04x04 - That Tuna Is F@#!Ed

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "Below Deck". Aired: July 1, 2013 – present.*
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Show chronicles the lives of the crew members who work and reside aboard a superyacht during charter season.
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04x04 - That Tuna Is F@#!Ed

Post by bunniefuu »

- Previously on "Below Deck"...

- Hello, lovely to meet you.
- Oh, good to meet you. Kelley.

It's been five months of no

Trouble. It's just gonna
be trouble for me.

Oh, sh--.

- I think it's wild.

- My girlfriend's name is Ro.
I was never in the closet.

I just kind of went
in the closet for a second,

picked out a new outfit,
and came right back out.

- Just make sure when you're
done with any hose, drain it.

So yeah, these windows,
and then flats.

Just scrub this deck.
- All right.

- I was, like, 14.
- Really?

- You weren't being undermined.

That was f---ing
plain rude, bro.

- No, it wasn't.
- Good job, senior deckhand.

- Hey, hey, hey.
I modeled for Paul Mitchell

for two years almost.

You go into a Paul Mitchell
catalogue still to this day

you'll see me in the long hair.

- Yeah, let's get weird.
- I hear that.

- Cheers.
- Yay.

- Did you just chug that?
- Trevor did.

- Can I get a Bud Light,
and two filthy martinis?

- Just chill the f--- out.
- Oh sh--.


- You're sh--faced.

- I'm sh--faced?

Because I'm telling you
something different?

- You're not
telling me anything.

- Of Ben being a d*ck
and you being a bitch?

- You need to chill out.

- Sorry, Trevor.

- Ah!

- Oh, my God,
it was such a fun night,

why is he being weird now?

- Trevor is this belligerent
little redneck,

you know, I'm just not into it.

- Shut the f--- up.

- Shut the f--- up, dude.
- Hey, bro, stop.

- Just sit the f--- down, man.
- Yeah, f---ing do it, dude.

- Everyone!
- We're all intoxicated.

They're talking sh--.

- That's crossing the line.

- Guys! Stop!

- We need to stop, we're
walking, I'm serious.

- Nico, Nico.

- Mother----er.

- You're a joke.
- It's nothing.

- You're a joke.
- You're a d*ck.

- You don't insult people
that have fought for you,

especially my brothers.

Guess what. You're not coming
back on the boat tonight.

- Thank you.

- You can go stay in
a f---ing hotel room.

- I don't give a f---, dude.

You shouldn't have gone in the

- Yeah, you're right, dude.

You're a sh-- yachtie.
Go f--- yourself.

- Right, right!

You're a joke.

- Dude's running his mouth
about my marines.

They're my brothers, man.
- He's an assh*le.

He's got nothing
to do with you or your boys.

F--- him.
- Yeah.

- F---ing w*nk*r.

- You haven't seen
my radio, have you?

- No, I'm sorry I haven't.
- Okay.

- I haven't woken up yet.
Oh, f---. I'm still drunk.

- Did you talk to the captain?
- Nope, not yet.

- Yeah?

- Soon I get to have
that fun conversation.

- Good morning.
How are you?

- Good, has anyone seen
my radio?

I seem to have misplaced it.

- Well, you can use
Trevor's radio

'cause he's not on the boat.

- Huh?
- Let me grab your cereal

and then we can chat.

- Trevor was a lot more drunk
than everyone realized.

It reminds me,
'cause I've got, like,

an alcoholic in my family,

and it's exactly
the same sh--,

like, they just keep doing it.

- Nice jammies, Kate.
- Thank you.

- How are you after last night?

- I was pretty pissed off, but I
appreciate you

having my back, you know?
- Hey, always.

- So we have no Trevor
on board, huh?

Where did we lose him at?

- The ride home.
- Wow.

- But I think it's best if
Kelley tells you

how it ended.

- Mm-kay, and we'll handle it.

Kelley, Kelley, Lee.

- Go for Kelley.

- Can I see you
in the wheelhouse, please?

- Yes sir, en route.

Morning, Captain.
- Good morning.

- Another fun night off.
- Want to give me a synopsis?

- He got wasted again.

He was being rude to Ben.

Ben goes "quit annoying me,"
and that just set off a trigger.

He got in my face,
and on the bus ride

back he was
wanting to fight people.

Yeah, and then he started
talking sh-- about marines

that passed away,
and he hit

a real bad nerve on me,
and so I told him

he wasn't coming back
on the boat last night.

- Okay.

Sometimes in the heat of
the moment people say one thing

and somebody interprets
it totally different.

- Yeah.
- So, I'd like

to hear what
everybody else has to say.

- What's in there?
- Blueberries, bananas,

green powder, macka, which,

keeps your sexy juices flowing.

- Uh-huh, my sexy juices
flow just fine.

- It's like an herb.
Oh, no. I know it, God.

- Hey, Lauren?
- Yeah.

- Go see the Captain.

- Oh, f---, really?

- Yeah.

- Hola, had an eventful evening
last night, huh?

- Yeah.
- Want to just give me

a synopsis of what transpired?

- Trevor had a few more drinks,
and all of us were--

- It all started from him
basically arguing with Ben,

and it was like
a ticking time b*mb.

- He drinks too much,

and when he does he
just becomes really mouthy.

- When coming back on the bus

he was just starting to
get really, really aggressive.

- Yeah, he was just being
quite threatening and--

- Really?
- He's a f---ing hothead.

- It wasn't okay, and the girls
were really freaked out.

- Okay, well, I appreciate
your input.

- Yeah.
- Okay.

- Yeah.
- I will deal with it...

- Thank you.
- One way or another.

- I hope so.

- I will.
- All right.

- You know, the way
he was talking...

- He was digging himself
a hole, like.

- It was a grave, man.

- Do you think
he should be fired?

- Yeah, because he doesn't
want to learn.

- I think he deserves
one more chance.

- So we should wait till he
actually kills someone?

- Oh, there we go.
- Oh f---. Turn around.

- Yeah.

- Hey, Trevor.

- Morning, Cap.
- How you doing this morning?

- I'm good.
I didn't get much sleep.

- No?
- No, sir.

Look, I know you probably know
what happened last night.

I mean, it was fine
for the entire night

until we got back on that bus

with just the whole them
figuring out I was a hair model.

- What?
- I want to figure this out,

'cause I mean,
I'm a hard worker

but I'm still
in the learning process

and some people
don't get it the same way.

Like, when I say something,
it comes off a bit rash

or short,
and I don't want that to happen.

I think it's
a communication issue honestly,

but I'm coming to you
for guidance.

- I think I know
how to handle this.

Kelley, Kelley, Lee.

- Go for Kelley.
- Yeah, can I get you

to the bridge, please?

The reason I asked Kelley
up here is

because I want him
to hear what I have to say.

I think that once is
an accident, twice is a pattern.

Do I believe in my gut
there'll be a third time?

Without a doubt.

We still have
a long way to go this season,

and I cannot afford to babysit.

I think this isn't
the right place

for you at this point in time.

I'm gonna give you
an opportunity

to pack your stuff

and leave the boat
on good terms.

You can go say
good-bye to the crew,

make apologies if you like.

If you don't, that's fine too.

- That's bullsh--, man,
I'm gonna let you bow out

and apologize to the crew, like,

where is the crew
apologizing to me?

- Sorry it worked out this way,
but I have the whole boat

and the whole season
to think of, okay?

- Yes, sir.

I owe you an apology though.

- Sorry it didn't work out, bud.

You should go back
to being a f---ing hair model.

- Hey man, I apologize.
I'm leaving.

- Are you?

- Yeah, I just got kicked off.
- Oh, dude.

We've all woken up
with really bad feelings,

and sometimes we're forgiven,
sometimes we're not.

But in this profession,

it's pretty tough
to be forgiven twice.

- I just talked to Trevor
and the Captain.

There's three of us now.

He's gone.
- I'm staying out of it.

I don't want to stir
anymore sh--.

Thank you God for sending this
bad energy

out of my life.

- I just need y'all to be easy.

Just let him go.
Let him go on a good note.

- It's tough to leave
and not know

what your
next destination's gonna be.

I don't know who could come
in and replace me.

It's gonna be tough.

Hey, Kate?
- Yes?

- Is that all my laundry
out of there?

- There's some on the counter
over there

if you want to look through it.

We all have to hit rock bottom

we make good life changes.

So hopefully this'll be the best
thing that ever happened to him.

You're welcome, Trevor.

- All right, Trev,
take care of yourself.

Good luck to you.

- All right, thanks, Cap.

- I kind of feel like I failed
a little bit.

- Well, yeah, maybe a little,
but you're still learning.

- I think it'll be smoother
without him.

- Better be.
- That's done and over with.

- One guest doesn't eat meat,

gluten-free, dairy-free,

and then they wanted
a formal dinner

on the first night
with 12-course tasting menu.

- Sh--.

- I think us three as
a team is powerful, so...

- Exactly. I'm not worried about
us anyway. We'll be great.

- I don't need to think
about it twice.

- We got a strong trio.

- Maybe a little more physically

but we'll be good.

- Yeah.
- Did he say anything to y'all?

- He didn't say a word.
Didn't look at me, didn't...

- Nada.

- And I don't know if
that's him being embarrassed or

if that's just him being a d*ck.

- Yeah.
- F--- you, Trevor.

I'm moving to the top bunk.

- Moving back to top
bunk, mother----er.

- Hi.
- Oh, hey, hon.

- So Trevor is gone.

- Yeah, I didn't get a chance
to say bye.

- I hate to see him go,
but it just wasn't a good fit.

Trevor never did anything to me.

He was always friendly, like,

there was a lot of negative
energy on the boat

and I could tell that
he was having a hard time.

- Trevor just got off
on the wrong foot,

and he carried on that path.

- I'm tired today.
- Nice night.

It was fun though apart
from everything else.

- The swings were legendary.

- How fun are they?
No, these are on the swings.

- Yeah, you're like, "Have you
seen the other swings?"

And I was like,
"Where is she taking me?"

Emily's hot, she's cool.

Oh, f---. I'm gonna get in
trouble, I know it.

I don't care.

It was awesome.

- Never underestimate.

- Kate, Ben, and Kelley,

I need you guys
in the crew mess immediately.

We need a preference
sheet meeting.

- Yeah.

- So this is
a group of entrepreneurs

that have met and developed

a strong friendship through
their internet companies.

We have John Chow
and the co-primary

Jeremy Schoemaker.

We have John's daughter, Ashley,

we have some interesting
aspects to this charter.

They want to do
a lot of exploring,

and a beach bar.

Do you see any issues with being
a man down on this thing?

- No, we'll make it.

- And I'll get somebody as soon
as I can

to help us out,
all right?

So one guest likes
absolutely nothing.

She doesn't eat meat, chicken,
or pork.

She doesn't eat seafood,
except fish.

- So she eats fish.
- And she's gluten-free,

dairy-free, wheat-free,

and water has to be
pH above 7.5.

- Sh--.
- And then they want

to do a formal dinner
on the first night

with 12-course tasting menu.

- Whoa.
- Wow.

- Whoa.
- 12 courses is, like, insane.

We should be starting at
3:00 p.m.

12 courses is crazy.

- So what are your concerns,

Besides everything?
- Ben is stressed.

- F---.

F--- it.
- Okay.

Trevor was
a quintessential idiot.

The guy wears his baseball
cap backwards with sunglasses.

- Another charter, man.
- Another one.

- I'm already looking
forward for them to leave.

We should just do, like,
a pre-thing, like,

where they get on and they just
hand us

the envelope to begin with.

It's, like,
just give me your money.

- Mm-hmm, let's look at these
bad boys, huh?

- They look intimidating though,
don't they?

- They want all the water
toys, sea bobs,

water skiing, inflatable toys.

- You guys are going to have
a lot on your plate.

- Especially 'cause there's
three of us now.

The inflatable pool,
for example, that,

like, takes four
if not five people.

- Yeah.

- We're such an effective team.

But we'll have him
out of our mind.

- That's what I'm saying is,
I might pick up,

like, an extra hobby,
maybe play guitar or something.

There's gonna be so much
extra time we're gonna have.

- I will leave that there
for other people to read.

- I'm going to bed.
- All right.

- Night-night.
- Night, hon.

I'll see you in the morning.
- Catch you in the morning.

- Babe, I can't hear you.

Open it. I want to Skype.
Open it.

F---, I hate you.
Open it.

I've always
just left land life behind,

but now that I have someone

I want to talk to
on a regular basis,

this Wi-Fi's really become
an issue.

I've been trying to get in touch
with you for two hours.

I mean, getting a wire coat
hanger wrapped in foil

and standing on the radar
might be a better idea...

I am so tired.
- You look great.

- Than trying to connect
to "Valor" Wi-Fi.

- Oh, baby, what you want to

I know what I want to do.
- Oh, you're funny.

- What are you doing?

- Oh, sh--.
Babe, hello?


- Hey, Babe, good morning.

- 12-course
tasting menu tonight.

- Ben is gonna lose his mind.

One of the guests
is gluten-free,

some kind of vegan hippy crap.

- That's how I prefer to eat.
- Yeah?

- Yeah, I just always
like healthier stuff.

Like, I started juicing,
and it became a business.

- Wow.
- But it was really hard,

because I was really broke,
and I found out about yachting,

and I was like, "Okay,
this is what I'm gonna do."

I want to make a ton of money

and return
to the industry of juice.

Like, it's what I'm really
passionate about.

It's changed my life,
and I want to change others.

- Well, you should make juice
for the crew.

- I would love to.
- Yeah.

- The trinamic trio.

- The trinamic?
- The terrific trio.

- F---ing effective deck team
we are.

- Yeah.

- I need gluten-free f---ing

- If you need any help,
like, I used to do catering.

For her,
we could do fresh rolls

and get some avocado,
mint, veggies inside.

- Great idea.
- Like, a roasted beet

and goat cheese salad.

Or some fruit, maybe a cream,
that would be so good.

- Sierra and Carolina are

a match made
in gluten-free heaven,

which for most people
is actually hell.

You should be her personal chef.

- Okay.
- Stop it.

- Attention all crew, we got
provisions out on the dock.

I need some people up here.

- Oh, it is
a bit windy today.

- He's gonna have a hell of
a time getting off the dock.

All right, their charter
a man down sucks,

but it's us three
doing the work anyways.

Watch schedule, I'm 7:00 a.m.
to 10:00 p.m.,

Lauren, you're in the kitchen
till 11:00.

- Okay.
- Nico, you're 9:00 to whenever

the guests go down.

I'm gonna be up
on bow for lines.

y'all are gonna stay
where y'all are.

You're gonna be draining
the hot tub.

So before we pull out of port,
you've got to run up there

and drain it.

- Okay, so are we still doing
the pool this charter?

- Yeah.
- Okay, okay.

- All right, you guys,
y'all ready?

- Yeah, I think it's gonna be
a good charter.

- Hell, yeah.

- Oh, please work.

Don't do this.

- Sh--.

It's not working.
- Do you need help?

- If you can make this work
for me, that would be good.

Sorry, Sierra, but you're dumb
as a box of rocks.

- You got it to work?
You're the best.

- No problem.
Uh-uh, you got to use this.

- Thank you.
- No problem.

- Okay, I need all
the crew out here, now.

Guests are on their way, and
they're walking down the dock.

Let's go.

- That is a beauty.

- I can't wait to get
on that puppy.

- Of course the wind comes
right back up.

- So great having
the most top-heavy drinks.

- F---.

- ♪ Time to make that money ♪

Oh, f---.

- They're here.

- Hello.
- Hi.

- Welcome aboard "Valor."
Captain Lee.

- John Chow, pleasure
to meet you.

- My pleasure.
- Welcome.

- Thank you very much.
- Hello.

- Hello.
- Welcome.

- Hello, lovely to meet you.
- Cheers, guys.


- Welcome aboard "Valor,"

We've got a great few days
planned for you.

Kate will give you
a tour of the boat

and I'd like to get off the dock

so we can get
your party started.

- Awesome, sounds good,
thank you.

- Right this way, guys.

So this is the main salon.

- Oh, wow beautiful.
- The boat was just refitted,

so this is all brand-new.
- Wow.

- So now we're going
onto the master suite.

- Yay.
- Yeah, you love?

- My room.
- It's awesome.

- Oh, my God.
Heavy, huh?

- Watch out,
watch out, watch out.


- We've got two mirror-image

that are exactly the same,
and then this room

with the two twin beds.

And then we'll continue down the
hallway, and I'll show y'all...

- I am getting a strange vibe
from these people.

Mr. Chow, Gene the Russian,
the creepy white-haired guy

that wants to k*ll you
with his eyeballs.

This feels like D-list
Quentin Tarantino characters.

- Male bonding right there.

- This room's got
our name on it.

- Okay, let's get all
our deckhands in position

so we can get out
of here, please.

- Copy that, standing by.

- And we're gonna go up
to the sun deck.

So we've got a nice,
large Jacuzzi.

- There's the Jacuzzi.
- Let's get naked.

- Deckhands are ready
when you are.

- Copy that.

- Get that floating fender
on that corner!

- That wind's kicking off, man.

- I've got two fenders
on the stern.

- Why don't you run back and
single up

that stern line as well.

- Okay, what flag is that?
Is that a country I should know?

- You really are geographically
challenged, aren't you?

- Oh, very, very much so.

- Stern line's clear, Captain.

- All lines are clear.
- Roger that, we're coming off.

- F---, they're just,
like, bouncing off.

- Yeah, I don't think we're
gonna be able to get off this.

- This boat is
a little under-powered

with the wind blowing against

and you're trying
to go the other direction

and then the tide's trying to
take you in a third direction.

F---, come on.

- We got a break in this gust.
- I'm cranking the thrusters.

She's coming out.

- Yes.
- Okay, let's do this.

- Whoo, nice job.

We k*lled it.

It's nice out once you're

- Look at that small boat.

- 5 percenters.

- How can you live?

Do you want to borrow some

- Okay, give me three sh*ts.

- Roger.
Okay, here we go.

That's three sh*ts.
- Lock it in.

- What time is it in New York
right now?

- You have a business call?
- Yeah, I do.

- We're on vacation.
- I'm never on vacation.

- Always on vacation.

That's the great thing
about doing it autopilot.

It's just making the money
while I'm sitting here.

- We're making more money
right now

than most people make in a year.
- And we're on a boat.

- How do you guys think
2:00 for lunch sounds?

- Good.
- Is that good?

- Perfect.

- Hey, Kelley, I'm just gonna
straighten up

the bridge deck aft.

- Roger that.
Thank you, Nico.

- Hi, Ben.

- Hello.
- 2:00 works.

- Brilliant, thank you.
- What do you want to make?

- I'm doing duck breast,
some seared tuna.

- Okay.

- Right now, I just want
to give the guests lunch,

because I need a good amount
of time

to prepare for this
12-course dinner.

- That looks good, spicy.
- We do have one girl.

- Yeah, your best friend?
- Yeah, my best buddy.

- Yeah.
- She doesn't like spicy.

- It's not that spicy.
- So are they in the water?

Or what are they doing, baby?


- I hope you were
talking to Kate.

I--I was.

- You guys want to have a seat?
We can start bringing out lunch.

- Oh, thank you.
- You're so adorable.

Emily, if something
should happen to my wife...

- Is that what he said?

- And then...

- If my wife dies?

Jesus, she's probably
gonna commit su1c1de.

- ♪ It's charter time ♪

- Nothing.

- Would you like
some conch salad?

- What's in that salad?
- Conch.

- What's conch?
- It's a fish.

- I love the beet salad.

- ♪ Time to make that money ♪

♪ Make that money ♪



Oh, sh--.

F---, f---.

- It seems like
a very diverse group.

Diverse preferences.

- I know, we'll have
to deal with that.

- You want some lemonade?

It's so good.

- F---ing hell.
- What?

- It's sweet, very sweet.

Sierra's lemonade is awful.

I hope her culinary skills are
better than her juicing skills.

- I like it, whatever.
- Yeah, Kelley,

whenever you have a moment
will you come to the sun deck?

- Yeah, coming to the sun deck.
- So good.

- Would you like some tuna?

- I would, and could I
get more quinoa?

- Of course.

- Holy, hey,
was it raining again?

- No, it's not raining,
it over-filled.

I thought it stops.
- No.

- Yeah, man,
that's totally my bad.

I'm draining it now.
- All right.

I'm gonna grab
a shammy and help.

- Yeah, thanks.
F---ing hot tub.

F---ing Jacuzzi,
are you serious?

Like, really?
F---ing Jacuzzi.

- It happened
at the best time it could,

'cause they're down
there eating,

so nobody's gonna be up here
for a minute.

Everything will be dry.
It'll all be good.

- Yeah, exactly.
Yeah, I should've checked it.

- It's no big deal.
Don't beat yourself up.

- He likes food.
- Who? Chow?

- Yeah, I'm looking at,
like, his Instagram.

He loves food.
There's so many food photos.

- I wish it was just him.
- Yeah.

- But I can have Sierra
from now on, right, baby?

- She's gonna come talk to you
about meal plan and everything?

- Yeah, of course.

- You gonna go swimming?
I think that we--

- I'm always ready
to go swimming.

- Where is--can we go
to the Jacuzzi?

- Kelley, Kelley, Lee,
break out every toy we got.

I want the pool--
all the sea bobs.

If it floats, I want it
behind the boat, okay?

- Roger that.
- Right now.

I believe that Kelley
has the skill

to manage the team
being a man down,

but only time will tell.

- Ready? One, two, three.

- It's heavy as f---.

- Ready and one, two, three.

- All right, hold on,
push this way a bit more.

- Yeah, ready one, two, three.

- Oh, f---. Damn it, man.

- You all right?
- Let's do this.

- Like, augh, there's so much

we need to bring out.

That needs to come.
We need to f---.

So with a man down, it's,

Oh, sh--.

Well done, Lauren.

- I've seen horses
that have manes

that had shorter hair
than this guy on his back.

- Can I stand on this?
- Just carefully.

It's a bit slippy, but it's
hard, so you'll be okay.

- All right.

I don't think people actually
appreciate how difficult it is

to do a 12-course
tasting menu

in a tiny kitchen on a boat.

- So, Ben?
- Yes.

- I have not done
a 12-course service before.

What should I expect?

- Chaos.

- You might cry.

- Whoa.

- Nico, pick up
this bob, please.

- We're running around
everywhere like chickens

with our heads cut off.

I am completely
exhausted right now.

- Yeah!

- Right here, conch, scallop,
foie gras.

She's excluded
from all three of them,

so why not just give her
a really nice salad

with every f---ing
vegetable I have.

- Okay.
- All right?

That way she'll be tide over.

The game plan for Carolina
is to give her food

that she can eat

while the others
are eating courses

that she won't eat.

So I'm hoping Sierra
will be able to lift

that burden and deal
with Carolina tonight.

Yeah, I think a nice
sautéed bit of tuna

or something like that.

- Yeah, she likes the fish.

- All right,
so let's write that down.

Sorry, I'm a little freaked out.
- Yeah.

Part of me is afraid that
sending Sierra in to help Ben

is like sending
a cute little innocent bunny

into a rabid lion's den,

but the bunny's
helping the rabid lion,

so I hope the rabid
lion can keep it in check.

- Just hold on.
- So she can have scallop?

- She can't have scallop,
she doesn't eat shellfish.

- Oh, sashimi?

- No, 'cause conch's in a shell.
- Oh, okay.

So is the scallop.

Okay, just if I were you,
I'd just take--just f---ing

get some veggies up here.

- Okay.
- Cool.

- Whatever.

- All right, hold on.
- Ooh, I'm so sorry.

- Yeah, I can see
you're a little rattled.

- What's going on?
- That tuna's f---ed.

I don't want
to serve it anymore.

- Can't deal with this.
So f---ed up.

- What list are you writing?

- What I'm making.

We're substituting two
of the courses

for the woman with a lot
of dietary restrictions.

Things are just getting, like,
lost in translation.

It's very important for me
to make a good impression

on Ben with the guests,
so this is kind of a test.

- Hello, ladies.

So are you both
gonna be in the galley then?

The dynamic duo?

- Have they asked
what time's dinner?

8:30, 9:00?

- Okay, thank you.
- Ow, f---.

Dinner is 8:30, 9:00-ish.

Closer to 8:30 would be good.

- Yeah? Okay.

- All right, here we go.

Hey, baby.

- Yes, under the fridge,
you'll find muffin trays please.

Spray the hell
out of that muffin.

A 12-course tasting menu
is a ton of work.

It's just very overwhelming,

and I'm just trying
to get my head round it.

Can you just pull out
some all-purpose flour, please?

No, that's gluten-free.
- Oh, sorry.

So I need someone who actually
can distinguish clear thoughts

in a very small amount of time.

We need to pass this
through the strainer,

the big spoon--here,
these are quite good for that.

Augh, okay, so the garlic will
go through.

It's soft enough.

- Sorry.
- Right, let's pull out

eight shot glasses and just line
them up

in the freezer nicely
so they don't fall.

No, no, no, babe, babe, babe,
they've all got to be the same.

- Sorry.
- My stress level's

a little high
in here tonight, baby.

- Okay, I'm trying to give you
some Zen.

- I like that.
That's why you're here, baby.

- Okay, let's go.

- Hello.
- Oh, wow.

- Whoo.
- Saving the best for last.

- Ben, all the guests
are seated and ready.

Yeah, and I can take
the gazpacho right here.

- All righty, baby,
let's bring it on.

- Every meal with Ben
should be 12 courses,

because then he'd
always be on time.

- Very smart.

- Thank you, yeah.

All right, here we go.

- What kind of gazpacho?
- Beetroot and ginger.

- Okay.

For our first course, we have
beetroot and ginger gazpacho.

- Cheers everybody.
- Here we go, cheers, cheers.

- Oh, yeah.
- That was good.

- If you had the option
of making it the Love Boat,

who would you love?

- Emily, all day.

- Emily huh?
- Emily, yeah.

What about you?

- Yeah, probably Emily.
- Similar tastes.

Sierra, what do you think?

She just seems
a little cray-cray.

- Yeah, man.

- Something's just
a little off with her.

- She has the eyes of
a crazy woman.

I mean, she's very pretty.

But she smiles kind of crazily.

- Seared foie gras.
- Seared foie gras.

- Strawberry jam.

Sierra, how are you, baby?

- Good, I just have
to put the salad together.

- Wait, hold on.
I don't--I mean...

What have you been doing
this whole f---ing time?

- I'll be done in five seconds.
- Amazing.

- Yeah, thank you.
- This is incredible.

- Seared foie gras
with strawberry jam.

- Oh, I love that.

- Yeah, we have a salad
for you coming out next.

- Oh.

- Mmm, I love foie gras.

- Do they like it?
- They seem very happy,

but they're finished.

Ben, do you want to toss
and vinaigrette?

- What is it, hon?
- The salad?

- Do I want to what?
- Toss it before it goes out?

- Your baby, all right?

- Sure.

I'm pretty thick-skinned,
but at the same time,

like, I need to have
positivity around me.

- Maybe we'll have, like,
50 people and 50 girls.

We can have 100 girls

just taking care of everybody
in every way possible.

- Yes, of course.

- John Chow's daughter's at the

This is just gross.

- I have venues.

I'll set it up.

- Thank you, girls.

- This course is
a lemon ginger truffle

caviar sashimi of scallops.

- Ooh, caviar.

- These are very good.
Never had them raw.

- I don't like caviar.

- I'll be done in five seconds.

This will take a while.

- I'm beginning to wonder
what is going on with Sierra.

She has two courses
to do tonight

and all she's doing is making

the world's biggest salad.

All right, let's get those
frosties over here, please.

- Sierra, you're plating yours?
- Ready to go.

- Perfect.

So this course,
we have sashimi of conch.

- Mmm.

That's actually good.

- Carolina.
- Oh, thank you.

Here's a special salad for you.

- Wow.

- But am I gonna skip all
the 12 courses then?

- Yes.
Yes, is that okay?

- No, I don't want to stare

when they get all the courses
and I don't.

- Okay.
- Everyone stare at her.

Everyone stare at Carolina.

- No, I'm disappointed.
- How are we doing, Ben?

- So far so good.
- How you doing?

- Good. I'm just, like,
on standby, kitchen hand.

- Yeah, she's amazing.

- Ben?
- Yes?

- She said she would like
to participate in the courses,

so could you make her
a conch salad quickly?

- What the actual f---?
- Sorry, Ben.

- The preference sheet reads
in a very specific way--

- She ate conch at lunch,
so maybe she's confused.

- I just left all of it
over there.

- She's confused.

- This is the conch sashimi
if you want to try it.

- Thank you.
- My pleasure.

- Hmm-hmm-hmm.

- Ohh.

- All right, good.

- A raspberry sorbet.

- Coconut lobster fritter.

- Pumpkin puree, ginger,
and lime.

- Oh, here we go.

- Tuna's next, honey bunny.

- How many seconds
would you do it for? A minute?

- Just sear the hell out of it.

In the oil, yeah, yeah,
that's it.

Now lay it on the oil.

- Ooh.

- Kate,
we need some glasses.

- I heard.

- Good.
- Okay, bring the tuna here.

- Tuna's next course?
Is that what you're making next,

so I know what cutlery
to put out next?

- Yeah.

Wait, hold on.

- All right, just it's...

the seared ahi tuna,

it needs to be as aesthetically
pleasing as the raw tuna.

That tuna's f---ed.

But this is not the case.

I don't want
to serve it anymore.

It's just--it's f---ed.

- We'll catch you
in the morning.

- The battle is on,
no matter who wins...

- Oh, no, no.

- That tuna's f---ed.

I don't want
to serve it anymore.

It's just--it's f---ed.

Can you just take
that away, please?

And then dump the rest.

- Can I set it there?

- Okay, that has baba ghanoush
on it, all right?

- I was just doing
what I was told.

I...I don't know.

- Let's keep it going.

- Cheers.
Level's, you know...

- Making you nervous?
Making you nervous?

- Kind of ruins
the shape of it to be honest.

- It's not ruining the shape.

Here we have a blockade
of tuna over an orange

Cointreau vinaigrette.

- It looks like watermelon.
- Yay, watermelon.

- Yeah, I can't.

I'm just not big on raw fish.
It's too much.

- You're not done yet, so...
- I understand that, baby.

I understand that.

Actually, I thought I was done.

- Ooh, I'm so sorry.

- F---.

It's all right.
- Sorry.

It's fine.
It's--it's an honest mistake.

Sierra, I can see you're
a little rattled; it's all good.

- What's going on?
- Nothing's going on.

Chill, would you?
- Well, I just took plates out.

- We had a little accident,
and that's okay, all right?

- Yeah.
- All right? Good.

- Like, ooh, I'm just gonna
let that happen by itself.

- Can I take it then?

- Yeah, just--please, all right?
- Well--

- You're making Sierra
very nervous tonight, babe.

- Uh-huh.

- Ready to go?
- Yeah.

Grilled calamari steak
with a roasted garlic tomato.

Okay, I'll try it.

I'm not picky.

Oh, it's 10:30.

- What course are we on?
- I have no idea.

- Just do the edges on that.
That's good.

- Thank you.

- Thank you, Kate.
- This is a mango sorbet

to get you ready
for the next course.

- All right, let's get
this lamb dish out the way.

- Babe, Emily?

- Yes?
- Emily, since you're on earlies

why don't you go ahead
and go down for the night?

- Okay, night-night.
- Good night.

- Thank you.

- What time do we need
to be up by tomorrow?

- I think they're getting
kind of tired and--

- How's John?

- Mmm.
- He's happy.

- That's all that matters.

- Okay, and I'll only
tell you about him.

- All right, thanks.

- Ooh.
- Here we have lamb lollipops.

- Oh, that's good lamb.

- Oh, f---.

- I won't, do worry,
Kate will k*ll me.

- Nothing, I've just got to fold
this machine, and then I'm done.

I'm done.
- Give me some of that.

I'm not sure
where Emily stands.

I've thrown out some hints
to her that I'm interested,

but she gives off
the weirdest signs though.

- You looked so sleepy
when you got up this morning.

I wish I could read British.

- Obviously.

- Bang.
Gosh, let's do it.

- All right, all right,
here we go.

- Flourless chocolate cake,
chocolate sauce,

homemade vanilla ice cream,
spun sugar.

- This is the final
grand finale 12th course.

- Wow look at that.
- I told you.

- Cheers to this.
- Mmm.

- How's it going, Em?
How'd tonight go?

- Is she?
- I want to get the full picture

before I decipher anything.
I just don't really--

I'll talk to her, kind of figure
out what happened.

- Are you doing them in

- Well, I just go like that.
- Okay.

- I've done stew work before.
- Oh, really?

- My first boat
was an all-male crew.

- The guys good at?
- We were very good.

- He's a sneaky one, that

He's kind of just cock-blocking.
He puts his shirt off.

How's everything
going interior-wise?

- I think really good.

I like our team.
- That's good.

That's all that matters,
you know.

You put out positive things,

and you'll get positive things
back towards you.

You know what I mean?

- That's a good thing
really to think.


- What up?
- What's up?

- It's nice
getting male attention.

It's needed sometimes,
and who doesn't like it?

But Nico and Kelley, it's quite
amusing, and it's very sweet.

- Have a good night.
- Night, all. Sleep well.

- We'll catch you
in the morning.

- Yeah, we'll have
a good day tomorrow.

- Thanks.
- See you later.

- Thought you were going to bed?

- Work first, friendship second,
women third.

The battle is on.

No matter who wins,
friendship doesn't change.

- Oh, no, no.

- Or I'll have you
scrubbing the hull.

- You did it.
- Yeah.

- Give me a hug.
That was incredible.

We're all done.

- I couldn't have done
it without you, honestly.

- This--I'm just really upset.

I just wanted to f---ing, like,
go home, like...

- Whoo, unbelievable.
- How was it?

Was it?
- Awesome.

- You are most welcome.
That was a fantastic meal.

- One, two, three.

- It was a pleasure
and a privilege, cheers.

- Thank you.
- Enjoy.

- We had a good time.
- Good night.

- Better make it a night.

The 12-course
meal might be the way forward,

'cause it keeps the guests
at the table for so long,

by the end of it,
they're begging to go to bed.

It's genius.

- All right, hon,
I'm off to bed.

- All right, honey bun.

It's not cool.
It's just not.

- Are you okay?

- Oh, I don't know.
- She's not happy.

- Listen...
- Just chill. It's all good.

- You're not the chef
on this boat.

There's no reason
you should feel bad

about anything
that happened this evening.

You're a hard worker.
You have a positive attitude.

- You dealt with a very
stressful situation tonight.

It was 12 courses.

The old school
of cooking was brutal.

You know, we used to get plates
thrown at us,

sauce pans around the back
of the f---ing head.

- I know, I know.
- I mean, you know, obviously,

I was stressed out about it.

Now it's like, if I shout
at someone it's like "Oh, God."

- I can't deal with this.
It's so f---ed up.

- If you're sensitive,
stay out of the f---ing kitchen.

- I'm over it.

- Try and just get through
the next few days.

- This negative energy, like,
this is not for me.

- Next on "Below Deck"...

- Sierra, she, like,
broke down last night.

She lost it.

- I don't want her
to become discouraged.

- Absolutely.
- I can't wait to come home.

- We will be getting
our new deckhand.

- For this shadow?
- Yep, he's pretty green.

- Oh, f---.

- Like, under that cabinet,
like, under?

- We just met, Sierra, you're
making me bend over already?

- No, no, you're--
- Sierra's looking nice.

She has the Alaskan face.

- I turned into
the freak--freak machine.

- Oh, my God,
he just tried to kiss me.

He just tried to...

- Come in.
- But I find you so attractive.

- F---, you all right, Kyle?
Is he all right? What happened?

- You all right?
- F---ing hell.

- Oh, my God.
Holy sh--.

- For more "Below Deck," go
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