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07x09 - Honeytrap

Posted: 04/20/24 07:06
by bunniefuu
- Previously on SWAT...
- Maggie, I'd do anything for you.

You were so good to me
when Martin was k*lled.

Maggie? Is that Judge Walker's widow?

I've heard you say more than once

that you guys have a connection.

I'd like to take you to dinner.

As more than friends.

- Vasquez?
- Yeah.

Long time no see, Hondo.

Our line of work is still a boys' club,

which makes my job a little bit harder.

If you ever want to come back,
and ride with us, door's open.

Thanks, Hondo.

Wow. I really like your place.

Thanks. I, uh, decorated myself.

Uh, can I make us some cocktails?

I already had one at the bar,
but help yourself.

Mi casa es su casa.

What would you like?

Surprise me.

I bet you're full of surprises.

God, I think green is
officially my favorite color.

I mean, that dress.

- Mmm...
- Ooh, you move fast.

Be a good boy.

Let me take off my shoes first.

Well, don't stop there.


Oh, everything's spinning.

He's out cold.

Took you long enough.

- Where's my bag?
- Here.

These watches are all fakes.

Ugh, this guy has nothing of value.


We got his laptop and some other things,

but this guy doesn't have much else.

You're right.
Just grab whatever you can.

What's going on?

Why, Cata?

Because the dose you gave him
wasn't high enough.

You didn't have to sh**t him.

Oh, and what would you have done...

Enough! We have to hurry now!

Come on!

Paul, it's James from next door.

You in there?

I heard a bang.

Quiet. Don't answer.

He'll leave.

I can hear someone in there.

Open up or I'm calling the police.

Who the hell are you guys?

Whoa, I-I already called 911.

That's a shame.


I saw your light on.

I'm saying late because

I have to catch up on paperwork.

What's your excuse?


I'm good.

We're not gonna do this again, are we?

It's Maggie.

- I thought things were going well.
- Well, so did I.

We've been friends for decades and...

in a relationship
for months now, but, um...

...she's been pulling away
the last couple of weeks.

I'm sorry to hear that.

Do you have any idea why?

- I don't know what started it.
- Hmm.

I thought maybe the fix

would be a weekend away, but, uh...

she passed on that invitation,
and we were supposed to

have dinner tonight, to talk about it,

and she canceled that, too.

Maybe she's just getting cold feet.

So, I'm trying to give her her space

and, you know, back off.

As hard as that is... gut's telling me that's
the right approach here.

With the history you two have,

you deserve an explanation.

Well, she's not answering my calls.

She's not responding to my texts,

so I guess I ain't getting one.

Tell you what... why don't you text her,

tell her you're going
to stop by tomorrow night,

that you need to talk.


She owes you that much, don't you think?

Okay. This is a federal case now.

I'm running point.
You are all in my crime scene.

Special Agent Chad Hettinger, FBI.

Yeah, well, when P.D. responded
and we saw the suspects' M.O.,

I was the one who called your boss.

Special Agent Jackie Vasquez. Thank you

for your help, Detective.

Also, we appreciate you getting
the two victims to the hospital.

Yeah, too bad it couldn't
happen soon enough.

Both men were DOA.

- All right, let's wrap it up.
- Yes, sir. You got it.

This is definitely the same crew.

Yeah. And that makes it

the fourth West Coast city
that these women have hit.

We know how this is gonna play out.

The crew's gonna hit one
or two more targets here

before they skip town.

But, see, they wouldn't even be here

if San Francisco had
gone better. Am I right?

We cannot let this crew
get away with this again.

Because if they do, it's
not gonna be on you...

it'll be on me.

And I'm not having that.

Okay, this isn't about fault or credit.

It's about catching this crew
before they k*ll again.

I have a friend here
in L.A. who's tied in.

He knows the local element.
Might be able to help us.

Let me reach out, see what I can find.

Sure. Whatever.
I got to update the ADIC.

Hey, Beth. We're back.


How'd it go?

All good with Vivie?

Yeah. She was out 30 minutes
after you guys left.

It was the easiest couple of hours.

Well, you got it lucky.

Seriously, thanks for doing this.

- We really appreciate it, Beth.
- No worries.

Let me know the next time
you need a date night.

I will.

- Good night.
- Bye.

Huh. So that's where your mind's been.

Yeah, sorry, Nich.

Look, I-I just got to get back to this.

Back? You've been thinking
about those résumés

the whole time
we were at the restaurant.

Nichelle, I got to find
replacements for Street,

Luca and now Deacon.

And it's been really hard so far.

What if I can't find
the right teammates?

You will. You just have to be patient.

You can't force something like that.

I know work is important.

Just don't forget you have
a wife and a daughter, too.

Vasquez. Been a minute.

Everything good with you?

Hey, Hondo. Yeah.

Sorry, I know it's late.

I'm glad you picked up.

Nah, don't worry about it.

Nichelle and I
just got back from dinner.

- What's going on?
- I'll get right to it.

I've been tracking an elusive crew.

You ever heard of the Honeytrappers?

Yeah, yeah. I heard mention
on one of the agency wires.

Female robbery group.

Hitting rich VIPs across the country.

Yeah. My partner and I
have been chasing them

since they got to the West Coast.

And now the crew's in L.A.

Just added to their body count
here in Downtown.

How bad are we talking?

Two dead

in a robbery-homicide.
Both victims were unarmed

and shot point-blank.

That means this crew's
racked up a grand total

of five dead, eight wounded.

They usually hit
at least four targets per city.

They're in and out in 48 hours.

So now the clock's ticking here in L.A.


FBI's running point, but...

I got to admit, I could
really use SWAT's help on this.

I'd owe you one. Big-time.
What do you say?

Let's go get 'em.

Deacon, hey. Thanks for saddling
up with the FBI on this.

Course. Got the file you sent us.

It lists Agent Hettinger as lead.

I thought you were
the field office's point person.

Long story.

Real talk, I'm out on a ledge
here with the Bureau.

I need to catch a break,

and that's why I called in

All good on our end.

Read us in.

Honeytrappers are four women.

They are good. They don't leave a trace.

No fingerprints, nothing.

And this is all you got so far...

security video and a
list of phony aliases?

I told you, they're good.

This one is the lure.

Usually connects over
social media or dating sites.

Gets herself into the target's place,

where she dr*gs them
before the other women come in.

And then they rob the guy
while he's unconscious.

Usually to the tune of
six figures in watches,

jewelry and cash.

They've been all over.

Targeting pro athletes,
hedge fund guys, tech giants.

I joined in when they hit
the West Coast in Seattle.

And the body count?

They have no problem k*lling,

usually to cover their tracks.

Last night, it was
their mark and a neighbor,

after the mark apparently woke up.

What about the stolen goods?

It's got to be going somewhere.

Pawn shops? Black market?

No. The Bureau's been monitoring
every pawn shop and fence

in the cities these women have hit.

They've come up with nothing.

We also believe the targets' cell phones

and tablets were hacked

and their data was sold on the dark web,

because their identities and
banking info were compromised.

Makes me think
there must be another player.

Someone connected, with tech savvy

who the women are funneling
the stolen goods to.

That's exactly my theory.

There's someone else
in addition to the four women.

But my partner refuses
to buy in on the idea.

Last night's victim,

Paul Lysher.

He doesn't exactly fit
the profile of this crew's

typical high-roller target.

I mean, I can't imagine
the women made off

with their usual six-figure haul.

Well, maybe he was put
together well enough to...

be mistaken for rich.

I'm working to get access
to Lysher's phone records,

credit cards, social accounts,

to see how and where he met his date.

All right, when that info comes in,

I'll dive into Paul Lysher,
see what he's all about.

Maybe he's a random outlier.

Yeah, anything
to help I.D. our honey trap.

We got to find them
before they strike next.

He's expecting that.

Okay? Yeah.


- This is a surprise. Go ahead.
- Hi, Bob.

I know I'm overstepping
by coming here to your work.

No. Don't be ridiculous.

I'm-I'm... I'm glad you did.

I got your message.

I'm sorry for ghosting you.

You absolutely deserve
to know why I've been

so distant over the past few weeks.

Give it to me straight.

Is everything okay?

I just, I've been dealing
with a health issue.

Oh. Oh, I'm sorry.

What's wrong?

I've been diagnosed with ALS.

Oh, my God.

I got the diagnosis two weeks ago.

And I got a second opinion
last week that confirmed it.

Please, sit down.

We're gonna, we're gonna
talk this through.

Okay, now...

Did the doctors discuss what we can do?

No, they did a battery of tests.

- The timeline's uncertain.
- Mm-hmm.

And there's no getting better.

It might be a...

a matter of months before things get bad

to the point where I'll need help.

- Okay, well, we got that.
- No.

Uh, no.

So I've decided
to move in with my sister

- in Phoenix.
- No, no, no, no. That's silly.

- No.
- You don't need to do that.

I'm here for you.

I know what you went through with Barb.

No, how bad things got at the end.

- Maggie...
- I-I don't want that for you.

We need to break things off between us.

- Maggie, no, no.
- That's what I came here to say, yes.

- That's... No, come on.
- Please listen to me.

I need you to accept this.

Please tell me that
you can do that for me?

Okay, I will.

Hey, Vasquez?

You said you're on the
ledge with the Bureau.

What's really going on?

You know the bumpy history
with my bosses.


I lobbied for this case as a way

of getting back in their good graces.

As for Hettinger, he's been trying

to angle his way
up the ladder for a while now.

Things came to a head
recently in San Francisco,

where an operation I ran went sideways.

- How so?
- I thought

I had an angle
on the Honeytrappers' hideout.

It was a day after they k*lled
a couple during an escape.

I convinced the regional
director to deploy the full fleet.

FBI raided the house, but there was only

an innocent family
renting the place, including

two kids, and the aftermath

was all over the nightly news.

Job's all about making hard choices.

And that was a tough call
based on the limited intel

- that you had.
- Even so, we failed.

So Hettinger milked it,

and got promoted over me to case lead.

My bosses would've taken me off

completely, but I convinced them
to give me one last shot.

You did nothing wrong, Vasquez.

Too bad they don't
see it that way, but...

I'm glad you do.

One reason why I'm thankful to
be working with SWAT on this now.


You keep your head up.

We're gonna find this crew.

Thanks for rolling with

It's great to have another
team leader in the lineup.

Happy to answer the call,

and I know 20-Squad's bench
is thin these days.

Didn't want 'em going into the field

without some real firepower.

What do we got?

So we gained access to
Paul Lysher's social media account.

That's where things get interesting.

His most recent message exchange

is with a woman whose moniker
was "TatianaTheMinx."

That's the same woman
that Agent Vasquez I.D.'d

- as the group's lure.
- Yeah, she slid into his DMs.

Came on pretty strong.

She wanted to meet at a bar
last night near his apartment.

Far from subtle.

I wonder if this guy was
suspicious at all. I mean,

look at her and then look at him.

I hear you, but most guys
will ignore any red flags

if they think
getting laid's on the table.

Yeah, well, looking at it the
other way, why'd she choose him?

Nothing in his profile would
suggest he's got deep pockets.

Yeah, and all their other
targets are wealthy VIPs.

There's got to be something else here.

We're still trying to get
to Lysher's IRS records

to find out what he did for
a living, but so far, no dice.

Yeah, hold on.

So, our honey trap deactivated
her account right after the robbery,

but our warrant got us access
to any other account

that might be associated
with her device.

Another one of her profiles
shows "active status"

named Terrence Ballard.
He invited her over

for coffee five minutes ago.

He sent her his address, too.

- That's Encino.
- All right, roll out.

And, remember, these women are deadly.

Did you give him a double dose?

I don't want him waking
up like the last one.

What, so you can just sh**t him again?

I might sh**t somebody.

- I'll take upstairs.
- Okay, ladies.

This doesn't have to take long.

This is just all garbage.

It's a lot of junk.

This is ridiculous.

This man doesn't have much, either.

What the hell?

Okay, okay, let's go. Hurry up.

Hey, it's not your prints
we're leaving behind.

We'll load up
while she finishes in here.

Hey, we'll wait for you, okay?

- Okay.
- But hurry.

Come on, come on.

We have to go now.

But what about Bella?

The cops are coming. There's no time.

Deacon and Cabrera,
with me on the apartment.

Rocker and Vasquez,
take the parking garage,

check for points of egress.

LAPD! Stop right there!

LAPD! Show yourselves!

Bathroom clear.

She's rabbiting, upstairs.

Terrence Ballard's
unconscious on the couch.

Deacon, with me.
Cabrera, stay with the victim.


We bagged the rabbit. She's in custody.

Any sign of the other suspects?

Negative, Hondo.

And there was no sign
of any waiting vehicle.

The other women must have fled
before we got here

and left this one behind.


You may not remember back
to when you were in charge,

but you're supposed
to clear field action

with the lead case agent

beforehand. Per protocol.

Sorry, there wasn't enough time.

Let me guess.
You must be Agent Hettinger.

Yeah. And you're SWAT.

You said you were calling a friend.

Thought you meant a C.I.,
not a bunch of tac operators.

Does it really matter?

We're closer to finding this crew,

and we arrested one of the women.

And let the others slip
through your fingers.

That is another black mark against you.

I am going to the regional
director for authority over this case.

- Your help is no longer needed.
- Okay, hold on.

Bigfooting us ain't the right
play here, you understand?

We need to work together here.

Yeah, I already see
how well that's gone.

I'm gonna take it from here,
without SWAT, and without you.

The ADIC says you're to report back

to the field office for reassignment.

Wait. What? Why am I being reassigned?!

Because he wants
all the glory for himself.

Screw this guy. Even if
he wants to bigfoot us,

he doesn't have the authorization yet.

With two people dead and
three suspects still at large,

SWAT's staying on this case.
What about you?

If you're not kicking me out of here,

won't be the first time
I've gone against my bosses.

Well, I'm sure they won't be
happy about it, but let's hope

your insubordination
doesn't bite you in the ass.

We get any help from that latest victim?

No. Their mark, Terrence Ballard,

must have been mega-dosed.
He's still unconscious.

As for the suspect in custody,
Deacon's running her prints,

hoping to get a positive I.D.
before we interrogate her.

All right, well, we
know this crew's likely

to hit one or two more people

before they're done here, so, tick-tock.

Vasquez, check this out.

Both L.A. targets...

I mean, they must do
all right, but not on par

with this crew's previous victims.

According to the IRS,

Paul Lysher worked
as a freelance data analyst,

and Terrence Ballard
is a logistics contractor.

The women probably only got away

with a few thousand bucks' worth.

Why k*ll for chump change?
Why switch up their M.O. now?

There's got to be a reason.

I got Rocker digging in,
trying to find more links

between Lysher and Ballard.

Maybe that'll fill in the holes.

Got some intel on our suspect.

Her prints ran up a flag in Brazil.

Her name is Bella Lisboa.

State intel agency says her
father was a drug trafficker.

Her parents died when she was nine.

She ended up on the streets of Rio,

racking up crimes not long after that.

A lot of kids there got
into trouble after their parents

were arrested or k*lled
in narco v*olence.

Maybe that's how she knows
or met the other women.

Could be they have similar pasts.

All right, so we check out
Bella's known associates

to see if we can I.D. the others,

but for right now,

Vasquez, we're just
gonna have to press her

to see if we can find out
where they're going next.

All right.

I don't know nothing. I can't help you.

It's time to start
helping yourself, Bella.

Rocinha's one of the toughest
favelas in Rio,

and it's impressive that you were able

to make it out of there in one piece.

But I doubt that you did it
on your own. You needed friends.

Is that where you met the others?

Tell us who they are
and where they're going next.

You do that for us,
and we can help cut you a deal.

I don't know anyone else.
I always work alone.


I get why you want to protect them.

You grew up in a rough area,

you relied on each other to survive,

but this is getting out of control.

It's not just honey trapping anymore.

You've been escalating since
you got to the West Coast,

but I'm guessing it wasn't your idea

to start dropping bodies, was it?

You're just the lure

who reels in the victims.

You don't seem like
a cold-blooded k*ller.

But, see, the problem is,

you're the only one we got.

So, if you don't help us out,

all the murders get pinned on you.

Is that what you want?

I didn't k*ll anyone.

I just, I met the men and drugged them.

Nobody was ever supposed to die.

- Tell us who pulled the trigger.
- Better yet,

who's really running the show?

It's not just the four of you, is it?

All right, listen to me.

If you're not gonna tell us
who's calling the sh*ts,

at least tell me why
you went after these two.

They weren't high rollers.

They didn't fit your previous pattern.

I don't know,

but we were told to make sure
we got their laptops.

Okay. Told by who?

His name... is Augie.

Is he your fixer?

He's the one that sets up your scores?

He picks the targets

and then funnels
all the information through...

Hettinger, what are you doing here?

What's it look like?

I'm taking my federal witness
into FBI custody.

I have official authorization now,

so that means SWAT's done here.

We were just about to
get somewhere with her.

Let us do our jobs.

Your job? You'll be lucky

to have a job after this,
Vasquez. Let's go.

Hey, Hettinger,

you're underestimating these women.

There's more going on here
than you think.

Yeah, got it. Thanks. Come on.

Well, you were right all along

about there being
another player involved,

whoever this "Augie" is.

It's funny,

you didn't say anything
about him to Hettinger.


- Neither did you.
- Hmm.

But we have to find out who
he is, and time's running out.

Did you leave Maggie that message?

Oh, actually,

Maggie came by earlier. We talked.

- And?
- Well...

It's not good.

Maggie's been diagnosed with ALS.

That's why she's been distant recently.

Oh, no. I'm so sorry, Bob.

That must've come as quite a shock.

Well, she broke things off.
She's moving to Phoenix

before her health gets really bad.

- What did you say?
- Well...

That's the problem.

I said, "Okay."

Just let her go.

You know, Maggie saw how tough

and, you know, heartbreaking it
was for me to lose Barb, and...

...she knows what I went through.

She didn't want to see me
go through that again.

And, in the moment, Doc,
I didn't want to either.

You know, the worst thing is, uh...

- ...I felt relief.
- Look,

what Maggie did was
the respectable thing,

by giving you an out.

It shows how deeply she cares about you.

I know she does.

But I care about her, too.

Only you know

what those last days
were like with Barb.

If that's something that you
do not want to go through again,

no one can blame you.

Yeah. Maybe.

Not even yourself.

Before Agent Bozo
interrupted the interrogation,

Bella told Hondo her crew
was specifically told

to steal the laptops,

so the goal here might not
be money, but information.

'Cause get this,
Terrence Ballard's landlord

says he worked in what's called
"penetration testing."

That's when covert teams
are hired to attack

facilities' security systems
to evaluate their weaknesses.

Yep, and usually, penetration
tests have two parts,

cyber and physical.

Lysher was a data analyst.
Ballard is a logistics guy.

One an expert at hacking in,

the other an expert at breaking in.

If they were working together...

Whoever has their computers now

has a blueprint of exactly how
to exploit their target's security.

Do we know whose security
these two guys were testing?

Not yet. They were secretive
with communications

and used end-to-end encryption,

so their email accounts
aren't giving us anything.

We have to find out
who their client was.

That'll help us figure out
this crew's endgame.

Hey, we're on it, Deac.

I got something.

Through Bella's known associates,

Brazilian Intel sent us
a positive I.D. on one.

Her name is Catalina Paulista.

She got scooped up
with Bella more than once.

So, their honey-trapping crimes
definitely started in Brazil.

And Interpol's got
a Red Notice on her file.

Because she was part of Comando Escuro,

Rio's largest crime syndicate.

They're guerrilla-trained.
Organized and dangerous.

Well, that's one way
to make a name for yourself

- for all the wrong reasons.
- Speaking of names,

this guy's got a record
of forging documents,

fencing stolen goods and
multiple counts of cybercrime.

He's Catalina's cousin, Adriano Augusto.

Augusto. That's got to be "Augie."

He's the other player.
He's the crew's fixer.

We find him,
chances are we find this crew.

Your music is too loud.

How will you know if someone
is sneaking up on you?

Going somewhere?

Bella's in jail
because you left her behind.

She'll talk. We need to leave now.

Where are the laptops?

Uh-uh. Not so fast.

Those two men weren't rich.

Not worth the risk at all,

but you made sure we grabbed
their laptops.

Why? What's on them?

Catalina, I do the research,
intel and travel.

You give me the goods.

I don't owe you anything but your cut.

Hey, look,

it's just personal information, huh?

Banking data. The usual stuff.

You're lying.
And I'm not kidding around anymore.

Show us.

There's information here

on how and where to defeat
security at a storage facility.

Th-This is reconnaissance,

a full attack plan, Augie.

Tell us what the facility stores
and how much.

- Now.
- Cash.

And a whole bunch of it, maybe.

I was gonna sell the information
on the black market,

but I'll cut you in on 40%
of whatever I get for it,

which will be a lot.

You were going to cut us out completely,

and you think 40% will make up for it?

You're out of control.

k*lling people, leaving Bella behind.

You need me. You all work for me!

Maybe we did once, but not anymore.

Any luck figuring out who
Lysher and Ballard's client was?

What facility this crew
might be targeting?

No, but digging around into them,

I stumbled into a DOJ tripwire.

Which means Lysher and Ballard

both have top-level security clearance.

So, they could've had
access to any number

- of high-value targets.
- Yeah.

Local treasury offices,
reserve banks, gold exchanges.

And now,
the Honeytrappers have a magic pass

to get around security.

All right, I'll issue alerts
to all these places,

but until we confirm Lysher
and Ballard's test clients,

we're no closer to narrowing down

the target or finding this crew.

I might have a line on that.

I traced all of this Augie guy's aliases

and bank cards in those names.

I found one that's been active
the last couple days.

He's got recent charges for an Airbnb

in Marina del Rey. That's the address.

What are you waiting for?

Roll out. Go.

LAPD SWAT with a search warrant!

Adriano Augusto, show yourself.


Kitchen clear.

Got a body.

Closet clear.

Bedroom clear.

We got one adult male
deceased at the scene.

Show us Code 4.

There's no sign
of forced entry or struggle.

He knew his K*llers.

This is on Agent Hettinger.

If we could've kept questioning Bella,

we could've gotten here earlier.
He'd still be alive.

This crew just double-crossed
one of their own.

So, whatever they're gonna hit next,

they're gonna want to get scarce after.

Their timeline's just accelerated,

so we got to find out
what that target is, and fast.


With the intel the women have
on the laptops,

all local treasury offices,

reserve banks, and gold
exchanges could now be vulnerable.

I made sure they're all on high alert.

If the crew shows up
to any of them, we've got eyes.

Patrol units are rolling as we speak.


I told you guys that
I was taking over this case,

so what the hell are you doing
still working it?

As long as there's crime in this
city, we'll protect our people.

You know, I-I think it's cute

that you want to help Vasquez,
even though you're just

delaying the inevitable,
but if you get in my way

or cross into my case again,
I'm gonna make some calls

- up the chain.
- Oh, make your calls.

We don't need anyone else's approval

to operate in our own jurisdiction

- when lives are at stake.
- And Vasquez

was right all along about the women

- having another player involved.
- Who's now dead.

That's on you.
Interrupting our interrogation

cost us time, which led
to Augie getting k*lled.

We could've gotten to this crew
earlier before they dropped him.

I think I've said my piece.

I don't want to see you guys
again, and if I do,

we're gonna have some problems.

Hettinger's right about one thing.

If we don't get this crew,
I'm not gonna have a job

- at the FBI to go back to.
- Well, that isn't right

'cause you're one of
the best agents they have.

But this, going against

the ADIC's orders and riding
with SWAT to the end,

that's an "all-in" gamble, Deacon.

Well, I think it's admirable,

you throwing in all your chips
on 20-Squad.

And I don't know if you can
take any solace in this,

but we appreciate the faith in us. Yeah.

Guys, we might have something.

Finally got access
to our two guys' cell records.

A text to Terrence Ballard
came in from an unsaved number

an hour ago, asking,
"Is your guys' report

- on the dark vault ready?"
- What the hell's a dark vault?

I did a deep dive on the term,

and it could mean that both guys
tested a mother lode target.

"Dark Vault" is how the
Department of Customs refers

to their secret cash warehouse.

Makes sense.

Customs is in charge of holding seized

foreign currency
until it's all repatriated back

to countries of origin.

How much money are we talking?

Got to be millions in foreign currency.

I alerted Customs.

They said, because I didn't
have the clearance,

that they wouldn't divulge
the location to me,

but they did say that personnel
and staff checked in all clear.

So, our women know where

and how to defeat the security measures.

Which means, we got to find
the location ourselves.

I might not have
the highest security clearance,

but while I still have
my FBI credentials,

I might be able
to narrow down our target.

Because even if a location's secret,

there's gonna be record
of property leases.

Right. According to records,
Customs registers its buildings

under VSA Properties.

There's five sites throughout the city.

Well, it's anyone's guess
which one the crew's gonna target.

Just got a report
from Wilshire Division.

Three heavily armed women stole
an armored truck from a depot.

Sounds like our crew.

How much money was in the truck?

That's the thing. Truck was empty.

Only reason to jack
an empty armored truck would be

to use it for a cash-grab.

They're planning
to hit the warehouse with it.

All armored trucks have
tracking beacons.

This is where it was last spotted

on the company's GPS
before they lost the signal.

The women must've disabled the
tracker while south on the 5.

There's four sites on the Westside,

but only one south of where
the truck's beacon went offline.

That's our dark vault. Let's roll.


Whose schedule you keeping?

- We're doing a pickup.
- Not today you're not.

Go back to your base. We're shut down.

The code is three-five-three-six-eight.

Let's go.

Down to the ground! All of you!

Don't do it.

Do what you're told, and you'll live.


- You two, now!
- Go to the other side!

On the ground!

We're here for the money.
It's not worth your life.

I need two volunteers.

Let's make this quick.

Customs dispatch has been
trying to put me through

to their security, but the line
just keeps ringing.

The crew might've already
breached the checkpoint.

We're four minutes out from location.

Hettinger must be monitoring
SWAT's radio calls.

My friend in the comms unit

says he's rolling to the
warehouse location now, too.

The FBI field office
is closer to the target.

Either he beats us to the punch,

or the crew gives me the slip
like they've done before.

Either way, I just want to say

been great riding with you all today.


this isn't over, not by a long shot.

You came to us for help, Vasquez.

That means we're all in this together.

We will get this crew.

Fill the gaps.

And stay liquid.

The clock is ticking. Come on, come on!

Federal agents! Get on the ground,

hands on your head!

Cover me!



Hettinger, wait! Hondo, we got a rabbit.

On me, Vasquez.

Rocker, Cabrera, with me!

- Cover! Cover!
- Get up!

Let him go, Catalina.

Drop the g*n! There's no way out.

Put your g*ns down,
or else I'll k*ll him.


Don't move!

Going hands on.

Stay down!

It's the end of the line, Catalina.

Put down the w*apon and let him go.

I'm not putting my g*n down,
so we're gonna have a problem here.

- You all right?
- I'm good.

Third suspect in custody.

All clear.

Code 4.

Nice job.

Well, I'm glad you guys
arrived when you did.

I should thank you and your team.

Straight up,

you should stop
with that competitive streak.

That damn near got you k*lled.

And we may not be there
to save you the next time.

But Vasquez will be.

Stop treating her like your enemy.

She's an asset and an ally,
one of the best

that you will ever have in your career.

Teamwork is what this job is all about.

Yeah. She can be a good teammate.

Well, now it's on you
to start treating her like one.

- Thanks again.
- Mm-hmm.

Vasquez. What are you doing back here?

Wanted to say thank you all for
letting me ride with SWAT today.

Well, you don't need to thank us.

Feel like I do.
You guys saved my career.

Well, we were happy to help.

But don't let your bosses forget

it was your work
that helped catch this crew.

Or I'll remind 'em myself.

Take care, Commander.
Today was quite the day.

Yeah. It was.


Not sure how I'm ever
gonna repay you for this one.

Nah, don't even sweat it.

- I'm glad you called.
- For real.

You know, one thing
I'll always have over

my colleagues at the FBI is this.

I don't just mean SWAT's help.

I mean having friends like these.

Like you, Hondo.

No, Vasquez. We ain't friends.

We're family.

Okay. All right,
I like the way that sounds.

Give my best to Nichelle
and Vivienne, yeah?

- Will do.
- All right.

- You stay safe out there.
- Bet.

It's a shame Vasquez
is going back to the FBI.

She fit right in.

With her skills, she'd be
a great asset to 20-Squad.

Maybe we shouldn't have helped her.

If we'd just let her get fired,

Seriously, though.

Got to imagine
that Hicks is all over you

about finding replacements
for Street and Luca.

- Eventually me.
- Yeah, he is.

I mean, I can't keep
pulling from other teams

as a stopgap measure.


All cards on the table,

I've avoided the vetting
process until recently

'cause there's some people
you just can't replace.

Thank you. That's very kind.

I was talking about Street and Luca.

Of course you were.

- Hey, babe.
- Hey, beautiful.

What is this about?

Ain't nothing but a little
candlelit dinner for two.

Oh, what did you cook?

No, no, no, no.
See, I got the good goods.

Takeout from Omari's.

And the occasion is?

Let's just consider it
a re-do of date night.

I was a little distracted last night,

and I wanted to make up for it.

Aw, that's so sweet, Hondo.

You didn't have to do that.

I absolutely did.

So tonight, I'm not
gonna think about résumés,

work or anything else.

I'm gonna focus on you.


- Oh.
- Oh.

And our happy daughter.

Ooh, coming, baby girl.



Hey, Maggie.

I-I know I'm imposing,
but can I come in?


I just wanted to say a few things.

I don't know if it's going
to change anything,

and, you know, that's fine.

I just, uh... I-I want to respect

your wishes, and if you really want us

to go our separate ways, then,

I'll accept it.

Why don't you have a seat, Bob?

I know I... I blindsided
you earlier, and...

you deserve a chance
to say what you want to say.

Yeah. Look, I know

that you were there for me
and Barb during her sickness.

And you saw how bad it got for her.

And how bad it got for you, Bob.

Right. But... but here's the thing.

As bad as it was,

Barb and I got closer

in those last days
than we had ever been.

I didn't know you could learn
so much more about a person

going through a struggle
like that, but I did.

We had some of our deepest moments.

And I know I helped ease her pain.

And she certainly helped me
begin to process mine.

And... as bad as
those last months got, I still

wouldn't trade 'em for anything.

My point is,

how about, instead of you moving
to your sister's in Phoenix,

you move in with me?

- Bob...
- No.

You're not asking this of me.
I'm offering it.

The time that we've spent together

the last 11 months
is the happiest I've been

in a long, long time.

And I don't want to miss
however many more good months

we have left.

I'm a big guy, okay?

I can handle whatever comes after.

Truth is, I love you so much.

I don't want to do this alone.

You won't.