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08x07 - Runaway Chef

Posted: 04/20/24 08:15
by bunniefuu
Previously on "Below Deck"...

Can I have a fork or something?


We forgot the cutlery out there.

Oh, okay, sorry about that.

Can we get some wine?

Where is Elizabeth?

Really pissed right now.

Can I help you?


Rachel is totally bonkers.

Why is he ----ing sleeping?

Just said he was tired.


Like, what the [bleep]?

You've got to be ----ing
kidding me.

Well, at least
nothing's been stolen.

[bleep] this [bleep].

Is anybody doing anything on
that ----ing stern?


Their ass is mine.

There are some people here
that are not performing.

I think he's a nice guy, but--

Shane, Shane, Lee,
to the bridge, please.

Have a seat.

We need to have a conversation.

Learning curve's really steep.

I've learned that
the learning curve is...

It's crazy.

A lot of people underestimate
the amount of work

that gets put in here.

I don't have time
for you to catch up.


You're a good guy,
but sleeping in.

Eddie--oh, what's up.

Got like three minutes, yeah?

No, eleven minutes late.

Taking naps
in the middle of clean ups.

Shane went to sleep
at like three.

And then, this morning,
missing your alarm.

That's kind of the final straw.

Unfortunately, the time has
come for us to part company.


You're just not getting
it done for me.

Eddie will help you get
your stuff together.

We'll have somebody
take you to the airport.

I feel empty.

Like a vacuum just sucked
everything up inside of me.

Let's go.

I was giving everything
I knew I could give,

it wasn't good enough.

-Thank you Captain Lee for--
-Take care of yourself.

-Everything--I will.

I did learn a lot from this boat
that I'm going to take home.

I hope so.

I take no pleasure in
firing anyone, but you don't

get a participation trophy
in yachting.

You didn't do what you said
you were going to do.

Yachting's not all
fun and games.

That's disgusting,
that's despicable.

So no.

I'd like the flight home.

Well, why don't we talk to them?

[bleep] yourself.

I'm out.

It's rough, but it's
got to go quick here.

What's going on?


Nothing I need to know about?

Shane's leaving us.

I'm not surprised.

He's not up to par,

If you don't cut it,
you don't cut it.

-James, James, Eddie.
-Go ahead.

Will you please
pull Shane's surf board

out of the chain locker?

Copy that.

Shaney, Shaney, Shaney-poo.

Is that on the radio
what I think that was?

Yeah, Shane's leaving.


Oh my God, how did I know that?

I could just feel it.

I know.

I know by the end of the season

I would have exceeded
your expectations.

We don't have that time.

I needed you up and running
two charters ago.

Oh my groin,
that didn't feel good.

Good luck.

-Thank you.
-Keep in touch.

Yeah, will do.

This is his third charter,

he should have definitely
stepped it up, a lot.

But Shane is
a little sweetheart.

Far out, dude.

This is why you
need paper straws.

Little sea turtle
is going to die.

♪ Hey Shane, Shane, got a lot
of game with my boy Eddie ♪

♪ We get into trouble,
we cause a lot of medley ♪

It's hard.
It's really hard.

Let's go say
goodbye to our friend.

Good luck.

Sorry, mate.

It's all good.

-Bye, Elizabeth.

-Bye, Chess.

Yeah, you too.

Give, uh, Rachel...

-I'll go get Rachel.

Shane's being let go,
slash fired.


He's on the updeck
if you want to say goodbye.

I'm good.

He wants to say--okay, cool.

No, it sounds bad
but you know what,

you make your bed,
you lie in it.

I don't want to go over there
and lie to him.

"Oh my God, it was so
amazing work with you,

"you're a wonderful human being,

and I wish you
all the best of luck."

No, I ----ing don't.

Eddie, Eddie, Francesca.

Yeah, go for, Eddie.

Rachel's just having a shower.

Copy that.
She can't make it out.

A shower with cleaning products.

I look up to you in
a lot of ways, man.

You're a good guy.

Bye, everybody.
Good luck.

Oh, man, keep in touch.

It's not fun getting fired.

If I could do
something differently,

I would study more,
I would learn all my knots.

I'm getting picked up
by my girlfriend

and I'm heading straight
to the closest beach.

Overall, I'm chocking it
up as a success,

and I would say
I'm proud of myself.

Except for oversleeping.

And the laz.

And the fenders.

And docking.

Gnarly, man.

I feel a bit disheartened,
I'm not going to lie.

-About what?
-It is very militaristic.

-But that's boat life.
-That's just boats.

Elizabeth, Elizabeth,

He couldn't change
his work ethic.


Elizabeth, Elizabeth, Francesca.

And you know what,
I've been there, too.

He was sleeping when I
was off the boat, taking naps.


Trying to call you on
the radio.

Can you do the
cupboard, please?

I've been down in the cupboard
for a little while.


Okay, I've been doing the other
stuff you told me to do.

So would you mind coming down?

Okay, cool.
Thank you.

Um, yeah.

Oh my God, this is
getting crazy.

As if I'm sitting here,
like, dancing.

I guess we're
sharing everything.

We're literally
sharing everything.

Not happily married,
but married, yeah.

But married.

So, how you guys feel
about all that?

I was a bit surprised
to be fair, mate.


Captain said there are
people that are not working

to their full potential, and he
is only talking about deck crew.

So take that as you will.

I'm in a funk, you know, I never
want to lose any crew member.

My team is a direct reflection
on my abilities as a bosun.

I mean, I know I'm ----ing
tired of getting yelled at,

I hope you guys are, too.

It's embarrassing that someone
who I look up to is watching

my team just fail miserably,
over and over again.

It needs to change.

I don't want to fire you guys,
I like you guys.

Now, I don't want to get in
the middle of your guys

like, weird relationship.


So I'm just going to grab
a brush and help clean, okay?

[phone notifications]

What a day.

Yeah, I know.

I think 90% of my stress
is I miss my boyfriend.

Oh, sweetheart, oh my God.

I can be your boyfriend.

-In a non-sexual way.
-That would be awkward.


Vincenzo and I, we've been
together for a year now.

He can handle me.
He's like the Rachel-whisperer.

This is my first time having
a relationship with somebody

that lives on land,
in my whole career.

It's hard for me
to be away from him.

He kind of keeps
my sh-- together, so.

What the [bleep]
is taking James

so long doing
the starboard side?

-I don't know.
-I don't know.

How you doing, buddy?

Um, listen, I've got
deckhand issues here,

so do you know of anybody
that might be on the island,

or somebody that
I could fly in

on a short notice that
could really help me out?


Whose stuff is
this, do you know?

Just, everyone's?

Ash, Elizabeth, Francesca.

Go ahead.

Can you meet me up in
the sky lounge, please?


All right.
Sky lounge?

She said meet her
in the sky lounge.


So, I just wanted to have a
sit with you guys, I just like,

I guess like a little bit of
a debrief on the charter.

I think it went well over all,

I think we're performing
better and better as a team.

Um, Ash, you're just k*lling it,
all the time.

In laundry, with a smile
on your face

and just getting sh-- done.


That's awesome,
I'm really happy with that.

That's good.

-Yeah, okay, good.

Okay, Elizabeth, can I just
talk to you for a second?


Okay, so the charter guests
are the most important people.

Of course.

And if the service side
of things is down,

it reflects on me.

Last night was an example.

You know, I said check on
the guests in ten minutes.

Here, I'll keep cleaning up
if you can just

keep checking on them
every ten minutes.

Where is Elizabeth?

We do need a call button.

Oh yeah, I was just
about to go up.

So that's the reason
why I'm staying up.

And I feel like
I shouldn't have to--

I understand--no--yeah.

Because I need to be
on it all the time.

I will be on top of it.

Yeah, but still outside,
there's like two ashtrays,

the ice buckets and
a little bit of loose ends.

-Okay, yeah, I didn't finish.
-So it's sort of like--

I'm trying to get second stew
out of Elizabeth,

and it's not happening,
it's frustrating me.

So we just have
to make sure

that everything's clean
all the time.

My patience is thinning,

it's third charter down and
she needs to really step it up.

Part of being a stew is being
really proactive as well.

Fast, yeah, exactly.

Okay, let's go get
changed and um--

And forget about this boat.

I'm kidding.
I'm kidding.

-Never forget about it.
-It will happen in time.

All right, cool.

There are things that
I need to work on,

there are things that
I could get better at.


Oh, nothing.

Francesca, she's just a Gemini.

She has two sides to her.

And I need to figure out
how to please both sides.


It's just a lot of stuff.

Oh, so much.

Like, there's only so many of
us to do every little thing.

Coming up...

You want to be a yachtie,
shut the [bleep] up.

Suck it up.

-I get it.
-Suck it up.

I'm just bringing
these to the crew mess

and then I'll be right back.


I'm calling it.

Hey. Are you guys finished?

Uh, yeah, we're finished.

I'm ready to party.

That sounded convincing.


You all right, Iz?

Yeah, I'm just having
alone time.

-Have you been crying?


I don't have
a ----ing clue.

It's how I let out
my stress, I just cry.

I felt like I tried so hard
this charter to like, do well,

and like, just put
my confidence issues aside,

and all that sh--, and I just
feel terrible that

even though I tried so hard,

I'm still being told
that I could be fired.

Has that been on your mind?

Yeah, I don't want to get fired.

We're not going to get fired.

I'm an anxious person,
I do worry about these things.

Growing up, I had
a really nice childhood.

I'm the youngest.

I'm very much my parent's baby,

they still call me bubby.

So when my parents
split up, I was 17,

but I was just, quite
honestly, a bit broken,

and I got into quite
a depressed and anxious state.

So once I feel out of control,

then I just crumble
into like this anxious mess

and I can't deal with it.

-You guys coming?
-Yeah, I'm coming.

-You sure?

-Yeah, I'm coming.

Okay, did you leave
the toilet seat up?


These boys going to buy us
drinks tonight or what?

Iz, you look lovely tonight.

-You want to pet it?

My goal for the evening
is to get wasted.

I'm stoked.

Go, quick, bend, back bend, go!

Iz is by herself, but Iz
is on a bit of a downer today.

Oh, look who it is.

Dude, I definitely got
the right van tonight.

-I like both.
-Both, yeah.

Short, fat, and funny
is the way to go.

No way.

What the hell is going on,
on this boat right now?


I have to bite my tongue
to the point

where I don't have one anymore.

It's bleeding out of
my ----ing soul.

Cheers to the badass women
that run this charter.



Oh my God, these ----ing
speed bumps.

Oh, what a beautiful view
of all the yachts.

I can't wait, yeah.

I'm so excited.

We got porn star
martinis all around.

The mahi mahi, I'll go for that.

Oh, I like that,
I will have that.

Me too.

Yeah, the black angus
tenderloin, please.

-Thank you.

More shrimp tempura.

Thank you.

Oh, this girl can drink.

Oh, there it is.

-Cheers to charter three.
-We aced it.

[cheering in unison]

No getting away
from anything on deck.




Now, she's had the
most to drink.

I got your energy.

Well, this is getting deep.

How you doing, you good?

Oh, that's a good one.


I know, me too.

I love my Vincenzo.

Funny as [bleep],
every single day.

He's my best mate, I love him.

Rachel, you're all right.

I just want to be with
my boyfriend, that's it.

It-it--it sucks.

With Vincenzo, I see
myself having a life.

It would be amazing
to have children.

He's like the one person like,

he really just makes me
feel calm and collected.

He's just my best friend.

I just want to see him.

So who has to get up at 8:30
in the God damn morning?

He wants to sneak into Captain's
room and set his clocks back.

Yeah, exactly.

What the [bleep] happened
to this sh---hole?

Oh, are they?

Liz, you want to come out
and work on deck anytime?

[bleep], we've got
an opening.

It's a lot of stress,
and you can't cry.

Are you kidding, Chess
would never leave you.

I've been trying to like,
not get it into my head,

about like, Francesca and
this whole like, work thing.

Because I feel like I've
been working [bleep] hard,

and now it's like, she's like,

I think we should
have a little chat.

No one gives a [bleep].
Shut the [bleep] up.

You want to be a yachtie,
shut the [bleep] up, suck it up.

-I get it.
-Suck it up.

Rachel's a different person
when she starts drinking.

Who gives a [bleep],

it's not ranking,
it's not military.

It's like a flip of a switch.

Very dark and combative.

Whoo! Get me the [bleep]
out of here.

----ing suck it up ass

Coming up...

-Where can I stick this?
-What is it?

Oh, the laundry you wanted.

Uh, in the fridge?

Where do you think
laundry goes, James?

[bleep] you.

Stupid questions.

Hi, I'm so happy you answered.

I just need some
good vibes right now.

Can we have a talk?

-Step in.

What's up?

Can we switch cabins?


I don't want to stay
in there anymore.

Why, you don't like
staying with Chess?

I like Chess.

Well then, what's the problem?

There's a lot of bullsh--
happening in her department.

But what does that
have to do with you?

I don't know.

But there's something
else that's happening,

I don't quite know what it is.

Elizabeth, Elizabeth,

Francesca, this whole,
like work thing,

because I feel like I've
been working ----ing hard.

I mean, you know if you ever
need me there, I'd be there.

-Yeah, but I--

You don't have to be there.

I want to be there.
I like being there.

Hold on, let me say hi to James.

James is the only one up
besides me.

Say hi to my best friend.
This is James.

Oh, sure, what's going.

You know what it is?

Like, I don't care if you
wash my dishes or whatever.

You want me just in there.

I just kind of like you there.

I can do that.
I'd like that.

Sorry to interrupt your workout
with my like, friends.

Isn't it?

I feel like we're like there,
hanging out with them, right?

Rachel, this is my room, now.
You got to go to your room.

Go, go on, shoo, shoo,

Suck my d*ck.

My God.

Why do I have, like, such
a bad taste in my mouth

about my conversation
in the car earlier?

Tomorrow, we just
got a normal day.

I like Elizabeth,
yeah, she's pretty.

Still feel like I need to get
to know her a little bit more.

My type of girl is someone
that can have a laugh,

don't take things too seriously,

and actually spend most of the
time making fun of each other.

Not really expressing
our emotions,

just giving each other sh--.

Sometimes it's risky,
but it's a lot of fun.

-Catch you tomorrow, yeah?


Oh [bleep].



-Hi, darling.
-Morning, Sunshine.


Checking his hair.

Are you okay,
is your hair ready?

It's not great, it's okay.

Did you have fun last night?

Yeah, last night
was all right, wasn't it?

How was Elizabeth?

You guys have a
little smoochey smooch?

A smoochey smooch?

Did you?

Yeah, you.

Yeah, you did,
you're ignoring the question.

No, I didn't, no, I didn't.

Fill us in, please.

No, no, no.

-Oh, morning.

Are you feeling
fresh as the daisies?

-Are you coming up?

-Good morning.

How you doing?


Are you ready for today?

Yeah, I'm so ready.

Yeah, I just feel like
I've been like,

stressing about stuff
too much and

I'm just going
to like shut up.

-No, just relax.

-How's it going?


That's good.

Let's go through this list.

They're coming tomorrow?

They are, yes.

So strip the beds, crew uniform.

Clean caddies, laundry.

I'll find out lunch,
it's usually at 1:00.

So, we're just
working until then.

All right, well,
I'm going to go in crew mess,

and get a coffee and
then start on laundry.

Deck crew, deck crew,
let's detail everything.

You can start on the bow,
start pushing your way back,

that be probably best.

I have a shirt I need to bleach.

You're going to have
to watch it, though.

That's fine.

Do I use super hot water
or cold water?

You use cold water for bleach,
and you need to go outside.

Okay, yeah.


Well, then I got to
dump this into cold.


Why you so grunty?


No more talking the rest
of the ----ing day.

I haven't done the crockery
yet in that cupboard.


Like, so um, probably,
we're probably through it,

but I'm just going to have
a little break,

because I'm feeling
a little bit dizzy.

Do you feel like you're dizzy?
I feel like I'm dizzy.

I thought, I was just felt
dizzy, because of last night.

Yeah, I thought it was
from last night as well.

It looks kind of hazy in here,
too, now that I think about it.

Engineers, engineers Francesca.


Come to the crew mess, please.

James is washing the sh--
that she just washed

five minutes ago.

Are you ----ing kidding me?



Didn't I see you just
washing that five minutes ago?


Yeah, so James, why
are you washing it again?

What she washing this side?

Yeah, I already washed it.

We're going to do the port side
and just get it rinsed off.

Good idea.

Shane just got fired, yesterday.

And I know
Captain Lee's standards,

and I want to exceed them.

So I get stressed out when
the job is not being done right.

I don't like looking like an
assh*le in front of Captain Lee.

The stupidity,
I just can't handle it.


We're not using any chemicals.

I can smell it.

I do smell something.

Smell it here.

That's probably what it is.

All right, everybody out.

Poisoning our lungs.

Want to step in here
for a second, Eddie?

Yes, sir?

How many times is that rinsed?

Oh he did--are they
washing that side again?

He's rinsing it again.


I'm going ----ing nuts here.

-I'm losing my sh--.
-Yeah, copy.

James, why you rinsing
something that I already rinsed?

Did you see the rails?

Yeah, it's all right,
the rails need to get hit

by ----ing water vinegar.

Where should I spray this, then?

Go up to the top,
start moving your way down.

I swear to ----ing God.

It's weird.

For anything like that,
make sure you just tell

the engineers if
there's anything funky going on

with like smells,
and all that sort of stuff.

Copy for interior.

All right, you guys
have enough of a break?

Yeah, I feel good.

Ciao, how are you?

Can you fly here by any chance?

No, I'm dead serious.

I just want to see you.


I want you, I love you,
I miss you.

I just want--
I want you here.

Anything I want to do is--


Coming up...




[sobbing continues]

Oh, give me a hug, come here.


You just miss him?

Well, think if it this way,

look, we have our charter coming
up, that's the fourth one.

That's get all row--

-Oh, no, it's fine.
-It's half way, you know.

I'm fine with that.


No, no, I'm like, literally
fine with charter, I'm good.


We all are going to
have those moments.

Yeah, it's called menstruation.

I think I've pinpointed
a safety issue.

And that's not good.

Aye, aye, aye.

Go get lunch, please.

I don't know whose
underwear that is

that's not in a laundry bag,
cause that is gross.

[phone ringing]


Hello, are you all right?

Oh good as always,
as always, good.

Me and my mom have the
exact same personality,

which is why we're
like best friends.

Job's just coming along
less fun now,

we're not allowed to crack
jokes, or enjoy ourselves.

Can't really have much of
a conversation with my dad.

I could give my dad sh--,
but he just absorbs it.

He doesn't say anything back.

Like, he's my dad and all,
I love him, but [bleep].

Yeah, I'm going to have to.
Catch you in a bit.

-Oh, bye.
-See you later, bye.


I went around investigating
what the problem was.


One of your staff was using
bleach mixed with soap.

-Which causes a gas.


So it gets a--you have
an after effect,

and its inside confined spaces.

-Which of course--

-Is not, ideal.
-Becomes a danger.

Yeah, exactly.

I'm trying to bleach a shirt.

You use cold water for bleach
and you need to go outside.

Thank you for bringing
that to my attention.

Thank you.

This is a massive [bleep] up.

Not only is she making my
department look incompetent,

she's putting the crew in
danger from her negligence.

Elizabeth, Elizabeth, Francesca.

Hey, go ahead.

I need you, uh, to come up
to the pantry, please.


-Thank you.
-Can you open it?

Go get yourself a Ting.

What the [bleep]
even is a Ting?

Its life changing.
Go get yourself a Ting.

It's not alcohol, mate,
it's just--

No, I told you,
there's no alcohol in that.

I know, man, I'm disappointed.

Right, you enjoy your drink,
I'll crack on.

Actually, no, sorry.
No more jokes.

I'm going to crack on.

I will enjoy my drink,
thank you.

No, you're not going
to get fired. He might.



The chief engineer
has come to me.

This is really bad,
the chemicals,

you're in a confined space.

And I have to talk
to Captain Lee, now.

This is crazy, because I've
used bleach and soap items

on every boat
in the laundry room.

I've had chief
stewardesses that do that.

But not in a confined area.

-I said that to you.

That's the time when
you clarify with me.

I'm sorry, it was a mistake.

I know, I know it's a mistake,
but these mistakes

about five years in yachting
that you shouldn't be making.

I'll admit it,
I made a stupid mistake.

But like, other chief stews
that like, I got along with,

they would never even
think to approach things

the way that she does.

I just feel like I'm,
at this point,

constantly walking
on egg shells.

It sucks.

I've given you those stripes.

And I'm really having
to contemplate now--

-Yes, it reflects on me.

I don't want to lose
my job over that, you know?

I'm sorry.

And I hope we can
work this out, please.

I just need to have
a little think about it.

We're finished here.

Oh my God.


Today, she put bleach with soap.

Oh God.

And left it inside and then
we all started feeling dizzy

and then the chief engineer
had to come down

and um, get involved.

I don't know whether to keep
Elizabeth for the next charter.

If you feel that you can
actually replace that

with somebody that's capable
of actually doing the position,

that knows a vessel,
I support you.

Yeah, I appreciate your support.

We dealt with those cards,

now let's ----ing fold,
and let's go again.

-Does it sound right?

Safety is paramount on yachts.

And Elizabeth was putting
all of our safety at risk.

So, that's it.

Captain Lee,
Captain Lee, Francesca.


Are you available
to have a chat?


Hi, how are you?

I'm well, you?

I'm okay.

So, I wanted to chat to
you about Elizabeth.


There's just a couple of
things that I've gone through

her with a couple of meetings
and they're not improving.

The bleach today
was the last straw.

I'm just in shock.
Am I getting fired?


I told her to take it
outside and she didn't.

It really pissed me off.

I mean, she's not
pulling enough weight.

She's not following through.

So what would you propose?

We could get somebody else
and let her go?

Coming up...

Start reading.

Oh wow.

That's despicable.

[bleep] yourself.

I'd rather not do that.

Let me tell you one thing,

I'm better at scrubbing
than you are.

Sorry, man, who's been hosing
the whole bloody time?

Hey. You want to know how
I got to this part?

-By doing that part better.

I'm just in a little bit
of a predicament here.

I really don't; think that I
can--that I can deal with her.

So what would you propose?

Is there a possibility
we could get somebody else?

Not before the next charter.

That's coming up too quickly.

I'm not doubting Chess's
rendition of what has happened.

But, we're picking up
charter tomorrow,

and I can't justify letting
another person go right now.

Chess is just going
to have to make it work.

After the next charter, then.

We'll sit down, we'll chat
again after the next charter.

And if nothing's changed,
we'll do what needs to be done.


Like, ----ing hell.

I understand where Captain Lee
is coming from.

We're already down
a crew member,

we can't be down two.

But it's kind of annoying
that I've got

to pull more weight here.

It's actually really not fair.

Francesca, you know,
she has a perception about me,

an opinion, now, and a belief.

And it could be hard
to change that.

She's not going to want
to have someone on her team

that she feels that way towards.

Go and talk to Captain Lee.

You know, what,
he has good guidance.

He's a very intelligent person.

Because, he could be...


-Can I talk to you?


What the [bleep]?

Elizabeth is getting everyone
involved in this situation.

And I'm really
disappointed in Rachel.

She said, yes,
go to Captain Lee,

and go and overstep
Francesca, pretty much.

Yes, Elizabeth.

Can I talk to you for a second?

No problem.

No problem, kiddo.

Have a seat.

I just kind of want
to know what's happening.

What's happening? Nothing.

Right now.

I'm not fired?



But your future on
this boat depends

on how you perform
on this charter.

If you want it bad enough,
you'll be here.

Right, and I do,
so I plan on delivering.

That's all anybody can ask.
All right?

All right, thank you.

-What is it?
-Oh, the laundry you wanted.

Maybe uh, in the fridge?

Where do you want it?

Where do you think
laundry goes, James?

-Just there?
-In the laundry.

I didn't want to
----ing clog it up.

Don't talk to me
like that, please.

I'm not getting upset,
you're asking stupid questions

and you're being an ass.

Francesca takes a
joke too seriously.

Obviously, she doesn't
have a personality.

Don't you talk to me like that.

What a bloody idiot.

So yeah.

[bleep] you.

Ask such stupid questions.

Coming up alongside Shadow.

-Muy excellente.

Bring them down.

All right, I'll just
start with these two.

I'm sorry.

No, I'm like,
I've had enough.

I heard what you were saying,
and now,

I just don't trust
either of you,

so I don't think
that you have my back.

I don't think she has my back.

I just need a moment.

Down in the crew mess

for a preference sheet meeting.

Copy that.

Hi, Eddie.


-How are you?

How are you two?


It's been a stressful day,
isn't it a stressful day?

Do you want me to
whack you with this?

I'm picking up on
some stress here.

Let's do it.

Thank you.


You won't be saying that
after you start reading.

Oh wow.

Okay, Bryan is one of
North Carolina's top Realtors

and he expects nothing
but the finest service

during his charter.

Joining Bryan is Greg,
James, Craig, and Wickliff,

and Morgan is a stay at home dad
to his 13 dogs and tortoises.


Bryan and his guests want
to play with the slide.

Jet skis and specified
rainbow unicorn floats.

He wants a large breakfast,
he expects neat pastries,

along with a giant fruit bowl.

Premium caviar, seafood,
scallops, filet mignon,

topped with crab meat.

Wild boar, authentic
New Orleans cuisine.

Maine Lobster feast,
American fine dining.

Spanish, not Mexican.

A viva la France theme party

with an elaborate
ten course dinner.

I thought it was a double pager.
It's not, thank God.

Their preference
sheet's just crazy.

But that's yachting, right?

No request is too massive.

I've seen it with
so many charters.

Truffles from Italy,
a Ferrari and Aston Marten

in order to get some
nightclubs in Ibiza.

And I had to chaperone
until like six,

seven in the morning, sober.

Just got to roll
with the punches.


Page turns.

Moving later on.

Eat my cooter.


That's disgusting.
That's despicable.

You pay the $16,000
a month for me

to be your private chef
in Monaco, then we'll talk.

Until then,
I don't play that game.

So no.

I'd like a flight home.

Enjoy it.

I'll start packing now.


I'm sorry, but the
ostentatious bullsh--,

and then they ----ing tack
that on on one chef.

Suck my d*ck.

Well, why don't we talk
to them and see if they're

as ostentatious as
they appear to be on paper?

[bleep] yourself.

I'd rather not do that, but.

No, I love you.

I'm glad.

I respect you guys.

But that bullsh--, I'm out.

I'll start packing now.

Are you sure?

I'm dead serious.

Well, you do what you got to do.

I'll do what I got to do.

-It is what it is.
-It is what it is.

This is a first for me.

I've never had chefs
walk off

the day before
we're supposed to pick up.

[bleep] yes, I am pissed.


My day just got
sh--ty as [bleep].

No, I don't play that game.

[bleep] you.

Shove that up your ass.
I'm dead serous.

I make way more money
sitting at home, dude.

This is bullsh--.

This preference sheet just
seems absolutely ridiculous.

At this point, I'm overwhelmed.

I have to walk away.

And if I can't walk away,

that's when it's going to
----ing just build.

And that's when I explode.

[bleep] this.

I'm sorry, I love you,
but you know what?

Eat my cooter.

[bleep] it.

What the [bleep] is going on?

This is going to be a really,
really tough charter.

Why do you say that?

-Oh, I just got the provisions.
-What happened?

I just got the--they're asking
for the world and then some.

How does Rachel feel about it?

Uh, she's quitting.

She is?

Sounds like it.

Oh man.

She just really ----ing
lost it.

Rachel, Rachel, Lee.

You got a second for me?

Somebody help.

Hey, James.


Somebody else help.


I'm not looking forward
to these guys at all.

No one is.

But just because they
ask for it

doesn't mean that
they're going to get it.

You know, we're in the
middle of the Caribbean.

Some of this stuff is
just outrageous.

So that being said,
would you consider

just doing the lunch
and the dinner on day one?

No, I'll bolt now.


I'm putting you in a rock and
a hard space and I see that.

I just--I--


Can somebody check
that alarm, please?

I respect you.

I would love to work
under you as my captain.

Do you mind if I go pack?

-Not at all.
-All right.

I've got less than 24 hours
to find a charter chef.

We're screwed
six ways to Sunday.

What's going on?

Come see.

I'm having a sparking water
because there's nothing...

Sounds lovely.

...Good available.


Have you seen the provisions
list for the next charter?


They've gone too far.


Why, what?

Well, I mean, so bad that
Rachel's ----ing quitting.

Are you serious?


I'm tired.
You can eat my ass.

What, she saw the provision
list and she decided--?

[bleep] yeah, she's
like, [bleep] this.

In your best interest,
I really think--

That's not cool.

So get the [bleep] out.

That's ----ed.

We're down a chef,
we're down a deckhand.

Quite honestly,
I think we are ----ed.

[bleep] off.

Eddie, Eddie, Lee.

Here we go.

Go ahead.

-Oh sh--.
-On my way.

All right, take
care of yourself.


God, Jesus, what did
she pack in this thing?

We need you, and if you're
just going to bounce on us,

obviously you never cared
about us in the first place.

-See you.
-See you.


And that ----ing sucks.

Hey Ash.

He wants to break the bad news.

A very important
crew member decided

to pack her bags and leave.



Jesus Christ.


I'm trying to figure out
what I did.

I must have kicked Buddha's cat
somewhere in a previous life.

In 35 years as a
charter yacht captain,

I never had to tell
a charter guest

that your charter's cancelled.

But now I've got a chief stew

and a second stew that
clearly are not getting along.

I'm already down a deckhand,
and then my chef splits.

I don't know
what I'm going to do.

We are so ----ed.

Eat my cooter.