person.

Bachelor's degree.
That's a little different.

I just really hope
we've got someone

who wants to be here and
wants to work hard.

The only problem with getting a
new stew is you gotta train her,

you gotta get her
familiar with the boat,

all while we're in
the middle of service.

Yeah, good point.

We just need a minion
who knows how to follow orders

and knows how to
follow through... that's it.

I wish I had deckhands
like that.

Shut up!

All in all, pretty good.

- Thank you, Chef.
- You're welcome.

Here's some extra stuff
with, like, some sauce and,

like, extra bacon for your
sandwiches and scheisse.


What are you looking for?

Why... what's happening
with your face?

I don't know.

Well, that was a little...

that was a little
difficult to eat.

I'm trying to think
should I start

on the other end
at that point.

Should I eat it like a hamburger
or like a hot dog?

- And it's, you know...
- Really?

Smash it, then it will
kinda moisten the palate

and then work your way down.

- Oh, I like it, all right.
- There ya go.

Go for the saucy bit
to moisten the palate.

And then work your way down.

- Yeah, yeah.
- Work it down.

I've got something
repressed, don't I?



- I'm comin' in hot!
- You're comin' in hot!


Sit down.

One step closer
to my sack of salty nuts.

Open your mouth,
see if you can get it in.

Here's a test.

- Go, let's go.
- Okay.

Go higher, go higher.

- You ready?
- Yeah.

Gimme some loft.

That's not loft.

That's a g*dd*mn fastball.

- What is "loft?"
- Loft means like this.


Oh! Woohoo! Ow!

Wes did it again!



Nom, nom, nom!


Nom, nom, nom!


I am so tired.

Ready to go to bed now.


Oh, my God,
it's such a nice day.

Oh, my God.

- Yeah, baby!
- Yeah!

Yeah, baby!

All of it?

All of it.

I don't know why
they clean my room

and always forget
the wastebaskets.

Is that what
you're deciding on?

God, what...

Oh, yes.

All right, go, young man.

- Thank you.
- Pleasure.

Attention all crew,
your catamaran

will be leaving from the dinghy
dock in 30 minutes.

Right now? No.
But we can do it later.

I kinda wanna chat before any
drinks get poured, you feel me?

Okay. Yeah.

What's up?


What's up?

I just wanted to have
a quick chat with you

before we have
an awesome day off.

Most definitely.

I can definitely feel
and sense

that there's been
some tension between us.


And I know that the other night,
when we were all hanging out,

I said something
I really shouldn't have,

and it wasn't right.

And from the bottom of
my heart, I'm so sorry.

I should have never said it.

I just wanted you to know
that I'm not that person at all,

and I really
just wanna apologize

for that whole situation.

That's why I've just kinda
been, like, distant.

And I just feel like every time
I do try to get to know you,

it just doesn't
feel like there's,

- like, a genuine connection.
- Yeah.

And, like, hopefully,
those walls can be broken...


And we can build something
that's actually genuine.

- Of course.
- I appreciate the apology.

I don't want you to feel upset.

I just want us to, like,
move in a positive direction.

- Do you know what I mean?
- Amen.

I'm so sorry.

Come here, come here, it's okay.

Because you're beautiful...

And I feel so awful
about it all.

It's okay.

Let's get the [bleep]
outta here.

- Is it time to go yet?
- Yeah.

---ing A.

Let's ----ing k*ll it.
You get what I'm saying?

That's all I care about.

Goodbye, everybody.

Oh, thank God.

Do we have everything, you guys?

Did anyone bring any sun cream?

- Yes.
- I have some.

I'm so excited!

Hi, hi.

Welcome aboard Falcon.

You may have to
take your shoes off,

or just change
to your boat shoes.

Good morning.

All right, who's drinking
rosé, my girls and boys?

You wanna take the
front one off now?

- Yeah.
- Nice.

- Bye!
- Bye, Dad!

Bye, Boat Daddy!

Ah, that's much better.

Yeah, sure, hell, yeah.

Boat with sails,
oh [bleep] yeah.

All right.

I miss sailing.

It recharges my battery and
creates that Zen moment.

Any time we get off
the boat is great...

away from Lee
and that ----ing slide.

You're in your element
right now, aren't you?

I really am.
This is all I wanted.

This is all I ever wanna do.

[blows whistle]

- Yeah!
- Hey!


I know, it's great.


I definitely want a marriage
with a sh--ton of kids,

so I've gotta start sooner
rather than later

to form
my little army of Jakes.

Can I get you girls a drink?

I'll get you one.

I ----ing really like Paris.

If I was gonna marry
anyone, be her.

Literally all this
distance from her

is making the heart grow fonder.


Guys, this is unreal.

This is awesome.

Oh, my gosh, how cool.

Stay outta the sun!

That's what my mom
told me to do.

All right, guys,
we're gonna head ashore now.

And then you guys can make your
way down to Reggae Beach.

It's over on that right corner.

- Hope you guys have fun.
- Thank you.

I'm gonna do conch
fritters for sure.


Should we all just share?

I've got coffee coming.

Time off?
[bleep] yes.

Let's do this sh--.

Yes, oh, it's,
like, crushed, too.

[bleep] yeah, winning.

I'm not drinking today,

so it's gonna be definitely
different than last season.

Oh, my God, no, no, no.


I want some ----ing
dirty-ass sh--.


With this crew being their
age, enjoy life, have fun,

but this old lady
has gotta take a nap.

I've got coffee, I'm excited.

- Cheers, everybody.
- Cheers.


Your chicken fingers.

Thank you so much.


Have you tried these?

Where'd those assholes go?

Cheers to our
amazing relationship

that we have with
all three of each other.

I love you guys so much.

I'm so grateful that you
guys are in my life.

Come on, answer the phone.

The crew is amazing,
but honestly,

sometimes I just feel
like I don't fit in.


Rayna, don't seem too excited.

Come on, answer.

g*dd*mn it.

So, I'm trying to still
drink and have a good time,

but in a more
adult kind of way.

Not the kids' way.


It's just not
my element, you know?

Oh, this is so nice.

I'ma watch from a distance.








If she wanted to apologize,

she could have apologized
after this sh-- happened.


I'm just over it.
Like, absolutely over it.




It's so nice to really
connect with someone.

As I get to know Jake,

I'm finding out there's
flirtatious banter there.

It's not just buddy-buddy.

It's adorable and sexy.

Listen, I might have
a little crush.

Who wouldn't want to
date their best buddy?

But I understand
the facts here, so it's fine.


These ----ing assholes!

That's some bullsh--.

Are you watching this?

What the [bleep] going on now?

Is that Fraser and Jake?

They're so cute.

Oh, Rayna's going on
their date with them?

Take your glass.



I'm going to get that.


Rayna's being a little bit of
a killjoy at this stage.

Love you, mwah.

She needs to back off,
get away from my man.


Because they're nice.

What the [bleep]
is that mother----ing thing?

Oh, my God, oh, my God,
oh, my God.

Ooh! Ooh!

Ooh, ooh, ooh, oohhhh!

Oh my days.

Guys, do you wanna go
back to the boat?

I'm ----ing tired.

I'm ready to go to sleep.

Why do you always
pull your d*ck out?

It's Jake's d*ck o'clock.

You have so much
sand in your bumhole.

My head is about to explode.

- Fraser.
- Fraser, be my daddy.

Put it in!

Jake, you're a pig.

Going home.

Jakie, who's it up to, you know?

What the [bleep] do I
look like, chopped liver?

Oh, Rayna's here.

We'll be riding in
my van this evening.

Please keep all heads and
arms inside the vehicle,

unless your Jake and Fraser.

Then, go ahead and
proceed to [bleep].

Yep, yep.


If we don't get
outta this van soon,

I'm gonna fart and
k*ll all of us.

Let's rock and roll.


Look at that fish,
look how big that thing is.

I'm hiding from Rayna.

Oh, man, look at this bed,
just ready to be laid in.

Oh, it's me, hi.

- Good night, man.
- All right, good night, buddy.

See you in the morning.

Eddie, every time I go out,
I make out with Rayna and Jake.

- I think Rayna's jealous.
- She's so jealous.

So jealous.

I'm gonna try and get
a minute with Jake alone.

Good luck.

I'm not gonna work
too hard for this.

Hey, babe...

- Fraser.
- Fraser!

They're in bed.

Are they having a threesome
in Rayna's room?

No, they're watching videos.

Yeah, it is ----ing PG.

They're laughing
and watching videos.


What are you doing?

Oh, how's your threesome going?

Excuse me?

Jake, the ----ing pig,
is now ----ing Rayna.

And I've got all this sh--.

This thruple thing makes
me wanna throw-upple.

What is going on?

I'm confused.

Maybe it's just because
I'm going through a dry spell,

but I'm still confused.

- Really?
- I'd put money on it.

Next, on "Below Deck"...

Tommy Thornton is our primary.

Retired naval officer.

Request permission
to come aboard.

Permission granted.

Thank you, sir.

I really miss a pair of hands.

Well, I just found
out we're getting my stew

from my boat in Florida.

I just worry that it's just
gonna disrupt the balance.

- It's help or it's no help.
- I just don't know why...


That's ----ing bullsh--.

- Need a hand?
- No, I got it.

Eddie, why are you
washing down the skis?

Because I'm here.

I wanna see somebody
out there, Jake,

helping you fuel those things.

He wants you guys to do it.

Don't screw up.

It's... mm, okay.

They'll get it right.

They just told me she's allergic
to the shellfish.

I'm about to
lose my sh--.

In the future, we'd like
to eat dinner together.

Just to you know,
I'm disappointed.