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01x10 - Fushigi

Posted: 03/08/14 17:54
by bunniefuu
Previously on Helix...

Ilaria wanted a virus and a cure.

You engineered an apocalypse virus.

They will send an army.

Then we need to get down there and destroy the virus.

Julia: Jesus.

NARVIK... it's gone.

Hiroshi, I think I might die.

Hatake: She has a grade IV spinal tumor.

Julia: You didn't know, right?

Mm, sleep with me again, Alan.

Now, you can sh**t me, but I'm still going.

We're going.

Hatake: Me, you, and your mother.

Who the hell are you?

Hatake: You have your father's eyes.

(MRI machine clacking and beeping)


Man: Shh, shh, shh.



It's all right, Sarah.

What happened?

Just try to relax.

Where am I?

You're in Isolation.

We're preparing to do a scan of your tumor.

My tumor?

How did you find out?

Hatake found the scar from your surgery.

Let's just get these scans done, ok?

Give me a minute to get to the imaging room, and I'll monitor the scans as they come out.

Ok. Alan.

This'll be quick, I promise.

All right?

(glass shattering)

(vector growling)

Hey! Look behind you!

(vector shrieking)

Alan, help!

(Sarah screaming)

Sarah, what's wrong?

You were screaming.

(catching her breath)

I loved your mother very much.

She felt the same.

But when she found out about the Inuit children... she took you away, forbid me to see you.

But I have looked after you in my own way.

Inuit children?

You stole them.

Most were... placed in homes, given to those unable to have children of their own.


None of those lives were yours to give.

I deeply regret what I have done.

Seems like you really believe that.

This is the night I received the National Science Fellowship.

I was very proud of you.

You were there?

I am an honorary member of the board.

(She tsks.)

I voted for you, but nothing more. You won that on your own.

Of course I did, because despite what you might think this stalker book proves, you have nothing to do with me or anything I have ever done!

Julia, please.

Our eyes...

Why are they silver?

A rare genetic anomaly.

You're lying.

Tell me the truth. I deserve that.

I'm trying to protect you.

It's not your job to protect me.


The tumor has extended into your spinal fluid.

There's a... a real chance that it's spreading to your brain.

I just wanted to go out into the field.

Just once. This was my last chance to really do something that mattered.

I'm sorry I lied to you.

It's ok.

It's ok.

I'm really glad you're here.

(animal howling faintly)

Ok, stop moving.

Stop hurting me.

Tulok is throwing the Ilaria bodies out on the ice.

I'm fine, by the way, thanks for asking.

Wouldn't know it by listening to you moan like a baby.

We checked everyone else out.

No serious injuries.

Right, nothing at all serious about this.

It's a miracle nobody else got hurt.

Thanks to you.

But this isn't over, is it?

Ilaria won't stop. Ever.

(man shouting outside)

They'll hunt down every single person in this village just to keep their secrets.

Well, what are we gonna do about it?

We're not gonna do anything. You're going to take your people...

Our people, Miksa.

Whatever. You need to leave here as soon as possible.

This is our home; we're not gonna run.

Anana, he's right.

Our blood is in this ice.

Your blood on the ice is all that's gonna be left if you stay here.

If you scatter to the wind, you still have a fighting chance.

He's been watching me my whole life.

The album was filled with photos of me from Atlanta, medical school, even my overseas postings.

He told me his daughter d*ed in a fire. That was a complete lie.

He's done nothing but lie to us from the day we got here.

There was this picture of all us together like a family Me, Hatake, and my mother In that cabin downstairs.

I grew up here.

So did a lot of other kids who he experimented on.

He might have done something to you while you were sick down on Level R.

To his own daughter?

System voice: Attention. Code 725.

I'm gonna find Hatake.

System voice: Attention. Code 725, Level G.

I found something you may want to see.

Where is it?

Where is this scrapbook? How long have you been stalking her?

If you are here to accuse me of watching over Julia, I openly admit to doing so.

What you've been doing is sick.

I am her father.

She might not accept that, but a simple DNA test can prove it.

You lost your right to be her father years ago.

A topic I would enjoy debating with you, were there not something more pressing.

Dr. Adrian is departing the base with the missing core samples of the NARVIK.

Where is he going?


There is nothing out there but certain death.

He doesn't look like he's going nowhere.

The ice will take him. Trust me.

Ironic words coming from you.

The important thing is that the virus is gone.

And like Dr. Adrian, it will never be found.

If NARVIK makes it out of the Arctic Circle, there's no turning back; millions will die.

And those who don't die, they'll be vectors, spreading the disease until...

So, why did Adrian take all the NARVIK?

Either he works for Ilaria, or he's about to.

Juneau's eight days out.

No, he'd never make it that far on a snowmobile.

Echelon deep-space listening station, abandoned in '85.

It's only 50 miles out.

What are the chances the radio is still working 29 years later?

I think we're about to find out.

Julia, don't. It's too dangerous.

The virus is gone!




We need to go.

My National Science Award, what did you do with it when you moved out?

I, uh...

I put it in storage with the rest of your stuff.

What's got you thinking about that?

We never really talked about that night.

What's there to talk about?

I always wondered why you gave Peter your ticket.

Is this about me and Sarah?

No. You know what...

'Cause you said you didn't want to talk about it.

And I don't. I just, I... Ah, you know what, forget it.


Van Eigem: I don't want to become one of those things.

You know what I'm asking. I can't do it myself.

Please. Thank you.

System voice: Cafeteria is now open.

(mixer whirring)

(door opening)

Dr. Jordan. You should be resting.

You mean dying? No, thanks.

Whatever time I have left I want to spend in the lab.

(dishes clinking)

Let me help you.

You can just set it there.

Thank you.

Do you know where Dr. Farragut and Dr. Walker went?

They didn't tell you?

They don't trust me.

Can you blame them?

I've done things... terrible things, in the name of science.

Edward Jenner.

Infected an eight-year-old boy with smallpox to test an unproven theory. He could've been charged with m*rder.

But the child survived.

And Jenner pioneered the use of modern vaccinations.

He saved millions of lives.

You may have done some terrible things, but I can't help but think that none of that will matter if we get this antiviral to work.

Adrian: Can you hear me?

On radio: [Yes, I hear you.]

Adrian: I'm at the rendezvous.

As long as your bosses at Ilaria meet my price.

You get me out of here, you'll get your stuff.

[I'm on my way.]



Don't make me use this!

Take it easy. We're not here to hurt you.

You just happen to be in the neighborhood, decided to stop by?

Alan. The NARVIK.

Man: [Do you have the package? I need confirmation.]


Give me a second! Look, you can't make a deal with these people.

They will take what they want and k*ll you.

I've worked too long and hard to leave here with nothing.

The virus could k*ll millions.

This is a CDC problem.

I just want you people to stay in business.

[Do you have... confirmation?]

Hello, damn it. Hey!

You ok?

It's just a scratch. Can't say the same for the radio.

It's pretty busted up, but I think I can fix it.

Since when?

I've had to learn to do a lot of things without you.

It's chilly in here, but it's downright subzero between you two.

Battery's toast. We're gonna need another power source.

This place must have had a backup generator. I'll see if I can find it.

You're not coming with us, are you?

I have no choice.

You do, and you keep choosing him.

Look, when Ilaria's finished with the base, they'll be coming here.

I can slow them down, give our people a fighting chance.


What's wrong?

A snowmobile's missing.

Balleseros: Who's gone?

No one from our village.

How many bodies did you put out on the ice?


No, no. Five passed me on the way to the village last night.

The only advantage that we had is that Ilaria didn't know what happened here.

They still won't, not if I can stop them.

I'm going with you. (groaning in pain)

You'll just slow me down.

Get everyone out of here as fast as you can.

We checked Julia's blood already.

There's no viral antibodies.

Did you notice anything abnormal?

Not from the test, no.

Then... you need to change your perspective.

Look at the form, the structure of the DNA.

Why? What am I going to find?

I don't know.

But... there must be something.

Some would call Dr. Walker's recovery miraculous.

I do not believe in miracles.

My faith lies in science.

I believe that is a quality we share.

Julia's the expert.

If she were here, she could find what I'm missing.

When I saw you pressing forward in spite of everything, that is a mark of a true scientist.

Do not give up now.

System voice: Cleanup requested, Bacteriology, Level 3. Cleanup requested, Bacteriology, Level 3.

Cleanup requested, Bacteriology...

(Christmas music slowly droning on)

Like that's not creepy.

Hey, what's the story with you and the good Dr. Farragut?

You know, I had a lab assistant once. She was a real looker.

Banged her like a drum for a while.

And then I got bored, and it just turned into a real nightmare.

I had to fire her so she'd stop making moony eyes at me all day.

So, what happened to you?

Did he toss you aside for a new flavor?

That Dr. Jordan, huh? Ooh, she's a real hot piece, huh?

Mm, she's a real hot...

Shut. Up.

I found the... the backup generator.

You didn't fix this yet?

I was just about to try.

Mayday! Mayday! Mayday!

This is Echelon Station. Can anyone read me?

(radio static)

(Christmas music slowly droning on)

I repeat: this is a mayday situation.

I am Dr. Julia Walker with the Center for Disease Control.

We are in need of emergency assistance at...

Let me try.

Just give me a second.

(laughing) I can't believe that I didn't see it earlier.

That kind of easy disdain is born and bred in marriage. Let me guess: a rocky divorce?

I'm not gonna tell you again to shut up.

It seems like you just did.


Get down! (g*nshots)


Get to the door!


Throw out the virus and no one else has to die!

Follow me.



All we want is the virus. Just throw it outside and we'll let you go!

I think there's only one of them.

How do you know?

'Cause if he had friends, they'd have broken down the door by now.

Either way... he won't let us walk out of here.

[Echelon stasjon, Echelon stasjon, Echelon stasjon.]

[Echelon stasjon, er du der? Vi har mottatt din Mayday.]

Can you reach it?

I don't know.

[Echelon stasjon, Echelon stasjon, Echelon stasjon.]

[Vi har mottatt din Mayday.]

[Echelon stasjon.]


Man: So much for the radio.


(door opening)

What do you want, Peter?

Why are you here?

I want to help you.



This will all be over soon.

Sooner... than you think.

(Christmas music droning on)

I really thought I was close to a breakthrough.


Your awards presentation.

The National Science thing. I was really wrapped up in the work.

You want to talk about this now?

In the snowcat, when you brought it up, it all came back to me.


The ceremony was half over, they were about to call me up on stage, and you still hadn't shown up.

I was mad, but I know how you lose track of time.

I learned to deal with that. I realized when Peter showed up, you didn't get lost in the work; you just chose not to come.


I think about that night all the time.

I mean, if I hadn't given Peter my ticket... would you guys have ended up...

You asked about the last time I'd seen Peter. I lied to you.

I know. He told me.

I should have told you the truth. I just didn't know how.

(g*nshots) Come on.

(g*nshots) Your National Science Award is not in storage.


I smashed it to pieces about a week after you left.

Cut the hell out of my hand.

(Julia chuckles.)

I'm sorry.

I'm sorry too, Jules.



He's coming in.


Please tell me there's no cabin down there.

I wanted to log this just in case.

I re-sequenced Julia's DNA, and I found something...

We were so intent on finding antibodies to the virus, we missed this completely.

This is the scan of Julia's telomeres taken eight days ago when she was first infected with the virus.

And this is her sample from two days ago.

You can see her telomeres have lengthened, restored to the lengths that you'd expect to see in a newborn, all without requiring telomerase.

Now, is this a side effect of the virus like the pigmentation change in her eyes, or is this why she recovered?

I'm not sure, but I don't have to tell you that the medical possibilities are... endless.

Theoretically, we could induce the absence of telomerase. That, in turn, would remove the fuel necessary for cancer cells to grow, and if we could remove the fuel, then my cancer cells would die.

I think that's why Dr. Hatake told me to take a closer look at Julia's DNA. Somehow he knew.

If we could somehow supplement my weakened immune system, target the tumor directly, inject Julia's cerebral spinal fluid into my central nervous system...

I'm gonna start some trials on the computer and see if I get can prep on a spinal tap.

If I'm gone by the time you get back, or if this is just me grasping at straws...

I just want you to know I'm not scared.

I'm ready.

I guess that's all.

We're just going further into the ice.

What if there's not another way out?

(humming) What was that?

(quiet singing)

Coming from over here.

♪ The first Noel ♪
♪ The angels did say ♪
♪ Was to certain poor shepherds ♪
♪ In fields ♪

(chains clinking)

Free me.

Who are you?

The music... was so beautiful.

♪ The first Noel ♪
♪ The angels did say ♪
♪ Was to certain poor shepherds ♪
♪ In fields... ♪

Can you tell us your name?

Gunnar... Mikaelsson.

Why are your eyes silver?


Free me.

We're not doing anything with you until you tell us who you are.

Who am I?

I remember being a scientist, and a preacher, and a Viking.

♪ I've been a lover ♪
♪ I've been a ranger ♪
♪ I've been a builder ♪

Free me.

We don't have time for this.

Sutton's man will find this tunnel any moment.

We need to move.



I had to pick a side.

Constance made me choose, so I did.

That's why Hiroshi locked me up down here.

Tell them there are rules we must follow.

There can be no more than 500.

Five hundred what?

Talk to me, damn it! Tell me about your eyes!

You can survive four minutes without oxygen, four days without water, 40 days without food.

There was so much pain.

Rebirth feels like dying.

We had no idea the enormity of it at the time.

We thought we had found the ultimate gift.

Eternal life.

But to live forever is to die 10,000 times.

Balleseros: Your brother said we're almost ready to move out.

You've been standing there for a while.

I was wondering when you were gonna say something.

Trying to give you some time.

For what?

This is our home.

We shouldn't be running from it.

I learned at a very young age that you gotta build a home out of people, not places.

Yeah? And where's your home, Sergio?

I, uh...

I haven't found it yet.

You didn't have to come back here.

After what Miksa did to you...

How I treated you...

You could have let them come.

Everyone in this village owes you their life.

That doesn't excuse the things I've done.

You're right.

But it can be a start.

You can be the man you want to be, not the man they made you.

Do you believe him?

No, I don't believe him.

I know, ok, I know, what he said is crazy, and if you'd have asked me 10 days ago if I thought...

Julia, we are talking about immortality.

But there's so much that's happened that we can't explain.

We can explain it scientifically, not with fairytales!

I survived the virus without a trace of antibodies in my blood, and my eyes, they're just like his.


I just need to know what I am now.

(metallic thumping)

He's found the hatch.

Stay here.

We have to hide the virus.

(centrifuge whirring)

An hour and 42 minutes in culture, the cancer cells are showing...

How long have you been down here?

Two... No, n... nine...




Twenty-nine years...

10,500 days, give or take a week.

Why did Hatake chain you down here?

Every night, I have dreamed of my revenge.

I have k*lled him thousands of times, a thousand different ways.

You hate him also.

Why is that?

We have to go.

He's in the tunnel. I hid the bag in case we're caught.

Free me.

No. No. He's out of his mind. We can't trust him.

If we don't let him go, they'll k*ll him, and I need answers.

(Julia shouts in anger) Get off of me!

What are you doing!?

The longer you live, the more you will lose.

You will have to watch everyone you have ever loved die.

There is nothing in this world to fill an eternity.

Free me!

(blood spurting)

Man: Don't move. Hands where I can see them.

Where is the virus?

I don't know.

Suit yourself.

You have 10 seconds to tell me where it is before I pull this trigger.

Or maybe I sh**t her first.



(Julia gasps in pain)

It's done.

No more NARVIK.

You ok?

Yeah, I think.

I'm just...

You don't really believe that.

What should I believe, Alan?

Come on.

Engine's not frozen up. It should start.

Oh, thank God.

Don't thank him yet. We still have to get home.

(door opening)

What happened?

I found her in BSL-3. She appears to have suffered multiple grand-mal seizures.

Sarah, I'm here. Can you hear me?

It's me, it's Alan.

What do you have her on?


I had to induce coma to stop the seizures.

Her vitals are too low.

She doesn't have long.

(door opening)

Where were you?

Echelon Station.

We met Gunnar Mikaelsson.

This is not how I wanted you to find out.

I don't think you wanted anyone to find out, locking him up in a dungeon 50 miles away.

He betrayed your mother to Sutton.

It was a death sentence.

I repaid him with a life sentence.

I know you don't trust me, but I was protecting you.

They have gone to great lengths to keep their secrets.

Who are they?

The 500.


Five hundred immortals.

They run Ilaria Corporation.

(flatline tone)

Man: She's crashing.


Sarah: If I'm gone by the time you get back, I just wanted you to know I'm not scared.

And, Alan, I know that you don't believe in life after this.

And I don't either, but... I'm ready.

Dr. Hatake said something to me earlier.

He said his faith lies in science.

I guess mine does too.

And science has proven that nothing disappears without a trace... nature doesn't know extinction, only transformation.

We're all made up of the same atoms that created the universe, right?

In essence, we all live forever.

She doesn't have much time.

A few hours at the most.

If we are going to act, we must do it quickly.


The cancer is in her brain. She's... she's dying.

Then she has nothing to lose.

All my life, I've adhered to science.

You're asking me to believe in miracles.

Are they so different?

You believe you can save her?


But Julia can.

♪ (happy instrumental music)