04x01 - Cake

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "The Great British Bake Off". Aired: 17 August 2010 – 22 October 2013.*
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British television baking competition, in which a group of amateur bakers compete against each other in a series of rounds, attempting to impress two judges with their baking skills.
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04x01 - Cake

Post by bunniefuu »

So the wait is over and the weight is very much about to go on.

Put your pinnies on, grease those tins,

put on your comfortable baking mules

in honour of a batch of brand-new home bakers.

Mary Berry's been sharpening her knives

and Paul Hollywood has very much been sharpening his hair quiff

with the aid of some Cow Gum and whale grease

and they're about to be unleashed on this baker's dozen.

That's right, for 2013 we've got 13 new bakers,

but only one will emerge from this tent victorious.

Welcome to The Great British Bake Off.

This year, over 10,000 people applied,

hoping to reach the Bake Off tent.

It's a bit like waking up on Christmas Day, sort of excitement,

and then coupled with potentially that I was going to have to do an exam.

And now 13 of the best home bakers from across the country

have finally made it.

I hope I just don't get too fazed by things

and remember that this is something

that I do literally every day at home.

Over the next ten weeks,

all of their baking skills will be put to the test.

I don't want to be the guy that everyone is screaming at

on the telly, "Why on earth did you do that?!"

And this year's judges, Paul and Mary...

Four hours to do this is enough.

..are taking the Bake Off...

Yes, I'm not very organised at this point.

..to a whole new level.

Oh, that looks so good.

It would be good if I could say that I wasn't scared of Paul,

but that wouldn't really be the truth.

I'm more nervous about Mary, actually.

Every week, they'll set three brand-new challenges...

Right, game on.

..designed to reveal who has the natural baking instinct...

I don't know to what extent one should whisk them.

..and burning passion.

Wanting to pull out all the stops. Or squirrels in my case.

..to produce stunning cakes, breads, biscuits and desserts.

- I'm behind.
- Yep.

- Stressed.
- Yep.

Slightly doolally.

These are optimal conditions for Bake Off.

Those who fall short will have to leave.

It will be a tragedy if his head falls off.

Those who excel...

Success! Ha-ha!

..will be named star baker...


..but who will make it through...

If my bottom is dry today, all will be right with the world.

..and be crowned the winner...

Don't be sad. You've got such a long way to go.

'..of The Great British Bake Off?'

We have ignition.

Please don't break, please don't break, please don't break.

We're back at Harptree Court in Somerset.

This year's Bake Off is bigger than ever, and so are we.

- I used a surgical truss.
- Oh!
- Just a much bigger bandage,

you can actually screw it tighter each week.

- You don't lace?
- Do you lace?

You get top and undergut, I find, with lace.

Yes, that's true.

It's cake week.

For the back boobs, I sellotape...

Baker's dozen, welcome to the Bake Off tent.

You might have noticed that there are 13 of you,

which is lovely, the more, the merrier. Very cosy.

But I'm afraid it does mean that at any point,

Mary and Paul might well say goodbye to two of you.

Could be this weekend, it could be in the semifinal.

Now it is time for your first ever Signature Challenge.

So, what Mary and Paul are looking for is a twist on a British classic.

A sandwich cake. Now, the filling of your sandwich could be anything

from lemon drizzle, coffee and walnut, ham,

to a classic Victoria.

You've got two hours to bake and decorate and serve your cakes and...

Mel, if you'd like to dust down that catch phrase.

For the first time. On your marks.

- Get set.
- BOTH: Bake!

It's incredibly surreal to actually be in the tent,

but it's surreal in a good way.

I just need to figure out what I'm doing.

It's exciting. Yeah, it's exciting, actually.

It's bigger than I imagined.

Where's my thingy?


Not at all calm!

This year, Paul and Mary have deliberately set

what seems to be a straightforward first challenge.

A sandwich cake is a great indicator to let Mary and I know

what level these bakers are at.

Because they've got nowhere to hide, if they burn it, if they sink it,

if they don't weigh it up correctly,

they're in serious trouble from the offset.

I'm more worried about the time than anything else.

I don't know where my timer is.

It is easy to make a basic sandwich cake,

but we want them to go much further than that.

I don't want just to see a Victoria sandwich

filled with strawberry jam and cream.

I want to see something different.

Classic Victoria sandwich.

I think Mary will love the classic nature of it.

Amy, did you miss your last lesson?

Glenn is an English teacher and head of sixth form.

He lives in Exeter with his husband Rob and springer spaniel Molly.

Molly. Where's the Bake Off. Where's the Bake Off?

Find the Bake Off.

His strawberries and cream Victoria sandwich

is the first cake he ever learned to bake.

The strawberries, they're left whole so you get big fat chunks

and normally people like it.

But then, the people who eat my cakes

aren't normally professionals, or judges, or professional judges.

So, cardamom sponge. I went to India last year.

I think that would have been fresh cardamom there.

I had cardamom in lots of different food.

It's got a nice citrus, camphory flavour.

Grimsby-born Lucy is a former primary school teacher

who now works as a gardener. Her cardamom sandwich cake

will be filled with rhubarb from her own back yard.

It's a great tip to cook it in the oven,

because so often when you cook that lovely pink early rhubarb...

- Yes.
- ..it just spreads into a big mess.

I packed it quite tightly in the pan

because I wanted it to hold its shape,

and I don't want every piece to be completely solid

- so when I put it in I will...
- Loose. Loose.

..loosen some of it up a little bit.

Some people have got a lot of ingredients on their bench,

and I've kept mine quite simple.

Beca lives with husband Matthew and daughter Mari

on an army base, where she sings in the Military Wives' Choir.

Her grapefruit drizzle sandwich

is a favourite of the Royal Medical Corps.

It's interesting that you're using grapefruit,

because inherently it's quite a sour flavour. Why grapefruit?

I just thought this would be a little bit more refreshing.

My husband hates grapefruits, but he really likes this.

Most of the bakers are making a classic sponge mix with butter,

sugar, eggs and wheat flour.

It's fine, it's fine, it's fine.

- We're going to be fine.
- It's fine.

It's all fine.

But one baker is taking an early gamble

with an unconventional list of basic ingredients.

It's made with rice flour rather than standard flour.

And I've put xanthan gum in there. It's a thickening agent.

You use it basically to give more of a cakey feel to the cake,

because of the absence of gluten, really.

Howard is a council worker and lives in Sheffield.

He spends hours making intricate cakes

for family birthdays and anniversaries.

His gluten-free signature bake also contains the juice

from freshly sliced passion fruit.

It might be a little bit low impact,

but what I'm hoping is the taste is really good.

I'm doing, er... I've forgotten what I'm doing.

I'm making cake, I think.

Lemon and poppy seed cake. Thanks to my sister, this one.

It comes out really nicely,

as long as I don't put too much lemon in, which I've done before.

Mark lives in Milton Keynes and works as a kitchen fitter.

His three boys are already starting to pick up

their dad's flair for baking.

- What are you doing?
- Me?

He'll be leaning on his carpentry skills

to carve his sandwich cake into the shape of a lemon.

How are you going to do that?

I'll just cut it with a knife.

Assuming it all goes well, it'll look like a lemon.

Good luck, Mark. I hope you don't look like a lemon.

- I hope your cake does.
- I hope I don't!

- Good luck, mate.
- Thank you.

Mark's not the only one shaping his sandwich cake.

Frances is taking the challenge quite literally.

I'm putting it in sandwich moulds, so it's going to be sliced up

like a giant sort of jam sandwich, Victoria sponge.

Frances lives in Market Harborough in Leicestershire

and works for a children's clothing company,

designing outfits for toddlers.

Her giant jam sandwich cake will be served

in a paper bag made from sugar paste.

You're creating a paper bag?

It's the icing on the cake, Sue, the icing on the cake.

You are too cool for school.

I like to make cakes humorous and fun.

- But if the actual cake isn't right...
- Yeah. Not good.

..the silverback will be angry.

He'll be out there.

Bakers, you've got one hour left.

You are halfway through your sandwich.

- Stop it, you're making that up!
- I'm not making it up, Mark.

I'm a little behind schedule.

I hadn't realised quite how restricting it is

working on these surfaces.

You get used to all the surfaces at home.

Paul and Mary are looking for two identical sponges.

OK, this is going to be a bit of a balancing act.

The amount of batter needs to be exactly the same in each tin.

550, and...

- 700.
- It's looking correct at the moment.

So if I take out 75...

That should work, shouldn't it?

This is why I don't teach maths.

I've levelled off the sponges and they're ready to go in.

To ensure that they're baked identically,

the sponges should both be on the same oven shelf.

If not, one sponge may cook faster than the other,

producing a dry top...


..and an underdone base.


But perfect sponges are just the beginning.

The sandwich cake's fillings should also be faultless.

I got a little overexcited. I underestimated the power,

and now there's more icing sugar outside of the bowl

than there is inside of the bowl.

My mum doesn't like me baking at home,

cos when I'm finished it's like a b*mb went off in the kitchen.

Ali is a charity worker and lives with his mum and dad,

three brothers and younger sister in Birmingham.

He's the only man in his family who's ever baked.

We expect a dessert on a daily basis now.

His pistachio sandwich cake

will be filled with lychee and rose butter cream.

These flavours appear a lot

in the desserts that we have in Pakistan.

But it's a dangerous flavour. I'm always wary when using rose,

because you always have that fear of a pot pourri sort of taste,

so I'm trying to be quite subtle but distinct at the same time.

The battle to impress in this year's first signature bake...

Oh, gosh!

..is beginning to get a little bloody.

I think that was rhubarb. That may have been a vanilla pod.

I know one of them was an orange.

- I do worry.
- Don't worry.

I want you to have at least three on each hand, otherwise I panic.

- I've got at least four on that one, so I'm OK.
- Good. Keep it that way.

Christine lives in Didcot, Oxfordshire, with her husband Rob.

She aims to pass on to her grandchildren all the baking secrets

her grandmother taught her over 60 years ago.

Her strawberry and vanilla sandwich cake is all about the decoration.

I'm going to make it into a summer basket

and then I'm going to pipe basket work all around the edge,

strawberries on the top.

I like the idea, but it's a timing issue as well.

No, it's OK with time, I can pipe quite quickly.

Like Christine, Ruby is already a finger down.

I'm making a rhubarb and custard cake,

just because I really like rhubarb and I was like,

I need to fit it into one recipe so I'll get over and done with

while I can before I get kicked out.

Essex-born Ruby is this year's youngest baker.

She's currently studying for a degree

in history of art and philosophy.

Her sandwich cake has been inspired

by childhood memories of her favourite boiled sweet.

- I'm going to make a creme patissiere for in the middle.
- Oh, lovely, OK.

Are you having anything else in the middle

other than your creme patissiere?

The rhubarb jam as well. I'm candying some rhubarb as well.

I'm going to dip it in sugar syrup and then put it in a low oven.

Crystallised rhubarb, now I've never heard of that.

- That's something new for us.
- Hopefully it'll be all right.

- Ruby's rhubarb.
- Yes, Ruby's rhubarb.

- Good luck on that one, then, Ruby.
- Thank you. Thanks.

- Looking forward to it.
- See you in a bit.

Are you hailing a cab, Howard? What's going on?

I cut my thumb on a sharp knife.

You're not the only one. Lucy's done it, Ruby, Christina.

It's basically like a sort of hybrid reality show now.

It's Bake Off meets Casualty.

I'm going to sit here in solidarity with you.


45 minutes to go in the Signature Challenge.

They should be ready now.

I think they're actually there. I think I'm fussing now.

That's done.




That is not cooking.

No, no, no, no!

No, no, no.

Yes. Mark forgot to check that his oven had preheated

to the correct temperature before he put his sponges in.

It's not cooking. It's been in for half an hour and it's not cooking.

- Have you got it on the right temperature, Mark?
- Yes.

- You've got it on fan? Everything is as it should be?
- Yes, yes.

- Then why is it doing that?
- I don't know...

Oh, dear. How long have we got left?

OK, bakers, that's 30 minutes. 30 minutes remaining.



I was going to cut it into the shape of a lemon,

but it turns out I'm cutting off

the only bit of the cake that actually cooked.

Oh, God. That is awful.

Oh, God.

Mark's not the only baker with problems.

Ruby's creme patissiere has curdled.

(Don't worry about it.)

(It's just pressure. Don't worry about it.)

Don't be sad. You've got such a long way to go.

Why am I so stupid?

You're not stupid, it's just pressure.

Baker's dozen, you've got five minutes left

on your signature sandwich.

OK. You've got time, it's all right. Just breathe. Breathe.

Oh, no, the cakes aren't cold enough.

This is so bad.

Oh, God.

Oh, my god. I can't do it. Look.

Should I top it with cream? Or should I not?

I won't, I won't, I won't. It'll be too much cream.

Come on. Whack it on.

- Please, please, please...
- You'll feel a lot better when that's on.

Bakers, your Signature Challenge is over. That's it.


Please move away from those sandwiches.

The bakers are about to face

the judgment of Paul and Mary for the first time.

- Hiya.
- Hello.

That's massive.

I think it looks a bit awkward.

I think it needs to be slightly smaller.

The strawberries have had a cut base

and the moisture has run into the actual cake.

I like it. The strawberry jam hasn't quite set,

but if that wasn't in there, I wouldn't like it.

I would have just had the jam and the cream

and that would have brought the size down.

You've got a nice even bake of the cake.

The proportion of icing and topping is right.

Annoyingly, I really like it. And I'll tell you why.

Oh, how painful to give a compliment(!)

Oh, that hurts on such a deep genetic level.

I wasn't expecting that.

You're left with that beautiful refreshing flavour in your mouth...

- Good. Perfect.
- I've never had that before.

- It's really good.
- Well done.

This looks very neat.

- Thank you.
- Good flavour. Quite different.
- OK.

There's so many things going on, blending together to come up with

something that you think, "Actually, I quite like that."

The pineapple flavour is coming through.

I could have even have done with a little bit more pineapple.

That's packed.

I like that. There's so much interest in there.

You keep coming across different things.

I ran out of time at the end

just to finish the piping.

- I did say.
- You did say.

Timing issue, doing something like this.

It tastes a lot better

than it looks!



The idea is you rip the bag off?

You basically, yes, rip open the bag.

I love the idea. So if I just cut it into...

- I reckon triangles.
- Lovely. Lovely. she's obsessed with triangles.

So you want me to go across that way?

Well, if you're going to eat it like a sandwich...

- You've made your jam, haven't you?
- I did. It's raspberry and rose.

Lovely texture.

I think the rose is a little bit too strong,

but I think the idea's exceptional.

The rose flavour is coming through quite strongly

and actually, I like that.

He's going to say it's too strong for him, I bet.

I love it. I think you made a really nice cake.

It looks like a rough plasterer's job.

Yes. It was supposed to be shaped like a lemon.

We can see there's bits underbaked.

The sponge tastes good. The rhubarb has that tang at the end.

- The cardamom's nice.
- I like the cardamom.

It's not overwhelming. It can be a k*ller,

but I think overall it's a nice cake.

It does look a little bit untidy on the top,

but you've got a very good sponge.

The creme patissiere is awful.

It's not quite thick enough.

You see how the rhubarb and the custard have mixed together,

more like a fool, but the actual sponge is very good.

So in between doing that,

did you manage to go like that and make a sponge?

I have, but as you can see, it was a little bit late

going into the oven, which meant it didn't cool down in time,

and so therefore the butter cream filling

has seeped rather unelegantly.

You've got a lovely rise from it.

Can you tell us about the flour that you used?

Yes, it's a rice flour,

and it's got passion fruit within the cake itself.

That's spot-on. That's a very good cake.

I think you've ticked all the boxes

on something that's actually quite difficult to do.

I thought it was going to be a bit of a close texture,

but it isn't, it's absolutely lovely. Perfect.

Next week, should you get there, no knives!

All right, thanks.

Thumbs up!

I think managing to get the cake out there was a bit of a feat

in itself, but that they actually liked it just amazed me.

He said, "Annoyingly, I really like it,"

and it's just the way he phrased it that made my heart

go...! And then it's like - ah, thank God for that!

I can make a custard, I've made a custard time and time

and time again, and it's not curdled before.

They didn't like it a lot, to be fair. It was too big.

A cake too big, is that possible?

I'm in shock. I was certain they wouldn't like it.

I was certain.

At the risk of sparking a barrage of angry letters from biologists -

boy, can those guys kick off -

when it comes to baking, the heart truly is connected to the stomach.

Making the perfect cake requires devotion, passion

and lashings of love - all essential ingredients

when it comes to one particular Lancashire tradition.

The industrial revolution brought work for men and women,

but rarely in the same place.

Generally, men were employed in heavy industry

whilst women were more likely to work in mills and factories.

This industrial segregation meant it was very difficult for

young people to meet each other during the weekdays

so, at weekends, a new tradition called promenading was born.

Specific streets in Lancashire towns became known for promenading

and were given nicknames like the monkey rank and the bunny run

and the tradition lasted right up until the 1940s.

Promenading was a courtship ritual.

It involved young people in their teens,

wandering up and down the street usually on a Sunday evening,

there were no clubs to go to in those days.

And there'd be a lot of cat calling, a lot of larking about,

a lot of trying to snatch at a girl's hair as they went by.

So, everything was done on the move.

- It was. It was a very kind of mobile...
- Walking, grabbing...

Eyeing each other up waiting to see if they were going to click.

So, basically, it was like a sea of hormones divided by some cobbles.

There were kind of boundaries around what went on there.

You would only take a boyfriend or a girlfriend home

when you were quite sure that it was likely to end in an engagement.

And when love finally blossomed in the terraces and

cobbled streets, there would be one sure-fire way

for a Lancashire lass to show her affection.

She'd bake a courting cake!

There was a basic recipe for a courting cake,

but the rest was up to the young fiancee.

So, apart from a lot of leaking pheromones,

what went into a courting cake?

Well, a courting cake was a chance to show off a girl's skills,

so you'd have a shortbread base, double cream from the local farm.

If it was a special occasion, to use fresh strawberries -

it was an expensive thing to make for your betrothed -

and then a traditional Victoria sponge on the top,

so it's showing off her biscuit skills and her sponge skills.

So, quite scary for a young girl.

She's putting her future romance on the line when she bakes.

She's got to make a good job otherwise her potential husband

- could be like...
- Forget this! Yes.

So, how do you put this cake together?

Does the amount of cream say anything about me?

I think the more flourish there was,

the amount of cream and strawberries you put on the top,

it was something to show your love.

I think what this is saying to my beloved is

I'd make a really good plasterer.

The courting cake has made a bit of a revival recently,

because when William and Kate came up to their last

prenuptial engagement, they were presented with

a courting cake by a local charity.

It sort of revived the interest

and the history of the courting cake in Lancashire.

- The spirit of romance is alive and well in Lancashire.
- That's right.

That is beautiful. It puts my teenage years in Croydon to shame.

It certainly beats sitting in a car park drinking cider.

The bakers were able to practise and plan their first bake of the series.

Their second is a complete mystery.

Bakers, it's time for your first technical challenge.

Let's have a quick communal shoulder roll. De-stress.

And we're asking you to make a shoulder roll today!

Mary and Paul are not going to be around to be part of the action,

- so if you'd like to...?
- Jog on.

So, your first technical challenge is devilishly difficult.

Beelzebub's last stand - it's an angel food cake,

this is a delicate light sponge, topped with

whipped cream and drizzled with a lemon and passion fruit curd.

I can tell you that it is one of Mary Berry's very own recipes.

You've got two and a half hours to make the angels sing.

- On your marks.
- Get set.
- Bake!

All the bakers have been given the same ingredients.

What is going on?

And the same basic recipe to follow.

I've never seen an angel food cake.

I've never made it, but I know what it looks like.

Angel food cake contains no fat, producing a sponge

so light and fluffy it's said to be fit for angels.

My target is not to be 13th. 12th, it'll do.

This is my perfect angel food cake. Perfect. Nice and tall.

Absolutely even all over the top. Beautifully light, evenly baked.

It's all right that, Mary. It's got the texture of a marshmallow,

but it melts in the mouth.

They should know how to do it,

but there are one or two points that they can go really wrong on.

Oh, you're cruel, Mary.

I know a little bit of the theory about it but just...

How many eggs have I done?

Egg whites are the cake's only raising agent.

I don't know to what extent one should whisk them.

The air trapped in the egg whites will expand in the oven,

creating lift.

I'm definitely thinking a bit more.

But Mary's recipe doesn't state if they should be soft...


..or stiff peaked.

A tense moment.

Give it a bit more go.

Rob lives and works in Hertfordshire where he designs space satellites.

He approaches his baking with similar precision.

Starting to sound a little thicker,

but I've done cakes using similar techniques before,

so I'm not totally lost here.

I should be saying a little prayer around this bowl,

considering it's an angel cake.

Next, sugar should be added to the egg whites...


..before carefully folding the flour into the mixture.

I haven't got time.

The lumpy bits will be the thing that could bring it down.

I don't know whether to sift the flour in or whether to mix

some of this with that and then fold through the rest.

You spend a lot of time getting air into the egg whites

and then you have to not get rid of it.

I think I'll just sift it in gradually. Will I?

I'm not sure.

I'm going to do it this way round and put this into there.

The easiest task becomes like a minefield of difficulties

on the technical challenge.

I think it's about confident but delicate folding

and not overworking.

It's looking fine. Quite pleased with it.

I'm massacring it.

I'm just...I've got all the air out of it somehow.

I'm going to have to start again.

How much time have I used?

90 minutes remaining.

I'm just wondering whether I ought to grease the tin.

In order to rise, the fatless sponge mix must be able to grip

the sides of a cake tin.

I'm just making sure that the butter is high enough

up the side of the tin, so that it doesn't stick.

I'm wondering whether to grease it or not, because it doesn't say

to grease the tin. I'm thinking it's a sponge cake you need to grease it.

I'm not sure if I'm meant to be buttering and sugaring the dish.

Toby's a self-employed web designer whose mum started to teach him

to bake when he was just eight years old.

She passed away five years ago and now Toby lives in Reading

with his dad, John, who gets first taste of everything he creates.

Well, that shouldn't be any problem.

I'm not feeling confident.

This might be my "You stupid idiot!" moment.

I'm going to go for it.

I'm going to gently spoon it rather than a great big blob.

Rise my baby, rise.


I'm not sure if it's sunk or whether that's how it's naturally goes.

I might have slammed the oven door.

Do I take it out? No, I'll give it another two minutes.

OK. It's risen.

It's cracking, physically cracking - not as in it's good!

OK. I've just heard word from Gabriel.

I have a direct line up there.

You've got 30 minutes to deliver that angel food cake

otherwise they'll be furious.

I can go with that.

Because angel food cake is so light,

the way it's left to cool is unconventional.

Now it's going to go upside down which feels weird...

very weird.

If it's left the right way up, gravity will force it to collapse.

Either I've got it wrong or everybody else has got it wrong.

- Right.
- Because it says, leave to cool upside-down.

- To me this is upside-down.
- Which way did you put it in the oven?

It went in the oven this way, so this is upside down

and I will turn it the right way up to serve it.

I can't believe I feel this panicked.

I have a much more stressful job than cake making.

Married mum of one Deborah lives and works in Peterborough where

she's a dentist for people with special needs.

She first discovered her love of baking

during domestic science lessons at school.

Are you preparing to flip?

- Personally or just the cake?
- Well, yes...!

- I flipped years ago, so I'm not the person to ask.
- OK.

- I'm just going to leave it like that.
- OK.

That's what the legs are for.


- Just leave it like that.
- Yes. The gravity will bring it down.

As the cakes cool, Mary's recipe requires the bakers

to make fresh lemon and passion fruit curd -

from scratch.

I don't know whether to do it in a pan or in a bowl.

What's everyone else doing?

- You and I will be here tomorrow.
- Two and a half days later,

Lucy and Fran are still making their lemon curd!

The instructions say to make it in a pan,

but I always do it in a glass bowl on top of some boiling water.

I just feel like I can control the heat better...

and I just jinxed myself.

That just about where I want it.

Ow! That's hot.

If the bakers attempt to remove the delicate sponge from the tin

before it's completely cool...


..it won't be stable.

So, I'm just going to go round with a palette knife.

..and the cake could collapse.

Better not...!



- I think I'm OK.
- There's a cake.

There's a cake. It came out easily.

I'm supposed to cool it upside down, but mine just fell out.

OK, all right. So, why was that? What did you do to the tin?

It was well lined.

Whilst at school Kim was known as the Cake Angel

as she enterprisingly sold cupcakes to classmates.

She now works as a psychologist but still makes time to bake every day.

I wondered if I want a bit more height on it.

Do you think it's gone a bit like a squeeze box?

- I mean, Paul is a size queen. That's all I'll say.
- I know.

He really is so it might matter to him.

- She's gone a little bit pottery class, hasn't she?
- Yes.

It's like a slightly sort of Ghost moment, isn't it?

Well...who wants to go front, who wants to go back?

I'm easy, Toby.

Bakers, you've got ten minutes left on the clock.

Has it dropped yet?

No, has it hell!

It's stuck in there.

I didn't grease it at all.

I've got a feeling grease and flour was the way to head.

I wouldn't worry about that.


It's out.

Oh...! That looks a cr*cker.

Jolly good. Right. Game on.

Why does it taste salty?

Oh, my God. I've used salt!

Argh! So, I now have a twisted, deformed, salty...

Ay, ah!

Finally, the cake should be covered with whipped Chantilly cream...

I'd rather try to do something that looks a bit decorative rather

than just palette knife it on.

- Oh!
- This is still warm, it's just going to run everywhere

so I'm not going to cover the whole thing.

..and drizzled with the lemon and passion fruit curd.

I don't know whether to do it all over. I'm slightly tempted.

Not sure how it's going to taste, but I think it looks presentable.

Bakers, time's up.

If you could bring up your angel food cakes -

place them on the altar behind the photograph of yourself.

'Mary and Paul will be looking for a good rise, light texture

'and perfect curd.

'They will have no idea whose cake is whose.'

What an array...

Shall we start from this side then, Mary?

They cut through very softly.

It's got a nice texture inside that one, actually. It could be taller.

It's a lovely texture. It's well baked.

A good effort, I think.

This one is quite neat. There's been some attention.

Very nice structure. Just the right thickness on top.

The bake on it's good.

Perhaps this person was short of time.

The top on it looks a bit of a mess.

Not a good rise.

It's a pity, that really is a bit runny, isn't it?

Nice straight sides here, I think,

but I've just got to get through the cream.

The curd's too thin. Quite tight, isn't it, on the structure?

It's got a bit of a dip in there.

This has got a very smooth outside and a little bit messy on the top.

It's quite dense inside. It tastes OK.

This person obviously had a bit of time to do a bit of piping.

It looks straight from the 1970s, doesn't it?

I can't remember(!)


Close textured.

Not much height.

I like the appearance of the passion fruit curd.

I quite like the look of that one. It's got quite a nice structure

- in there as well, hasn't it?
- There's a lighter structure there...

Mmm. That's nice and light. Good flavour.

The sides look slightly more on a slant.

That one's been greased, you can see how small that is.

The side has got a pleat in it because it's slipped down the tin...

Then we have someone who's piped this again here.

That's very dense, it's very small.

It's just been ex*cuted wrongly with the tin.

The passion fruit's there, a little bit on the runny side.

It's dense again, isn't it?

It's collapsed down when it's come out of the oven.

Now this one, instead of having the straight sides,

it has sloping sides.

If it's turned out when it's warm,

it then naturally spreads to the side.

Another one that's had a bit of extra time to do

the piping around the outside.

It hasn't climbed up too much at all

and, again, less volume in the meringue as well.

Finally, this one's had a few major issues.

It's sort of leaning.

- It's had no rise at all.
- Oh, dear.

- And it's raw.
- Also, it's raw.

Salt...don't try that, Mary.

Someone screwed up with the recipe.

It has happened before.

- Salt Run Barber John 2012.
- Yes. But look what happened to John.

Paul and Mary will now rank the angel food cakes from worst to best.

Number 13 is here.

I'm so sorry.

12th position is this one, there was no cream around the outside.

11 is this one. It was just close textured.

And in 10th place is this one. Did you grease your tin?

It fell out and that's why it was so dense.

'Deborah, Beca, Frances, Howard, Mark and Glenn

'produced angel food cakes

'not quite good enough to make the top three.'

Number three is right here.

We had beautiful smooth sides, good flavour.

And number two is this one.

The structure was there, the curd was excellent.

And you'll all know now who is number one. Well done.


- Technically, really good.
- Thank you.
- Well done.

- Congratulations to all of you.
- Well done, bakers.

Well done!

'It's quite a moment to be the top out of a group of 13.'

There's some good bakers there

and I was expecting to come, probably about halfway.

It would have been lovely to have come first, but third is great.

From semi-good to absolutely disastrous

is basically the summing up of today.

I'm absolutely at the bottom of the pile without a doubt.


'Just one challenge to go before someone will be crowned

'Star Baker and one, or maybe two, bakers are sent home.'

So, Paul and Mary, it's like a bewildering blizzard of bakes.

- 13 bakers.
- It's very difficult with so many people, but I think there's

two standing out from the pack as the Star Baker, I think.

Lucy pulled off a pretty amazing tulip cake.

Have I ever used tulip petals? Never!

And they held up beautifully.

Rob with his fantastic pecan sandwich cake.

You watch how he worked. He was meticulous.

He's a scientist. Is that going to help him, Paul?

He's not a scientist, that guy's a baker.

Ruby had a fairly intense day of it.

In the technical, when you're in the last three you are in trouble.

Toby was certainly in the last three, he came bottom.

His signature cake was good, so that could save him.

Depends on how he does today.

Ali balanced flavours quite brilliantly

with his rose sandwich cake,

but was 11th in the technical.

The ball is in his court.

Coming into the Showstopper is entirely up to him.

Morning, bakers. So this is the Showstopper Challenge and,

for today's challenge, we'd like you to bake a chocolate cake,

but not just any old chocolate cake.

We are looking for a magnificent chocolate cake.

We want you to go coco-loco.

We want tiers if you like, it can be a novelty cake,

although do bear in mind,

when you're thinking of the novelty, it is 8pm, BBC Two!

The judges would love you to use at least

two types of chocolate to decorate your cake.

So, anything from the dark, milk, white arena would be great.

Use all three, that would be very pleasing.

Now, Mary and Paul are going to be looking for elaborate

decoration on your cakes.

You've got four hours on the clock so on your marks.

- Get set.
- BOTH: Bake!

Creating a showstopper chocolate masterpiece requires

several demanding cake making skills.

I like the way you've put little labels on everything.

- Well, I need to.
- You obviously need to.

'The ability to perfect moist, full-flavoured chocolate sponges...'

And you've got every bowl labelled and also every jug.

..mastery of the fickle art of tempering...

- Keep an eye on your jugs.
- ..striking construction...

Flour! Where's the flour?

..and flawless decoration...

Nothing! Nothing could go wrong!

..all in just four hours.

That was going to be - 25 plus one - one o'clock.

- Not everyone is starting with chocolate.
- I read about it

a while ago and I thought it was a really interesting combination.

They used a thyme ice cream which they coated with chocolate.

That sort of created the theme of my whole cake.

Lucy's Showstopper is her wild wood cake,

decorated with dark chocolate trees and infused with thyme.

I'm going to just pick off individual thyme leaves

and scatter them over the top of my baking parchment

so that it'll infuse into my sponge, keep the flavour really fresh.

'I'm going for an engagement themed cake.

'It's something I made for a friend for his engagement party.'

He was a little short of cash.

Ali's engagement cake will be topped with white chocolate ganache

and piped dark chocolate butterflies,

and he's taking a risk with his sponge mix.

I am worried because a few other contestants were

surprised that I was using fresh raspberries.

But I'm not using a whole field worth of raspberries, just a few.

I want that richness from the chocolate

but then you get a burst of raspberries to cut through that.

I found it quite difficult to get the sponge recipe right,

because it's got fat in it, it's got sugar in it -

it disrupts the ratio that you would usually use of things.

I think today I'm just trying to force myself to be calm.

Ruby's chocolate and ginger cake will be

wrapped in an asymmetrical tempered dark chocolate collar.

How did you feel last night when you got back?

- Traumatised.
- So, you study philosophy, do you not?

Is there any philosophy that you would draw on currently?

Well, Berkeley says, "If something isn't perceived by anyone then it doesn't exist,"

so if you can turn your backs the other way when I bring my cake out.

Unfortunately, the only flaw in that is this is a competition in which

there are judges so someone will gaze upon your produce,

so then it will exist.

Well...I've got to pull it out of the bag.

Baking a perfect chocolate cake isn't straightforward.

We're away!

The darker colour makes it harder to see when it's baked.

For those attempting a tiered Showstopper...

Relief they're in!

- ..they will have to juggle several sponges...
- They're rising though.

- ..all of different sizes...
- Two of the middle ones in.

..each one requiring a different baking time.

I'm going to need another timer.

I don't do gender cliches,

but I suspect I'm not massively good at multitasking.

Shards of tempered white and dark chocolate will decorate

Toby's giant, triple layered, two-tiered Showstopper.

That's like the size of the ten-inch

and then there's the three eight-inch on top.

So, big enough for a couple with a healthy appetite.

I thought it was big enough for Paul.

Yes, Paul will get through that.

Good luck.

But Toby's cake might not be the biggest.

And these are the last two of seven.

Glenn's almond and espresso chocolate showstopper is

inspired by one of the world's most famous architects.

I've lived in Barcelona for a while

- and I massively loved all Gaudi buildings.
- Gaudi. Brilliant.

So, the bottom layer's got a sort of swirl which reminds me

of columns in the Park Guell, the second has some sort of tiles.

The top layer is fairly smooth but has towers.

So, how high is it going to be?

About here.

I think I'll need a ladder to see it.

Bakers, you are halfway through your showstopper jaunt.

Two hours left.

Success! Ha-ha!

Yep, they're done.

Still wet inside.

That's four and five out.

And six and seven.

Stupid oven!

So many issues.

I set the time, but I didn't press start

so I've had to just purely do it by just my own testing.

I sliced my thing...

whilst I was chopping butter.

I'm going to throw in the towel soon!

While their cakes are cooling, the bakers spend every minute

perfecting their showstopping chocolate toppings

and decorations.

These have got to be meticulously clean.

Any water or fat on them will ruin the temper.

Tempering involves heating

and then cooling chocolate to a specific temperature.

I need it around 31 and then I'll mix in unmelted chocolate to

bring the temperature down.

It's all about crystal structure.

When it reaches the right temperature,

the only crystals that are in there are from the good chocolate.

Once set, the cocoa butter should solidify in a form that is crisp...

- This is where it gets messy.
- ..and glossy.

Using acetate extra-ensures that it's going to be nice and shiny.

Those have worked really well. Are you pleased?

Yeah, they're all right.

You can tell the ones that have tempered better.

You've got a tiny temper there.

Now these are going to hopefully settle...

Just one degree out and they'll have unforgivably dull chocolate.

This is really nerve-racking.

Are you making balloon animals?

No. No, no. These are to make...

What are you doing?

I'm going to dip them in chocolate and stand them on a cold surface so

that they form a bowl and then, whatever runs down, forms the base.

Rob's raspberry and chocolate showstopper will be enclosed

by white and dark chocolate shards

and topped with his balloon chocolate cups,

which will feature yet another feat of precision -

chocolate engineering.

I tried the chocolate striped cigars a few times

with no success whatsoever

and then I tried it the other day and it worked so I'm going with it.

On the strength of that one trial...

Ah-ha! I'll quit there because that's worked.

I don't want to push my luck.

Howard is attempting to go one better.

It's a bit of a revisited black forest gateau.

It's going to have a little model chocolate bear.

It's basically a modelling chocolate given a little dusting to

make it more of a silver grey bear.

Howard's bear will stand guard on top of a rectangular

dark chocolate sponge filled with cream cheese

and cherries soaked in kirsch.

I'm not terribly fond of chocolate, in fact, chocolate gives me

migraines so I avoid chocolate.

This is certainly a bit of an ambitious bake.

Wanting to pull out all the stops, or squirrels in my case so...

it's a secret squirrel three-tiered tree trunk cake

with a hidden chocolate hazelnut squirrel in the top trunk.

Each of Frances' tiers will feature

a differently flavoured marble sponge.

She's using walnuts, almonds and hazelnuts

and squirrels don't just feature on the inside.

Is it the Bake Off squirrel?

We could make it the Bake Off squirrel.

If you do make it the Bake Off squirrel, you might need to

add a little bit in certain areas.

- I think we should make a Big Bake Off squirrel.
- That could be fun.

Whole nut is the operative word, Frances.

Mark has also decided to bake some extra decoration.


His profiteroles will top a giant chocolate sponge made

with buttermilk and his showstopper will be wrapped

in a striped white and milk chocolate collar.

Oh, it's not going to stay.

That is not going to stay...


No. I need sellotape.


Yes, I'm not very organised at this point.

Mark's not the only one in trouble.

My ganache has gone wrong.

This is meant to be a lot more set than it is.

As you can see, it's very runny.

There's no way this will set in time.

I've cut myself several times and grated my thumb...

- It's slowed me...

Oh, sorry. Right, OK.

Shall I just leave that now?

Just leave that till it seizes. Put it in the fridge.

Cover it.

I'll leave the rest to the one up there...

Well, and Paul Hollywood and Mary Berry.

OK, bakers, just half an hour left until chocolate coronary o'clock.

Half an hour's fine. Half an hour we can work with.

- I'm, uh, behind.
- Yup.

- Stressed.
- Yup.

Slightly doolally.

These are optimal conditions for Bake Off.

Oh! It's not cold enough yet and I'm worried.

My concerns are quite serious that some of them are

not going to be finished on time.

Oh! Oh, it was like it was meant to be!

Four hours to do this is enough.


It's just that it's our first showstopper.

I really think that some of them have been too ambitious.

It would be a tragedy if his head falls off.

Tried to fit in too much, too many stages...

(She's amazing!)

..and make it too grand.

Come on. It would not be a Bake Off squirrel without a pair of hazelnuts.

- There we go.
- We told them the time, we told them what we wanted.

They've had time to practise...

Plonk that on top now.

..if they can't do it.

The whole point of the challenge was the chocolate decoration,

so as far as I'm concerned that's a big fat zero.

Baker's dozen, you've got five minutes left

on this Showstopper Challenge...

Five minutes are left to you.

Come on, come on, come on.

It hasn't worked.

Damn! Ugh!



(Oh, that looks so good!)


I've seen uglier things.

OK, bakers, that's one minute left.

Holy crap!

Please don't break, please don't break, please don't break...!

Oh, you son of a...!

Bakers, that's the end of the bake.

Time to put down all chocolate tools and step away, please.

To the second!



'That is the worst bake I've ever baked in my life'

and yet this is what's going to make Paul and Mary decide

whether I'm staying or going.

Fate decided.

It's judgment time for the chocolate showstoppers.

Rob, do you want to come up, please.

'I think I've done a reasonable job.

'The bit that went really well was the chocolate cigars.'

Dead pleased with that.

The overall appearance and thought of it is exceptional.

And I thought your little balloons...

I can just imagine having a go at that and it not working for me!

The flavour in it's good. I got the filling, I got the raspberry.

It's beautifully presented,

the lovely flavour of the chocolate, the impact of that.

You couldn't pass it without glancing and saying well done.

- ROB:
- Thank you.
- True scientist.

Part of being able to bake in this environment is

not cutting yourself and impairing your ability...!

Would they take this into consideration.

Would it help, as it were...?

Um? I don't see how, really.

- It's a mess.
- Of course, yes, absolutely.

On top there's tempering work. We know where it should've been.

If you'd put that round the side that would've made it look better.

No thumbs!

It's hard to put on some panels with no thumbs.

- We're judging the cake.

- Your cake's overbaked.
- Yeah.
- There's not much flavour in it.

A positive point - your three layers are exactly matching.

- The cake itself is dry.
- Yeah.

If I'd had a bit more time I would have allowed my icing to set

a bit more and then I would have got a better finish.

I think I've shown the chocolate skills that I've got in this cake.

I hope that is enough.

I love your trees.

- I really feel it's a walk in the woods, don't you?
- It is, yeah.

I just think that it's a little bit too rough around the outside.

You've spent so much time on the trees

that you've lost the overall appearance of the cake.

Looks a nice sponge here.

I've just got some thyme...

and I like the flavour of that.

It's a little bit dense but it's beautifully moist.

The thyme comes in and deadens it slightly at the end

rather than lifts it up.

It looks volcanic, doesn't it?

- It's big.
- You used the milk chocolate,

didn't you, on the outside?

- I did.
- You never get a good finish with something like that.

Are you literally going to eat your hat, Christine?

I don't know about all of it.

It looks exciting, it looks fun

and what a lovely shine on the brim.

Your truffles look great and you've tempered extremely well.

It's a good cake.

You've got a little bit of moisture coming from that filling as well.

It's a very good cake.

The chocolate one is slightly overbaked.

The bake time and the overall appearance on the side

has to be improved.

I love the taste of fresh raspberries.

The flavours go beautifully together.

I absolutely adore it. I really do.

The only thing that upsets me is the side.

Glenn, come forth with your tower.

I should probably make an apology now to all my students who

I lecture about planning and working to a deadline,

because in there that was all out the window.

Your first cake that you did for us was the biggest in the room.

This one, I've just looked round, it is the tallest.

Can you do little things?

I don't know. Well, if I'm still here in a couple of weeks' time,

I'll see if I can manage a petit four.

- They're all far too dry and not carrying any flavour.

- Oh.
- Which is a shame.

That is a masterpiece.

Has that little bear got a name?

- It could be Paul.

Well, it's got a nice smile.

It was meant to have slightly brighter blue eyes.

It's very moist and indulgent, isn't it?

I love it. I think it's been ex*cuted well, it looks fantastic.

- Thumbs up, Howard.
- Thank you very much, Howard.


You're very creative with your bakes.

You've done it again with this one. The idea is good.

It's been ex*cuted well.

Don't chop the squirrel's nuts off!

Amazing. We've got a hidden treasure of a squirrel.

You can see all the different chocolates that you've used.

You've succeeded in getting a really moist well-flavoured cake.

Ali, if you'd like to come up with your cake?

'This one was make or break and, um...'

I think it's broken me.

I'm better than that cake, but that's all they can judge me on.

It looks, if I might say, a little bit childish.

Oh, yes, completely. I'm actually ashamed to put it in front of you.

What are the hard bits inside the cake?

Passion fruit seed. I took it out last time,

I thought I should keep them in.

You don't put it inside a chocolate cake. It's strange.

You eat the chocolate cake and then crunch - "Is that my filling?"

It's a good chocolate cake, in as much as it's moist.

You got that right, but you're sad about this and we are too.

At the end of yesterday I was dead certain I was going to go out.

It's far from perfect and a bit rough around the edges,

but it was finished which is the first time so far,

so if I go out now then

I've done a decent showing of my last bake.

You've tempered the chocolate, you've got a bit of shine on it.

It's lost some of it when it's been manipulated onto the cake itself.

- And you've got ginger in the filling as well.
- Yeah, I do.

I like that. It goes.

- Oh, good!
- It's successful.

- I like that.

Oh, that's such a relief.

The ginger gives it a little bit of heat as well.

It sits on the palate once you've had it.

For me, the only problem with that is the decoration is too simple.

- Thank you very much.
- Not too bad.
- Well done, Ruby.
- Thank you.

They await your decision.

Paul and Mary must now decide whose cakes were good enough

to see them crowned this year's first Star Baker

and who will have to leave the competition.

I think, generally, the standard in the Showstoppers

has been very, very high. I think Howard stood out for me,

I thought Frances stood out. I thought Rob stood out as well.

They all did exceptional things. Very clever things.

- Innovative skills.
- In week one.
- Yeah, in week one!

Do you know who's in line for Star Baker?

It's pretty tight at the top, isn't it?

- We are in total agreement about that.
- Are you?

Are you? That's a first.

Are there a huddle of those who have slightly underwhelmed

who you think are now in trouble?

I think Ali was just overwhelmed by the whole thing.

Obviously, nerves have caused a lot of injuries

and Toby's managed to slice both of his thumbs.

It doesn't affect how long a cake stays in an oven for.

If it's dry, it's dry. Toby's in trouble.

I would even throw Ruby in there as well.

The rhubarb and custard did have issues,

she was 12th in the technical.

And also added in to the mix, possibly two might go this week.

Who knows.

Gosh, she's a sphinx, isn't she?

- (I know - the enigma.)
- I know. Wrapped in a mystery.

Baker's dozen, as you know,

every Bake Off we like to tell you who has been the Star Baker.

Now, this person has shown deliciousness,

a big dash of precision engineering

and enough potential to go to outer space.

- It's Rob. Well done.
- Well done. Fantastic.


It is, of course, a baker's dozen.

For one of you, 13 IS the unlucky number.

I hate doing this, but one of you, unfortunately,

has to leave this weekend...

and the person that won't be joining us next week is...

- ..Toby.
- Yes.

I'm really, really gutted, Toby.

Sandwich him, sandwich him immediately. Sandwich in.

Oh, dear. I got one thing correct this weekend

and that's that I was going to be the one to be kicked out.

I really sympathise with Toby. It just didn't get together.

Bake Off, series four. Standards are very, very high.

You can't afford any slip ups.

The Showstopper really has to be outstanding, and it wasn't,

and even the chocolate cake itself didn't have that flavour.

- I think I'm going to give up baking

and become some kind of anti-baking monk...

Or not!

Dude, does it look as though I'm going to stop eating cake?


- ALI:
- 'As I was sitting in that row, I was so certain'

they were going to say Ali...

There you go. Come on.

I'm so excited. I'm so excited.

Oh, come here. I'm sorry.

'I think I've learnt just to...'

not panic.

The other little sausage!


'I've just got Star Baker and I think'

that's fantastic. It doesn't get better than that in baking!

No, not here!


It's Dad. Guess what!

Daddy got through!

Yeah! Yeah!


- "Mum, Daddy got through!"

- Next time...
- I said I wouldn't be one of those lunatics

- kneeling on the floor by the oven.
- ..it's bread week.
- And here I am!

And, this year, Paul's expectations...

What you've got there is a baseball bat.

..have risen higher than ever.

Welcome to yeast.

He's after signature breadsticks...

Living on the edge.

..technically perfect muffins...

(I don't think anyone else has done them.)

..And show stopping...

- Very satisfying.
- ..decorative loaves.

It's a Paul the psychic octopus tribute loaf.

- Of course it is.
- But who will be crowned Star Baker?

Don't give me a round of applause, it bloody stuck to the tray!

And whose Bake Off will come to an end?

I might just give it an extra few minutes, on reflection...
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