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05x05 - Don't Give Up on Me

Posted: 04/18/24 17:45
by bunniefuu
[voice breaking] Taylor McKinsey-Roo,
will you marry me?

I will! [laughs]

You gonna be my Puerto Rican wife?

Yes, I will be your Puerto Rican wife!

[both laugh]

[Johnie] If I don't leave here with you
and you don't leave here with me,

I'm always gonna think about you
for the rest of my life.

I'm sorry.

-[emotional music playing]
-♪ I'm gonna find my... ♪

[Johnie] Chris, I wanna be with you.

I came here to find my wife,

and at one point, I thought that I had.

♪ Don't know what happens, I... ♪


-[Stacy] Oh, my God!

[Izzy] Oh, God, you're beautiful.

My eyelashes are gonna fall off.
These are fake, by the way. [chuckles]

Oh, they're not that long in real life?

-You can't tell?
-I can tell.

[Lydia] Hello. Who is this?

Uh, my name is Uche.



One of my dates
was a girl that I have dated in the past.

It's Lydia.

I know everything about him
because I know him.


I'm in love with Aaliyah,
and I'm going to ask Aaliyah to marry me.

Last time we saw each other,
this year, we slept together.

[Uche] Hello?

[man on mic] Uche, unfortunately,

Aaliyah has decided
to not continue with the experiment.

-[dramatic music playing]
-♪ Know the end is near ♪

♪ And all you feel is fear ♪

She's gone.

-[emotional music playing]
-♪ I know my heart is so frozen... ♪

[Milton] I'm sorry, man.

[Uche scoffs]

She, like, left?

[Uche sighs]

They told me she decided
not to continue with the experiment.

[emotional music building]


[Uche] It doesn't make any sense.

-[Milton] Did you guys argue yesterday?
-[Uche] No.

She didn't express any kind of doubts.

At all.

[Izzy] Maybe she was just, like...

-It's too much.
-Like, didn't wanna tell you no.

I felt deeply for Johnie,

and that was f*cking hard.

Maybe she just got cold feet.

Yeah, I'm so confused.
Something has to have happened.

She saw Lydia get engaged, right?

[Milton] I mean...

[Milton] We obviously
didn't talk about it.

Wait, so you think she thought
Lydia was engaged to you?


It's one thing for everybody to have exes.

[Izzy] Mmm-hmm.

And it's another to be essentially living

with the ex of the person
that you're thinking about marrying.

[dramatic music playing]

[Uche] I knew Lydia before I came here.

I've dated Lydia before.

[Milton] I found out.
Then we talked about it.

-It is what it is.
-[Uche] Doesn't matter.

I mean, it's shitty on her end
to not give you that closure,

you know,
just to leave you hanging like that.

There's gotta be something I'm missing.

-["Drive" by Vaas La Beth playing]
-♪ Bless my heart and swear I could die ♪

♪ It was was only just matter of time ♪

♪ Ooh, alive, makes me wanna drive ♪


So, she got on a plane and left?

[man on mic] Correct.

And there's been
no contact with her since?

[man] Correct.

[sighs] I'm so confused.

She didn't express
any kind of reservations yesterday.

We were on the same page.

She told me that she loves me.
I told her that I love her.

She says that
she could see herself marrying me.

She can see a life with me.

[laughs] And to just
walk away without saying anything...


[downbeat music playing]

[sighs and chuckles] It's just...

[exhales] This doesn't make any sense.

I can't accept this
without having the chance to talk to her.

Like, I need to talk to her.

[woman on mic] If you have an interest
in reaching out,

Marco can try calling her and ask her
if she wants to talk to you.

If you just wanna leave
and do that on your own time,

that's totally your call.


I need to talk to her.

[woman] Do you want Marco
to see if she picks up and just say,

"I'm here with Uche.
Do you wanna talk to him?"


[Marco] Hi.

[Marco] I know
we have a lot to catch up on.

However, I do have Uche here.

And I wanted to know if you'd like
an opportunity to talk to him.


-[Aaliyah on phone] Okay.
-[Marco] I'm going to pass him the phone.

[Aaliyah] Okay.

[Uche] Hello?

[Aaliyah sighs] Uche.

[Uche] Aaliyah, what happened?

[Aaliyah exhales]

There was, like, an exchange of words
between Lydia and I

[Uche sighs]

...that didn't really go well.


We talked about this, Aaliyah.

Things changed.

What, what, what... What did Lydia say?

I was on edge a little, Uche. I was.

I told her, "If you didn't propose,

maybe you could have him back
if you wanted."

And she was just like,
"f*ck you. I don't want him back."

Why would you say something like that?

'Cause I'll be honest,
I feel like she smothers me a little bit.

Every time she comes, she brings you up.

Why does all of that matter? It happened.

[sobbing] Uche, I'm sorry.

You let some girl come in between us?

Because of something she said?

When you love somebody,

you don't just leave
without telling them anything.

Please don't.

Are you at home right now? Where are you?

At home.

Why didn't you stay here and talk to me?

How do you feel about me right now?

I still love you. I still want you.

Then why aren't you here?

[melancholy music playing]

[Aaliyah sobbing]

[Uche exhales]

Uche, I do love you. I do.

If you love somebody, you...
you talk to them.

-This isn't a normal environment.

I know it's not a normal environment,
but that's the entire point.

The point is if we can get through
a stressful situation,

that means it's going to work
in a marriage.

I would not do that in a marriage.

If you can't put up with the situation

of even being in the room
with somebody that I used to date...

-You would be my husband by then.
-No. No, Aaliyah.

We would never get to that point.

If you can't get through
something like this,

we will never get to that point.



I can't believe some girl
said something to you

and you let that come in between us.

How do you not know that when
she was at your place earlier this year

she didn't see an email
and apply to be on this damn show?

[dramatic music playing]

Are you f*cking kidding me right now?

Did you seriously just ask me that?

I don't know how she's...
and you are both here in the first place.

I don't either, Aaliyah,

and I told you that.

I don't f*cking know how she's here.

[sobbing] It's just bullshit,
the whole situation of...

You keep on talking about her though.

Like... [scoffs]

Because I don't have you yet!

You had one day! You had one day!

One day! You had to sit in a room
with a girl for one day,

and you chose to go home instead.

I don't feel like it's fair for you to say

that I just don't value you
or what we have,

because I did something to protect me.

Exactly. You thought about yourself.
You didn't think about me at all.

Are you thinking about me right now?

[Uche laughs] I'm literally here
getting ready to propose to you,

to tell you I wanna spend
the rest of my life with you.

[angrily] Yes, I'm thinking about you!
That's the only thing I'm thinking about!

You didn't even write me a letter.
I got nothing.

You couldn't even say goodbye? Nothing?

I was going to, but I didn't
have time to do that in the moment.

[scoffs] Oh, I cannot believe this.

Oh, I'm so stupid.

You're not stupid.

[laughs] I'm such a f*cking idiot.

No, you're not.

[groans] This is exactly
what I thought was gonna happen.

I was gonna let myself
get close to the wrong person.

Okay, well, if that's how you feel,
then maybe we don't need to keep talking.

No, we're not gonna keep talking, Aaliyah.

[sobbing] Can you please
not make that decision right now?

I don't wanna talk to her.

I don't wanna talk to her.
I don't want her phone number.

[sighs] I don't wanna see her again.

-[dramatic music playing]
-♪ You know this is real that you feel ♪

-♪ What I'm feeling, baby ♪

♪ You know I'm the only one you need ♪

-♪ Only one ♪
-[music fading]

[gentle music playing]

[Lydia] For my whole entire life,

guys have been interested in me
for what I look like.

This is the first time

that someone has cared about me

for what I have to offer
based on my personality,

soul, likes, passion.

Falling in love with Milton

and he falling love with me
feels the epiphany of happiness.

No, it's "epitome." He did say
that he needed to teach me English.


[romantic music playing]

[Milton] Finding a person like Lydia
in my life

that really understands me,

that gets my humor,
that gets where I come from,

that's something
I could never live without.

Whether she's super loud and kind of bossy

or how emotional she is

and, like, how caring she is,

it feels like I have talked
to my best friend.


[Lydia gasps] Oh, my God.

[Milton] Typically, like,
the man is a little bit older,

by, like, a year or two.

And in this case,
the man happens to be younger

by almost six, closer to seven years.

I got a haircut yesterday,

and I feel like
my mustache isn't as thick.

I'm, like, smooth right here.

Feeling a little insecure about that.
Like, "Damn, of all days."

I think I look really f*cking young, okay?
That's the truth.

I don't have a little bit of aftershave
that can give me that extra year.

So now I really look 24.

Lydia's about to be 31,

and she might see me
and be like, "Shit, he looks 12."

[suspenseful music playing]

[Lydia] I have no clue how he looks like.

It's like...
I cannot even put a picture, like...

I don't know if he's white or Black.
Is he too tall? Is he too short?

Definitely, like,
it's gonna be a surprise.

But I can say that love is truly blind,

and I love him for who he is.

But will that change once I see him?


[suspenseful music building]

[dramatic note playing]


[Lydia laughing]

[romantic music playing]

-[Lydia] Oh, my God!
-You're so small.

[laughing] You're so tall!

You're so tall! Oh, my God.

-[romantic music playing]
-♪ When the night gets too dark... ♪

[Milton] You're absolutely beautiful.

You are handsome.

-Your hair's so curly. Awesome.
-I know.

-Do I look like what you expected?

What did you expect?

Not this. [laughing]

♪ In darkest nights ♪

♪ Always be by your side ♪

♪ I'll stay with you ♪

♪ In darkest nights, always be by... ♪

[Milton] I've been
waiting forever for this.

♪ I'll stay with you by your side... ♪

[Lydia exclaims]

[Milton clears throat]

I have something for you.



Oh, my God,
I knew I would not be smooth with this.

[Milton] Wrong way.

[gentle music playing]

Lydia Arlene Elias Gonzalez...

[Lydia] Yes.

Will you marry me?


-[Lydia] You know where it goes, right?
-Uh, no. You tell me.

-[gasps] This is gorgeous.
-Is it the right size?

Yes! Oh, my God, it's gorgeous!

[uplifting music playing]

[Lydia] Thank you so much!

-[uplifting music playing]
-♪ Waiting for you ♪

♪ Waiting for you... ♪

[Lydia laughing]

♪ Waiting for you ♪

So this is what my nerd looks like.

I know. And I left my tie at home.

-Got the mustache.

-It's normally much thicker.
-It's normally much thicker?

-Oh, my God. How thicker?

[Milton] You'll like it.

Holy shit. I'm, like, sweating my ass off.

-Why are you sweating? Are you nervous?
-[softly] It's hot.

-Me? Nervous? Never that.

It's so nice to finally meet you.

-I know.

Kind of crazy.

-It is crazy.

Oh, my God.

Closing my eyes
and listening to your voice is amazing.

[whispers] Oh, my God.

I was waiting so long for this.

-How tall are you?
-Like, 5'10".

-You're not 5'10".
-I'm 5'10".

-You're not 5'10".
-I told you I was 5'10" since day one.

-You are not 5'10".
-It's the boots.

-You're definitely not 5'10".
-It's the shoes.

You're not 5'10".

All right, I'm 6'7".

I just round down to 6'6"
because it sounds better.


Oh, my God!

[laughing] He is nothing what I expected.

I am marrying a giant.


Oh, my God, your hands are so big.

You're, like... you're humangous.
Is that a word?

-What word is that?

Is that a word? Humongous. Yes.

-You're humongous.
-We're gonna get you some flash cards.

-You're not gonna...
-Get you a tutor.

No, no, no, no.

I don't know what you're saying
half the time. I just smile and nod.

Really? I speak perfect English.

-Sure. Your hands are so small.

[Lydia] It is, indeed.

I don't know why I was like,
"She's so bossy and loud."

-"She has to be, like, huge."
-[laughs] No, I am small and spicy.

-Small and spicy?
-And fiery.

One more.


[upbeat music playing]

Yeah, we're probably
gonna be kissing a lot.

-I knew you were gonna like me though.

[chuckles] 'Cause it's a nice view.
It's a nice sight.

Oh, my God. I can't
have you getting a big head already.

I'm gonna go back and be like,
"I don't know, man."

-Come on!
-I'm gonna go back and be like...

That's not true.

I love you.

-["Feel You in My Dreams" playing]
♪ Hold me closer, don't let go ♪

♪ Falling far from the unknown ♪

♪ Rest my fear, breathe me in... ♪

We're gonna be, like, all we do is kiss.


I shouldn't stand up.


You know, that's what happens
when you're 24. It just...

We have to work on that.

I feel, like, older than 24.

I'm like a good 26?

That's why you're like,
"Oh, I cannot shave my mustache,

because then I'm gonna be
like a 12-year-old."

Shut the f*ck up.

♪ Rushing through my waist... ♪

I love my ring.

I love you.

[Lydia] I love you.

[Milton] She didn't care
about what I looked like.

I really didn't care what she looked like.

It just really helps
that she's, like, so hot.

Or maybe it's that emotional connection
that I built that it's just, like,

making her look that good to me.
I have no idea, but I really don't care.

Love is blind for sure.

-[Lydia] I love you.
-I love you too.

-[Lydia] I love you more.

I love you more.

Hmm. Probably.

[laughs] Stop it!

I'll see you later. Bye.

I would say this is probably
the second-biggest moment in my life.

The first probably being,
like, when we get married.

♪ As I feel you... ♪

I mean, I don't know,
I'm just, like, really happy.

Oh, my God. [chuckles]

♪ In my dreams... ♪

[Milton exclaims]


In this blind love experiment...

[Nick] Three couples have fallen in love
and gotten engaged

without ever seeing each other.

[Stacy laughs] Oh, wow!

-[upbeat music playing]
-♪ Honey, when you're kissing on me... ♪


[Lydia gasps]

-[Milton] You're so small.

♪ When you kiss me
I'm the good girl normally... ♪

-[Taylor teasing] You're so in love!
-In love.


[Nick] The couples are now heading
to a romantic getaway in beautiful Mexico.

-[upbeat music playing]
-♪ I'm going after you ♪

♪ I want a piece of your sunshine, baby ♪

[Izzy] Oh, my God. Just take it off.

[Izzy laughs] I will.

-Sugar butt!
-What's up, sugar?

-This is so exciting.
-I know.

[valet] Welcome
to Grand Velas Riviera Maya.

-[Lydia] Thank you.
-You have so much stuff, don't you?

I only have two suitcases and a bag.

-Okay, so...
-You have all the mess.

Now, they will have a chance
to discover if their physical connection

is as strong as their emotional one.

[dramatic music playing]

And with their weddings
only four weeks away,

their love is about
to face some serious tests.

♪ No place that you can hide... ♪

Until now, their attraction has been based
entirely on an emotional connection.

Will their looks,
race, lifestyle, or insecurities

tear them apart in the real world?

Is love truly enough to conquer it all?

[pop music playing]


[lock beeps]

[playing gentle tune]

-[JP] Oh, wow.

[Taylor] Oh, my gosh!

-[Taylor] So pretty!
-[JP] This is awesome!


-You know what I'm most excited for?
-[JP] What?

[Taylor] The bath.

[JP chuckles]

-[Taylor] What about you?
-The hot tub.

I've never been in a room where it has...

[JP] A violinist?

[chuckles] Well, that,
but also a hot tub attached to it.

-[JP] Yeah.
-[Taylor] We can hot-tub tonight.

-I'm excited.

[laughs] Why are you red right now?

[JP] It's hot in here.

[Taylor] It is hot in here.


Fiancé! [laughs]


I don't know
what we're supposed to do now.

Act normal.

I'd typically go take my clothes off
and go get in the hot tub.

-I feel like I want a cold bath.
-Right now? Yeah.

So, so much stuff going through my head.

-About our reveal meeting.


I felt it was so awkward.
I was like, "Maybe he doesn't like me."

-[JP laughing]
-"Maybe I wasn't what he was expecting."

I'm just awkward.

-[Taylor] I overthought it.

-I'm not kidding. I cried.

Because I was overthinking it.
Did you overthink?

-You didn't think about anything?

You weren't like,
"Mmm, maybe it was a little awkward?"

-I mean, I knew it was gonna be awkward.
-You're just a dude.

-Yeah, I'm just a dude.
-Must be nice. Must be nice.

Cried multiple times.

You know? Now I feel better.

[chuckles] That's good.

[laughs] Stinky breath.

-[JP] Sorry.
-I probably have it too.

I'm very excited
to be here with you, Mr. JP.

Me too. It's gonna be a lot of fun.

[Taylor] Mmm.

-[romantic music playing]
-♪ Only for you... ♪

[Taylor laughing]

♪ And I may be all you need ♪

♪ My heart's beating
Heart's beating only for you ♪

♪ I love, I love
I love the way that you move ♪

♪ I love, I love ♪

♪ And I love everything that you do ♪

-What are you thinking about?
-You have really pretty lips.

[Stacy laughs]

You have beautiful eyes,
and your hair flows very well.

-Can't say the same for myself, but...

-Oh, my gosh.

-You're thinking about boning me.

Oh, God.

It's so different than, like,
the last time I saw you, and I'm glad.


It makes me feel more confident and...


-The feels. The butterflies.
-It's coming, right? That's how I feel.

All the things
that I initially described you as

when I didn't know anything about you,
it's like, this, like...

this little, like, hiccup when I breathe.

That's, like, how I feel.



-[Stacy] Yeah?

[Stacy laughing]

You make me feel like that,
like, for real.

[romantic music playing]

♪ Time to be ♪

♪ Time to be you and me now... ♪

In the best way, I did not think I'd feel
comfortable with you to this extent,

and I just wanna, like, cuddle up to you.

I'm right here. Cuddle up.

[Stacy chuckling]

[Izzy] You know, I knew
this is how it was gonna be.

[Stacy] This is, like,
what I was dreaming of.

♪ I am yours, and you are mine ♪

♪ I'm not changing my mind ♪

♪ We got nothing but time ♪

♪ Nothing but time ♪

♪ Time to be, time to be ♪

♪ Time to be you and me now ♪

[Lydia] This is such a nice view.

Sara... Sarso... Saratosas?

What is it called? The red thingy.

-The al-gae?

We'll work on that.

Stop it!

This is gorgeous.

-I need to take my glasses off.


-[upbeat music playing]
-♪ I got love on my brain ♪

♪ I got strength in my hands ♪

♪ I got trust in my heart ♪

♪ Got no stop in my plans ♪

-This is so nice.
-I know.

And calming.

[Milton] What?

Nothing. You have nice hair.


[Lydia] You have tiny ears.

-Are you examining my entire face?
-I feel like my ears are high...

They're big.

-I didn't say they were bad.
-[chuckles] You said they were big.

-Doesn't mean they're bad.
-They're proportioned to my face.

I think you have a small face,

if that makes sense.


And then big nose.

-Big mouth.


I just like to tease you a little bit.

You have a little bit
of ingrown hairs right here.

I know. I have a bunch.

I have to, like, wait till tomorrow
to shave, or it's gonna hurt.

You can pick them out with a tweezer.

Don't ever do that.


I'll just wait for it
to grow out and shave.

[Lydia] Leave it like that.
I don't like it.

Mmm-mmm. You'll see.
It's gonna get nice and full.


-I have a say on this.
-By the wedding night?

-Wedding day? It's gonna be...
-[Lydia] No!

I do not approve!

Maybe I'll even grow the goatee out.

-What? No!
-[intriguing music playing]

-But if I'm not seeing any clients...-
-You're not gonna be lazy with me.

You know that, right?

I'm definitely gonna have days.

[intriguing music continues]

♪ Nothing's gonna rain on my parade ♪

♪ Pick up the pace, don't be late ♪

♪ Come on, let's chase the sun... ♪

[Lydia] I'm six years older than Milton.

Like, putting the voice with the body
and the physical aspect

was not something that came easy to me,
I have to be honest.

His voice sounds really, like, profound

and, like, deep.

And when I saw him, it makes sense
him being really tall. [chuckles]

But other than that, like, I couldn't...

'Сause he's still 24,

and it's like,
I can still see the 24 on him,

if that makes sense. He does look young.

But, like, now seeing him, like,
spending time with him, he's amazing.

He's funny. He is really smart.

He carries himself really maturely.

It just makes sense
why I fall in love with him and his being.

I fall in love with him.

[Milton] What do you think
we're gonna do the rest of the day?

[Lydia] You wanna know?

-[Milton] I have an idea.


♪ Nothing's gonna get in my way ♪

♪ Pick up the pace, don't be late ♪

♪ Come on, let's chase the sun ♪

[cork pops]

-[JP] Opa!

[Taylor laughs] So...

All right. Cheers, cheers, cheers.

-[JP] Cheers to a lifelong together.
-Mmm-hmm. [laughs]

Seeing each other for the first time,
it was awkward.

You going out from talking at a wall

and then talking in person
is, like, completely different.

-Do you agree?


[laughs] In more ways than one?


I know it's early,
like one day together, really,

but, like, weddings and stuff.

You feeling good? Feeling in it?

-Feeling in it?


-In it to win it.

We can go on Minute to Win It.

-Why not?

Um, we could,

but I don't know.

That was, like, one of my thoughts.
Four weeks...

-And it's a lifelong commitment, you know?

And I will not... I will not go through
a divorce because of my parents.


So, that was like...

-Running through your mind?
-Yeah, like, over and over.

I'm like, "Okay, in four weeks,
like, am I gonna be ready? Like..."

-You know?
-You know?

-Or you don't know?
-No, I know.

-But we got... We still have time.
-I know.

And I'm like,
"I don't have to decide today," you know.

The way my brain thinks, I'm like...

"I need to know what's going on."

But I took a step back, and I was like,
"I'll be fine. I'll figure it out."

But definitely something in the back
of my mind. I want you to be aware of it.

-You know?
-You know?

We have to talk.

I know.

-So what do you wanna talk about?
-I don't know.

We can pretend there's a wall between us.


-You can. Just like in the pods.

-I put the toilet seat down.

[laughing] Thank you.

After I went to the bathroom, I was like,
"I better make sure I do this."

-I did see that.
-First time.

Thank you. Appreciate that.
That's not a deal-breaker, by the way.

But it's a whole mindset change.

Like, you need to realize
that you're living with a woman.


But... Yeah.

I just wanted to let you know
where I was at. That it was on my mind.

-Because you think too much.
-I do. I overthink.

-It's not the worst thing in the world.

It's the rest of our lives. [chuckles]

-It's a big commitment.
-Big deal.

-Yeah. I know.
-I understand.

-We'll be fine, yeah?

-Because I love you.

[Taylor chuckles]

Is love blind, JP?


-It's also kinda cute.

["Reach Out for the Sky"
by Liberati playing]

♪ Yeah, we can make it ♪

♪ If we wanna do a little... ♪

♪ Our heart will soar
Life is a ticket ♪

♪ You're all behind us ♪

♪ Yeah, we can make it ♪

♪ You've gotta reach out for the sky ♪

♪ 'Cause we realize
We're close to paradise ♪

♪ You've gotta reach out for the sky ♪

[Stacy laughing]

-Why are you like this?

[upbeat music playing]

♪ It's real love
'Cause we have enough ♪

♪ It's real love
'Cause you love me the right way...

There was, like, a little bit
of sexual tension in the pods,

but then when you can actually see them
and, like, look at one another, and like,

"Okay, we're gonna go there." [chuckles]

♪ 'Cause you love me the right way, baby ♪

♪ It's real love
'Cause we have enough ♪

♪ It's real love
'Cause you love me the right way

♪ Love to love to love ♪

♪ Yeah, you love to love to love ♪

♪ Love to love to love ♪

♪ Oh, yeah, you love me the right way

You've got blue eyes. Like, really blue.

[JP] Mmm-hmm.

What was the first thing
you noticed about me?

[JP] Uh, your smile.

-You had really gaudy eyelashes on.
-I did, didn't I?

-I tried not to look at those though.

And your eyes.

Your tantalizing eyes.

[both laugh]

For real, when I looked in your eyes,
I was like, "God damn!"

[Taylor chuckles]

-Are you lying?

-[Taylor] Okay. Mmm-hmm.
-Mmm-hmm. Mmm-hmm.

[both chuckle]

["Conflictus" by Elkae playing]

♪ Sing, all right, all right, all right ♪

♪ 'Cause I'm getting red ♪

♪ Can't take it easy ♪

♪ Take it easy... ♪

[Taylor chuckles]

[song continues]

-[upbeat music playing]
-♪ I love the way that you are ♪

♪ I love the way that you
Oh, oh, oh ♪

♪ I love the way that you are ♪

♪ I love the way that you
Oh, oh, oh ♪

♪ I love the way that you are...

Hi! Here, waking up with my boo.

First night together.
Well, first morning together.

-How are you feeling?
-Pretty good.

It feels amazing.

[Milton] When I woke up today
and I kind of looked at her,

for a second I was like,
"Is this real life?"


[Milton] Like, holy shit, like,
we're actually here.

Like, that wasn't a dream.

I could get used to it for sure.

Did you expect that it was gonna be
this easy to sleep with me?

-You were?

I thought it was gonna be very easy
to sleep with you.

-[upbeat music playing]

[Lydia] You're terrible.

♪ Walking into your life
Walking into your paradise, yeah ♪

♪ Darling, tell me if you're in or out ♪

♪ 'Cause I've been loving you
Like you're mine ♪

-[Izzy whispers] Wake up.

-[Izzy] Wake up.


[Izzy] Last night
was the best night of my life.

I felt really comfortable sleeping
with you.

I didn't feel awkward.

-You're a good cuddler.
-Yeah, so are you.

You're a hot sleeper though.

You were honestly such a peaceful sleeper.

-That's shocking.

Yeah, 'cause I usually,
like, toss and turn.

[Izzy] Hmm.

I felt like, if you ever tossed or turned,
like, you would just turn over.

It was sweet. You would give me a kiss,
and then you would just lie on my chest.

-[Stacy laughs] Are you sure it was me?

I'd say that was definitely a surprise,
but a good surprise.

Uh, how about you?

-The most surprising thing?

[Stacy] Hmm.

[whispers] That you're big.

-[lively music playing]

I was like, "Oh, yay!"


[Stacy sighs]

-So we broke a barrier.

What else did we
break a barrier on last night?

-I broke the toilet.

-Let me go check things out.

Make sure we don't have
a situation on our hands.

Or on the floor.

[Izzy] Oh, God.

[Stacy] I'll give you
on a scale of one to ten,

one being, like, we're in the clear,
and ten being, like...

-Call maintenance?
-[both laughing]

Yes. Oh, God.

Nope. Still not flushing.

Um, we just need a plunger.

Or maintenance.

-I'm one strong woman.

[laughing] Stacy clogged the toilet.

She can rip some ass.

[Stacy] ♪ What shall we do today?
What shall we do today? ♪

♪ What shall we do today?
What shall we do? ♪

It's just so easy and comfortable,
and I feel like I'm with my best friend.

It's just a blast. Like, we're laughing.

We can get deep, but it all
just feels so natural, you know?

Let's get ready and go.

[upbeat music playing]

-[JP chuckles] Good morning.
-Good morning.

-[JP] How'd you sleep?
-So good.

[Taylor] I feel like
I cuddled you all night, though.

[JP] Most of the night.

I told you. I'm always gonna be touching.

-Did you like sleeping with me?

Finally, no more sleeping alone.

Mmm-mmm. Never.

[Taylor] Wanna get up and have coffee?

-You want some coffee?

-[JP] Let's make some coffee.
-Let's do it.

-["They Love You" playing]
-♪ Racing, my heart is beating ♪

♪ Racing, my heart is pounding ♪

♪ Breathing, I got a feeling ♪

♪ I'll be yours ♪

[Taylor] Oh, no. Way too hot.

-Take a minute for it to cool down.

[JP] Yeah.

Feels kind of good on my hands though,
'cause it's...

-So warm?
-Yeah, and it's freezing in here.

[Taylor] Okay.

[JP exhales]

It's actually not too hot,
like I thought it was gonna be.

-Are you gonna shower this morning?
-Yeah, I need to.

[Taylor] I don't know. Maybe it's nerves.

Maybe it's seeing me for the first time.

Maybe he was relying on me the whole time
in the pods to make conversation,

but, like, when I voiced it
to him last night,

he said, "Well, you can just talk."
Like, "You can just talk."

And that's not how a relationship works.

And I was like,
"Do you not care? I'm confused."

He just, like, brushes it under the rug
like it's nothing.

Do you think that you could sleep with me
for the rest of your life?

[clears throat]

I don't... [chuckling]

It was nice.

It was nice.


Yeah, it was nice.


["To See the Point"
by Groove Machine playing]

-♪ Carrying the weight of the world ♪

♪ I'm not just a little girl ♪

-♪ But I'm tired... ♪


♪ Take a step back ♪

-♪ And you see it from another view ♪
-[sniffles] I feel frustrated.


Like, anxious, and...
like I made the wrong decision.



[song continues]

I hate being forced to,
like, make conversation.

You can pretend
there's a wall between us if you need to.


Can you sleep next to me
the rest of your life?

If you don't snore.

[chuckles] Just kidding.

♪ You try your best ♪

♪ To make the right decisions ♪

♪ That you fail ♪

♪ To see the point, to see the point ♪

-[Lydia] You didn't put on any sunblock.
-No, I'm all right.

But that's how you get old faster.

But it's okay. You can get old faster.
You look like a baby.

-I think I can pass for, like, 27.
-No, you can't.

-How old do I look?

Actually, 21.

When I first saw you, I freaked out.
I was like, "f*ck, he does look his age."

I was like,
"Yeah, this girl is old as f*ck."

-Oh, my God!

So how do you feel
about this morning's direction?

Which one?

When we were getting action and sex.

-And then we got interrupted!
-Room service.

I don't think it's meant to be. [chuckles]

I don't think so either.

I don't think you have shared really
with me what you like.

Dude, as a guy,
sex just always feels good.

I've never, like, been like,
"Damn, that was just bad sex."

-Like, even if I do all the work...
-There's bad sex.

Yeah, for girls.

I'm watching these kids,
and I'm like, "Oh, I don't want that!"

-I know! It's like, shit, reality check!
-They would cry.

And we're talking
about practicing making babies.

Uh-uh. No kids right now.

We're gonna do a lot of practice,
'cause practice makes perfection.

And in five years,
is it, that we agree? [laughing]

-I am gonna...
-Yeah. Five.

-I'm like, "Holy shit."
-Can we round it up?

I'll round up to ten.

No, that's too much.
I'm gonna be old as f*ck.

You already are.

If you keep freakin' messing with me,
I'm gonna drown you.


-[upbeat music playing]
-♪ Feel so brand-new ♪

♪ Whatever it is I'll do
Now that I found you... ♪

[squeals and laughs]

[music continues]

Which girls are you
excited to see married?

I'm excited to see all of them.

[Izzy] I think the only one
that I am concerned about is Lydia.

Just don't go talking Spanish to Lydia.

-So I don't know what's going on.
-Yeah, I promise. I'll talk in English.

If she talks in Spanish,
I'm gonna be like...

-No comprende. [laughs]
-[Izzy] No comprendo.

-No comprendo.
-[both laugh]

-[Izzy] It'll be fun though.

-Don't get all sly with it.
-[Izzy] Yeah, I won't.

[upbeat music playing]

-[JP] We finally got to the beach.

[bartender] Welcome
to Grand Velas Riviera Maya.

[Taylor] Thank you!

-[bartender] You want a margarita?
-I want one.

-[Taylor] Sure!
-Two margaritas.

[upbeat music continues]

[JP] There's Milt the Stilt!

[Lydia] Hello! Hello!

Damn, I'm the only one shirtless?
Oh, I look like a douchebag.

[all shouting and exclaiming]

-[Milton] How you been, bro?
-I've been great, bro.

Seeing Izzy today, just like,

"Yes, he's the guy that I usually go for."

But I love Milton to the moon and beyond.

It doesn't matter what Izzy looks like.

I have no regrets.

[Lydia] We need to get the party started.

Let's go! Let's go! Let's go!


[Lydia] Yay! Yay!

[upbeat music continues]

-[Lydia exclaiming]
-[indistinct chatter]

[Stacy] Let's go, boys!

-[Lydia] A little more!
-[Izzy] f*ck!

[Lydia] JP, you can do better, baby!

-[Stacy] JP!
-[Lydia screaming]

JP. Good ol' boy.

[Milton] JP's a good partner.

[Stacy] All right, I'm going.

Milton is a baby. I would think
he flies by the seat of his pants.

-[Lydia] Ouch!
-[Stacy] We call it, "The surgeon."

So, in an operation,
everyone preps a surgery room,

and the surgeon's the main event.

They're the ones that fix things.
What does the surgeon do?

He comes, and it's like, "Glove me."

Milton's a "glove me" kind of a guy.
He has no idea what's going on.

He's just where he needs to be
and is like... this. That's Milton.

-For the win!
-[Lydia] I got you though.

-[JP] Yes! Lydia, we won!

[Lydia exclaiming]

Lydia's a very attractive girl.
Very pretty girl. Pretty hair.

-We're gonna go chat.
-[Lydia] Okay.

[Izzy] I'm excited for her and Milton.

I can tell she's very much into him.

But, like, obviously,
with what went down in the pods...


...I really wanna clear the air on that.

The reason why I want us to talk today

is because I know you're sweet.
I know you're amazing.

Like, I'm very happy for you.

You look like you're having a blast.

Thank you.

Look, we're great people.
Like, I honestly...

And I do care about you.
Like, I did and still do.

Um, I don't want there
to be any bad blood.

You know what I mean?

But, like, at the same time,
like, having closure sucks too.

So, this is what I did.

-This was my mindset when I went in.

So, coming into this experiment,

you would never think
that you're gonna hurt somebody.

At the time when I cut you off,

I was about Johnie.

Like, that's where my head was at.

-Stacy was barely coming into the picture.
-[Lydia] Yeah, she told me about that.

[Izzy] That was a huge surprise.

And I think, with Johnie, it was because
I feel like I needed someone

that's gone through
the same things that I have,

which we did share a lot of similarities.

She was married. I was engaged.

We went through
kind of, like, similar stuff.

At least, I thought, and that's why
I gave myself time to play everything out.

-But... So, when it came to you...

Same thing.

Like, I knew you were pure-hearted.
Like, I know you meant well.

I can tell you're the most genuine person,
and you're sweet.

But then I started meeting Stacy.

I just had stronger connections
with somebody else.

It was not like
I was going in with a hurrah.

[Lydia] For me, it...

It was not all on you.

-It was all the situation.

Honestly, I would have not let it
go so far if there was not a connection.

There was a connection. It was just...

There were stronger connections elsewhere.
That was it.

Like, I would have never dragged you on

and just been like, "Oh, she sounds fun,
or she sounds hot" or anything like that.

That was not what I was trying to do.

And I believe you, I do, but I
can assure you I'm in love with Milton...

And I know for a fact
that I don't hold grudges with you.

I don't like to end
in bad terms with no one.

[Izzy] Same.

-And I do appreciate that.

-And I think that you're great guy.
-Thank you.

You know, and if it was not meant to be,
it was not meant to be. That's it.

[upbeat music playing]

[Lydia chuckles]

Y'all are gonna have
some serious neck problems.

-Both of you.
-[Lydia] Yeah.

You look like you've been
getting some ass. [chuckles]

-[JP] No.

-Oh, did not see that coming.
-I know, right?

Your guy is so nice.
I always thought Izzy was nice though.

[Stacy] Yeah.

He is sweet,

and, like, my only concern with him
was everyone was like, "He's a player."

"He's gonna play you.
He's gonna break your heart."

And he's so sweet.
And it's not just to me.

[Taylor] So sweet.
So, you think, he's, like, the one?

[Stacy] Mmm-hmm.

-[Taylor] I love that.

He's so not like what I ever thought
I would think the one is.

I don't think I ever thought
I would find the one.

-I really didn't.
-What? You, as perfect as you are?

We all came into this hoping for love,
but none of us expected it.

[Taylor] Mmm-hmm.

What was it about JP?
Like, the second day we were in the pods.

You came out and you were like,
"I found my husband. I know he's the one."

-Like, what was it? You were so sure.
-Like, so genuine.



I don't know. I just, like, liked his...

big demeanor, I guess,
without even seeing him, you know?

-[Stacy] Uh-huh.
-Like, I also felt comfortable.

Like, it felt safe, and now I don't...
Not that I don't feel safe.

I just don't feel comfortable.

I feel like it was, like,
different in the pods, but...

[Stacy] I wonder why would it be different
in the pods as opposed to here.

[Taylor] Hmm?

[Stacy] As far as communication,

I wonder why it would be different here
as opposed to the pods.

[Taylor] Not seeing me.

You think he's feeling you
more than you're feeling him?

[Taylor] Mmm-hmm.

Maybe I'm the one
that made the mistake of saying yes.

But in the moment, I was, like, so sure.

But he is who he is.

I'm just at the point where I'm like,

I don't think it really
has anything to do with, like...

if he talks or not.

A lot of this is, like, my fault too.

[Stacy] If you want this to work,
which I don't know if you do, step up.

For sure. For sure.

There are reasons I fell in love with him.

There are.

-[emotional music playing]
-♪ I come to you when the sun shines... ♪

-[Lydia] Let's get this party started!
-I'm gonna take my shirt off.

-[Lydia] Oh, shit.
-[JP] Yeah!

-You want a little hat?

-You want a hat to wear?

-Why not?
-It will fly off.

No, that's why you strap it down.

[Taylor] My hair's
already a friggin' mess.

[JP] How you feeling?

[Taylor] The rest are fine and dandy.


-[Taylor] It stresses me out a little bit.

-[Taylor] 'Cause...
-Why do you stress about other people?

I don't stress about other people.

But there's couples here that are,
like, so invested,

and we're not.

-[both] Thank you.
-[bartender] There you go. Take care.

[Taylor] You want food?

-[JP] f*ck that.

-[JP] f*ck that.
-f*ck that?

-Are you angry right now?
-[JP] No!

[Taylor] Well, you sound angry.

Uh, I feel like me and Taylor are in,
like, a little rough patch, and...

I don't know how to fix it.

-[Taylor] You wanna go sit at this table?

[JP] I feel like
I've been behind the whole trip.

Like, as soon as we got here,
I feel like she wanted to leave,

and that hasn't changed.

I don't know what I could say or do.

I don't know what anybody
could say or do to change that,

and it kind of sucks
being in that situation.

[Taylor] Just it...

I don't think it should be,
like, this f*cking hard. I don't know.

["Closer" playing]

Everyone else is like, "Yeah, it's great."

"Yeah, we had some awkward this
or awkward that,

but other than that, it's f*cking great."

And I'm trying. I wanna get past it.

Just keep... keep looking forward.

Keep looking forward and then it's fine.

'Cause all we have is right now.

That's all we have.

-Okay, well...
-The future is what it will be.

I'm never gonna give up.

["Closer" continues playing]

♪ 'Cause I'm not done ♪

♪ I won't give up...

[Taylor] I do love JP. He's genuine.

I feel like he's honest,

and I've never had an emotional connection
like the way I do with JP.

We can put our feet in the water.
Let's see if it's cold.

So, I'm hopeful that JP and I,
you know, go through this experiment,

and at the end of it,
we're married, happy,

and we got this, like, badass life...

[chuckles] ...waiting for us.

Think it's gonna be cold?

[JP] It's probably gonna be a little cold,
but not too cold.

[Taylor] But at the same time, he's quiet.

He's shy, and, like, that's fine.

I've dated quiet people before,

but I've never made a lifelong commitment...

[chuckles] somebody before
that's quiet.

Um, and like, sure, I'm talkative,
but I can't talk for the rest of my life.

Like, I can't bring up conversations
for the rest of my life.

Like, that's not how this is gonna work.

It's so pretty, look around.

[laughing] Whaa! Ahh!

If we're supposed to live together,
be married together for 50-plus years,

it shouldn't be hard to,
like, come up with a convo, you know.

[bird chitters]

[Taylor] Look at the little bird.

I don't know, JP.

-If I didn't care, I wouldn't be here.
-I just wanna know.

[Taylor] I still have love
and care for you.

[JP] Gotta keep trying.

[Taylor] Maybe we should just
talk about it over dinner or something.

♪ So I stay through the night
If that's what you like ♪

[song continues]

♪ We're just getting... ♪


♪ New beginnings
I don't need to stay over... ♪

[JP] I just don't wanna lose you.

♪ Closer ♪

♪ I'm breathing again ♪

♪ This might be an end
To all of the fights ♪

♪ And new beginnings ♪

♪ I don't need to stay over ♪

♪ We're just getting closer ♪