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01x01 - Friends and Enemies

Posted: 01/20/14 02:19
by bunniefuu
(Thunder rumbles)

Come on, you're tired, Father. We should stop here.

Paris is only a few hours away.

Paris will still be there in the morning.

Look, I could ride all night.

But if you're saying you need to rest...

(He chuckles)

(Door closes)

Man (gruffly): Yes...

Good boy.

Man (mutters): Trying to eat my dinner...

My son and I need beds for the night. We've come a long way.

Heading for Paris, Monsieur?

Ah, yes.

To petition the King on Gascony's behalf.

His new taxes are an intolerable burden.

Too right. This country is going to hell.

Michel Fournier at your service.

Alexandre d'Artagnan at yours.

Check the stables.

The Cardinal bleeds us dry.

It would never have happened under the old King.

He was a man of the peop...

(Door opens)

My name is Athos, of the King's Musketeers.

Kindly empty your pockets of money and jewellery.

If you want to live, do it now.


(g*n cocks)

Get over here!

I was told... the Musketeers were honourable men.

I see that I was misinformed.

You think this is bad?

I'm only just getting started.

(g*n cocks)

(g*nf*re echoes)



I couldn't stop them.


Father! Father...

Athos. Please...


(Dramatic music)

♪ Hey!

♪ Hey!

♪ Hey!

♪ Hey!

♪ Hey!

♪ Oh-hey!

♪ Oh-hey! ♪


(He groans)

(He groans)

(Cock crows)


(Chatter in background)

(He laughs)

That's... That's impossible.

You cheated.

What's going on?

Dujon and I were having a discussion about personal integrity.

Your friend had the King up his sleeve.

Oh, that's slander.

Tell him, Athos.

Don't involve me in this.

Ooh. sh**t him and it's m*rder.

One less Musketeer. Who cares?

Fine words from a Red Guard.

There's only one way to resolve this.

A duel between gentlemen, supervised according to the strict code of honour.

Fine. In a fair fight, I'm a match for anyone.


(He chuckles)

I like that in a man.

Still, why fight fair when you might lose?

My sword. Your problem, eh?

Attacking an unarmed opponent defies every principle of chivalry.

Close enough.

En garde.

What happened to the code?

Oh... Who has time?

Treville wants to see us.


Yeah, I need to work on that.

Where's Aramis?

Tell me he's not that stupid!


Stabbed in combat at the siege of Montauban in '21.

And this one?

Musket ball at the Ile de Re, '22.

Poor Aramis.

And this one?

Your nails, at the Luxembourg Gardens, the day before yesterday.

Hmm, Armand will be here soon.

He doesn't love you as I do.

Yes, but he pays for all of this.

(He sighs)

Don't be like that.

Oh, my God! He's early.

No, don't go that way, he'll see you.

Please tell me there's another way out. The window.

Have you seen how far down that is?

No, that's not going to work. I'll... simply tell the Cardinal I had a good reason for being here.

In my bedroom?! You thought you saw a rat and screamed.

I was passing by and ran to help.


If you love me, you'll jump. Right.

My sword.

Please! Go now!

My p*stol!

Armand! How wonderful to see you!

It's chilly in here, my dear.

Is it? I'm rather hot.

Oh, come here, my love...

I can't stay for long.

Affairs of state. But I hardly get to see you these days.

I'm sure you find other ways to amuse yourself.

I'd much rather amuse myself with you.


Why not Adele?

Oh, I don't know, let's think.

Because she's the mistress of the most powerful man in France?

Gentlemen, I love her. You love her?

Or you love stealing what belongs to the Cardinal?

You three!

My office. Now.

He looks happy.

I've had complaints. An allegation you've been duelling with the Cardinal's Red Guards. Is it true?

Let me think... No. Because... that would be illegal.

I can't protect you from the Cardinal if you keep fighting his men.

Captain Cornet and his troop are missing.

I need you to find out where they are.

I thought you sent him to Chartres. I did.

He should have been back yesterday.

There's been no word.

Well, what was he doing there?

He was carrying a number of...confidential items to an important meeting at the monastery.

Don't bother asking me any more questions, because I can't answer them.

He was engaged in the King's work - that's all I can say.

Just get yourselves to Chartres and find out what's happened.

20 sous for the bed.

Ten, if you share.

Any lice or crabs?

No, thanks, just bed and dinner.

This is a very clean house. Hmm.



Son of the late Alexandre, of Lupiac in Gascony.

Didn't ask for your life story.

Dinner is extra.

Clean water? Extra.


Don't tell me, I can guess.

But use of the communal free.

There's something about sh**ting that makes a man feel fully alive.

Unlike the birds, I suppose.

They're born to be shot, like rabbits... and poets.


Good shot, Your Majesty.

Good enough for the Musketeers, Treville?

My men are professional soldiers, Your Majesty.

You should try flattery sometimes. It plays very well around here.

I have always told Your Majesty the truth, and always will.

That's why I like you, Treville.

These people just pay me empty compliments.

It amuses me to have an honest man at court.

What can I do for you, Cardinal?

Reports are arriving with disturbing frequency, Your Majesty.

Musketeers on the rampage, robbing and murdering.

There has been some mistake.

These villains are not Musketeers.

I, for one, don't believe a word of it.

I never knew such a loyal and law-abiding body of men.

But I strongly advise an inquiry.

Is that really necessary?

I know you love Captain Treville, but a great king... must be seen to be fair. He cannot have favourites.

Unless it's you, you mean?

There have been no recent desertions, no absences?

Not one Musketeer unaccounted for?

None. There you are, then, Cardinal.

It's Your Majesty's reputation that concerns me.

These men wear the King's uniform.

Very well. We will have an enquiry.

You will give it your full co-operation, Treville.


He waited all night for Cornet and his men. They never appeared.

Well, a troop of Musketeers can't just vanish into thin air.

The Abbot was also told to expect an envoy from Spain.

Treville didn't mention a Spanish envoy.

It doesn't matter. He didn't appear either.

Cornet is a fine soldier.

If he's gone missing, there's a good reason.

Or a bad one.

We'll have your best room.

And if the bed has fleas, you'll be whipped.

Draw me a bath.

Be sure the water's clean.

I don't want to bathe in someone else's scum.

Clean water is extra, Madame.

Don't even ask about the towel.

Are you addressing me, sir?

Not unless your name is "Madame".

Forgive me, Milady, while I teach this oaf a lesson in manners.

HE DRAWS SWORD Put it back, or I'll blow your head off.

You are not a gentleman.

That stings.

He's just some drunken thug, Mendoza. Put your sword away.

We'll settle this at breakfast.

I'll be in the courtyard at eight.

This looks like a badger's intestines.

Speciality of the house.


You look beautiful tonight, Adele.

Armand, you're tired.

Is it another one of your headaches?

I feel like my head might burst.

The King is a petulant child.

The regions refuse to be governed.

The treasury is as...good as bankrupt.

Yet I am obliged to spend half my time dealing with the indiscipline of the Musketeers.

You ruin your health for the sake of France.


It's these Musketeers who will ruin France.

They are an ungovernable faction at the heart of the state.

Is that why you hate them so much, because they're beyond your control?

Nothing's beyond my control.

I need a distraction.

Undress for me.

You're feeling better, I see.

I can trust no-one at court.

I'm surrounded by fools and liars.

But at least I can always rely on you.

(She cocks g*n)

Missing something?

You still need that lesson in manners.

Oh, do what you want.

What of your companion?

Trust me. He won't wake up.

Tell your friends that Athos of the Musketeers spared your life!


Why have we stopped?

(He sighs)



(Dog barks)


(Horse neighs)

(Dog barks)

What is it?

What troubles you?

I'd rather not talk about it.

I just want to watch you and forget for a few hours.

What happened?

The man I loved tried to m*rder me.

Say the word, and I'll k*ll him for you.

I might hold you to that one day.


(Woman screams)

(She gasps)

You! You m*rder*d him.

No... Hold him, someone!

(Shouting and banging on door)

(He groans and coughs)

There he is!

Get him!

Man: He's a m*rder*r! Stop him!

Stop him!

Ooh! I'll give you five livres to kiss me.

Mm! Mm!


That actually worked... Agh!

Oh, you degenerate! Touch me again, and I'll gut you like a fish.

Do I look like a working girl?

Well, yeah...

This is my best dress!

How does this say prost*tute to you?

My apologies, Mademoiselle.

It's Madame. Madame!

I won't trouble you any further.

(He winces)

Are you all right?

Do you know the way to the Musketeers' Garrison?

Why do you want to know?

I have some business to settle on my father's behalf.

You really don't look well.

Where am I? My husband's house.


No, I can't stay here.

I have an appointment with the Musketeer Athos.

I know him. Is he a friend of yours?

Not exactly.

You can barely walk.

That's my problem.

Now, will you tell me the way to the Musketeers' Garrison or not?

You're in no shape to fight, if that's what you're thinking of.

I have three older brothers.

I know that look in a man's eye.

With respect, that's none of your business.

You made it my business when you fell at my feet.

You're a beautiful woman. I'm sure you're used to it.

I should have just left you in the gutter.

My apologies.

I'm not always so ill-mannered.

Might I enquire the name of my saviour?


Constance Bonacieux.

Athos k*lled my father, Constance.

That's why I must face him.

I'm d'Artagnan.

Please think kindly of my name... if you think of it at all.

Feed the horses. See they are rested.

I'm starving...

I'm looking for Athos!

You've found him.

My name is d'Artagnan, of Lupiac in Gascony.

Prepare to fight. One of us dies here.

Now, that's the way to make an entrance.

Can I ask why?

You m*rder*d my father.

You're mistaken. I'm not the man you're looking for.


Do you deny you shot Alexandre d'Artagnan two days ago in cold blood?

I usually remember the men I k*ll.

That name means nothing to me.

Then you're a liar as well!

Remarkable. He's keeping up with Athos.

Rubbish. He just doesn't want to hurt the lunatic.

(Aramis chuckles)

That's enough!

That could have been your throat.

Don't make me k*ll you over a mistake.

I didn't k*ll your father and I don't want to k*ll you.


And that could have been your back.

Now, fight me or die on your knees!

I don't care which.



He said, enough.

Very well.

I'll fight both of you.

Three of us?

Now, for God's sake, put up your sword.

You'll have to k*ll me for it.

Lively little bugger, aren't ya?!

Stop fighting! All of you!

Is three against one fair?

We weren't going to k*ll him.

Weren't we?

Next time, let us know.

Madame Bonacieux, what are you doing here?

I followed him because I knew he was going to do something stupid.

I don't need a woman to protect me.

Don't say another word.

If only men would think instead of fight, there might be more good ones left.

Him, I'm not sure about. Her, I like.

What's going on?

Never mind. Did you find Cornet?

He never made it to the monastery.

Give us 20 men and we'll search the road to Chartres.

Athos, I'm sorry. These men have come to arrest you.

You're to appear before the King immediately, charged with robbery and m*rder.

I promised them there'd be no trouble.

I'm not the man you're looking for.

Why did my father name you before he died?! I don't know.

This man... stands accused of highway robbery... as*ault... and m*rder.

While Captain Treville looks the other way, his men riot in the streets.

The charges are false, Your Majesty.

There are witnesses.


Tell the King what happened.

I own an inn.

The Musketeer named Athos, and his men, robbed me and m*rder*d two of my guests, Michel Fournier, and a Gascon named Alexandre d'Artagnan.

I have never seen this man before in my life!


I was driving my master and mistress home.

We were att*cked by a bandit. He said his name was Athos.

He shot them both.

Is this your assailant?

Yes, I believe so. He wore the same uniform.

Oh, this is a mockery of justice!

There is not a word of truth in this!

These men are mistaken!

Musketeers are not above the law.

Remember, Sire.

The King's judgment is infallible.

Quite right.

An example must be set.

Take this Athos to the Chatelet. He will be ex*cuted at dawn.

Your Majesty, if I might have a moment in private.

The matter is closed, Treville.

It's about Cornet.

What about him? He's gone missing.

So have your letters.

You assured me he was trustworthy. Do you realise what's at stake?

There's no need for panic.

I am not... I am not panicking.

This is your fault. You told me to be my own man.

We must let Captain Treville handle it.

He will not let us down.

The Cardinal must not find out about those letters. Do you understand?

He must not know!

Oh, you have disappointed me, Treville.

If you want to help Athos, find Cornet.

Jacques-Michel Bonacieux at your service.

Merchant in fine quality cloths and linens to the nobility.

Perhaps you've...heard of me?

I'm afraid not. Hmm.

So how did you come by these injuries?

My injuries don't matter. I've failed my father.

I came to k*ll the man that m*rder*d him, but all I've found are more questions.

I can't rest until I know the truth.

That's lucky, because rest is out of the question.

Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa. We're not here to fight.

Those Musketeers who att*cked you, would you know any of them again?

They all wore masks.

I shot one of them.

His body might still be there at the inn.

All right, saddle up. We're leaving.

This morning, you try and k*ll them, and now you're best friends?

Athos's life is at stake.

He's to be ex*cuted in the morning for crimes he didn't commit.

Forgive the intrusion, Monsieur.


(Inaudible speech)

He's no Musketeer.

Look at his clothes. There's two b*llet holes.


I only fired once.

This is the shot that k*lled him. And this hole... doesn't match any wound.

It means he wasn't wearing the uniform when it was fired. But someone else was. Cornet.

Those Musketeers didn't just disappear. They were att*cked.

Make your last confession with an open heart, my son, and God will forgive you your sins.

There was a woman.

She died by my hand.

You m*rder*d her?

I loved her.

Find some poor soul who deserves forgiveness, Father.

Don't waste your time with me.

(Footsteps retreat)

(Door clangs shut)

You chose well.

Athos is held in the highest regard by his fellow Musketeers.

His disgrace and execution will strike a deadly blow to their morale.

But why him?

I have my reasons.

I don't like secrets.

You asked me to help you discredit the Musketeers. I have done so.

And you've been well paid for it.

There are others who will pay.

But my loyalty is to you.

Let that be enough.

Our plan did not include the m*rder of the Spanish traitor, Mendoza.

He was still useful to me.

He was a bad lover and a terrible bore.

Mendoza betrayed his country for a handful of gold and a place in my bed.

In due course, he would have betrayed you as well.

He knew too much.

You hired me to do a job.

Mendoza's precious cargo, with the King's own seal.

Why do these letters mean so much to you?

The King has begun to believe he can rule without me.

The loss of these letters will remind him otherwise.

One more thing.

Find out who owns this p*stol.

Return it to me when you have his name.

You will be well rewarded.

Tell me, Milady, did you enjoy k*lling Mendoza?

Did it give you pleasure?

If I was planning an ambush, I'd do it here.

Plenty of cover, good sightlines.

Cornet wouldn't have suspected a thing.

(Birds caw)

(Horse snorts)

Over there.

(Birds caw)


(Bird caws)

They shot them like animals and then stripped them of their uniforms!

D'Artagnan, the men who did this k*lled your father as well.

If you want justice, help us find them and clear Athos's name.

(He chuckles)

Was Cornet carrying Spanish gold?

You could go a year in Paris without seeing a new Spanish doubloon... and that makes two in a week.

Where did you get that? I won it, in a card game, with a Red Guard.

There have been numerous incidents and provocations.

w*r with Spain is inevitable.

It is not the time for w*r. On the contrary, Spain must not be allowed to dominate Europe.

That is France's destiny.

The Queen is Spanish.

I am aware of that.

I never knew a woman with so many opinions.

I wrote some letters to my brother-in-law, the King of Spain.

Letters that touched upon our foreign policy.

What did these letters say?

They discussed the terms of a peace treaty.

France must resist Spanish aggression.

I have made our position very clear.

The thing is, the letters have gone missing.

If they were to fall into the hands of our enemies... it might prove embarrassing.

Perhaps "fatal" would be a better word, Sire.

Such letters would show France to be weak...and divided.

What other conclusion is possible, if the King allows his First Minister to pursue one policy in public, while advocating another in private?!

It's clear... I must withdraw from public life immediately.

I will give you whatever you want, Armand, just get me out of this mess.

I should never have done anything without your counsel!

How were these letters conveyed?

Treville arranged it.

And then his Musketeers made a mess of everything.

Just tell me what to do, and I'll do it.

I will disband their whole regiment if that's what it takes to make you happy.

Well... in due course, possibly.

Only please, don't leave me alone.

I am ever Your Majesty's humble servant.

We will see what can be done.

(Laughter and chatter)

(Room falls silent)

I hate it when that happens.

I love the crowd in here - very chatty(!)

I don't want any trouble.

Anyone'd think you didn't like me.

I'm looking for Dujon.

Scrawny bloke, Red Guard.

I haven't seen him.

I was told he was here.

Well, you was told wrong.

Would you believe it, huh?

Here he is.


Time to pay the reckoning for Cornet.

And I bet he's going to say, "I have no idea what you're talking about."

And then we'll have to hurt him.

At which point, he'll suddenly remember he k*lled him. Uh...

Why wait?

Let's just hurt him now.

It could go like that. Or we can just skip to the confession part.

It would save us time, and you pain.

A lot of pain.

I was just following orders.

He was just following orders.

We'd better let him go, then.

(Dujon sighs)

I... I can't tell you! They'll k*ll me!

No need for that. We're not brutes.

We'll just sh**t him.

What? No, listen, you can't, please...

(Porthos chuckles)

You know... people say I'm quite good with these.

Good? He's the best. He's so modest.

But...the musket isn't the most reliable w*apon.

From 100 yards, I'll probably miss as often as I hit.

From 50, well, I rarely miss.

But from ten?

It's just a matter of, which vital organ do I choose to hit first?

No, no, no, please, listen, listen... Heart?

Too swift.

The liver, perhaps. Oh...

Or a stomach shot.

Death is inevitable, but you'll bleed for hours first.

You can't. This is m*rder.

We won't tell, if you won't.

(g*n cocks)

(He blows)

(He whimpers)

Bang... Oh.


(Aramis chuckles)

I forgot the ball!

This time...

It was Captain Gaudet. Of the Red Guards.

He told us to do it. He said he wanted a few men for a special mission. Something unofficial.

An ambush to steal the King's letters.

But Gaudet went mad. He k*lled them all.

None of us knew it would be m*rder.

You took this from Cornet.

His saddle bags were full of Spanish gold.

Gaudet said we could share it between us. I just...

Who m*rder*d my father? Who?!

Gaudet. It was Gaudet. He did it to blacken Athos's name.

I'm not like him. I'm not a k*ller. I'm a soldier, like you.

(He gasps)

Where is Gaudet now?

He's camped in the old ruins, outside the city gates.

I'll show you where... Just don't k*ll me.

There, that wasn't so hard, now, was it?

Gaudet keeps his camp well guarded.

You'll never surprise him.

Shut up!

The bridge is the only way in and out.

There's too many of them for a frontal as*ault.

I could take a couple of them out from here.

No, by the time you've reloaded, the rest will be long gone.

Now, if we're going to capture Gaudet alive and get back those uniforms, it'll have to be by stealth.

We need a distraction, something they'd never expect.

I know something that might work.

What do you want?

50 sous and I'll take you to heaven.

Are you one of those religious nutcases? It was a metaphor.

Never mind.

You...can do whatever you like.

I'm all yours.

Clear enough?

Yeah... Five sous?


All right, ten. But that's it.


(Faint groans)


Guard: Oi, my turn next!


Ten sous? Shame on you.

I'm in your debt.

I'm doing this for Athos.

Stop looking at me like that.

Stay over there and you'll be safe, OK?

If you're in any danger, use this.

(Distant chatter)

There he is.

That's Gaudet over there.

He thinks no-one can touch him.

Wait for my signal.

Surprise is everything.


Surprise would have been everything!


What's your problem, boy?!

You will pay for murdering my father.

(Man yells)

(He groans)

(Fighting continues)

(He yells)

Aramis: D'Artagnan!

We need him alive!

(Horse whinnies)

Death in combat is too honourable for you.

I'd rather see you hang.

Aramis: D'Artagnan!

(Sword rings)

(Gaudet groans)

(He whistles)

The stolen uniforms.

They're all here.

Aramis: With Dujon's confession, that's all the proof we need.

I k*lled him.

You saved my life.

Take me home.

My husband will be back soon.

(Chains jangle)

(Bird caws)

Captain: Take aim!

(He breathes out heavily)

(g*ns cock)

(He breathes heavily)

Come on, sh**t, damn you!

Captain: Hold your fire!

If I were you, I wouldn't be in such a hurry to die.

Your release. Signed by the King.

Get these chains off him.

I thought I'd finally shaken you two off.

(He chuckles)

Believe me, there are easier ways.

Where are we going? Is it a surprise?

I would imagine so.

(She laughs)

(She kisses him)

(Horse whinnies)

What's this?

Your surprise, my love.

My God!

You're going to k*ll me!

You're a traitor and a spy.

I can't trust you.

Have you no mercy?!

Mercy belongs to God.

You pious hypocrite! You'll burn in hell!

I have work to do here first.

I love Aramis!

And I love him with my last breath!

(She shrieks)

I love Aramis!

I love Aramis. I love Aramis.


Aramis: You come to Paris to k*ll Athos and end up saving his life.

After a few drinks, I'm sure he'll appreciate the irony.

D'Artagnan: What's wrong with him, anyway?

Porthos: Oh, woman trouble.

There was someone special once. She died.

That's all he ever said.

I'd better stay behind.

He'll need someone to carry him home.

Do you need somewhere to stay?

No, I have a place.

In the arms of Madame Bonacieux?

She's a married woman.

You really are from Gascony, aren't you?

Besides, there's someone else.

A woman I've only met once.

The most beautiful I've ever seen.

We have unfinished business.

She sounds lively.

(He chuckles)

You have no idea.


Game of cards? First king wins.

(Door clangs)

I'm grateful for your loyalty, Dujon.

I thought you might talk, if only to save your own skin.

Still could. Unless you're here to save me.

A drink to your freedom.

The formalities are being arranged, as we speak.

And to think...if I told them it was you who gave Gaudet his orders, it would be you in here instead of me.

Everything I do, I do for the good of France.

And I am your man...forever.

Long live the King! The King.

(He coughs)

(He chokes)

(He gasps)

(He chokes)

I have an appointment with Mademoiselle Bessette.

She's gone to the Cardinal's estate in the country.

She won't be returning for some time.

She wanted you to have this.

(Door bangs shut)


Adele! Adele!

(Bell tolls)

Forgive me, Father, for I have sinned... often.

I lay with many men.

I k*lled some of them.

In the world's eyes, I've done terrible, unforgivable things.

But I once loved a man... and he loved me.


Milady: Why did God abandon me?

Why didn't he answer my prayers? Can you tell me that?

You are a child of the devil. You are an abomination!

(He chokes)

I know what I am!

You don't understand. I'm not looking for absolution!

(He chokes)

I want revenge!

Man: We k*ll the King and Queen.


Vadim stole enough gunpowder to start a small w*r.

Where is it? What was he planning?

Tomorrow, my name will live forever.

I taught him that move.

Any time you want your sword polished, handsome, just let me know.

Cardinal: My men have orders to sh**t Vadim on sight.

If d'Artagnan is with him, he, too, is in grave danger.

Choose the Musketeers... and you choose oblivion.