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04x10 - Growth is a Team Game

Posted: 04/18/24 12:30
by bunniefuu
[Lana chimes]

[Desiree] This finale episode
of Too Hot to Handle

is starting with so many
unanswered questions.

Who is going to win the prize fund?

How are the two biggest men
sharing the world's smallest sofa?

And how is Creed
going to get himself out of this pickle?

I have given Creed
one final chance to be honest,

as honesty is the foundation
of a successful relationship.

What he does not know
is if he cannot pass this test,

his time in my retreat
will come to an end.

[Desiree] Wow.

Okay, buddy, it's time to 'fess up.

Oh, my God!

I will now give you an opportunity
to be honest with Flavia and Imogen

about your actions over the last few days.

So you haven't been honest?

[Creed] I really don't know
how I'm getting out of this.

I'm f*cked.

Oh, my God!

Somebody get me some popcorn in here.

Is there something we're missing?

Creed, come on.

It's really not that hard. Tell the truth.

A bit of me wants to come clean,

but the other part of me
is just like, no, no, no.

[Desiree] Gotcha, so you're just
going to lie, lie, lie.

Creed, you said there was nothing
in between you and Imogen.

I told Imogen
that I thought we should be friends.

[groans softly]

Creed is pissing me off.
We both know he's not telling the truth.

[Desiree] Which is crazy! Because
everything in this place is on camera.


You don't have anything to worry about.


Are you, like, sexually attracted?

-To you? Yeah.

I don't think
you should close anything off.

How do you feel about her?

More like...


Right now what I have with you
is not worth giving up.

I want to see how far we can go.

Yeah, me too.

Creed and I had an instant connection.

f*cking f*ck. f*ck.

He was never set but...

I never got a solid no.

Oh, f*ck! Creed's been lying.

Imogen, you just
going to out me like that?

The shit has hit the fan.

So I guess that's a little curveball.

Imogen is not lying, Creed is guilty.

Interpret that how you will.

There's only one way of interpreting it.

I tried to be as honest
and open as possible.

Creed, you guaranteed
that you cut things off with Imogen.

-l did cut things off.

I've got no choice,
but to just stick to my story

and wait to see what happens.


Creed, you're dead.

I don't know why
you've played like that, with my feelings.

Oh, my God, this is f*cked!

This is so awkward.

[Lana] Creed,
do you have anything else to say?

I think now's the time for some honesty.

I have no idea what I want to do.
I'm way too deep into this lie.

[Desiree] Just tell the truth.

I don't know,
I made it pretty clear to both.

You've got to be kidding me.

Creed. I just gave you
the chance to be honest

with Flavia and Imogen, once and for all.

You did not take that opportunity,

which shows me that you're
not deserving of a place in the final.

[all gasp]


What is... Oh!

Oh, shit!

Please leave my retreat immediately.

Oh, my God! Wow.


Didn't end the way I wanted it to end.

-[Kayla] Sorry.


[Seb] Lana made the right decision,
but it still hurts.

Creed is my best mate in here.
[sighs] f*ck.

-Love you, man.
-You know I got you, brother...

-Thank you.
-It's all good.

Nobody wants to see Creed go.
But Creed has been playing both sides.

I think Creed really needs to learn that
he can't have his cake and eat it too.

I feel hurt. I feel disappointed.

Creed played with fire
and he got his fingers burned.

Enjoy the last day, everyone.

I feel terrible.

I wasn't 100% honest
and I wish I could be.

I just wanted that fairy-tale ending,

but they're both just so amazing,
I genuinely couldn't make a decision.

[Desiree] And now that you've had
more time to reflect,

are you ready to pick?

And I still can't.

[Desiree] Oh, well.

It's going to be okay.

[Jawahir] Tonight has been bittersweet.

Creed has left,
but Nick said "I love you" to me,

and I am appreciating this moment.

[whispers] You're a handsome man.

Creed did do me wrong and Flavia wrong.

We don't deserve this.

I really need to talk to her.

-I didn't expect this at all.

-My heart, like, dropped.

The only thing
I wanted from him was the truth.

I think he was a confused boy.

-A very confused boy.

But I'm glad we have each other now.

I'm glad you came.

How do you feel about me
taking his spot in your bed now?

Do you want to share beds?


[Desiree] Well, you know
how the old saying goes,

"Creed made his bed,

and now the girls
get to lie in it instead."

I have a new partner.

New sleep buddies. Who would've thought?

Creed's gonna be like, "What the f*ck?"

Creed, the main chick
and your side chick in the bed laughing.


Can you believe we made it to the end?

-Oh, my God!

Obviously, someone
is going to win tomorrow.

I feel like I've won.


I'm the luckiest man leaving this retreat.

I can't believe Kayla's my girlfriend,
considering what I was like at the start.

And I just love the person
that she's made me be.

Somebody's about to be $89,000 wealthier.

-[Flavia] Wow.

That's crazy to think about.
It doesn't feel real.

I need this money because I've got
flights to Scotland to pay for,

and that shit ain't cheap.

[Desiree] Let's hope
no one breaks the rules

'cause that could be the difference

between a first class ticket
and flying coach.

How did y'all two sleep?

-Amazing. There's good energy here.

[Lana chimes]

Welcome to your final day in the retreat.


We'll make the most of it!

Later on today, I will announce
who has won the $89,000 prize fund.

We knocked that down to 59 last night.

[Desiree] What? Did I totally miss that?


What? Nick and Jawahir had sex?
Is this for real?

I'm joking.

[Desiree] k*ll the tension music.

Phew! False alarm, everybody.

Your faces. Oh, my God!

[Nick] Me and Jawa, we were
the most persistent rule breakers.

But now our connection
is something deeper than that.

I'm so in love with her.

There is nothing else
in the world that matters.

There are 12 hours left
of my retreat. Use them wisely.

-Let's get excited!
-[all cheering]

Pillow fight!


[Desiree] The countdown is on,

but Lana's not clocking off
for vacation just yet.

[Lana chimes] Correct, Desiree.

My guests still have time to impress me,

and I still have time to surprise them.

In fact, this time, I have devised
a brand new set of criteria

to select my finalists.

[Desiree] Gosh, Lana, four seasons in
and you still keep me on my toes!


We've all been through something

that's been tough,
a bitter pill to swallow.

A few things, man, a few things.

Some more than others.
Both of you have been through the w*r.

[James] It's been a whirlwind for me.

Lana, I'm not going
to beg you for this money,

but I would like a check, honestly.

A handwritten check from Lana.

[Desiree] Last time I checked,
Lana didn't have hands, James.

Who do you guys really think will win?

I honestly think Seb.

I mean, obviously, we all want to win,
so I'm going to back myself first.

But you can't choose yourself so...

If it's not me, I would say Kayla.

Somebody is going to be winning
the prize fund today,

and hopefully it's me,
but even if it's not,

I will be happy
for whoever wins the money.

What would you guys do with $89,000?

I want one of those vibrating panties.

[screaming laughter]

[Shawn] Who about to win this money?

I think it might be Nick.
Nick just endured a lot of shit here.

[Desiree] Yeesh. Know your audience, Nige.

-Jawa would be a good candidate.

[Shawn] She came in wild,

she met Nick and then she was,
you know, on a good path.

Then she saw me
and kind of went off of it,

but she came back and got her green light.

Yeah, they did.

A lot of people went through a lot.

But I ain't go through shite.

My chances of winning?
If it's based on connection? Zilch.

[Desiree] If this were a self-awareness
retreat, I'd give you top prize.

But before Lana picks her finalists,
she's arranged one last workshop.

[Lana chimes]

This final workshop will allow my guests

to look back on the growth
they have made in the retreat,

and look forward to their new beginnings

as well-adjusted individuals,

capable of forming healthy,
long-lasting, romantic relationships.

[Desiree] And leading today's workshop

is relationship expert and Too Hot fave,
Brenden Durell.

Today's workshop is all about

the guests recognizing
the growth they've made

since they entered the retreat,
this is an opportunity for them

to think about the life they want to live
before they return to the outside world.

In front of you,
you've this beautiful flag

that's going to represent
how your experience has been,

and your life after the retreat.

So you're going to draw
what that will look like for you.

Whatever you want
to put on this big flag, express yourself.

This is your time to do it.

Yes, let's go guys! [whoops]

This workshop, it's scary

because it's all about opening up
in front of everybody.

Talking about the future
makes you feel vulnerable.

I cannot draw for shit.

Everybody is looking like
they're drawing like Picasso,

I'm over here on stick figures.

[Desiree] Oh, Shawn,
don't wave the white flag just yet.

All right y'all, markers down. Good job.

All right, Nick, let's see your flag.
Let's see what you expressed.

All right.

I'm in the middle of the Sun.

The Sun is the life force
of everything we got going on.

And I feel, since my time here,

it's really showed me to be vulnerable,
to put myself out there

and face those fears as they come.

I was so closed off
to the idea of opening up to someone.

But I never expected

that I'd actually find someone
who I wanted to open up to.

And in that far left corner,
I got a little butterfly

and that represents you.

I've never felt these emotions,
I've never felt this type of way.

Thank you, baby.

Me and Nick were
on different roller coasters,

but it brought us to one destination,
and I am super happy about that.


I decided to draw a wave,
because even after they crash,

they still bring themselves back together
and change into a new form.

That's big.

I have shifted
and changed so much in here.

Seeing how hurt James was
when I was with Ethan

has made me realize
that I am hurting people

when I'm being selfish with my actions.

-Like you feel different?

-100%. Thanks.
-I'm super proud of you.

[all clapping]

Thank you.

All right, Seb,
you're gonna show everybody

the vision you have for yourself
post retreat.

So what we have here
is the mountain symbolizes the retreat

and the journey
I've gone to get to the top.

I'm glad that Kayla's with me at the top.

It's not been easy to climb,
but we've managed it.

I used to be very closed off,
but now I feel so open.

I came in here as the rascal.

I was scared of commitment,

and with Kayla,
I have done the complete opposite.

She's got my heart.
And I'm allowing her to have that.

The future is the stars.

We've all learned that we can dream big
and nothing's impossible.

It's gorgeous.

I'm extremely proud of Seb.

He trusts me with his heart
and I feel like he's learned so much.

So this is the tree of life.
I symbolize it as women.

When I find my perfect tree,
I'mma water her,

I want to plant
my seeds one day, build a forest.

My flag is a phoenix.

I came in here thinking
that I was a strong woman,

but I'm leaving actually being one.

I came in cocky, but little did I know,
I got knocked down.

I can see
that there's more than just beauty,

there's personality,
a connection that can be found,

and Jawa definitely helped me find that.
Thank you.

Flavia, let's show your flag.

The X here is Peru.
The orange is Australia.

After this love triangle, I think
friendship is more important than a boy.

Sisters before misters.

Believe it or not,
a three-year-old did not draw this.

I've got little people
holding hands in there,

and that represents us being able
to find friends all around the world.

And there's also fire at the bottom
because we are all hot.

-[Flavia] Yes!

-Thank you.
-[Seb] Too hot.

[Brenden] James, what do we have here?

I have Earth as me, the Sun as Lana,
and the Moon as Queen B.

How do you see
your future together with Brittan?

[James] The possibilities
are endless with us.

We set the foundation in this retreat
to make something special.

One thing I've learned
that I have not been great with,

hearing Brittan out
for her opinion and her thoughts,

and I lost Brittan, but I got her back.

I'm the moon, huh?


All right, Kayla, let's see your flag.

[Kayla] I drew a bunch of butterflies.

I feel in this process,

I've gone
from a caterpillar to a butterfly.

I came in a player,
but I've really learned

that being open and vulnerable
is actually a sign of strength.

It's not just about the chase.
The catch is a lot more exciting.

-Thanks for sharing, this is beautiful.
-Yeah, thank you.

I'm leaving this retreat with a boyfriend.

I've never been happier.

-That was nice.

Jawahir. Let's see your flag.

[Jawahir] This is my flame.

I've always felt
like I had some type of fire in me.

And I've been through a lot.

I have learned to let my guard down.

It's okay to feel loved, to deserve love.

I have also learned

that the next best thing
isn't always the next best thing.

I've come from very, very, very far.

This retreat has changed me.

I have learned to let love in
and to show my vulnerable side,

and I am so, so proud of me today.

This fire is fiery, wild and hot,

like my passion
for this beautiful man here.

-Hi, Nick. This one's for you.
-Hi. Thank you, babe.

[Nick] I think Jawa's incredible.

Watching her become the woman she is

and face her fears,
it has been absolutely beautiful.

[Brenden] All right, y'all.

This is literally
the completion of your work.

This is your flag, like you're
hanging your flag high for yourself,

for what you've accomplished.

This will act as a symbol
for the new life you want to live.

This is for your future.

This is your moment to celebrate yourself.

You're going to wave
your flag to the ocean.

Let's do it!

-Y'all ready? You with me?

-Let's do it, let's go!
-[all cheering]

[Desiree] I admit I can be skeptical,
but this is giving me all the feels,

and not a red flag in sight!

[Seb] Being in this retreat
has actually taught everyone so much.

It wakens you up on what you need in life.

[Jawahir] One of the things that I learned
is that it's okay to be vulnerable.

It's okay to put yourself out there,
even though it's hard sometimes.

And I feel loved at this moment
and I feel appreciated by Nick.

He sees me for who I am
and he doesn't judge me,

and it feels good.

[Desiree] With her final lesson complete,

it's time for Lana to narrow down
which of these

newly enlightened souls
is going to win that sweet cash prize.

[Lana chimes]

Hello, everyone.

-Hi, Lana.
-Hello, Lana.

As you know, the prize fund
now stands at $89,000.

It's a whole lot of money!


That is a big amount of money!

This money would change my life.

If I won, I would buy
a house covered in mirrors.

Imagine, a Nigel everywhere you look.

[sighs] That's a wonderful thought.

[Desiree] Mirror, mirror on the wall,
who is the least humble of them all?

[Lana] Since your arrival in the retreat,

I have been observing your behavior.

Your ups and downs,
your mistakes, and breakthroughs.

-She knows everything about us.


Now it's time to announce my finalists.

This is so scary!

I trust Lana's decision.

She knows everybody's journey,
and I don't think she's been wrong so far.

While I acknowledge

that you have all shown
impressive emotional development...

I agree.

We came really far.

...I have identified
four individuals who stand out

for their transformative journeys.

-Four people?


Four finalists? Let's go, Lana.
Who you got?

The first finalist is...

I've come a huge distance,
but I honestly think everyone deserves it.

[Dominique] Please, Lana!

I have been touching my crystals
every night instead of touching myself

and I'm manifesting that you pick me.


-Please stand.
-[all cheering]

I'm so happy. Oh, my God!


[Lana] The second finalist is...

Come on, Lana! Spit it out.


[all clapping]


Individually, you have both grown.

However, as a pair,
you have enabled each other to flourish.

Therefore, I have decided

to nominate you together as a couple.

[all cheering]

[Kayla] Being a finalist with Seb
means everything to me.

I just know I would never be
in this position if it wasn't for him.

Seb and Kayla.
You both entered here as players.

You sought out casual connections,

which led to making
frivolous relationship choices.


When you did connect,

you focused entirely
on your physical desires.


But you eventually learned
the error of your ways.

You're being selfish and stupid.

I'm so stressed about that now.

Started to feel guilty
about what I'd done.

And began to look beyond the physical.

I haven't felt how I feel for you
about someone since I was 16 years old,

and I hope it doesn't scare you away.

A hundred percent not.

[Lana] As a result,
your bond has deepened.

To me, she's not a notch.
She's more than that.

I feel it every day. It's stronger.

[Lana] You have left behind
your player ways,

and finally learned how to commit.

For as long as I can remember,
my emotions have been so shut off.

I've never felt like how I feel with you.

I would like to go the next step,
and if you would be my girlfriend...

Yes, Seb, I'll be your girlfriend.

-Couldn't have done it with you.
-No, it takes two to tango.

[Imogen] Kayla and Seb
have overcome so many hurdles.

They definitely deserve
to be in the running for this prize.

I had no expectation whatsoever
when I first came in here.

And now look.
I've got a girlfriend and I'm a finalist.

That's just mad.

The third finalist is...

Two spots left, Lana.
Come on, say my name.


[all cheering]

Oh, my God, Nick!

What the hell?

Jeez, it's crazy.

The fourth finalist is...

Lana, please,
I need Jawa standing by my side.

Lana, oh, my God, my heart is racing.

I really want it to be me or James.
I'm giving you the eyes, Lana.


Again, as a pair,
you have empowered each other to change.

Therefore, you too, are nominated
as a couple.

[all cheering]

Oh, my God. Me and Nick are...
[exhales] finalists.

I feel like Jawa deserves it so much.

She has been growing non-stop,

and for her to be standing up
with me right now just feels perfect.

I always know what to say,
but right now I don't know what to say.

Jawa, you're speechless? What?

[all laughing]

Nick and Jawahir.

You both arrived
unable to look beyond the physical,

breaking multiple rules.

But the workshops
taught you to refocus your sexual energy...

[Nick] Yeah, so good.

...and also open up emotionally.

My parents gave me away, I was adopted,

so I have this fear
that I'm not worth loving.

I don't want people to come so close
to me that they leave me or hurt me.

[Lana] Your bond has been tested.

Why do they call you Big Shawn?

You're going to have to find out.

What the f*ck, man?

I am going to sleep next to Shawn tonight.


[Lana] Even when facing adversity,
you did so with honesty and openness.

You need your space.
I will give you your space,

but you need to tell me
what it is you want.

[Lana] And, after digging deep,

you've realized your relationship
was worth fighting for.

I've never opened my heart to anyone.

And I am terrified, I'm terrified.

I've said "I love you" in my head
so many times.

Thank you.

No, thank you.

Finalists. Later this evening,
I will reveal the winning couple.

Seb and Kayla, Nick and Jawahir.

Please make your way to the beach
and await further instructions.

-Yes, Lana.
-Thank you, Lana.

-Thank you, guys.
-[Kayla] I love you guys!

I've actually got to agree
with Lana on this.

Both couples have grown so much
and really deserve to be finalists.

I just feel like,
"Ahhh! What is going on?"

From rulebreakers to finalists!

[Desiree] Okay, I know you're excited,
guys, but keep it down.

You're distracting the others

from holding their seriously, serious
important moment faces.

Remaining guests.

You have been with Seb and Kayla,

and Jawahir and Nick,
every step of the way.

Therefore, the decision
for which couple will win lies with you.

This is a very intense moment.

Tough one.

We have to separate friendship
from growth.

We gotta choose wisely.

[Desiree] Says the man who'd spend
89 grand on a house of mirrors.

But, seriously, do choose wisely.

It is now time for you
to privately place your votes.


I feel like it's two good couples,
but one hard decision.

[Flavia] Both of these couples
are very strong.

Seb and Kayla have been through
so many tests and passed them,

and so have Nick and Jawahir.

[James] To me, there's really
only one couple that can win this.

I've seen them go through
trials and tribulations

to make it to where they are.

Both couples have been on a crazy ride,
so it's a hard decision.

[Dominique] This couple stood out to me

because of their honesty
and commitment with one another.

I do see both sides, but for me
I think I know where my vote's going.

Considering everything...

I'm going to vote for...

The couple who gets my vote...

I'm voting for...

-I'm going to vote for...
-I'm going to vote for...

So the couple I'm going to vote for is...

[drum roll]

[Desiree] Zip it, folks.

Lana will announce the winner tonight,

and not a moment before.

And everyone will be wearing white!

Been a long time coming, boys.
Long time coming.

You know the crazy part?
I don't feel like having sex.

What the hell? Oh, my gosh!
Man, Nigel's a changed man.

-Changed man.
-Don't wanna be late.


Is that prosecco?

[all cheering]


-Cheers to Lana!

[all] Cheers!

And our long, hard, sexless summer!

And it's coming to an end.

I can't believe what we've been through
to how we are now.

-It's crazy. It's absolutely crazy.
-It's nuts.

We've just all been going through
so many emotions

and pushing ourselves to be better.

But I'm so happy

that I've been able to share
this experience with these people.

It's beautiful.

-We just needed to learn...

...the physical and emotional
can actually be separated.

Came in a player, and now I'm leaving
with my head high and a smile on my face.

But, of course, I would love to win.

-Thank you all very much. Love y'all.
-Thank you so much. I love you!

Thank you, guys. Love you.

Whoever Lana is about to say,
they completely deserve it. 100%.

[Desiree] Cue smoldering slo-mo sequence
of our smoking hot finalists.

-Hey! Here are the couples!

Am I really here? Is this real?

It's so crazy to think about
this is coming to an end,

but I'm so happy

that I've been able to share
this experience with everyone here.

[Jawahir] Okay, guys.

Thank you for the beautiful experience,
the beautiful memories,

and I will hold them dearest
to my heart for the rest of my life.

-[James] Turn to the drink.
-[Nigel] 100%.

We've all been on our own journey,
and we've all come so far.

It's the same faces,
but different insides.

-[Flavia] Feces?
-Same faces.

[Desiree] Come on, guys,
let's not poo-poo his accent.

-[Shawn] I know.

That's nasty as f*ck.

[Desiree] Honestly,
the crap I have to put up with.

[Lana chimes]

Good evening, everyone.

[together] Good evening, Lana.

During your time at my retreat,
you have broken my rules 12 times.

-[James] Geez!
-[Flavia] Oh.

-God damn!
-Safe to say y'all was having fun.

Sorry, guys.

Over the course of your stay, I've
observed people commit to the process,

and ultimately make a significant change.

You did a good job, Lana,
so credit's to you.

-Yeah, that's a big thing.

Finalists, your fellow retreat guests
have been voting for the winning couple.


I'm glad I wasn't in your shoes
'cause I wouldn't know who to choose.

The time has come to announce the winners.

Finalists, please stand up.


It is nerve-racking!

The votes have been counted,

and only one couple can check out
with the $89,000 prize fund.

I know who my vote is,
but I'm not sure what everybody else's is.

My heart is pounding.
Who is Lana going to give the $89,000 to?

It could go either way right now.

The winning couple,
by six votes to one, is...

I trust that the guests
are going to pick the right person.


...Nick and Jawahir.



Oh, my God!




-Oh, my God!

-What the f*ck!

[Kayla] We may not have won,

but I think I still win
because I have the best man here.

Money is easy to make,
love is hard to find.

Yeah, well said.


I love you, bro!

Always wanted the best for Jawa.
I care about her unconditionally.

They deserve it,
they deserve this so much.

In the end, I think
they have the most genuine connection.

You go, Nick and Jawa!

I'm so excited!

[James] Nick and Jawa deserved that money,

they earned it,
and that's why I voted for them.

[Dominique] I think this is definitely
the right decision tonight,

and I'm so excited to see
where their journey takes them.

Guys, we're all winners, let's party!

[all cheering]

My retreat is officially over.
The rules no longer apply.

[all cheering]

No rules! But wait, who am I kissing then?

[Desiree] I'm so proud of the guests
and how they've grown.

Any final words of wisdom, Seb and Kayla?

It was such an amazing experience

and we can't wait
to get out of here and shag.

-I said it!

-You wantin' to pump me?

[Desiree] Oh, well,
Rome wasn't built in a day.

♪ We made it through Too Hot to Handle
We handled it all so well ♪


♪ And now I'm looking here into your eyes
You're making my heart swell ♪


[Desiree] At least he said
his heart was swelling instead of his...

[theme music playing]