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04x11 - You Are Overpriced

Posted: 04/18/24 17:39
by bunniefuu
[slow-tempo music playing]

[Kwame] What's up?

I was very, very excited to marry you.

-[Chelsea] But last night…

You saying how it's important

that I don't take your name

until you're able to speak
to your mother about it,

and, you know, make sure that she

has a say

in our marriage…

I respect and understand
the situation with your mom,

but we've been side by side
the whole time.

And that may ultimately
lead to us saying yes,

getting married,
without your mom's blessing.

I feel like it's gonna be tough for me
to just look at my mom and be like,

"You've cared for me
and loved me for 32 years,

and I'm just throwing your opinion away."

That's not fair.

I know it's a tough scenario to be in.

To be like, "Hey, I feel like I'm all-in
to wanna be with somebody,

and they're not all-in
to wanna be with me."

And it's not the case.

Last night you were like,
you had this, um, like, large,

kind of, like, looming idea

that, like, our marriage
and our next year and all,

it's gonna be really,
like, hard and laborious

and, like, tough.

Um, which there will be tough moments.

Of course, right?

I think I see, like,
more of a wholesome picture.

And want you to see, like, the joy.

We haven't even had,
like, the best moments

and days of our lives together.

[Kwame] Yeah.

I see it as much more
of a positive journey.

It's not that it's gonna be a hard year.
In the grand scheme of our relationship,

it is going to be one
of the toughest years.

We don't really know that, babe.

I'm hoping that we start off amazing,

and it just gets better,
but there's gonna be hard years.

I don't think we can predict right now…

-…what year is gonna be our hardest year.

Or, like, you know, we just don't know.

I know that. It's not a prediction.

I don't know, like I said,
maybe I'm overthinking everything,

but sometimes-- sometimes, occasionally,

it helps to overthink. Sometimes.

This is-- It's-- It's a big step for me.

My dad doesn't even know,
and my mom doesn't even wanna know.

I think we will need support
of our family in our marriage, 100%.


But falling in love with you in the pods
was one of the most sacred,

beautiful things I ever got to do.

Because my family has thoughts.

-Opinions, right?

I fell in love with you
and picked you for me.

And it's truly the first time
in my entire life

I can wholeheartedly say that.

And for that reason, I'm so at peace.

-I don't care what they think.
-[Kwame] Listen.

When we get up to that altar,
it comes down to….

It comes down to the decision
that will make us both happiest.

So, I just wanna make sure
that we're both happy going into it.

Of course. [chuckles]

-Why wouldn't we be happy?
-Don't do that. Stop that.

Don't do that. I'm just saying.
Look, we're making a decision.

It's a big decision.

We're just considering
all the factors of what goes into that.

-Of course.

But if you didn't make me the happiest
I've felt in my entire f*cking life…

-I would not be here marrying you.

I'm here for you. You know that, right?

[chuckles] I know. I know.

You can lean on me.

[Kwame] Mm-hmm.

[pop music playing]

♪ Only love will make us whole… ♪


-Love you.
-Love you too.


♪ We need love ♪

♪ We need love ♪



I'm getting kind of nervous
about everything.

In a few days from now, we'll be,
like, married or not married. [laughs]

This has been such a whirlwind, and…

Obviously, a couple weeks ago,
like, we were not together, you know.

And so, it's just been

a lot of trying to just trust.

In the universe and, like, my heart.

I'm excited.
You know, it's, like, so exciting,

but it's also, like, really scary.

What are you scared about?

Your parents got divorced.
Mine got divorced.

And it's, like, it's not…

It's not something that I ever want to do.

It's pretty crazy
when you just think about it.

-Like, how strong our connection is.

Maybe you shouldn't have told my dad
how many days it was. [chuckles]

-Makes us seem, like, really crazy.

-Like, literally crazy.
-Yeah, but I mean, we know.

We know what we feel is real,

and every day we spend together,
I feel like we're growing closer,

and the connection's getting stronger.

[Bliss] Yeah, I think…

-But the commitment is the scary part.
-Wait. "But" negates.

"But" negates everything
you just said. So, say "and."

And the…

-Unless you mean "but."

-Unless you mean to negate it.
-No, I don't to mean to negate it.

-But… "But…" I can't help it.

I know. It's fine.
It's okay. You can say "but."

I'll know that you mean that you're
not negating everything you said by it.

I know how you feel about me.

[laughs] Like, everyone knows.

-I know. I know.

-You know how I feel about you too.
-No, I do.

I love you in a way
I've never loved anyone else before.

But yeah, I mean it's just…

-It's a big-- It's a big-- Yeah.
-It's, like, forever.

That's a long time. [laughs]

-[Zack] You're right, Bliss.
-Yeah, I know.

The reality is, at some point,
we're gonna have to take a leap of faith

if we're gonna do this.

And in my decision-making, like,
if I don't just commit,

then I feel like

I'll never make a decision,
if you get what I mean.

I do, but that concerns me a little bit.
You were engaged to someone else.

Then we got engaged, and you're like,
"Okay, I'm making this decision."

-"I'm just gonna go with it."
-You should know.

Because I said I'm engaged to you,

that I'm committed to you.

-No, I know.

-But, like, I could--
-But it's still--

I could be questioning that,
but, like, I'm not.

You know, like,
I've been 100% honest with you.

-Yeah, I know that.
-And I'm not looking at anyone else.

[Bliss] I'm not concerned
about you looking at anyone.

It's more concerning about, "I'm making
this decision to be engaged to Bliss."

"And I'm gonna marry her
'cause I made this decision."

-Mm-hmm. Right.
-I want it to feel fully right to you.

'Cause you owe that to yourself and to me.

I mean, you can just know that once
I make a decision, I'm committed to it.

I don't want someone to be just committed
to me because they made a decision to.

But, well,
that's exactly what marriage is.

It's okay to change your mind in things.

-[pop music playing]
-♪ Please just let me go ♪[/i]

♪ Unless you can stay forever ♪

♪ I don't wanna be a show
Once a year out in the desert… ♪

[Tiffany laughs]

♪ I don't wanna see a post
Of you both smiling together… ♪[/i]

My dad and my family
have been through a lot.

-Hi. [chuckles]

I'm Tiffany.

-Yo, yo, what's good, brother?
-[Brett] How you doing?

[Tiffany laughs] Another hug.

My dad hasn't been on a plane
since before I was born.

'Cause that's the '80s.

So, for him and my brother

to be comfortable
making this trip out here

on such a short notice, it means a lot.

How much are you paying
a beautiful woman like that?


See? I told you he was gonna be joking.


-I knew it. I knew it.
-[Tiffany] I love it. I love it.

[Herbert] So, what do you really think
of this young man here sitting beside you?

[Tiffany] I think he's amazing.

I guess for me, like, I'm 36 years old.

So I've had the opportunity to date.

I've had the opportunity
to see, you know, guys out there.

-What would be best for me?
-[Herbert] Right.

-And he has a quiet confidence about him.
-[Herbert] Yeah, right.

I'll say that.
Not arrogance, but confidence.

And I love a man
that is just self-assured.

So, he just became
very captivating, didn't he?

-Yeah, he did.
-[Herbert laughing]

Like, I'm normally a pretty outgoing,

like, just forward person.

I just say, like,
what's, you know, on my heart.

And I don't think he ever judged me
or he never told me to, you know,

"Tiff, like, tone it down."
He would sit there, and he would listen.

And that's something
that means a lot to me,

because I need somebody that grounds me.

-Right, right.
-Sometimes my head is in the clouds.

I'm a little hyper and everything.
But I think he balances, uh, me out.

-Right. Mm-hmm.
-So, that's why I kept going back to him.

-[Angus] How was your childhood?

You kind of, like, middle class?

-Upper middle? Low, like, growing up?
-[sighs] I mean…

My parents definitely
didn't grow up in, like…

Yeah, right.
They weren't wealthy people, right?

-[Tiffany] No, like, not at all.
-[laughs] Just… Yeah.

And they, like, worked hard to make sure
that we had a better life.

Yeah, I'll be looking forward
to meeting them really,

because, uh, that's key.

She didn't shy away from ever telling me
how she felt about me.

And, you know, our family,

we're not the best
at telling each other how we feel.

-You know, we barely hug, but we dap up.

-[Angus] We dap up.

Yeah, it's amazing.

We were close-knit in a certain way,

but we didn't express it,
you know, with the words.


[Herbert] Just listening to him talk

and now listening here
to what you're saying,

the way you discuss things,

I think you guys made a good connection,
you know.

-I think so.
-I think so too. [laughs]

[Herbert] What Brett said to me
when I talked to him, he said,

"Wow, she's very supportive

and, uh, understanding."

I said, "Wow.
That's what we need as menfolk."

Somebody who is
supportive and understanding."

And apparently, you guys click
not based upon appearances, you know.

It couldn't have been about appear--

A lot of guys
get caught up in appearances.

And once that's gone, nothing is left.

-You're left dry.
-[Tiffany] Exactly.

Looks like you guys
built something upon just the inner self.

-[Tiffany] Yeah.
-What your inner self was.

And I think that's good.

-And so, that's why I support this.

Because I know it wasn't tradition
and you didn't see each other for a while.

All you had to go on
was what was expressed from within.

And that's what builds
a good relationship.

I really believe that.

I tell you, Tiffany, I'm impressed.

I'm impressed with his choice.

And I'm impressed with you,
and I pray for you guys.

Thank you.

There's gonna come
some moments in your life

that you're gonna
have to be put to the test.

Every relationship
at some point in time is put to the test.

[Tiffany] Mm-hmm.

[Herbert] Don't worry about that.
As long as you got yourself focused

and you know what you want,
and you guys are in unison,

so far as your focus,
nobody can separate that.

Nobody can break that up.

I've always believed in that, you know.

-Oh! Sorry.
-[Herbert] You know? So…

-[Tiffany] Oh! Yeah.
-I'm impressed, so…

-Um, do you approve of my hairdo?

-[Angus] Do you approve of my hairdo?


-I want people to be themselves.
-[Angus] Thank you.

I really like you now. I appreciate it.

We get along very well already.
That was perfect.

♪ We doing it right, one of a kind… ♪


♪ All a good time, feeling so fine ♪

♪ I'm loving my life, yeah! ♪

♪ Can't ever get high enough ♪

♪ No, we never stop climbing up ♪

♪ We're doing it right, one of a kind ♪

♪ We're ready to fly, yeah! ♪

[Paul] Normally, I don't fold stuff.

I just roll it up.
Like, it's a better use of space.

Do you roll it? I've never seen you
do anything besides shove.

[both laugh]

[Paul] Busy day. We are, uh…

Well, I'm packing up,
and Micah's gonna be staying here.

It's gonna be the last day that
we see each other until the wedding.

And we're gonna do
our bachelor parties as well.

-Oh, my God.
-I feel like I have way more clothes now.

[Micah laughs] I'm rubbing off on you.
Now you have all this stuff.

[Paul] Yeah, I know.
What's happened to me?

-Who am I? I don't even recognize myself.

[Paul] You're gonna need a tow truck.
A dump truck.

-[laughs] A U-Haul?
-You know?

Yeah, an entire U-Haul.

What is this,
and how did it even get into this room?

[both laughing]

Where did this come from?

I'm so happy you've not tried
to put this on.

Oh, God, my other least favorite shirt.

-My t*nk top?

"My t*nk top."
It's so funny when you say that.

It's like, "My green shirt?"
"My t*nk top?"

'Cause there's just one of everything.

[Micah] "You mean my underwear?" "Yeah."

-[Paul] "My sock? You only have one sock?"

I have to alternate feet during the day.
Just swap 'em.


Oh, my goodness.

I'm really excited to see everyone.
I feel like it's gonna be really fun.

-Hopefully. Yeah.

I'm interested how everyone's,
like, doing and have fun together

before everything goes down.
Yeah. [laughs]

Yeah. Can't wait to see you in the dress.

-[Micah] I know. I'm really excited.

-I feel you're gonna look so handsome.

-I hope so.
-[Micah laughs]

-You hope so?

-There he goes. The last shoe.
-[Paul] You think he can fit in there?

-[Micah laughs] Yeah.

Micah and I, we can't go 15 minutes
without being like, "I miss you."

Like, I'm literally in the bathroom.
She's, like, across the room.

Like, you're not supposed to see the bride
before the wedding,

but I think that hopefully we're just
gonna be, like, texting and still talking.

But I think we're gonna miss each other.


Don't have too much fun at your party.

Yeah, I was gonna say, "Keep the ones
in your pocket. No strippers."

-[Paul] Okay.

-You're like, "I counted. It was 13 ones."
-I already looked in your big-ass wallet.

"You better have 13."


Better have 13 ones
when you get back here.

-[chuckles] Yeah.

Well, love you.

Yeah, love you too.

[Micah] Bye.

["Get Up" by Slightly Stirred playing]

♪ We gonna have some fun now ♪

♪ Bam a-lam a-lam
Everybody clap your hands… ♪

[Kwame] Today's our bachelor party,
and I'm hyped.

I'm excited to just hang out
with the guys.

Ready to see some friends.

Maybe see some dancers. I don't know.

And, you know, celebrate our last night
as single men.

♪ Gonna have some fun ♪

♪ Get down, got, gotta get down
Gotta get up if you wanna get down… ♪

Whoo! Hey!

Look at that! Look at this!


[man] Hey, man.

-What up?
-Hey, Josh.

[Josh] Can't believe it, dude.
Thanks for the call after a year, huh?


-What up, baby? How you doing, baby?


-[Lakayana] How do you feel, bro?

-Been an unforgettable experience.
-This your boy right here.

This has been unforgettable experience
on so many levels,

but I couldn't be happier.

Yeah, glad you guys made it.

I know. I saw you walk in, and I was like,
"He's looking good. He's looking sharp."

-This is yours.
-What is this? A rum and coke?

-Yeah. Wait, your boy here ordered it.
-I ordered rum and coke.

-Yeah, I got you all the same thing.
-I don't do brown liquor like that.

-No, you got this one.
-Come on, man. No! No, no, no!

This is what Tiffany
gonna take off our hands.


-[Tiffany] Yes!
-[Bliss] Our last night as single ladies!

[women cheer]


-Hi, ladies!

[Tiffany] Oh! Oh! Oh! Oh! Oh!

[laughs] I'm Tiffany.
Nice to meet you. Melanie!

If there are strippers tonight,
my fiancé is ten times hotter

than every single stripper
that we're gonna get.

Wait. You haven't seen
my ring in person. Hi!

You haven't seen me
since I've been engaged!

Tonight is my bachelorette party.
It's wild. But it's exciting.

[dance music playing]

[woman] Yes! Girl, you better work it.

-Yes! Yes!

-I'm actually a real stripper, guys.
-[Tiffany shouts]

I'm definitely gonna be extra.
Own who you are.

Never dull it down.

[women cheering, shouting]



-[woman 2] Let's go!
-[woman 3] Work it!

[burlesque music playing]

♪ You wanna have a good time… ♪

Okay, I didn't expect this.

[Kwame laughs] I knew-- Oh! Hey,
what the f*ck is going on here? Hold on.

Y'all missing the show.
Y'all missing the show!

[Zack] Yeah, we're good.

We're just gonna hang out over here,
honestly. It's not really our style.

The burlesque dancers,
um, it's just not my thing.

I mean, my mother was a stripper.

[chuckles] Like,
I don't have anything against it.

Uh, I just…

Yeah, I'm not really into it.

-All right. [laughs]
-All right, all right, all right!

I can't look too long.
You know what I'm saying?

This man never met me.
This man never saw my face.

-Yeah. Chelsea's always loud. [laughs]
-He knows me so well!

-[Tiffany] My baby girl.

Kwame and I's love story

is like a very, like, beautiful,
like, slow dance.

-Does he like Rocky?
-He loves Rocky, you guys.

-What was that interaction like?
-They are so cute.

-You guys.
-I'm genuinely curious.

-You guys.
-If he doesn't like your dog…

-That's a dealbreaker. Dealbreaker.

It's honestly the healthiest thing
I've ever had. He loves me for me.

He loves me for being extra.
He loves me for who I am.

And I've never had that
in a relationship ever.

-[Ellison] He love his family?
-[Melody] Do you [/i]like his family?

[Chelsea] So, I will say, the family
situation is one of our kind of hurdles.

His mom would prefer for him

to, you know,
marry a traditionally Ghanaian woman.

-Have you met her?

Have you talked to her? At all?

[Chelsea] His mom,
she's not coming to the wedding.

So, it'll be a journey.

I'm not gonna sit here and say,
like, I can change her mind,

but I will say I love her son.

Her family is so supportive
of what she's doing.

Like, it actually kind of blows my mind.

[man] Is that different from your family?

My brother and sister are very supportive.

-[man] Right.
-[Kwame] But my mom is not.

No offense against Chelsea at all.

-It's just the circumstances.
-[man] Yeah, right.

-She gonna be at the wedding?
-My mom's not gonna be at the wedding.

-Devastating, man. It's your mom. Yeah.
-Not good.

Yeah, you know, it's my mom.


Don't get emotional, man.

I mean, I think once she meets Chelsea,
like, she'll be in love.


[Matt] So you would move in
right here, in Seattle?

-Listen, listen!
-Oh, my God!

-Listen, listen.

My April to my August
are shirtless jogging months.

-Shirt off. Run. Ba-ba-ba-ba-ba.
-[Ezekiel] Soccer, soccer.

-Soccer right after. Okay?
-Not in Seattle. [laughing]

Not in Seattle!

-In your fur coat?

I'll be honest.

I know Seattle's gonna hate me for this,
but like, Seattle, you're overpriced.

You know what I'm saying?
Like, you are like…

You are Lamar Odom
with Michael Jordan prices.

You're not that great.

But, you know… [laughs]

…I'm trying to get over that.

So, just to make sure,
you are marrying her, saying yes, right?


[Ezekiel] Bro, 'cause if you don't,
bro, 'cause if you don't, bro,

you're missing out.

Oh, man!

Like, the signs are there.

The signs that she's the right one,
it's there.

So, what are the signs?

[Zack] We're in the pods together, right?

I'm like, "Listen, you know,

I've already figured out what my song
I wanna have for my first dance is.

"I Hope You Dance" by Lee Ann Womack.

She had the same song on her wedding list.

-And that's not a mainstream song.
-That's not a very common song.

'Cause I've never heard of that song.

So then she says she had had a dream

that, like, an owl would come
and bring her peace.

And I go…


I'm not making this up. And I'm like,
"This is, uh, this is kind of wild."

-"An owl is, like, my favorite animal."

And she's like, "No."

And I'm like, "Yeah, I'm actually wearing
a tie bar with an owl on it currently."


And I am.
I'm actually, like, at that moment.

So, like, there's literal signs

that this is probably
the woman I should get married to.


She is everything
that I have been looking for in a wife.

Dude, I know how particular you are
when you're changing your brand of milk.

-[Josh laughs]

This dude and I will spend, like,
a week talking about the research

on the new toilet paper brand he picked.

[Josh] That is so funny.

I can't even imagine what's going through
his head picking a wife.

It's scary to make,
like, a life-long commitment.

-It's very scary.

I think as long as, you know,
you guys both take it seriously.

But it's about, like, making things work
for you and what you guys want.

And if there's communication,

like, I really feel
like you can have that.

-You know?

We talk so much.

[laughs] Communication is not a problem.

We're both so, like,
data-focused and logic-focused.

There's no data that tells you
it's gonna last forever.

You guys are both very logical people.

I really think that
when it really comes down to it,

it's about, like,
how you feel, like, right now. Yeah.

I hope I wake up in the morning

and, like, know exactly what I want
and feel, and I'm gonna follow that.

Whether it's a yes, whether it's a no,
like, I'm gonna do what feels right.

I feel ready for marriage.

Do I feel, like, fully ready with Zack?

Like, I don't know.

It's hard because of the story
that Zack and I have had.

Not being together
and then being together.

But I love Zack very much.
I've never met anyone like him.

It just feels like he's my person.

I feel it in my soul,
in my body, in my bones.

It feels like such the right thing to do,
but I'm giving myself the freedom

to change my mind
if that feels like the right thing to do.

You know what I mean?

This is the thought.

[shouts, laughs]

How many times
you been in love before this?


How do you know you in love?
How do you know you in love?

So, I find myself genuinely thinking

about what makes her happy.

I find myself thinking about her…

Will she be a great mother?

I find myself thinking about
what can I do for her

-[Lakayana] Wow.

I honestly feel
that we're on the same page.

As far as our commitment,
as far as how we feel about each other,

as far as what we want our marriage to be,
you get to the altar,

it's like, you don't know.

So, what would be the doubt
that she wouldn't say yes?

Is there anything in particular?

I don't--

-This is a big decision for anybody.

[Brett] So, I don't wanna
come across like,

"Oh, yeah, of course she's gonna say yes."

That's healthy.

-I feel that she is.
-That's healthy.

But I don't wanna--
I don't wanna be overconfident here.

Are you ready? Are you excited?
Are you nervous? Are you… [chuckles]

The thing is
I feel like I've met my match.

-I've met my equal.

My only, like,

reservation is because it's such,
like, a blissful, like, fun time.

-That I really hope--
-The honeymoon stage.

[Janae] No, I really do hope
that you guys are able--

It doesn't sound like you guys have had,
like, any conflict or like, whatever.

But if you have or you have not,

I really hope you guys are able

to understand how
to properly handle conflict.

-Yeah. Yeah.
-'Cause, girl, you can be…

He's not a man that gives up easily.

He's a man that's gonna continue
to persevere when,

you know, like,
life throws you curveballs.

[Christy] We're always going to be here.
We've seen what other men

have taken from you,
and we ain't doing that again.

Is there anything holding
you back, though, from it?

To make a lifelong commitment
based on the amount of data that I have

would accrue
just a tremendous amount of risk.

-You're so analytical. You know, like…
-I know.

Yeah, like I was saying, like,
you gotta feel it. You gotta feel it.

-If you feel it, you feel it, you know?
-Especially these days, man.

Yeah, and that's the thing,
is I think that I do.

Like, I know that I feel love for her.
I know that.

We had such a good date yesterday.

So, we went and forged our wedding rings
at, like, a, you know, blacksmith forge.

-It was so cool, dude.
-Cool, dude.

[Paul] We have similar goals.
Similar understandings.

We look at the world very similarly.

Actually, the same way that kind of both
of you look at the world.


This inherent, like,
"the world is f*cking absurd," right?

-[Bobby] Yeah.
-It's hilarious.

I don't know who I am
every day of my life.

-[Paul] Yeah.

When shit doesn't work out,
it's like we can laugh at it, right?

And she can do that, dude,
and I love it so much.

It makes me so happy.

Cheers to Micah getting married.

[Micah] Cheers.

-You crazy b*tches!

[Micah] So, where's my f*cking phone?

I need to talk to Paul.

-Paul's right here.
-[Micah] I hate you, you crazy bitch.


[Ruby] Oh, my God! The famous Paul.

[Shelby] Look at him!

[Micah] Wait, Zack! Wait, come here.

Meet my friend Ruby.

[Ruby] Hi.

[Micah] Do you miss me, or do you love me?

I don't know what the f*ck she's saying.

[Micah] Do you like me or no?

[laughing] Of course I do.

How much? Seriously?

Figure out a way to hear it.

-How much do you love me? Go.
-[Paul laughs]

-[Shelby] No one knows.
-[/i]You crazy bitch.

I feel like I'm looking at the ceiling.

-[Shelby] Hey, Paul.
-[Micah] Paul!


[Shelby] It's me getting involved.

I'm really showing up
to your bachelor party right now.

I can't hear you.

-We're gonna come crash.
-[/i]I'm showing up. [gasps]

-He hung up.
-No, he didn't.

[Micah] Wait. He actually just called back
four times in a row.

-I need you to meet him.
-[Ruby] I have to meet Paul.

He's a super nice guy, but…

-[Ruby] But what?
-[Micah] What do you mean "but"?

[Shelby] You know my "but."

[Ruby] What is your "but"?
Besides your huge ass.

[Shelby] He's a great guy.
I like him a lot.

I think she deserves
everything in the world,

and I don't think this is it.

[Micah] I think you guys just both
don't know him very well.

-[Shelby] I met him.
-No, I know that. I know. But no.

[Shelby] Oh, you know him?
After two months?

-I know him better than you do.
-[Ruby] No, but I've heard you once.

I mean, I spent, like,
20 hours a day talking to him.

Do I feel like
he is everything I've ever wanted?

Yes, in this moment, I do.

I need you to understand.

No matter what I do,
I just hope that you guys will support me.

That's all I can ask.

I'm gonna support you.
I might be pissed off.

Do I know if I'll make the right decision?
No, I have no idea.

But, like, in that moment,
all I'm going to need is support.

-I will be there.
-[Micah] Okay, good.

I don't think Shelby understands at all,

like, what Paul and I have built
through this experience.

He's, like, someone that,
like, people, like, underestimate,

and it's like, "Listen, like, he's great."

"He's great. I promise you guys."
You know?

And I just, like,
I hate that I have to do that.

Paul is, like, so smart.

He's so funny.

He's so cute. He is so epic and so good.

I just want people to, like, see that.

I've been apart from him
for, like, 45 seconds practically,

and I miss him so much.

[chuckles] I love him.
I wish we were together.

I'm gonna text him.

Paul is like a really great love.

It's my life. It's my relationship.

And, you know,
if he's love of my life, like,

that's it,
regardless of anyone else's opinion.

-["You'll Fall, I'll Rise" playing]
-♪ You'll fall, you'll fall ♪[/i]

♪ And I'll fight, I'll fight ♪

♪ With the power of the light ♪

♪ You will not survive ♪

♪ You can fight with the light ♪

-[slow-tempo music playing]
-[thunder rumbling]

♪ Everything that's magical will glow… ♪

Here we go!

♪ …those who wait, so slow… ♪

Wow, today's my wedding day.


♪ …running in a heartbeat… ♪

Oh, my gosh.

Oh, my gosh.

That feeling when you're a kid
and you wake up

and it's Christmas morning?

I'm already crying, y'all.

And you're so excited
and you just wanna jump out of bed,

and run downstairs
and open up all the gifts?

That's what I felt this morning,
but, like, a hundred times.

That's my bouquet. [chuckles]

It's so beautiful.

I have been preparing my whole life
to marry a man like Kwame.

Kwame possesses every quality
that I've been looking for.

Not only to make a good husband,
but to make a good man, a good person,

a good friend, a loyal son.

You know? I wanted somebody
who was passionate,

compassionate about their work,

what they do,
about the world, about people.

Kwame is all those things.
He's the most talented man I've ever met.

♪ Pick you up, take you where we stay ♪

♪ Take you to the beach
And on that sand, we could lay ♪

♪ I said that real thing ♪

-[both laugh]
-[Chelsea] Oh!

[Kwame] I'm just so excited to wake up
next to you every single day.

And so, I wanted to ask you,
if you would be willing to marry me?

-A thousand times yes!

[Chelsea] Love you. I love you too.

I'm seriously the luckiest girl on Earth,
you know.

I've never met somebody in my life
that I wanted to be with more than you.

-Mmm. Mmm.
-I love you no matter what.

-[pop music playing]

♪ I won't give up on you… ♪

Today is my wedding day.
Talk about excitement. [laughs]

I like to think of my life
as somebody who wants to go all the way

and go extreme, and dive all in
to whatever I decide to do.


-[men] Yo! Yo! Yo! Yo!
-[Kwame] The boys. The boys.

-What up, baby?
-[Sam] What's up?

So, if I'm gonna be married
at the end of today,

I'm gonna dive all into being married,
and if I'm gonna be single,

I might just book a flight
to Vegas after this, so… [laughs]

This arguably is the biggest decision
I'm ever gonna make.

There's no way
that anybody in their right mind

could go through what we've gone through,
walk to an altar

and not have any reservations.

I have nothing here
that helps me get back to myself.

I'm gonna drive to Portland
for three hours, and then go lay in my bed

and take a deep breath
and then come back? [chuckles]

I've always been willing
to move to Seattle.

-Sacrifice what you want?
-I'm not sacrificing.

But I am compromising.

I wanted to just let you know

that I did find someone in the experiment.

You're mad?

-All right, Mom. Bye.
-[phone beeps]

Didn't go well.

My mom's been a big part
of my life. Massive.

She doesn't think that
I used my head in this situation.

Will you say yes to me
without your mom's approval?

It's tough for me
to just look at my mom and be like,

"You've cared for me and loved me
for 32 years,

and I'm just throwing your opinion away."

[Ezekiel] My man is getting married
in less than what, in three hours?

[laughs] I'm getting married
pretty damn soon.

-Does it, uh, feel surreal to you?

Bro, when I say, man…

[chuckles] …like, I still, like--

I'm still in, like,
a state of surprise, a state of shock.

A couple of months ago,
I don't think, like, I knew--

I didn't even know
what a wedding registry was.

-You know what I'm saying? Like…

It's a whole different life now.

Which by the way, um,

I'm going to send y'all the link
to our wedding registry after this.


-Are you expecting something from us, bro?

Oh! [laughing]

[woman laughs]

[Chelsea] Oh, my God.
Thank God you guys are here.

-Oh, my God!
-Would never miss this.

-[Chelsea] Aww. Love you.
-Love you.

[Chelsea] I have such a hard time
describing the feeling,

just because all the love
is so overwhelming.

The gratitude I have for these people.

To not only come here,
to travel last minute, right?

Take this on, but to believe in me.

To support the decision that I am making
wholeheartedly and to believe in me.

-You're getting married.
-[shouts] I'm getting married!

-I'm so happy.
-[Chelsea laughing]

That means everything.

That means more than anything
I could have ever wanted

from my friends and family.

-Okay, get it all out now.

[sobs, sniffles]


-Look at my bouquet, you guys.
-[Alex] I know. It's incredible.

[Chelsea] It's a fairy tale.

[chuckles, sniffles]


But your heart's good?

My heart is good. [sighs]

I mean, this has been
the craziest journey ever,

but it was so good.

The way I described falling in love
in the pods.

Like, it was the most sacred--
it's, like, the most sacred thing.

-To have conversations.
-[Chelsea] I didn't have family.

I didn't have the friends.
I didn't have, like, any influence.

Like, for the very first time
in my whole life,

I picked somebody solely for me.

Never having seen him.

-You know?
-[Alex] Mm-hmm. Absolutely.

[Chelsea] I get to meet his sister
and his brother today.

-I'm so excited.
-[Alex] Oh!

[Chelsea] Barbara is his sister's name.
She FaceTimed me last night.

She was like, "I'm checking on you.
I love you. Are you okay?"

-That's sweet. She's married too?
-[Chelsea] "Remember what matters."

She's married. She has two young kids.
I was hoping they were gonna get to come.

But with that being said,

for Kwame and I,
you might not know this, but, you know.

-His mother is Ghanaian, as Kwame is.
-[Dimitria] Mm-hmm.

And she has a lot of, um, you know,

morals and ideals and religious values.

Um, for that she would, you know,

appreciate her son to uphold
in a marriage.

And marrying me does not do that.

So, honestly, Kwame's scared.

We do not have her blessing at this time.


[Alex] How does that make you feel?

I have-- I have sadness for him.

I have empathy for that situation.

Not even just for me,

but just for the love
of someone's son and their mother.

-Who wants to get in the way of that?


So, I think, you know,
that's definitely a fear, you know.

Also, men are not ready
as early as we are.

-[women chuckle]

[Chelsea] The last few weeks,
he has had to grapple

and come to terms with himself.
"Am I ready?"

You're in.
Like, you are ready to get married.

You're ready to be a wife.

And then to have someone not so ready…

-It's a little scary.
-It is.

-[Dimitria] I mean, that's terrifying.
-Mm-hmm. It is.

Like, you wanna be on the same page,
but, like, are you?

-["I Love You, Either Way" playing]
-♪ It's your side of the story… ♪[/i]

Yeah, but then again, you wouldn't
be you if you didn't love hard.

-[Chelsea] I wouldn't be me if I didn't.
-[Dimitria] That's… Yeah, very true.

I'm either gonna marry this man
and be the happiest girl in the world,

or this is the biggest disappointment
of my life.

♪ Either way, I love you, either way…[/i]

-Yo! What's up?

Kwame! [laughing]

-Yeah, Kwame!
-What's up, baby?

-How are you?
-I'm good. What's up, baby?

-God damn!

[Jerry] Hey! Looking sharp.

-Yo, let's…
-Let's sit, man.

[Kwame] Let's sit.

-I'm so happy that y'all are here.
-[Barbara] Yeah.

-[Jerry] That's-- Yeah, I'm excited.
-We're happy to be here.

[Barbara] Remember my wedding?

[Kwame] I do! Yo.

That's the best family picture
we've ever gotten.

-Was at that wedding. That was everybody.

We've been through a lot together,

and I am so happy to see you just grow

and be the man that you are.
I've raised you right.


-[Barbara] You're my best friend.
-[Kwame] Mm-hmm.

-We slept in the same bed, so…

When I had to sneak out,
I had you sleep on my side, so…

You may not be the best brother.
You know what I mean?


[Barbara] You don't check on nobody.

But I know
just for a fact the person you are.

I know that you're gonna be
a phenomenal husband,

and I am looking forward to it.

[Kwame] I wanna talk to Mom.

I want Mom to still know
that her genuine opinion,

her thoughts still matter to me.

[Barbara] Yeah.

-I spoke to Dad.
-Dad knows?

[Jerry] Yeah. He was excited, bro.

-He's happy for you.
-[Jerry] He's excited.

-Call him. He's excited, bro.
-[Kwame] Really?

-And he's supportive of it, okay?

But let's talk about Mom,
your best friend.

-My best friend. My best friend.
-Your best friend, you know.

-She's your best friend. You know?

[Barbara] No one can really replace Mom.

-[Kwame] Yes.
-Mom has been there for you 100%.

One-hundred and ten.

-You know, Mom is into the Word.
-[Kwame] Hmm.

Mom is into prayer.

So, even if she's not here,
she's praying for you.

-She's praying for you to be the best man.
-[Kwame] Mm-hmm.

To be the best son, you know.
Kwame, you still pray?

-[Jerry scoffs] Yeah.
-Anyway, I'm telling Mom. I'm telling Mom.

-I'm telling Mom.

Boy hasn't said a prayer in,
like, 15 years. [laughing]

I always knew I will find a way
for Mom to cut you off the will.

"Hey, Ma. Kwame don't pray."
"Okay, I'm done with him."

-You can't do that, bro.

But one thing that I know for sure is

she loves you dearly, and she will
forever love you, and she still loves you.

So, when the time is right,
you know, when you come home,

she'll get to meet her daughter-in-law.

-[Barbara] She's gonna love Chelsea.

I believe so too.

I think you just have to give her
some time, but when that time is due,

and you bring her, Mom will…
you can't help it.

-I love you.
-[Jerry] Yeah.

You know how much you mean to me.

I'll be right there with you.
Jerry will be right there.

We got you, but there's no turning back.

-You turn back, I'm pushing you to…

By God, you ain't getting me
all the way here…

-[Jerry] Too late to turn back.
-No turning back.

And nothing but the best.

You mind if we say, um,
a quick prayer before we head out?

-Let's do it. Let's do it.
-Yeah. Come on. Hey! [mutters]


[Jerry] All right, Father God,

we just commit
our brother into your hands today,

that as he's going through his journey
with his marriage, that you protect him.

Make him the man he needs to be,
the husband his wife would want him to be,

and as they grow and have kids,

he would be the father his kids need.

Um, we just pray that
in Jesus' name. Amen.


-["Be There Soon" playing]
-♪ Nothing I do will speed up time ♪[/i]

♪ Or control it… ♪

Dimi, what about the lip color?

I think it might be
a little bit too deep plum for me.

-[woman] Do lighter pink.
-Let me see.

[woman] Yeah, I was gonna say.
I'd go lighter, lighter.

[Chelsea] I'm marrying Kwame today.

My decision is yes.

Is he gonna agree?
Is he gonna be able to get past

the biggest roadblock
he's probably ever faced

with the biggest decision of his life?

I don't know.

♪ So please, please, please ♪

♪ Don't find anyone before I get there… ♪

But I know he's for me.

I am letting my faith in us
be greater than my fear today.

♪ I'll be there soon ♪

♪ I'll be there soon ♪


-Oh, my.



-Oh, look at the detail. Chelsea.
-Oh, wow. Look at that.

-Wow. Let's see the back.
-[Melissa] Oh, my word.

♪ Not a worry in the world ♪

♪ And it's so beautiful…[/i]

-Chelsea, you are a beautiful bride.

-Doesn't get much prettier. [laughs]
-[Alex] Holy shit.

-[woman] No.
-[Alex] Holy shit.

-Look at you!
-[woman] Perfect.

[Chelsea] I'm in a dream.

It feels like a fairy tale.

As a young little girl,
you dream about this day.

Mom, just so you know,
you know, when I was, um,

when I was falling in love
with Kwame in the pods… [sniffles]

…and I was sad that you weren't with me.

[voice breaking] You couldn't see me.


I wore the name bracelets you gave me.


And thought about you every day.

That's so sweet.

-And now here we are.

[gasps, sniffles]

[sniffles] I just never thought it would

happen to me.


Do you trust me?

I trust you and your judgment. Yes.

-Thank you. Thank you.
-[Olen] Yeah.

For sure.

-Love you. It's gonna be great. Mmm!
-Love you too.

[Olen] Oh!

Okay. Oh, man. Boys, I like it.

-[Ezekiel] Yeah. Let's see. Let's see.
-[Matt] Turn around.

[all cheer]

-[Ezekiel] The moonwalk. Oh, okay.
-Who that?

-Who that? [laughing]
-[Ezekiel] Okay. Okay.

-Oh, man.
-Perfect, bro. You're missing one thing.

-What's up?
-[Ezekiel] Your shoes.

I thought he was gonna be clever
and be like, "Your wife."

Come on, you can do
better than that, Zeke!

[laughs] Damn, you know what?
It's okay. You're missing two things.



-Oh, my!
-[Olen] Oh, this must be Kwame's sister.

-[Alex] Yes.

-Oh, my God.
-Chelsea, you look beautiful.

[Dimitria] Oh, my God.
How fab. Her shoes though!


[Chelsea] Look at you.

-[gasps] Look at you.
-I'm dressed for Chelsea.

-[Chelsea] Look at you. You're beautiful.
-Our Chelsea. Can we share her?


You're so beautiful, Barbara.

-I mean, we did it for you.

-Oh, wow.
-[Barbara] Because you are a fashionista.

-[Chelsea] Oh, it's beautiful. Love this!
-[Barbara] Oh, yes.

It was meant to be.
Everything is meant to be.

-You know I love color.
-Yes, you do.

-So, something blue.
-Oh, something blue.

Something new.

-Oh, that's so sweet.
-This is really the women in our culture.

-They put this together, you know.

-You know about the Kente cloth?
-Yes, yes.

[Barbara] Yeah, so, you have a piece
of Ghana with you.

-That's very sweet.
-[Barbara] And we love you so much.

-Thank you.
-[Barbara] You're gonna be the best.

I am looking forward to just…
having a sister. I'm the only girl.

I just wanna say, you know, thank you for…

[sniffles] …you know, your part
in making your brother who he is for me.

[laughing] Chelsea!


And I'm so happy you came
and sacrificed to be here for us today.

I'm happy to be here. You deserve love.


-[Barbara] Love you, girlie.
-[women cheering]

-Love you.
-[Barbara] And you all look so beautiful!

No turning back, Chelsea,
or I'm gonna chase you back.


-[Chelsea] Thank you, Barbara.
-Bye, Barbara.

Whatever decision you make,
we support you, man.

-To love.
-Cheers, boys.

-How are you feeling? Nervous?
-Good, good, good.


Everything you've asked and prayed for,
here we go.


Lit, yeah, yeah, this is, um,

mm-hmm, this is… This is big.

Yeah. Do you wish Mom was here?

-Of course.

I can't be Mom.

-But Mom loves you regardless.

You know what I mean? Just know that.

You're gonna do great.
You're gonna be a good husband.

-Make us proud.

-Yeah. [laughing]


-You'll be all right.

You got this.

When I look at Chelsea,
I see-- I see my partner.

Someone who's very strong.
Someone who's very bold.

Someone who is loving.
Somebody who's very caring.

Somebody who is

very, very confident.

You know, someone who is open
to understanding.

[Barbara] This is beautiful, K.


-This is amazing.

But I do have cold feet.

I think it wouldn't be right
to not have cold feet.

There's so much coming up, and I'm scared.

[chuckles] I'm hella scared.

My biggest fear is that we crash and burn.

We jump off of a cliff
and don't have a parachute,

don't have a safety net,
nothing works, and then, um, we implode.

That's a pretty scary moment.

So, I hope that we make the right choices.

["The Reckoning" by Jay Denton playing]

[thunder rumbling]

♪ I'm ready for, ready for ♪

♪ The reckoning ♪

Deep breaths. Did you write your vows?

-I didn't.

-Gonna wing it?
-You know how I do it.

♪ No, there's no second chance ♪

♪ No, no… ♪

[Barbara sniffles]

-Were you this nervous on my wedding day?


Well, I'm this nervous
on your wedding day.

-Oh, my goodness. Yeah.

[classical tune playing]

[Barbara] Oh, God.

Oh, God.


I love you. [kisses]

Oh, God.

-How you doing? Nice to meet you.
-[Kwame] Nice to meet you.


Oh, my God.



[gentle music playing]

-Okay. I love you, Dad.
-I love you too, honey.

I think you made a good choice.

You're both the same kind of go-getters.


-I think we'll all have fun together.
-We will.

Create our little family.

[gasps, sniffles]

You've been a great daughter.

You're gonna make a great wife.

[officiant] All rise, please.

Oh! Oh, my God. [chuckles]

[sighs] Oh!


I'll take her up.

I'll pass my mom my flowers.



-Bye, Dad.
-[Charles] Bye, honey.

I love you.


-I'm sorry I'm shaking, baby.
-[chuckles] It's okay.

Ooh! Thank you.

-[Kwame] Hey.

How are you?

I'm good.
I heard your voice and I was like… [gasps]

-Makes me feel better.

Everybody, please be seated.


We are gathered here this afternoon

to share with Kwame and Chelsea

this very significant moment
in their lives,

as they decide whether or not
to become a married couple.

Marriage is a commitment to life.

The best that two people can find
and bring out in each other.

Marriage is perhaps the greatest

and most challenging adventure
of all human relationships.

It's a physical and emotional joining

that is promised for a lifetime.

Marriage is having a confidant,
a partner in crime

and a best friend.

-Any thoughts that you'd like to share?
-[Chelsea] Yes.



"Alex Kwame Owusu-Ansah Appiah,

I love you not only for who you are,

but for who I am when I'm with you."

"I love you because of what you have done

and will continue
to do to make me better."

"So, here's to jumping off together
to the cliff of the eternal universe,

not knowing where we will land
but in each other's arms."

"You are the jaguar to my moon.
I am the moon to your jaguar."

"I love you, and I'm ready

for the most beautiful adventure of life
with you as your wife forever."


I will share what's on my mind.

I love the sound of your voice.

I love the way you make me feel.

I love when we disagree
because it makes us come back together

and let us know how strong we are.

We get stronger by the moment.

We get closer by the day.

And the reason I did not need
to write anything

is because I will be able
to tell you right now how I feel,

and that's not something I can write down.

I fell in love with your beautiful soul
in an opportunity where I didn't get

to see your absolutely
incredibly stunning shell.

[Chelsea chuckles]

[Kwame] I just cannot believe
that I'm fortunate enough

to stand across from somebody

who is as captivating as you.

[officiant] The two
of you chose to get engaged

and spend the rest of your lives together
based on a deep emotional connection.

You fell in love with each other
based on who you are on the inside

and decided to get married sight unseen.

Now is the time to decide
if love is blind.

Do you, Chelsea, take Kwame
to be your lawfully wedded husband?

Do you promise to support him
in sickness and in health,

in joy and in sorrow,
in good times and in bad?

Do you promise
to love him without distraction

and comfort him in times of distress?

To grow with him in mind and spirit?

To always be open and honest with him?

To cherish him
for as long as you both shall live?

I do.


[dramatic music playing]

[officiant] Do you, Kwame, take Chelsea
to be your lawfully wedded wife?

[dramatic music playing]

[Micah] Today is so important
because it could be,

like, the very first day of the rest
of Paul and I's life together.

You guys like?


We're more in love than ever.
We're happier than ever.

You know, when you love someone,
it doesn't mean it's going to work out.

[Paul] Today will be one
of the biggest decisions

I've ever made in my life.

I do love her. I do.

That is what matters.

If I ended up losing her,
I would not be okay with it.

I'm vacillating between
that deep peace and then like… [shouts]


[Bliss] I really, really,
really, really love Zack,

but it's a lot of pressure.

[Zack] I don't wanna be in a marriage
where your parents hate me.

Romeo and Juliet didn't work for a reason.

[Brett] This is the most important day
of my life.

I don't ever wanna be a person
that makes a decision like this,

then comes back and be like,

"Actually, sorry, babe.
It didn't work out."

-Now if Brett says no…
-[gasps] No, stop.

I would be devastated.

-[pop music playing]
-♪ Come save me… ♪[/i]

All I've ever wanted for me

was to find somebody that loves me
for what's on the inside.

[officiant] Now is the time to decide
if love is blind.

Will you have this woman to be your wife?

♪ Come save me now… ♪

Will you have this man to be your husband?


[Brett] This should be a day
of no surprises.

This should not happen.


[dramatic music playing]