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04x07 - Trust or Bust

Posted: 04/18/24 12:27
by bunniefuu

Good morning, beautiful people.


My baby is back!

I feel great because I woke up
next to the prettiest woman in the world

and I'm lit right now, man, I'm lit!

If Brittan wants to share a bed
with James, go for it.

But don't come running back to me.
I'm done now, I'm moving on.

Creed, you were in my dream last night.


We were buying bacon and eggs
because there was an apocalypse.

Oh! No!

That's not what you would buy
if there was an apocalypse.

[Desiree] They're laughing,

but surely a dream
about the apocalypse is a bad omen.

[Lana chimes]

[Desiree] Speaking of which...

[Lana] Good morning, everyone.

I would like to inform you that...

many of you are showing
signs of emotional development

and this is most encouraging.

[all cheering]

[Desiree] Would you look at that?

Even Lana
is in a chipper mood this morning.

I'm starting to like you, Lana.
You're showing your soft side.

[Desiree] Let the good times roll.

Bring it on, baby.

You still make me hard.

[Brittan giggles]

This is dangerous. This is very dangerous.

You look phenomenal.

I really hope that me and Jawahir
go the distance.

She has a spot in my heart
that no one has ever come close to.

But Jawa is a free spirit
and I can't try to hold her,

put her in a box.

[Flavia] I want you to learn Spanish.

What, so like, "Ooh, la la"?

"Ooh, la la" is French.

"Ooh, na nee."

It's been a long time
since I have feelings for a boy...

but when I'm with Creed,
it's like we're in a bubble.

But Peru and Australia are far apart.

How are we going to do things
outside the retreat?

You know what I'm enjoying?

It's the fact that
we are just so drama-free.

-It's freaking amazing.

Things are going so well with Kayla.

We were the first to get
the green light last night.

We're definitely the happiest in here
and I'm grateful for that.


She's like the dream girl.

I cannot believe that she's mine,

but I hope that doesn't change
outside the retreat

when she has hot guys
going for her all the time.

[Desiree] Well, soon
you're going to find out

because you can't stay
in this retreat love bubble forever.

Right, Lana?

[Lana chimes]

[Lana] Correct, Desiree.

Whilst it is encouraging to see
four established couples in my retreat,

if they are going to survive
in the outside world,

then each person needs to be able
to resist temptation when it arises,

while also trusting their partner
to do the same.

It's time to find out how resilient
these relationships really are.

I know what that means.

[Lana] New arrivals imminent.

[Desiree] Ooh, boy!
Here comes that apocalypse.

[Jawahir] I think
we didn't break any rules.

So I am pretty confident
that this is going to be good news.

I'll keep my mouth firmly closed.

Whatever it is, bring it on.

[Lana chimes]

Hello, everyone.

-Hello, Lana!
-What up?

I am pleased to see

that several of you
have developed romantic connections

during your time here.


I can't help but feel like
that's a dig towards me,

because I'm clearly
not in a couple right now.

[Desiree] Ouch. That one touched a nerve.

[Lana] But for these relationships
to succeed in the long-term,

it is vital that you trust each other
to resist temptation.

-Oh, God!


[Creed] I think Flavia trusts me,

but there's a piece of her
that is questioning

after what happened with Sophie.

[Lana] Today,
I will be putting that to the test.


What the hell does that mean, Lana?

What will this test be?

I'm having a heart attack!

[James] Who's nervous?

I'm never good at tests.

[Lana] With the help of...

two new arrivals.


Oh, my God!

I knew it!

This is going to stir up some shit.

All the couples right now
look extremely nervous.

Especially, Kayla and Seb.
They have been down this road before.

[Jawahir] This is going to mess up
some things in the retreat.

Yeah, this ain't good.

Oh, shit!

[groans] The last time there was two
new arrivals, the house was a mess!

Lana, Lana, Lana Banana.
Why are you putting me through this?

[Lana] The first new arrival...

is Shawn.

[Desiree] Ooh.

That is one fine lookin' man.

Does he sound like a handsome guy?

He's not going to be, like, spicy is he?

I mean Shawn's not exactly an exotic name.

Shawn sounds like a handsome guy.

[Lana] The second new arrival...

is Imogen.


Please, Lana,
please don't let her be Creed's type!

[Desiree] I've got a feeling
she's everyone's type.

Baby, baby.

[Lana] Two of you will be going
on private dates with the new arrivals.

[all groaning and exclaiming]

This cannot be good.

I just got her back, Shawn!

We're doomed. We are doomed.

No, thank you.

[Lana] They have selected the guests
they are most attracted to

from a choice of those in relationships.


This is definitely
the ultimate test of trust.

I think everyone's starting to freak out.

[Lana] Shawn has chosen
to go on a date with...

I don't want Brittan to be picked.
That would be horrible.

Please not Kayla.

Oh, God! I'm prepared for impact.


[all exclaiming]

How the tables have turned!

Ah. f*ck this. f*ck this.

Trust and believe.

-How are you feeling, Kayla?
-I got him.

I care about Seb a lot.

But this is a big test for me
because I am usually the date-around type

and not really care
about others' feelings.

This is a big test. I just hope
Lana knows what she's doing.

[Lana] Imogen has chosen
to go on a date with...

My heart is racing!

[Kayla] If Seb is chosen
for another date, that sucks.

It doesn't look good.

[Brittan] Imogen, we can be friends.
Just don't take my man.

If she goes for James, she's dead.


[all exclaiming]

Why? Oh, my God!

Creed, do you trust and believe?

I trust myself for sure.

I'm not concerned
about being picked for the date.

I'm so happy with Flavia,
now it's time to prove myself.

Let's see!

My heart's definitely pounding,
but, like, I'm pretty calm, honestly.

Flavia, do you trust Creed?

There's something that's on my mind,
but I hope I'm not wrong this time.

It won't. It'll be chill.

-You won't turn your head?


[Lana] Kayla and Creed,
your dates will take place

at a location away from the retreat.

When your watches vibrate and turn red,
your dates will be over.

That's different.

[Desiree] That is different.
Lana, what are you up to?

[Lana] Kayla and Creed,
please now leave the cabana

and get ready for your dates.

[all cheering]

Bye, guys!

Don't disappoint us, please.

[Flavia] He says I don't have to worry,

but if Creed does something
with Imogen, I'll kick his ass.

-What if you like her?
-That's nuts.

[Kayla] f*cking nuts, huh?

I would never want anyone in here
to have to go through what I went through,

but everyone throws around
this genuine connection bullshit,

and then swap and then they switch again.

So you're saying that Creed might
do the same thing that happened with you.

I wouldn't be shocked.

Well, let's see. I think
we have a genuine connection.

I think he's changed. He's different
with me than he was with you.

If anyone knows how worried
Flavia should be, it's me.

[Desiree] And me.

Just because this hottie
knows she's on Too Hot to Handle

doesn't mean she comes cone trained.

I would say I'm literally
the female version of a bad boy.

I get what I want, when I want,
I don't care what I have to do to get it.

Creed is hot. I would love
to break the rules with him.

When I grew up, all I knew were Imogens.

-And they're generally good-looking girls.

I think it's a really cute name,
but, like, Shawn?

Who the hell could that be?

So what if Shawn's got Seb's personality
but the looks of Nigel.

And the looks of Nigel?


That would be the only way I'd be tempted.

[Desiree] Well, prepare to be tempted

because Nigel wishes
he looked like this guy.

[Shawn] I'm over six feet tall.
225 pounds of pure muscle.

And I put the dirty in Dirty South.

You google sexy Black man,
you'll see me, right there.

[Desiree] Okay, I wouldn't usually
interrupt, but this I gotta see...

[typing rapidly]

Damn! I think I just found
my new screen saver.

As soon as I walk in, it's going to be
like a Florida hurricane.

I'll tear everything up.
I'm taking Kayla from whoever she's with.

They better watch out,
'cause I'm not playin' games.

I think this will definitely
keep our guys and gals on their toes.

Yeah, I know.

[Kayla] I do feel like Seb and I
are pretty in deep with each other,

but when Seb went on his date with Flavia,
I spent the day crying,

so I kind of
want to make him sweat a little bit

and go through what I went through.

I feel like this is a huge test from Lana

and it's a huge test for everyone,
not even just for us.

[Desiree] Well, that's spooky.

-[Seb] What the hell!
-[James]What is this?

[Desiree] Because Lana has mysteriously
called the others to the fire pit.

So you might just be
onto something, Kayla.

[Sophie] Oh, no!

[Nigel] I see this big-ass red button,
I don't know what to think.

But red buttons make me excited.

[Desiree] Ah! So that's
who's been setting off the fire alarms.

-Oh, this is scary.
-[Lana chimes]

Today's test is not only
for Kayla and Creed,

but also for Seb and Flavia.

[Dominique] Ooh!

That's a twist!

Oh, God!

What is going on?

[Lana] It is time to find out

if you trust your partners
to stay faithful to you

under all circumstances.

Ah, shite!

Should I be worried? No.

But am I worried? f*cking right.

[Lana] Kayla and Creed's dates
will last 90 minutes.


During which Seb and Flavia
will go through three stress tests...

I'm nervous.

...designed to find out
how much you trust them.

-Oh, my God!
-Hell no!

[Lana] Because if you do not trust,

you have the power
to stop the dates at any time.

Ah, f*ck!


[Lana] By pushing...

[loud buzz]

the red button.

[Desiree] Wait a second, so this is like
Too Hot to Handle, The Game Show?

Seb and Flavia have been handed
the power to cock-block

because if they don't trust their boo,

all they've gotta do
is hit that big red button...

[loud buzz] trigger their partners' watches
and end the date.

Time to place your bets
on who folds first.

Seb or Flavia?

[Seb groaning]

[Lana] If you pass this test,
you will prove

that your relationship has the potential
to thrive beyond my retreat.

I'm ready to rock and roll.

-You guys got this.
-[James] Resist it.

[Nick] Seb and Flavia, let's go.

I would not press the red button
because a relationship is built on trust

and if you can't trust someone
through this,

the relationship will crumble.

[Desiree] Easy for you to say, Nick!
It's not Jawa going on that date.

Hold on to your seats.
Keep your hands in the ride.

It's going to get bumpy.


Flavia is pooing her pants.
She looks nervous as hell.

[Lana] Seb and Flavia,
the dates are about to begin

in three, two, one.

[Desiree] Come on everyone, time to play

Block That Cock!

Block That Cock!

Oh, hey!

Ooh, wow!

Wow, she looks amazing.

Put me in the game, coach,
player see player.

-You look gorgeous!

-How are you doing?
-Nice to meet you.

-I'm Kayla.
-I'm Shawn, how are you doing?

-Nice to meet you. Thank you.
-Let me get you a chair.

Got your hair out and everything, Lord!

-Thank you.
-Have a seat.

-I like your shoes.
-Thank you.

Oh, my God! This man is so attractive.

I'm playing a very dangerous game.

[Desiree] Yeah, you are.

He is 225 pounds of pure temptation.

-All right. Cheers to us.
-Cheers to your beauty. Yes, queen.

Thanks for picking me.

I had to. Look at you!
You look like a supermodel.

-Stop! Thank you.
-[Shawn laughs]

You think it's a shock that I picked you?


I'd be lying if I said yeah.

-I'm confident.

That's sexy!

-How tall are you?
-I'm six foot.


What would be your type on paper?

-Oh, okay.

I love dark skin.


You'll be surprised,
the guy I'm with is none of that.

-He's none of what you just said?

Kayla definitely finds me
more attractive than the guy she's with.

I'm about to start stepping on toes.

Let's say you're out with your friends.

We both walk in.
Who'd you want to approach you?



It's time for Shawn to make his move.


How's it going? Oh.

-Nice to meet you.
-How's it... Hi.

-What's your name?

-Creed, nice to meet you!

-Is that an Aussie accent?
-It is.

-Where are you from?
-I'm from Australia.

-Are you really?

Oh, my goodness!

Imogen is stunning.
The green eyes have just got me.


-Your eyes are phenomenal.
-Thank you. So are yours.

As soon as I flicked past your photo,
I was like, yeah, that one.

-Really? What is your type?

-Like you.

I love a pretty boy, I love a clean look.

He is so hot,
I would love to rip that shirt off.

What's your normal type?

-Brunette. Light eyes.

And then, like, Australian like me.

I am her.

I know, that's why
I'm kind of like... Uh-oh.

It is going to be so hard to stay strong

because my past, I've always jumped
onto the new shiny thing,

but I'm trying to be different.

Do you have all these similarities
with the other girl? What's her name?

-Flavia. Yeah.
-Flavia. Yeah.

Like, I don't know,
I haven't seen anything wrong at all.

You see anything wrong with me?


[Imogen] I definitely want Creed.

My job now is just
to get Flavia out of the way,

and I think I know how to do that.

[Lana chimes]

[Lana] Seb and Flavia.
It is time to face your first test.

In the outside world,
humans are able to observe

the social media accounts
of potential love rivals...

Lana, what is this about?

...causing jealousies
and their ability to trust.

I don't have a good feeling.

Therefore, I have created highlights

of Shawn and Imogen's
social media profiles.

Oh, shit!

Oh, my God!

She is fit. f*cking hell.

f*cking... what?

Oh, my God! Imogen is out of this world.

I think she's even got
a bigger bum than me.

Oh, my God!

[all exclaiming]

Look at the size of the fucker!

Somebody call 911 because
the retreat is about to be on fire!

Are you guys, like,
tempted to touch the button at all?

I do want to have something
outside the retreat with Creed,

so I need to pass the test.

I hope what we think we have
is stronger than how she looks.

-You'll have nothing to worry about.

If I looked like him
and I was as big as him

then I'd be, like,
"Shit, now she's got to compare."

But we are complete polar opposites.

But I don't think
she's with you for looks.

Exactly, it's not about looks,
we're complete...

So why does it matter
you're polar opposites?

[Desiree] Oh, she's got you there.

If she goes with him, that's because...

He's perfect?

...that's that.

I'm never cocky, but Shawn isn't me.

Kayla likes me for me.
I think we'll be okay.

But what if he has
a crazy personality to match?

Ah, f*ck!


You like chocolate?



-I ain't going to do too much.

Nothing you can't handle.

I'm definitely getting a vibe
that Kayla is enjoying herself.

Waste no time and get it on.

You did that real sexy.

How long you been liking chocolate for?

-Oh, you are funny!
-Yeah, I told you.

I have never given Seb
a reason not to trust me,

but it's getting harder
and harder to resist.

[Lana] Seb and Flavia.
It is time for your second test.

Ah, f*ck!

I will provide you
with some additional information

regarding Shawn and Imogen

to help inform your decision
on whether to allow the dates to continue.


He's a comedian, I f*cking bet.

...Shawn's friends describe him...

as the joker.

[all exclaiming]

-The joker!

[all laughing]

Seb, it's over for you!

How you feeling now, funny guy?

Oh, guys, I opened up big time
yesterday as well. Oh.

-Oh, no!
-[Seb] Oh, no!

Okay, I'm sweating a bit now.

Shawn is her type, and he's funny as well.

Oh, man, I'm nervous!

[Lana] Flavia. Imogen's friends
describe her as an Australian...


pocket rocket.

[Brittan] No way.

-Shut the hell up.
-Are you kidding?

[Desiree] Oof! Flavia's g'day
just went from bad to worse.

Australian? Flavia, I don't know
about this one, girl.

It's looking a little bad.

They have lots of things
in common, definitely.

You are playing dirty, Lana.

Imogen's Australian, Creed is Australian.

I'm starting to worry right now.

Do you think if Flavia
didn't come in when she came in

and I came in before her,
you would've been with me?

[Desiree] The moment of truth, Creed.

Are you going to repeat history
and chase the shiny new thing again

or resist temptation
and stay true to your boo?


That's a great question.
She's, like, 80% my type.

If she's 80, where am I on that?

-I'm not going to say.
-You have to say it.

-I can't.
-You can say it.

It's definitely
in and around there, more maybe.

Oh, no!

That's all the information I need then.


[Imogen] Creed is definitely torn.

I think I'm going to have to
turn it up a notch.


The closest I get
to kissing your lips for a while, I feel.

I'd like to see your shirt off.

Yeah? You'll see it off.

I came into this date so confident
that my head wouldn't turn,

but now my brain is scrambled eggs.

You like to get messy, do you?

-f*ck yeah.

The longer this date goes on,

the more confident I'm getting
that his head will definitely turn.

[Lana] I must congratulate you
on your continued trust.


-I hate your "howevers."
-I hate "however."

...the final part of this test
will be the most trying so far.

Both dates have been given
the opportunity to share a massage,

if they choose to.

-f*ck's sake!
-We'll be here an hour.

[Nick] f*ck.

f*ck that.

[Desiree] Okay, so I'm guessing Kayla
and Creed will have a long hard think

about this decision.

Take this off.

[Desiree] Oop!

Guess not for Creed.

I'm going to turn over.

And, damn, Kayla's already on the bed.

[Lana] Kayla and Creed have
both begun their massages.

f*ck that.

-Oh, no! I can't. f*ck that.
-Wait, no. Think about it.

I've thought about it, there's a massage.

If you hit that button,
then you don't trust her.

I need to trust Kayla,

but there's always that little thing
in your head that's like, "What if?"

Right, I'm going
to take a moment. I'll be back.

This is a really scary feeling for me
because Kayla's got my heart.

She is in complete control
of my emotions right now.

It's a difficult situation
for anybody to be in.

-It's really overwhelming.
-[Flavia] Yeah.

There's a bikini under the skirt as well
if you need to get under there.

I can't stop thinking about Creed
and what he's doing.

[Nick] Game on.

[Seb] I race cars for a living,

not really scared of crashing
and breaking bones.

But I'm kind of scared
of getting my heart broken.

-I'm licensed. I'm a professional.
-Oh, really?

Yeah, they call me
the chocolate sensation.

-No, I'm playing.

[Dominique] You have to think about
how she's going to feel

if she comes back
and finds out that you didn't trust her.

Oh, my God!
He's getting really close to that button.

I feel like I'm just getting
the treatment right now.

You know how they say
about the men in the South.

-Mmm-hmm. [giggles]
-We get down and dirty with it.

She's going to find out
either way if you trust her.


Back up, Seb.
Get away from the button, Seb.

-[Lana chimes]

[Lana] Date ended.

-Lana has ended our date.

God damn.

I was literally on the first leg.
I was about to get in there.

I know.

I'm irritated.
How does the watch go red? Come on.

[Desiree] Well, if you google
"Jealous Scotsman," you'll find out.

-[Nick] That's your choice.
-We're here for you, bro.

Thank you.

[Lana] Seb,
by pressing the red button,

you have shown
that you do not fully trust Kayla.

[Seb groans]

This is shite.

I can't help but feel
that I've let Kayla down.

I don't know how she's going to react.

All right, guys. I can do this.

Come on, Flavia. Let's go!

Oh, my God!

I really hope he behaves
'cause I'm trusting him.


It's a test for the both of you right now.

It's not just you going through it.
He's going through it too.

[Desiree] Oh, you're right, Brittan.
Creed's really in a tight spot here.

Oh, f*ck...

No one can resist a little massage
of the bum-bum.

Can they?

You know your spots.

Yeah, I'm generally quite good
at finding the spots.

[both chuckle]

One spot in particular,
I'm pretty good at finding.

By the way Creed's massaging my bum,
I think he definitely wants me.

Okay, it just dripped down the middle.

Oh, this is ridiculous!

This bum is phenomenal.
My dream girl right in front of me.

I'm just not thinking about anything else.

[Desiree] Yep, that is quite apparent.

[Flavia] I really like him.

I've opened up to him and I trust him too.

[Lana] Flavia. Creed's date will end
in three, two, one.

Date ended.

[sighs in relief]

Now I can breathe.

[Lana] Congratulations, Flavia.

You have shown the ability
to put total trust in your partner

-and have passed my test.
-[all cheering]

As a reward, I will add $10,000
to the prize fund.

[all cheering]

[James] $10,000 back in the pot.
You did it!

Oh, my God. I can't believe it.
I feel proud of myself.

-Well done.
-It's important.

-I'm proud of you.
-We are all proud of you.

I hope Creed's happy
that I didn't press the red button

because that shows I trust him.

[Desiree] But unfortunately,
you shouldn't have.

We could be in for a bumpy night.

Let's just hope Creed
doesn't make any more girls cry.

I don't trust Creed at all, so...

I mean, this will be interesting.

I'm actually gone jelly, I'm shaking
like a sh1tting dog. Genuinely.

-This is a test and a half...
-Yeah. be quite honest.

If Kayla moved on with Shawn,
it's going to be a hard pill to swallow.

Right now, I don't even want to think
about that, it's making me feel sick.

[Desiree] You might be
about to get a whole lot sicker

because here comes Kayla and Shawn

and they are holding hands.

Oh, f*ck's sake, man.

They walked in holding hands. f*ck it.

[Desiree] Ooh, Seb, Karma's a bitch.

-Hi, guys!

Oh, my God!

-This is Shawn.
-What up, man? I'm Nick.

-Nice to meet you, Shawn.

Ah, f*ck!


He's a good-looking guy.

He does look kind of good.

How was the date?

-It was a good date.
-Yeah, it was fun.

They had a great time.

What does that mean?

The date ended up ending early
'cause we got a red light.

Red light.

-Wanna know why you got a red light?
-Yeah, why?

We were with Lana and we had a red button...

Oh, shite. They're telling them
about the red thing. f*ck.

Seb decided
that he wanted to stop the date

when he found out
it was going to be massages.

Today has been extremely intense.
I need to go and speak to Seb.

-She's coming over here.
-Oh, no.

Moment of truth.

[Seb] Let's stand up.

-Can I talk to you for a second?

[Brittan] Have fun, you two.

We can sit down.

How's your day been?


-I started off like, "I'm fine."

And then it kind of hit me, like,
it started to eat me.

-It was shit.

I'm sorry your day sucked.

But, you know, like,
I'm going to be honest though.

Oh, no!

Um, he's definitely my type.

And he's really funny.


I even got worried with myself.

Like, going into it, I was like...

I'm a Libra. I'm a little flirty.

Like, do I trust myself?

[Desiree] Is she going to break his heart?

And, um...

Please. me, there's just nothing
better than you, honestly, at this point.


Are you okay?

Come here. Oh, my God!

[Desiree] Phew!

I think I'm more relieved than Seb.

[Kayla] I'm not going to lie,
Shawn is my usual type,

but that's not enough.

Because I still feel like
there's no one better than Seb.

Nobody can walk into my life
and replace you.

I needed this.

[Shawn] Kayla and Seb
definitely have a strong connection.

I'm definitely disappointed,

but at the same time
I'm putting my mind to the next.

Who do you find attractive?

I love my Black queens,

but I'm definitely open
to everything else, so.

Oh, shit!

[Jawahir] Shawn. Shawn. Shawn.


What? He said a Black queen.
I'm a Black queen.

[Nick] Myself and Jawa have something
really strong right now,

but maybe I should be
a little bit worried. I don't know.

Oh, man, Kayla.

I f*cked... I stopped your date.

Yeah, I heard.

Why were you so stressed?

You know what, like,
I've never managed a relationship

because I've never been able to trust.

And I don't show my emotions.

I've never felt like this
with anybody else before.

My emotions are on the line with her.

It makes you feel vulnerable,
I haven't felt vulnerable.

I think this was a bigger challenge for me
than it was for you.

-How do you think I felt last time?
-Let me explain...

-Were you crying all day? Exactly.
-No, no. But I felt like it.

Come here.


[Kayla] The fact that

he had to go through what I went through
and felt the same way speaks volumes.

It doesn't make me happy
that you were stressed out,

but in a way it does
just because I know you care.

I definitely feel closer to Seb
through all of this.

I'm glad you pressed the red button.

You just confirmed to me
that you're honest,

you're upfront and you're loyal.

Which to me... And I can trust you.

[Desiree] Gosh, you're good, Lana.

Seb may have failed your test,
but he still learned your lesson.

I'm so happy. I'm actually so...
I'm so happy, I just want to jump in.

f*ck this!


[squeals and laughs]

[Seb exclaiming]

-Come in!
-I'm not coming in.

Is this a look?

It's a look.

Is this like what they do in The Notebook?

I don't know, I've never seen it.

[Desiree] Ryan Gosling,
eat your heart out.

I just wish Flavia and Creed
were destined for a happy ending too.

But unfortunately, I think
it's going to be more of a horror film.

So if Creed comes in and,
God forbid, he has done something.

Is that, like, it?

He told me he would behave himself
and I kind of want to believe him.

I think he'd be very, very stupid
to do the same thing again.

[Desiree] Oh, Sophie, you have no idea.

[all cheering]

[Creed] Guys...

This is Imogen.

[all] Hi!

Oh, my God, she's really pretty
and she's grabbing him by the arm.

That can't be good news.

-Imogen's from...

[all cheering]

So what happened?
What went on? Talk to us.

It was pretty sweet, honestly.

-We had a fruit platter.
-It was just...

It was chocolate dips and then
we fed each other chocolate-dipped fruit.

[Desiree] Well, this is awkward.

We had to, like, massage each other.

Which was interesting for a first date...

but, yeah.

It was fun though.

[Creed] It's funny because,

like, she's literally my exact personality
in female form.


-To a tee. Like, I was saying things...
-It's really weird.

[Sophie] That was disrespectful as f*ck.


[Desiree] Yeah, you probably
shouldn't have said that.

Was there any rule breaking?

No, there was none, there was none...

Relax, James.
Hey, you guys, have a bit of faith in me.

-No, not us.

-Flavia? Really?
-She did.

There was a red button

and we got to decide
if we wanted to stop the dates.

[Creed] Yeah?

Seb stopped the date of Kayla
and I let you be.

-That's Flavia, who I was talking about.

I am so annoyed right now.

-I've heard about you.


I need to know
exactly what happened on this date.

We should have a chat.



Hey, you guys.

[Dominique] So, what's your type?



Yeah. Basically, like, to a tee.

[Desiree] Oh, Creed, I think you've got
some making up to do.

How about starting
with thanking Flavia for trusting you?

So... Tell me all about it, I want to hear.


It was fun as f*ck.

[Desiree] Wow! Seriously?


I went in, super confident,
like, "My head is not turning to her."

Then we're chatting and I was like,

"What the hell!" I was like, "This chick's
literally the female version of me."



She's very pretty. Very pretty.

-I know and...

It was a good date.

[Flavia] I can't hide my feelings.

So it's really obvious
I'm not liking this conversation.

In the outside world, I would have
completely jumped at her.


[Desiree] Damn, Creed.
Are you hearing yourself right now?

When I was talking to her,
it felt like home.

She feels like home? Home!

I am very confused right now.

If you want to know her,

-or be with her, I want you to tell me.
-Mmm-hmm. Yeah.


And be very honest.

Oh, f*ck! I may have slipped up.

[Desiree] Yeah, you think?

I don't want to go through
what Sophie went through.

I, well...

I've kind of lost my head.

Imogen and I have an unreal bond,

but I don't think I should throw away
what I have with Flavia.

It's hard to trust you because...

The last thing that happened?

-No, I know.

I was super conscious of what I was doing

and what I was saying and I was like,
"I don't want to say that

because I know
Flavia wouldn't want me to say that."

You don't have anything to worry about.


I obviously care about you
which is why I didn't do anything stupid.

[Desiree] Like rubbing oil
into another girl's butt?

It feels so nice,
Creed doesn't feel like jumping ship.

He only has eyes for me.

Don't get too comfortable, Flavia.

Imogen and her bum-bum
aren't going anywhere.

So you still think Creed is your top pick?


f*ck, they're going to hate you.

How serious do you think he is with her?

I don't know. He was, like,
full massaging my ass and stuff.


-He was touching your ass? Really?

-Oh, shit!

I'm telling you,
he definitely wasn't closed off at all.

You gotta go for what you want to go for.

Okay, listen.

He is giving me
the "I want to f*ck you" eyes.

'Cause he does want to f*ck you.

Jawa, the whole time we talking,
she looking at me.

I like my beautiful, Black queens,

and I kind of glanced at her.
She was like, "Yes."

[Jawahir] I like Nick very much...

[Brittan] Yeah.

...but Lana sent him here
to mess with my head.

So that let me know. I was like...


"He's not your type.
This is just who you're with."

Would you jump ship with Shawn?

I don't know.

I always do this.

Girl, I'm scared.

This guy is a temptation.

What's wrong with me?
This is going to be a bumpy ride.

[theme music playing]