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06x12 - Meet Me at the Altar

Posted: 04/18/24 17:55
by bunniefuu
[pop music playing]

Welcome to Love Is Blind!


[Nick] You all will have
the opportunity to fall in love

based solely on who you are on the inside.

The thing I yearn for is for someone
to truly love me for the person that I am.


I didn't think I would fall in love
this way, and it's like, I did.


[Vanessa] And if you fall in love,
you'll get engaged.

Will you please make me
the happiest man alive and marry me?

Yes! [laughing]

[Johnny laughs] Oh, my God.

Will you marry me?

I will 1,000% marry you.

Let's go!

[Vanessa] Then you'll finally see
your fiancée for the very first time.



-Hey, baby! [laughing]
-How are you, my love?

-[pop music playing]
-♪ Call it love... ♪

[Nick] Up until now,

your attraction has been based entirely
in an emotional connection.

[Vanessa] Hopefully, you turn that
emotional connection into a physical one.

[Johnny] When people said,
"She takes your breath away,"

I thought it was for a second or two,

not for, like, ten to 15 minutes.

Like, I found her. Like, that's it.

-[pop music playing]
-♪ Show me the future...

He makes me feel really heard
and really seen.


[Clay] I got so much stronger with you.

I'm gonna be a great father. I can't wait.

-Rock with me, I'mma take you to the moon.
-Yeah? Yeah?

-I promise you.

May I marry your daughter?


♪ Be the one that makes me see... ♪

[Amy] We're right where we're meant to be.
I'm excited to marry Johnny.

[pop music playing]

♪ Fight for love... ♪

[Nick] Will looks, race, lifestyle
or insecurities tear them apart?

I know you f*cked her!
And you told me that!

[Brittany] I want so badly

to be able to experience that crave
that I had with you in the pods.

Not enough for us to get married.

♪ Don't give up... ♪

I made the wrong decision in the pods.

I want us to be together.

You are not a man.
You're not man enough for me.

-You never f*cking have been, okay?

Your engagement just ended.

Sometimes I feel like you will choose,
like, convenience and comfort

over coming back to the apartment.

♪ Fight for love... ♪

Are we gonna get married?

Where are you at
with being able to give an answer?

[Chelsea] Um...

♪ Fight for love ♪

-[pop music playing]
♪ We're getting closer, baby ♪


I love you so much,
and I have no doubt in my mind that

you're my person.

♪ Think of me, think of me, baby ♪

But are we gonna get married?

Because I haven't even
got a grasp of where you're at.


Where are you at with

being able to give an answer?

Um, it's been intense for me.

It's literally been
a roller coaster of emotions

and going with the process

and really, really truly...

seeing if I can see this

moving forward in a marriage.

[Jimmy] Mm-hmm.

Right now, I can.


We can have fun together. We know that,

but we also have dealt with some crap,

and we've gotten through it.


So we know we can handle conflict,
and we know we can handle the hard times,

but, like, I do see a life with you.

I see you being an amazing husband.
I see you being an amazing dad.

Yesterday, I was a little...

I think I was just having an off day,

and I think, like,
both of us were just working a ton.

-And so were you.

Um, but...

today, I feel more secure

and confident in moving forward with you.

And I feel really, really good.

Every day, you've done
exactly what I would want in a wife.

I love you to death,
and I want a relationship with you.

-And I want us to work so bad.

But I don't wanna go to the altar.

I can't. [exhales]



The other day, with the rest of the guys
and the rest of the couples,

you've said it, like,
literally three times since then

about Amy and Johnny
being the strongest couple...

I said it because we were working through
some things, and I thought that we have,

and for you to just sit here
and tell me that you're not gonna...

Like, you're set on not going, right?
Am I getting that?

You're set on not going?

I'm set on not going.

Why did you propose to me?

I feel you weren't
even trying to get married.

You don't think I was trying
to get married?

I did not expect this right now.

We were just picking our songs
for walking into the f*cking reception.

Are you kidding me?

Why did you treat me like you did today?
We had the best day today.

Why didn't you tell me then?
Why did you waste my time here?

'Cause you just wanted to do this?

The only opportunity
is to tell you when I feel it.

I feel like you've known
you were gonna say no this entire time,

and you just wasted my time.

You told me two weeks ago
that you thought that I didn't love you.

I took a step back and said "I'm willing
to try" because I love you that much.

-Like, I love you.
-I love you too.

-When you know, you know.
-I do love you.

[gasps] But you're saying,
like, "I love you, but not enough."

-I'm not saying I don't... that it's...
-That's what it sounds like.

I love you. I think the world of you.

I was so optimistic

when I started this process

that if I put myself out there,

I would find my person.

That led me to you.

That's the greatest thing
I've ever done single-handedly.

It was hard, but it was
the greatest thing I've ever done.

And before that damn argument,
I was so set!

Before you lied to me,
before you called me "clingy,"

before you did everything to me that
I've gone through the wringer for for you.

I'm, like, walking on eggshells with you.

I can't tell you things that hurt
my feelings because you get so upset.

Like what?

Like, you're so set on not going
because of our one argument.

I'm just, like... That is blowing my mind.

It's not...

Okay, well, you're condensing it down
to one argument,

but it's, like,
five or six really big issues

that, like, really hit home
and hurt my feelings.

I told you out of confidence
about one of my friends

that I had a prior relationship with.

You threw that in my f*cking face.

You disrespected her. You disrespected me.

-So just because I...
-Let me... I'm still talking.

No, I need to interfere with that.

It made me uncomfortable because
you guys text and you call all day.

So someone you slept with,
that made me uncomfortable.

I get that you told me in confidence
to protect your reputation,

but it made me feel a certain type of way,
so that's unfair.

It's unfair.

-[Jimmy] Okay.
-So that was...

That was less recent than your
ex-boyfriend that you still hang out with.

I don't call him, and I don't
hang out with him! No, I do not.

The first night we got engaged, and we
got our phones back, you FaceTimed him!

I said we have a mutual friendship.

And I don't see him. I don't text him.
I don't call him every day.

-That is different.

You just, like... [scoffs]

continue to spur things out

that, like, I'm embarrassed of, and...

Yes, I did bring it up.

Did I apologize for bringing it up
in the way I did? Yes, I did.

I'm really sorry I brought it up on camera
when you asked me not to,

to protect your reputation,
but it was my feelings.

I needed to bring it up.

It isn't my reputation. I don't care
about it. It's hers that I care about.

That's messed up for any future guy
that she has anything with...

I'm sorry you guys
had a little secret little love triangle!

Exactly. That makes me reluctant
to tell you things, and that's a problem.

That's what you keep bringing up,
so keep going. Keep going.

What else do I do that you can't
see yourself marrying me for, 'cause...

All I'm saying is
is that night was such a big step back

that I cannot fathom
marrying you after that.

My... I tried!

You know what I think it is?
I think it's an excuse.

It's not an excuse.

So you calling me clingy,
you saying that I...

-You were being clingy.
-We're getting married!

Should I have broken up
with you the day you called me clingy?


Or to say you didn't want to have sex,
and I was pushing it on you?

[Jimmy] When did I say that?

Really? That you wanted to pull back

'cause I was the one who wanted
to have sex with you and you didn't?

-When did I say that?

The night you called me clingy!

You got drunk
and said that "I do not want to be here!"

You throw in the towel with one issue?

-That was not one issue.
-That's marriage! That's marriage.

Marriage is not easy!

-You broke my trust to the deepest degree.
-You broke my trust!

I didn't tell the world
your darkest secrets.

Your deepest darkest secrets
is f*cking your friend?

Okay, continue to throw it in my face.

Continue reminding me
why I'm making the right decision.

[Chelsea] Listen.

I was so hopeful for us.



-["Strange Days" by the Born Love playing]
-♪ I don't know where I stand...


♪ Always spinning around ♪

♪ Will I ever land... ♪


♪ If black is white and up is down... ♪


♪ Will I find the ground? ♪

[singer vocalizing]





♪ Hold on, my friend, hold on ♪

-[pop music playing]
-♪ Everybody wants you now ♪

♪ Na-na, na-na ♪

♪ I guess they just can't help it
Too bad you look so good ♪

♪ Everybody wants you... ♪



[Amy] Tonight is my bachelorette party.

I'm excited to live it up
as my last night as a single woman.

-[woman] Yes!

Wait, put Clay's face up!

-[woman] There it is!
You're so silly!

-I can't.

I miss him! [laughing]

Okay, well, wait, I gotta see it!

Oh, girl! Girl!

It's beautiful!

-Your hand sittin' heavy?

Help me!

We're gonna schedule
an appointment to the chiropractor.

-'Cause you gonna be walking like this.

That's me. I'm like,
"I just can't put it in my pocket, honey!"


♪ Throw me into
The thunder and lightning ♪

♪ I don't care, I don't care ♪

-[Nate] This is y'all's party time!
-[Clay] Yo!


-The bachelor party!
-[Clay humming]


-[man] This is actually the last ride?
-[Clay] Yeah.

-[Johnny] Hey, there!
-What's going on? You know why we're here.


-That's funny.
-Thank you very much.

All right, bring it in, fellas.

-[Nate] Yes, sir!

-Cheers it up. Let's have a night.
-This is y'all's night.

[Josh J.] Repeat after me.

-I ain't above you.
-[all] I ain't above you.

-[Josh J.] Ain't below you.
-[all] Ain't below.

-But I'm here with you.
-[all] I'm right here with you.


-[Johnny] What is this guy?
-I think they got something!

[Clay] "The groom to be"?

-[Josh J.] Oh, man!
-[Johnny] Dang!

[Johnny] Groom to be. Be! Be!

-Let's go, baby.

-[Johnny laughs]
-Grooms to be.

I'm really happy
that it's me and you though, man.

[Josh J.] What are the girls doing?

I saw AD. She had some shaking-ass pants.

-So I feel like they got, like...
-Dude, so does Amy. So does Amy.

-Who knows where they at.
-Like, "I don't know if I wanna leave."

I know. I wanna see you put that on!


-[dance music playing]
-♪ He's perfect, I'm flawless ♪

♪ I'm fire, the hottest... ♪


♪You want it, I've got it ♪


♪ Ah! Ah! Ah... ♪
Getting a chance to dance
and let my hair down!

I've been waiting for this moment
for so long! [laughing]

That is my Scorpio queen!

♪ Ah! Ah! Ah! Ah! Ha-ha! ♪

I'm ready to be Mrs. Gravesande.



This is my last night as a single woman.
I'm having the best time, listen!

Yes, yes, yes!

I'm about to embark on a huge milestone,

and the fact that I'm gonna get married
to Johnny is absolutely insane to me,

but I just feel so good.

I'm so ready
to be a future Mrs. Cortes-McIntyre!

Oh, Mama!

Come on, bride!

I know, right?

-Come on, bride!
-We need to... [laughs]

-Not us getting married.
-Who would've thought?

Let me tell you. Let me tell you.

I just didn't think Johnny would be...
He's very terrified of having kids.

-Like, hard no.

That's fine
because I don't want kids until...

-So you're not on birth control?
-No, I'm not on birth control.

Are y'all having sex?

We're waiting it out a little bit.

So you haven't had sex?
You haven't had sex yet?

-You haven't had sex?

-We're having a great time.
-You haven't had sex?

[laughs] We're having fun,
but we're being careful.

So you're gonna buy the car
without the test drive?


-That's love. That's love.
-Listen, it's deeper than love.

-I love that man, and he loves me.
-As you should.

[laughs] You don't gotta pretend with me.

Ain't no way!

That girl is too spicy.
She's f*cking that man! But...


Listen, I'm not... I'm not buying a car

if I don't get a test drive, so...

Good for her! But she's f*cking that man.


I'm just...

Love you, Amy.

Girl, he gonna eat it up.

One thing about Johnny,
he's gonna eat you up.

-I'm sure. [laughs]
-He loves you. He loves you.

'Cause the thing is,
if they were to say no...

-"What are you doing?"
-The way that I would cut Johnny...

-My trust issues...
-What do you think?

Johnny, I don't think...

I told him, "You better tell me,"
but I'm scared.

I'm, like, 2% scared. Like, barely.

But I'm scared that, like, once
you're actually present in the moment...

You feel 98% yes.

I'm ready for this.

Johnny, throw this next one
like Amy's watching.


[Josh J.] Come on! Come on.

It's truly magical that,
like, we're closing a chapter of one book,

and we're starting
the next chapter together.

I can't wait. I really can't wait.

[Clay] We're in a very good space.

Like, the sex has been good,
like, the chemistry has been good, like...

You know, in terms of her
just coming into my space

and, like, just being comfortable,

that's been perfect.

It's just like best-friend vibes.

Like, we just love each other.

She really sees me
for, like, who I am as a person

and, like, validates that.

And, like, she's willing
to, like, go to bat for that.

She's willing to, like, fight for me
and, like, keep this relationship going.

'Cause I'm a lot. I'm a lot to deal with.

Even y'all being my friends,
I'm a lot to handle

and be around with on a daily basis.

Anybody that's willing to fight for me,
I'm gonna fight for them as well,

so to me,
it's like, I'll go to w*r with AD.

She's willing to go to w*r with me.

I do love AD, and to me,
to love someone is a big deal.

Even though I have a lot of my flaws,
I never had a woman

be comfortable with my flaws,
and I cherish that fully.

-I can tell she really loves me.
-[Nate] Okay.

[Clay] Everybody's got their own ideas
of what they want with marriage.

I wanna be the best father.
I wanna be the best husband.

I feel like she deserves the best.

You know, going through this with you,
just been seeing growth.

You know what I'm saying?

Um, I mean, the process is actually
working out the way it's supposed to.

With me and AD working out,

like, when the wedding day comes,
we could do that for a long haul.

I'm grateful that I was able

to look at myself and challenge myself

and be better every single day,

where I'm able to see myself as,
"Wow, I can get married."

-It's f*cking wild.
-It's really wild, man.

Just me and you, like...

[laughing] It's crazy.

Like, I, like, I don't
even have words to say, like,

my emotions and, like,
how I feel towards this moment.

Cheers to us being the last two
though, honestly, Johnny.

-I wouldn't have it any other way. Cheers.
-I wouldn't have it any other way either.


And it's probably
what's meant to be, you know?

Like, you know, I think that we've
both changed so much through this process,

and we really dove in the experiment
and, like, gave it our all.

We wore our heart on our sleeve.

-I dove 100% into it. That's it.

I was never, like,
iffy or "oh, whatever," like...

Give 100%, and I like that.

I mean, I do wanna fight for AD.

Like, I can see myself married
to AD, you know?

-Cheers to AD and Amy.
-AD and Amy.

-["Better Together" playing]

♪ I thought I needed you ♪

♪ Now I know I do ♪

♪ We're better together ♪

♪ We're so much better together... ♪

Thank you.

[gasps] This is so cute!

I'm feeling amazing. It's my wedding day!

[shouts, laughs]

Oh, my gosh! [laughing]

Oh, my gosh...

♪ You and I, all day and night, yeah! ♪

Shut up!

I just never

in a billion, gazillion, katrillion years
would have thought that I would be here.



The first of seven siblings
to be getting married.

And it's happening for me today.

Oh, my gosh.

I see a beautiful life,
a beautiful future with Clay.

I think I showed him
over this course of time

the kind of wife that I wanna be,
the kind of woman I wanna be in his life.

And I think that's what got us this far,
to be completely honest,

because without my confidence...

[laughing] ...we would probably
be stuck in the pods somewhere.

I want you to understand that, like,
if we do take this journey together,

it is going to be a journey
of, like, roller coaster up and down,

but it will never deter my love.

-[Clay] Yeah.
-Like, I will never stop loving you.

[Clay] I just wanna read this verse
if I could, okay?

"Trust in the Lord with all your heart

and lean not on your own understanding."

"In all your ways, submit to Him."

"And He will always
make your path straight."

-I didn't think I would fall in love.

And, it's like, I did.


[Clay] I'm ready
to take this next step with you.

So, I need to know!

Will you take my lovely hand in marriage
and walk this life with me?

-And rock out with your boy, Clay?


[gasps] Oh, my gosh!

-Yes, absolutely, 100%!
-[both laughing]

Let's go!


[Clay] You definitely deserve love.

I chose you, and that's why I'm here,
you know, for you to show me the way

and just, like,
always love me for who I actually am.

Like, to me, that was the most
validating thing I think I could have.

I said it once.
I'll say it again. I got you.

My dad cheated
year seven into the marriage.

I just feel like it affected my mom.

So it's like I'm very fearful.

I don't wanna be in a situation
where I'm ever gonna cheat.

-I'm not afraid.

And I think there will be times
where I am, and I'll need you.

And I think right now is a time
where you are,

and you need me a bit more.

-Yeah. Yeah.
-And I'm okay with that.

-100%. I love hearing that.
-I'm okay with that.

[Clay] You're my person
that I could come to for comfort.

You've been awesome to me,
and me being with you,

and, like, the person I've become,
it's, like, incredible.

-Ooh, your whole body!

-I'm gonna pick this up.

[Clay grunts]


[shouts] Hi!

Oh, my God!


How are you feeling?

-Wedding day!

[all] ♪ It's wedding day! ♪


So happy y'all are here.
-What is this?

This is Clay's ring.
-[Tesh] Wow!

Is that "the ring"?

The ring.

You're gonna slide it on his finger,
then he's your husband.

Then he's my husband.

I fell in love with Clay because

he is just so real
and so raw and authentic.

And we just mesh together so well.

Like, almost, like, perfectly,
I would say. It just fits.

He makes me feel
like I can just be myself.

I don't have to be
all giddy and bubbly all the time.

Or however I'm feeling
in that moment, I can just be.

I mean, you add that on top of the fact
that he's so fine

and chocolate.

It's really a recipe for greatness.

-That's the ring.
-Just like that.

It's happening.

-Will you be my husband?

-["Love Somebody Again" playing]
-♪ I swore that I was done ♪

♪ 'Cause nothing seems to last ♪

♪ I had a broken heart
It couldn't fill those cracks ♪

♪ I threw it all away ♪

♪ I never thought
That I could love somebody ♪

♪ Love somebody... ♪

[Clay] Today is my wedding day.

I'm happy that I'm here,
and AD's rockin' with me, and I love her.

♪ ...walking in ♪

♪ I never thought
That I could love somebody... ♪

This is the biggest decision
I'm gonna have to make, but I'm ready.

Little celebration.

One of the reasons why I fell in love
with her is that she believed in me.

She's my best friend. I could ride
with her till the wheels fall off.

Beauty does wear out as you get older,

but who is that person that
you're connected with forever, you know?

♪ You came walking in ♪

♪ And now I know
That I can love somebody ♪

♪ Love somebody again ♪

-[Nate] What's up?

-What up? What up?
-How you doing, bro?

-[man 2] Hey.
-It's real good seeing you!

-[Clay] Langst!
-[Langston] What up?

-[Nate] Langst came with us!

-What's up, man? What up?
-That boy!

-What's good with you? How you feeling?
-Can't complain, man!

Feeling all right. Feeling all right.

-You look good!
-Oh, I appreciate it.

It's dope. It's dope as hell, man.

I'm not a perfect guy,

and, um, everything about
our relationship hasn't been perfect.

But it's been right for us. It's been
very on-brand, and that's what I love.

-It's a big day, right?
-[Clay] Big day.

Probably the biggest day
of your life at this point.

So, uh, cheers to you, your growth,
taking that next step as a man.

-Cheers to that.
-[Nate] It's serious, man.

-[Josh J.] Hell yeah.
-Cheers to that.

-[pop music playing]
-♪ ...your story ♪

♪ Things in your passages here ♪

Hey, Ma!


Don't start. Don't start.

-[Jacqueline] I'll keep it together.
-Keep it together.

-Love you so much.
-There's time for crying. I love you too.

You look good!

You look so gorgeous.

It's happening.

You wanna scream.
She wanna scream so bad!

-[Jacqueline] I got some stuff.
-Yeah, come have a seat.

I met someone.

-You met someone?
-[Jacqueline] Yes.

Clay's mom!

[Tesh] Wow!

-Did we not have a good time?
-I bet y'all did.

-Yes, we did.
-Y'all are two peas in a damn pod!

-I know you did!

-I know you did!

Is she not solid?

I told you!

That's a good woman. That's who I would
have picked to be your mother-in-law.

I would have picked her.

Nothing less than...
I would have picked her.

'Cause she was real.

[voice breaking]
The way she talked about you.

Clearly, I already knew that,
but the way that she talked about you.


That's, like, big, you know? So...

[Tesh] Do you think Clay will be
a good husband or a good future father?

I think Clay's gonna be a great daddy.

Which kind?

He's already just, like, such a protector,
such a provider already.

Those are the two top qualities
that I'm looking for in a husband.

-You gotta protect and provide.

And Clay's protecting and providing.

-["Humans in Love" playing]
-♪ Why don't we touch? ♪

♪ Like humans in love ♪

[Nate] How are you mentally?

Do you feel like
you're ready for this right now?

I am at peace with...

I'm happy of the man that I became,
like, through this process.

Like, I came
from one place of just being like,

"There's no way
that I can even fall in love."

Like, I felt like love
was just so distant from me,

and, like, I found love in the pods.

Like, to me, that's a big deal,
Nate, 'cause you know me.

-I'm a...
-I know you.

Like, I'm not that type of guy.
Know what I mean?

I'm just not that type of guy.

-You're not that guy!
-I'm not that guy! I'm not that guy!

-Not that guy.
-Yeah, uh, but I became that guy.

You know, I became him.

-[Nate] Became him.
-[laughing] What's up, bro?

No, I'm happy to hear that.
Just because, like... I don't know.

Me and Langston, we know you.
Josh knows you. Josh knows you.

-Feel me?

So I can tell you decided to open up more
and be more transparent.

-Yeah. Yeah, that's a big deal.
-[Langston] I feel it.

I wasn't as transparent.

And I'm more emotionally vulnerable
and empathetic.

AD has been really, you know, patient
with me with this whole experiment.

That's good, bro.

And I've never been in a position
where I chose somebody every day,

chose somebody besides myself
every single day.

Marriage, it's a two-man relay.

-Y'all have strengths.
-[Clay] Yeah.

She may be best to pop it off,
and you may be a better closer, finisher.

I think that's really
how you gotta think about marriage

and being a team,

despite you being an "I" person.

Like, you still gotta pull your part,

but you also have to find ways
to depend on your partner

to boost you, enhance you, like...

-[Josh U.] Motivate, yeah, all of that.

No, definitely. It's a teamwork.

Yeah, I need that.

-'Cause I can't do that myself.

AD makes me feel like a man's man,

and I can lead her in battle
of this game called life.

So you know, she validates me,

and she makes me
feel like a better version of myself.

And I think that that's important
in marriage.

I feel like this is like the finals
of a graded test paper,

but, you know, we're here today,
and I'm here to ace it, so let's go.

[pop music playing]

♪ Tell me that you feel this way ♪

♪ I want you to feel the same... ♪

-I wanna give you something.

This was my grandmother's,

and she gave it to my mother.

-My mother gave it to me.

Oh, my gosh.

What a delicate little thing. [laughing]


-It is her jade necklace that she had.

-[Jacqueline] And...

Yeah. Yep, yep, beautiful.

-[Tesh] So cute.
-[Tamicka] That's really nice.

Thank you.

-Thank you, Mother.
-Spread your wings though.

♪ Tell me that you feel this way ♪

♪ I want you to feel the same... ♪

Dad! [chuckles]

-Clay, what's good? What's good?
-What's up?

-I didn't think I was gonna even see you.
-[laughs] What's up, baby?

-Hey, what's up, man?
-Good seeing you. Yeah.

-You're looking good, man.
-I appreciate it.

-Whoo! God damn, Dad!

God damn, you gotta outshine me?

-So help me with my tux.
-Yeah, no problem.

-You told me green. You know.
-Yeah, I like that! Dang!

-Drop your hands before you pull that up.

Go ahead, put your hands in. Good.

This way it comes up evenly.

-Yes, sir.

-How you feeling?
-Feeling good, man.


Dad, you know, I got your watch.

-I'mma put that on right in the moment.

-That's what's up. That's what's up.
-I can't believe. This suit is too clean.

-[laughing] Stop.
-Ain't that like...

You looking sharp, man.

-Well, I appreciate it, man.
-Yeah, yeah.

-Clay, you know what I was laughing at?

-Before you got into track and field...

...when I took you out running,
the first time, I beat you.

-[Clay] Yeah, yeah.
-I'm talking all this stuff.

"You gotta do this.
You gotta do that," right?

-And then one day you beat me so bad.


You were way before me!
I couldn't believe it!

I felt good. Like, "Okay,
yeah, damn, I must be getting better

or Dad's out of shape."

-I wasn't out of shape.

-You were just...

-On another level.
-You took your thing to another level.

-Because track was always my thing.
-Yeah. Yeah.

You know, high school, All-American.
College, All-American.

United States, um, Olympic teams.

I came as close as the Millrose Games,
and I pulled that hamstring.

-[Clay] I remember. You told me.
-But outside of that, I was just...

-I was living vicariously through you.
-Yeah, yeah.

-I just wanted you to get where...
-The highest I could get to.

-Let me tell you. We got there, man.
-We got there.

I couldn't be more proud.

It's every father's dream,

you know,
to have kids that are successful, and...


I don't even have to tell you
anything about you, you know?

-But, um, but you know...

I gotta tell you this, okay?

A lot of what I was sharing with you guys

and with sincerity,
um, I didn't get from my father.

-'Cause my father wasn't...
-He wasn't present.

He wasn't present.
You know, he was doing his own thing.

Your grandmother was present.

-She was there.

Even though I've never seen
any other man but my father, right,

he came into the house, he was just like,
you know, he was in his own world.

Yeah, didn't wanna be bothered.

But for me, here's what
your grandmother always said to me.

"Treat your wife well."

-"Be good to your kids."
-[Clay] Yeah.

She didn't have to tell me
to be good to my kids.

-That came natural.
-[Clay] Yeah.

You know, when it comes
to right and wrong, it doesn't matter.

It doesn't matter if everybody else

is, like, in your ear telling you,
"Do this, do that."

-You gotta trust yourself.

Me and my dad haven't really had
too much deep conversations.

Like, in terms of words, that was
the most he poured in me my whole life.

You know, my dad
was married to my mom for 25 years.

My dad used to take me with him
when he used to cheat on my mom.

My mom never knew that.

I wanna know,
"Were you in love the whole time?"

I've seen him
from a different perspective,

and there's a gray area
when it comes to marriage,

and I'm just so big on that gray area,

and I just don't hear too many men
articulate that gray area.

Couple hours, man,
it's gonna be the big stage, you know.

But, you know, one thing about me, Dad,
I'm used to big stages.

-I'm used to the pressure.
-Yeah, no doubt.

It's nothing that I ain't used to,
you know. It's a Gravesande thing.

I feel good. I feel at peace.

I've grown so much through this process,

and I'm so happy with that.

And, you know, AD,

you know, she was an amazing person

that I connected with
through this process.

But, uh, in this moment,
it's just, like, so surreal.

Like, so much things
are going through my head.

Uh, so I'm kind of, like, overwhelmed.
I'm not gonna lie.

You think you're beaten, you are.
You think you dare not, you don't.

If you'd like to win, but think you can't,
it's almost a cinch you won't, right?

If you think you'll lose, you've lost.

Out in the world, you find
success begins with a fearless will.

So all in the state of mind.

If you think you're outclassed, you are.
Gotta think high.

You gotta be sure of yourself.

-You, okay?
-[Clay] Mm-hmm.

You know, if you wanna win that prize,

it comes down to life doesn't always go
to the faster or stronger man,

but the one who wins
is the one who thinks he can.

-It's just believing in who you are.
-Yeah, yeah.

My dad always was a suave guy.
I looked up to my dad.

I loved how smooth he was.

So the pros of my dad,
I identified and wanted to be like my dad.

But I didn't know
that I took some of his cons as well.

And this process is bringing
a lot of truth to me.

And, uh, it's just tough

to look yourself
in the mirror and be like...

"I'm causing a lot of issues in my life."

"I'm causing a lot of stress in my life."

I believe that me being married
will be great for me.

And although people will say,
"Don't let your past dictate your future,"

the man he is, I'm a lot like my dad.

You know, this thing called life, man.

-Just stay true to yourself. Love you.

-[grunts] Oh, man, appreciate you coming.
-Appreciate you.

-Thanks, man. Yeah.
-All right.

-Enjoy yourself, man.
-Oh, yeah, no doubt.

Yeah. We have some drinks too.

-[Trevor] No, I'm good.

-So I can leave out this way?
-Yep. I'll see you, Dad. I love you, man.

-[Trevor] Mm-hmm.

[Trevor exhales] Love you.

[pop music playing]

♪ All this love ♪

♪ All this love ♪

♪ Is waiting here for you, you... ♪

-[Tesh] Wow. You look so good.

-[Tesh] Yeah.

♪ All this love... ♪

-My goodness.
-[Tesh] Oh, my God!

-[Tesh] Oh, my God!


-Wow! Wow!
-Oh, my God!

-Wow. Wow!
[Tamicka] Gorgeous. Beautiful.

[Tesh] Look at that shape.
That's a perfect fit.

-[Jacqueline] Mm-hmm.
-[Tamicka] Oh, yes.

-[Tesh] You look good!
-[Tamicka] Oh, my gosh, Amber!

-Look at you.
-[Tamicka] Oh, my God.
That leg, yeah.


Wait. Get it! Get it!
Get it! Get it! Get it! Get it!

-The heels with that.
-Look at you!

This is the necklace Clay gave me.

-[all] Aww!

Figure I'd throw it on.

Aw, he's not gonna be able to talk.


But he will get out an "I do."

But he's gonna absolutely say,

"I knew that voice
on the other side of that was for me."


-[Jacqueline] You got this.

You're gorgeous.

Thank you.

You see all these women
and young people behind you?

We are family. We're here.

So gorgeous.

Thank you.

[Jacqueline] Go out there

and enjoy your day, your moment

and, um, fly.

-Thank you.

-[sniffles] Love you, Jack.
-Love you more, AD.

Wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait.

Standing here in this beautiful gown

seconds away from
walking down the aisle to my fiancé,

I have butterflies.

[laughs] I am a little shaky.

-I got you.
-I know.

Clay and I,
we both come from divorced parents.

It's very rare that you see, like,
people fighting for each other.

But it's like when you find someone
that will fight with you

and fight for you...

it's worth it, for sure.

I just never envisioned this for me,

and the fact that it's happening...

is... [laughs]

is crazy.

-["With Me" playing]
-♪ Are you with me? ♪

♪ These old words are never told ♪

♪ But lately I've been feeling ♪

♪ So much bolder than before...


♪ So here it goes ♪

♪ I love you ♪

♪ Do you hear me? ♪

♪ Can you feel me?

Are you with me? ♪

Whoa, Mom.

How do you feel seeing
my name up here? [laughing]

It is... weird.

-Uh, but...

[Clay] I appreciate you being here.

At the end of the day,
that's the most important thing.

-Mm. I love you, Mom.
-I love you too.

I love you. I always was a mama's boy.

-You always will be, you know?

-But you look good, and I'm proud of you.

And, you know, whatever the decision is,
I support you completely.

[Clay] Mm-hmm.

-This is Grandma's ring.
-I know.

-I wanted to make sure she was here.

She's a silent partner.

-She's a silent partner.

This is, uh, surreal.

Are you good?

I'm good. I'm positive. I feel good.

[Margarita] Just yield into your feelings.

-You know? Um...

You are amazing. You guys look good.

-I can't wait to see her.
-Mm-hmm. Me too.

And when you see her, you're going to
get emotional. I'm telling you.

Because there's something about
seeing her walk down the aisle.

I don't know really what it is,
but it is something powerful.

-[Clay] Mm-hmm.

-So just yield into it.
-Yeah, yes.

-Embrace it, you know?

-I think we're about to go, Ma.
-[Margarita] You good?

[Clay] I'm good.
I'm at peace, peace, peace.

-Divine order.
-Thank you, Jesus.

-Thank you, Father, for your blessing.
-[Clay] Thank you.

[dramatic music playing]

It's the real moment. [chuckles]

[Margarita] As it should be,
but you deserve it.

[Clay] Yep, yep, yep, yep. Hello.


How you doing? You doing all right?

-How I'm looking? I'm looking good?
-You look amazing.

Like a husband? [laughs]

-Let's go.
-[Margarita] He's nervous.

[Taylor] I know he is.

That's okay.

[pop music playing]

♪ Oh, I know, know, know
Where I wanna be ♪

♪ Maybe one day we'll have a family ♪

♪ Marry me ♪

♪ Whoa-oh ♪

♪ Marry me ♪

♪ Whoa-oh ♪


[wedding march playing]



Oh, my...


It's okay. It's okay.
It's okay. You worked for this.

It's fine, okay?

-[attendees chattering]
[woman 3] Let's go, girl.

[laughing] Okay.



Okay! Body.

Do you see the material?


Oh, my God. [laughing]

-[chuckles] You okay?

Oh, my God.

-Oh, you look good.
-Thank you.

-Look at you. Got that shit on.

[Clay chuckles]


-You look good.
-Look at you. Dang!

-[minister] You all may be seated.
Oh, my God.

You okay? You look beautiful.

-Thank you. Like it?
-Look good in the chain, beautiful.

Thank you, baby.

[minister] I would like
to welcome you all to a grand union.

A union of two.

A dedication.

Many have chosen lifelong partnerships,

but today, we celebrate yours.

Your love,

your time, your declaration.

Today, we celebrate
the union of Clay and Amber.

You chose to get engaged
and spend the rest of your lives together

based on a deep emotional connection.

You fell in love with each other
based on who you are in the inside

and decided to get married sight unseen.

AD, the whole sight unseen,
you already know I was resistant to that.

Very much.

"I need to know what you look like
before I propose."

You came through. You popped out.

I saw you,
and I was like, "I can work with that."

-[laughing] I gave you something.
-You know?

But, honestly, AD, I feel as though, like,

I became such a better man
dealing with you

through this whole process,
and I wanna thank you for your patience,

'cause Lord knows, I'm a lot to handle,

a lot to deal with,
and just your patience,

and you know, you just being able
to be adaptable with me,

navigate through the turbulence.

I always said the reason I love you is
the fact that whenever we have an issue,

we are able to come back the next day,
and talk about it

and get to another point.

I love that fact.
It's a real relationship.

And although this has been
an expedited process,

I think me and you have been so authentic.

We've had those real
uncomfortable conversations

and got to the point we're at now.


It's like I'm so happy that we're here.

-The mental fortitude to go through...
-[exhales] Talk about it.

...together, and it just shows
that we are a fantastic team.


I gotta give a shout-out to you
for just looking out for me.

-For real.
-[laughing] I got you. I got you.

[Clay] Thank you, girl.

-This is crazy.

Clay, honestly, from the moment

that we actually really started connecting
in the pods,

my life has never been the same.

You are a safe space for me.

You are a home for me.
We speak the same language.

-We love the same things.

You are beautiful. You are intelligent.

I love how raw you are, authentic.

How personable and fun you are.
Like, I love that we can just...

-[shouts, screams]
-Yeah, yep, yep.

Any minute of the day!
-[Clay laughs]

Like, it doesn't even matter.
-[Clay] Yeah.

I think you are
a very powerful, powerful man.

I see things in you
that maybe you don't see.

[Clay] Mm-hmm.

And those are things
that I wanna continue to nourish for you,

because I trust you.

-I just appreciate the man that you are.

And I appreciate the fact
that we've even got this far.

-[laughing] 'Cause...
-I know.

-The work had to be put in.
-Okay. And you put in the work.

-You put in the work.
-[Clay] Mm-hmm.

That's why we're here,
and I'm so proud of you,

and I will always be proud of you.

I'll always be your biggest fan,
your biggest cheerleader. Always.


[minister] Clay and Amber,
you chose each other

based on an intense emotional connection.


[minister] Looks, age, finances,

all the superficial things of the world
were not a factor for you two.

-I didn't say all that.


Clay, Amber,

as you stand here today
before one another,

take note that after you speak your vows,

your lives will never be the same.

As in Proverbs 3:5,

"Trust in the Lord with all your heart

and lean not on your own understanding."

"In all your ways, submit to Him,
and He will make your path straight."

Now it's time to decide

if love is blind.

Will you get married
and commit to face your life together

as husband and wife

or will you walk away forever?

My heart is racing.

-My heart is, like, beating.
-I know. Me too. Me too.

-Whoa. [exhales, chuckles]

Do you take Clay
to live together in the union of marriage,

to take him as your best friend
and partner in life,

to honor, cherish and love him

from this day forward,

for better, for worse,

for richer, for poorer,

in sickness and in health

for all of your days?

I do.



[Clay exhales]


do you take Amber
to live together in a union of marriage?

To take her as your best friend
and partner in life,

to honor, cherish and love her

from this day forward,
for better, for worse?

-For richer, for poorer?

[minister] In sickness and in health

for all of your days?

[dramatic music playing]


This has been the best process.

AD, I love you.

I don't think
it's responsible for me to say I do.

But I want you to know
that I'm rockin' with you,

and I just don't think it's responsible
for me to say I do at this point

when I still need work.

I still need to get to the point
where I'm 100% in,

and I'm not gonna have you over here
thinking that this is not gonna work.

-I'mma put the work in for you.

And we'll go through this together.

I don't care what nobody says.
I know fully I'm not ready for marriage.

And you deserve the best.

And if I'm not ready to give that 100%,

I won't go there with you
when I'm not ready.

And I appreciate you,
and I know that you will fight for me.

-We'll let it work.
-What the f*ck?

I know, but I can't say...
I can't say yes right now.

I'm sorry, AD.


I'm sorry.

What the f*ck?

But why does it matter, like,
with the timeline? Why does that matter?

Clay, don't do this.

[Clay] Mm.


We good.

Come on, baby.

-Thank you.
-You're so very welcome.

I'm sorry.

Thank you.

[Margarita] You're beautiful.

I'm sorry.

Thank you. Thank you.

-[pop music playing]
-♪ If there's somebody for everybody ♪

♪ Everybody ♪

♪ Tell me why ♪

♪ Not for me... ♪


♪ No, not the life my mama said ♪

♪ That it would be ♪

♪ Stories I have read make it look easy ♪

♪ My Mr. Right was always wrong ♪

♪ He's good until he's gone ♪

♪ Why can't it be? ♪

-[Josh U.] You all right?
-Yeah, I'm good. I'm good.

Waste of my f*cking time.

I'm so confused!

[Clay grunts]

[Margarita] I love you.

I love you too.

-[Margarita] Okay?
-Yes, Mom.
I'm just so upset.

[Tesh] That doesn't make you
any less of a person.
I just need a moment, please.

-[Jacqueline] Okay.
I just need a second.


I'm just so confused.

f*cking idiot.


I wanna make sure we're clear,

we're crystal clear
with what I'm about to say.

Your dad and I
were married for almost 24 years.

You do not get to this point

and think that you need to be forced
with the "I do."


Because at the end of the day,
it's what's in here.

And if you're not 100% sure here,

don't ever cross that line.

I don't want to, like, bash him, y'all,

'cause I love this man,
but I just don't understand.

I'm just never enough.

-Like, never.
-[Tesh] You're always enough.

The other person is never enough.
The other person is not enough.

Amber, you just haven't met
your person yet.

And unfortunately,
we thought it was gonna be Clay,

and he f*cked everyone over.


-So you good?
-I'm good. I'm good.

I think, uh,
it's a lot of emotions going on.

-Yeah, just breathe, you know?

-It's just like, uh...
-Yeah, but you know what though?

-Let all that stuff go.
-Yeah, yeah.

'Cause I feel good about my decision.

Like, I feel like I chose...
I'm not ready to be married.

[Trevor] We're good with whatever decision
you decide to make.

Yeah. And don't second-guess yourself.

At the end of the day,
you gotta do what makes Clay comfortable.

Because if you do it for any other reason,
you're not gonna be happy.

If you thought long and hard about this,
guess what.

-That's the decision you live with.
-[Clay] Yep.

-[Trevor] And I'm proud of you, okay?

That's maturity, man.

-You're showing maturity.

Come on, baby.
You know what I'm saying, right?

-I know what you're saying.
-Okay, good, good.

I got you, all right?
Listen, man. Listen. Guess what.

I loved you when you were born.
I love you today.

-Yeah. Yeah.
-Nothing has changed, okay?

-I'm proud of you, okay?
-[Clay] Yeah.

-Yeah. Yeah.
-That's gonna stay that way. All right.

[Clay] Me and AD
have a great relationship,

but it wasn't enough
where I felt as though that,

"This is the person I'm about to marry."

Should I go talk to her?

Uh, yeah, you can. You know what I mean?

You definitely don't want
to appear to be indifferent.

[Clay] Marriage is a unity of self.
It's a unity of finances.

It's a business decision.

You know, I think there's stuff
we should have built on.

A lot of the work that needed to be done
was my emotional empathy side.

I think the finances,
I looked at it, brushed it off,

but finance is huge to me, and I
don't understand her finances like that.

At the end of the day,
eternity is forever.

And if I'mma be something forever,
I wanna be locked in 100%.

I looked at myself in the mirror
and said, "Am I a husband?"

And the answer was no.

"Am I in deeply in love?"
The answer was no.

Those are two things,

if you can't say yes to those answers,
why are you getting married?

Hey, AD.

You okay?

It's a bizarre question
to ask someone. [sniffles]


I'm sorry.

I'm sorry, AD.

It was a game-time decision.
Like, I thought about everything, AD.

Like, I really was f*cking struggling
with everything this whole time.

There's no world that exists
where I don't understand that, Clay.

But I'm saying, like, it's irresponsible
of me to say yes in this time

when I'm not ready to give you 100%,
and you wouldn't want that.

You wouldn't want me saying yes
and being half-assed with marriage.

You wouldn't want that.
And I've said I'm not ready for that.

Like, I'm feeling bad,
because I see you crying, it's hurting me.

It was a game-time decision for me.
I wanted to reconsider everything.

And it's just for me
to say off a great two weeks,

"This is gonna be my wife forever,"

I could not make that decision
to you today.

And it just breaks my heart seeing you
like this because I love you. I really do.

It's like, me saying no
was not to you, AD.

I'm not ready,

and that's hard for me to look at myself
in the mirror and say that.

You are perfect, girl.

I've grown with you.

It's hard for me to look at myself
in the mirror, like, I can't be,

"I'm not a husband now."

I'm not... I'm not rejecting you.

And it almost feels like
that I am, you know?

Yeah, it does.

I'm so sorry.
I'm so sorry. Can I get a hug?

-[Clay exhales]

-I'm sorry, AD.
I love you.

[Clay] I love you too.

What am I supposed to do now?

-[Clay] What do you mean?
-What am I supposed to do?

You think I'm leaving?


What are you supposed to do?
I guess you gotta run away from me.

Stop. Oh, my God, seeing you so sad
is breaking my heart.
That was just a f*cking lot.

[Clay] It was a lot.

But, AD, I'm telling you.
Like, I'm gonna put the work in.

I'm gonna go to therapy,
all that stuff I said, you know?

Part of what he is struggling with,

he struggles with a marriage.

With commitment? Okay.

-With a marriage.

-"Is this sacred?"

"Do you honor?" He struggles with that.

And all of those emotions and twisted...

and feelings, he took that to the altar.

And a lot of that stems
from things that you have to explain

and then apologize.

[Trevor] Mm-hmm.

Don't make excuses, just apologize.

So that closure can be had.

But the marriage thing,
the commitment, he struggles with that.

He's like, "I know you stayed, Mom,

but there's things
that I saw that I should not have I saw,

or been in a position..."

You know, and kids, when they grow up,
and they see things...

It's like, you know,
"Is marriage for real?"

"Or is marriage something
that you get into,

and you lie, and you deceive?"

And he took a lot of that
to the altar with his decision.

Here's the thing too, Rita.


Um, I, um,

I didn't necessarily have
the best role models in my life.

-I know. I know.
-You know?

I can't ever remember my father ever being

a part of my life.



I've always told you I forgave you,

but there are things
that had came out in the end

that I did not know about
until this experience.

I was hurt.

Again, I'm divorced from you,

but things that he shared with me
that I did not know.

So that's why I'm saying
he took a lot on his back.

And although we came from broken families,

that doesn't mean that we have to pass on
that brokenness to our kids.


-Yeah, stop the bleeding, stop the cycle.

Your past and things that you witness,

it's part of your DNA.
It's part of your inside.

And if you don't get freakin' help,

you bring that shit into the next thing.

So the fact that he... he did this process,

he wants to be
in a long-term relationship.

He wants that.

-Tell him to meet somebody like you.

I met you. You know,
tell him to meet somebody like his mom.

Yeah, but you met me,
but you wasn't good to me.


-Okay? So...

-We won't talk about that anymore.

I'm so sorry, AD.
I feel like a piece of shit.

I really do.
I did my best.

You did.

-I did my f*cking best. [exhales]
-[Clay] You did.

Do you think it wasn't good enough?


So everything I'm saying,
it's not resonating to you, huh?

It's hard. It's hard to make,

you know, like,
what you say and what I feel...

-Come together.

I just feel like I learned
so much about myself, AD,

and it kinda got scary.

You know?

I just think my thing is, like...

It sucks that, like,
I feel kinda like a sacrifice, like...

-You learned so much about yourself.
-[Clay] Yeah, yeah, I get that.

-And used me to, like, do it.
-[Clay] Mm-hmm.

I'm sorry. Do I have to leave you?

["In the Inbetween" playing]

♪ As you sought courage ♪

♪ In the thought of letting go... ♪
♪ Shrugged off the feelings ♪

♪ But the memory remains...

I don't wanna go.


I just keep feeling like
I keep getting so f*cking close.

And I keep, like,
doing so much for these men

and carrying these f*cking relationships,

and, like, it's just not f*cking enough.


And I don't, like...
I don't know what else to do, really.

Like, it's just not enough. [sniffles]

I'm sorry. I really am.





I love him. I love him. I really do.

I'm really sad that...

I wasn't enough for him
to, like, get right.

I can't drag him. I can't force him,

and I'm not gonna f*cking beg him
to f*cking pick me.

I'm done.

♪ And in this sadness, I will stay ♪

♪ And I will wait ♪

♪ And hope that you stop leaning ♪

♪ On the sword of your mistakes ♪

♪ Oh, it's a long way back from here... ♪



-[pop music playing]

♪ One step, then another ♪

♪ Then one step more ♪

[Amy] Today is the big day.

I found my best friend that I get
to spend the rest of my life with,

and I'm feeling all the emotions.


I'm gonna cry. [laughs]

This is so beautiful!

Like, I've always dreamed
of having a fairy-tale wedding,

and it's beyond, like, what I dreamed of.

Oh, my God.

All the feelings. This is so perfect.

I just can't help
but to think of, like, how this all began.

Our story has been so beautiful.

My mom's family is from Barcelona.

She's basically catalana.

-Amy, I love your accent.
-Aw, thank you.

-[Johnny laughs] It made my heart melt.

[imitates blues chord]

♪ Her name is Amy, and she's really cool
[imitates blues chord]


The one thing I wanna do
is I don't wanna change you at all.

I like you... like, I love you.

-[Amy] Oh, my God!
-Came out.

I do love you too.


Amy Tiffany Olenska...


...will you please make me
the happiest man alive and marry me?

Yes! [laughs]

-Oh, my goodness! [laughing]

[Johnny] Oh, my God!


-[Amy] My love grows every day.
-[Johnny] I'm much happier with her.

[Amy] This is the moment
I've been waiting,

and I think it was meant
to find you. [laughs]

-[woman 4 gasps]

-Oh, no, I'm gonna cry!


-Oh, my God!
-This is so cute.

-[Amy] Hello!

-Oh, my God.

Having my family and friends witnessing
such a huge milestone in my life,

it's important to me.

Family is everything.
I thought it'd be a beautiful touch

to have my future sister-in-law
be on my side of things.

-[Maria] Oh, my God, and the dress!
-[Amy] Right?

It's perfect.

So beautiful.


I'm so sure that Johnny
is the one that I'm gonna marry.

I'm ready to...
get me to the altar. I'm ready! [laughs]

-I love y'all so much!
-We love you too, girl.

[Amy] So ready.

-[pop music playing]
-♪ I just wanna feel it all ♪

♪ It all, it all, it all ♪

♪ I wanna feel it all ♪

Today is gonna be
one of the days I look back on.

Oh, this is nice!

I don't know if it's one specific thing
that made me fall in love with Amy.

She was fun-loving. She matched my energy.

She's someone that we could
just joke around,

have an amazing time together
just as people.

She's very dedicated
towards, like, her career, her family.

-[man 3] Johnny!
-Oh, my God! [laughing]


-Long time no see!
-[man 3] Long time!

Glad you could make it.

Not a day goes by where we don't kiss,

or we don't, like, give each other,
like, a huge hug or cuddle.

It's a nice feeling of just
that intimacy factor of, like, "Hey."

"You're my person."

I'm not gonna lie. I was a little like,
"John, what the hell are you doing?"

-Yeah, no, I know, trust me. [laughs]

But once you meet you guys
and see you together, it makes sense.

-Like, it makes so much more sense.

Within 30 seconds of meeting her,
I was like, "She's perfect.

Like, she's so perfect."

Did that change from the pods?

-We got very deep.
-[Jack] Good.

We talked about everything.
Day seven, I slipped on an "I love you."

She said "I love you" back.
I didn't even mean for it to come out.

-You slipped on!
-I was like, "Honestly, I love you."

-And that was literally...
-Seven days in.

Yeah. It was deep conversations
about, like,

kids, about, like, religion,
about, like, um...

What happens if, like,
we have, like, a miscarriage?

What happens if, like, someone
loses their job and goes bankrupt?

-Holy shit!
-Just very deep conversations.

I've never had
those g*dd*mn conversations.

No, but, like, those are things
to, like, really, like, think about too.

Like, those really deep conversations.
Like, "What if this happens?"

"How are we gonna attack this?"
She's open-minded and really cares.

Wants to know, like,
what I'm really thinking about.

The other thing was
she's passionate about her family.

She loves them deeply.
Like, it's a huge part of her life.

Obviously, huge part of my life too.

Like, she's a grinder.
Like, she works hard.

When she walks into a room,

she kind of commands it,
and it's really nice.

-We flow together, like, amazingly.
-She's the girl.

She's the girl. It's perfect.

-Dude, you love this girl.
-Yeah, I do. I truly do.

-[Patrick] You're getting married, man.
-[Jack] Yeah.

-[Patrick] Like, this is a big deal.

Let's go, baby!


-[pop music playing]

♪ Always bring the best vibe
It's a good life ♪

-So happy for you!

It does seem like he's, uh,

I think the most sensitive and, like,
emotionally mature guy you've been with.

Yeah, and that I'll ever be with.

-I love when a man feels. [laughs]
-Mm-hmm. Yeah. Me too.

I'm so nervous for you!


Not, like, for you.
Like, I know it's gonna be great.

But I'm just, like... It's a wedding.
Who isn't nervous on a wedding?

I know!

We both have a huge decision to make
that is for a lifetime,

and I'm very certain on what I wanna do.

I'm very excited.

I'd like to think
that Johnny is on the same page as me,

but my biggest fear is that,
like, for some reason,

him walking down the aisle,
he's like, "Oh, shit, this is real,"

and he just wants to back away,

um, and gets cold feet
and just doesn't wanna go through with it,

and says, "I do not," but I'm really
hoping that's not the case. [laughs]

I literally had a dream that Amy called me
right after she got engaged,

and I saw a man in the FaceTime,
and it was a white, blond man.

Oh, my God!

I was like, "Amy, I had a dream,
and you're with a white, blond man."

He's like, "Actually, it's strawberry
blond." I'm like, "It's white, blond."

-Oh, my God.
-[woman 4] It just felt very real.

And my dad had a dream two years ago
that he saw, like, my future kids,

and that they have, like, light-brown,
blondish hair, and I'm like...

[woman 4] The moment I saw a blond man
enter my dreams,

I was like, "This is it.
This is her husband."

[laughs] I literally had no,
like, mental picture of him.

I mean, we both didn't really
give descriptions of one another.

So great. I'm happy you guys
didn't talk about that before you...

-[Amy] Yeah.
-It would have ruined it.

'Cause, like,
superficially, like, he isn't your type.

So I think it's sweet that you were able
to find your type in their soul.

-And not how they look.
-[Amy] Yeah. Exactly.

Thank you.

-[pop music playing]
-♪ My heart's beating fast ♪

♪ But time's moving slow... ♪


-All right, fellas. Oh!
-[all cheering]

-Oh! Johnny!
-[Johnny] Y'all looking good!

-You look so good!
-Dude, you're looking better, man.

Look at you guys!

Got some stunners! Stunners.

[music continues]


Okay, look up. There we go.

I wanted to make sure
that was, like, really tight.


-[woman 4] Oh, my God.


[woman 5] Amy...

[David] Mm.

-Aww, you guys look amazing.
-[Mercedes laughing]

-How do you feel?
-Good. I feel at peace.

-You ready?
-I'm ready. Are you guys ready?

Are you still right
for the decision you're making?

-[Amy] Yeah. I feel confident.
-[David] Okay.

Okay. So we are right behind you.

-We are here for you.


I'm gonna get emotional. [laughs]

Um, having my family and my friends
means so much

because this is
a huge, you know, milestone,

and... and they don't have to be supportive.

It's a choice that they make
to be supportive,

and their love means so much to me,

and I'm so, so excited
to share this beautiful day with them,

and with Johnny's family,
that has also become like my family.

Um, so I'm very, very blessed and happy.

I feel like you guys
just fit into our family so well.

-[David laughing] Yeah.
-It was so nice.

The whole experiment,
it was something that had my reserve,

but I have to say
that I had to change my mind.

-I'm very grateful.
-I was nervous with John going in too.

[David] Oh, yeah.

And then the moment we met Amy,
I was like, "Oh, this is my new sister."

-It's like, "I'm so excited."

-You can feel it between them, you know?
-[David] Mm-hmm.

I feel like I have multiple daughters.
So I'm just happy.

-[Amy] My new sister!
-I know!


I saw you guys get emotional. I was like,
"I don't wanna cry before I even leave!"

-I'm sorry.
-No, it's okay.

I'm so excited to be your family. [laughs]

I said, "We are family now!"

I love you guys so much.

It's a word that we say, but, you know,
really from the bottom of my heart,

we love you so much.

Oh, wow! You guys look amazing!

[woman 6] Oh!

Oh, it's a big day!

-All right, buddy. Oh!
-[Johnny] Oh!

-[man 4] Wonderful.
-I'm happy you guys came. Let's sit down.

-Wow. This is beautiful!
-I know.

Love to have a little man cave like this.

-Well, you ready?
-[Johnny sighs]

I am.

-Are you?

It's been a lot,
but it's been really nice.

You learned about her from the inside out.

[Johnny] Yeah, opposed
to just physical traits too.

-[Jim] Uh-huh.
-Yeah, so that's wonderful.

And a weird way to do it,
but what a cool way to do it, you know.

I think you're making the right decision.
How long does it take to fall in love?

Exactly six months,
three days and two hours?

Or exactly, you know,
one hour and 20 minutes?

-Got your whole futures ahead of you.
-I'm really excited. I'm really excited.

We did it. You can do it.

You guys had a great marriage.
I wanna make sure I have the same thing.

God willing, you will.

Marriage is the hardest job
you're gonna have.

It's the most fun job you're gonna have.

-Today is a wedding day. That's a big day.
-It's a beautiful day.

Come here, guys.

-[Jim] Oh!

-Group hug. [laughing]
-[Johnny] Yeah. All right.

-[Joy] I love you.
-[Johnny] Love you so much. Thank you.

-Thank you so much for everything.
-You got it.

-[Joy] I'm proud of you.
-[Jim] Oh!

♪ A thousand times
You made me get back up ♪

♪ Because of you, I learned to fly ♪

♪ But I will never fly away... ♪

[Maria] Yeah.

Yeah. [gasps]

♪ I'll carry all your weight... ♪

[Amy laughing] I can't look at you.

-You look so amazing.

♪ I can't stop now ♪

♪ I'm up so high I can't come down ♪

I never thought
I would be seeing you like this.

-You look so amazing. Cinderella.
-[Amy] Thank you.


You are getting married now.

So you

will be our daughter, but you need to know

that you are gonna have a husband

that you have to take care of

in the good times and the bad times.

We are here for you.

-But not only for you, but for Johnny too.
-[Mercedes] For him too.

And we want to, all of us together,
we're all gonna make you be successful.

I love you.

I love you too.

The same way that I want him to love you.

[exhales, laughs]
Thank you. I love y'all too.

I got my reserve of the experiment.

But I changed my mind

after I see you happy.

And I see Johnny happy.
I saw his eyes looking at you.

And that's the expectancy
that I want a man to look at you,

fall in love with you.


[David] Last night, I couldn't sleep.

I don't know if you sleep,
but I didn't sleep.

-Because I was thinking.

Recollections and memories.

And the people that are not here,
they are here.

Your grandparents are here.
They will be walking with you as well.

And they're proud of you.


-So are you ready to rumble?
-[all laughing]

-[woman 7] Yes.
-I'm ready to rumble.


[pop music playing]

♪ There's no pretend ♪

♪ I might be dreaming ♪

♪ There is no other ♪

♪ Oh, baby, all we ever want
Is right here and now ♪

♪ I bottle every heartbeat, every sound ♪

This is beautiful! I'm like a...

"Amy and Johnny."

[Joy] And now it's gorgeous.

I'm very happy for you, Johnny.

You are lucky.

And she's very lucky. You both are.

When you find true love,

you have to work for it,
but it's definitely worth it.

-It's a gift. Definitely a gift.

[both sighs]

When you see her walk down the aisle,
your heart is gonna stop.

I know it will.

'Cause I know Daddy said that
when I walked down with Papa Joe.

I'm glad it restarted. [laughs]

When you get up there,
talk from your heart.

God willing,
I'll have a daughter-in-law very soon.

It's crazy.



-[Johnny] Mm. Thank you.

[sighs] Whoa, man.

[Johnny] Come here.

[Cameron groans]
You're getting married, man.



-Got a sweat rag if you want one.


Appreciate you, man. Thank you. Thank you.


-[pop music playing]

♪ The sun rises... ♪




♪ Breathe it in... ♪

Sorry. [sniffles]

[David] No need to be sorry.


-So beautiful.
-Thank you both for being a part of this.

It means a lot.

I love you.

-I love you too.
-I love you so much.


-I got you always. I always got your back.

This is all beautiful.

This is the time that you was
waiting for a long time, with Johnny.

Johnny. Johnny's my person.

♪ In the midst of a rushing stream... ♪

[Cameron] All rise, please.

♪ Breathe it in ♪

♪ Breathe it in ♪

[Amy sobs]

I'm giving my treasure to you.

[Cameron] You may take your seats.

[Amy sniffles]

Of course you look gorgeous.

Thank you.

[Cameron] Thank you, everyone,
for being here today.

At this moment, both Amy and Johnny
want us to take a moment

and honor those of us
who couldn't be here today.

They would like
to honor Amy's grandparents

as well as Johnny's grandparents.

We're here to celebrate Amy and Johnny.

These two people have completely
shown themselves to one another.

We all have walls. We all have masks.

Rarely does the outside world
get to see who we are on the inside.

When you love someone,
you can be your true self

and be met with love
and compassion, commitment.

As a result of this experiment,

both of you fell in love sight unseen.

That in and of itself is a miracle.

Never in a million years,
in my 27 years of life,

did I ever imagine that I would

fall in love with somebody
over a wall... [laughs]

...without ever seeing them.

But feeling your character
and learning to know and love your soul...

[voice breaks] I love your soul.


I love you too, baby.

[laughing] ...I'm excited for what's next.

I can't wait.

I love you.

Amy and Johnny, now is the time
to decide if love is blind.

Will you get married

and commit to face life together,

or will you walk away forever?


do you promise
to do your very best each day

to create a loving,
healthy and happy marriage?

I do.

[Cameron] Johnny,

do you promise
to do your very best every day

to create a loving,
healthy and happy marriage?

I do.


[Cameron] With the power vested in me,
it is my honor

to now pronounce you man and wife.

-You may seal your vows with a kiss.

[attendees cheering]

[pop music playing]

[Johnny] Whoa!

[Cameron] Ladies and gentlemen,
Mrs. Amy and John McIntyre!


[Amy laughs]

[cheering continues]

♪ 'Cause we're meant to be together ♪

♪ Together, together ♪

♪ Meant to be together ♪

♪ Together, oh-oh! ♪

-[Amy laughs]
-[Johnny] Love that so much.

-Oh, my God.
-[Amy] Oh, my God. I'm gonna cry.


-You looked amazing.
-You look amazing.

Mm. I love you.

-My husband. [laughs]
-I love you.

My wife.

I found my partner.

I found her. I didn't think
I was gonna ever find her at all.

And now we're married! [chuckles]

Mrs. McIntyre. Mrs. Cortes-McIntyre.

-Mm! Has a nice ring to it. [laughs]
-It does.

Damn, you look good!

-[Amy laughs]

I'm so grateful

to have found my person.

My husband! [laughs]

♪ Because we're meant to be ♪

♪ Yeah, it feels so right ♪

I love you.

I love you.

When we first came down to it,

I was like, "Hey, uh,
you're out of my league."

I wouldn't have come up to you at a bar.
I would've been so just like... [gasps]

And the fact that she liked me for me
and the looks didn't matter, it was just...

Wow, it worked out perfectly.

-[cork pops]
-[Amy laughs]

[both shout]

-Love is blind. [laughs]
-Love is blind.

-Cheers to our love.

I love you. [laughs]

-[pop music playing]
-♪ I love you, I love you, I love you ♪

♪ Oh, yes, I do love you... ♪

My husband! Mm! Mm! Mm!

[both] My husband!

♪ I love you... ♪


I just wanna...

It was perfect. Mm!

I love you so much.

-I love you too, baby. You look fantastic.
-Thank you.


♪ I love you ♪

[pop music playing]

♪ Red lights flash in the dark ♪

♪ 3:00 a.m. staying up ♪

♪ This isn't what I imagined ♪

♪ Flowers on the bedside
Questions in my headlight ♪

♪ Tell me how this could have happened... ♪

I want love. I wanna be married,
and I'm just, like... I don't know, man.

♪ Long nights like I've never known
Cold bed in an empty home. ♪

♪ Tell me how to do this without you ♪

Emotions are all over the place,
especially seeing...

I guess, for me, I didn't understand
the magnitude of the decision.

Um, you know, I'm definitely... I just
feel stupid. You know what I'm saying?

I just feel stupid, so...

♪ I guess I always thought
That we had time to get older... ♪

I don't know. I just kind of
wanna get out of here, honestly.

♪ 'Cause I know that you're hurting
It's gonna be okay ♪

♪ All that I can promise you
Is time will numb the pain ♪

♪ And, darling, don't you worry
Believe me, you'll be fine

I don't regret saying yes to him.

I mean, my love was blind.

There's nothing that
he could have shown me, told me...

[shudders] ...that would have
changed my answer.

♪ I know that you're hurting
It's gonna be okay ♪

♪ All that I can promise you
Is time will numb the pain... ♪

I don't see myself continuing to date him.

You don't wanna pick me.
Somebody else will. I'm done.

My heart is, like, broken. [sniffles]

I stood ten toes the whole time.

I've been strong and powerful, and...

That's just who I will remain.

♪ And all I know is, all I know is ♪

♪ All I know is
I was lucky you were mine

I'm just... I don't know.
I just am waiting for it to be my turn.

♪ All I know is
I was lucky you were mine ♪

♪ All I know is, all I know is ♪

♪ All I know is
I was lucky you were mine ♪

-[DJ] Make some noise for the McIntyres!

-["Live Loud" by Animal Island playing]

[DJ] Come on, come on,
it's their wedding day today!


-♪ I wanna live loud ♪

Have you met my wife Amy?
She's kind of cool.

And have you met my husband? He's cooler.

-I'm cooler? Oh, shit.

-I take it back. I'm just kidding.
-I was gonna say.

-Only kidding.


So, today,

my daughter is not only my daughter,

because, today, I have a son.

[attendees cheering]

-That's my new dad!

[David] Raise your glass,
celebrate the new family,

McIntyre-Cortes family!


[woman 8] Welcome to the family!

[Amy] It's truly a magical thing to see
both of our families unite into one,

because it truly just adds that,

you know, emphasis
that it was meant to be.

Like, this just
confirms that even more, yeah.


I feel like if you do it the right way,

and you really, really commit to it,
love is blind.

If you really dive into the waters,
like, it's gonna be a little cold.

It's gonna be a little uncomfortable,
but once you get used to it...

-Love is blind.

Could not have said it better, honestly.

[pop music playing]


♪ 'Cause you saved, yeah, you saved me ♪

[music continues]

-[Amy chuckles]

♪ All these dreams
We have with you in sight

♪ Becoming real so we can touch the sky ♪

♪ It feels so right ♪

♪ Your love is like heaven ♪

♪ And on my heart, I'll never turn away ♪

♪ Before they're through
Till we can stop to say ♪

♪ It feels so right ♪

♪ Your love is like heaven ♪

♪ Feels like heaven ♪