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01x04 - Starry-Eyed

Posted: 04/19/24 16:15
by bunniefuu
Um, hi. Well, the, uh...

The trolls really came out to
play today after that last post.

But you know what? At the end of
the day, the joke's on you guys,

because I'm gonna stay here.

And, uh... Oh, and have
a great f*cking day.

Do you know movies?

- Not really.
- No, I didn't think so.

- You can get dressed now.
- There's a horror movie.

- It's, um... Takes place in Antarctica.
- Right.

It's got Kurt Russell, a bunch of guys.

It's a horror sci-fi, actually,

and there's this scene...
... where the doctor...

There's a doctor scene,

and he's using the
defibrillator on a patient.

He's pushing down on
the patient's chest.

He's pushing down.

Pushing down.

At a certain point, his hands go
right through the patient's chest.

But instead of ribs,
like a normal human being,

the patient's got teeth.

And those teeth bite down,
and they rip his arms off.

Both arms.

It's actually a really good movie.

Yeah. Sounds like it.

I'll, uh, run some blood
tests and let you know.


- The wound on your arm will leave a scar.
- Mm-hmm.

But the organs and the vitals,
all your physical symptoms,

seem relatively good.

That's great. Good.

I mean... I'm not surprised.

Of course, that alone doesn't
mean a person is healthy.

How often are you using
your intravenous dr*gs?

How often do I...

Not often.

- Do you sleep?
- Do I sleep?

Do you dream?

Intimations of despair?

Vickers. Whoa. What are you, a shrink?

Ruby asked me to come. She
strongly suggested I see you.

I'm here. You saw me. I'm fine.

We're good.

Clean bill of health.

John, let me... let me help. I got it.

John, we need to know. Are you okay?

They keep asking me that.


First Ruby, now Vickers.

I'm fine.

Is it just me, or is
something else going on?

I don't know, maybe it's
just me being paranoid.

When you work a case
like this, it can happen.

Still, doesn't hurt to watch your back.

- What can I do for you boys?
- Mrs. Sugar? Helen Sugar?

- That's me.
- Uh, you have a son, John, right?

- Oh, my God. You're Davy Siegel.
- Oh.

- Oh, from The Boy in the Corner.
- Yeah, I am.

Come in. Come on in.

- Thank you.
- This is unbelievable.

- I can't tell ya how many times...
- Thank you so much.

- ... I've seen that movie.
- Oh.

What on earth are you doing here?


Oh. Hey, baby.

You just getting home now?

- Yeah, I slept at the beach house.
- Why'd you go there?

With everything going on, I
had to... I had to get away.

There's something about
the ocean. It helps.

Well, come to bed.

No, you know, I'm wide-awake now.

I'm going to try to get some work done.

Y-You go back to sleep.

- We are out here today.
- My body, my choice!

It is a f*cking powerful
day. These women are amazing.

And, um, I'm gonna be out here all day,

if you wanna come join, give me a shout.

Get your boots on the ground.

We need you. We need you.

Hey, Ruby. So, this guy who's
after Melanie, Stallings?

Hey, what's he doing? Who's
he calling? What do we know?

I'm into his phone, up in his cloud.

I'm looking at a lot
of DoorDash and Pornhub.

No pass bys or text chains? No
burners on the credit card? Nothing?

You spooked him. Maybe he's
laying low, being careful.

What's his sheet say?

Priors, of course.

D&Ds, as*ault, some
narcotic hits along the way.

Kidnapping? Trafficking? He's
gotta have something in that world.


Are you checking, uh, aliases,
social security numbers?

Sugar, I've got this guy's
entire life right in front of me.

He's a JV assh*le. That's all.

Doesn't make sense.

It does if Stallings has nothing
to do with your missing girl.

All right. Well, thanks for checking.

- Hey.
- Yeah?

If, for some reason, this
case doesn't go our way...

I'll find her.

- Oh, perfect. Thanks.
- There you go.

- You boys have a safe drive back to LA.
- Thank you.

And don't worry. My lips are sealed.

Thank you, Mrs. Sugar.

Sweet as sugar.

That was easy.

- Hey.
- They just left. Ugh.

Yeah, told you.

- He's an oily little creep.
- That he is.

And what did you tell him?

Nothing. But they're
digging into everything.

Getting the rug pulled out from
under him is just what he needs.

- That's exactly what I think.
- Hmm.

Listen, thanks for stepping in.

Just watch yourself.

They're not stopping until
they figure out who you are.

- Okay. Thanks. We'll speak soon.
- Of course.

Happy birthday to this queen right here.

- I love you, bitch.
- Thank you. Love you.

I love this bitch. What
are you gonna be this year?

- You're gonna be a mix of Zendaya...
- Mmm. Mmm. All right.

... and Cate Blanchett
and Mick f*cking Ja...

Evening, sir.

Hi, Wiley. Hi. Oh.

Please don't encourage him. He's
becoming a degenerate for attention.

He deserves it, doesn't he?

Yes, you do, my little love junkie. Yes.



I spoke to Teresa and the kids.

They made it to San Diego. She
has family there, so they're good.

I'm glad to hear that.

- You wanna... You wanna come in?
- Yeah.

It's probably nothing...

I mean, I'm... Breakfast, I'm making
eggs, and I remembered something.

Something about Olivia? Tell me, please.

We had plans.

Have lunch... then go
to the Rose Bowl Flea Market.

This is maybe six weeks
ago, but at the last minute,

she canceled because
she wasn't feeling well.

But later that day,

I went to go see a friend who has
a gallery in the Silver Lake area.

And while I was there, I saw
her at a café across the street.

And I was gonna go over and say hi,

but the girl she was with was
such an intense conversation.

And you'd never seen this girl before?

No, but something was
going on with them.

And at the time, I
remembered, it worried me.

There's something about
her. She was so upset.

About what, I wonder.

You said... Silver Lake?

I want to find out all I can.

I think someone's been watching me.

It would have been about six weeks
ago. She was here with a friend.

Sitting right there.

Sorry, I don't remember.

- You sure?
- Yeah.

- All right. Thank you.
- Good luck, you guys. Yeah.

These trolls, every day, they
keep saying, "Olivia, we see you.

Olivia, we're gonna get you."

There was less than
nothing much to go on...

No, I haven't.

... but Melanie had a feeling
about this other woman.

And so do I.

Somehow, it feels important we find her.

- I'm sorry.
- Thank you.

I've seen this a million times on TV,

where the detective shows
a photograph to people.

- I mean... I-I gotta ask you.
- Uh-huh?

Does that really work?

Hey, you'd be surprised,
most people wanna help.

Why do you wanna know?

Oh, sorry, I'm a... I'm
a private investigator.

Her family hired me to find her.

She's been missing about two weeks now.

My identification.

We think she might have a friend
that lives close by who can help us.

- Do you mind?
- Please.

Yeah, I've... I've never seen her.

You're Melanie Matthews.

Oh, yeah. Da-Dani,
that's Melanie Matthews.

- Oh, my God.
- You're... her.

I-I can't even begin to say

how much your music means to me.

To so many of us now.

Thanks, Dani.

You never took any shit, did you?

No, I did not.

You're with him?


I know that girl. She's
a friend of Taylor.

Taylor. Do you know
where Taylor lives, Dani?

Well, this is fun.


Working with a bona fide rock star.

Please. Former.

No, seriously, it helped.
I mean, she trusted you.

How many of my albums do you have?

What are you talking
about? I got 'em all.


- Yeah?
- Hey, Taylor. Dani called.

- Hey, I'm Melanie...
- Yeah, I... I know. Dani told me.

She says you guys are
looking for Olivia.

Look, I don't... I don't know anything
about her either, okay? So, I...

Maybe we could just talk for a minute.

Guys, I'm done with all
this Siegel stuff, okay?

"Siegel stuff"? What do you mean?

Look, if you don't wanna
talk, that's okay. We'll go.

Can I ask you, are you okay?

Five minutes.

But only because Pain
Station fricking rules.

Thanks. That's a deal.

- Thank you.
- Thank you.

Um, how did you and Olivia
meet? Let's start there.

I called her a hypocritical bitch.

I love this bitch.

Wow, that's some way
to start a friendship.


Get your boots on the
f*cking ground. We need you.

It was on Instagram.

She was posting all these stories

about helping women escape abusive men.

We need you.

And I... I just
couldn't f*cking take it.

So, I messaged her and
gave her a ration of shit...

... and said that instead
of looking in East LA,

she should look at her own backyard.

Her own backyard? What did you mean?

Or who did you mean, Taylor?

I'm an actor, okay? I... Trying to be.

A couple of months ago,

I was up for a role in
a Bernie Siegel film.

Thought, "Okay, cool.
I... I know Davy Siegel,"

you know... socially,
like, friend of a friend,

that kind of thing.

And so, I mentioned to him,

I was like, "Hey, I'm up for
a role in your dad's movie."

Shouldn't have done that.

What happened?

Well, nothing at first.
Davy was great, you know?

"Oh, so excited. Hope you get it.
That's a perfect role for you."

He was... He was great.

- At first?
- Yeah.

Until he started texting me.

"Hey, so, just found out that this
is gonna be a much larger role.

Lots of competition.

Why don't I come on over and
help you with the audition?"

And, okay, here we go, like, "help
me with the audition"? f*ck that.

I was polite, you know?

"Oh, my God, that's so nice of
you. You know, I can't tonight."

But I... He didn't let it go.

Uh, so he would just ask about
the next night and the next night,

and finally, I text him back,
"Sorry, dude, it's not happening."

The end.

His reply, um, it's a video...

... of two people f*cking.

I'm one of them, and
Davy is the other one.

That was his secret, you know?

It... He-He had hidden cameras.

And like I said, like, we had
hooked up at his place once,

literal years ago, you know?

I... barely even remembered.

And I was so angry and
so f*cking violated.

And I'm texting him.

What the... What the f*ck
does he think this is gonna do?

Convince me to-to audition for you?

f*ck you. You know? Uh...

And so, he calls me,
and his voice was...

You know, he called me a bitch.

And said that if I
didn't let him come over,

and, these are his words...

... "f*ck you any way I want,"
he would put the tape online.

So what did you do?

I went to the cops.


I told them that this...
psycho guy was bothering me,

and they were very concerned, and
they asked me who the psycho was,

and I told them it's
Jonathan Siegel's grandson.

Nothing happened.

Yeah. Well... But they're
the Siegels, you know?

What are they gonna do?

Uh, next day, however,

I got a call from a lawyer offering
me money to sign an NDA about Davy.

- That's Bernie's lawyer?
- Mm-hmm.

Yeah. I told her to go f*ck
herself too. So, that was that.

Olivia, she knew all this?

- You... You told her about it?
- Uh, yeah.

Yeah, she was the one who
told me that it wasn't just me.


Sexual blackmail, this
is, like, his thing.

Olivia knew his secret.

Yeah, he's done this to dozens of women.


Um... anyways,

I th... I think it's been
more than five minutes, so...

Well, you've been very
brave, Taylor. Thank you.


I'm scared. I...

Are you okay?


Yeah? With Davy, did you...

You know that thing, the idea
that we're supposed to slow down,

pay attention to things?


You know, if we... we slow
down, we put down our phones,

we really slow down, maybe
we see the world as beautiful?

Yeah. Stop and smell the roses.

Might be the opposite.

What do you mean?

Might be the reason we
don't look is because...

it's all so sad and ugly.

Yeah, but not everything.

We have sea lions, Patti Smith...

- Okay.
- Cypress trees.

You know, the sound of your
little sister laughing, having fun.

I don't have a little sister.

Okay, so what about Paris?

City of Paris is sad and ugly?

Never been.

You've never been to Paris?


C'est tant pis.

She's never been to Paris.

Wiley, she's never been to Paris.
No wonder she's so down in the dumps.

That and...

And maybe... maybe the Bernie thing too.

It sounds like he may have been
involved in all this Davy business.

Thanks for the ride.

You got it.

She's upset.

Davy was a predator. Olivia
found out and now Olivia's gone.

Did one thing lead to the other?

Not sure.

I need to know how deep the
rot runs in the Siegel family.

You should have seen it. His
mom would have told me anything.

That's my boy. Always the charmer.

Do me a favor, David,

and don't mention any of
this to your father, okay?

Let's figure out what we're
going to tell him first.

- So if he calls you...
- But he already knows I went.

No, I know. I know. I just...

I'd like some time to
digest the information first.

So if he calls you, say you
wanna tell him in person, okay?

Okay, Mom.

All right. Thank you,
sweetheart. Safe travels back.


Hey, Carlos. It's John Sugar.

Uh, I need to speak
to Mr. Siegel, please.

- Did you find her?
- No, sir. Not yet.

Then why are you calling me?

Well, there's something important
I need to discuss with you.

What is it?

I'd rather not say over the
phone. Have you got time to meet?

Carlos will give you an address.

Carlos gave me an address
and a movie ticket.

Okay. Sure. It's a
Lorraine Everly classic.

But I'm here to work.

From the beginning, I've suspected

that Jonathan's been
holding something back.

A secret. Something important.
Something to do with Olivia.

But now, I'm worried it may
have something to do with Davy.

- Mr. Sugar.
- Congratulations.

Glad you could make it.

Not quite Vanity Fair on Oscar
night, but a lot of old friends.

Well, thanks for the invitation.

Uh, somewhere private we can talk?

- After the screening.
- Sure.

It's like watching...

Oh, yeah. Hey.

Photo op time.

I hear your private
detective is striking out.

What do you care?

Oh, I care. I've just had
enough of her nonsense.

- Uh, scotch. Neat, please.
- You got it.

So, you're the PI?

Yeah, I'm one of 'em.

- Funny.
- Hmm.

You never cared about
Olivia a day in your life.

You, a truly terrible father.

Margit Sorensen.

- Oh. Oh, you think that's funny?
- I'm John Sugar.

You know who said the
same thing to me, Dad?

My mother.

I was a teenager once with
access to a television.

So, yeah, I know who you are.

I'm really not sure if I
should feel flattered by that,

or just old.

- Yeah.
- Thank you.

- Prick.
- Davy Siegel's your son, huh?

Mmm. My one and only.

Is he here tonight? I
haven't... I haven't seen him.

Oh, no. David's very busy.
He... He couldn't make it.

Do you know him personally?

No, not really. Just...
Just by, uh, reputation.

Mmm. Well, don't believe
everything you hear, Mr. Sugar.

I mean, when it comes to
someone like you, I don't.


Taking a night off from fighting crime?

An invite to a glamorous Hollywood
screening, how could I say no?

Well, if by glamorous...

... you mean watching Jon Voight

not know he's got popcorn in his beard.

Well, yes, can't miss.

Still no Olivia?

Working on it.

Hmm. She always appears
after you give up looking.

Yeah. Well, I'm not giving up.

Suit yourself. Not my money.

Where's Davy?

- David? Why?
- I just wanna talk to him.

- About what?
- About women.

Dating advice?

David's had rotten
luck in that department.

Dating, is that what
we're calling it now?

Is something on your mind, Mr. Sugar?

It's gonna come out, Bernie.

Davy. The women.

You trying to cover it
all up. It's coming out.

I have absolutely no idea
what you're talking about.

Did Davy do something?

- Did Davy do something to Oliv...
- Mmm.

This looks like
interesting conversation.

Mr. Sugar, this is my wife, Wendy.

I'm sorry to interrupt,
but they are asking for you.

Let's go.

I don't get it.

Davy's a sex offender.
Olivia's gone missing.

And I still don't know how
those two things are connected,

but no one in this family seems
to give a shit about either one.

What's going on with these two?

I thought Melanie had
come clean, but maybe not.

I've been doing this a long time.

But to be honest, when
it comes to people,

I still have a lot to learn.

Sorry to bother you.
I'm Jonathan Siegel's PI.

No, no, no. Come on in. Bother away.

I'm Glen, by the way.

- You excited for the screening?
- Oh, yeah.

You better believe I'm excited.

I wouldn't be human if I wasn't excited.

Nice to find a fellow nerd.

I assume you were studying Kurosawa
and Godard by the age of five?

No, not really.

I didn't really discover
movies until much later in life.


But, uh, when I did, you know,

bad guys, good guys, femme fatales,
k*ller robots, cowardly lions.

- I loved it. All of it.
- Hmm.

Amazing, the things you can learn
just from watching the movies.


Thanks, Glen.

- Yeah, man. Enjoy the show.
- Will do.

You're supposed to be in Mexico...

- "Enjoy the show."
- ... with my husband.

I'm trying. Although
it's hard to be patient.

What are you, my babysitter?

- That's exactly what I am.
- I need to talk to Jonathan.

Louis told me to stay here
and keep an eye on you.

I keep thinking about running away.

I wanna get away from
this place. Away from him.

I admit, this was one of my favorites.

What if there were no Louis?

That's dangerous talk, Coral.

I'm only talking to you, Steve.

You're the only one
I tell my secrets to.

You're the only one I trust.

Ladies and gentlemen,
the film's producer.

A living Hollywood
legend, Jonathan Siegel.

So great to revisit this
picture on the big screen.

Oh, bless your heart.

A wonderful picture
and a wonderful actress.

This was Lorraine Everly's
first major role, wasn't it?

Yes. And I'm the genius
who gave it to her.

- You couldn't take your eyes off her.
- Yeah.

Anyway, I couldn't.

You made six more movies together...

... and were married for 23 years.

That's almost unheard of in Hollywood.

- Well...
- ... besides love,

we respected each other.

I'm so screwed.

It's him.


That's the key.

- Did you have...
- The timing is horrifying.

Everything all right?

Hey, Stallings, what's up?

I just found out. You doing all right?

Uh, I'm fine. But yeah, it's crazy.

I'm afraid we'll have to
cut this short. My apologies.

You know, you can't do this.

You can't touch that. Like,
remember when women were fun?

Well, all right... Okay, Jonathan,
uh... Jonathan Siegel, everybody.

Jona... Jonathan Siegel.

It'll blow over.

I hope so. Because there's
one rule that hasn't changed,

- and that's...
- Mr. Siegel.

Mr. Siegel. Are you okay?

Mr. Siegel! Uh, here.
Here. Here's a chair.

If you find yourself
talking to the cops...

... or a lawyer or...

- Teresa's so-called probation officer...
- You okay? Call 911.

- Relax. Whoa, whoa, whoa.
- I'm a bit dizzy.

Is there a doctor?

Is he breathing?

... and my name comes
out of your mouth...

Nah, man.

- No way. You got nothing to worry about.
- Here he is.

He started crashing. Okay, excuse me.

No pulse.

... I will skull f*ck
you till your eyes bleed.




All right. Well, I'm
heading to TJ tonight.

Uh, maybe when I get back we can,
uh, grab a beer, get some p*ssy,

get your mind away from this shit, huh?

Yeah, of course. Sounds... Sounds good.

Adiós, muchacho.


Boys. Boys. Come here,
come here, come here.

Give me some love.

Give me some love, you
beautiful creatures.

How are ya? How are ya? Huh?

All right. Get the girls out of here!

Come on! Come on! Come
on! For f*ck's sake.

- You ready to roll?
- Sí, jefe.

All right, I'm heading
down south on business,

but I wanna keep moving on
this Clifford shit, okay?

Follow up with that Melanie Matthews,
and I wanna know who this, uh,

Mr. Parole Officer is with
the good hair, all right?

That's your job, shithead.

I'm trusting you two to take care
of this for me. Don't f*ck it up.

- Got it.
- And you...

... you are my guardian. Huh?

And what's behind this
door is my special project.

- Mm-hmm.
- Mine... all right?

So if anybody comes anywhere near it...

... I want you to sh**t
'em in the head. You got it?

Right between the eyes.

And don't forget to feed the dogs.

All right, let's go. Let's go.

Heart attack.

But they say he should be fine.
Guess that's good news for Jonathan.

But me, I'm left spinning my wheels.

Still, seeing that movie
tonight reminded me of something.

Why would she be wearing the
same dress 30 years later?

Same dress.

Why would she be
wearing the same dress...

thirty years later?


Um, hello again.


You know, sometimes I think
the entire human race is doomed.

I think someone's been watching me.

And I know that sounds really,
really f*cking paranoid. But...

No, you were right, Olivia.

I'm scared.