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04x10 - Thank You, Next

Posted: 04/18/24 17:38
by bunniefuu
-["I Got a Secret" playing]
-♪ I got a secret ♪[/i]

♪ How can you tell? ♪

♪ I'll keep the secret… ♪

[Josh] The other day, I walked in.

Saw you.

I should have told you how I felt.


I haven't talked to Josh
since Chelsea's party.

That was the first time
seeing him physically,

and I was immediately attracted to Josh.

Seeing you-- First, I didn't even see you.

-I heard your voice.

And your voice is so distinctive.

Like, I'd gotten so used to it
that I instantly knew it was you,

'cause I went back to the pods,
and all the hairs on my body stood up.

My nipple got hard. "Ooh, that's Josh."

-What? What?
-[both laughing]

And I was like-- I was like--
I was like, "That's Josh."

And then, like, you came up to me.
We had, you know…

-Thought you were gonna pop off on me.

Especially when you came in,
you looked, like, upset and then--

Oh, I was livid when I walked in.
I was ready to whoop ass more.

-I was, like, smiling. You were like…

You're a strong woman.
You could be cussing me out.

You could have been like,
"Get out of my face."


-But I knew what I had to say.

And… I was nervous.

Everything had been, like,
weighing on me since the pods.

I'm losing a girl that I wanna be with,
and I don't know how to say that.

I was always taught, like,
through competing, through wrestling,

you never show your emotions.

I'm terrible with my emotion.

And I always was like,
"My actions speak louder than words."

[Josh] Same. Yeah, I'm the same way.

But I like that about you.
I like a lot of things about you.

It's important that you know how I feel,
if you did wanna be with me.

I do love you.

And I-- I wanna be together.


I wanna know where your head's at.

Yeah, so…

Marshall is too sensitive
for me, basically.

That was the first time
I ever had somebody, like, love me,

and, like, show me,

and really, like, translate that to me.
I never had that before.

I wanted to keep that.

And when I had told him to, you know,
be more aggressive and boss up,

he left for, like, three days.

He did the opposite.

He did, like--
He, like, just got up and left.

And I was like,
"I stayed and then… you leave."

You shouldn't have said yes to Marshall.

-How do you think Marshall would feel?
-I don't care.

Does he know
that you and I are talking at all?

I robbed myself from jump.

That's my biggest regret.

[Josh] Mm-hmm.

[Jackelina] I chose wrong.

["Rescue Me" playing]

You see yourself marrying me?

I could.

But the legal marriage part,
it's scary to me.

If you want marriage anytime soon,
I can't give that to you.

But I'm willing to be with you
and see where things go.

And I'm willing to, you know, just try.

♪ Of what is waiting for us… ♪

[Josh] Yeah, let's do it.

♪ It's a brave world… ♪

I love it.

♪ We're facing this together ♪

♪ Now it's our turn ♪

♪ To make it what we want ♪


♪ I'll be the one to rescue you ♪

♪ You'll be the one to rescue me ♪

♪ Oh! ♪

[Ryan] So, what happened?

[Marshall] So, I hear
that she has not showed up to her--

She didn't show up to her dress fitting.

-Wow. f*ck that. I mean, if she--
-Right. That's trash.

Sorry, bro.

It got real for her, and she's running.

-["Go Wrong" playing]
-♪ Wish I could bend time ♪[/i]

♪ Get back tomorrow… ♪

I do love her.

♪ Where did I go wrong? ♪

I couldn't even get the decency
of a text message.

If she wants to talk, cool.

I'm done talking.

♪ Where did I go wrong? ♪

Hello! Hello!


Did you guys think I would miss
your wedding dress shopping day?

Oh, my goodness!

-What's up?
-[Kwame] Hey!

-[man] Let's go!

-[Nick] Look at you guys.
-[men laughing]

-How's everybody feeling?

-[Nick] You good?
-[Kwame] Fantastic.

[Nick] All right. Welcome. Welcome.

So, everyone tell me who you brought. Hi.

-[woman] Hi.
-So, I am here with my best friend Lesley.

-Hi, Lesley.
-And my beautiful mother Ella.

-Hi. Hi!
-[Vanessa] Hi, Mom!

How y'all feeling right now?

-[Vanessa] Good.

Oh, yes.

I trust her judgment.

Hi, Micah. How are ya?

Paul and I balance each other out
really well.

-He had a backpack. I had five suitcases.

-Does he have say in your wedding dress?
-[chuckles] No.


[laughs] How are you dealing
with this, Mom?

-Oh, I'm happy now.

She was very shocked at first.

-[Vanessa] I can imagine.

You remember the moment
when you were like,

"Okay, I'm okay with this"?

Was it meeting her fiancé?

-Oh, it wasn't meeting him.
-[all laughing]


-[Vanessa] That's not the moment. Okay.

After I, you know, told her, like,
"Hey, like, this is real."

"Like, I am in love," she was like, "Oh."

She's like, "Really?" And she goes,
"Okay, like, let's do it."

'Cause it was so weird,
but yeah, I'm very excited now.

-I love this. Who did you bring?
-[Bliss] My beautiful mom Kit.

-[Katherine] Hi there.
-[Vanessa] Hi, Mom.

She's my angel.

-She's everything I am, I owe to her.
-[woman] Aww.

Truly. And this is my beautiful
baby sister and bridesmaid Tatiana.

[Vanessa] You guys are all tearing up.

Can I ask what's making you
so emotional right now, Mom?

[Katherine] She followed her heart,
and she's grown.

And I've just seen such a beautiful human
just transform right in front of my eyes.

Zack, start.
Who'd you bring with you today?

-This is my little sister Alexa. Yeah?

[Nick] Kwame, you brought
a familiar face with you today.

[laughs] I did.
I brought my good man Jack with me.

[Nick] Obviously,
you're in a unique position.

Did you ever date Chelsea in the pods?
Did you guys have any interaction?

-Couple of dates with Chelsea, yeah.

When they got engaged…
They're both loud personalities.

I was like,
"This is gonna go one of two ways."

And, uh, selfishly, I want it to be "yes"
and "yes," so he moves to Seattle, but…

-Just want the best for him.
-[Nick] All right, fellas.

Your wedding day
is just over one week away.

In one week, you're gonna have to decide

if you're gonna say "I do" to the man
that you got engaged to sight unseen.

Or will you walk away… forever?

In that moment, you'll have to decide.

Is love blind?

I really, really, really hope
that you prove that it is.

And have the best, best time.

-Nice to meet you.
-Yes. Thank you.

-All right, let's do this.
-Let's do it!


Hey, it's a big day for all of us.

We're gonna be seeing our brides
at their most beautiful.

Today, we get to figure out
how we're gonna look

when we're standing there
at our most handsome. Let's go, baby.



-I'm, like, lace, jewels…
-[Bliss] Lace.

-Jewels, sparkle.
-Like, sparkle.

Big wedding day. I'm sure you have
a lot of ideas of what you're looking for.

-Simplest terms, clean, minimal, modern.
-Got it.

[Brett] Color-wise,
I would love something white.


Kind of, like, just elegant,
royal colors I really like.

-Got you.
-But angelic.

-I feel it, bro.
-Angelic, I like that.

-Straight from the heavens.
-I like that royal-- [laughs]

-To my wife's arms.
-Oh, man.

[Brett] I like fine detail.

-So, like, this. I just love this.

Slight detail that you start to see
when you're up close.

It'll be definitely defined to you.

Get a nice fit in your chest,
shoulders, back and biceps.

That's what I'm talking about. I'm trying
to walk over here like Superman.

-I'm trying to look like…

[Tiffany] Brett loves detailing
in his shirts.

-[Ella] Mm-hmm.
-[Tiffany] He's a designer.

So I wanted to get a dress
that had a lot of detailing in it.

That journey to find the right person
at 36 years old,

I mean, it was a long time coming.

But today just solidifies
that I'm right where I need to be.

Brett Brown's future wife.

-[pop music playing]
-♪ I wanna feel your heartbeat ♪[/i]

♪ Running wild… ♪


-Oh, my goodness!

-Look at the glam.

[Micah laughs] You look like a princess.
Oh, my God.

[Lesley] It's gorgeous.

It's like this total Hollywood glam.

Like, it's perfect. Oh, my gosh,
you're just, like, a shining light.

-[Chelsea] I know.
-You look like this sexy, like, goddess.

This is your first wedding dress.

[all laugh]

-Tiffany, you look great.

[Lesley] And it's fitted
just like you wanted.

-[Tiffany laughs] Yeah, I feel glamorous.

I've never thought
you were gonna walk down the aisle.


I was giving up hope.

[all laughing]

[Ella] For you to do this…

[Tiffany sighs]

-You knew it had to be the right person.
-I knew it had to be the right person.

I was never about just, like,
wanting to be somebody's wife,

and the ring,
and this big elaborate wedding.

I was always like,
"I hope I find my soulmate."

And, um, I think with Brett,
I feel like I've found that.

He's just so, like, supportive.

And he thinks I'm beautiful,
no matter what.

So, I think seeing me in this dress, uh--

-[Ella] He may start crying.
-[Tiffany] He probably will start crying.

[chuckles] It's perfect for you.
Brett's gonna pass out. 100%.

-[Ella] There you go.

-["Love Me the Right Way" playing]
-♪ It's real love, 'cause we have enough ♪[/i]

You look them in the eyes
and you love this girl?

Easily. That's an easy call. Easy call.

I loved her before I saw her.

I've loved Micah since the pods.
Like, I really have.

And the reasons why I love her are a lot.

Ranging from, like, the way
that we connected in the pods

to things that don't have
anything to do with our connection.

Just my pure appreciation
of the way that she is in herself

and that includes differences, you know.

All I need to make the decision
is my feelings,

because love begins where logic ends.

You've always been a hopeless romantic
since I've known you,

but you get in your own way.

Yeah, I can definitely get in my own way,
whenever I'm too heady, too cerebral.

And, um, yeah, she has a way
of, like, bringing me down to Earth.

She gets me out of my head
and into my body.

-I feel like I'm here. And I feel like--
-So, she makes you feel present.

Yeah. Whereas, I feel normally,
I'm just like in my head,

in my thoughts, just, like, lost.


[Paul] That's a really,
really attractive trait to me.

So, you'd probably say she's
the first girl to get you out of your head

and into your heart.


♪ I'm ready to… ♪



-[woman] Wow!
-[Micah laughing]

I really like it.
I don't know if it's my style.

I feel like if it was, like, simple,
without, like, this…

It's kind of giving, like, 2000 prom.


I've met Paul, and he's a really nice guy,
and I don't think he would hurt her.

But I don't know
that she is gonna say yes or no.

Especially with her, you know,
things can change on a whim.

But I think at this point,
it's gonna be a gut decision for her.

As unsure as I am about all of this,

I just want her to be sure,
because this is the rest of your life.

And she seems pretty sure as of now.

-[Patrisha] Aw, you look so pretty.
-[both laugh]

-Oh, you're so sweet.

-Love you. [kisses]
-[Micah] I love you too.

I feel like we… we weren't sure

if we were gonna have this moment
at certain points in our lives.

That's true.

And I feel like the fact
that we get to do it together,

and we're both healthy and here,
like, it's a big deal.

Yeah, it is a big deal.

I didn't think I would be here. [laughs]

-That's true.

-You made it.
-[both laugh]

-I love you. [kisses]
-[Micah] I love you too.

-Don't cry.

[voice breaks] I'm happy
you can be here with me.

[Patrisha] I know.

-Look how healthy I am.

-[Patrisha] See?

-God worked it out.
-You made it, sister.

[Micah and Patrisha laughing]

[Chelsea] Oh, my God.

[Micah laughs, sniffles] Uh…


I know it's hard
to understand, like, what's happening.

I feel I don't understand
what's happening,

so it's like the fact that you're able
to just trust me and be here means a lot.

-Of course I trust you.

-I know.

I wish your daddy was here right now.

I know. I feel like…

I feel like he'll be really excited
to see me on the wedding day.

-Yeah, he will. I'm so happy for you.
-[Micah] Thank you.

I am.

-You're gonna be a beautiful bride.
-Mom. [laughs]

-Gonna try on another one.
-[Patrisha] Okay.

-Hopefully, it's a big hit.
-[women laughing]

[laughing] I need to find
a "say yes to my guy at the altar" dress.

So, it's gonna have to be good.

Oh, my gosh!

[women chattering]

-I love that!

[women cheering, applauding]


[Bliss] Wait, let's see the back.

[women gasping]

[Patrisha] So pretty.

It's perfect. It's perfect.

-[women cheering]
-[Micah] I love.

-I literally love it.
-[Shelby] Wow!

Oh, it's so pretty on you.
You look beautiful.

It's, like, exactly what I pictured.

Elegant. Like, timeless.

It fits your body perfectly.
It's exactly the look you were going for.

I'm, like, burning up. Like, I feel like…

[laughs] I don't know. I feel
officially like I'm getting married.

-[Katherine] Oh.
-What the hell?

-[Bliss] Wait, what are we doing?

-I'm such a wife.

No need to try anything else on.
I'm good. [laughs]

-[all cheering]

-[woman] Wow.


[women continue laughing]

-It's so crazy, right?
-[Jack] Yeah.

That, like, my wedding day is in a week.

Us taking that step forward
and deciding with each other,

"We're gonna get married."

"And I'm going to instantaneously
change all my lifestyle to fit yours…"

That's not an easy decision.

It almost feels like her life gets easier
in this next step, and mine doesn't.

And now I pick up more responsibilities.

Moving to a new city.
Making new friends. Being in a new place.

When it comes to a marriage,
we're merging two lives.

But in this sense of merge…

of, like, merging, I am taking--

You're the one that's
having to make the sacrifice.

I'm taking every sacrifice.
She's not making a single one.

What's more important?
Somebody that fits your lifestyle,

or somebody that fits more
from a personality compatibility?

-In a perfect world, you get both.
-[Jack] Yeah.

Chelsea and me, personality-wise
are pretty on par.

The same things make us happy.

I love her. You know, she embodies

just this, like, incredibly
strong presence, both inside and out.

She's very smart. She's very driven.
She loves what she does.

Chelsea, like, sometimes
I'm just in awe of who she is.

-[Jack] Yeah.
-You know?

I'm like, "Damn, that's… that's my lady."

[Jack] Have you thought about
if one of you says no?

[Kwame] If one of us does say no,

that's a very, very,
very, very scary step back.


That's a scary question, isn't it?


-["Forever in You" playing]
-♪ Don't stop looking at me like that ♪[/i]

♪ I'm all in
Right when I saw you, I knew… ♪[/i]

Oh, God, I'm nervous. [chuckles]

-Oh, my God.
-[women cheering]

[Chelsea] Stop!

-Chelsea, you look gorgeous.
-[woman shouts]

[Chelsea] It feels like me.

It has the sparkle, the lace,

the beading.

Kwame and I are extra.

And we get to be that together
for the rest of our life.

And I love that for me.

-And I love that for him.

Just so you know,
I got pink pumps under this.

-[Bliss] Oh. Pop those a little for us.
-[woman] Whoo-hoo!

This is me,
and he loves me for me, so it's us.

[women applaud, laugh]

[Chelsea] Oh!

Oh, my gosh.

-[Chelsea] Are you laughing or crying?
-[Dimitria] I'm crying!



I can just see myself
walking down… [sniffling]

…the aisle to my husband in this dress.

And he… likes to talk.

-But will probably be speechless.
-[all laughing]

I could not be more happy for you two.

[Chelsea gasps]

-[Dimitria] You look phenomenal.
-Thanks for being here and trusting me.

And believing in me and… [sniffles]

…believing in us.

-[Dimitria] I'm so beyond excited.

And I can't wait to stand there
and watch you marry him.


Thank you.

-[Dimitria] I think it'll be beautiful.
-I love you.

-[women cheering]


So, I told my fiancée that she gets
to pick everything, and I'm okay with it.

So, I think she said periwinkle,
ivory and lavender.

I like the idea of the purple
or the periwinkle or whatever goes.

-Well, maybe.


[Zack] She's asked me that
a thousand times.

She's like, "Are you nervous?"
And I'm like, "Well, I am now."

-Is she nervous?
-[Zack] She's nervous.

-[Alexa] Yeah?
-Yeah, for sure.

But is it nervous,
like, wedding nervousness?

-Or is it like you have doubts at all?
-It's a huge… It's a huge decision.

And, like, all of the things that could
go wrong. You know, what if we're wrong?

You know, what if we're just
too caught up in the moment?

We don't know, 'cause we're clearly
pretty caught up in the moment.

Yeah. Do you feel like
you really know her?

I do. I know who she is as a person.

Do you feel like
your guys's lives work together?

Mm-hmm. Yeah.

Everything happens for a reason.

Yeah. I'm done guessing
what the reason is for things.


[pop music playing]

♪ I just wanna be your light… ♪


[Chelsea] Oh, my God!

[Micah] That is so cute.

-[woman shouts]

You look like an angel.

[sniffles] I just remember holding you
as a little baby in my arms.

And I'm so happy that I named you Bliss,

because you are every bit
of joy and bliss and loveliness.

And just a light in my life.

[sniffles] I'm so happy for you.

I adore you. [chuckles]

Thanks, Mommy.

[Chelsea] So gorgeous.

-This is totally it. [laughs]
-[women gasp, laugh]

I love the sleeves.

-[Katherine] That's it.

-That's the dress.

That's it. I love it.

[Bliss] It's, like, so me,
with all the flowers.

I love it.

-Zack is gonna lose his mind.
-Oh, my goodness, yes.

-He's gonna jump right into song.

Girl, that is it.

-[Tiffany] You're gorgeous.

[Chelsea] Oh-ho-ho! You look so happy.

[Bliss] Oh, it's okay, Mom.

-I love you so much.
-[Bliss] I love you too.

It's not easy to always follow your heart.
Especially with my-- I'm so logical.

[laughs] And me being in a wedding dress
right now, after everything,

is not necessarily the most logical thing.

But it feels so right.

-You're very brave.

-[Micah] You inspire us.
-[Katherine] Yes.

♪ Don't stop dreaming… ♪

Just beautiful. I love it so much.

-It's really perfect.
-[Katherine] Yes, it is.

The most perfect ever.

Thanks, Mommy.


Guys, I can't believe
we're getting married.


♪ Don't stop dreaming ♪

[door closes]

-[Jackelina] Hello.

How are you?

[clears throat] Not good.

-I need answers.
-[Jackelina] Hmm.

Why did you accept my proposal?

[Jackelina] In the pods,

uh, what I felt for you was real.

That was… so real to me.

It's just the outside world
got to us, and--

Got to us or got to you?

I'm emotionally drained.

I tried as much as I can
to answer your questions,

but I wasn't sufficing.

And I think my fed-up moment was
coming back home

after Chelsea's party,
and you still was pressin' on me.

I'm like, "Bro, like,
I'm just trying to go to bed."

"I gotta go to work tomorrow."

I get that you need
your feelings validated. I get that.

But when I say,
"Look, I'm just trying to go to bed."

"We can talk about this tomorrow."
We can talk about that tomorrow.

I can't give you what you want.

I have never…

asked anything of you.


[Jackelina] You need a lot of security.

[Marshall] I have done nothing
but right by you.

And for you to sit here
and say that I require a lot.

I'm emotional, yes.

Have I encouraged conversation? Yeah.

Have I let things go to the wayside
and blow in the wind,

blow over because
you didn't wanna talk about them? Yes.

Everything has always been on your terms.


I liked you.

I'm like, look, just give me something.

Give me that feeling that everyone says,
"You know when you know."

And I didn't have that feeling,

and I tried every time
to have that feeling.

Marshall, I… can't love you.

Because I'm attracted to Josh.

I just saw Josh.

And there is some chemistry.

So what was the talk about?

It was him
basically confessing his feelings.

What are you saying to me right now?

I don't wanna be with you anymore, and…

You wanna be with Josh?

I will find that out.


Okay, Jackie.

That is… very hurtful.

I'm just telling you, Marshall,
that I just can't be with you.

I can't.

I would like the ring back.
I don't think that you deserve it.

Because you should never have accepted

my proposal.

Hmm. Well, I'm gonna keep the ring

because… I accepted it

because I wanted to marry you.

Everything I told you in that pod

was real.

And you know what? I-- I don't even care.

You can-- you can keep the ring.

Every time you look at that thing,
whatever you do with it,

I want you to be reminded
that you passed up on something great.


[somber instrumental music plays]


Well, take it easy and…

I'll see you around.

Maybe. Maybe not.

-No. You won't.
-[Jackelina chuckles] Okay.


I came into this experiment
wanting marriage.

That's what this thing is about.

I came in day one,
following my heart and my gut.

Leading with exactly who I am.

Presenting myself as myself,
complete and ready for love.

Ready to give myself to someone.

I chose wrong.

Jackie, the woman that presented herself
to me in the pods,

that's the Jackie that I love.

This Jackie, the deflecting,
the gaslighting, the deceitful Jackie,

I don't know who that is,
and, apparently, that's the real Jackie.

I wish her nothing but the best.

And if that's with Josh, do your thing.

Good luck.

'Cause when everything is wrong ♪[/i]

♪ Run a little farther… ♪

I'm sorry that I can't be with him.

I'm-- I'm not even sorry.

I'm not even sorry
that I can't be with Marshall.

I can't.

I can't walk down the aisle with this man.

I don't even know
if I'm gonna be with Josh.

I don't. I don't know if I'm gonna be
with anybody. Damn, I'm crazy.

I need to probably do some self-work.

-[pop music playing]
-♪ Hey, boy, a girl like me ♪[/i]

♪ Can feel lonely time to time ♪

-[Chelsea] Hello.

-Hey. I'm Andy.
-[Chelsea] Hi. Chelsea.

-Hi. Nice to meet you.
-Hey. Kwame. Nice to meet you.

Nice to meet you too. How are you guys?

Good, good, good.

Great! Welcome.
Welcome to our little photo studio.

This is our engagement photo sh**t.

-Oh, really? Okay, fantastic. Engagement.

As a little girl, I always pictured

doing a photo sh**t
with my fiancé, with my husband.

Um, and now it's coming to, uh, fruition.

-Yeah. Okay.
-[Chelsea] So, I'm really excited.

They're definitely gonna be,
you know, on the sexy side.

Oh, okay.

I envision, like, bed sh*ts,
window sh*ts, couch sh*ts.

-Um, definitely, like, boudoir vibes.
-[Kwame] Yeah.

Ideally, we can start off just…
in what we have on.

-[Andy] Casual?
-Real casual.

And then work our way into it.

I know it's gonna take a little time
to build the, uh…

-The comfort in front of the camera.
-Yeah, yeah.

-[Kwame] Yeah.

[laughs] Really? So, yes,
we have two matching underwear sets…

[Andy] Okay.

[Chelsea] …that we'll be putting on.

Whatever feels comfortable for all of us.

I think, you know, we can come out
with some good results.

-[Andy] Okay, good.

I don't know. It's just been, like,
a weird fantasy for me my whole life.


I don't think I told a lot of people
about this too, 'cause it's kind of weird.

-Good idea?
-Great idea.

I've always wanted somebody, you know,
confident and willing to do this with me.

I wanted to show him off, and I want him
to be proud to show me off.

And I feel really, like,
at peace and happy

being here with the person that I know
I wanna spend the rest of my life with.

Okay, so, you guys relax.
Find a comfortable spot.

♪ Ooh-ooh-ooh… ♪


-[camera shutter clicks]

Okay, let me move a bit.

[camera shutter clicks]

This is looking great, guys. Hold on.

I can't compare our connection
and our love

and, like,
the adoration that I have for him

as my fiancé

to anything I've ever experienced
ever in my whole life.

♪ Gotta pump the magic potion… ♪

[Andy] Turn towards the window
a little bit with your hips.

-There you go.
-[camera shutter clicking]

♪ You got me focused on the moment ♪

♪ On the moment… ♪

Kwame, perhaps you can have your head
into… your forehead resting on her chest.

That's it. Just to get set there.

[Kwame] I love Chelsea so much.

There are moments that are tough
that we, like… [exhales]

…we have dispute or disagreement.

But the good has outweighed
the bad substantially.

Yeah, you look at him.
'Cause you the cute one, you know.

This is it. That's it. Right in there.

[Kwame] Every couple has their lows,
you know.

But regardless of our lows,
our highs are just crazy high.

Like, you know,
I can't have enough of her.

I'm at home, and I'm waiting for her
to come back from work.

I'm waking up, and I'm ready to see her.
Give her a kiss, give her goodbye.

Whatever it is, you know.

-Wow. What a day.
-Thanks for doing this with me today.

It's funny because you said,
like, your goal was to find

somebody, a husband,
who would do this with you.

-You know what I mean?
-[Chelsea] Mm-hmm.

And, like…

we have our wedding in less than a week.

It's a pretty big day.

And that makes this mean so much more,

considering this is a vision
you've had for your entire life.

Doing this together is… [sniffles]

…a dream come true.

Having our wedding four days away

with the rest of our lives
to look forward to

is also a dream come true.

You're hella cute. [laughs]

How can this be real?
How can this beautiful, perfect man…

be mine?

[Kwame chuckles]

Forever. [sighs]

Seriously, the luckiest girl on Earth,
you know.

[laughing] Baby.

-That's how I feel.

Thank you, baby.
I think we've built something incredible.

I've never met somebody in my life
that I wanted to be with more… than you.

I love you.

I love you too.

Regardless of how much we both
wanna get up there and say yes,

this is a really big step.

I know.

And I just catch myself
in moments just thinking a lot.

And making sure I'm prepared for that.

A couple of things that I need to make
sure that we iron out and line up are

my next conversation with my mom.

Because we're just…

-Days away.
-Yeah, we're days away.


What do you think will be the outcome
of that conversation?

I honestly don't know. [chuckles]

If I'm being honest with you,

if I was to say I think my mom would
show up to our wedding, I'd be lying.

So, I don't know where that's gonna go.

My parents used to have
a lot of control over my dating life.

Like, an astonishing amount.

Um, in a sense that I didn't really date
until I went to college.

And then at that point, I never really
introduced any girlfriends to my parents.

Partnering Christianity with, like,
a very, very deep West African focus,

it made for a lot of strict upbringing,
to put it simply.

In my culture and religion, it's against
our grain to have sex before marriage.

My mom, she could still believe
that I'm still a virgin…

[chuckles] …um, to be fair.

You know, so it's been something
that has been held over me for a while.

But all in all, um,

now I would say I have control
of what I do, who I date,

who I see, and I think I'm old enough
to make those decisions now.

But when it comes to this decision,
this is one decision where I do think,

um, it'd be nice to have
all the support of my family,

um, because she does
become part of my family.

All I can hope is that at least

she'll send her positive regards
and blessings from wherever she is.

And that's the most important thing to me.

Yeah. You don't gotta be there.
You just gotta…

You gotta let me know
from afar that you care.

Yeah. Of course.

So, I'm gonna give her a ring.

-We'll see how it goes, and, um…
-[clears throat]

You know, I'm there to support you,
no matter what she says.


Do you think you're, like, truly,
like, deeply, do you think you're ready?

I think I love you a lot.


I think I love you with all my heart.

There are some things that come up
in my mind that make me…

have to take an extra second to think.

Will you say yes to me,

if it's right for you,

without your mom's approval?

-["Europa" by JT Ruff playing]
-♪ I can't feel a thing ♪[/i]

♪ When I come close to you ♪

♪ Close to you…[/i]

It would be the biggest…

letdown of the century

to put what we've built to waste
and throw it away.

♪ I feel hopeless when I lose your love ♪

♪ Loser, loser, loser ♪

♪ I can't withdraw
From this addictive drug ♪

♪ Withdraw from this drug ♪

♪ Oh! ♪

♪ You make me feel ♪

♪ You inject my bloodstream ♪

[Tiffany sighs]

[hesitates] I'd be lying if I say
I'm not stressed right now.

Because it is countdown time.

The wedding is days away.

We have so many details to iron out.


It is… It is a lot. I feel like
I'm not thinking straight anymore.

I'm just-- I can't keep my days straight.




This right now is challenging.

It's go, go, go, go, go.

"Relax and think clearly."

This is what I need.

I just want everything to go perfect.

It's a lot.


-Oh. Hey, baby.

-May I join you?

-Or can I replace you on the couch?

-[exhales deeply]
-How are you?

[groans] I'm not good.


[breathes deeply]

I'm trying not to cry.

How come?

[clicks tongue] Uh…

It's the stress of everything.

It's, like, getting to me. [sniffles]



[Brett sighs]

[Tiffany exhales, sniffles]

I just need to calm down. [sniffles]

I just feel so
all over the place right now. [sniffles]

Just with my mom being in town
and trying to plan everything.

Oh, I gotta make sure, like,

the bridesmaids have everything
for their dresses, and…

It's just all

too much.


Well, what you're feeling and everything,
I mean, considering

everything that we have going on,
it's understandable.

So, it's okay to feel how you feel

and to feel stressed
and to feel overwhelmed.

It's driving me crazy,

and it's letting
little things fall through the cracks.

-And I'm really…

trying to… just have my shit together

since I got back to work,
and I can't even get ahead.

[sighs] And it stresses me out even more.

It's just all

too much for me right now.

It's almost like I--
I don't-- I don't want a wedding.

["Upside of Down" by SVRCINA playing]

♪ I was up till the break of dawn ♪

♪ Trying to pick myself off the ground ♪

♪ Wanna get back the time I lost ♪

♪ And turn this around ♪

-♪ There's a bright side in the storm ♪

♪ But my head's in the clouds ♪

♪ Trying to find what I'm looking for ♪

♪ Where's the upside of down? ♪

♪ Upside of down ♪

-[Micah] Well, hello.
-Hey, folks, welcome.

-Thank you.

We thought it'd be cool to,
like, make our wedding bands.


These rings are super representative to us
and if we're putting our own, like, effort

and creativity into making something
for each other.

-Look at you. So cute.
-Yeah. I mean--

I can't wait for you to see them.
Let's get started.

-["Do It with Love" playing]
-♪ In the morning sun ♪[/i]

♪ We all should be like one ♪

♪ Our barriers undone…[/i]


[Micah] The wedding is in a few days,

and the fact
that we're making our own rings

just makes it that much more special.

♪ So when the time comes ♪

♪ For me to stand up ♪

♪ I'll do it with love ♪

[Micah] These rings are one of a kind.

They're sentimental.

So, I think that it's gonna be
the perfect rings for our wedding day.

[Paul] Look at how delicate these are.

We're, like, layering
of, like, different types of steel.

I feel like it's kind of like a marriage.

You know, it's like
different people coming together.

-And kind of creating one thing.

It's like, we're forging a… love.

[Micah] So romance.

[Paul] Wow, that was corny.


-["Like a Kaleidoscope" playing]
-♪ Don't wanna wait for the perfect time ♪[/i]

♪ To go swinging around ♪

♪ Like a kaleidoscope ♪

♪ Swing 'round, swing 'round ♪

♪ Like a kaleidoscope ♪

The last time I talked to my mom,
things didn't go the way I wanted it to.

So, I just want her to say,
"Hey, I'm willing to hear you out."

[line ringing]

This is the week of my wedding.
I just wanna have a conversation with her.

You know, tell her where I'm coming from.

[line ringing]

[automated voice]
Please leave your message.[/i]

[Kwame exhales]

[line ringing]

-[man] [/i]Hey, yo, what's up, man?
-What's good, J? How are you?[/i]

Good, good, bro.

Have you talked to Mom
in the last couple of weeks?

Yeah, but not about the wedding and stuff.

[Kwame] I texted her, and I said,
"Hey, just let me know when you're free."

I've called her as well.
She didn't pick up.

It's hard to change Mom's feelings about
something once she makes up her mind.

She can't make
this decision like that for you.

You gotta do right by you.


-["Worth the Fight" by 5 Alarm playing]
-♪ But I'm caught in this undertow ♪[/i]

♪ Whatever it takes ♪

♪ Whatever it takes ♪

♪ Hold on to the fire that's deep inside ♪

♪ Hold on, yeah ♪

♪ Be strong
'Cause it's gonna be worth the fight…[/i]

[birds squawking]

[Tiffany groans]

So, you said you've never been
on a small plane before, right?

[Tiffany] Nothing like this. Ooh!

I'd be lying if I say
I'm not a little nervous.

[both laugh]

[Brett] It's been pretty difficult seeing,
you know, Tiffany kind of overwhelmed.

I definitely don't like to see her cry.

I don't like to see her
being really emotional.

[Tiffany] Here we go.

[Brett] I just really hope that,
come the wedding day,

she doesn't let those external things,
uh, get in the way of our relationship.

I want her to know that I'm really serious

about, you know, this commitment
that we're about to make to each other.

[engine sputters]

["All We Need" by Foreign Signals playing]


-[pilot] Here we go.
-[Tiffany] Okay.

[Brett] Ready for it.

♪ Trees and grass ♪

♪ Run the overpass
We'll run the overpass ♪

♪ And I want, and I want you ♪

♪ Any time of day ♪

♪ Any kind of way ♪

♪ And I need, and I need you
There's nothing I can say… ♪[/i]

[Tiffany] You're too sweet.
Thank you. Thank you. Thank you.

[Brett] You're welcome.
Thank you for being you.

[Tiffany] I'm always gonna try.

[Brett] I want her
to know how much I love her.

I am in love. I am in love with Tiffany.

♪ Your love on my weekend ♪

♪ Is all I need ♪

♪ Her love on my weekend ♪

♪ Brings me to my knees ♪

♪ And they'll say that we're crazy ♪

♪ Let 'em talk
Let 'em talk all about it… ♪

[Brett] I have a little something for you.

Turn around. Turn around. Turn around.
Turn around. Keep your eyes closed.

-Your eyes closed?


-Keep your eyes closed.
-It's closed. It's closed. I promise.

-[pop music playing]
-♪ Pretend this is our own little island ♪[/i]

Okay, you can…



Oh, my God!

-[Brett] Come and look. Come and look.

[Tiffany] These are beautiful.

[laughing] Oh, my God.

This is really sweet.

Brett took those photographs.

He captured, like, those special moments,

and so I think that's why it had me
a little emotional.


'Cause he sees things in me
that sometimes I don't see in myself.

[sniffles] I'm sorry.


Ugh! [sighs]

I love you.

Thank you.

-Shall we?

-Cheers to us.
-To us.

I've mentioned this to you before,
but I've just been… [clears throat]

…surprised at myself,

um, of, like, how…

how ready I am to marry you.

And it's kind of like a…

It, like, messes with my head sometimes,
'cause it's like…

How did I go from being single to,
like, saying, like, "Yeah, you know what?"

"Tiffany, yeah, she the one.
I can marry her."

And to do that, and to not feel,
like, doubt or second-guessing.

And to totally feel that
I'm making the right decision.


And that I've met the person
that I wanna call my wife.

I know.

[clicks tongue]

-So, you got me, Tiffany Pennywell.
-Oh, ho-ho!

You said my whole name.

Oh, man.
You see these goose bumps? [laughs]

-Did you really get goose bumps?
-I did.

-Did you?
-I did.

[tsks] They gone now.

[both laugh]

[Tiffany] Yeah, um…

I didn't mean to make you speechless.
We don't wanna sit here in silence.

Babe, I know. I-- I just…
I loved everything that you said.

I think you're an amazing man.

And, um, I never wanted to,
like, pressure you into anything.

Even if it's marriage.
Like, I want you to be sure.

So, hearing those words come out,
saying like, "You know what?"

"I know without a doubt.
You were the one."

Like, that makes me feel good.

There's no other person who I think…
Well, no, not that I think.

I know there's no other person
I would have fallen for.

So, like, I don't have any doubt.

And if you did,
I would want you to be honest with me.

So, I think you've been seeing me cry

a little bit more
than I typically cry in a whole year.

And that is because the stress
is kind of getting to me.

Explaining to my family, like,
"Hey, yeah, I fell in love with this man,

and he's amazing.
And no, you haven't met him yet."

And the pressure

of making sure they see what I see in you.

But I do appreciate
this experiment brought us together,

when we wouldn't have found each other
in the real world. We wouldn't have.

I need to lean in more on that.

And be grateful for that.

I just--
I really appreciated you this weekend.

You have no idea.

Well, I'm here for you.

You were so cool and collected.


Ooh, I wanna be like you, baby.
I really do.

I really do.

You know what? I'm stressed out
about the wedding, but, man,

that just means I'm one day closer
to marrying my person.

-["Alive" by Tina Parol playing]
-♪ By your kiss, your vibe ♪[/i]

♪ Your touch, your smile ♪

♪ You make me feel
Like I can do anything ♪

♪ Yeah, you make me feel alive! ♪

♪ You make me feel alive ♪

♪ When you're by my side ♪

♪ You make me feel alive! ♪

♪ You make me feel alive ♪

♪ When you're by my side ♪

How are you feeling about meeting my dad
and my stepmom?

Good. Yeah.

-Are you nervous?
-A little bit.

Yeah, it's okay.

-It's normal to be nervous.

My dad will be nice. It's fine.


-He's not gonna be mean to you.
-[both laugh]

My dad hasn't really cared
for a lot of my boyfriends in the past.

Just because maybe he didn't think
they were, like, where they should be

in their lives to be with me,
or they weren't a certain way,

or they weren't, in his eyes,
up to standard of what I should be with.

[doorbell rings]

I'll be right back.

This is my little brother Zyhe.
This is Zack.

-[Zack] Hi, Zyhe.

-[Zack] I'm Zack.

-[Zack] The two Zs.
-Nice to meet you.

[Bliss] This is Zia.

-Hi, Zia. Zack.
-[Zia] Hi. Nice to meet you.

-And this is my dad Shah.
-Nice to meet you, Zack.

-Hi, Shah. It's good to meet you.
-You too.

-And my stepmom Yaenid.

-Nice to meet you.
-You too.

Well, welcome to our home.

[Bliss] Yeah, do you guys wanna sit down?

[Shah clears throat]

[Shah] So, you're from Seattle?

[Zack] No, I'm kind of a nomad.
I grew up moving everywhere.

I was born over in Moses Lake, Washington.

I remember Moses.
I grew up in the Tri-Cities.

-That's where my dad lives.
-[Shah] All right.

I don't know if you ever fish, but…

[chuckles] I'm not very skilled
at fishing, unfortunately.

But I'm always open
to learning new things.

-Learning new skills. Yeah.
-[Shah] Yeah.

Do you golf?

-No, not good at golfing either.

[Shah chuckles]

Sports is not it.



All right.


So, how long you been practicing law?

[Zack] This is going into my sixth year.

[Shah] Sixth year, huh? All righty.

[Zack] Really what I specialize in
is litigation.

Anything that involves going in front
of a jury and trial, that's my specialty.

All right.

One of the things, like,
that I see is that

the criminal justice system
is too over-expansive.

It's costing more
than the benefit to society.

So, I'll give you an example.

You know what driving
with license suspended third degree is?

[Shah] Mm-hmm.

It is the number one crime
in the state of Washington.

You're stopping people
from actually going and working.

It's just not practical, uh,
to take their driver's license away.

Too many things
get put into the criminal code

that should be civil infractions.

Anyways, that's my rant.

Interesting. All right.

I don't really have
an opinion about that, honestly.

-[Zack] I'm a bit of a talker.
-[Shah] Yeah.

So, where do you guys plan on staying
once you're married?

Yeah. That's a good question.

[laughs] We have to figure it out.

-When did you say your lease was? August?
-[Bliss] Uh, yeah.

So we'd have at least till August
to figure it out, and then…

I think, probably in December,

we'd probably start
looking at trying to find a home.

-Pretty odd. Not gonna lie.
-What I would tell you is that we…

We both recognize
that what we're doing is crazy.

I think what you might not know
is, like, in the pods--

[Bliss] Know what we mean
when we say "pods?"

[Shah] Actually, I know what a pod is.

[Zack] With Bliss,

she started to talk to me
about all of the books she loves to read,

and we had these
incredibly deep conversations.

I mean, the stuff that we talk about,
ranging from--

It's probably super boring.

Neurobiology to the origins
of the human species

and, you know, her dream to one day be
on the moon when she's 60 years old.


I'll tell you, the thing that I love
the most about Bliss

is not her intelligence or her beauty.
It's her character.

It makes it so easy to sacrifice for you
and to do things for you,

because I know that you would do
the exact same thing.

I just feel like you genuinely love me.

It just feels like we're a team.

Mm-hmm. You sure about Zack?

For now. [chuckles]

-[Shah groans]
-[Bliss] Yeah, I-- I am.

We connect very deeply.

I've never experienced
anything quite like that before.

Um, I'm not, like, saying that
there's not challenges

or that there won't be challenges.
I'm not dumb.

-[Shah] There's gonna be challenges.
-I know that.

You've known each other how long now?

[exhales] I'd say around 20 days
at this point.

Oh, God.
Only thing I can say is good luck.

[laughing] I'm not trying to be mean,
but good luck.

[Bliss] No, I mean, I get that this is,
like, not a normal situation.

I already tried with your sister,
and you know how that ended up.

"Tried with my sister." What do you mean?

Her older sister got married
to a guy that worked for me.

Well, I fired him.

[laughing] Then they left Arizona
and got married.

Oh, boy. [sighs]

You know, you do have to let intelligence

actually play a factor in decision-making,

so let's hope you guys
are making the right choice.

[Zack sighs] I agree. I think that--

I mean, 20 days is just insanity.

So, I don't know. [sighs]

I know you're happy,
but don't fool yourself, you know.

People take marriage lightly,
we all know that, nowadays.

People get married. They get divorced.
Get married, get divorced.

[Bliss] We both are--
Let me just say this really quick, Dad.

Okay, so I'm gonna lose my train
of thought, but go ahead.

[Bliss] Okay, go ahead.

-I already lost it. Go ahead.
-[Bliss] Finish. I'm sorry.

But we talked about marriage.

And, like, obviously,
you and Mom are divorced,

and that impacted me very heavily.

[Shah] It did.

And I know that divorce
is a very serious thing.

And it's something that I don't ever
wanna participate in any capacity.

-At all. No even a little bit.
-[Shah] Okay.

Well, you're putting yourself out there
in that category. Just so you know.

-And I understand that it seems that way.
-No, it is [/i]that way.

-Okay. Thanks. Fine. But I'm saying--
-It is that way. Don't fool yourself.

I'm taking this very seriously, Dad.

Like, I'm taking this extremely seriously.

[Shah] What do your parents
think about this?

[Zack sighs] Well, my mother's passed
away, so she doesn't have any thoughts.

If she was here, I think she'd be for it.

She was always the type that'd
tell me to follow my dreams and

disregard… everything else.

-I want the best for you.
-[Bliss] No, I know, Dad.

[Shah] I don't want you
to be hurt in any way, so…

We wanna make sure
that you guys know what you're doing.

Well, and the truth is,
you don't know enough about me.

-[Shah] I don't know anything about you.
-[Yaenid] No.

[Bliss] There are aspects of Zack that
you don't understand that are highly--

-Well, I don't know him.
-I know, so let me say this.

That are highly important
to understanding who he is,

and his character,
and what he's gone through in his life.

Like, it was very similar
to your childhood in a lot of ways.

And so, that should speak volumes to you.

Like, as adults,
we get to make our own decisions and it--

That's a fact.

It means I want you to be able
to express yourself about this,

and, like, I understand it's crazy.

I think you both know where I'm at, so…

[Zack exhales]

-I'm gonna go to the bathroom.
-[Bliss] Okay.

-This is your choice. You know?
-[Bliss] I know. Mm-hmm.

Like, you should hopefully see
that I'm serious in this.

Clearly, I love him.

-You can tell that I love him.
-All right.

-You can't tell that I love him?
-All right. Whatever.

I would not have a ring on my finger
if I didn't love him.

-[Yaenid] Okay.
-I wouldn't. Am I dumb?

-No, I'm not dumb.
-I didn't say you're dumb.

Okay, well, I'm not going to get married
just to get married.

That's what you're doing.

Do I think that he's
the right person for her?

I don't know.

I mean, how can you know in 20 days?
That's crazy.

Maybe Zack is the type of person
that she's interested in.

He's a talker for sure, and he's a lawyer.

At least, I think he's a lawyer, right?

[laughing] You've checked his background.
So, you know what he is, right?

He's obviously an intelligent man.
I mean, you can't go to school

and become a lawyer
without being somewhat intelligent.

That doesn't mean success.

Maybe he's ambitious, but…

I don't think he'll be able
to match her whatsoever.

-You're an educated woman.
-Exactly. So you have to trust me.

And you're 32,
so you get to make your own decisions.

Thankfully. Yes.

-But it's not something I would ever do.
-[Bliss] Okay, Dad.

I don't expect you to understand.

-Good, 'cause I probably don't, so…
-[Bliss] And that's okay.

Okay. Thank you for sharing that.

["I Won't Give Up" playing]

♪ I need you ♪

♪ And I won't give up ♪

♪ And I won't give up ♪

-♪ I won't give up ♪
-♪ I won't give up ♪

-♪ I won't give up ♪
-♪ I won't give up ♪

-♪ I won't give up ♪
-♪ I won't give up ♪

♪ I won't give up ♪

♪ I need you ♪

♪ And I won't give up ♪

♪ And I won't give up ♪

♪ Hey! Oh… ♪

♪ I need you ♪