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05x07 - Defective Detective

Posted: 04/18/24 12:44
by bunniefuu
♪ Every day's a new day
To find my way again ♪

♪ Rise and shine, a new job
Comin' back home again ♪

♪ I've been lost in outer space
Swimming through an ocean ♪

♪ Every day's a new day ♪

♪ If you get the pieces
And do it all over ♪

[Desiree] Good morning, beautiful people!

Yikes. These guys woke up
on the wrong side of the bed!

Or in Isaac's case,
the wrong bed altogether!

Very f*cking awkward.

[Courtney] Last night, Isaac did
what Isaac does best,

jumped ship, and moved over
to the next one.

He did it with me,
now he's doing it with Yazmin.

I think you're honestly perfect for me.

You're my type. Perfect match.

I see chemistry with us.

I'm staying quiet. I'm not saying a thing.

I'm gonna act like nothing happened.

Yazmin, how do you feel?

I don't really know how to feel,
if I'm being honest.

I just kind of, like,
wanna get through the day.

Just take it one step at a time.

-That's literally all you can do.

I don't understand how you could be
so into me, and then hop into bed

with another girl right next to me.

So at this point, I'm over it.
It's done. It's over.


Isaac, you can't just jump into bed
and say, "I'm sleeping with Hannah,"

and then jump out. That's wrong.

-You could have explained it a bit more.
-Thank you.

We didn't do anything crazy, loose cannon.

We didn't break a bunch of rules.

But in reality,
I've been through the same thing.

No one really gave a f*ck
when it happened to me.

I definitely get why Yazmin is upset,

but I just feel like me and Isaac
do have a really strong connection.

We did it in the cleanest way we could,

so I don't feel bad for her.

[Desiree] Okay! Isaac, I imagine
you've got a lot to get off your chest.


Um, I'm... I'm doing all right.

[Desiree] Or not.

-[laughing] What?
-[Christine exclaims]

[Christine] Wow.

Talk to her!

You don't literally communicate
something with someone

the moment before you jump ship.

Be a f*cking real man.

-[Yazmin] Thank you. Thank you.
-Talk to her!

You hurt people by blindsiding them.

You don't hurt people
by being open and transparent.

That's facts.

I personally didn't feel
like I was leading anyone on,

so I didn't think it was
gonna be this dramatic.


And it's awkward again.


[Lana] Good morning.

[all] Good morning, Lana.

[Lana] Isaac and Hannah, it is up to you

to prove that your relationship
is more than just skin deep.

Oh, God.

[Lana] But, it is encouraging to see
Louis and Christine,

and Alex and Elys continuing to develop
and grow as couples.

Keep focused as new tests
are on the horizon.

-Oh, come on! This is...


[all] Thanks, Lana!

♪ We're not going home ♪

♪ We're not going home ♪

♪ These lonely nights go by like... ♪

[Dre] Everybody's trying
to make connections!

Maybe I shouldn't focus on being
Detective Dre in this retreat

and find an emotional connection
with somebody.

You know? Just get that chance.

How you feel about this morning?
That was awkward.

I do really feel bad for Yaz.

You could see that
she didn't know what to say.

At least it wasn't us in the hot seat.

I miss them days!

[Christine] I'm really happy with Louis.

I do see a lot of growth in him
and things are going very well.

I wake up next to you, like, it's hard.

No, it is hard.

-No, it is hard.
-I know it's hard.

Especially when I know
what you're capable of as well.

[Christine] But he started off
being a player.

And I'm scared that he's going
to bring the old Louis out.

I just hope that
he's fully committed in me.

No one's cuddled me like you do.


-Wow! So I'm number one cuddler?
-Number one cuddler!

Wow, out of three girls!

Chill! Chill!

[Hannah] I'm really happy that
me and Isaac are finally together,

but I'm just hoping and praying

that he doesn't
jump ship with someone else.

When you first came here,

you definitely struggled
to kind of, like, open up

and now you're getting
so much better at it.


That means that you feel
quite comfortable around me?

Yeah, I mean,
I do burp around you for nine seconds.

I opened up with Alex last night,
which is great.

But at the same time, it is very scary,

and now he's talking
like we're gonna get married.

In my head, I'm freaking out
because I usually run for the next willy.

This has been quite intense,

but I really feel like we're going
to end up doing something after this.


[Desiree] So, let me get this straight.

Elys is worried to commit.

Christine doesn't know
if Louis can commit.

And after stealing him away from his
second female companion at the retreat,

Hannah has concerns
about Isaac's commitment.

The good news is I'm betting Lana
is fully committed to finding a solution.

Am I right?

[Lana] Yes, Desiree.

Commitment and trust is vital
for relationships to thrive long-term.

Therefore, it's time to apply
some pressure to see which couples

are robust enough to go the distance.

[Desiree] Pressure makes diamonds.

But it also makes pipes burst,
so this should be interesting.

I hope nobody's broken any rules.

Every time we come to this cabana,
someone's broken a rule. I kid you not.


[Lana] Hello, everyone.

-[all] Hi, Lana.
-[Hannah] Hello!

Today, we will find out
if the existing couples

have what it takes
to thrive in the outside world.

[Alex] Me and Elys are really close.

The connection is really strong,

and I'm certain
it's the most genuine connection here.

We've got good news coming.

[Desiree] Wishful thinking, Goldilocks.

I want to see how your relationships
cope when put under pressure.

Being able to survive adversity

will indicate that you have
what it takes to last.

Here we go.

[Lana] Buckle under it and perhaps
you are not as good a fit as you think.

Don't freak out.

What is going on?

[Lana] I'm about to initiate my test...

I've never been good at tests at school
or in general,

so of course I'm nervous.

...with the help...

of two...

new arrivals.

-[all gasping]
-[scattered groaning]

[Hunter] All right.

Oh, now this just got interesting.

Whoever they are, they're gonna be sexy.

[Desiree] I mean, duh. That's like saying
Isaac likes to bed-hop.

I had a dream about this!

We have new arrivals.
Hannah, you should be really worried.

You know Isaac goes after all the girls.

[Lana] The first new arrival is...


[all] Linzy!

All right!

[dramatic music playing]

[Dre] Bring 'em in!

Bring 'em in! Dre ready!

[Desiree] Looks like Detective Dre
is looking for a bae!

[Lana] The second new arrival is...


-[Hunter] Bryce.

It's a granddad name, isn't it? Bryce?

[Desiree] Well, I wouldn't mind
bumping walkers with this guy.

I'm not threatened by this granddad.
He won't be better looking than me.

[Lana] Two of you will be going on
private dates with the new arrivals.

[all exclaiming]

-[Isaac] Oh, man!
-[Hunter] Oh, wow.

This is not good.

I've been keeping you horn dogs
under control! I deserve to let loose.

My heart is literally
jumping out my chest.

[Lana] They have selected the guests
they are most attracted to

from a choice of those...

in relationships.

Come on, bro. Disappointed.

Oh, boy!

[Christine] Please not Louis.
I'm not up for playing games right now.

We've had enough tests.

[Lana] Linzy has chosen
to go on a date with...

[laughing] Don't pick Isaac!
I'll be so mad!

Ooh, Linzy, as long as you don't
choose Alex, we'll be good friends.

I really hope I don't get chosen.
I could be bad. Very bad.


[Courtney] What?

-[Yazmin exclaiming]


f*ck. I did not see this coming.

Have I not been tested enough?

[Louis] Oh, shit.

If she's sexy,

big bum...

I'm scared.

[Christine] I am actually very annoyed

that Linzy would pick Louis. It sucks.

Oh, man. I feel really bad
for Christine right now.

This does not look good.

[Lana] Bryce has chosen
to go on a date with...

I'm worried that Hannah's
gonna get picked.

Bryce better not step on my toes.

[Alex] I hope it's not Elys.

Please, please, please!

Please don't be Christine.
We've got a little relationship now.


I'm lost for words, literally.

I just never thought it was gonna be me.

Usually, once I get close to someone,

I run to the next big, exciting thing.

Hearing Elys' name...
[hesitating]'s scary.

If she goes for this new guy, Bryce,
I'll be absolutely heartbroken.

[Lana] Louis and Elys, please now leave
the cabana and get ready.

The dates will take place
nearby on the beach.

-Put on your ugliest outfit.

-I said put on your ugliest outfit.
-I gotcha.

See you later.


[Christine] Seeing Louis walk away
to go on the date with Linzy

is making me so sick.

[Louis] Oh, for f*ck's sake, man!

[Megan] How do you feel, Christine?

I'm a bit nervous. So, yeah, we'll see.

Me and Louis are really working
on our emotional connection.

But I have trust issues,
so, yes, I'm worried.

It's not easy, you know.
Put in a bit of a weird situation.

I'm really hoping
that I can trust Elys today.

I mean, it's clear that I like her.

And it would be a disaster
if she does like this guy.

So I guess there's a little part of me
that's worried.

[Elys chuckling]

-[Elys] Oh, Louis!
-It would be us, wouldn't it?

Of course it's us.
How do you feel about it?

I just wish it wasn't me.

[Elys] It is the unknown.

It's exciting just because we haven't seen
any new faces for a long time.

[Louis] Yeah.

Imagine we both come back,

look at each other like,
"Did you f*ck up?"

What would you do
if you just connected with her

and she was so hot?

No. No, no, I can't.

I really hope that she's not 5'3,"

big booty, big boobs, 'cause
that'll put me in some f*cking situation.

[Desiree] It's almost like Lana's done
her homework, Louis.

Or should that be conework?

[Desiree] Linzy knows
Too Hot to Handle,

so she'll be on her best behavior.

Yeah, right.

I go through men
like an all-you-can-eat buffet.

I do what I want, I get what I want.

My best asset, my titties.

Louis looks like a proper bad boy.

He has juicy, thick lips
I just wanna kiss.

I am not going to be sticking
to Lana's rules at all.

And the moment I meet Louis,
it's game over. Sorry, Lana.

-♪ Everybody wants you ♪
-♪ I want you ♪

♪ Duh ♪

[Louis] Don't want
the old Louis to come out,

because the old Louis,

his flirty personality
would just mess it up.

This is literally
what I've done my whole life,

like, jump ships all the time.

Like, mess around. I'm young.
We model, we travel.


This is gonna be a huge test for me.

Let's hope he isn't tall,
muscly, Australian.

[Desiree] It'd be real bad news
if he was all of those.

Uh, it's not looking good.

He's a dead ringer
for Channing Tatum, too.

Elys looks really sexy. Like the blonde.

She is a ten out of ten, for sure.

I'm getting British vibes from her.

I definitely do well
with the international girls.

[upbeat music playing]

More often than not, I'm the most
good-looking dude in the room.

My success rate with girls?
I would say it's 100%.

I have got a bit of a bad boy reputation
and I'm here to cause chaos.

If I want something, I'll get it.

Watch out, because I'm ready
to break rules.

♪ Gotta break down today ♪

-[Elys] Yeah?

-[mockingly] "Ooh."

I fancy you in that.
That's a f*cking sick outfit.

[Elys] I'm not good at tests

and Lana is sending me
on the ultimate test.

[Lana] Today's test is not only
for Louis and Elys,

but also for Christine and Alex.

[Dre] Oh!

-[Hannah] Oh, my God!
-[Alex] Oh, shit.

What now, Lana?

What the hell is going on?

[Lana] It is time to find out
if your partner

is committed to stay faithful to you
under all circumstances.

Alex and Christine,
the dates will last 90 minutes.

During this time,
you will have the opportunity

to observe your partner's date

for a limited amount of time.

-[Hannah] Oh, my God!

[Christine] Mmm.

[Lana] Soon after,
I will provide each of you

with information about your love rival.

Finally, you will each have a decision
to make,

trust your partner
and allow the date to continue,

or swap your partner out
for another member of the retreat.

-Oh! Oh!
-[Dre] Oh!

It's about to go down.

[Christine] Oh, my gosh.

I can choose somebody else.


[Lana] If you are able
to trust your partner,

and they stay loyal,

then you can move forward
knowing that what you have is real,

and can potentially last.

However, if you do not trust your partner
or they stray,

at least you can make a decision
about what to do next,

knowing the truth about the strength
of your current relationship.

Alex, how are you feeling after all that?

Um, yeah, really, I don't know.

[Alex] My last relationship,
it didn't end very well.

There was no trust whatsoever.

And I think that kind of hurt me.

I'm scared of that happening with Elys.

This is a massive test. Can I trust her?

-Do I look good?
-Ten out of ten.

-You look great.
-Thank you. Let's do this.

Let's go, team.

[Christine] I do trust Louis,

but I never let my guard down.

Every single time a guy
in my life gets tested, he fails.

So, hopefully,
Louis doesn't fail this test.

[Lana] Alex and Christine,
the dates are about to begin.

Will your partners stay committed to you?

Or will they stray with their new admirer?

[upbeat music playing]

[Elys] I obviously really like Alex,

but I'm battling having a great time
with Alex,

and freaking out that we're heading
towards a relationship.

I hope I can be a good girl.

-How ya goin'?

-Bryce. Nice to meet you!

-How ya goin'?
-Good, thanks. How are you?

Good! This is a bit amazing.

[Elys] Oh, my God.

This guy put in front of me
is literally Australian,

and looks like Channing Tatum.

I mean, Bryce is very sexy.

So, where are you from?
Where's the accent?

Uh, I'm half English, half Swiss.

-I'm guessing you're Australian?
-I'm Australian.

-So you're with someone?

We haven't put a label on it,
but I'm seeing someone.

I'm gonna have to step on toes anyway.

Honestly, you gotta go for gold.


It is a bit of a downer, but I mean,
I'm not gonna give up.

[Bryce] Elys is very attractive,
especially in-person, now I've met her.

I love it. [chuckles]

I know there is a man in the way,

so I'm gonna have to turn on
that Aussie charm.

Every girl I've ever dated
has been a blonde blue-eyed girl.

So I had to choose you.

You're stunning.

Aw. That's nice, I'm flattered.

You are genuinely stunning, so like,
I don't think I can let that slide.

[Elys] I feel like a teenager.
I'm enjoying this.

I can't. I don't know
how this is gonna unfold, to be honest.

Oh, shit.

♪ Take back my love ♪

[upbeat music playing]

The old Louis would have wanted this date

but right now, I just don't.

I'm gonna use this time to prove
to Christine how much I like her.

I just really hope Linzy doesn't have
massive boobs. They're my weakness.

[Desiree] Okay, let's see
if Louis has anything to...

Oh, damn! Sorry, Louis. It's game over.

Hello, hello.

-[Linzy] Hi! How are you?
-I'm good, thank you.

Nice to meet you.

What's your name? Linzy?

-I'm Louis.

-Nice to meet... You smell nice!
-Thank you, thank you.

Oh, f*ck me. I'm just gonna close my eyes
and talk to her like this.

So, um, what's your type?

Well, I like them tall, tattoos,

nice smile, nice body.

Basically, you.

[Linzy] Louis is very sexy.

He is so good-looking.

You're here to stir the pot.

-No, I'm not.
-[Louis] You are!

[Louis] Linzy is definitely flirting,

but I really wanna tell her
about Christine.

[Desiree] Wow!
Have we got ourselves a Newie Louis?

So, basically, um, in the retreat,

I've actually met someone who I connect
with, a girl called Christine.

So, yeah.


I think what he's telling me
is that he wants to be good.

I need to clarify some things here.

Well, are you actually coupled up
or is it just...

Either way, I know what I want
and I always get what I want.

-Yeah. What do you want right now?

[Louis] Old Louis was definitely
trying to come out.

It might be a problem
because he starts flirting

and always manages to fluff things
that are good.

And to top it off, I literally can't stop
staring at her boobs.

[Desiree] You and me both!

♪ Soon all these walls are falling ♪

♪ I'm hearing freedom coming ♪


[Lana] Alex and Christine,

fifteen minutes have passed
since the dates began.

-Here we go.

[Hunter] Oh, man.


[Lana] You can now,
from a respectable distance... your partner's date
for a short period of time.

-Oh, shit.
-[Megan] Why, Lana?

I feel like I'm feeling a bit anxious.

Baby girl has trust issues.

Despite the fact
that it's so hard for me right now,

I'm going to try to trust Louis.

Watch carefully, as soon,
you'll have a big decision to make.

If you're confident in Elys,
no reason to switch her.

I'm confident.

[Alex] Me and Elys
have something special right now,

but if Bryce is funny,
with better and bigger muscles than me,

I reckon I could be in trouble.

You know what?
He's like you, but with short hair.

-You can't see him from here.
-Oh, I can. Got my contact lenses in.

I think it's a really good idea
that I be there for Alex.

One, because I wanna see how fit
the new guy is.

And two, because I wanna wind Alex up.

I can see Louis on this date with Linzy,
and it's literally freaking me out.

And for all I know, she could be his type.

-What could he possibly be saying to her?
-I don't know.

I don't like seeing this. I don't.

She's eating it up right now.

This is a nightmare.

I don't wanna see any more of this.

How do you feel?

Yeah, obviously, she's with someone else.
It's not ideal. You know?

I guess we haven't had the chat yet
that we're exclusive or whatever.


[Alex] Good-looking chap, nice tan,
but I haven't even seen Elys laugh once.

I am feeling confident.

You a surfer?

-I'm not a surfer.
-You're not?

When you come to Gold Coast,
don't expect me to show you how to surf.

"When I come to Gold Coast"?

-When you come to Gold Coast, yeah.

You're confident, I like it.

I mean, he's inviting me to Australia,
and I really wanna go and do it.

♪ Yeah, I'm a man on the edge
Don't wanna push me ♪

I think I'm getting distracted.

♪ Hallelujah ♪

[Louis] Oh, my God. Jesus.

-It's my best asset.
-Oh, I can't stop looking now.

I'm so sorry, but they're just amazing,
and I can't stop f*cking looking at 'em!

Louis just keeps getting lost right here.

I think I know what to do to get him.

Wanna touch 'em?



Linzy, you're not helping me out here.

I'm struggling.


[Louis] It's the boobs.

[Desiree] Well, this is going tits up.

And I've got a feeling
Lana is gonna keep stirring the pot.

[Lana chimes]

Alex and Christine,

forty-five minutes of the dates
have elapsed.


I have some information I'd like to share
with you about Bryce and Linzy.

-Of course you do, Lana.
-Spill the beans. Come on.

Linzy describes her best assets
as her breasts.

[Christine] My gosh.

-A, B, C or Ds?

-I mean, look at me, I have no boobs.
-[men speaking indistinctly]

[Christine] I am worried about her boobs.
What if Louis likes them?

[Desiree] Oh, dear.
Can I just go with "no comment"?

This is so stressful right now.

You know, he young. Young and dumb.
He the youngest one in the retreat.

He could do something very irrational.

I'm using this situation to my advantage.

Take his ass out of that date and send me!

[Lana] Alex, Bryce is an Aussie
who looks like Channing Tatum.

He is known to have tons of friends
who all say he has a banging personality.

[both exclaiming]

I've always wanted to see what the talent
was like down under.

Oh... [laughs]

Alex looks so concerned right now,
and I think he's got every right to be.

[clears throat]

[Alex] Bryce is like me,
but he's from Australia.

Loads of mates, a big personality.

I'm just feeling the pressure.

So I'm assuming that you're probably
hot property in here then?

-Would you say that?
-[chuckles] Yeah, I'd say that.

You're stunning, so I can see
why every guy's going for you.

-I can understand that.
-Thank you.

[Bryce] Elys is giving me
green-flag vibes,

and I think she's starting to fall
for my charms.

It's just Lana keeps kind of testing me.

Dangling an Australian Channing Tatum
in front of me,

she knows exactly what she's doing!

Oh, my God. There's a lot
of sexual chemistry between us.

I keep forgetting about Alex.

They are something.
Do you have them pierced?

-Just one side.
-Oh, that's so sexy!

[chuckling] So, do you wanna touch them?

[Louis] Old Louis, chill! Relax!

I'm trying my hardest to stop him,

but he just wants to come out.

[Desiree] No, Old Louis!
Back in your box, Old Louis!

Oh, f*ck.

[clicks tongue, sighs]

Uh, yes.

-[Linzy chuckles]
-Yes, I do.

-They are something.
-So what do you think?

Perfect proportion. You know, the weight,
the size, the circumference. Everything.


I'm struggling. Linzy's boobs have got me
feeling proper horny right now.

I may not be able to control myself.

This could be a dangerous situation.



-[Lana] Alex and Christine...
-Oh, shit.

It's now time to make your big decision.


[both] Oh!

I feel like she's gonna do something,
like, wild.

[Lana] If you trust Louis and Elys,

then their dates
will continue uninterrupted.

However, if you do not trust them,

you can choose another member
of the retreat

to take their place on the date.

Will you stick or twist?
You have two minutes to decide.

[all exclaiming]

-Oh, my God!

-Oh, shit!
-Switch her out for Meg.

[Megan] I really want this date.

I have been waiting
for the man of my dreams

to walk through the retreat door,
and so far, he hasn't.

I actually wanna see
if he will pass or fail this test.

So, if I pull him out,

-that's just me being insecure.

I have put all my trust in guys before,
and they've always disappointed me.

So she's trying to basically give you
the opportunity to...

-Cock-block it.

[Dre] The more I make Christine nervous,

the more chance
she gonna send me on that date!

[Hunter] Yeah, that's the ultimate test.

I wouldn't do it. Don't do it.

So if I take him out,
I'm obviously failing the trust test.

That's tough.

[Christine groans]

I wanna trust Louis,
but he has blindsided Hannah before,

so, I mean...

Oh, shit.

-He was a good-looking guy.
-Thanks, appreciate it.

-I'm just being honest with you.

[Christine] Oh, my God.

Don't do it. Stay put.

Yeah, let me not fake
like I don't got trust issues.

Yeah. Lana, I know what I need to do.

I'd like to send Dre
in Louis' place, please.

[Lana] Dre, please get ready,
and replace Louis on the date.

Bring me my man back.

Come on! Yeah!


That's me!

-Dre going on a date.
-[Christine] All right!

[Dre laughing]

[Courtney] Good luck!

[Lana] Christine, by choosing to swap
Louis out from his date,

you have shown
that you do not fully trust him.

That was literally so tough for me.

I feel so bad for pulling Louis out
that date, and not trusting him.

I don't know what his reaction
is gonna be.

They always say, if you love someone,
you need to let them free.

I'm trying to just trust her.

There's probably a prize
if you keep her there in the date.

[dramatic music playing]


I trust Elys.

-Good choice.
-[Isaac] Good stuff.

-Good job, Alex.
-Love that.

Thanks, guys.

[Lana] Alex,
I commend you for trusting Elys

as trust is fundamental
to all healthy relationships.

I'm putting my faith in Elys
and praying that it's gonna pay off.

[Lana] However, the big question is,
were you right to? Time will tell.

[Desiree] Alex, I've got my fingers
crossed for you, buddy.

Do you find you have any crazy traits?

I'm definitely crazy. I love to have fun.

-We've already lost quite a bit of money.
-I mean, it's hard to follow rules.

All righty. Here we go.

-I wanna get my fair share of the fun.

[Bryce] There's no way
I'm gonna be able to obey Lana's rules.


Rules are meant to be broken, right?

-Oh, my gosh.

Even though it is breaking the rules,

I probably
do have to catch up slightly, hey.


I really wanna kiss him.

[Desiree] Oh, boy. It looks like
my crossed fingers didn't do the trick.

[Dre speaking indistinctly]

I'm looking good. Hold on.

Where the water spritzer? Oh, yeah.


Oh, that's the good stuff.
That's the good stuff.

[Desiree] Uh, Dre?
You really better get moving

because Linzy
is about to have Louis for lunch!

When they said a grenade's coming,
I did not expect such a big expl*si*n.

I'm just here to have fun.
You have to do what's best for you.

-You're not wrong.

-[Linzy chuckles]

I know Louis is wanting more right now.
I can feel it.

[Trey] Yes!

[all cheering]

[Courtney] I can smell you
from a mile away.

Linzy don't even know
what she just got herself into!

[all whooping]

[Linzy] I love the English accent.

You're gonna be a hit with a big, big cone
when you get in there.

You know, cones are not really my thing.

I just do my own thing.

-You do your own thing?

I like that energy. I, sort of, got...
Had the same energy.

-Maybe still got it deep down.

[Linzy] Louis was touching my boobs.

Next thing you know,
he'll be wanting to kiss me.

Please stop looking at me like that?

-I'm really trying!
-Like what?

I'm going to make a move to seal the deal.
I'm going to kiss him.

♪ I'm goin' in for the k*ll ♪

[Louis] Oh, shit. What?

What's up with y'all? How you doing?

[Desiree] Finally! Not hard to see
why Detective Dre hasn't made any arrests.

Dre, you could not have come
at a better time.

Christine requested to bring your ass
back to the villa.

I'm so excited to see Christine,

but I'm not,
because I took the flirting too far.

I've been called.

It's just the same old shit, innit?

-Nice meeting you!
-Lovely meeting you.

[Linzy] See you later.

[Linzy] I'm so annoyed right now.

Louis' girl, she does not trust him,
not one bit.

-[Dre] Thank you. I can take it.
-But I wouldn't trust him.

-Have a nice time!
-How you doing?

-Nice to meet you. Linzy!
-I'm Dre.

I am a little bit worried
to tell Christine how the date went,

even though I didn't do anything that bad.

[horn honking]

I mean, I did. I did do something bad.

How old are you?

-I'm 22. How old are you?
-Got you. I'm 21.

-You look beautiful.
-Thank you!

-Where are you from?
-I'm from LA.

You from LA?

I live in LA now,
but originally from Hawaii.

-Yeah... Oh, you a Hawaiian ting?

-Yeah. Little island girl!
-I got you. Got you.

[Dre] I'm looking at Linzy,
I'm like, "Damn!"

She is hot and ready.

But Detective Dre is on the job.

I'ma stay on the job.

So what's your type?

My type? Tall, at least six feet, tattoos.


I have no tattoos, but I got a sculpture
under here, I promise you.


I'll tell you right now,
I am one inch under six feet,

but if I put some shoes on, we good.
I'll be 6'0", 6'1".

Okay, so when guys tell me they're 6'0",

-I dock a couple inches, so I...

-Six feet is like 5'11", 5'10".

[Dre] See, Lana taught me one thing.

It gotta be about the emotional
and mental.

So in my mind,
it can't always be about physical.

Okay, I got a question.

Do you not feel like,

-typically when you are dating and shit...

...the physical takes over
the emotional every time?

And you see yourself
just living the same page

with every person you meet?

A little bit.

So when do you think that would change?

'Cause easy to get stuck that way
till you're 40 and still single.

I like to live at my own pace,

and I don't like to put, let's say,
like a time limit on something.

Okay, so I'm curious, how was
your conversation with Louis?

-How did that go?
-It went really well.

I really liked him as a person.
I feel like we get along really well.

I'm a little sad
that Louis got switched out.

There was so much
sexual chemistry with us.

Would you have preferred to keep him here?

Linzy is into Louis. Hey, I can fix that.
You feel what I'm saying?

We definitely got a lot in common,
so once I unload this mind on her,

she gonna like me for me.

♪ Tell me you're wondering ♪

I'm really nervous about
seeing Louis when he comes back.

He might be mad that I didn't trust him
and I pulled him away from that date

or he might have done something stupid
without thinking.

-I told you to wear an ugly outfit.

-I did!
-No, you didn't!

Did. I missed you.

I need to keep the fact

that I may have got a little flirty
with Linzy under the radar.

Christine can't find out what I've done.

-So how was it?
-It was good.

But I couldn't stop thinking
about you through the date.

You didn't kiss her?


-You didn't do heavy petting?

You didn't touch her leg
when you talked to her?

I mean, I touched her arm
to see her tattoos.

As long you didn't kiss her.

I did not kiss her, I promise you.

I'm smiling because my man is back

and he didn't do anything!

Louis has passed a really hard test today,

and I feel so bad for not trusting him.

-I have a confession.
-For sure.

I know what you've done.

And it was like a trust test. But...

You didn't trust me.

[groans softly]

I do trust you, but I have trust issues.

I mean, you should have trusted me.

I feel like maybe the longer we talk,
and the deeper our connection gets,

-then I'll trust you more.

No guy has ever put me first,

and Louis has proven
that I can trust again.

I do feel kind of bad
that I pulled him away from the date,

'cause obviously,
I could have trusted him all along.

I'm sorry I didn't trust you,

but I'm happy that you didn't do anything.

[Desiree] Why do I feel like
there is a ticking time b*mb

that is gonna explode very soon?

[Louis sighs]

Why are you just sighing?

I'm just happy to be back.

[groans softly]

I feel so guilty.

Christine is opening up
and now I definitely can't say anything.

I'm happy you're back.

-So, how many relationships you been in?

Yeah, I've never been in a relationship.
Have you?

I ain't never been
in a relationship either.

-Then that was...
-Why is that?

It has a lot to do
with my fear of missing out

'cause I always think
there's something better.

I'm not gonna lie,
you have beautiful eyes.

Thank you.

I see you're good at eye contact.

Lot of people are not big on eye contact.

-I always say that the eyes is the...

Window to the soul!

Dre is not my usual type,

but he gives off a very good energy.

He's bringing out a different side of me.
I could get into it.

You know what my friends call me?

-What's that?
-Absolute Menace.

Damn! So you the trouble maker.


Lana doesn't faze me.

-Oh, damn. Stir the pot!
-Stir it all up!

[Dre] We're having a good conversation.
Getting to know her.

We definitely connected
on some kind of level.

-I just wanna know off rip...

...would I be considered your type?

Usually, no.


But I've really enjoyed talking to you.

I feel like if we had more conversations,
I would be more open to that.

I could definitely see
that happening, for sure.

[Linzy] Yeah.

Look, Linzy having a good time.
I'm having a good time.

I definitely would like to see
the possibilities of where it could go.

♪ Someday I'mma meet
The love of my life ♪

[upbeat music playing]

♪ Right from the start ♪

♪ Heartbeats, backseats, under the stars ♪

Do you think Bruce would like this?

-[Courtney] "Bruce"?

You mean Bryce.

Oh, Megan.

If he's into classy, then, yes, ma'am.

Don't get ahead of yourself, Meg.

For all we know,
Elys may have been whisked away

by the Wizard of Aus... tralia.

We just have to wait and see.

[upbeat music playing]

That kind of tickles!

[Hannah giggling]

[Desiree] The guys
are very touchy-feely today.

Ain't that right, Louis?

[Louis] I'm very worried.

Linzy is a threat to everything
that I have with Christine.

I need to make sure
that they do not come in contact.

[tense music playing]

How will you feel if she has done
something on the date?

I'm not gonna even entertain
that thought right now


I'll cross that bridge, know what I mean?

[Alex] My head's a bit
all over the shop right now.

I'm taking a big risk trusting Elys today.

I really hope
that I've made the right decision.

But she's been with him all day.

Yeah, I know.

So you don't know, do you?
But I try not to think about it too much.

[Desiree] Strap in, Alex,

because your moment of truth
is heading straight for you.

[gasps] Oh, my gosh!

-[Megan] Hello.
-[Yazmin] Look who it is.

[clicks tongue]

[Alex] She's smiling.

Oh, no. This doesn't look good.

[Yazmin] Hi, guys!

-Megan, nice to meet you.
-Bryce. Nice to meet you.

-You both look great!
-[both] Thank you.

Alex and I were watching you
feed each other fruit,

-drinking wine.
-[Bryce] Yeah.

It was good.

And more importantly, how are you feeling?

I'm not gonna lie, we got on well.

It was a nice date. Nothing bad to say.

Good-looking guy.

I can see that Alex is definitely
stressed out, and I feel bad.

At the end of the day, that is my fault.

I mean, I've obviously chose her
for a reason.

And I definitely enjoyed the date,
think it went well.

I do wanna try and get to know her.

f*cking hell.
This isn't the best situation.

Bryce is a very good looking guy
and on a mission,

which is not ideal for anybody.

Alex is so worried right now.
This is so awkward.

I'm sure you guys
have a lot to talk about,

so, Bryce, you wanna come with us
and we will show you the retreat?

[Bryce] All right, I will!

Yeah, so Yaz?


-All righty.

But you can call me Megatron!

[Bryce chuckles]

[Desiree] So, can Megatron transform Bryce
into a Megan fan?

Will Christine find out about Louis'
infatuation with Linzy's boobs?

And more importantly,
is Alex about to get dumped?

It's really nice to have you back.

-[Alex] So, like...

Whilst you were on your date,
Lana gave me a test of trust.

What do you mean?

So I had the opportunity
to swap you with one of the girls.

And you chose not to?

-Yes. Yes.
-Because you trusted me?

I wanna feel confident,
but I'm really struggling here.

I really wanna know what happened.

How was the date? Like...


He did say that
he was gonna step on your toes.


-And that I was his first choice.

Oh, my God,
this really doesn't sound good.

[Elys] He's a nice guy,

but I didn't do anything.

No one was gonna change my mind

once I'm set on something, that's it.

Yes. I'm absolutely over the moon
right now.

No one was gonna be as funny as you, Alex.

-I missed you today.
-Tell me something I don't know.

Yeah, I missed you too.

I'm really happy to hear this.

It just shows how much she cares about me,

and I guess I can't stop blushing.

This is a big thing, that's what
relationships are built upon, is trust.


-Well, no...

[laughing] That slipped out!

I realize that we've got
something great going.

And I'm not ready to throw that away.

This is a big step for us.

Everything I've done I've failed at,

but not this time.

This test has made Alex and I
so much stronger,

and it feels good.

[both groaning]

I'm glad to have you back. Really.

-Whoa. Oh, f*ck.

[Desiree] Alex dug deep
and trusted Elys to stay true to him.

And even though Elys had a connection
with Bryce, she held firm for her man.

Something tells me
a green light is coming.

-[Desiree] Damn, I'm good at this.

[upbeat music playing]

♪ I just said, "Want you tonight ♪

♪ "With the rhythm inside your hips" ♪

-How do you think Dre's date's going?
-I think Dre k*lled it.

-Oh, yeah.
-[Hunter] I bet she loved Dre.

I wouldn't be surprised if he offered
to marry her yet.

[all laughing]

[Louis] Everyone's focusing on Dre,

but I'm thinking about what happened
with me and Linzy on the date.

Why did I touch her boobs? I'm worried.

[Hunter] Oh, who's this?

[all exclaiming]

You are so beautiful!
How are you? What's your name?

Linzy! Nice to meet you.

-Oh, wow!
-[Trey] All right.

So, Linzy and Dre, how was your date?

Man, it was good, man. We can't complain.

-[Courtney] Yeah?
-All right.

[Dre] We have a lot of similarities.

We're the same sign.
She's a Cancer. I'm a Cancer.

-[Courtney] Wow.


Love that.

I wanna hear from Linzy. How do you feel?

[Linzy] I felt like it went really well.

We got really deep, but I'm like,
"This is nice. It's different."

I am so happy
that Dre had an amazing time,

but I'm really curious
on knowing if Louis behaved.

Whose date did you prefer?

I felt like I had a deeper conversation
with Dre.


Oh, my God.

...more of a sexual connection with Louis.

Hold on, hold on,
hold on, hold on, hold on.

What's the tea, girl?

I had more fun with you.

All I've done so far is listen to Lana.

Now look where it got me.

But now I just gotta be strong
and sexual and flirty.

Where did the connection come from,
if you don't mind me asking?

Christine, if she finds out from Linzy

that something happened,
I could be in a whole load of shit.

Was it something he said or did?

What's going on here?
You guys are acting really suspicious.

Louis better not have done anything bad
'cause Christine is my girl.

It was just a lot of eye contact.

So he kind of led you on?

[Louis] What the f*ck?

I'm gonna have to keep Linzy
and Christine away from each other.

Maybe, Linzy, would you like
a tour of the house?

[gasps] Yes.

-How about you lot take her on a tour?
-[Dre] Let's do it.

-[Courtney] You wanna see?
-Yes! Let's go!

Let's go, let's go.

[Hunter] After you.

[Linzy] It's so gorgeous.

[Courtney] Yeah.

I would have wanted to hear
what she had to say next.

I've told you everything
that happened in the date.

I'm actually very curious
as to what Louis told her

for her to feel like
there was a sexual attraction

between the two of them.

Was it just flirting?
Or was it beyond flirting?

♪ Now is my moment ♪

♪ It's my turn to scream ♪

♪ Now I'm exploding ♪

♪ You can tell how I've been feeling... ♪

You've got me wrapped
around your finger, do you?

-Little finger!

[Louis] I don't know
where Dre and Linzy are right now.

I already know that Christine's
a bit suspicious.

The last thing that I want to happen
is for Linzy to walk in here

and tell Christine
everything that happened.

[Desiree] For once,
you might be in luck, Louis,

because it looks like Detective Dre
has taken Linzy on patrol.

I just hope he hasn't got a loaded w*apon.

-[Dre] Give you a tour of the bathroom.
-Let's go!



Wow. I wanna be in there.

-We can take one if you want to.
-[Linzy laughing]

All right. Buckle up.
Time to shake the room.

This is how I'ma get the girl.

I thought about all the positions
I could do behind this glass.

[Linzy] Oh!

[Linzy] On the date,
I felt like Dre was boring.

Now he's flirting with me so much,

he was giving me all the signs,
and he seems like a changed man.

Look, 'cause I'm not gonna lie,

-I'm a very, very, very sexual person.
-[Linzy] Yeah.

Feeling very hot and bothered right now.

You seem a little on the wild side.

I can be.

-You can be? How wild?

[tense music playing]

♪ It's time that you found out that
I'm gon' get my way, okay? ♪

Pretty wild.

[Dre] I ain't spent no money
since I've been in this retreat.

You done let the lion out of the cage.

"Break a rule" wild?

Might be open to it.

Open to it?

[Linzy] Dre is looking very fit right now.

We're getting hot and bothered.

I feel like I'm in trouble.

Better got on it.

♪ Sometimes good people do bad things ♪

[Desiree] I don't know which is worse.

Detective Dre breaking Lana's law,
Louis touching Linzy's boobs,

or the fact that I'm gonna have to wait
a whole week for the next episode?

♪ Sometimes good people do bad things ♪

I broke a rule.


[all laughing]

I am shocked.

When the f*ck did this happen?

She deserves to know the truth.

Oh, no. This is not good.

Louis has player written all over him.

Game over.

[Lana] Leaving my retreat is...

Right now? No freaking way!

[Isaac] Oh, God.

[Elys groaning]

[Lana chimes]
I am offering you, individually,

$25,000... leave the retreat tonight
without your partner.

Now my head really is scrambled.

[Lana] And the winner is...

[Linzy] That's a lot of money, honey.

[Hunter] Winner takes it all.
Who will it be?

This will literally change everything.

[theme music playing]