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05x04 - Court In The Act

Posted: 04/18/24 12:43
by bunniefuu
[upbeat music playing]

♪ Am I the one you want? ♪

♪ Ooh-oh-oh ♪

Am I the one you wanted? ♪

♪ Mmm-hmm-hmm... ♪


[all] Good morning.

[Alex laughs]

[Desiree] It may be scorching outside,

but after the bed swapping last night...

[Alex] Just take it off.

[Desiree] Brr, it's frosty in here.

Last night, Elys and Alex
walked into the bedroom

and announced that
they were sharing a bed.

-[Alex] Take it all off.
-[Elys] Literally.

[crying] It's just f*cking muggy.

When you've been in this situation
so many times before,

you start to take it personally.

I just hate getting upset over boys.

It's so stupid,

but when it happens time and time again...

That is why I'm upset.
I'm happy for you both.

I'm starting to feel bad about this now.
I need to apologize and clear the air.

Megan, I just wanted to, like,
I guess, apologize.

I can't help that I feel
a certain way about someone.

[Alex] I put my hands up.
I could have communicated better,

but there wasn't that connection
like I get with Elys.

I just think you need to be
a bit careful what you say to people.

It's just a bit misleading.

I totally have no leg to stand on there.

[Megan] I should have seen the red flags.

I'm making mistakes that I always make
on the outside world

and I don't know where I'm going wrong.

So I'm going to stay
because I really need Lana's help.

Hunter, maybe I might find it
a little bit easier with Alex

'cause maybe there's, like...
We're both from England,

maybe the banter level
just clicks a little bit more.

[Elys] I do feel bad,
but at the end of the day,

we are here to kind of find
the best connection

and I've just gone
with my gut feeling on this one.

Good for you guys.

You went with your heart and I respect it.

I'm sorry.

I'm crushed.

I feel like me and Elys had something,

you know, and Alex pulled out his cards.

I'm gonna be a man about this situation.

Sit back and just say, "Hey."

"You beat me." Simple.

[Desiree] Can somebody please
say something? Anything?

[Lana chimes]

[Desiree] Hallelujah, Lana.

-Oh, for... Morning.
-[Lana] Good morning.

[all] Good morning.

[Lana] Isaac and Courtney,

you have been a couple
since the start of my retreat.

-[Lana] Louis and Christine,

Alex and Elys,

you recently went to extreme lengths
to partner up.


[Lana] My question
for all the couples is this,

are your connections weak
and surface level

or strong and genuine?

We will find out in due course.

-[Louis] Damn!


Oh, now this just got interesting.

-[Lana] Goodbye.
-[all] Bye.

Appreciate you.

Lana, I'm trying my hardest to focus
on an actual emotional relationship.

[Desiree] Wow. Louis, I'm impressed.

I'm lying. I'm lying, I wanna be naughty.

[Desiree] Cannot believe
I fell for that one.

I wanna be naughty.

[upbeat music playing]


Damn. You actually look sexy, though.

So I look sexy?


I wanna... [slurps] lick him.
He looks great.

Like, God took his time on him.

And it makes me nervous

because I don't know
if I can trust myself.

-[Louis] Let's go.
-[Christine chuckles]

-Your body is perfect.
-Thank you, Alex.

I haven't seen your boobs yet.
Why is this?

[Elys chuckles]

Me and Elys, it's a match made to be,

and I'm ready to get a little bit deeper.

You have the best body ever.

But I'm thinking about sex.

I want to be with her.
I want to touch her, but I can't.

It's driving me a little bit mad.


[Desiree] Oh, Lana, these tigers
just will not be tamed.

Trying to be cool? [chuckles]

[Courtney] The connection between us
is definitely feeling stronger.

Especially after last night.

[Desiree] Oh, yeah.
With all the drama yesterday,

I forgot to mention the moonlit moment
these two had.

I seriously think you're one

-of the most beautiful girls in the world.

I am completely head over heels
for Isaac right now. [chuckles]

I really like you.
Like, really, really, really like you.

-Yeah. I like you too.

He's sexy as hell.

It doesn't get better than this.

Is this what falling in love looks like?

I won't be falling for that one again.


Just joking.

[Desiree, sarcastically]
Comedy gold, Isaac.

I'm feeling super-duper-uper horny.

She is so hot.

f*ck it.

[tense music playing]

[Desiree] From love to lust
in 0.2 seconds.

Is anybody interested
in a genuine connection here?

[Isaac] You're looking mighty fine
in the bikini.

[Desiree] Seemingly not.

But Lana will have a plan.

[Lana chimes] It's clear
that our existing couples

are struggling to connect on a deeper,
more meaningful level.

Therefore, I have designed a workshop
to help tackle this problem head on.

[man] Too Hot retreat guests,
how are y'all doing?

[Lana] And you don't have to be
in a couple to benefit from it.

Today's workshop
is all about acknowledging

how we can be our worst enemy
when it comes to building relationships.

We must recognize those
self-sabotaging habits

and free ourselves of them.

What up, fam?

What's going on?

You are all here in order to learn
how to let go of the things

that stop you from being open, vulnerable,
and emotionally honest in relationships.

[Hunter] Yeah.

-[Alex] Yeah.
-[Isaac] Yo.

So, working in pairs,
you'll take it in turns to write down

the things that stop you from forming
healthy romantic relationships.

[Christine] Let's do it.

Oh, here we go.

Then, with the help of your teammate,

you're gonna bat those unhelpful habits
and fears away

with a little mini game of baseball.

[Hunter] Let's go!


[Christine] I don't know much
about baseball,

but if there's one thing I'm good at,
it's handling balls.

["Charge" plays]

[Alex] For me,
I'm kind of, like, indecisive.

It's a problem, yeah.

Because I like booty.

But I also like legs, and I like boobs.

Indecisiveness out of the park, let's go.

[all cheering]

But I like other things as well.
I like eyebrows.

[Elys] I see you've put
"too good looking."

-Sometimes I've gotta push people off.
-Must be hard.

Here's to being ugly.

[Elys laughing]

Okay, cool. Pause for one sec.

It's more about things, baggage that
I brought in to previous relationships.

If we can own it,
nobody else got anything on us.

Elys, you're our next batter.

-Let's get rid of this baggage.
-[Elys] It's chasing excitement.

How has that affected your relationships
and your connections?

Yeah, I feel like when things
get a little bit too stable...


...I tend to kind of jump out of something
because I'm looking for the next thing.

And I should just slow down
and allow myself to be happy, I guess.

Thank you for being open and honest.

Now let's smash this ball.

[all cheering]

[Courtney] I'm happy for Elys.

To be raw like that takes a lot.

[Hannah] No more choosing wrong,
only choosing right.

[all exclaiming]

[Dre] I'm finna to knock fear
clean out the park.

[Courtney] Hearing everyone else open up,

I'd be lying if I said I wasn't nervous.

I mean, I have a hard time doing that.

-[Brenden] Let's go, Dre.
-Yes, sir!

[all cheering]

[Dre] Whoo!

All right, Louis, Christine,
please enter the batter's box.

This is hard for me.

This is really hard.

I don't normally get the opportunity
to explain my feelings with girls.

"Trust issues"?

[Louis] But I wanna try for Christine.

[melancholy music playing]

I feel like a lot of things
that have happened in my past,

I've got a really big issue
with trusting people

and it's got in the way a lot.

This is hard.

When I've had a connection with someone,
the one thing I can't do is trust them,

even if they show me that they trust,

something tells me
they're always gonna do me wrong.

My mom and dad,

they broke up when I was about five.

It was the worst breakup.

And then I didn't see my dad
for about two years after that,

when I was about eight.

That's why I've got trust issues.

I cut my relationships off

before they leave me or cheat on me.

You shouldn't block your own blessings
because of trauma from your past.

You should be able, like,
to open yourself up

and know that not everybody's here
to do bad to you.


I love seeing this side to Louis.

I completely understand
why he would have trust issues,

because I have trust issues as well.

For trust issues, I'ma smack this
in the ocean. Let's go.

[all cheering]

The fact that Christine's trying
to understand me and my insecurities,

I appreciate it.

Because I feel like
we're getting that emotional connection.

"Chasing." What do you mean by "chasing"?

I have a thrill of chasing a guy,

but it usually ends up with me being hurt.


How has that affected your relationships?

Since I'm always chasing,
I turn down good guys that come to me

and give me everything
that I'm looking for in a guy,

because I'd rather go for somebody
who obviously isn't the right guy for me.

I always tend to run after guys
who don't show me any attention.

It gives me some sort of thrill,
but it always puts me in a bad predicament

where I end up getting hurt.

So, generally, you go
for emotionally unavailable people?

-You're worth way more than that.

They gotta be it. Cool?

No more chasing.

[Elys] You got this.

[all cheering]

[Isaac] Let's go!

She's already had her chase.

I'm the real deal. I'm the package,
so there's nothing to chase anymore.

[Hunter] This is goodbye
to "not good enough."

[all cheering]

[Megan] Bad judgement.

I always go for the same type of boy,

even if that typical stereotype hurts me.

I don't think that one's about me.

[Hunter] You got it.

[all cheering]

[Brenden] Courtney, Isaac,
y'all gonna take us home.

Uh, "Cockiness"?

When I was younger,
I was a little more insecure

and that makes me feel that
people should know that,

and it might come off a little cocky.

Let's maybe change cocky to confident?

-[Brenden] Here we go.

[all exclaiming]

From cocky to confident.

Yes, sir! Yes, sir!

He definitely opened up,

but I've definitely been holding back
with Isaac.

[Isaac] So "falling"?

Do you usually fall for people?

I fall a little too hard
and a little too fast,

and that's not really good
for building in a relationship.

[Courtney] In the past,
I've fallen for people

that made me feel
as though they cared about me

and come to find out
they didn't actually at all.

I don't take the time
to actually let things build.

I just kind of jump into things
and just stick with it.

Courtney, falling, I know
it's exciting, butterflies, fiery.

But if you slow down just a little bit,
you won't fall as hard

and you can actually see it
for what it actually is.

That makes sense actually.


I have been married before,

and I fell really fast.

I was this sweet, naive, innocent girl,

but that situation ended
with me being cheated on.

And it's the worst pain or hurt
that I ever felt.

♪ Now the story's over ♪

But the pain is not ♪

All right. Ready? Don't fall so easily.

-f*ck falling.
-[Megan] You've got this!

[all cheering]

[Dre] Whoo! Let's go!

[Courtney] I feel closer to Isaac

because I was able to open up
without any judgement,

without any fear.

I've learned so much about myself today.

I feel empowered.

All right, y'all.

Y'all literally did the hardest part

in admitting some of the baggages
that you bring into new connections.

Now, all you have to do
is work on those things

and try to be honest, open,
and vulnerable with each other.

-Thank you.
-Thank you so much.

Now let's go celebrate. Let's go, guys!


I'm glad it was with Christine
that I'd done this,

'cause I genuinely feel like we have
a connection that can grow.

Team Too Hot.

That workshop was absolutely amazing.

I learned a lot about myself

and I feel so much more
connected to Isaac.

[Louis] Yeah!

I think me and Courtney should be
really proud of what we've achieved today.

[all whooping]

[Isaac] Now we're on a deeper level,

I feel like it's a step forward
for me and Courtney.

[upbeat music playing]

This is what makes me feel like
we can build a much deeper connection

'cause when I'm with you
and talking to you,

I don't focus on anyone else.

-I feel locked in with you.
-Making me blush.

I know it's early days, but I'm definitely
feeling something towards Louis

that I haven't felt in a long time.

We are definitely building
a deeper connection.

I have a spring in my step.

I feel quite settled.

[Alex] I think that this workshop

has brought me and Elys
closer and closer together.

I think she just gets me and I get her

and at the moment,
it kind of feels pretty effortless.

[Alex] Now I'm happy.

I have a good feeling.

I feel like you opened up more today
than you have thus far.

Yeah. It's the most
I've opened up in a while.

Think we showed a lot of progress today.

Here's me letting my guard down.

I like that though.

I think me and Courtney
have a genuine connection.

If someone new turned up, I would say no.

[Desiree] You hear that, Lana?

Why am I not surprised
your master plan is working?

You clever cone.

[Lana chimes] The workshop
seems to have been a success.

However, actions speak louder than words.

It's time to find out how committed
to each other these couples really are.

[Desiree] Lana, why do I get
a sneaky feeling

you're about to introduce
some hot and horny new arrivals?

♪ Baby, I'm a bombshell ♪

♪ So bombs away! ♪

[Lana] You know me so well, Desiree.

But first, I have unfinished business
with Isaac and Courtney.

[Desiree] Oh, yeah. Time to cough up

for last night's
naughty little rule break.

We had a really good workshop
so maybe Lana's here to treat us.

Cabana means rule break
and me and Isaac broke one.

So, hmm...

I knew it was coming.

[Lana chimes]

[Louis] Here we go again.

[Lana] I regret to inform you...

I hate when she says that.

Here we go. Here we go.

...there has been...

a breach of my rules.

[Louis] What?

Last night?

Oh, my God.

Who broke rules?

What the hell?

Like, what?


It's not me for once. I cannot wait.

I was fine not telling anyone
that me and Courtney kissed,

but now that I'm sitting here,
I'm getting a bit stressed.

[Desiree] You're gonna be fine.

Sorry, I missaid that.

You're gonna be fined.

Courtney, why are you making that face?

[Courtney] Shit.
I can feel my heart beating.

I have to say something.

[Desiree] Well, it doesn't look
like Isaac's going to.

Hopefully, everyone understands,
'cause out of everyone here,

we're definitely the couple goals.

[Desiree] If the goal is to lose
the group money, then sure.

I have to be honest.

What do you mean you've got to be honest?

It was super romantic.
It was last night. And we kissed.

There it is.

You know, it just... Just happened.

I definitely think that was
one of the most valuable rule breaks.

[Desiree] Ooh, how's that
going to go down?

I hope you guys can agree with that.

♪ He's about to get shouted at
He's about to get shouted at ♪

Honestly, I feel like you guys...

[Desiree] Here we go.
Give it to 'em, both barrels, Hannah.

I've been waiting for this moment.

...deserve it.

[Desiree] Wow. I was not expecting that.

What is going on? This is not the reaction
that I thought they were gonna get.

I don't think it's horrible,

I feel you guys are building a connection.


-Thank you, guys. Appreciate it.
-Yeah, no problem.

This is bullshit.

Hang on a minute.

If this was me that broke a rule,
the group would be absolutely livid.

I see that reaction that you all give.
"Oh, heartwarming."

Why don't I get that reaction?

Louis, are you serious right now?

Maybe it's because you've spent
the most money.

No, Louis,
they've been here since day one.

[Dre] I know Isaac and Courtney,

what they got going on is solid.

[Desiree] Let's see if you're smiling
when you kiss goodbye to some more cash.

[Lana] Your kiss cost the group...


[Louis] Bullshit.


No one's mad at us because we have
the most strong and genuine connection.

I'm feeling good.

[Lana] The prize fund
now stands at $146,000.


At the pace we're going,
we're gonna be at zero.

We just gonna keep losing money
and more money and more money.


-[Elys] Bye.
-[Megan] Bye, Lana.

[Lana] I haven't finished.


Oh. What now? Seriously?

[Lana] Since the workshop,

all three couples
seem to have formed deeper bonds.

After the workshop,
maybe Lana might give us a reward.

[Lana] It's time to establish

how committed
to each other you really are...

I genuinely think that
this could be good news.

[Desiree] Good luck with that. sending some of you on dates...


Who's going on a date?

I would love if this date
is for me and Isaac.




[all exclaiming]

[Isaac] Really, come on!

[Desiree] Oh, that's got a reaction.

Oh, my days!

I did not see this coming.

Eyes are locked on Courtney.
I'm not looking at new girls.

[Lana] Our new arrivals are already aware
they're on
Too Hot To Handle.

That's actually really crazy.

All right then.

Lana, Alex and I are finally good.

We don't need this right now.

This sucks.

I hate this cone.

[Christine] This is gonna be a test.

Lana knows what she's doing.

[Desiree] She certainly does.

It's a curveball.
It's definitely a curveball.

[Lana] The first new arrival is...

Girl or boy?



Oh, no.


Like Jasmine from Aladdin?

[Desiree] Yeah. And she's hoping
to have "a lad in" her bed tonight.

[Lana] I have given her a choice of dating
one of the boys currently in couples.

Oh, my God.

[Lana] She has selected...

It's horrible.

Yazmin, as long as you don't chose Alex,

we'll be good friends.

Girl, pick smart,
'cause if you pick my man...

there's gonna be trouble.

Isaac and I are on a high right now.
I really hope she doesn't choose him.


[Dre exclaiming]

[Dre] Okay.

This situation is bullshit.
Isaac and I are in a really good place.

I mean, the timing is impeccable.

How do you feel, Isaac?

I've invested all this time
into Courtney for a reason,

so I'm not worried about the outcome.

I feel flattered
that I got picked for the date.

But vibes with Courtney are good.

I don't think she's got anything
to worry about.

[Lana] The second new arrival is...


-[Louis] It's a boy.
-Oh, my God.

[Dre] Oh, my God, like...

[Lana] Of the girls in couples,
he has selected...

Here we go again.

Come on then. Spill the beans.

Please don't be Christine.

Oh, my god. This is t*rture.


[Hannah exclaims]

[Dre] Okay!

Oh, my God.


f*ck's sake.

It's bullshit.

Damn, Lana.
This is a really tricky situation.

Thank f*ck for that.

You've got a golden ticket with me here.

Why does this cone always do something
to me? I've been good.

This really is about
testing the waters, huh?

[Hannah] Louis, I'm sorry,

karma is a bitch, let me tell you.

How do you feel, Christine?

I feel like me and Louis
have a connection...

but I guess I got to see
if it's actually real, yeah.

[Lana] Christine and Isaac,
please go and get ready.

[tense music playing]

I really want to reassure Louis right now,

but I have never been good
with temptation.

I can just already tell
he's gonna be a 6' 8" giant.

I completely agree.

This is crazy. My heart was literally
jumping out of my chest.

I'm having a date, just not with Louis.

-[Isaac chuckles]
-With Trey.

[Desiree] You sure are.

And Trey's got flair.

Christine. Christine's gorgeous.

Curly-haired girls always catch my eye.

I love the bounce.

Um, not just in their curls,
but, uh, in other places as well.

Can I say ass?

In my group of friends, I do get flak
for being the pretty boy,

but numbers don't lie.
I definitely get the most girls.

I'm a player, but in a relationship,
I'm a loyal guy.

I am a rule breaker.

If I want something,
I'm definitely gonna go for it.

Lana's gonna have her hands full.

I'm ready to get into it,
and stir some stuff up.

-Do you think your head will be turned?
-I'm loyal as hell.

[Isaac] I don't think I'll be tempted,

unless Yazmin is a Latina

because I love Latinas.

We've gotta wait and see.

[Desiree] You'll see soon enough, Isaac.

Is that a samba drum I hear?

[Yazmin] Latinas are definitely
the best flirts.

To turn a guy on, all you have to do
is say "ay papi," and they'll melt.

I'm a natural flirt. I can't help it.
I live for drama.

If it's not full of drama, it's boring.

I know I'm coming in a little late,
but I think everything is fair game.

[Yazmin] Isaac's my type, honestly.

The brown hair, brown eyes, 100%.

He looks so cute, oh...

So, better watch out,
'cause I'm coming in hot.

This is gonna put both
of our relationships to a test.

We can't break any rules on the date.


Does she shut up?


Oh, my God.

-[Isaac] Dear God...
-[Hunter] Here it comes.

[Lana] I have more information
before the dates begin.

Additional information?
She's giving us more?

[Lana] Christine and Isaac,
are your feelings

genuine enough to resist temptation?

To answer that question,

the dates will take place
at opposite ends of my private beach.

Far away from prying eyes.

And for the duration of the dates,

the rules of my retreat


-[Isaac] Oh, my God.


[Dre] Boom.

Oh, my God. This is terrible.

No, no, no, no, no. No.

Lana, you naughty, naughty cone.

Yeah, this turned it up to 100, for sure.

[Lana] I am giving you a free pass.

I don't think this is fair.

That's a lot of temptation. So...

[Christine sighs] No rules?


I really like Louis, but outside
of this retreat, I like to juggle two men,

that way I don't have one
that will hurt me.

So I have to think carefully.

I gotta shave.

[Desiree] That'd be a smooth move
with a free pass.

Sorry, Louis.

[Lana] I have already told
our new arrivals

about the free pass on their dates.

All right.

[Lana] They think
it's just a welcoming gift,

but in reality, I want to see
how Isaac and Christine,

who are both in relationships,
react when faced with temptation.

[Isaac] Courtney and I have gotten close,

so it's definitely hard to go
on this date.

I am 1,000% going to be a good boy,

and not be tempted, no matter what.

-[Yazmin] Hi. How are you?

Oh, my God, you're so tall.

-I'm Yaz. Nice to meet you.
-Isaac. Nice to meet you.

Oh, all right,
this girl's got it going on.

But Courtney's definitely
not got anything to worry about.

Where are you from?

-Um, I'm from Manchester in the UK.
-You definitely have an accent.

Isaac is exactly my type, like to a T.

But I honestly don't even know
if he's interested, so...

We'll have to see about that.

[Desiree] Glad you're happy, Yazmin,

but maybe spare a thought for the girl
Isaac's currently in a relationship with.

♪ Just want you to stay ♪

[Megan] I wanted to come and see you,
give you a cuddle.

How are you feeling?

I'm trying to keep a good mindset,
because everything has been going so well.

But I'd be lying if I'd say
I wasn't slightly nervous.

The likelihood of her and him

-being a better match than you and him...
-Hitting it off.'s quite low.

I don't believe
he's going to take the bait,

but let's see what's gonna happen.

-When's your birthday?

-You're a Scorpio.
-You know the signs?

-Yeah, we're actually compatible.

-'Cause I'm a Pisces.
-I don't know what that means.

We're actually really compatible. 100%.


-What's your background?
-I'm Latina.

No way.

[groans] I was hoping
she wouldn't say Latina.

I love Latina girls.

-Is your type Latina?

I'm, like...

He likes Latinas.
I like tall, dark, handsome.

It's just meant to be, you know?

[upbeat music playing]

I'm going to be on my best behavior
because I don't want to fail this test,

but I know how I'm like
when I'm around an attractive guy,

and temptation.

[Desiree] Damn, this dude's worthy
of the slow-mo button.

That's better.

[Christine] Trey is definitely hotter
than I expected.

This man is literally a mannequin.

-[Trey] Hey, how are you?

I'm good. How are you?

-Pleasure to meet you. I'm Trey. Gee.
-Nice to meet you. Christine.

Christine's sexy as hell.

She's strikingly gorgeous.

I have a goal in front of me
and I'm gonna go for it.

I'm gonna have to lay it on thick.

You look more beautiful in person.
Curly hair.

-You got a nice everything, so...
-Oh, thank you.

[Trey] All right, shall we?

Trey seems actually very sweet.

He has a lovely smile and I am definitely
soft when it comes to good smiles.

So what's your typical type?

Chocolate skin.
Curvy in all the right places.

-What about you?

-Tall, dark, nice smile.

You seem very nervous.
Are you sweating a bit?


Louis, he says he doesn't care,
but I know he's putting on a front.

If Alex were on a date with another girl,
I'd not be enjoying myself.

So I just hope that you're okay.

Listen, I'm fine. Yeah?

[Desiree] I don't think they're buying it
and neither am I.

♪ Something's telling me right now ♪

♪ Potentially, you might be
The one I need ♪

So, uh, what have you been up to?

Um, fighting a lot of temptation.

Who have you been tempted by so far?

His name is Louis, so yeah.

I don't know what Louis looks like,
but he ain't got shit on me.

It doesn't matter who she's been
with before, or her experience.

I'm gonna sh**t my shot regardless.

I don't know who the dude is or whatever,
but I'm a competitor so ain't no problem.

-You like competition.
-Ain't no problem.

Here's to that competition.

-I'ma figure you out.
-All right.

'Cause I like what I like
and I like you, so...

I'm very confused right now.
I don't know what to do.

'Cause I really, really do like Louis,

but a part of me feels scared.

You seem like a wild child a little.

I was going for the all-white
to look angelic.

-Is it not working?

No, I like it. I like it a lot.

♪ You're what I want ♪

♪ I'm what you need ♪

So how is it like with all the rules?

-It's tough. I'm gonna be honest, yeah.
-[Yazmin] Yeah.

-I'm more of a physical touch person.
-I'm the same way.

-It's so hard to not.
-I'm a physical touch person.

I am Isaac's type, so I'm just gonna
go with it. You know what I mean?

Try and be a little flirty.
I got a little game.

I feel like every guy thinks everything
sounds sexy in Spanish.

Like I could literally say...

[speaks Spanish]

-Oh, my God, that's so hot.
-And, like, he's... Stop.

[Desiree] Ay, papi, that is muy caliente.

-What does that mean?
-What do you think it means?

-I don't know what you just said.

-But you think it's hot.

And I just said
your face looks like a dead frog.

[Desiree] Oh.

-I didn't mean it!

My face looks like a dead frog.

That's what I said,
but everything sounds sexy in Spanish.

I'm trying to stay strong because of what
I've got with Courtney,

but Yazmin isn't helping.

I'm struggling here.

I see the tongue piercing you got there.


Do you have like any other piercings?

-I have my nipples pierced.
-No way.

-My belly pierced.
-Oh, my God.

Yeah. I have pretty much
everything pierced.

Oh, my God.

She's got the lips, the smile,

and to top it off,

the piercings in all the right places.

My head is scrambled egg.

[Desiree] Yep. And you'll be toast
with Courtney too

if you use that free pass, Isaac.

I don't think he's got it in him

to hurt and disrespect you.

I mean, if everything he said last night
was true, he's not gonna kiss her.

[Courtney] After this talking to Megan,
I feel good.

If he did decide to take the bait,

I would be very, very surprised.

I've never had a date on the beach.

-You know what I mean?
-Yeah. You thought it was easy.

I feel I know you already.

-You're making me blush.

[Isaac] Yazmin.
She's just got so much sex appeal.

I'm really confused at this point.

I've got something good with Courtney,

but the potential in Yazmin
could be even better.

So I have had like a little situation-ship
with this girl called Courtney.


[Desiree] Okay, Isaac,
this is the perfect time

to do the right thing and shut this down.

[Yazmin] So are you guys serious?

Um, I did think there was something there.


But I'm not really tied down, at all.

[Desiree] Wow. Even for this show,
that's one fast turnaround.

You're willing to try something new,
is what you're saying.

-Yeah. I need to try something new.
-Ooh, okay.

I wanna kiss him so bad right now.

I don't know if you know,
there's no rules on this date.

[Desiree] Uh-oh.

I know. It's kind of like
a loophole for us.

Out of ten, my temptation level,
it's at a high nine right now.

I would like to kiss you.

-Yes. Oh, my God.

-Today? Right now?
-[Isaac] Yeah.

[Yazmin] Yeah?

[Desiree] Looks like it's adiós
for Courtney.


[intense music playing]

[both chuckling]

[Yazmin] I think this will be
a dangerous next few weeks.

I thought I was really happy
with Courtney,

but I think this is really what I want.

♪ The tides keep pulling us closer ♪

♪ It's getting hard to keep my composure ♪

The only thing that is, like, weird,
I actually kind of like her.

-Not just sexually.
-Well, I hope. I mean...

You guys have been
building a connection together.

Yeah, I know, but I hate showing weakness,

and I will not show whether she...

I think weakness is more not showing
how you feel.


Because that means you're scared

-of showing people how you feel...
-I am.

[Louis] In the workshop, me and Christine
both gave up our insecurities

and now I feel a little bit vulnerable.

I don't want her to hurt me.

[Desiree] Poor Louis.
Not knowing what Christine's up to.

Lucky for us, we got front row seats.

So obviously, we know Lana brings us
on this retreat for a reason so...

-Why are you here?

A man's got needs.

-Some men have more needs than others.
-So you got a high sex drive?

I do. Haven't hit a cap. Yeah.

[Christine] I felt that.

You know that the rules don't apply here.

They don't.

Christine's hot fire, bro.

So I definitely want to use
that free pass.

[Trey] She's not watching.

-She's not watching.
-She's not watching.

I wanna say Louis shouldn't be worried,


Trey's fine.

Yeah, we're... We're in trouble.

[Desiree] The dates might be over,

but the drama sure as hell isn't.

Whatever happens tonight,
you look f*cking great.

[Hannah] Courtney, give us a 360.

-Slim thick mommy.
-[Elys] Wow.

[Hannah] You look so good, honestly.

-Perfect dress for this evening.
-[Hannah] It really is.

Every girl needs friends like y'all.

I'm trying to take my mind
to a happy place right now.

If Isaac learned anything about me
from the workshop,

it would be that depending
on a guy is a tough thing for me.

If he understands that,

he'll make the right decision.

Aw, matching white T-shirts. Cute.

I hope they've used deodorant,
because the heat is about to turn up.

[Louis] This is gonna be shit, mate.

I honestly don't think
either of them have done it.

I've seen such a huge change
since we've been here.

Mate, I'm feeling a little bit
nervous for you, bro.

This is scary shit, lads.

I'm having an epiphany.
This is f*cking scary.

This is shit.

I was really gonna try and move forward
emotionally with Christine.

But now I'm already thinking
worst-case scenario.

I'm starting to trust this process,

'cause this process is coming around
exactly what we gave out.

Oh, f*ck, man. This is shit.

God, I see them.

-No way. You do?
-[Megan] Wow.

Yeah, I literally see them.

Oh, shit. Damn.

[Alex] Oh!

How do you feel?

-They weren't holding hands.
-[Hannah] Yes.

I mean, it looks
like good news for me, right?

[Desiree] Oh, I wouldn't pop any champagne
right now if I were you.

Welcome to the fire pit.

-Thank you.
-[Dre] Welcome to the pit.

-This is where everything gets let out.

-[Courtney] I can see her, not him.
-[Hannah] Let's shuffle.

-[Hannah] Is that obvious?

We're like this.

Where you from?

I'm originally from Uruguay,
so South America.

-[Louis] Yeah.
-Live in Toronto now.

-[Louis] Uh-huh.

That don't look too good for Courtney.


He just put his hand around her.

No f*cking way.

What is going on? Like, what is this?

-[Megan] What do you think the arm means?
-I know.

[Megan] Think they did anything
on their date?

-I don't know...
-It's not rocket science, I think so.

♪ Wish you were here with me ♪

♪ So I wouldn't feel so lonely ♪

♪ Tell me where to hold me ♪

Is this a joke?

-Really good.
-The date was sweet.

We talked and we had...

-We talked the whole time.
-...a good vibe.

Got a question though.

Did y'all kiss?

We did.

They kissed. That is insane.

Wait. Is she staying in your bed?

[Dre] Oh!

-My God.
-[Hunter] Okay.

[laughing nervously] Oh!

[Isaac] I feel pretty bad for Courtney.

I'm not sure
how I'm gonna break it to her yet.

But we're not married.
I just hope she understands.

Oh, for f*ck's...

This has got me f*cked up.

I was certain that Isaac
was gonna come back to Courtney.

[Elys] Are you feeling okay?

You know, I'm in shock right now.

[Hannah] Yeah.

I don't know the full story yet,

so we'll see.

I'm a little confused. [chuckles]

I have mixed emotions.

To go from a high

to what could possibly be a low is...

It's rough, it's hard.

Still waiting for him to remove his arm.

[Louis] That has made me f*cked up.

Do you know what'd be k*lling me
right now?

If she does what you've done.

I'm a f*ck-boy. I'm a player, yeah?

So, open up my emotions to someone,

literally going down that road,
and then if she comes in

-or stays with him...
-[Isaac] It's intense.'s a bit of a tricky one.

-But we finna see.
-We'll see.

-We will find out.
-[Yazmin speaks indistinctly]

[Hunter] I'm feeling you, man.

-You feel it with me?
-I'm feeling you.

[men imitating heartbeat]

[heart beating]

[Desiree] Get ready for that heart rate
to rocket, Louis...

Yo, yo.

...because here they come.

[Dre] Oh!

Oh, shit, I can't look.

I feel sick.



-See if they're holding hands.
-They're not holding hands.


-Nice to meet you.
-[Hannah] Hello.

How are you? Courtney.

-[Hannah] So cute.

Let's see how they sit down.

Body language. We need a read here.

And mannerisms.

-[Courtney] You have a dimple.
-[Hannah] I know.

He's a model.

Yeah, you gotta...

Oh. Oh.

What the hell happened on that date?

So how was the date?

I don't wanna be bait looking over.
I don't care.

-[Alex] f*ck him.
-Bro, who cares?

It was chill.
Yeah, we went to, like, the beach.

Away from Lana's rules.

[Hannah] Right, I know.


We don't know until we know.

Definitely a date
that's one for the books.

Oh, my God.

And you got a hall pass?


Did you use it?

[Desiree] It's on the tip of her tongue.

The question is, was Trey?

No, mate. No. No.

Why y'all make this question so awkward?

[Desiree] Did they or didn't they?

No! This can't be the end!

You cannot make me wait another week
for the answer.

Oh, producers, you absolute...


I've developed this little crush on you.

Moisturize anywhere you want.

Oh, my God.

I'm so horny. I want to f*ck you.

We are about to lose a lot of money.

You don't care. That's fine.
Whatever happens happens.

[Lana] Prolonged mutual gratification.

[Isaac] Oh, my God.

That's ridiculous.


[Lana] There will be new arrivals.

[man 1] Wow.

[man 2] I'm here to cause some chaos.

This is gonna be a huge test for me.

-[woman laughing] You wanna touch them?

Lana, bring me my man back.

[Lana] You will both leave my retreat.

I don't understand.


[theme music playing]