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06x10 - What Could Have Been

Posted: 04/18/24 17:54
by bunniefuu
[pop music playing]

[Jimmy] I love everything you've done
for me and the way you treat me.

I want that in a wife.

[both laughing]

Oh, my God.

[Jeramey] A whole new chapter.
I've never felt this protected
and this secure.

-This can work.


We love her.

-[Maria] Johnny! We love this!

-Good work!

If I don't get my dad's blessing,
I don't know if I can move forward.

[sobbing] I just
couldn't give you all of me.


I'm so sorry.

Don't be sorry.
You just loved somebody else more.

I've dated people
who have really good girlfriends.

And they've all cheated on me.

He saw a picture
of the girl that he almost picked.

I don't know if that's kind of
messing with his mind a little bit?

Truthfully, I felt like
you've been a little clingy.


You started causing these problems
the second you saw Jess's picture.

Do you think that he would wanna see me?



We will probably meet again at some point.

We'll see each other again.

[Laura] Basically, he was dating
this other girl up until the end.

I do really think that she liked him.

-And I do really think that he liked her.
-I did.

You hung back with Sarah Ann
and were talking till 5:00 a.m.?


-In the parking lot.
-You were north of Uptown.

Which is where Sarah Ann lives.

I want out.

-[pop music playing]
-♪ Gave you what you want ♪

♪ Gave you what you need ♪

♪ I've been going deep ♪

♪ Baby, can't you see... ♪

-Oh, it's the most exciting thing ever.


You ready?


[woman] "Where are my balls?"


-Okay... okay, bye!


[Jeramey exhales]

So I kind of got myself
into a little bit of trouble.

Went out with a couple of the guys.

Was on my way out, found out that

there's this girl that I was
in kind of, like, a love triangle with.

I found out that she was gonna be out,
so I was like, "I'll deal with it."

She and I ended up getting into
a conversation, talking through the night.

Nothing, you know, inappropriate happened,
anything like that,

but then it turned out to be, like,

She was gonna get an Uber.
I was like, "How far away do you live?"

She was like, "Eight minutes away."

I was like, "Cool, I'll drive you home."
"No big deal. Whatever."

So I literally drove her there. We talked
for a few minutes, and I just left.

Came back home.
Like, nothing... nothing happened.

When I got home, it was probably, like,

And I just went
and slept right on the couch.

I even told Laura straight up.

"Here's what happened."

"Here's the chain of events,"
all that stuff.

And the conversation
didn't go well at all.

You're lucky... it wasn't me.

[both laugh]

You wouldn't have just walked in the door.

I would have been sitting there
waiting for you.

I... I acknowledge how it looks.

I was having a good conversation.
It was a constructive conversation.

-But she doesn't know.
-She doesn't.

She's at home laying in bed,
waiting for you to come home,

knowing that you went out drinking
with the guys.

Now, I didn't realize I was gonna
potentially lose a fiancée over that.

Well, I could've told you that,
but you didn't call me.

-It wasn't planned.

It wasn't, "This is what I'm gonna do.
I'm gonna go f*ck up and have fun!"

-[both laugh]
-[Jeramey] It's not what my brain did.

I mean, it sucks.

I know. You really...

You've really...
I mean, you told me you loved her.

And you don't say that about people

and talk about relationships
like you have.

[Jeramey] Hmm.

The few times I've talked to you,
you've just been really excited.


So I don't know if I'm gonna have
a daughter-in-law or not.


You've always got Layla. [chuckles]

-[pop music playing]
-♪ I will love ♪

♪ On your eyes ♪

♪ I will stay in your fire ♪

♪ Find a space, nothing more ♪

♪ Then I fall for my soul ♪

Can you find me some more H2's
with some H3's on it?

[Amy] I'm gonna organize these.

[Johnny] You gotta screw in
this next bolt. You got it, babe!

[Amy] My wrist hurts.

I'm a princess.
I wasn't meant to do this stuff.

That's all you.
I'm meant to be a cheerleader.

[Johnny] What are we gonna do with you?

-Marry me?

[pop music playing]

♪ These are the days ♪

♪ These are the moments where we... ♪

-Yeah. So, you ate here before?

-I'm excited.
-Smokehouse, baby.

We're grabbing some barbecue.
I'm gonna introduce Chelsea to my family.

[mother] There he is.

You see him?

-He's got a big smile on his face.

-[father] Is that him?
-[mother] Yeah. That's your son.

Oh, my God, they're so cute!

That's my baby.

Hi, guys! How are you?

-Get out of here!

-[mother] That's my baby.
-Good to see you.

I love my parents to death. I don't
introduce my parents to just anybody.

So you're the one that's took my baby.

I took him. I'm working on it.

I want my parents to know
that I'm truly in love with Chelsea,

and I want them
to understand how she makes me feel.

And their impression of Chelsea
means the world to me.

-Try again.


-[mother] You always break the new ones.

-[sister] Oh, the ring. Let me see. Wow!
-[mother] I haven't even seen the ring.

Oh, wow.

-It is pretty.

So what did you first see about him
that you really liked?

-He was so open and emotional with me.
-Don't tell my dad that.


He just drew a picture of,
like, what life would look like with him.

And it was just,
like, the most basic life.

And it just sounded so amazing.

-I could see him, like, "That's the guy."
-[Donna] Yeah.

Don't tell my dad
I was painting pictures for you and stuff.


[Jimmy] You know
I'm ready for a relationship.

I want someone that I can
spend my life with and be a best friend.

[Janet] Yeah.

You know, pick me up when I'm down
and I can talk to about anything.

And Chelsea is that.

I'm so ready to have someone
to share my life with.

I think I'm settled in who I am
as a person and my career.

I'm tired of doing it alone.

So, have y'all talked about having kids?

Yeah, totally.

-Y'all are both young. How old are you?
-I'm 30.

-You're 30? Wow.
-[Chelsea] Yeah. Mm-hmm.


-I'm the baby girl. He's the baby boy, so...
-[Chelsea laughs] I love that.

That was one of the main reasons
that I really gravitated towards him.

He said he has such a great relationship
with his dad, his mom, all his siblings.

I will say marriage is really hard.

So what makes you think
you're ready for that? 'Cause it's...

I've been married for three years,
not as long as them, but it's hard.

Yeah. We communicate so well.

We've had a couple fights,
but hasn't been any deal-breakers.

I don't even think they've been fights.
They've just been conversations.

I'm so grateful that we had our conflicts

and, like, see how we both handle
being, you know, angry or upset.

If you date someone long enough,
naturally, conflict comes.

It either makes you or breaks you,
and we've handled it amazing.

There hasn't been a lot that
we haven't been on the same page about.

You know that I date very intentional.

I mean, I don't date somebody
just to try them out.

You know, I date
to get married to that person.

When I think of
the woman I want as a wife, it's her.

I've been looking for someone that
treats me the way she has a long time.

I can tell her I love her,
and she tells me it back,

and I can tell she means it.

I think she's incredible.

I really do love her,
and I would be thrilled to call her mine.

And been single two years now,

and she's been nothing but...

what I've been looking for
this entire time.

[Janet] So this is gonna be your wife?

-She's nice. I like her.
-She's got a very good attitude.

She knows what she wants.

And y'all were clearly able
to work through some things

that you've got going on.

[Jimmy] Right.

I think you're just very sweet.

-Thank you.
-[Janet] Beautiful. Got a good soul.

-I can see how much you care about him.
-[Chelsea] Mm-hmm.

And I know
that you've got that connection.

I know you do. I can see it.

Jimmy going through this experiment,

it's opened him up.
I can see a different person.

I can see the love in him
that I've never seen with anybody else.

She stole my son's heart.
I can already see that.

If this is what Jimmy wants,

is to get married
and start a life with Chelsea,

I would be happy for him.

That's all a mother ever wants,
is for their kids to be happy.

One of the things
that I'd like to tell y'all,

being with this guy right here
for many years...

[father] How many years?

-Forty-three years I've loved him.
-Oh, my gosh! That's amazing.

-[Jimmy] He asked her 'cause he forgot.


But when we first got together,
we wrote down...

'Cause there was some things
you didn't like about me.

There were some things
I didn't like about you.

First thing on top of my list...

[laughing] Don't go there.

...that I don't like about her
is she's a pack rat.


The second thing is "she's a pack rat."

The third thing is "she's a pack rat."

Other than the daily nagging and stuff,
I love her to death.

-We get along fine.

-[pop music playing]
-♪ I love the way that you are, oh! ♪

♪ Oh, I love the way that you are ♪

♪ I love the way that you are, oh! ♪

♪ Oh, I love the way that you are ♪

Excited for you to meet him. [squeals]

This is ridiculous.

Let me just...
I don't even need to put on my glasses.

He's cute. I'm telling you.

-He's a looker. A looker.
-[mother] Mm! Mm!

-I'm excited. I'm really excited.
-I'm excited for you to meet the man.

It'll be the first time
I've seen him since yesterday,

um, early afternoon.

Last night, I had planned,
like, this super-cute DIY thing,

like, arts and crafts,

and, like, I wrote out 25 reasons
why I think, like, you're amazing.

Twenty-five reasons
you really think he's amazing?

-Okay, okay.
Like, really from my heart.

I bought him all these things
and all of his favorite snacks.

I wrote him a card,
and I, like, set it up on the island.

[Jacqueline] Mm-hmm.

And it's still sitting there.

Does he work for the Secret Service?
-Hi! [laughing]
-[Clay] Hello.

-We were just talking about you.
-[Clay] What's up, baby?

You look good.
-[Clay] Look at you.

You look good.
-How you doing?

-This is Clay, Mom.
-I'm Clay. Nice to meet you.

-Mmm! Nice to meet you!
-Hello. Hello.

-[Jacqueline] Wow!
-Good to see you.
-[Clay] Good to see you as well.

-I like the haircut.
-Thank you. Thank you.

I had a little time
to get a little haircut.

It's been a slam-packed day.

-Yeah, for sure. Per uzhe. Yep.
-Yep, yep, yep, yep.

She don't like my scheduling and stuff.

-But I am here.
Clay! Please!

-[Clay] I know.
-Wait, tell me, what... what do you do?

[Clay] I'm in tech sales,
and then I have a side business.

I do, like, Airbnb.

I rent out apartments, and also
I rent out, like, boats and jet skis.

You guys go good together.

This is how we connected first,
on, like, entrepreneurial, business...

-Generational wealth.
-You cannot have a lazy spouse.

I've been working a lot so I've
honestly felt bad about my schedule.

Sometimes that could get in the way with,
you know, just different things.

What do you feel about being married?
Like, you yourself?

[Clay] I've always wanted to get married,
have a family.

Marriage has been big to me.

I always felt as though the person
I married has to be someone that's...

-[Jacqueline] In it.
-My best friend, in it.

If you're my best friend,
I'm loyal to you. I always got your back.

When I came into the pods,
the two things I was looking for

is, like, adaptability
and someone to be my best friend.

And I just felt like AD is a walking
testimony of what I was looking for.

My mom, before I came here,
gave me the verse Proverbs 3:5,

which is what I told her
during my proposal

of me not leaning on my own understanding,
leaning on God's.

I just felt like
I was meant to be here with AD.

-Meant to be here in this process or...
-[Clay] No, with AD.

Like, I was made to be here for AD.

But I guess the toughest thing is, like,
when you look at yourself in the mirror.

And like, "Can I give her
everything she's given me?"

My parents were married for 24 years.

I saw how, like,
divorce kind of split up our household.

You know, just letting
the past kind of affect my relationships.

I do have stuff that I struggle with,
like stuff with my parents' relationship.

I never went to therapy...

[Jacqueline] Why do you say
your parents' relationship?

I mean, they were
married for 24, 25 years.

-[Clay] Mm-hmm. Yeah. That's big.
-That's, like, that's big.

You think about
how many people there are on this planet

and how lucky we are
to have, like, a good love for 25 years

or 14 years.

You got to have somebody for you.

I'm divorced, but, you know,
Amber's father has now passed away.

But, um...

Some of the stuff that we go through as
your mother and father, that's our stuff.

-Just saying, "I'm gonna mess this up."

"I'm gonna do something."

And that's just like that self-sabotage,

because you have to form and figure out
your own stuff for yourself.

-[Jacqueline] You're good in business.

You've made good choices. Don't stop now.

You now have the opportunity

to do whatever you think
we could have done better on.

This young lady here,
I put a lot into her.

-[Clay] Mm-hmm.
-She knows, "Always go for the best."

-"Don't be materialistic."
-[Clay] Mm-hmm.

"Get your education."

But there comes a point in time
when you say, "But I want a soulmate."

[Clay] Mm-hmm.

"I want my other rib."

"I want someone that's got me,
that's got my back."

She said something to me the other day

that I've never
in my whole life ever heard.

She said, "I can follow him."

But you gotta grow together.
He's not gonna be perfect.

-She's not gonna be perfect.

But when those crazy times come,
you gotta sit down and say,

"What did I do? What did I not do?"

And keep this in mind,
they don't always know what they've done.

They don't know anything, actually.
They know very little. [laughing]

[Jacqueline] In your defense...

...we are like this.

-We can do 80 things at one time.

"You don't know
that you left the toilet seat up?"

-"I fell in last night. You don't notice?"

[Jacqueline] You know,
something that small can set it off.

And you have to find something
to ground you and bring you back.

-I know your mother and father did it.
Exactly. Preach it.

I know that I've done it.

I think you really hit the nail
on the head when you said

"think about all the good they did,"
because making it 24 years is, like,

they persevered through way more

than we even, like, could have thought of,
so it's just like...

I know there's so much negative things
that you have about divorce,

but there's so much positive
in that 24 years

that I think
you should give more credit to.


I like him. I like how he speaks,
how he presents himself.

Thank you.

[Jacqueline] I know it can work.

You know, it may not be 100% perfect,
but it's perfect.

I'll be back. I'll be back. I want you
to still give some points to talk to me.

-I love it.

They already have
the tools that they need to make it.

-[laughing] I told you.


Amber. That's a man.

And he's just a little bit scared
of how to move forward, but...

Do you see what I mean?

I'm really glad
you chose somebody sight unseen,

because that's so much more important than

watching him walk down the street,
and you're like, "That guy looks good,"

and you guys connect, and it's a one-night
thing or two weeks, whatever.

-Like, he's got some substance.
-Do you see what I mean?

-But he can't be worried about, um...

You can't worry about divorce because
you're setting yourself up for failure.

Wipe your tears away. Don't you dare.

-Come here.
-I know. Let's just take a deep breath.

-And let's just...
-I just think...

Is he not gorgeous?


I'm just, like,
really grateful for you, like,

speaking to my character and, um,

like, just supporting me

and showing up for me like you always do.

[voice sharking]
And, honestly, like, Clay aside,

you being here means,
like, more than you know.

Young lady, you are awesome.

-But do you see where the roadblock...
-Hesitant. Yeah.

The sad part is what he's worried about
is not even his.

I know.

Like, you can't
take on your parents' stuff.

You can't take on our failures.

It's scary.

But it's also scary for him too.

We talk about, like, "love is blind,"
but it's really...

-"Are you gonna walk by faith, not sight?"
-That's it.

Are you gonna walk by f*cking faith?

I've never heard you say
you're gonna follow somebody.

I'm not trying to be funny.

I will follow that man
off a cliff without a parachute,

'cause I know he will be down there,
and he will catch me.

That's how much I trust him,
and how much he showed me...

-Have you said that to him?
-No, I have not said that to him.

-Start there.

All he needs to know is that you're there,

and he's gotta do the rest.

-He's gotta do the work. I think this is...

Can I come over there?

Let that stuff go.

You know?

Come here.

-Guess what.

[Jacqueline] You're awesome.

-You just gotta trust in him.
-I'm trying.

And he's gotta trust in you. Don't try.

-You keep doing what you've been doing.

And it'll all fall into place.

Whatever's going on with his parents
or your parents.

-That's our shit.
-Mm-hmm. Mm-hmm.

And y'all fight this stuff together.

You do it together.

You hear me?

Yeah. I'm trying.

Don't try.

I'm trying.

All the things that
you've done in your life before.

-That you've tried at.
-[laughs] I did it.

When you was in that line
of 200 or 300 women...

[exhales] came out number one.

There's nothing you can't do.

Give it your all.

If for some strange reason
he doesn't think that your all

is enough for him,
then that's not your guy.

-I got a woman here.

-You know? He's got a woman here.

[exhales] Yeah.

Don't knock on your door
unless you're a man.

-Yeah. Yeah. For sure.
-Unless you're willing to do the work.

In his defense,
he's trying to do the work.

Yeah. He is.

He's worth the fight.

-[Clay] Hey. Hey.

He's worth the fight.
Oh, he heard me say it.

-You're worth the fight.
-Don't you ever...
-I know. I know. I know.

-[Jacqueline] You got this. Both got this.
-I know.

You all have to stand
on your own foundation,

but you have a woman saying that
that's the man that she envisions,

and that means that your mother
and your father, they've done it right.


Doesn't matter how we split up
or whatever with our parents.

-They've done it right.
-[Clay] Yeah.

I never heard anybody express that
and, like, tell me that.

I needed to hear this, honestly.
I'mma fight for Amber.

And like, I've always wanted to say
to you, like, "I chose to be here."

-Like, I wanted to be here with you.

I know we have sometimes,
like, in terms of the schedule and stuff...

-But you know, I'm always here for you.

I'm always advocating for you.
Like, I chose you.

-Every time, we come back. Stronger.
-Always come back. Yep.

With the pods and stuff, I'm like,

"How can you really truly love someone
with not seeing them?"

I was like... whenever people say,
"Hey, how'd y'all do that?"

-I'm like, "Trust me."
-[Jacqueline] Keep that energy, you guys.

Keep that energy.

-So, Barack.

-[Clay] Yeah.

[laughing] I'm Michelle.

"Ghetto Barack." Definitely Ghetto Barack.

Wait a minute. What did they say?
What did they say where they started from?

-The bottom. Yeah, they did. They did.
-They grinded it out together.
They for sure did.

-[pop music playing]
-♪ And I... ♪

It can work.

Yeah, yeah, yeah.

♪ ♪

♪ You ♪

♪ Are the reason ♪

♪ I'm still fighting ♪

♪ You...

[horn blows]

♪ Are the one ♪

[Amy] I have good feelings about this.

I think I do too.

I actually don't think I do. I know I do.

I love the confidence. [laughs]

I hate that
this knife is pointed towards me.

-Maybe don't. Yeah.
-[laughing] Inside.

There we go. That's better. Is this him?

-Yeah. Oh, he's looking dapper.
-Oh, looking very good!

[Amy] Aww, I'm gonna cry.


Johnny's meeting my dad
for the first time.

Obviously, he's my dad.
I'm his little girl.

He's very protective of me.

-I'm getting emotional! You look so good!
-[father] Hello.

-I love you.
-[father] Mm!

-Hey, Johnny.
-Hi. Nice to meet you. I'm Johnny.

-Nice to meet you, David.
-Nice meeting you.

Aww. I've heard so much about you.
Amy's been talking a lot.

-I'm very excited.

Well, me too. Me too.
We were looking forward.

-Absolutely. Thank you.
-[David] So please have a seat.

[Amy] Let's do it.

I feel like I'm just telling you
"have a seat" like this is my home.

-This is not my home.

[Johnny] No, it's okay.

-I'm glad to have the chance to meet you.
-[Johnny] Absolutely.

So, um, I know that this is a process

that is kind of overwhelming.

-[Johnny] Mm.
-Uh, for me, it is.

So tell me a little bit more about Johnny.

I was born and raised in New Jersey.

Um, it was me, my two parents.
They're still together right now.

And then three other siblings.

Very close as far as family goes.

Talk to my family...

-God, I feel like at least once a day.
-All the time.

[Johnny] That's the household I come from.

What do you do for work?
What are your aspirations?

Right now, I sell software.
It's 100% remote too.

I think long-term,
I'd love to be obviously promoted up

to being, like, one of the large,
you know, business account executives.

I would love to,
like, work up the chain from there.

I wanna be retired early.

I don't wanna, like, be working
till seventies or eighties or whatever.

I wanna, like, first learn how to surf,
then teach kids how to surf.

Or, like, teach kids
how to ski or snowboard,

or, like, little things
like that where it's not stressful.

I don't have to worry about money.
I do things I wanna do,

not because I'm, you know,
"forced to do them too."

You know,

I'm here in Charlotte. This is 23 years
that I've been living in Charlotte.

-[Johnny] Mm-hmm.
-So, when I came here, Amy was five.

-[Johnny] Mm. Mm.
-And she went to, uh, kindergarten.

And I have this in my mind

to see this little girl running,
with a book bag, with open arms...

-And I'm running to, when I grab her.

-That's gonna stay with me forever.

But she grow up,
and she has been a wonderful person.

Not because she's my daughter,

but I think I see
how she touched many life

with friends and family.

She light up many life,
including mine, of course.

She is one of my motivations
of "keep going."

As a parent, what do you want,
as a parent, for a child that you love,

that you treasure so much?

You want somebody who come and step in

and be that person
the day that you'll no longer be here.

[Johnny] Mm-hmm.

Then be that person
that when she have to cry, cry with her,

then laugh together.

-They plan together.

They enjoy themselves together.

And I've been praying
for somebody to come to the life of Amy

to be that person.

I love your daughter.
She's an amazing person.

You did an amazing job raising her.

And I'm so much happier with her.

I wanna have a good relationship with you,
make sure we're on the same page.

And it is, like, one big, happy family,

because I am the new guy coming into this.

-And I am probably gonna rock the boat.
-[David] Yeah.

[Johnny] I hope it's not in a bad way
at all, but, like, it's gonna be a change.

I wanna make sure it's a good transition,

just of me coming in
and getting to know everyone.


I don't know. I feel so good about you.

I feel like I've been
with Johnny for so long.

-[Johnny] Something's right about it.
-Something feels so right.

I keep getting so many signs.
Like, it's so weird,

and I think it was meant to find you.

May I have your blessing
to marry your daughter?

[Amy and Johnny chuckling]


[Johnny] Thank you.


I really appreciate that.

You see, I stay a little bit quiet

because, you know, I'm trying
to stir him up a little bit to make it...

I know. You got me a little bit there.

[all laughing]

I want to bless you.

-[pop music playing]
-♪ That moment that you came ♪

♪ I knew I was safe... ♪


[David] We love you.

And we want the best for you.

So we treasure you, and it doesn't matter
what difficulties that you encounter.

We're gonna be here for you, always.

♪ And I knew that this was all I need... ♪

-I love you so much.

-I love you. Mm! [laughing]
-Yeah. [chuckles]

♪ Know that moment that you came ♪

♪ I knew I was saved... ♪

[Jimmy] Yesterday was
the biggest step for me in this process.

Meeting my family, like,
that's a huge deal for me, and, um...

[Chelsea] Mm-hmm.

-I feel great.

Yeah. I think I love you even more.


I love you.

That was important for us
to meet them together,

and I couldn't have asked for, um,

a better family to back up
who I wanna spend my life with.

[Chelsea] Mm-hmm.

I was so cranky with you this morning.

-I was like, "I am so mad at him."

"But I love him with all my heart."
Like, I love you.

I love you too, but you...

-Babe, last night...
-You can't be... you can't be cranky at me.

I can be cranky with you.

That was the most
reasonable thing for me to do.

The camera crew leaves,
and you shower and get ready to go.

I asked you to go out, and I know that...

-You did not ask me!
-It was one of my friends' birthdays.

You didn't ask me to go with you.
You did not.

I knew you damn well you did not wanna go
with me, one, and I did ask you.

-You didn't.
-I did ask you.

I was like, "You can go with me."
You were already bundled up.

You did not have any desire to go with me,
and I don't blame you.

I was gone for an hour.
I went and had one drink.

You were gone a very short time.

-So I will give you that.
-It was more of driving.

The girls in the pods said,

"Hey, your man's... is out. Where are you?"

-That was more embarrassing.
-I didn't see, didn't talk to anybody.

-I know, but they saw you, so...
-Who's "they"?


I don't know what Mackenzie looks like.

She knows what you look like, so...

I wasn't out, hanging out
with other girls from the pods. [laughs]

I think all the girls are like,
"Why is he out and you're not with him?"

I'm like, "Man, girl.
Your girl wants to go to bed." [laughs]

Exactly. Why are you hammering me on that?

'Cause, like, I don't wanna be with
someone who wants to go out and party.

That's why I'm hammering you, is 'cause...

[Jimmy] Baby, I drove there.
I had one drink, and I came home.

But is that something I wanna deal with?

I do like to go out
and, like, have drinks socially,

and that's more
of a wine, cocktail bars or, like...

maybe going to a brewery on a Saturday

and getting home
and going to bed at a decent time.

-I don't want that.
-I told you that in the pods.

No, it's not. You said
you did not do anything in the pods.

You said, "I am not into going out."
Like, "That's not my thing."

You sat there and lied to me.

-I didn't lie to you.
-I hear from someone who knows you...

-I love going to wine bars, cocktail bars.
-You lied to me.

Then I hear, "Your man is out.
Like, where are you?"

How embarrassing.
Like, it's very embarrassing.

And now I feel like I'm getting a facade
from you, and I don't like that.

I do like to go out every once in a while.

And I don't like that,
so why'd you lie to me?

I want you to understand where I'm at.
I haven't went out in three months.

-So excuse me.
-Neither have I!

Exactly! But, like, I can't speak to you.

-I can speak to what I want.
-My friends, I say...

"Hey, you know what?
I'm really in the process of this shit."

"I'm really trying to,
like, dive into this man."

And you don't give two shits!


You don't think that I care about you
just because I go out and have one drink

just to make an appearance for a friend
and come right back?

That's not the kind of person
I wanna be with.

Is that the kind of person you are?

'Cause it's not
the person I wanna be with. It's not.

If that's what you want, I can't, like...

-The life I described to you is the life...
-It's not the life I'm getting though.

I love you, and I wanna be around you,
but, like, you're not giving me much.

I have been away from you for, like,
a total of, like, three and a half hours.

You're acting like I'm extensively
partying since you've met me.

And I'm not. That's not me.

Now you're questioning whether I'm lying

about things I told you in the pods.

-Do you not...
-You told me that I was...

I'm sorry. I'm sorry. Do you not
understand the situation we're in?

Because if you don't,
then we're on a way different page.

-We signed up for a different situation.
-I don't understand the situation.

We don't have...

-Regards to last night?
-I'm interrupting you.

Girls from the pods are there.

And then I find out you're
with your girls.

That's not cool with me.
It's not cool with me.

If... [laughs]

If it's offending you
that I have girl friends,

then that's another whole 'nother issue.

Who were you with last night?

-Who were you with last night?
-Oh, my God.

-I'm not gonna talk to you about this.

-You're not being respectful to me.
-How am I not being respectful to you?

How... how...

Every day, who do you hang out
with every single day?

Where do you go when you're not here?

I have been with you every...

-Where do you go when you work?
-That's where we're not on the same page!

-[Chelsea] Really?

-[Jimmy] Here.
-Do you?

I went to my apartment one day.

-I worked from home.
-Who do you text all day?

Who do you text?

Oh, my goodness.

If you're fishing for me
to tell you that I text my girl friends...

I see!

If you wanna sign up with me, you have to
sign up for all my friends too.

It's a respect thing, babe.

I'll step back from hanging out with
girl friends if that's what you want.

-You haven't asked me.
-Yes, I have, but you haven't listened.

When? Tell me right now.
Do you want me to take a step back?

-Of course I do!

I'm not willing to take a step back.

Oh, my God. Holy shit.

-[slow tempo music playing]
-♪ Run away ♪

♪ Run away from it all ♪

You're not willing to take a step back.

-That's the first you've mentioned it.
-Yes, I have!

I have said
that it makes me uncomfortable.

It makes me very uncomfortable.

You communicated how it makes you feel,

but you haven't asked me to take
a step back from hanging out with friends.

And you said you're unwilling.

I just wanted to throw it out there
that you have not asked me...

But you said, "I'm unwilling."

At this point, I'm unwilling.

I don't have
a physical relationship with them.

-I want you to trust me.
-You do though!

You f*cking do!
You told me you f*cked her!

And the fact that
you're saying you're unwilling...

No, I don't give a f*ck.
I know you f*cked her! You told me that!

Because I want you to trust me!

And I do. I do trust you,
but I'm uncomfortable with it.

-I told you off-camera that, like...
-I know, but...

I don't wanna talk about that.

-I'm sorry, but...
-[Jimmy] No, there's a level of respect.

I introduced you to her.

-I put her in a situation to be on camera.
-And I love her.

But this is a respect issue.
You're not single.

-It was a one-time thing.
-Okay, but you're not single anymore.

Calling and texting
and being with each other

when I'm gone, out of town?

-It's because they care...
-"It's because"? It's because of what?

You're not single Jimmy anymore!
You're not!

I'm not out doing, like,
hanging out with women in that fashion.

Who were you with last night?
That's what I thought.

I was with eight fraternity brothers
and two of their girlfriends.

-Okay, okay.
-[Jimmy] You think I'm lying about that?

I do, 'cause I heard from other people

that you were not
with just fraternity brothers.

Who, Mackenzie?

Who were you with? I know it was Jess.

David Lee...
I was not with Jess. I never saw Jess.

I heard it was Jess.

-Oh, my goodness. I was not with Jess.
-[Chelsea] How embarrassing. Okay.

-All right. All right.
-I swear to God, I was not with Jess.

Well, I was in bed,
and you were out at a bar.

I think you're fishing.
I think you're fishing.

-You think I'm fishing?
-[Jimmy] Yeah.

When I'm getting told
that you're out at a bar when I'm in bed.

I think that you're insecure
about the Jess thing.

I don't have a clue what Jess looks like
other than the picture Jeramey showed me.

You didn't tell me
that Jess was a Kardashian?

I said, "Jeramey said
she looks like a Kardashian in the gym."

We already talked about this last night.
You never mentioned Jess until tonight.

I felt like shit last night,

and I didn't say anything
'cause it made me really sad.

You're bringing up Jess and Mackenzie.
I didn't see Mackenzie.

I damn sure didn't see Jess.

It sounds like you're fishing
and don't have an explanation.

If your explanation is,
"Mackenzie told you that,"

then I can hear you out, but you're... I...

Did Mackenzie tell you that?

-Where'd that come from?
-What did you do when you left?

What did you say to me? [sniffles]

"I'm going out. I'm going out."

That's not the kind of person
I wanna be with.

-If you wanna be that kind of person.
-You don't want to be with me?

That's not the kind of person
I wanna be with!

The only night I went out that you didn't
go be with your friends was last night.

-And I was gone an hour and a half total.

Just to make an appearance
for a friend's birthday.

I don't think that's unreasonable.
I really don't.

I'm gonna be honest.
I don't think that's unreasonable.

Actually, I think
this conversation is unreasonable.

I do too.

It makes me really, really,
really question what the f*ck I've done.



-This conversation.

I don't wanna be with someone
who wants to go out a lot like you do.

-[Jimmy] Okay, well...
-And if that's norm...

You're sitting here drunk telling me
you don't wanna be with me anymore...

[Chelsea] I'm drunk...

You don't think
that makes me feel like shit?

I mean, if you've had too much to drink,
and this is how you feel, fine.

But if you're willing to say sorry
and, like, work through this,

I'm willing to work through it.

But if you're gonna sit here and tell me
that this is changing how you feel...

[chuckles] changes how I feel too.

I love you. I'm in this for you.

You met my family.
You don't wanna be with me anymore?

You think that's okay just to say
because you're emotional?

-Do you not think that I care about you?
-You don't!

You just think I'm full of shit
every time I tell you how I feel?

-I do. You know what? I've given...

If you think I'm full of shit,
I don't care to be with you either.

-[pop music playing]

♪ I'll give everything ♪

♪ I'll do anything for ya... ♪

All I can do is continue to get you
to trust that I'll be a good husband.

But if you're sitting here

saying you don't even trust
the things I'm saying to you

in front of my friends and family,
then I don't care to be with you either.

♪ I give it all, you throw it all away... ♪

We have two weeks
to figure out if we're getting married,

and you're worried about partying.

-I'm not into it!
-[Jimmy] Okay.

I don't care to have this conversation.
I really don't.

So that shows a lot about your character.

I've done nothing
but prove to you where I'm at with you.

You don't think that I love you?

You have showed me...

If you don't think I love you,
I don't wanna be here.

You don't think I love you?

I don't know.


-I don't know.
-[Jimmy] Okay.

-It's not gonna work, Chelsea.

♪ I'd give everything ♪

♪ I'd do anything for you ♪

♪ I'd give everything ♪

♪ I'd do anything for you ♪

Please don't leave.



-We're talking.
-You overstepped my boundaries.

♪ I throw it all away ♪

♪ You're in my mind ♪

♪ You're in my head... ♪



-[pop music playing]
-♪ Feeling good, feeling fine ♪

Making money in the summertime ♪

-[Clay] He did agree to both meetings.
-[man] That's the best we can do.

I got another call coming in
that I gotta take.

-Talk to you. Yep.
-I'll keep you posted, okay?

Talk to you. Bye.

This is insane.

-What time you got work on Saturday?
-I don't have to be there till 4:00.

Four? 'Cause if we're at a lake house...
I guess you could park at the lake house.

-If we got the dock and you go to work...
Mm-hmm. might need to just park
at the private dock I'm at

so you could just get going, you know.
No issues.



I almost dropped my ring. [chuckles]

In the dishwasher? Or the dishes? Sheesh!

Not my engagement ring, my other ring.

-[Clay] Oh, damn.
-That would've been...


[Clay] Get on the knee again.

-And again and again.
-And again and again. [chuckles]

Sunday, you're gonna be with the girls.
Yeah, my sister is flying in.

And then my other sister
is coming as well to the...

Dress fitting? That's on Sunday, right?

-[Clay] Are you excited about that?

I am.
-Yeah, yeah.

-I picked colors, which I can show you.
-Yeah, I need to see that.

So there's this color.

I like that color.

-I just don't know for me though.
-You don't have to wear that color.

This is, like, for bridesmaids,
the scenery and, like, everything around.

I'mma be wearing white.
You can wear black or whatever color.

You know, what we do have to do
is the marriage license.

[Clay] Mm!

Not me having to put
"deceased" for my dad.

Oh, damn, that's crazy.

-That's so intense.
-That is. That's a lot.

-We gotta do it. Want me to do it?

Yeah, you do it.
-Writing out "deceased" is crazy.

-How you feel?

[yawns] That's probably
the easiest application I filled out.

[chuckles] Isn't that crazy?

You know, as long as we're on the same
page with shit, you know? Hopefully.

Yeah. No, I get it.

I've always heard it's so easy
to get married,

but it's tough to get out of it.

Like I told you, my dad cheated
year seven into the marriage.

I just feel like it affected my mom...

So, it's like,
I got that on my mind of, like, "Damn."

I don't wanna be in a situation
where I'm ever gonna cheat.

-I think that's unacceptable.

Do you think that's, like, the biggest
thing, is that you're gonna cheat?

Watching Love Is Blind yesterday

and kind of seeing
the examples I saw, I was like,

"Wow. Like, that is what a husband
is supposed to come."

Like, he says all the right things,
and it's, like, me, I don't.

There's a lot of things,
the way I think that I don't think

is mature enough for a marriage.

Then I'm actually watching the show,

and I'm seeing
some of the men that are ready,

and I'm looking at myself, like, "Damn."

-I'm a little bit embarrassed by that.

You know, especially articulating
that to you,

'cause everything you've done
has been simply amazing.

You've had my back.

Like, every conversation that we've had,

like, we're able to get by things,
which is what I love.

I love our sexual chemistry,
our gossip, you know?

You know, you're my best friend
so it's like,

one thing I don't want you to feel like...

like I'm, like, backing out on you.

I don't want what you've seen on TV.
I don't want that.

-I'm so content and so happy with you.

And I love everything
that comes out of your mouth.

It might be a little silly,
but, like, I process it and come back.

-I'm not afraid.

I guess, why...

Why, to me, is the date, so,

like, I don't know.

For me, I just feel like "love is love."

Like, why does that date
have to dictate our relationship?
Clay, and, honestly, I...

am okay with a yes or a no at the altar.

-I can pick myself up, and we can...
-[Clay] Mm-hmm., have a conversation about that.

Unfortunately, like,
I'm not okay with just being,

like, a long-term fiancée.

I did buy
into this experiment, like, fully,

and I do believe that we committed
to a certain timeline in the pods.

We committed to it.

I feel like that
the commitment led us here,

and I feel like continuing to,
like, honor those timelines,

and honor the experiment
is, like, really important to me.

I don't think I could, like,
continue to date you after, if it's, um...

-If it's a no.

Woof. That's a lot to...

That's a lot.

Uh, that's a valid point, AD.
I'm not, you know,

be able to lead and give direction.

I would say that this is
the one time where it's like...

Relationships is not something
I'm good at leading.

And that's why I've been
asking for your assistance

of like, "Hey, help me out. I'm not
confident that I could be your husband."

I'm a guy that has to lead on confidence,

and I need that confidence.

I need a little bit of my ego to help me.
Like, "I could do this shit," you know.

And I'm very fearful.

I feel like not only am I
in a relationship with you,

I'm also fighting other external factors

that are, you know,
affecting our relationship.

-You know?
-I'm not afraid.

-I think there will be times where I am.

And I'll need you,

and I think right now is the time where
you are, and you need me a bit more.

-Yeah. Yeah.
-And I'm okay with that.

-100%. 100%. I love hearing that.
-I'm okay with that.

I wanna get to the point where
we could have that fairy tale ending.

I'm still fighting for that.

Before coming to this process,

it was more so like,
"Can I fall? Can I fall in love?"

And I got that.

-Here I am, in love, you know?

Yeah, yeah. [laughing]

-Can I have a huggie?
-Of course. Of course.

Ooh, your whole body.
I'm gonna pick this up.

[Clay grunts]

["Love Me Better" by Adam Relf
and Cristina Fallavollita playing]

[sighs] What's up?


[Jimmy] What have you been up to?

Oh, I went home.

Just kind of...

Just hung out, I guess.

[Jimmy] Obviously...

coming into this experiment,
I was really optimistic and...

Couple days ago,
I introduced you to my parents, and...

I couldn't have been more sure
that you were gonna be my wife.

And I was ready for that moment.

My parents can see
how much we love each other, and then...

afterwards we just
have our worst fight yet,

and after your actions the other night,

I feel like I don't trust your judgment.

But yesterday,
I went on, like, a four-mile walk,

and I had time
to sort of collect my thoughts,

and when I had time
to really think about what I wanted,

and what I want out of this experiment
was to, you know, show you I love you,

and be there for you and take you home,

and be proud to call you my wife,

and just...

I just feel like I was a little betrayed
the other night, and...

I mean, this morning,
my perspective on getting married, I...

I... you know, decided I didn't want to.

So you're... are you... so you're saying no?

You told me you didn't think I love you.
That statement alone...

That hurts my feelings
that you don't think I love you.

I love you.

And I will always fight
for the woman I love.

I always have, and I always will,

and I fought for you a lot
through this experiment,

but you're saying that I'm
not giving you any love and affection,

and I feel like I'm giving you
as much as I possibly can give.

This is just,

um, hard to hear.

I apologize, and the things that I said

were things that were bothering me
and really heavy on my heart.

Was my delivery good? No.

Not at all.

And I... I am so sorry about that.

And I can't apologize anymore.

-I forgive you for that.
-I know. Hear me out.

I... I know that I was horrible,
but for you to just throw in the towel

if I have a bad night is, like...

just 'cause we had a hiccup?

Things aren't gonna be easy.

And we did, we had a horrible,
horrible, horrible argument, and...

That was not...

That's not our character. It's not...

Drinking is not healthy,

and... and talking about our feelings
in that circumstance, that was not okay.

And I'm completely aware of that.

[Jimmy] Yeah.

But when things get tough,

like, I need to know
you're not just gonna walk away from me.

Well, I...

Last week, I went home

during the middle of an argument.

And I told myself
I wasn't gonna do that again.

Like, I was proud
of myself for not leaving

when you were treating me that way.

But it wasn't just me.

I know it goes both ways, but, like...

I felt more in love with you yesterday
than I ever have.

-I felt it so much from you yesterday.

What else can I do to...

make you feel like
where this could be a "yes"?

I need you never to... to...

cross the line on the things you crossed
the line on the other night ever.

-Same for you.

-I know. We should never...
-[Chelsea] And I agree.

We should never go
at each other's characters.

No, and I never ever, ever, ever want
to argue like that ever again.

-Yeah, me neither.

That wasn't fair, for both of us.


where's your head at right now?

I signed up for the experiment, you know,

to get married, to find a wife,

find the love of my life. I...

I'm still here for that reason.

Do I wanna give it a shot?

Yeah, I do.

Do I forgive you for the other night?
I do.

I love you. I care about you,

and I really want... I really wanna try.

I love you and...

-I love you too.
-[Jimmy] I really wanna try with you.

-Me too.
-So you're the reason I'm here.

You too.

But you can't come dressing like that
when I'm mad at you.

You look good.

-I really like those pants.
-[both laughing]

I love you.

[mutters] Of course
I wanna continue to try with you.

She's so damn hard not to forgive.

The other night

really hurt my feelings.

[Chelsea chuckles]

But every conflict Chelsea and I have had,

we've been able to get through it.

I love that about her.

I almost took this off
and left it here for you to see.

That would've been sad.

-I love you.
-I love you too.

So are you gonna make me cookies or what?

[groans] I'm tired.

-I'm so tired, baby.
-Don't pull that shit.

-It's six o'clock at night. [chuckles]
-I hardly slept last night.

Why? 'Cause you were
at the friggin' club, probably.

Oh, my goodness. No.

Because I thought
you didn't think I loved you.


[Jimmy] I'm happy that
she knows where I'm at now,

and I'm happy she feels the same way.

And I'm happy to work towards a marriage.

That's... that's what I came here for,

and... and I know Chelsea
is gonna be a phenomenal wife.

It's just working through
the kinks of day-to-day

and how we handle conflicts.

I will put my blood, sweat,
and tears into our relationship

if I know that she's in it,
and she's in it 100%.

If she's in it, I'm in it,
and I won't let her go.

You're cute.

[Chelsea] You drive me nuts, boy.

[pop music playing]

♪ When you're stuck at the edge
You can't hide inside ♪

♪ Better May, better day
Look at me, look at you ♪

♪ We were starting like it's nothing
I'm so glad I came with you ♪

-[Johnny] Hello!

I missed you so much!


-You look so good!
-You look so good!

[Johnny] AD! Hey, how you doing, girl?

[shouts] Gonna have these tittles pop out!

I've been so deprived of all my girls!

-I know! Hello! You look so amazing!
-I missed you!

-Let's go.
-[Johnny] Hey, there they are!


Who's wearing a leather jacket
on a lake day?

I know! Like, I need some leather.

[Jimmy] What's up?
Good to see you. How are you?

Take that off. Take that off.

[Johnny] There we go!

-We got weather, dude. Let's get it!
-[Chelsea] Where's Clay?

Clay's working.

-[Chelsea] He couldn't come?
No, he's coming. He's just working.

-Let's go. Come on.
-[Johnny] See you, ladies!

-Have a good time!
-Bye. We're out!

The boys will hang out.

[Laura] This is ridiculous.

Okay, this is the speech scrunchie.

So when you have the scrunchie,
then you have to spill your tea.

-Not the Scrunchie of Truth!
-The Scrunchie of Truth! I think Laura...

-Wait, why do I have to start?

Scrunchie of Truth.

-Where the f*ck is Jeramey?

-Yes! I need all the answers.

Where is that man?

The only thing I know
is something that Johnny told me

that was told by Jeramey.

-Jeramey told him...
-I would love to hear this.

I was told by Johnny that Jeramey said

that he hung out with Sarah Ann...

[Laura] Mm-hmm. night.
And that they just talked for hours.

Yeah, yeah, he did say that,
but that they just talked.

He's a man,
so I don't know what to believe.

-Ain't shit to say at 5:30 in the...
-Interesting. Interesting. Okay.

What do we think happens
in the night, when you spend the night?

-[Amy] After drinking.
-Because 6:00 a.m. is the next morning.

My point of view is,
do I have respect for her? Absolutely not.

Do I think that she has respect
for other women? Absolutely not.

Do I think
she's selfish as hell? Absolutely.

Do I think she's immature and still has
a lot of shit to work on and figure out?

Yes, but he's the one
that made a commitment to me.

He's the one that owed me something.

This is the most hurtful part for me.

When you propose to somebody,
you are making confirmation

that you're going to protect their heart.

You're gonna protect them as a person,
as your wife, as your partner.

Like, you are gonna
think of them in all situations.

It's no longer you. It's a "we."

And the way it was handled after...

You guys, when I left,
I didn't hear not one word from him,

and said, "I'm going back to
my apartment. I need a break from this."

This was my real-ass f*cking life.

-[Amy] Yeah.
-Was my real-ass engagement.

-He ain't it, sis. He ain't it.
-[Laura] Thank you.

-Thank you.
-[Chelsea] No.

This is where I'm at.
I don't think the guy ever cared for me.

I think he was fake as shit in the pods.
I don't know why he came here.

I think he has feelings for Sarah Ann
he doesn't know how to process.


Oh, no.

-Oh, f*ck me.
-[Chelsea gasps]

[laughs] I'm sweating!

-f*ck me.

-Can I drown myself?

-How y'all doing?
-[Jimmy] What's up, dude?

I knew Johnny was here
'cause I could hear him out front.


-What's up, man? Good to see you.
-How you doing? Good to see you.

-About time.
-Knew you would have a Hawaiian shirt on.

-How'd you know?
-I just knew it.

I was ready to push it today.

[Chelsea chuckles]
Act cool, act calm, act collected.

-Honey, I am cool, calm and collected.
-I'm stressed out. I'm stressed out.

-Who's down there now? Is that Laura?
-Laura's here.

-Oh, great.
-You should...

[both laugh]

The exact person
I don't wanna f*cking see right now.

Laura and I haven't seen each other in
four days, haven't spoken in three days.

Honestly, my last conversation with Laura,
she jumped down my throat

to the point where I'm nervous
to, like, even speak to her.

Everything I say seems to get spun
in a completely different direction,

and I'm made out to be the bad guy.

I was texting with her on Wednesday.

Basically, all I got in return
in text messages from her

was nasty f*cking answers.

I tried sending her flowers.

She's like, "You don't need my address
because I don't need anything from you."

And then follows that up with,
"It sucks to know that your name went

from 'Fiancé' to just 'Jeramey'
in my phone."

In what f*cking world would I try
to fight for something like that?

I was 100% on board with working things
out with her and trying to solve things,

but I learned a lot about her, uh...

I don't know if she was angry
or if that's how she was actually feeling,

but even if you're angry, I don't
wanna be talked to or treated like that.

And it's hard to have a conversation
with someone

who just runs away from something
every time they get frustrated.

[Jimmy] Admittedly, I think y'all
are both a little hard-headed, um...

-I know I am. But at least I'll admit it.
-Yeah, yeah.

-Yeah, but you know, fighting for someone...

Kind of dealing
with the same thing with Chelsea.

Like, there's a couple things
she said that she didn't even mean,

but, um, once we talked through
those problems, it was...

There was a reason
to fight for it, you know?

-I wasn't getting any reasons.
-Um, and you're not...

-[Jeramey] Like, at all.

-Damn, there he is!

Is that Trevor?

[Amy] That's Trevor?

That's Trevor? [laughing]

Oh, my God! He's beefy!

-Oh! Oh.
-[Jeramey] Oh, I missed you.

I don't wanna be involved
with the conversation, talking to Jeramey.

[Johnny] I don't want to either.

-Jeramey's his best bud all of a sudden.
-He's strong.

-What happened?
-I'm sorry.

-It's all gone! I missed you so much.
-You shaved the mullet! What the f*ck!

[Chelsea] He looks good though!

Trevor is normally what I go for.

Beefy, muscular.

It's interesting to see him
and, like, put a face to the voice.

[laughs] But...

It's... it's complicated. Yeah. [laughs]

That's some beefcake right there.

Y'all! Y'all! Y'all! Y'all!



[sighs] Oh, God, here we go.

-[Mackenzie] Hello! Hey!
-Hey, how's it going? I'm Johnny.

-[Johnny] Nice to meet you.

-[Trevor] Nice to meet you.
-I'm Jess.

-Nice to meet you.
-Jimmy. Nice to meet you.

-I'm stressed out.
-She's here for me.


Oh, not a church hug.

Nice to meet you.

[Chelsea] Oh, my God, you guys!
Jimmy and her!

-["Is It Love?" playing]
-♪ Is it love or fantasy? ♪

♪ These sparks between you and me ♪

♪ I got a feeling like, feeling like ♪

♪ It's heating up tonight ♪

-Oh, man. This whole shit is hard.

I'm gonna throw up.

-Well, my day just got a lot worse.

-[Jessica] I wore heels.

And I'm already changing.


-Thank y'all for coming up.

-Hey. Nice to meet you.
-[Chelsea] How are you?

-Good, how are you?
-I'm Chelsea.

-Nice to meet you, Chel... I figured.
-[both laugh]

Oh, my gosh, look!

There he is, baby!

What up, man?

What's up, brother? Good to see you.

I need to get some drinks in me,
'cause I'm, like, a little...

The bar is up there.

-What's up?

-I was just talking about you.
-Oh, yeah?

I'm feeling too many things.

Should we go somewhere else?

-No, where did he go?

-I love you so much.
-Where is he?

[Chelsea chuckles] Babe,
can you get me some white wine?

-What you want, baby?
-[Chelsea] Just white wine.

-Literally, my heart is still in my...
-I feel like it's beep, beep.

-No, literally, my heart is in my butt.
-I know. I know.

I had to hold my breath when I hugged him.

[Laura] Could tell he was uncomfortable.

I don't know. I didn't think I was
gonna feel like that. I hate it here.

What's going on?

I need to know,
because you're playing it way too cool.

-How are you feeling?
-Oh, we haven't spoken.

Not wearing a ring.

-I still have it.
-I did notice.

The ring meant a commitment to me
that has since been broken.


-Do you still have it or did he take it?
-No, I still have it.

If he asks for it, I'll tell him
to go f*cking kick rocks barefoot.

-As you should.

Why do I feel like this is,
like, middle school

at a dance when it's,
like, girls and guys?

-Should I go there?
-It's because it is.

Yeah, that's what I was gonna say.

-Like, get the hell out of here.
-Okay, all right, bye!

I'm just kidding.
I'm just kidding. Stay with your fiancé.

No, I feel like I should.
I should migrate.

All right, y'all do you. Hey, ladies.

-Hi, my love!
-Hello, friend!

[Chelsea] Oh, I'm gonna
tip this chair over.


-["Next to You" playing]
-♪ You got me getting caught up ♪

♪ In my feelings for you ♪

♪ I don't wanna f*ck up ♪

♪ By getting too lost in you ♪

This is extremely awkward now.

You're fine.

I don't want to intrude.

-But I need a drink.

[Jimmy] Seeing Jess
and hearing her again, it's tough.

She left me with a lot of emotions,

and I mean, Jess is very good-looking.

I am attracted to her.

Yeah, I'm not the type of person to

just completely avoid being around you.

Um, obviously, we dated a while,

so it's a conversation
that needs to be had, but...


It's a scary thing,
falling for someone and having

two amazing women
that you really care about.

I'd be lying if I...
if it isn't on my mind a lot.

It needs to happen, I reckon.

[Jessica] Are you nervous?

[Jimmy] I'm not nervous.

I'm uncomfortable.

Hey, Jimmy.

What's up?

It's really you.

-How's the last couple weeks been for you?
-They've been good.

I mean, I go through,
like, waves of different things.

But I'm good.

What about you?

For the first time,
I, like, don't have any insecurities,


They're all out there! So...

[gasps] Did she meet your family?

-She did.
-How was it?

-They adored her, I'm sure.

That was the easiest part
of everything that we've done so far,

meeting the family.

Well, that was the thing
you were most afraid of.


That should tell you something.
And you felt completely at peace with it?

Yeah, but it's like,

how is that easy
and then we had our biggest fight?

It's been a roller coaster.

I want you to be good to her.

Not me being the one giving you advice.

This is like...
you're like, "Please shut up," but...

No, I'm not. I...

Don't look at this as advice
coming from, like, an ex.

Look at it as advice coming
from, like, one of her good friends.

Are you an ex?

I don't know. I get nervous around you.

I told you I've never dated anybody

that's even remotely like you,

I just felt really pressured with you.

You were, like, basically saying,

"Yeah, like..."

"I'm right here.
I'm telling you how I feel!"

[laughing] "What else do you need from me
to make you get on a knee?" And I'm like...

No, that's not what I said.

I didn't say, "What else do you need
to make you get on a knee?"

But you read my letter out loud,
and then you were dead silent.

-[Jessica] And when you were silent,

that was so loud.

You read it. I was just like,
"That's how I feel about you."

-"Those are all of my commitments to you."

"Like, you are it for me.
You are my person."

-[Jessica] And you were dead silent.

How would anybody react to that?

That night that you told Chelsea
that you loved her, I lost it.

Oh, my God. I cried more that night
than I've probably cried my whole life.

I'm sorry I put you in that... position.

-I know.
-That's not how I, uh...

-That's not how I wanted you to feel.

I was crying reading that.

And, um...

I know.

I accept your apology.

I don't think you had any bad intentions.

I think maybe that was
the best you could do at the time.

It was hard.

Whoever my husband's supposed to be,

he's gonna validate me
without me having to ask.

Come to think about it,

like, you never really did just
flat-out say how you felt about me.

I think you're the smartest person
I've ever met.

-Oh. Really?
-[Jimmy] Yeah, you're like...

You're really witty.
You're really quick on your feet...

We hit it off from day one.
That's for sure.

After you told me I'd be
holding my breath when I see you...

I said, "You better have that EpiPen
'cause your airways are going to close."

Yeah, I was gassing myself way too much.

I was the one who was about to fall out
and need a medic.

When you went in for a hug,
I was like, "No! Not him hugging me."

I was so sure... I had practiced
how I was gonna shake your hand.

-[Jimmy laughs]
-For real.

I was gonna try and keep it
so cool and respectful,

and you went in for a hug,
and I was like, "Damn!"

If you give someone
a portion of what you gave to me,

someone's gonna be
the luckiest man in the world.

I care about you a lot, and in reality...

you were my number one still.

You know more about me than literally
anyone else walking the planet, so...

Right now, I just
haven't gotten over, like, what it is.

I'm sure I will again.

You terrify me.

[Jessica] Don't!
I don't want you to be terrified.

I wanna be able

to be around you and not...
like, it still stings a little.

[voice breaks] But I'm happy for you guys.
I really am.

-["One By One" playing]
-♪ All the voices ♪

♪ Fallen choices ♪

♪ Never showed the way we were ♪

♪ The way we were ♪

♪ The way we were ♪

♪ The way we could have been ♪

♪ One by one we fall ♪

♪ Out to the other side ♪

♪ Lost in our rhythms ♪

♪ Searching for ourselves in the lights ♪

♪ Out to the other side ♪