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08x12 - Blue Skies and UTI's

Posted: 04/20/24 08:17
by bunniefuu
Previously on "Below Deck"...

I would love to do that.

James is hitting
on all the girls.

You looking to hook up
with anyone on deck?


And it was like
he just kind of pushed

a little harder on
the weakest link.

Oh, you are going to go
to the VIP room

and you're going to get back
in bed and stay there.

You're quarantined.

Thank you, Eddie.

Do you want to go
for a drink tomorrow?

I'd love that.

My first girlfriend cheated on
me, she never admitted it.

With Elizabeth, I want to kind
of take it slow and be careful.

You guys ready for
a little beach day?

It's going to be like a
mother----ing hurricane again.

I think I might have a problem.

Espresso martini!

You got two drinks in your hand.


It's like a Chihuahua.


Oh my God, no,
no, no, no, no.

Oh sh--.

Get off the ----ing stage.

Oh my God, like, I feel
like vomiting right now.

Oh God!

Shut the front door.

I can't even look.

You can't say it like that.

Walking away from
this situation.

I ----ing hate this.

I--I--I hate it.

It makes my skin crawl.


I'm on break right now,
I'm walking the [bleep] away.

Get off the ----ing stage.

♪ Go out walking ♪

Rachel is embarrassing us all.

She's a head of department,

I think she's even
older than me.

I am so exhausted
from babysitting people.

Like, ----ing hell.

Oh hey, guys, how's it going?

-That was not funny.

I hate that.

You can embarrass yourself
all you want.

But if you come in here
and embarrass the crew.

[bleep] that sh--.

Someone's got to have a talk
with her when she's sober again.

Be like, you're a ----ing
monster when you drink.

I don't even do that
when I'm on my time off.


You want to drink some of this?


How you feeling Iz?

You should try taking a nap.

Oh, yeah, no,
my eyes are wide open.


Oh my God, thank you, that's
so beautiful, look at this.


Look at the boys.

Oh, they're so cute.

Oh, no!

sh**ting the gap.

You want a drink?

I feel like you're being
a little lame.

We got to party, babe.

If I sat over there,

she'd give me like
a ----ing look,

and be like, don't be here.

I'm going to take a nap.

Oh, my back,
my whole body is hurting.


Things are going
well with Liz, yeah.

She's interesting, but
she believes a lot in fate,

true love, destiny.

We could die in like a month.

That's what I'm saying,
life's too short.

Let's just do it.

Which to me just makes me laugh.

But, I can talk to her
about anything,

and it's nice to let my
guard down in that sense.

Lizard, Lizzy, Liz, Elizabeth,
Queen Elizabeth.

She's fun.
Makes me smile.

Cheers, thank you so much.

Oh my God, key lime pie.

I love these sunsets.

I lost my best bud
like two years ago,

and his big thing was,
for some reason,

he'd always sit at the sunset
and howl at it.


Yeah, he's one of the good ones.

Don't take life for granted.

Life's a beautiful adventure

and we're meant to experience it
the way it happens.

Everyone is out there on
their own Finding Nemo mission,

and you lose people,
and everything that happens

creates a lesson for us
to learn and grow from.

Yeah, it takes some
wake up calls

to be real careful
what you put in you.

You can't always get riled up
over something.

Sometimes you need to just
keep your shoes off,

have a beer, toes in the water.

Keep life fresh.


This is my favorite time of day.

Are you one of those girls that
takes forever to get ready?

I can take forever to get ready,
but no, I'm pretty quick.

This is your
third outfit change.

Can I have an espresso
martini please?

He has to marry me.

I'm kidding.

Do you?
All right, all right.

So sit here.

Oh, I want to be able to look
you deep in the eyes

whilst I'm chewing
on my scallops.

Um, I'm going to go use
the restroom, though.

See you in a bit, baby.

Great day.

Snorkeling, paddle boarding.

And now we just have a nice--

-Nice meal.

Why can we not order?

No, I'm just fine.


[bleep] my life.


Miss me?

Of course.

Ah, thank you.

Is anyone ready to order?

-I think so.
-I'll have the squash salad.

Can I have the king scallops
to start with, please?

I'll go for
the Siberian royal caviar.

Excellent choice.

It's really fishy.

The bigger roe is--
is more fishy, yeah.

Yeah, this is ----ing boring.


I'm so mad at you.
I'm mad at you right now.


I'm ----ing pissed.

He's a ----ing [bleep].

Can you do me a favor
and not talk about me?

I'm telling her.

Just don't--just don't
talk about me.

I'm not.

Rachel has a drink and she wants
to start tearing heads off.

She's an assh*le.

I'm ignoring the conversation,
I don't want to be involved.

-What are they--
-Talking about James.

Well, they should probably
stop talking about James.

Stop, I think you're
being very harsh.

No, I might be harsh--

Are you still talking about me?

Oh, no, you never
did them anyways.

No, stop it, you guys.

It's like, stupid.

Get your sh-- together.

Don't ----ing [bleep]
that dude, man.

He's a ----ing piece of sh--.

Why do you think
he's a piece of sh--?

Cause I ----ing say so, I can
smell it from a mile away.


He's a ----ing douche.

Coming up...

My youngest son passed
away last year.

I'm so sorry,
I didn't know that.

Been a rough year.

Right now, everything
is so fresh and so raw.

I don't know
if I'll ever get over it.

I can smell it from a mile away.

He's a ----ing douche, man.

Well, I'm going to go
to the toilet.

Jesus ----ing Christ.

Sorry, I'm just saying.

No, don't call him that.

I feel like you're being
really harsh on him,

like, what did he do to make
you feel this way.

Because he's a ----ing
piece of sh--.

You guys, seriously, like,
have this conversation

when we're not at the dinner
table, and not so loud.

-Thank you.
-That's--That's safe.

Thank you.

Oh my God.

Stop being mad at me.

Look, you don't know James
the way I know James.

You ----ing love James,
that's great.

I do.

You don't like him because
what you think

from like, first impressions.

I'd love to be a fly on the
wall for their conversation.

I couldn't think
of anything worse.

Yeah, exactly.

This whole thing with Liz
feels a bit disloyal.

Loyalty is a big thing to me.

I expected her to either
stay quiet or have my back.

She did the complete opposite.

All right, are we ready to go?

Do you guys want me
to box up your dinners?

Wait, we didn't
even have dinner.

It's just sitting there, you
just want me to just let it go?

-Thank you.
-Thank you so much.

Go, go, go, go, go, go, go.

-While they're distracted.
-Real quick.

It's just me and you?


I'm not jumping in there.

James! Wow.

Suck my [bleep].

Elizabeth, I feel bad for her.

-That's your girl.
-That's your girl.


He's not going to come
in the van with me?


[bleep] that.

He was supposed to come with me.

Now I ----ing sat there
and told you.

You're dumb.

No, [bleep] that sh--.

Gave my heart out
a little ----ing bit

just to get ----ing sucked dry.

Are we home?

Yes, we are.

We're going to beat them out.

I hate to say I'm going
straight to bed, though.


Wow, it poured here, didn't it?

Jesus Christ, can somebody just
----ing sh**t me in the face?

Please shut the door,
please shut the door.

Don't tell me what to do.

Oh my God.

I have three Rachels
to deal with right now.

I have colleague Rachel,

I have roommate Rachel,
and I have drunk Rachel.

But, we need her.

We need her on this yacht.

So, I'll work with it.
I've got no choice.

At least I know drunk Rachel
is not there on charter.

Oh my God, that would be
a freaking nightmare, so...

Son of a bitch.

Oh, why.


I decided to drink
copious amounts of alcohol

while being exhausted,

and uh, I can't even
remember anything else.

That's a nice recipe
for disaster.


It makes me feel a little
awkward, but let's just move on.

I'm too old for this sh--.

How was last night,
then, did you enjoy it?

I mean, it was all good,

until what's her [bleep]
opened her mouth.

I don't know
what her problem is.

But apparently
she knows me so well,

and I'm not good enough for Liz.

We all have our demons.
Ours is called Rachel.

How are you feeling?

Then go get in bed!


Have you been taking
any antibiotics?

Do you know what you have?

Should I go see a doctor?


Izzy doesn't seem to be
getting any better,

even though the symptoms she
told me just sounds like

it's like a normal cold.

I don't like feeling useless.


But with the coronavirus,

I'm worried that
it's serious sh--.


Is there anything that
you need for this charter?

Um, no.

Okay, I'll be back in a bit.

All crew, all crew,
Rachel's off to provision.

I'm sorry,
did someone hear something?


Did you clean that hot tub?



Did you guys flip
all this stainless?

Bridge, bridge,
Rachel's off to Provision.

Copy that.

What the hell went down
yesterday with Rachel?

How did I get in the van
with her the ride home,

and then everyone else
was together?

Nobody wanted to be around her.

I wasn't going
to let her go by herself.

I know you're a sweet person.

But what does that mean?
Then now, nobody likes me?

We all know you're
just a really sweet person,

you want to please--

I think--I think I just wanted--

You just wanted to be--

You might want
to apologize to James.

Wait, what--what happened?

Rachel was like, bashing him.

I don't agree with it at all.

But you didn't back him up.

I feel so bad that for a second

I let James feel like
I wouldn't stand up for my man.

That's totally not the case.

Is it all right
if I go speak with him now?


I'm so sorry.

I did half think you'd
have my back, though.

-I do, and I'm sorry--
-Yeah, no sweat.

And I want to make up
for it, and I will.

I'm annoyed with Liz
at the moment,

everything she said last night,
now I don't trust her anymore.

But, I don't want to tell her.

What's the point
of causing drama?

-I'll catch you in a bit.
-All right.

[door knocking]




I got a doctor
appointment for you.

Right now.


So we need to get up,
get dressed,

and get you in a taxi, okay?

Eddie's been telling
me for like five days

that I should go to the doctor.

Do you want to see a doctor?

No, that's all right.

-You sure?
-Yeah, yeah.

It's kind of gotten to the point
now where I'm like, mm,

maybe I should, just in case,
like, I get paralyzed again.

Oh, wrong van.

Imagine if that
was the wrong van,

and we just never saw her again.

Reheating again.

All right.

-Oh, Eddie.
-All right.

Why didn't you just ask me?

Too old for this sh--.

I got it.

Nice, civilized lunch.



All-crew, all-crew,
I'm on the dock with provisions.

That does require
a response from somebody.

Be on our way.

Do I have the only
radio that works?

Everybody knows how I feel about
not answering your radio.

Do we need more bags?

No, I'm good.

Eddie, Eddie, Lee.


You want to grab Chess and meet
me in the Wheelhouse, please?

-Copy that.
-Copy that.

There's something
definitely going on.

I don't know what it is, but you
can bet your ass I'll find out.


Good afternoon,
how are you today?

-I'm fine.

Question is, how are you two?

Coming up...

Why did he just wink at you?

What the [bleep].

It's not that funny, is it?

It's just weird, yeah.

-How are you today?
-I'm fine.

Question is, how are you two?

Had a--such a great day,

For the most part,
yeah, it was really nice, yeah.

-We did, yeah.
-For the most part?

For the most part.

That means you got a burr under
your saddle about something.


Let's hear it.

Well, Chef is having a difficult
time playing with others.

You know, soon as the work
is done and alcohol flowing,

she just becomes negative
and toxic person.


And she's directing
that negativity

towards crew members,

which makes everyone very,
very uncomfortable.

-That's unfortunate.

You know, with this Coronavirus,

odds of us getting
somebody in here--

Not good.

Good chefs are hard to find.

The devil I have,
when she's sober,

can perform very, very well.

My biggest fear is that
I may get another person

that doesn't perform,
which would be way worse.

Why don't we just put it
on the shelf,

because I'm not running the risk
of heading into tomorrow morning

with no chef n board.

No, no chef.
I don't want that either.

Okay, cool.
Thanks, Cap.

-We clear?
-Yeah, thank you.

-Works for me.


Oh [bleep].



Why did he just wink at you?

And then go [kiss]?

What the [bleep].

It's not that funny, is it?

Has he flirted with you?
Like, is he--

No. I don't know, because I feel
like he does it to everyone.

I've been in scenarios
where other girls

weren't to be trusted
around my boyfriend.

It's like, it's me and you
or its all or nothing.

It was just weird, yeah.

-Eddie, Eddie, Lee.
-Go ahead.

I need you, Chess and Chef
in the crew mess

in five minutes for a
preference sheet meeting.

-Copy captain.
-Copy that captain.

Hey, Izzy.
How are you feeling?

The bad news--


But the good news that I've
got a double kidney infection,

a UTI, and strep throat.

But I'm not contagious.

You have all of that?

-Oh my God!

And then I've got
a whole bunch of dr*gs.

So I'm going to be on bed rest
for like 24 hours,

and then she said you
should be like, okay.

Good, get in bed.

And drink some God damn water.

How are you feeling, Rachel,
after last, night?


You don't get hangovers?

-That's good.

I do.

Okay, here we go.

Chris and Erica from
Friendswood, Texas.

So Chris is the owner of a
pipeline maintenance company,

and his wife Erica.

Joining them is their older son
Sam, his wife, Lindsay.

Sam's good friend, Justin.

And they also brought
something for you, Eduardo.


Queen bee of the house,

a four-pound teacup Yorkie
named Gigi.

Oh, you know what that means.

-Go poo-poo.
-Go poo-poo, Gigi.


Oh my God.

Special needs.
A two-by-two plot of fake grass.

Well, it's either that

or you're walking the dog
three times a day.

I'll take that
two-by-two plot of fake grass.

They're not getting here
till late in the afternoon,

so we're not going
to bother with lunch.

That's fine.

She wants a cowboy themed
dinner party on night one.


I don't know many Texas people.

I know they have cool hats.

They like Ranch dressing,
root beer.

I know they have sheriffs there.


I don't know,
I live in Australia.

They have invited me
to dinner both nights.


Anything else?

Four more to go, guys.

Let's get through it and
not k*ll each other, okay?

Is there any drawers
in here that we do not use?

I don't know.

Yes, this is going
under the sink.

And just like that,
we are nice and clean.

Oh, man.

[heavy sighs]

With Rachel, I see somebody that
has all the talent in the world

just kind of squander it.

And that sort of
reminds me of my son.

[door knocking]

-Come in.

Hey, kiddo.

I just wanted to say hello.

Have a seat.

Would you care
for a glass of wine?

Glass of vino?
That's nice!

Thank you.

Here's to a successful
rest of the season.

Here is to a successful rest
of the season.

-We're over half way.

So how's things
other than Chefie?

They're okay.

When she's in that galley,
she's got blinders on.

Laser focus.

And she's very bright.

Yeah, she's really bright.

Is that the first time
she's exhibited that

when you've gone out?

No, it's happened before.

You can't reason with somebody

that's not in control
of their faculties.

You might as well talk
to yourself in the mirror.

She's not going to hear it until
she's in a place of sobriety.


-I used to know a guy like that.

My youngest son
passed away last year.

I'm so sorry,
I didn't know that.

-I found him.
-Oh, man.

He died from a drug overdose.


Opioids, yeah.

Wow, I'm sorry.

Been a rough year.

Worst day of my life.

If I had gone over earlier...

I don't know.

That's the last thing I see
before I go to bed at night,

and it's the first thing I see
when I wake up every morning.

Every day is a struggle.

And right now, everything
is so fresh and so raw.

It's hard to imagine that you
can survive something like this.

Parents were not designed
to bury our children.

I don't know if
I'll ever get over it.

-It's really hard.
-I can imagine.

But, it's life.

I'm sorry.

Me, too.

Oh my body.

My body is falling apart.

Twelve more difficult days, man.

Why have you got your
sunglasses on, Izzy,

what are you trying to hide?

No, I'm trying to hide,
you know, my face,

because I'm so constipated,

because my meds won't
let me take a poo.

Okay, we have a dog.

-I know, I'm so excited.

-I just want to [squeal].

Can I get you on
laundry this morning?


And just sorting out crew
uniform and things like that?

Yeah, that's fine,
I can do that.

I'll get you in the guest areas.

-Okay, cool.
-Fun, fun.


All crew, all crew, there's
provisions on the dock.


-Remember to breathe, Eddie.

We'll put some down in
the laundry bilge as well.


Oh, Chef.

Oh God!

I don't know what
you're cooking

but put it back in
the oven, please!

Crop dusting
like a son of a bitch!

Going to work you like a dog.

Good enough.

I'm so hungry
it's not even funny.

I think I've eaten something
bad and my stomach's--

you know how like
the beginning

when your tummy
clenches all together?

Oh, you're getting sick-sick.

Well, if you need
anything Ash, let us know.

Thank you.

Attention all crew, we have one
half hour before guest arrival.

Make sure you're ready.

All right, copy that.

Do you mind
giving a final check?

Things are looking pretty
good up here I'd say.

Get everybody on the aft deck.

-Oh my God.

-Where's the dog champagne?

Doggy bubbles.

Maybe he wants sparkling water.

Oh dude,
look at that ----ing boat, dude.

There it is.

Here they come.

Oh my God, look at the dog!

Coming up...

You can't go down.

My stomach's really messed up.


Oh my God, what the
hell is going on?

-Captain Lee.

-Erika, nice to meet you.
-My pleasure.

-Hi, I'm Francesca.
-Hi, Erika.

-How's it going, Justin.

-Thank you.

-Little Cutie.
-This is Georgia.

Oh, Ash, nice to meet you.


Welcome to Antigua, everyone.

We'll get your luggage on board

and then we'll get
the hell out of dodge.

Let's take you on a tour.

-Love it.

-Let's go!

-Holy cow.
-So this if bridge deck aft.

-Look at this.
-This is where I'll be.

My God, Georgia is so cute.

Thank you.

-Gigi for short?
-Gigi for short.

So this is sun deck.

We have an outside barbeque
and another bar here.


No Lindsey, not for this trip.


-Things are big in Texas.
-Oh yeah.

So we have the master.

Oh, it feels so good in here.

And then this is
the ladies side.

Georgia, this is the ladies.

Oh my God.

That's it.


Getting sick?

How would we get a couple
beers in this joint?

Yes, I can get you
a couple of beers.

-Can we just...
-Bee-ahs, say it again?


The guys friend.

Dude that blonde one,
I was like,

I want to put my poison in you.

Oh my God.

Justin didn't hear any
of it,

he was just like, uh-huh.

That Australian accent
was just like, ring!

Game over.

There's going to be
a test later,

I hope you remember
all the names.

I remember Francesca,

Thank you so much,
appreciate it.

You're welcome.

I want to push her on in.


-There you go.
-There you go.

The dr*gs have
finally kicked in.

All right, let's do this.

All right, copy that.

We'll take this one off.

I'm feeling fine, just in time
to pick up the next charter,

and I'm just thinking of
that sweet, sweet money.

We'll take this guy.

Five feet to the dock.

You're about 20 feet off
your starboard bound tackle.

Thank you, sir.

Stern has cleared the dock.

Well done, everybody.

-Good job, guys.
-And we're off.

Yeah, buddy.

I need to make a vodka.

Sorry, I'm semi-dying.

Oh, that's okay,
what's going on?

My guts are like...

No, you can't go down.

Guys, let's get fenders in.

Fenders in.

You all right?


Oh no.

So how y'all doing?

But really I'm just coming
to see this one.


When we get docked
and everything like that,

we'll get some jet skis
in the water.

And uh, whatever this little
girl needs just let me know.

-Great, appreciate it.
-Thank you, thank you very much.

Deck crew, get in your blues.

Enjoying your trip?

Hey, you got your
fang hanging out.

All right.

You just need to say supportive
things to me as you do this.

-Like you got this.

I tell you what...

We're ride or die now.

What is going on here?


We might have a little
bit of a problem.

I've got bubble guts.

Like, it literally is
like [gibberish].

Can't be held accountable
for the smells.

Can I get a Moscow Mule?

-Yeah, Moscow mule?
-I'll have another one, too.



Okay, we're going
to drop the hook.

Give me two sh*ts, now.

[bleep], now.

Nice job, everybody.

But it's not nice down here.

Yeah, I'm going
to put a load on now.

Let's get some toys out.

My fluffy friend.

Do you want to hold it?
Have him hold the jet ski?


Having Izzy sick,
it was terrible.

And now here
she is being a total badass.

Nice job.
Her confidence is up.

You can tell that this is
what she wants to be doing.

-You got her?
-I got her.

There's your grass, baby.

Right here, come on.

Go potty.

-Good girl.

-Oh yeah!
-Oh, she's so well trained.

Hi, gorgeous!
Oh, she's so soft.



Hi, just go on um,
turn over the laundry.


Do you know what that means?

Yeah, nothing's ready right now.

It's taking a lot of my energy
to keep pushing Elizabeth.


And also on top of that,
I really need to figure out

what's going on with Ashling.

Its going to like, break me.



So just, um, go down at



Oh, he's getting it.

No way!

That's the quickest I've seen
anyone even get to that stage.

I am so impressed.

Oh, I'm sorry you feel unwell.

It's so sh--.

That a boy, first time!


Oh my God!

Rachel said her
tummy's upset as well.

Like a pro.


Have a little nap?


Are you drinking coke, or
something to settle it?

Yeah, just drinking
diet coke you know.

I'm screwed.

I have to cook for like,
the charter guests.

But I don't know
if I can do this,

my stomach is so messed up
right now.

Like, no pun intended,
but I'm feeling like sh--.

Coming up...

How's everything with
you and James?

I don't know, I
haven't talked to him.

Since the other night?

He doesn't seem to be
like, talking to me.

It's like, so frustrating.

Right, can I pull in
the jet ski, now?

Come on muscles.

Thank you very much.

You can.

I have to set up
for your dinner.


Justin's really cute, but
when charter guests

get pretty smitten
with you...

you still have to keep
super professional.

Although if he
wasn't a charter guest,

I probably would go there.


He's like, kind of made me like,
blush, and like a bit, like, ah!

Oh, ho!


Daddy got skills.

Francesca, Francesca, Rachel.

Go ahead, Rachel.

May I have a beer of some kind
uh, so I can make the batter?


They are requesting
a cowboy themed dinner.

So I used to work for a
boss that was out of Dallas,

and like, they just love
bone-in rib eyes, lobster,

good simple food,
but good quality.

It's going to be like, perfect,
and they're going to love it.

It hurts.

God, did you just fart?



Man, that smells like baby poop.

Get the ginger ale into you,
ginger beer.

Ginger ale?
[blows raspberries]

Ginger beer!

Grab all that
seaweed out, pull it.

Eddie, Eddie, Rachel.


Yeah, go ahead.

Would you be able to spare
one of the boys

to help me rip
the lobsters apart?

They're quite big and
it's going to be time consuming.

Uh, we're kind of in the middle
of some things right now,

but we'll get someone sent your
way as soon as we can, okay?

Copy, no worries.

[heavy sigh]

I'm crustacean phobia.

-Couldn't this be good for you?

Um, yeah, laundry is
like, not much is going on.

I can...
I can probably fold some things.

Yeah, I checked before
I went off my break.

He's still moving!

Well, you know, no cowboy
I ever knew

eat ----ing lobster,
I tell you what.

Oh, I think I'm going
to go down and get ready.

I'm just going to get changed.

Oh yes, okay.

Let's do this western night.

Look at the moon.

That's why the energy
is so crazy.

It's a ----ing full moon.

Oh my God, you sound like Liz,
I don't need this.

You ready for dinner?

Sam was like,
I need to eat like now.

Okay, Georgie, you ready?

If you're peeing, that toilet
seat better be down boy.

So they're having
dinner at 7:30 tonight.

That's 15 minutes from now.



-Bust out the pythons.

Yeah, we need your
cowboy boots.


Yeah, mine's eased off a little,
but it's still there.

-Look how cute.
-That is so cute.

I'll let you know when
Captain Lee's at the table.

-Ooh, hoo-hoo!
-Hey, that's what's up.

Canapes are like,
before the starter.


Looks so good.

You guys freaking kicked ass,
you all freaking hustled.

Yeah, it's been good.

Oh, my whole body is hurting.

Second bosun might have
to step up.

Yeah, I would love for
a freaking lead deck hand

to step up and be able
to pick up the slack

that I can't do all on my own.

Man, you take a day off here,
I'll sort sh-- out.

Nobody's getting that title yet.

The guests are moving
to the table.

Am I walking like
a drunken cowboy?

-Good to see you.
-Thanks for inviting me.

It's about as cowboy as
I can get on here.

You all right?

Would you like cornbread
or multi grain?

Uh, corn bread.

-How are you feeling?
-I'm fine.

I don't have a fever.

Are you happy for me
to just serve now?


You've got an herbed
garlic butter sauce

to accompany your
locally caught lobster.

And you've got bone-in
ribeye along

with a baked grautin
of mac and cheese.

Thank you.

It must be good, all I
hear are knives and forks.

Oh yeah, nobody's saying a word.

Good, they're loving the food,

they're just straight
into the food.

I think they're going
to go to bed early.

Do they still do
the TWAT tournament?

The... the what?

Texas Women's Angler Tournament.

Oh, I'm sure glad you
clarified that for me.


-So, on deck?
-6:30 on deck.

Yeah, I'm going to
run to the bathroom.

-I'll be back.

When you're doing service, would
you mind tying back your hair.

-Oh yeah.
-Is that okay?

-Yeah, no, of course.
-Thank you.

You don't have room for dessert?

No way.

-I'm tired of chewing.
-I don't have any more room.

[toilet flush]

How's everything with
you and James, now?

I don't know,
I haven't talked to him.

Since the other night?

Kind of, yeah.

He doesn't seem to be
like, talking to me.

I'm just so not a game player,
you know,

it's like,
so frustrating and weird.

Well, I'm going to bid
you good people adieu.

-Thank you so much for dinner.
-Thanks for joining us.

Yes, sir, thanks for joining us.

We'll see you tomorrow,
I'm sure, buddy.

-Thank you for everything.
-I appreciate it.

Yeah, you should.

Okay, I'm going to bed.
Good night y'all.

Ah, goodnight.

See you tomorrow.

I'm going to go to bed.
Are you going to be okay?

-Okay, cool.

I'll be great.

So, what's been on
your mind, recently,

what's making you smile?

You're making me smile.

I like you.

Yeah, I like you, too.

One day at a time.

Yeah, we'll see.

All right.

I like Liz, I do want it
to carry on, but...

[bleep] that dude, man, he's
a ----ing piece of sh--.

She didn't have my back
and that is, I don't know,

me and my emotional baggage
have seen this item

in the package before, and we
know what to do with it.

Instead of me working harder to
try fix things, I'll pull back.

Which is an obvious
defense mechanism,

which I'm in no rush to change.






[alarm beeping]

Oh dear.


So you've got Rachel sick,
but she's pushing through,

you've got Ashling sick,
but she's pushing through,

and then you've got Elizabeth

who's just taking advantage
of the situation.

Oh boy.


Perfect, thank you.

Guess what?

Thank God, that's so great.

I know.

Good morning.

Good dog.

Just water my plot of land.

We're going to put
the slide up soon.


Now, this is the sun
deck crew,

tuning in for a sunny
Sunday morning in Antigua.

Whenever you're ready to start
flinging stuff down to us.

That's good right there.

Start blowing up.

Can you believe it's Sunday?


My God.

Looking real good.

Oh, thanks, honey.

So, Elizabeth has a
urinary tract infection

and I think we should
get a doctor.


Also, Ash and Rachel
both have very sore stomachs.

What the hell is going on?

I don't know, I don't know.

Might as well do
a one size fits all.

Okay, I'll arrange it
with Eddie.

I'm at my wits end.

I mean, damn, I've got
to have a doctor out,

I might as well have one
on speed dial.


-Elizabeth's woke up with a UTI.

I think we should get
a doctor on board.

It's that bad?

She's in a lot of pain.

Plus, we have Rachel and Ash,

they've both got some
sort of tummy bug.

Just like, have them
set up a little clinic

down at the crew mess.
Just triage everybody.

You getting the jet skis out?

Oh yeah.

Good control.

Good morning, Dr. Williams?

I just wanted to see
if you were available today

to come to our yacht.

Okay, great.

Our bosun will be there
at 10:30 to pick you up.

Sounds great, thanks,
Dr. Williams.

Hey, how are you doing?

-Are you all right?


Okay, so we have a doctor
coming to the boat.

Oh my God, thank you.

Ash is just going to
help me with breakfast.


And if you can do
laundry and cabins.

-Sounds good.
-That would be great.

Looking good,
looking good, guys.

We are about 45 minutes
ahead of schedule.

-Break time?
-Break time.


Are you happy for Rachel to
start on the Belgian waffles?

Yeah. We're fine.

Rachel, Rachel,
go ahead with waffles.

Copy that.

Smells great.

-So they're ready?
-Yes, ma'am.

-Thank you.
-Oh my gosh.

Bourbon aged maple syrup.


Good morning, how are you guys?

I'm doing well,
how are you?

That's good, good, thank you.

Rachel, they love the waffles.

Copy that, awesome.
Thank you.

He loves you.

So after this maybe
go down to the laundry.

Dude, the sun is k*ller though.

My legs are burnt
from when I was...

when I fell asleep on the couch.

-I'm sick at the moment.
-She's badass.

Are you feeling any better?

Ah, about the same.

Oh, that's not good then.


Jesus Christ.

I can't ----ing deal with
that sh--.

Would you like another
orange juice?

I guess so.


What the actual [bleep].

Right in front of me,
as if we're nothing.

It's... it's...
it's super insulting.

Oh, my heart.

Like, was Rachel right
about James this whole time?

She is ----ing furious.

What, because I was
talking about Instagram?

You completely ignored her
that whole time just then.


It's just consideration for
other people's feelings.

Next on "Below Deck"...


Are you interested
in becoming Lead?

Are they going to support me,

or are they going
to act like dicks?

Just have one person on hose,
one person drying.

Why do you got your hands
on your hips

as if you've got
any authority about you?

Oh [bleep].

Take accountability
for what you did.

I do want to keep things

You're not being professional,
you're far from professional.

What is wrong with you?

This is enough,
I've had enough of you.

That's it.