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05x06 - Making Kiss-tory

Posted: 04/18/24 12:44
by bunniefuu
[Desiree] Okay, Lana, we need answers.

Did Louis and Christine break the rules?

Are you about to kick them
out of the retreat?

Will the group win back $48,000?

So many questions.

Please be good news, Lana.

[intense music playing]

[Christine] I didn't know
we could be going home.

Please tell me this is a joke.


[Lana] I must tell the group that

Louis and Christine...

[Louis] Uh...

My heart is racing.



break any rules.

[all cheering]


Boom! No one can say nothing.

Christine, my girl, I am proud of you.

I am so proud of Louis and Christine.

I genuinely thought they were going home.

[both speaking indistinctly]

I'm not gonna sit here and say that
we didn't nearly do nothing.

-[Christine] Yeah, we almost folded.
-'Cause it came this close.

[Desiree] Mmm. How close are we talking?

[Lana] While Christine did try to lead
Louis astray...

You know we could do whatever we want?

We could have sex, I give you head.

[Lana] ...using every trick in her arsenal...

Oh, my God!

-[Christine] I want you.
-No. We can't.

...Louis remained steadfast
in his restraint.

She put me through it.

I'm so g*dd*mn proud of you.

I am pleased to announce
that you have both passed my test.

Therefore, the prize fund
has been reimbursed by $48,000,

and now stands at $146,000.

[all whooping]

[screams] Yes!

Wow, we got so much money.

So we got a bit more money in the pot

for a bit more spending with Elys and I.

[Lana] You may now leave.

[all cheering]

[Dre] Let's go!

[Desiree] I don't wanna call it
a modern-day miracle,

but Louis and Christine just went
from very thin ice to walking on water.

-So how tough was it?
-Literally the hardest.

I consistently had a boner.

I was feeling faint.

[Dre] Oh, bruh.

Do you feel like you really connected
with Louis even more?

[Christine] Definitely.

I do feel like it brought us
closer together.

-I don't know, It feels different.

[Yazmin] Listening to Christine,

I think if me and Isaac
follow Lana's rules,

we might actually get closer.

The amount of money
y'all just gave back to the pot,

-kudos to you, seriously.
-[Hannah] Yeah.

[Elys] Yeah.

[Desiree] See? With Lana it quite
literally pays to keep it in your pants.

It is very nice to have

all this money back, however...

[Desiree] No, Elys.

...I'd like to spend a bit of that

because I show my emotions
through physical touch

and it's getting harder and harder

to control myself.

[upbeat music playing]

♪ Why don't you like the flame?
I'm waiting, I'm waiting on you love ♪

I definitely always had
a little crush on Isaac,

but so far, I haven't really acted on it.

Oh, there she is.

Hello. What are you doing?

Fixing my hair.

[Hannah] So I'm going to make a move
on Isaac and see how he reacts.

[Desiree] Looks like Elys
isn't the only one feeling frisky.

Will you help me, actually?

Get my back?

Yeah, I got you.

-Don't be shy.

-All right.
-Don't be shy.

I don't know how far you want me...

-Oh, man. All right.
-Come on.

Anywhere you want.

All right.

For real?

Ooh, Hannah.

All right, I gotta get the lower back too.

This is not a bikini,
this is a piece of string.

[Hannah laughing] It's a piece of floss.

I like Yazmin,

but I'm starting to see Hannah
in a different light.

Oh, man.

It's left me a bit horny, for sure.

-I needed that. Yeah?
-Yeah. See ya.

Let me do my hair.

-Thank you for your services.

[Hannah] It's very clear
that Isaac is interested,

but, you know, me moving in on one guy

is gonna affect another girl,
and so this might get messy.

[Desiree] Oh, boy.
I sense drama on the horizon.

Breathe deeply, Desiree.

Listen to the birds tweeting,
the waves crashing, and the...

-[Alex] That's it.
-[Elys moans]

[Desiree] What the...


-[Desiree] Well, that's a relief.

Good. Squeeze your glutes.


[Alex] Me and Elys have been so good.
We haven't broken any rules.

It's getting harder and harder.

It's a nightmare not being able
to do anything.

I feel like I'm just pulsating.

It's important that
we get our glutes fired up properly

because it's important
to have strong glutes.

-Oh, is it?
-Yeah, okay.

[Alex] It's time to let off some steam,

so I'm gonna take Elys for a PT session.

Okay, so you don't want it covering it all
that'll put more emphasis on your glutes.

Where are they?

[Alex chuckling]

-[Alex] Really?

There and there.
So just give it a squeeze.

Yeah, you got it. That's it.

Squeeze as tight as you can.

[Elys] Working out with Alex
is just making me extremely horny.

[upbeat music playing]

[Alex] Squeeze your butt cheeks together

as if you've got a penny in between
your bum cheeks.

[Elys] I'm used to bigger things
between my butt cheeks.

-Bloody hell.
-[Elys chuckles]

[Alex] That escalated quickly.

[Desiree] Way to keep it classy.

[Elys] Oh, this is so hard

'cause I really do fancy Alex.

He's just really tempting.

[upbeat music playing]

If you could, like, build your dream man...

-...what would he look like?


I like brown eyes.

Yeah. You know who's got
really nice eyes is Isaac.

I know! I love brown eyes.

We just have to restrain ourselves
a little bit.

[Yazmin] Things are going
really well with Isaac.

When I first met him,
I wanted to break every rule,

but now I'm thinking maybe
it's better if we wait.

You know,
leave the physical connection out of it

to pursue more of an emotional connection.

All of that... is doing well for me.

Get out of here.

I just need to know there's that
physical aspect as well as, like...

We're not emotional yet,
but you know what I mean.

Do you think you'd be able
to go a few more weeks without it?

The whole retreat? No.
I know I won't be able to.

I'm not doing anything.
I'm being such an angel.

[Isaac] Oh!

You've gotta be kidding me.

I really like Yazmin, but Hannah
rubbing the cream today in the bathroom

just brought the horniness up to here.

One girl's showing
a little less affection.

One girl is showing
a little more affection.


What am I gonna do?

[Desiree] Anyone else getting déjà vu?

♪ Non-stop ♪

♪ We go far, we go higher ♪

♪ Like, non-stop ♪

♪ Burning hot, gonna walk on fire ♪

♪ So bright, so bright ♪

♪ We burn, we burn ♪

♪ So bright ♪

♪ So bright, we burn... ♪

-Oh, that's that foam.

You pooped it!

[Yazmin] I love Christine and Louis
as a couple, they're so cute.

Things are going really well with Isaac,

but after spending a few days
in the retreat,

I've realized he's really horny,
which is a little concerning.

-[Louis] Oh, God.

Oh, shit.

Do you know what? We'll let that one dry.

This morning, flirting with Isaac
made me want him even more.

So I want to see if I have a chance.

♪ I've been watching, I've been waiting ♪

♪ I seize the moment
when it's mine for the taking... ♪

This seat taken here?

It's not.

I'm just enjoying the view.

Which view?

-Um... f*ck.
-[Hannah chuckles]

-The view's over here for sure.
-I agree. [chuckles]

How are you feeling with Yaz?

-She's awesome. She's fun and friendly.
-Honestly, I...

[Isaac] But, um...

♪ Sometimes you gotta be a bad girl ♪

♪ Sometimes you gotta be a bad, bad girl ♪

Um, the thing is, is...

Honestly, I developed
this little crush on you.

-[Hannah] Mmm-hmm.

Definitely recently,
it's been kind of like, "Hmm..."


That's... Wow. I am surprised.

-[Isaac] Yeah.

Hannah's got a crush on me now?


So I kind of figured that instead of just,
like, physically coming on to you,

I would actually tell you
that I genuinely have interest.

Yeah. Okay.

The reality is Hannah's just definitely up
for more fun than Yazmin at the moment.

I feel like we should just
hang out a little bit more.

You're definitely my type.

[Hannah] Isaac is showing his interest,

so I'm going to keep pursuing things
until I get what I want.

Yeah, we could see.

'Kay. We can see.

[Desiree] What I can see
is a lot of sexual tension

and the need
for a cone-shaped intervention.


[Lana] Yes, Desiree,

while some of my guests
are struggling to adhere to my rules...

I haven't seen your boobs yet.
Why is this?


...others are trying to practice restraint.

...I give you head.


I'm being such an angel.

[Lana] And as a reward,
I have a gift to share

that should incentivize everyone
in a relationship

to connect on a physical level
for the right reasons.

[Desiree] Oh, Lana, I've been watching you

for long enough to know
exactly what "time" it is.

[Hannah] Why are we going on the beach?

[Dre] Somebody must have did something.

-[Trey] Ooh.
-I'm scared.

Please, Lana,
please let this be good news.

[Elys] Oh, gosh!


-[Lana] Hello, everyone.
-[all] Hi, Lana.

[Lana] As you can see,
I have a gift for you all.

The purpose of this gift
will help you to learn

how to be motivated by genuine feelings
of connection, as opposed to lust.

So we're making progress.

-That's a good thing, right?
-Oh, yeah.

[Lana] You may now open your boxes.

[all exclaiming]

[Desiree] These arrived
in the nick of time.


Oh, my God. I'm buzzing.

[Lana] When I observe two people
forming genuine connections,

they will be given a green light,
like this.

[watches chime]


-[all exclaiming]

[Lana] While your lights are green,

retreat rules do not apply
for a limited amount of time.

I'm so happy we have watches.

Now I can focus on my connection
with Isaac.

[Isaac] I would love to get a green light,

but I do not do
deep meaningful connections at all.

But at least I've already had
the green light from Hannah.

-How much time though?
-She said "limited amount of time."

It's getting to that time
where I just wanna break rules.

With this green light,

there will be no more money
spent in this retreat.

You can still break rules,

because maybe

-one wouldn't wait for the green light.
-[Yazmin] True.

[Elys] If you're not getting...

-Put your hand down.

Why not act right and get rewarded?

[Lana] Now that you have the watches,
if you do not abide by my rules,

there will be severe consequences.

[Hannah] I mean,
forget the watches, Isaac.

I'm ready to go.

[Alex and Elys laughing]

I've been so good with Elys recently.

It's hard. Every day I'm thinking
I wanna kiss her, touch her.

So this green light,
this is what I want with Elys.

-[Lana] You may now leave.
-Thank you, Lana.

[Hannah] Thanks, Lana.

-Definitely excited to see, like,...
-[Hunter] Yeah. these green lights
are gonna be passed out.

Do you guys think, um, Lana's gonna give
Elys and Alex a green light?

I don't know.

I feel like Lana's
gonna make it real hard.

[upbeat music playing]

♪ Show me what you got
'Cause I got mine ♪

-Today's been such a good day.
-It has.

I'm gonna try and get a green light,
'cause all I wanna do is just kiss Elys.

You look so nice.

That's so nice, Alex. Thank you.

[Desiree] You're gonna have to try
a little harder than "You look so nice."

And holding your wrist to the heavens
won't help.

[Alex] I like you and I care about you.

[Desiree] All right, Shakespeare.

[romantic music playing]

-[music stops]

[Elys] Obviously I want to get
a green light,

but, it's just a bit cringe, really.

-[Alex] No.


Damn it.

-If they go green, you can do anything.
-[Dre] Anything you want.

-[Courtney] Literally.
-[Hunter] Anything.

-You could have a quickie.
-That's what I was thinking.

-A quickie?

-[Christine] Okay, let me practice.

[laughing] Oh!

I wasn't even ready.

[Dre exclaims]

[upbeat music playing]

f*ck, it's a horny night.

I can't promise I'm not gonna try
and break any rules tonight.

[Yazmin] We just got the watches.

-You serious?

-We don't want to risk getting kicked out.
-It's a long time though.

I'm trying to build a genuine connection
with Isaac,

but I'm definitely worried
that he just wants to hook up.

Why are you looking at me like that?

Right, everyone just have a nice sleep.

No rule breaks, yeah?

-[all] Yes. Yeah
-[Dre] Yes.

-[Louis] Night, everyone.
-[all] Goodnight, guys.

[Desiree] Time for
a deep rule-break-free sleep.

Right, everybody?

I'm never going to be soppy with anyone,

that's just not in my nature.

So I'm not gonna get a green light.

So part of me just thinks, "f*ck it."

[Desiree] Oh, Elys.

[Alex] We've only just got our watches,

but I'm really struggling
to not break rules right now.

And I don't think
I will ever get a green light.

[Elys] I just want to rip
Alex's clothes off.


[whispering] Everyone is sleeping.

[in normal voice]
f*cking hell, am I horny.

♪ Nowhere left to hide ♪

♪ Brought the devil out of me ♪

♪ I just wanna feel ya ♪

♪ I just wanna... ♪

[Louis groans]

Good morning, everybody.

[all] Good morning.


[Hannah] I'm kind of looking over
at Isaac and Yazmin, like,

"Hmm, I kinda
wanna be in that bed." [chuckles]

So I think I need to figure out
my next move.

You fell asleep like...

I was like, "I thought I had time to..."

I told you I can fall asleep at any time.

I'm really confused at this point.

I've got something good with Yazmin,

but Hannah's just so flirty and I love it.

Y'all didn't get carried away
and break some rules last night?


Since we got these watches,

you gotta be a certain kind of stupid
to break rules.

'Cause I heard a lot of, um, movement.


Yeah, I definitely heard chuckling
on that side of the room.

I've got a terrible poker face.

[Louis] Wait, no.

I can see a smirk of some sort.

[awkwardly] Not a chance.

I'm grinning like a Cheshire cat,
so I might as well just spill the beans.

-All right, so...
-f*cking God.

-What happened last night?
-What'd you mean?

-So, wait...
-Yeah, let him explain.

Yeah, we just... We just kissed.

Oh, my God.

[Alex] We just couldn't help ourselves.

We kissed and once you start,
it's hard to stop.

f*cking God. Why would you do that?

-We didn't think this through.
-I don't think we did.

[Elys] We were just in the moment.

I reckon there's gonna be
really bad repercru... "Cussions."

-[Christine] Repercussions.

[Desiree] I agree, Megan,
those "reprecrussions"

are gonna be brutal.

[tense music playing]

[Isaac] Now all the heat's
on Alex and Elys.

-It's not smart, is it?
-[Louis] It's not.

I don't know how Lana will react.

So how do you feel about
Alex and Elys breaking the rules?

I miss the excitement
of just breaking rules.

I need a man in my bed.

[Christine] Definitely need
that male attention.

I need to make some moves.

I felt guilty this morning,
but I think it was always gonna happen.

I just wasn't thinking about
anyone really, last night

-or the money, or Lana.
-Yeah. Yeah.

Alex and I have been really good here,

and technically,

there's a lot more money in the pot.

So, technically,

there's a lot more money to spend.

So, technically...

I shouldn't feel that bad.

[Desiree] Nice try, Elys,
but I think you're screwed.

"Technically" speaking, of course.


[Lana] To rule break less than five hours
after I gave everyone watches

is beyond disrespectful.

Bad behavior can quickly spread,

which is why Alex and Elys
have left me no choice

but to make an example of them.

And there is no time like the present.

[Desiree] Oh, boy, sounds like Lana
is in full Terminator mode.

[intense music playing]

[Alex] Me and Elys
have been a bit naughty,

so I'm sh1tting myself.

Oh, God, man.

We all know the routine.

It's 6K.

I'm just ready to get it over with.

[Lana chimes]

[Lana] As you all know,

Alex and Elys
had an unsanctioned kiss last night

just five hours after receiving the gift
of my watches.

She is not happy with you guys.

[Lana] As if that wasn't
disrespectful enough,

they tried to find a loophole in my rules...

by kissing

for 12 full minutes.



[Megan] What were they thinking?

Twelve minutes! Did you breathe?

[Desiree] They didn't.

And if these cameras
weren't black and white,

you'd see they'd actually turned blue.

Oh, my God.


Twelve minutes? You know what
you could do in 12 minutes?

Twelve minutes?

-That's f*cking good.
-Well done.

I could run a mile and a half
in 12 minutes.

Twelve minutes?

I could get a nut off with a girl
with some good poon-poon in 12 minutes.

Whoa, whoa, whoa.

I could have had breakfast, then had sex,

then ran around the block,
all in 12 minutes.

Honestly, I'm not sorry for that

and I don't see how
that is a bigger rule break.

A kiss is a kiss.

[Lana] A 12-minute kiss
is out of the ordinary.

And therefore,
the fine must fit the crime.

Across all seasons of Too Hot To Handle,

there have been 32 rule-breaking kisses.

These have averaged 1 minute 57 seconds.

Therefore, your kiss is equivalent
to just over six kisses.

[exclaims softly]

And six kisses at $6,000 each

is $36,000.

Wait, what?

[all exclaiming]

[Isaac] Oh, my God!

-[Courtney] Are y'all serious?
-My God.

Alex, bro!


We literally earned back $48,000

and you blew it on a 12-minute kiss?

-How did I know that? That's ridiculous.
-How did we know?

That's why I'm a bit like...

I actually cannot believe this.

That's not okay.

[Dre groaning]

[Lana] The prize fund
now stands at $110,000.

-[Hunter chuckling]
-[Hannah] Well...

[Lana] Alex and Elys,

I gifted you watches yesterday

as an incentive to connect
on a physical level for the right reasons.

Yet, you have shown
a complete disregard for my gift

and your fellow guests.

I think I've completely messed up.

Therefore, drastic action is required.

[Desiree] Uh-oh, I smell a plot twist.

[groans] Shit.

[Lana] You both...

Oh, my God.

...have 12 hours...

to prove you can connect on a deeper,
more emotional level.

If you fail to get a green light
in those 12 hours,

your time here will be...

Please don't say
what I think you're gonna say.


Your time starts now.

[Alex] This is a real wakeup call.

Elys and I, we've never really
talked about emotions.

So I think this is gonna be
a challenge for us.

[Elys] I don't know what to do.
I definitely find it hard

talking about my feelings.

I'm not sure I can do it.

[upbeat music playing]

[Hannah] What just happened? Literally?

I think it's a slap in the face.

-And not just to Lana,

-but to the group itself.

I'd like to believe Elys and Alex
can pass, but only time will tell.

-Kissing for 12 minutes is rid... Stupid.
-I'll tell you this.

They didn't know the cost
of what they did,

but they knew they were doing it.

I don't want to go home.
I wanna spend more time with you.

I don't wanna go home either, but I just...

I don't really do the whole talking thing
and emotional thing.

It's just not that easy.

I really struggle to open up
because I just like to protect myself,

but I do not want to go home.

[tense music playing]

I'm a highly sexual person
and I see an opportunity.

Isaac's definitely gonna see
this Hannah charm right now.

I'm pulling it out. We are going in.

How are you?

[Yazmin] Honestly, I feel like
I'm opening up more to Isaac

and I'm trying to have
actual conversations with him.

-Getting to know him.

-You wanna build a connection first.

Do you think he's opening up to you?

You guys have something good going.

I hope so. [chuckles]

I wanna talk to Isaac because
I need to let him know what I'm feeling.

Is he trying to make a genuine connection,
or following the connection of his d*ck?

I think that's necessary.

Do you feel it here?

-Oh, yeah, I'm feeling it everywhere.

[Isaac] Oh!

[both laughing]

Oh, I'm loving it.

[Isaac] I'm enjoying every second of this.

The chemistry between
me and Hannah is electric.

But I'm in a tough spot
with the Yazmin situation. [groans]

How do I get myself in these situations?

-Oh, yeah.
-[Hannah] Harder?

-Yeah, harder.

Harder, yeah. Oh, my God.

I have made it very clear

that Isaac and I
have way more sexual chemistry

than he does with Yazmin.

I am very confident that I'm gonna have
Isaac in my bed tonight.

[Desiree] And if that happens,

Isaac is going to be
in the downward dog house.

I'm feeling pretty good generally
about how things are between us,

'cause I really like you.


[Alex] And I care about you.

I feel like we're just getting closer.

I'm not ready to get sent home.

So I've taken Elys to spend some time away
from everyone else.

We need to open up
and talk about our emotions.

How do you feel?

When things get too serious
or emotions are involved...

Kind of, like, step back.

I just think it's funny
to look like banter

-and be quite sarcastic about things.

I know you do have to talk about emotions,

but I do find these conversations
hard to have.

Do you feel like sometimes
it's difficult for you to open up?

Um, it's just difficult
and I guess I haven't...

I haven't, um...

♪ And I got freaked out ♪

♪ By letting the truth be known ♪

[Elys] I don't wanna go home.

I want to open up to Alex,
but I don't wanna get hurt.

I know it's tough
when you have to open up.

-I want you to feel comfortable around me.

The best thing you can do
is talk about it.

[Elys] Yeah.

[melancholy music playing]

♪ Seems like I'm done ♪

♪ As strong as I thought
I was feeling so long ♪

I find it so hard.

[sighs] I don't know what to do.

This is gonna be more difficult
than I thought.

We might be going home.

♪ Cloudy skies, but I'm all right ♪

♪ Right ♪

[Desiree] I know Elys
is on your naughty list, Lana,

but if anybody needs
a cone-shaped intervention, it's her.

[Lana chimes]

[Lana] I agree, Desiree.

Elys needs to learn
how to show her true emotions

and must become vulnerable
in order to progress in her relationship.

Therefore, I've organized
a girls-only workshop

to teach her how to unlock
her authentic self

in a safe space
away from male distractions.

[Desiree] This sounds like something
all the girls could benefit from.

Hi, ladies.

-[all] Hi.
-[Hannah] Hello!

In order to have a deep and meaningful
connection with somebody else,

you have to make sure
the one with yourself is first intact.

And so tonight's workshop is designed

to get the women to release
their authentic selves.

And the beautiful thing
about being authentic

is it's never going to fail you.

Let me ask a million-dollar question.

In relationships, do you guys feel like

you're doing a good job
of being authentic?


Women in relationships,
they wanna avoid getting hurt,

so we believe that we have to mask
or downplay our emotions.

But the sad truth is what
we're really telling ourself is,

"Don't show your true self."

When we do that, we also prevent ourselves

from experiencing love to the full extent
that's possible for us.

-And that's not good.
-[Hannah chuckles]

No, it's not.

So what I want us to do today,

in the sanctity and safety of sisterhood,

is say how you really feel.

Talk about what really hurts,
what's really bothering you.

God, I don't like...

Elys, would you say you're always being
your authentic self in relationships?

[Elys] I'm not the kind of girl
that talks about my feelings.

Growing up, I think I just got very good

at blocking out my emotions
and not showing them.

Elys, this is an opportunity
to really let go.

I genuinely just...
I find it so hard to open up.

This is painful.

It's fine.

-No, it's fine.


[melancholy music playing]

♪ No, I don't have the words
No, I don't have the words ♪

♪ Got my boys in the back
Bottles in the truck ♪

♪ It's all coming down tonight ♪

God knows what they're up to.
It could be anything.

Well, it would be quite...

I think it'd be nice if they are learning
stuff about how to open up.

I'm really looking forward to hearing
how their workshop went.

I feel sometimes
Elys has a bit of a barrier,

so I really hope
that she does open up more.

[Shan] So, Courtney,
do you feel comfortable

to express your authentic self?

Ooh... [chuckles]

Um, I dominate in relationships.

I would guess it's 'cause
I don't want to lose control and be hurt.

And, Meg, what about you?

I define myself on the guys that I date,

so I act how I think
they would want a girl to act.


I feel like I used to wear
my heart on my sleeve,

but that always led me
to, like, heartbreak,

so now I'll hide my emotions behind sex
and then leave it at that, nothing more.

-I like my men how I like my drinks.

I like to not just have one,
I want to have five, you know?

It's kind of just become this cycle of,

"I know we're not going
to commit to each other,

so I'm gonna have this one and this one."

[Hannah] If one guy
doesn't live up to your expectations,

you can always move to the next guy.

I don't think it's a bad thing at all.

Okay. Yazmin, as the newbie?

With my last relationship,
he cheated on me constantly.

Because I was so hurt, I feel like
I wanna hurt guys before they hurt me.

Thank you for sharing that.

I'm honestly so used to pushing guys away,

but I realize that it's not fair
to them or me.

Because otherwise,
I'll never see anything serious.

Thank you all for sharing your stories
and your truth.

[all cheering]


Okay, before we do the second stage
of this workshop, Elys,

is there anything else you wanted to say?

Putting my feelings into words
already makes me feel quite cringey.

But seeing all the other girls
really express themselves

has really hit, kind of, a nerve with me.

Okay, I think my biggest problem
is I'm quite... The word I'd use is blasé.

Like, I feel like,
with every relationship I go into,

it's never gonna work out,

because when your parents go through
a really heavy divorce,

I think that that has seriously
made me struggle.

I think it just... I just lost

the sense of caring.

[melancholy music playing]

♪ Trying but I can't freeze time ♪

♪ Fighting all my feelings
While they're getting stronger ♪

Since my parents getting divorced,
of course a relationship scares me.

I saw how sour it can get,

so I just sometimes find it difficult

to, kind of, throw myself into really
meaningful relationships.

I think the word blasé is so perfect.

A lot of us feel like the solution
to the pain that we're going through

is to stop ourselves
from feeling disappointment,

from feeling sadness, from feeling anger.

But how can people learn to love you
if they don't really know you?

Elys, thank you for that honesty.
That was beautiful.


Elys, wow.

It's a really beautiful thing to see.

I am so proud of myself for doing
the workshop and opening up.

Okay, I want you to look down.
What do you see?

[all] Mud.

This is your warpaint.

-Oh, yes. Oh, yes.
-Shit, wait, okay, um...

Straight to the face.

Ooh, I'm having fun.

[Shan] It's time to awaken
your inner warrioress...

Ooh, that feels so good. rise up and tap into your strength
and courage,

to enable you to face the world
as your authentic self.


[all laughing]

-[Shan] Do you feel stronger?
-[Megan] I do.

I feel powerful.

So I wanna start a scream down below,
move it all the way up to the top,

and get as high as you can,
all the way to the moon and the stars.

Are you ready to voice your emotions
to the world?

-I'm ready.

[all shouting]

[yelling crescendoes]

I just wanna be loved,
but I don't want to be hurt again.


[Yazmin] It's scary,
but I have to just take the chance.

So I feel like
I might go all in for Isaac.

[all yelling]

I need to start just going
for what I want.

And that is Isaac.


[all yelling]

I do wanna find hope again
and start to open up.

This workshop has shown that I can do it,

but I just need to do it with Alex.

I wanna hear a huge, massive yell

for all of the pain
that you've experienced in the past

that you want to burn in this fire.
One, two, three...

[all screaming]

They've been gone for some time now.

Looked like they were dressed to work out.

It could be yoga. A lot of stretching.

Maybe some physical activity.

Getting a bit sweaty.
Blowing off some steam.

-Sweaty and hot.
-I like that. Yeah.

Maybe the girls will come back
feeling super-duper-uper horny.

At least I hope so.

[women giggling]

[women yelling]

Oh, no!

[men exclaiming]

What the hell did they do
in that workshop?

We chanted around a fire.

We each had to say, like,
why we are how we are.

[Elys] I've learned so much
in the workshop,

but actually it's gonna be so much harder
putting it into practice.

I just hope I can do it.

[Desiree] It's fine, Elys.

I mean, it's not as if
your place in the retreat

is at stake or anything.

[upbeat music playing]

[Yazmin] We'll have a good night
with some wine.

-[Hannah] Yes, ma'am.
-Make connections.

[Yazmin] The workshop definitely
helped me confirm

that I do want to make
an emotional connection with Isaac

and I really wanna let him know
how I feel.

That looks so good, Hannah.

So good.

[Desiree] With time ticking,
Lana has given Elys and Alex a date.

This is their final chance to connect

on an emotional level
instead of a physical one.

I'm rooting for you guys
and praying for a green light.

-[Yazmin] Good luck.
-Thank you.

[Alex] I know that me and Elys
have something really special,

but this is our final chance
to prove it to Lana.

I'm definitely not ready to go home.

[gentle music playing]

[Elys] Wow.

You look so nice.


[Elys] I need to open up about how I feel,

but time is not on our side here,

and I genuinely am feeling
really awkward and nervous.


I get why we're here,
to build an emotional connection.


I'm trying to articulate
how I've been feeling.

Trying to open up.

And now I'm on the spot
and it's a good time

to maybe talk about things a bit.


I know this is hard for Elys.

She already knows that I like her,

but I just really hope that she feels
the same about me.

As you know already, I really like you.

I feel like I can be myself around you,
and like you get my sense of humor.

But how are you feeling about me?

The way Alex feels about me is great,

but I'm lost for words.

I'm so shit at talking
about stuff like this.

It's just difficult.

What PJs should I wear for Isaac tonight?

Does anyone have any satin PJs?

[Yazmin] I am so excited
for some more pillow talk.

I genuinely feel like
it can actually go somewhere.

And it's really exciting
and makes me really giddy.

[Hannah] After that little
women empowerment workshop,

I've decided I am not
hanging around anymore.

Isaac has to make a decision.
Me or Yazmin.

[Desiree] Nothing says "the sanctity
and safety of sisterhood"

like stealing another girl's guy.

[Hannah] All right, don't be scared,

but a wild animal is approaching you
right now.

-A leopard, yeah, I could see.
-It's a cheetah.

A cheetah's my favorite animal.

Hannah's looking fine as hell
in that itty-bitty cheetah outfit.

I'm in trouble.

-I feel I have chemistry with you.

And I know that I definitely want to try
exploring something with you.


And I feel like

I don't really want to see you
sharing a bed with her tonight.

It would be better if we were together,

because I wanna break rules with you.

[tense music playing]

And, at this point,
the ball's in your court.

[Isaac] I can't believe Hannah
wants me in her bed.

This is tough.

So, obviously,
I'm not married or tied down,

I see chemistry with us.

I'm not gonna wait around forever, so...

I think you have
some business to attend to.


Operation "Get Isaac In My Bed"
is on track.

-Don't wait too long.

Jesus Christ.

[Isaac] I'm in a huge predicament.

The situation I'm in is sort of like
me having this reliable car.

It's safe, but then
the flashy car appears.

So do I go with the flashy car?
Do I stay with what I have?

Ugh, I'm not sure.

[Desiree] Either way, sounds like
a car crash waiting to happen.

Speaking of which, let's check back in
with Alex and Elys,

who are cutting this fine.

-You look so nice.
-Thank you.

So do you.

[Alex] From the minute I saw you,

there wasn't any girl here that really
stood out for me other than you.

I'm just glad that things have worked out
the way they have.

Everything's good at the moment.

[Elys] This is really intense.

Alex is really opening up,
telling me he really cares about me,

which is really nice.

I never expected to feel this way.

-I'll be completely honest with you.

I haven't actually
completely opened myself up.


[Elys] I'd like to use what I learned
in the workshop and put it into practice.

So here I go. [chuckles]

I have been through quite a bit recently
with family and stuff

and I think that when your parents
go through divorce after 30 years,

-you just think, "What's the point?"

And I think that did kind of close me off.

[Elys] It's been such a long time

since I've opened up like this
with anyone,

but it just feels really natural
with Alex.

I genuinely didn't think

I was gonna come in here and find someone
like you in a million years.

-I feel extremely, like, lucky. Yeah.
-Me too.

And I feel like every single day,
you're opening me up a little bit more.

I feel I can see that.

Hearing Elys open up
just makes me fancy her more and more,

'cause I feel like I understand her now.

[Elys] I realized after the workshop,

I genuinely am starting to feel
strong emotions for you,

which I haven't felt in a long time.

-It's true.

-It's nice. It's a nice feeling.

It's quite exciting.

-It is exciting.
-Yeah, it is.

[Desiree] Well, considering
where Elys was earlier today,

this feels like a major breakthrough,

which means...

[watches chiming]

...they did it!


The green light is great.

I haven't had a connection
like this with someone in a long time.

Are we going to the bedroom?


[Alex] I can finally kiss her
without breaking any rules.

♪ This is your heart ♪

♪ To break ♪

♪ This is your move ♪

♪ To make... ♪

[Elys] Finally we get a green light.

I'm so relieved to know
that I'm not going home.

♪ This is your soul ♪

♪ To take ♪

-[Alex] Good job.
-Good job.

I could probably do
with taking a seat now.

I have not felt this connected to anyone.

Yeah, it was a very good kiss.

[upbeat music playing]

What do you think they did?
What was their date?

You know, I hope they get the green light.


[all cheering]

Spill the tea, spill the tea.

[Louis] Sit down! I want to hear it!

Tell us everything.

Alex told me how much he liked me.

[all exclaiming]


-Wait, did you say it back?



I'm so proud of her, aw.

It was a little bit hard to begin with,

but she really opened up to me.

I'm so proud of her.

And I only feel like now
I'm even closer to Elys.

-Um, and then...

-...we got the green light!
-[Isaac] Green light! Yeah!

[Hunter whooping]

-I love that! That's amazing.
-You're making progress.

[all laughing]

[upbeat music playing]

[Desiree] It seems like there's nothing
but good vibes in the retreat tonight.

And now for a drama-free bedtime.

[Yazmin] Hi, baby girl.

[Desiree] Oh, man, I forgot about
the Hannah-Isaac-Yaz love triangle.

Keep ahold of your cocoa,
this could be one hell of a bedtime story.

[tense music playing]

[Hannah] Ooh, it's hot in here.

I'm in a cuddly mood.

[Isaac] This was one of
the hardest decisions

I've ever had to make in the retreat.

But I know, in my heart,
I've made the right decision.

[Hannah] I don't believe
in second chances,

so choose wisely, Isaac.

Choose wisely.

[Desiree] Here we go.

[Yazmin giggles]

[Desiree] Yes, Isaac!

Wow. You have got to be kidding me.

[Desiree] I never doubted you. Honest.

[Isaac whispering]
I wanna speak to you properly

about this tomorrow...

[Desiree] Good man. Come clean.

...but Hannah's shown interest in me.

-And I know we're casual.

So I'm gonna sleep in her bed
tonight if that's okay?

[Desiree] Sorry, what?

I said I'd like to sleep with her tonight
if that's okay?


Is that cool?


[dramatic music playing]

[Louis] I did not see this coming.

How long has this been going on?

In front of everyone, Isaac, really?

The cheetah always gets its prey.

♪ Sugar sweet venom ♪

♪ Made like heaven ♪

♪ Just for you ♪

♪ You'll rip your favourite denim ♪

♪ On your knees begging ♪

You okay?

♪ Me to... ♪


♪ ...ruin you ♪

[sobbing] I told myself today
that I would trust in guys again,

and then this happens a few hours later.

It's just typical. It's just...

♪ Sugar sweet venom ♪

♪ Made like heaven ♪

It just sucks.


♪ Ruin you ♪

[theme music playing]