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01x08 - Bloodline

Posted: 02/22/14 17:35
by bunniefuu
Previously on Helix.

I just sacrificed my own men for you. Now it's your turn.

Run along and find me that cure.

Hi. I'm Julia.

That's my name too.

And you are?

His sister.

The one you left behind when you stole him from his family.

Jules. What are you doing here? I thought you were...

Look at me.


So, let me get this straight. You just woke up and your symptoms had regressed?

Not regressed, vanished. no lesions, no fever, no black mucus.


Mmm, God, this is good. It's unbelievable, I know.

It's like I was never infected in the first place.

I hate to be the one to say it, but the virus could be entering a latent stage, going dormant.


At first I thought that too, but I feel so good.

Are you gonna eat that?

Please, help yourself.

Sure hasn't hurt your appetite at all.

So, you're not feeling any other symptoms?

Alan, for God's sake, I'm fine.

In fact, I have never felt so good.



Hey. Jules. Jules.


Ahhh! (Julia laughing)


No, no, no, that's not funny.

Not g*dd*mn funny.

Oh, I'm sorry. I'm sorry.

I couldn't resist. (Julia laughing)


Okay, okay.

As soon as I finish this, I'm gonna get back to the lab, run a full panel of myself.

CBC, coags, viral screen, the works. No, if I developed antibodies that could fight off the virus, it would help the others.

I don't want you anywhere near the lab until we've confirmed every trace of this virus is out of your body.

Remember Bucharest, 2002.

What happened in Bucharest? Meningitis outbreak.

Rumor got out that the aid workers were hoarding a vaccine.

Crowd stormed the treatment center, nearly k*lled them.

If anyone gets wind of your recovery, they may think we've come up with a cure.

I want you to keep a low profile, especially with Sutton roaming the halls of this base.

Sutton? Hatake warned me about her.

He doesn't trust her either.

He said that? When?

When we were down on Level R.

He was down there? With you?

He helped me get back up here. I thought you knew.

(warning tone)

System voice: Contamination.

Sarah, once you're finished with the collection, get right to the lab.

Jules, sit tight. I'll check back in as soon as I can.

I don't want to lose anyone else today.

What happened?

Vector att*ck.

Anybody hurt? Infected?

We got lucky. My men chased him down, cornered him in here.

Did they corner him, or did he lead them in here?

You think he wanted to... contaminate the food supply?

Why infect us one by one when they could starve us en masse?

There's bleach, disinfecting supplies in the airlock.

I want you to spray down this entire room after you've taken everything out in biohazard containers and destroyed it.

I don't want anyone consuming contaminated food stuffs in a panic.

Let's lock down this sector while we sterilize.

If anyone asks, it's routine maintenance.

Now that Hatake's been detained, are you still acting on his behalf?

Dr. Hatake is no longer in charge of this base.

What about emergency rations?

Hatake must have hidden reserves throughout the base.

Go ask him yourself.

I'd better stop or you'll need a blood transfusion.


I'm glad to see you're in such a good mood, though.

We can use some of that around here.

I feel better than I have in a long time.

Are you experiencing any other symptoms?

Light sensitivity.


You have no idea.

Are you wearing colored contacts?

Can I trust you to keep a secret?

I mean, I'd say it dies with me, but...

Good enough.


(door opening)

I heard the alarm. Is there anything I need to attend to?

Vector got in the food supply. We lost most of the dry goods along with...

A simple yes or no will do.

No, ma'am, it's under control.


Perhaps "under control" is not in our best interests.


Our CDC team is trained to perform under pressure.

I may have failed to provide them with the optimal conditions for their success.

What would you like me have the men do?

Have them do nothing. Allow the vectors to run free.

We'll see if fear inspires creativity.

Anything else?

I'm good at my job, aren't I?


Usually I can assess any situation, immediately determine what is important and what is not.

I ascribe value, Klein.

So why can I not find the value in this Julia Walker?

Speak freely.

Can't be you. Must be the situation.

Thank you.

And Klein...

System voice: Code 127, Level G...

This is ridiculous. Why am I dressed up for the nerd prom?

You're trying to blend in.

I need Sutton to see me doing her work so we can continue to move around the base freely.

What are you looking at?



Being yourself.

I missed you too, Miksa.

My name's Daniel.

Okay. Daniel.

So, how is it you never realized that your little playmates kept disappearing from this place?

Hatake lied to me. Why wouldn't I believe the man who adopted me?

If you don't know anything, let's talk to someone who does.

Hatake's not gonna tell you anything.

I'm not talking about Hatake.

What did you do?

You'll have to be more specific.

What did you do to Julia down on Level R? Do you have a cure?

There is no cure.

What happened to Dr. Walker was not my doing.

I don't believe you.

It doesn't matter what you believe.

Dr. Walker is virus-free, and that puts her in grave danger.

From whom? Sutton?

From Sutton. From everyone.

And not just at this base.

If she is the only person in the world to have beaten the virus...

Then she'll be experimented on for the rest of her life.

Go. Now! Don't leave her side.

(knocking on door)


Dr. Walker, I presume?

I'm Constance Sutton. I've been so looking forward to meeting you.

My, what beautiful eyes you have.

What's going on here? I want to see Dr. Walk...

Nobody in or out. Sutton's orders.


Talk to Sutton.

I need Walker in the lab...

Talk to Sutton.


Hey, what the hell do you think you're doing?

I need to speak to Dr. Walker.

Dr. Walker is no longer your concern.

She's now the property of the Ilaria Corporation.

Let me make this easy for you.

One option: I will allow you to return to the lab and continue working, even though I have gotten closer to the cure in the last eight minutes than you have in the last eight days. As for Dr. Walker, her body contains a proprietary medical therapy belonging to Ilaria.

You can't just appropriate a human being.

Oh, but I can. She's mine now. Escort Dr. Farragut back to the lab. Do not let him out of your sight.

And bring me Hatake.

Oh, Sergio, you're bleeding.

How'd you get in here?

How do you think?


You bring him along to finish the job?

Hey, this wasn't my idea.

I see that. You don't have your trusty ice axe. - Stop it, both of you!

k*ll each other later. There's other lives at stake here.

Hatake has to have a list of those kids he stole.

And we need your help to get it. What you need is to take your brother and get as far away from this place as you can.

He's right. We're wasting time.


Stop calling me that.

This ends one way for anyone who stays, understand?

You know, I thought you'd give up the act and try giving a sh*t for a change.

g*dd*mn it! Don't be naive.

I'm not who you think I am!

You remember that story I told you about being taken away as a child?

Well, it happened, only I was the one doing the taking.

I don't believe that.

I am a m*rder*r and a parasite.

Go on, ask your brother. He knows who I work for.

I already told you: she is not one of us.

I saw her eyes. Like silver dollars.

What the hell have you done? Is this the Willis Hypothesis again?

I should have known you'd never give up on that ridiculous notion.

Perhaps she's a naturally occurring mutation.

Oh, this is no mutation, no random roll of the genetic dice.

When I find out what you've done and I will find out, there will be a reckoning.

I wish I could help.

Be careful what you wish for.

You know there is nothing you can do that I cannot bear.

Oh, those aren't for you. They're for Julia Walker.

(whispering): They're taking Jules away, run their own tests on her until they find a cure.

Then they won't find anything.

Excuse me?

I did multiple runs on Julia's blood and tissue samples, cross-referenced with her pre-infection blood work. There's nothing there.

What do you mean nothing?

I mean no immune response, no antibodies, no traces of residual genetic material, no viral DNA.

As far as I can tell, she's in perfect health.

You'll have to run those tests again.

You mean for a third time?

What you're saying isn't possible.

Right, because nothing else around here strains credulity.

I'm gonna get Jules back.

Okay. What can I do?

You didn't even ask me how.

I assumed you already had that part figured out.

I'll need supplies first.

Potassium chloride, muriatic acid, ammonium nitrate.

Those are all very unstable, expl*sive even.

That's what I'm counting on.

So, this is how we find ourselves.

After all these years, everything that we've been through to achieve our goal, and you jeopardize all of it for your own selfish cause.

You've sacrificed everything. For what?


I helped build Ilaria. They deserve my loyalty.

Unfortunately, that doesn't seem to be your strong suit.

I have no problem with loyalty.

Genocide, on the other hand... (radio beep)


Dr. Walker's escaped.

We're searching the area now.

Where is she?

She may have gotten into the ducts.

Then go into the ducts and find her!

We're gonna need more men.

I don't care how you do it, just bring her back alive!

She really is special to you, isn't she?

Are you in love with her?

No, that's too easy.

But you do care for her. That much is obvious.

What do you see that I'm not seeing, Hiroshi?

I see a pathetic shell of a woman I once loved and admired... who now bows at the feet of her masters.

Do you have any idea how much I would like to cut that smile off your face?

What's stopping you?

(vector shrieking)

(vector growling)

(vector growling)

I need to go to the supply room.

I need a fermentation flask and a few bags of 50% dextrose solution.

What the hell for?

It's just dextrose.

Sugar water, like what you would find in an IV bag.

I know what dextrose is.

Okay, so then you know that we need it to make cell cultures grow, right?

I can't let you out of there.



And when Sutton comes asking for results, you can tell her that we don't have 'em because you refused to give us the right supplies.

I'll get you what you need. Make me a list.

Then it's settled. There's not one good reason why you can't come back with me.

I just can't.

Why not?

Because of Hatake? You don't owe him anything!

I'm not running away from a mess I helped create.

You were just a kid. This is all you've ever known.

I've made my own choices.

You know, you may not want to believe this, but you two are a lot alike.

Dr. Hatake raised me as one of his own.

Not him. You and Sergio.

We're nothing alike.

You were both stolen as children, brought up in a world built on lies.

I see a person who's never been at peace, who doesn't think that they deserve a home or a family.

Or even a second chance.

I'm sorry.

I have to finish this.

Whatever that means.

Don't forget about us, Miksa.

You have a family now.


Take care of yourself, Anana.

I need more ammonium nitrate.

This is crazy, right?

I mean, look at us. What are we becoming?

What we need to become.

Like the virus mutating, changing in order to survive.

(quiet tapping)

What was that?

Julia: Don't look up.


What are you doing up there?

Do they know you've escaped?

I haven't heard any alarms yet.

That might change soon.

Alan, are you under guard?

Yes. We have... two of Ilaria's finest in Observation.

Listen, Jules, we don't have much time.

I need you to find Hatake and free him.


So he can retake the base when we k*ll Sutton.

I'll try to get to him.

I know it's impossible, but please be careful.

You too.

You ready?

Lt. Klein, will you tell Sutton that the cure is ready for a review?

We've been able to separate the double-binded proteins and re-encode the RNA.

Have a look.

For what?

Don't you want to see the cure in action?

If you look closely, you'll see the viral load being completely obliterated.

It's ground-breaking, really.


System voice: Contamination.

Is she... is Sutton...?

I think she took most of the blast, but... it was... it was chaotic in there.

You mean you don't blow people up every day?

Okay, so, what now?

We round up with Jules and Hatake, and then see who comes out of the smoke.

System voice: Contamination.

Sutton: Dr. Farragut.

Dr. Alan Farragut.

No doubt you're surprised to be hearing from me.

I can't imagine what you must be thinking right now.

Let's lay our cards on the table, shall we?

You are to report to Isolation.

Failure to do so will result in immediate termination of Peter Farragut.

I expect nothing less than your full cooperation.

Hold still.

Are you telling me what to do?

You're... you're wounded.

The only thing wounded is my vintage Dior, so unless you are a seamstress, Lieutenant, piss off.

Ain't family a bitch?

No, you can't go.

Look, they will...

They'll k*ll him.

They're gonna k*ll him anyway.

The only question is which one of you she's gonna k*ll first.

What else can we do?

Wait. Alan, maybe we can create a diversion.

Do you know what this is?

I don't know what lab we're in.

Otology, the study of sound.

It's an LRAD device.

It's, um, a sound cannon. Police use them for crowd control.

And I'm pretty sure the mods on this device allow for high-precision targeting.

You know how to operate this thing?

A girl's gotta have her hobbies.

(thumping above)

Julia. You shouldn't be here.

If Sutton finds you...

Sutton's got her hands full right now.

Alan needs your help.

Of course.

On one condition.

You stay here, in hiding.

I can't do that.

You survived the virus, and Sutton knows...

Sutton knows what?

You are more important than anyone else.

Why does everybody keep saying that? What is so special about me?

Please, Julia.

I promise to answer all of your questions, but now is far from the time.

I'm not going sit here and hide while everybody else is risking their lives.

What's happening to me?

I need answers.

You have always been very persistent.

It would be so much easier with the keys.

You're not gonna sh**t me.

Could be more satisfying knowing you'll die out there cold, hungry, and alone.

I'll survive.

I always have.

How'd you get out?

Somebody wasn't paying attention.

You used me.

I told you not to trust me.

Yeah, you're right.


You're gonna take it anyway, right?

You don't steal from me!

And you never talk about Miksa that way, do you understand me?!


Go! Run away! Go on!

Man: Freeze! Stop right there!


Go! Go!

Are you messing with me?

Just shut up and go right now!

They'll k*ll you, but they won't k*ll me. Just go!

Put your hands up now or I'll sh**t!

Hey, fellas. Go easy on the wound.

It's a little tender. Oof!

(system voice)

Julia: Oh, my god.

Klein: No sudden moves.


I gave you every opportunity to perform up to our standards, but you let me down.

Frankly, I'm disappointed.

You and me both.

Unfortunately, we've reached an impasse.

I don't see how we could possibly move forward together.

I'm afraid I'm gonna have to let you go.

No! Ugh!

Wait until his brother's dead.

Then sh**t him.

(high-pitched whine)


(high-pitched whine)

soldier: Ahhh!

(system beeping)

(vector shrieking)

(high-pitched whine)


(high-pitched whine) (groaning in pain)

Come with me. Now!

Get up!

Let's go! Get up!

What happened back there? The vectors, they took Peter up into the ducts.

Don't worry. They won't harm him.

System voice: Access granted.

Dr. Walker.


Maybe she's back up in the ducts.

No, Ilaria has her.

The power grid has been restored.

Someone shorted it out.


No, the breakers were covered in that black ooze.

(She scoffs.) What does it matter?

I've tried to be patient, but Hiroshi has lost his way.

He's worked outside the purview for far too long.

We have that cargo you requested.

If you'd like, we can arrange a transfer out immediately.

Expedite the transfer.

I want wheels up in 60 minutes. And what about the Inuit girl?

What about her?

She escaped the base, Balleseros helping her.

I was never under orders to detain her.

Didn't Hiroshi ever teach you to take initiative?

Dr. Hatake taught me to protect the research at all costs. And right now, that research is owned by your company.

Just tell me what you need.

Good boy.

Let's leave the heavy lifting for the next wave.

Let them mop up Hiroshi's mess.

Ilaria is planning an emergency evac.

I thought you should know.

How do I know you're not working for them now?

I'm here because the only thing worse for this base than you is Sutton.

Where's Julia? - Sutton did mention something about transporting cargo.

If Ilaria gets hold of Dr. Walker, you will never see her again.

Go with him. Find Julia.

What about Sutton?

Leave Sutton to me.

It's not ideal, but it's the best we could do on short notice. It'll keep the cargo secure until we land.

Thank you, Lt. Klein. I can always count on you.

(muffled shouting)

Bit two of my men.

Hopefully the muzzle will take care of the biting situation.

(muffled screaming)

Love to travel, just hate to pack.

(muffled screaming)

Give me five minutes.

I said I need five.



Where is Dr. Walker?

You always did have a weakness for them.

Oh, there were rumors, of course, but I never thought you capable of such a thing.

After all these years, you still wear the watch I gave you.

The frame is the original.

I guess once you start replacing parts, it's never quite the same, is it?

But I'm touched.

We could have changed the world.


But who would want to live in that kind of world?

We took a vow to author a separate history.

What gives you the right to turn your back on that, on us?

I was never good enough.

We were never good enough.

I did not mean to hurt you.

Did I turn you away from us?

I tried to make you understand.

You were the greatest mind among us, and yet you were willing to throw it all away.

For what? This abomination?!

Was it worth it?

Chasing the Willis Hypothesis to protect your daughter?

I'm sorry.





(announcement): This is Dr. Hatake.

The Ilaria Corporation is no longer in control of the base.

Constance Sutton has been removed from authority, and all of her men have been placed in custody. From this moment, all base operations will return to my established protocols.

We will rebuild what has been lost, and return to normalcy.

Until then, please remain calm.

This crisis is in its final stages and will soon be under control.

No antibodies?

My blood can't be used to save anyone.

So I live while everyone around me suffers.

I could hear... everything.

All of them talking about me like I'm some kind of thing.

Sutton can't hurt you anymore.

What about the next time?

The next Sutton?

I don't recognize myself anymore.

I'm not the same, Alan.

We all change.

That doesn't mean we lose who we are.

♪♪ How could you be so cruel to me ♪
♪ I've been waiting for a sign ♪

What you've done...

I can't ever forgive that.

I have faith that someday you will understand.

Understand what?

You stole me from my parents, from my family.

I can't ever get that back.


My name is Miksa.

♪ Cold winds may blow weary hearts to and fro ♪
♪ But they always play a sorry refrain ♪
♪ I know it seems the saddest of dreams ♪
♪ But I'm waiting for the weather ♪
♪ Waiting for the weather ♪
♪ Waiting for the weather ♪
♪ To change ♪♪