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05x02 - Can I Talk to You for Real?

Posted: 04/18/24 17:43
by bunniefuu
[Milton] That's a really good move.

-[man] Knock it in! Four-bagger!

Rather get k*lled by a shark or alligator?

-Shark, for sure.

-It has a cooler tone to it.
-[Josh] Yeah.

I'd rather get k*lled
by an alligator, bro.

[Josh] You know, like,

the shark can grab my shit,
pull me underwater, f*cking drown me.

f*ck them lizards, dude.
I'm not losing to no lizard.

It's like a f*cking dinosaur.

[Renee] Oh, shit! Oh! She mad! Ooh!

[Stacy] Renee, what is the term

for when someone older
seeks out someone younger?

There's multiple.

-Okay, Scott Disick and a 19-year-old?
-[Stacy] Yes.

A predator?

-[Shondra] No. For sure.
-[Stacy] Just keep going.

It's three words.
Don't give 'em the first word.

-It's "something the cradle."
-[woman gasping]

-Robbing. Robbing the cradle!
-Robbing. Yes!

-Robbing the cradle!
-[Shondra] What?

-Robbing the cradle. That's what it is.
-It's called "robbing"?

I thought it was called "rocking."

-[Renee] No. Rob.
-[Shondra] Oh, I said rocking!

I thought it was "rocking the cradle."

-No, it's robbing! Yeah.
-[Stacy] Robbing.

You're robbing the cradle.
You're taking a baby from the crib!

[women laughing]

-[dance music playing]
♪ ...right before my eyes ♪

♪ Oh! Whoa-oh, whoa-oh... ♪

[JP] Off we go!

-[Shondra] Good luck, girls!
-[Lydia] Bye!

♪ Whoa-oh, whoa-oh... ♪

Oh, my God.

Do you have a tube with glitter?

The lifesaver thingy?

-[Lydia] We should play Hula-Hoop.

[Milton] Hula-Hoop?

I do not have a Hula-Hoop. Mm-hmm.

Did you open the fridge? The cooler?

-Did I open the cooler?
-[Lydia] Yeah.

-You have a cooler in there?
-[Lydia] Yeah. You don't?

What the f...

Uh, no, I don't think so.

-[Lydia] You don't?

-No. Do you have a mini-fridge in there?
-I have a mini-cooler.

Oh, my God! I have an ice chest.

I wasn't looking at it.
I have my drink and beer on top of it.

[Lydia] Oh, my God!

I see it now. I see. I didn't notice it.


-[Milton] You've been having a good day?

Not really.

[Milton] Why not?

[Lydia] I don't know. Things are not
the way that I expect them to be, so...

You're with me. So you know
you're gonna have a good time.

[pop music playing]

♪ I've been waiting for a text back ♪

♪ Since the morning... ♪

[Lydia] Izzy cut me off.

[sniffles] Mm.

And it sucks. It's shitty.

Um, he really didn't give me a reason,

but I know I have to pick up myself,

rub my back and continue and go on.

I had a really rough day last... yesterday.

-[Lydia] Uh, I'm gonna be honest with you.

One of my strongest connection was like,
he cut off things,

and I was not expecting that.

I just had a moment and...

You know, you can tell me about it.
Like, I don't mind.

I don't think we have been vulnerable
with each other. Have we?

[Milton] You've been vulnerable with me.

I don't think I've been fully vulnerable
with you.

Yeah, that's how I feel.

I'm sorry about that. It's, like,

really hard for me to be vulnerable,

but I mean, I can open up today.

♪ I feel my heart start to wake ♪

Can I talk to you?

-[Milton] What was that?
-Can I talk to you for real?

Yeah, for sure.

[sniffles, sighs]

[Milton] What's wrong?

I crave so hard to be loved for who I am.

Yeah, of course.

[Lydia] And I wanna...

[sniffles] I wanna be seen for who I am

and valued and loved
for who I really care.

-[Milton] Mm-hmm.
-And I'm so passionate.

And I'm so genuine,
and I'm so loving, but yet, like...

[sniffles, sighs]

[sobbing] I crave so bad to be loved.


I mean, I think, like, you're definitely
worthy of being loved. Like, you're...

And I know that I'm worthy of love.
I know that, but I just... I don't know.

[Milton] It's okay.

I mean, I think you're an amazing person.

And, like, I thought about you last night,

and I was like, "Damn, I, like,
really wanna talk to this girl again."

"I hope I'd get to."

-[Lydia] Were you?

Yeah. I mean, I'll be honest with you.
You're my strongest connection.


I think you're the person I, like,
look forward to talking to the most.

I think there's other girls that,
like, I like talking to, but I'm, like...

Every day I'm like,
"Ooh, I hope I talk to Lydia again."

I just feel like you'd be,
like, a great mother.

[Lydia] Aww.

[Milton] Like,
if I did eventually have kids,

you're, like, a lot more,
like, emotionally connected.

Like, you understand your emotions
a lot better than I do.

Like, how are you, like, so willing
to, like, open up in front of others?

Like, that's something
I've always, like, wanted to do.

But, like, I've no idea,
like, how to even begin.

[Lydia] For me,
the person that I am with you,

I am with everyone.
I don't put a fake mask. I don't...

I don't be like, "I'm gonna be this way
with this person,

and I'm gonna be this way
with other person."

[Milton] Mm-hmm.

And it is emotionally exhausting.

I can get hurt.
I was hurt last night, but...

-[Milton] Yeah.
-I don't have any regrets.

'Cause I was me.

I have to love really hard
that part of myself.

So I am accepting, and I never change

'cause I should never change
or apologize for who I am.

I like that. That's, like,
what really, like, attracted me to you,

that you're really, like...

Like, you really
know yourself really well,

and you're, like, really,
like, outgoing and, like, bold.

When I go out or something, like,
everybody perceives me to be that way,

but, like, in reality I'm not.

-It's just, like, kind of a front.
-[Lydia] Talk to me, Milton.

My parents were, like,
really, really strict growing up,

and I felt like, when I was,
like, a kid, I was really unhappy.

Like, with my life.

Like, I was born in Hawaii, but I lived
in Japan for, like, a long time.

And it was, like,
really hard going to school out there.

Like, I made really bad grades.

I felt, like, really stupid every day.

And then

I moved out here right before high school,

and my grades were really good,

and I went into college,

like, straight out
of high school as a junior.

I already had my associate's degree
by the time I graduated high school.

I'm, like, thinking about things
constantly at a young age that, like,

you probably shouldn't have to
think about these type of things.

[Lydia] Yeah, it forced you
to grow up earlier.

Yeah, like, I understand
how it feels to grow up really fast.

But I'm not as bold
or as confident as people think I am.

I feel like I'm really funny.

Like, I make a lot
of jokes because I don't...

To hide, to hide, but you're wearing
your funny self, like, as a shield.

[Milton] Yeah.

Like, I'm gonna hold everything inside.

[Lydia] But that's not healthy, babe.

I have, like,
a really bad habit of doing that.

But I just, like, I don't know, like,
I feel like there's not a lot of people...

[Lydia] Mm-hmm.

...that, like, can actually, like, see past,
like, my shields that I put up.

That's sad, Milton.

Life doesn't come
with an instruction manual.

-It's hard. It's really hard.
-[Milton] Yeah.

[Lydia] And I appreciate you
sharing this with me. I really do.

["All You Need"
by Anthony Esperance playing]

♪ I'm all you need
All you need, all you need ♪

Oh, my God.
I just wanna hug you right now.

I know. Me too. I feel like this
experience has actually really helped me.

-No matter what happens...
-[Lydia] How do you think it helped?

[Milton] I thought about you last night,

and I was like,
"I wanna be, like, more open with her."

I really wanna be open-minded
with you too. You know?

I don't think
I've been really open-minded.

I think, like, age really got to me.

[Milton] If I could do
this whole experiment again,

I would never tell
any girls how old I was.

[Lydia] Yeah,
I wish I would have not known.

-[Milton] You think you could marry me?
-Yeah, I can see it today.

Yesterday, not so much. Today...

[Milton] Yesterday not so much? Wow.


[Milton] Why today?

[Lydia] 'Cause you were vulnerable
with me,

and you actually made me feel something
without even seeing you.

-[Lydia] And I hadn't felt that before.

[Milton] You don't feel like you would
reconsider, like, based on my age?

No, I'm not going to reconsider
based on your age.

I'm gonna make you that promise.
How about that?

Like, I really like you, Lydia.

I don't know. Like, it kind of scares me
because you're really feisty too.

-[Milton] So I'm...

Do you know... do you know
if you can really handle this?

Wait. Hold on. Let me put on the glasses
that are right here in front of me.

Tonight I'm feeling much more confident.

[Lydia] Okay, good.

[laughs] Oh, my God.

Oh, shit! Oh, f*ck!

-[Milton] Did you spill a drink?


I'm just... [laughing]

♪ I... I... I... I'm falling for you ♪

♪ I'm falling for you ♪

[Taylor] Before you came here,

were your dates typically,
like, four hours long?

-In the real world?
-[Taylor] Yeah.

[chuckles] Oh, no.

There are so many distractions, and here
it's like, just locked in on each other.

-[JP] Yeah.

I have a couple of questions

that I hadn't asked and that I wanna ask.

[JP] Like, I'm comfortable with you.
So, I mean...

What do you wanna know?

[Taylor] I guess,
tell me more about your childhood.



-[Taylor] It's okay.

You don't have to apologize.


[sniffles] I hate crying.

[Taylor] It's okay.

Sometimes it's good to just let it out.

[JP sniffles] Uh...

So, growing up,
my mom was, like, a really angry person.

-I love her now.
-[Taylor] Mm-hmm.

And I don't really like
to talk bad about people.


She wasn't as bad towards me,

but she would take out her anger
on my sisters.


[sniffles] And just,
like, go into their rooms,

wake them up and yell
and, like, trash everything. [sniffles]

And then...

[clears throat] leave and go to work.

[sniffles] In the beginning,
I was too young to actually do anything.


But when she would leave,

I would go in there
and just try to comfort them.


Why was she so angry, or do you not know?

[sniffles] I think it was
just part of the...

uh, her and my dad's relationship.

Part of it was
she was being too overprotective.

[sniffling] I guess,
'cause she didn't want

my sisters to end up
in the same situations.

[Taylor] Mm-hmm.

Um, I don't think
she went about it the right way.

-[JP sniffles]

[Taylor] I can't imagine that.

You were very strong.

Very good brother.

[sniffles] I try to be.

She's better now, but, like... [sniffles]

...back in the day, it just sucked.

But I just hate that I was
so mad at her for all of that. [sniffles]

You feel like you're still mad?

[sniffles] No.


You know, she's actually really sweet.

[Taylor] Good,
maybe she's truly happy now,

and that's why she's gotten better.

I mean, I don't know. I've never met her.

-Yet. You haven't met her yet.
-[Taylor laughs]

-Our parents make mistakes.

They're human.

And all we can do is

watch them and learn from it.

The bad parts of them
we just don't take with us.

-[JP] Yeah.
-You know?


[sniffles, sighs]

I've never been as comfortable

with somebody, like,
being able to open up and stuff,

as I am with you.

I definitely never told
anybody that either.

What would you most regret
not having told someone?

Mmm. That I love you.

Yeah. That would be a regret.

-I was gonna say the same thing.

I love you too.

[Taylor] Oh!

Oh, my gosh. I might cry!

You made me cry.

I didn't know
if you were gonna get there with me.

-[JP] Why?
-I don't know.

I was just nervous that you wouldn't.

-Well, it just takes a little bit.
-[Taylor] I know.

-And it's scary.
-[Taylor] I know.

-But the good kind of scary.
-[Taylor] Yeah.

-[laughs] I love you.
-I love you too.

[Taylor] All right. Bye-bye, sugar butt.

-[JP] Bye, sugar!

-[pop music playing]
-♪ When I'm with you, when I'm with... ♪


Oh, my gosh.


Uche and I,
we have to meet each other halfway.

I felt like he was judging me.

If someone was to tell you that,
you would be taken aback.

And, like, sometimes you just need time
to step away and then think about it.

He's too smart to not know better.

Whatever he's doing now

has to have affected
a previous relationship.

-His past doesn't define who you are.

That's right.

-Those are issues he needs to work on.

-He cannot let...
-He does.

He cannot get arrogant.
He cannot get cocky.

He cannot be superior for you.

-He knows better. He's a lawyer.
-[Aaliyah] Yeah.

[Lydia] He has his own business,
his own career.

-And this m*therf*cker, we're gonna fight.
-[Aaliyah] Yeah.


[Lydia] I know it's hard, but just be,
like, at peace that you get it all out

and make sure
this shit doesn't happen again.

-[pop music playing]
-♪ Come on, try a little bit harder ♪

♪ Yeah, you've gotta show me something
Here and now tonight ♪

♪ Oh! ♪

[Uche] Hello.

Um, Uche. This is Aaliyah.

[Uche] I know.

[Aaliyah] Um...

You know, the type of relationship
and marriage that I want

is to be able to talk about anything
and not feel judged by the other.

I felt like you were
almost condemning me for it.

Like, "Two years ago
wasn't that long ago."

"And how do I know
you won't do that again?"

It made me feel like you think
I'm not worthy of being with you anymore.

Did I say any of those things?

Did I say, "How do I know
you're not going to do it again?"


Well, if that's what I said,

I mean, I apologize,
because that's not what I meant.

Everybody has a past,

and everybody has made mistakes.

I think the biggest thing is
it just kind of surprised me.

It's fair that you were surprised
and caught off guard.

It just, you know...

How do I feel comfortable telling you
something else moving forward?

You know what I mean?

It's just I don't wanna feel judged by you

because of something I did
two and a half years ago.

Because if it were the other way around,
I wouldn't have...

I wouldn't have. I know
I wouldn't have reacted in that way.

And I apologize to you.
I am sorry about it.

Do you think that if we were
to continue on a relationship,

get engaged, get married, we wouldn't have
another disagreement like that?

No, I know we would.

[Uche] So, Aaliyah,

why I reacted in that way is

I've had a hard time in the past

trusting people,

you know, with somebody that I was dating,
you know, lying to me.

I think it's something that is more

my issue than your issue.

I care about you,
and I think that that feeling

kind of scares me.

Yeah. Me too.

I think, because that,
you know, scares me.

[chuckles] That's why I'm,
you know, like, reacting like that.

Like, I'm, you know,
trying to look for something wrong

when there's nothing wrong.

What I should have seen from you

is that you telling me that

was more of a positive thing.

That you were still willing
to open yourself up

and tell me that...

[chuckles] even though you knew
how negatively I would have viewed that.

Yeah. It wasn't easy, okay?

[Uche] I know. I know, Aaliyah.

I understand that

if I want somebody to be honest,

I need to create the environment

where they feel comfortable
telling me things.


I care so much about you,
and I accept you for who you are,

and I'm falling for you.

I'm so sorry
that I made you feel that way.

Thank you. Thank you for saying that.

You forgive me?



Of course.

I'm glad.

As long as you're willing
to be honest with me,

I can accept anything about you.

I promise you that.

-[pop music playing]

-I don't wanna lose you, Aaliyah.

♪ Stand up for love...

I don't wanna lose you too.

I am just as scared as you are.

And I have trust issues too.

I've been through things
just like you have.

We both have to...

commit to not allowing
the other person to run

or push the other away like that.

I'm not gonna ever give you
a reason not to trust me.

And I mean that.

And I appreciate that.

Does that mean you're still my girlfriend?



♪ For... for love, for love... ♪

Yeah, you sure know what to say, Uche.

I feel like that's that poetry coming out.


♪ We got too much to fight for ♪

-[dance music playing]
-♪ Uh-huh, you got it... ♪

[man] Good luck, fellas!


[woman] Oh, looks fun in here.

DJ, play number four.

-[dance music playing]
-♪ Let's get it, get it ♪

-Oh, I did a split.
-[Josh] Yes!

Very sexy.

-[Stacy] Uno, dos, tres. Boom.
-[ball plops]

-In! In the f*cking hole.
-In? Yeah, are you sure?

-Positive! [laughs]
-Camera don't lie.

Dating in pods is unique. It's refreshing.

-[Izzy laughs] I made it!
-You did?

-[Izzy] I swear!
-You're a liar!

[Izzy] This is the first one
I've made all day, actually.


I have so much fun with Izzy.

Always playing games.

-What are you drinking?
-Uh, vodka.

Get drunk before I beat your ass.
How about that?

Games keep you young, and so does Botox.


Why am I like this?

I feel like I can be myself with you,
and it's just, it's easy.

Yeah. Easy Izzy. [laughs]

It's like there's comfort,
but there's passion.

There's rough passion too.
Don't let that slip.

-You'll have to show me.
-If we were in person... [laughs]

-[Stacy] What?
-It would be f*cking amazing.

Why are you laughing
before you even finish the sentence?

-[Izzy] Because it excites me.
-You're thinking about me naked.

I was thinking of you naked,
like, the second day.

-[Izzy] Yeah. Like, for sure.

You have such a f*cking hot voice.

-It was crazy.

Why do you think I'm so intrigued?

Can you keep up?

Can you?

Of course.

I mean, you can at least try.

[Izzy] Yeah. No, I can.

I'm just gonna be
f*cking flat-out honest with you.

I'm picturing my futures
with the connections I've had,

and it's, like,
hard to figure this shit out.

It's, like, really mindfucking.

With you, the things that I feel,
like, I would have to worry about,

I don't worry about.


um, the mental stability.

I just feel like you know what you want.

It gets confusing
because, like, you're not vulnerable.

With the other girls, like,
I go, like, a lot more deeper.

And with you, it's just, like...

I'm just kind of, like, enjoying the ride.
Really, just...

I think that sounds like
a much more fun ride, but that's just me.

At the end of it,
like, you're trying to find the person

that you wanna spend
the rest of your life with.

And part of that for me is

I can't be with someone forever
that I can't have fun with.

You give me butterflies.

It's not necessarily
that I'm bad at being vulnerable.

What I can promise you is

I'm not gonna, like, half-ass it.

I've never failed anything.
I just don't want you to ever, like,

compare me to some other girls
and how easy it is for them to share

or be like, "Oh, I like you."

[gibbers] "You're the best."

Like, I know what I want,
and I could give two fucks

if someone in there
wants you the same way I do.

I've never really been torn
between two people before.

Everything with Stacy
has just been so easy.

But I do care about Johnie,
and I have feelings for Johnie.

Yeah, I'm falling for both of them

for different reasons, is it's hard.


["Wrecking Ball" playing]

-My love language is sleeping together.
-[Maris laughs]

I'll be like, "Hey, can we take a nap
together?" That's a love activity.


[laughs] I mean,
actually sleeping together.

Wait, are you done for the day?

No, I have two dates. I'm just, like...

I'm nervous.

[Maris] Yeah.

[Chris] Johnie is great.

-[Carter] Really?
-[Izzy] Talking to my top pick?

Do you see yourself marrying her?

[Chris] We just click on so many levels.

And she would make an amazing wife.
It's getting real. [chuckles]

In the real world,

the word "marriage" is definitely not
something you bring up on date one.

-To every day getting better.
-[Carter] Better and better!

[Chris] But it gets really deep
really quick here.

Since the beginning of this experiment,

Johnie has been somebody
I really enjoy spending time with,

and we just have
that kind of spark and connection

that... isn't really describable.

[man] Pods are open!

I definitely think my wife could be

-[Johnie laughs]

-We have the spa room.
-[Chris] Thank God I'm hearing your voice.

Aww. Okay, I gotta take
my shoes off for this.

-Yeah. This is...
-[Johnie] I got heels on.

[Chris] I've never been to a spa.

-[Johnie] Ever?

-[laughing] Here's a mud mask!

I just didn't know that was even a thing.
Wait, what do these things do in the back?

[laughing] I'm trying to visualize.

What are you doing?

-I feel like a human Capri-Sun.
-[Johnie laughing]

What flavor?

Fruit punch maybe?

-[laughs] I'm gonna pee myself, for real.
-[laughs] Don't do that.

-I just snorted. I'm sorry.

You make me laugh.

I'm glad. I love your laugh.

-I already know you like board game night.

We always play this game called Celebrity,

and usually there's about 20 of us playing
at the family reunion.

There are certain people
who are known to be really bad at it.

-[both laugh]
-So we just laugh at them the whole time.

I would fit right in with that.

I can picture you sitting on the couch
laughing at everybody with us.

-That's sweet.
-[Chris chuckles]

That's not sw...
Why is everything I say so sweet?

-I like it. That's what I want.
-Well, I like...

I want you to envision me,
like, playing games with your family.

That's sweet.

I do.
I think you'd fit right in over there.

I think I've struggled
to find someone who's funny and fun,

but also, like,

sensitive and, like, responsible

and, like, a good partner.

[Chris] Well,
I hope I check all the lists.

Yeah, I've already told you,
like, everything I'm looking for,

you kind of paint that perfect picture.

[Johnie chuckles] I can actually imagine,
like, being with you.

[Chris] I'll tell you this.

I have not stopped smiling
since I got in here.

Got me feeling some type of way.

[Johnie] Aww, that's sweet.

I'm in love with you, like...

I really do see myself marrying you.

Hopefully, we have,
like, 70 years together.

-[Johnie] Aww.

[Johnie] I can picture

like, a future with you, for sure.

-[pop music playing]
-♪ I'll wait for you ♪


I really like Chris.

Like, it always feels easy with him.

It makes a lot of sense.

I can see the future.

I can see, like,
how our lives would play out together,

but I definitely feel like a fifth grader
with, like, a crush on Izzy.


I don't remember
the last time I feel like I had a crush.

What was your upbringing like?

Super strict, sheltered...

My family was all Jehovah Witness.

I was so sheltered and restricted.

As a Jehovah Witness, you're not allowed
to be in competitive sports.

I used to have to hide
that I played baseball.

We never celebrated any holidays.

We never had any family traditions
or anything like that.

Y'all didn't celebrate any holidays?

[Izzy] Nothing. It f*cking sucked.

I remember, like, through grade school,

if we had, like, Christmas parties,
Valentine's parties, anything,

like, I would either have to get
picked up early from school

or sit in a classroom by myself
and, like, watch a movie.

Wait, like, they would purposefully
separate you because of your religion?

-Oh, damn.

-I remember one time...
-That's so sad.

It was, like, Easter.
And all my neighbors were close.

It was a whole bunch of kids.

And one of them was like, "Hey, dude,
like, my family's having an Easter thing."

"Come on.
We're about to have an Easter egg hunt."

-[Johnie] Aww.
-And so I was like, "Cool."

-They were so sweet. They gave me a sack.
-[Johnie laughs]

And I'm over there
Easter egg hunting, and, like, my dad,

I just see him, like, outside the fence.

[Johnie] Yeah.

And I remember he was so livid.

He, like, yanked me out

and never, like, educated me on why.

So when that had happened,

I was like, "I gotta get out.
I'm not gonna stay here."

And I went to my cousin's house.

I'm in shock. And wow, I can't even
believe I'm telling you. This is f*cking...

I don't ever tell anybody this story.

I'm, like, you know,
venting it out, and I'm telling him.

And just, like,
out of nowhere, he just stops me.

[chuckles] He's like, "Do you know
that's not your real dad?"

And I was like,

"What?" And I lost my shit.

-You didn't know he wasn't your real dad?
-[Izzy] No, I didn't know.

I remember just bawling my eyes out.

-[Johnie] Yeah.
-And I felt so lost.


I don't know. It sucks,
'cause you don't really feel

like you have anybody
that you can turn to.

Wait, so are you still
a Jehovah's Witness?

-Oh, absolutely not.
-[Johnie laughs] Okay.

I got my first Christmas tree in 2018.

Girl, best believe I left that thing up
till, like, April or May.

[Johnie] Yeah.

I can't wait to be with somebody else

and, like, join their family
and join y'all's traditions.

-[Izzy] I wanna be a part of that so bad.

Because I never had it.

[Johnie] Aww.


[Johnie] You can come
to my family's next time.

-[Izzy] Like, I'm so into you.

And because you've been married
and I've been engaged,

like, I want you to be so f*cking certain.

[Johnie] Yeah.

[Izzy] And I wanted you
to go through all these other guys...


...and explore and get deep.

And at the end,
if you want me, that's what I want.


-[Izzy] So question.

[Izzy] So far, where we're at,
do you see yourself with me?

I don't want any names
or specify on anything.

I just need to know
how much is left with you.

Yeah, um, so, I will say, like,

I am forming connections, but, like...

you're my second today.

Um, my first is
I get along with him really well,

but I'm like,
I think it just feels like friendship.

[Izzy] Yeah.

'Cause I really like you.

But, like...

I feel like it was more a feeling with you
than, like, a logical thing.

And now, like, the logic is also aligning
with the feeling.

I agree. Yeah.

I know there's guys out there
that like you.

-[Johnie] Hmm.
-I need someone vulnerable.

I want you to tell me like,
"Dude, I f*cking want you."

Well, I'm here for you.

It's you.

You know. You know.

-[pop music playing]
-♪ Can we live on forever? ♪

♪ I'd spend it all with you ♪

♪ I'd spend it all with you ♪

[pop music playing]

♪ You're always on my mind ♪

♪ You're never far away... ♪

[JP] Taylor came along
and just swept me off my feet.

I know she's the one.

She loves me for who I am.

It's a good feeling,
and I never wanna lose that feeling.

Remove both of your socks
using only your teeth.



I can't wait to see this, by the way.


Oh, yeah, here we go.


-[JP laughs]
-I got it!

[both laugh]

I like holidays. Do you want
matching pajamas for Christmas?

-[Taylor] Yeah, I do.
-[both laugh]

-[Taylor] Would you do that?

You know, my mom still tries
to get us to sit on Santa's lap.

-I always felt weird. I'd be like, "Hi!"

He's like,
"Hi, what do you want for Christmas?"

I'm like, "Like, a man.
A boyfriend, if you can do that."


I'll dress up as Santa.
You can sit on my lap.

[laughs] Perfect.

[pop music playing]

-[JP] Hey, what's up?

-Hi, sugar butt!
-What's up, sugar?

[Taylor chuckles] How's it going?

It's going. Did you eat lunch?

[Taylor] I ate earlier.
I had a roll and a brownie.


-[Taylor] I missed you.
-Me too.



Taylor, um,

uh, from the moment you walked
into my pod,

I just knew there was something
so special about you.

Uh, at the time,
I couldn't really put my finger on it,

but, uh, as the days went on
and the conversations got longer,

I knew that I was talking to the woman
I was destined to be with.


[clicks tongue] Um...

[voice breaking]
You're sweeter than sugar, super genuine

and the most amazing woman I've ever met.

-[sniffles, sighs]

[JP] Uh, that is something
I've been searching for my entire life,

but I could never find.

[exhales] Never till now.

-I love you, sugar.
-[Taylor gasps]

[JP] Taylor McKinsey-Roo...

will you marry me?

I will! [laughs]


[both laugh]

[claps] I love you so much.

-I love you too.
-[Taylor laughs]

That was so sweet! [laughing]

-I wish I could give you a hug right now.
-I know. Me too.

-Oh, I love you.
-[JP] I love you too.

-Oh, my God, I'm freaking out.
-[both laugh]

[Taylor] I can't wait to spend
the rest of my life with you.


-You are my... like, an answered prayer.
-[JP] Oh.

-[JP] Okay.

And I love you, and I'll love you forever.

I love you too.
And I'll love you forever also.

Whoo! [chuckles]


-[pop music playing]

[women shouting]

-[Josh] She gave you a rock?
-[Milton] What you think it is?

[Josh] I can't tell if it's a muscovite
or something.

You think it's muscovite?

I'm thinking, like, maybe biotite
just because, like, the color. [laughs]

[Chris] Yeah, I got those flowers.
The white daisies.

A small gift, a little gesture.

I feel like with Johnie,

I do see a future with her.
I see a very happy, loving marriage.

Um, and every morning
I wake up excited to talk to her.

I came here
to find a wife and get married.

I wanna find my best friend forever.

When you feel it, you know it.
And I'm just so certain about Johnie.

[Johnie] Wow. Hello?

How are you doing?

I am doing pretty good.

[Chris] That's good to hear.

-[Johnie] Um...
-Just pretty good though?

[Johnie] I do see it being,
like, so easy with you.

I like you a lot.

I see how everything lines up with you.

I really had to

think about where I'm at.


I do feel like, emotionally,

I have a stronger connection
with someone else.

And I can't be torn
between two people anymore.

[Chris] Um...

-I appreciate it.
-[Johnie] Mm-hmm.

[Chris] I want you to know
that I really did enjoy

all of our time together.

And I think you really, truly are
an amazing and wonderful person.

I think the same thing about you.

And I'm sorry, like...

[Chris chuckles]
You don't have to say sorry. It's okay.

Well, I am just sorry
that we're ending this way.

It doesn't feel good on this end either.

But I hope that...

you find what you're looking for in here.

[Chris] Mm-hmm.

[clicks tongue] Well,

um, good luck to you.

And you don't...

[laughs] Uh, you don't have to stay
in here anymore. Thank you.

[Johnie] Okay. All right.

Bye, Chris.

-[pop music playing]
-♪ Can't keep holding on ♪

♪ You know, the light, it is gone ♪


♪ The weight is too heavy to hold... ♪


♪ You know it's okay to let go... ♪





I was really confident

in who I wanted
to propose to and get married to.


And that was always Johnie.

Johnie was the person
that I really thought

I was gonna start a life with.


I just wanna find

the person who loves me for me.

It's a shitty feeling,
feeling like you're not enough.

It's like losing a best friend.


[liquid sloshes]

[sighs, sniffles]

[Johnie] I have been able
to picture a future with him.

I was, like, it all makes sense,
and it would be so easy,

and I was like, but I have a stronger
emotional connection with someone else.

It's hard. I mean, it's not easy
doing this, going through this.

-[Lydia mutters]
-[Johnie] Ooh, I feel bad.

It's okay, baby, but remember
you did what was best for you.

[Chris sniffles]

You good, bro?

Want a drink?

-[JP] Sorry, bro.
-[Josh] Come on, man.


I did not expect this.

I'm sitting there crying like that.
I'm a freaking idiot.

If she knew, she knew. Can't blame her.

[JP] Yeah.

[pop music playing]

♪ If you want loyalty ♪

♪ Promise me
You would always be good to me

[Stacy] Okay, I got it.

-[woman] Have fun.

-Hey! Get that ring on that finger!
-[Johnie laughs]


♪ You came in and made it all right ♪

-[Johnie] Hi!
-[Izzy] Hi, how are you?

[Johnie] Good. So...

I was debating telling you this.

Just do it.

I cut off things with my number two today.

Yeah, I, uh, heard about it.

I wasn't there to witness it.

[Johnie] Yeah. Wait, what does that mean?

Witness what? Like, he was upset?

-[Izzy] Mm-hmm.

[Izzy] Yeah.

[Johnie] Yeah,
I thought it was gonna be easier.

It's f*cking hard.

I think he was a really nice person.

[Izzy] He's really genuine.

I know that. That's why I liked him.

To end things with him
and then hear he was torn up about it

feels bad.

[Izzy] You have a good heart. I can tell.

Just remember,
it's about you at the end, you know.

I know.

It is a lifelong potential decision here.

I know.

I mean, in some ways,

that relationship was

the safer option.

I didn't feel what I feel for you.

And you're my only person
right now. [chuckles]

I think the biggest fear I struggle with

is feeling like you're not good enough.

[sighs] That's how I feel.
I hate rejection.

Are you afraid that I would see you
and then reject you?


I don't think so.

We built the emotional connection first.

I didn't even talk to anybody
about anything physical.

Yeah, I haven't either.

[Izzy] Is it gonna matter to you?

Hmm. No, I don't think so.
Like, I'm nervous about it, aren't you?

Honestly, like, not really.

You're not nervous about them seeing you,

and you're not nervous about seeing them?

Oh, I mean, of course, I'm definitely
nervous about, like, anybody seeing me.

But, like, I'm not nervous
to see the other person.

-I just wanna be loved unconditionally.

I just want somebody
that will just not f*cking give up on me.

I think more than anything,
like, that's what I want.

I think that's my biggest insecurities
when it comes to relationships.

[Johnie] Yeah.

I'm all-in. But I'm so f*cking scared
to get abandoned.

Mm-hmm. I am too.

[Izzy] It's actually from my ex-fiance.

I'm not gonna lie to you.
That relationship really f*cked me up.

I don't think I've ever been
so gaslighted in my life before.

[Johnie] Mm-hmm.

And it made me so insecure.

[Johnie] Like, I didn't wanna go
into a relationship being, like,

the damaged one.

[Izzy] Mm-hmm. Why is that?

I mean, I'm not. Like, I'm in a good...

Baby, it's all good. Trust me. I get it.

I am really in a good place in my life,

and I am genuinely happy.

But, like, if you hear my past,

I sound like,

uh, like 8,000 walking red flags.
You know?

-Have you ever had addiction issues?
-[Izzy] Oh, no. Never.

[Johnie] The reason I asked you
about the addiction issues

was because my longest relationship

was with someone
who struggled with addiction.

After we broke up over the dr*gs,

fast-forward two years later,

I was in law school.

I was married to someone else.

A girl messaged me on Facebook.

The only person I have ever loved
in my life

died of a drug overdose.

That's when shit got rocky
with my then-husband as well.

And I just took a step back

from everything in my life

and asked myself, "What am I doing?"

"What do I want?"

"Who am I? What makes me happy?"

And you become
very aware of your own mortality.

I never really had that feeling
for anyone else.

Like, obviously have been
in other relationships that were... [sighs]

Marriage. Yeah.

Yeah. I think I consider him the only
person I've ever been in love with.

-[Izzy] Not your ex-husband. Correct?
-Right. Yeah.

My ex-husband was basically
like a rebound.

And that, coupled with being
in a marriage that didn't work out,

leaves me in a very weird space

where I don't wanna make a mistake again.

And I wanna know

that I'm in love with someone
before I commit.

[Izzy] I'm sorry
that you had to go through that.

[Johnie] Thank you.

It was seven years ago now.

It's something I carry with me.

But at this point,
I feel like in a good way,

because most people
take things for granted.


[gasps] And I don't.

And I'm very aware... [sniffles]

...of the risks I take, um,


I do it on purpose
because we're not promised tomorrow.

And I don't want to have

any regrets.

-I respect that.
-[Johnie sniffles]

So that is why I'm here. [laughs]

And why I'm...

probably a walking red flag. [laughs]

But also deserving of love.

Yeah, of course. We all are.

You're quiet.

Was that too much?

[hesitates] Just processing everything.

-Thank you for sharing that with me.
-[Johnie] Mm.

[Izzy] I didn't know any of this.

[Johnie] I know. Does that worry you?

[Izzy] Yes.

You have your issues. I have mine.

It's a little concerning
that I feel like you don't wanna...

I feel like you don't wanna
talk about it or something.

[Izzy] I don't know what to say

'cause it did catch me off guard.

Do you feel like
anyone could ever fill that role?

'Cause that's, like, the only person
you've ever been in love with?

[Johnie] Even with how I felt about him,

would I say he was, like,

a good partner to me?

Probably not, so...


Yeah, I definitely think

I'm capable of being in love again,

and that's what I'm looking for.
That's why I'm here.

But what if I could feel
that way about you?

-Then say something.
-[Johnie] I have been.

I'm not judging you for it,

but I'm feeling like
I am learning things about you

that I feel like
I should have been learning all along.

Now I'm in my head again.

[Johnie] I've told you
I'm falling in love with you.

Are there things that we're still
gonna be learning about each other?


Like, if that's a surprise to you,
like, it shouldn't be.

I do feel like the ball's in your court
at this point. [chuckles]

But I'll tell you again
that I'm falling in love with you.

And when I said
I haven't felt this in seven years,

now you know what I mean.

And that I'm not just
f*cking around over here.

But I don't really know what else
you want from me at this point, Izzy.

[Izzy] It's not that I want anything
from you.

So please don't, like, state it that way.

[Johnie scoffs] You're not giving me
anything, and I'm giving you everything.

I'm just processing everything.
That's just how I work.

Oh, my God,

this conversation isn't gonna productive.

Yeah, let's just call it a night.

Are you serious, Izzy?

[Izzy] Right now, like, I'm overwhelmed.


I wish you would just stop being scared.

I will do everything for you.
Just give me a f*cking chance.

You do know that, like, your past...

like, it matters to me,

but that's not
what's influencing anything.

What matters, Izzy?

Like, if it's not me, I'll accept that,

but I'm telling you that you're it for me.

Take the night, think on it.

If it's all too much for you, that's okay.

But that's where I'm at.

["Undo Me" by ELKAE playing]

♪ You don't even try ♪

♪ Then start looking through me ♪

♪ Undo me ♪

Chris seems to care more
than Izzy at this point.

f*ck! f*ck.

-It's okay. It's okay. Hey.
-[Renee] Hey, listen. It's okay.

No, but I'm like,
I let go of the one who really cared.

When Izzy hears, like, anything
somewhat negative, he's, like, scared.

I said everything I could say.

-I was calm. I reassured him.

-[Johnie] I've made how I feel clear.

[Johnie] And it's either he chooses me
or he doesn't.

Not to be rude. I feel like if he
chooses Stacy, he's gonna regret it,

'cause I don't feel their connection...
I feel like Stacy is his Chris,

and it's not the same kind of connection.

And I feel like if he leaves here
without me, eventually he'll realize.

-[Renee] Yeah.
-[Lydia] He f*cked up.

And you're right.
He's not gonna be happy with her.

I'm sorry.

♪ ...start looking through me ♪

♪ Undo me, through me ♪

-[dance music playing]

♪ Nowhere, nowhere that I'd rather... ♪

[Taylor] You better watch yourself.

I'm gonna stand. Okay, let's pretend
we're coming out to each other.

Tell me when the door's open.

-[Renee] Okay.
-[Taylor] Is love really blind? Reveal!


-[Paige] Gosh darn it!

Okay, I think I'm gonna walk.
Ah! Why am I being so weird? [gibbers]

-[Paige] Are you nervous?

And I'm gonna give a big hug!

-I'm gonna...
-[both moaning]

-Now get on your knee.
-Oh, okay.

[shouts, laughs]

-Taylor, is it weird to do this?

-[women laughing]
-Yeah. Go, get back up. [laughs]

[Taylor] I used to blame myself.
Well, maybe I'm not this.

Maybe I'm not that. Or my family
would be like, "You're too picky."

And now I'm like, "No, I'm not too picky."


JP provides the type of love
that I've been looking for,

hmm, for a very long time now.

-[pop music playing]
-♪ From the tears of the sky... ♪


Um, and now here I am.
I'm gonna meet my husband. [sniffles]

So... [sighs]


♪ There's no other... ♪


♪ Our destiny's gaze... ♪

Falling in love with someone I've never
seen before is actually kind of freeing.


Because this experiment has taught me
and shown me that true love

is really what's on the inside.

She loves me for who I am,
and I love her for who she is.


I definitely, like,
thought about JP all night,

literally couldn't sleep.

He is the best man that I've ever met,
and I feel like I deserve a JP.

Oh, my God,

this is insane.

I'm in love with someone
that I've never seen before.


A lot of people think physical attraction
is, like, a huge thing,

but I don't know what color he is.

I literally don't know what he looks like.
I don't know what he looks like. You know?

He says it's nothing physical about me,
so I don't think it matters to him,

but I did have a dream last night.

The guy in my dream had, like,
blond hair, and he had, like, tan skin

and, like, really white teeth.

I don't know why that was
in my dream, but it just was.

[JP] The anticipation
has definitely been k*lling me,

just all the excitement
and all the build-up that's been going on.

And as soon as we see each other,
I might not know what to say

and just fumble over my words,
and gibberish might come out.


But I love her.

She's one of the most amazing people
I've ever met,

and I just can't wait to finally see her.

She's my sugar.

I hope this is the best moment of my life.

[dramatic music playing]


Oh, my God.

-["Paradise" playing]
-♪ Yeah! ♪

♪ You're all I need
You're all I ever wanted ♪

♪ Yeah, just you and me ♪

♪ That's paradise, paradise ♪

♪ You're everything, everything I wanted ♪

♪ Oh! Just you and me ♪

♪ Yeah, that's paradise ♪


♪ That's paradise ♪


♪ Yeah, that's paradise ♪