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02x09 - Green Lights and Hot Nights

Posted: 04/18/24 12:11
by bunniefuu
Do you wanna
shower with me?

Okay, we're back
and things are gettin' steamy.

♪ I'm burnin' and I'm about to explode ♪

This isn't a test I need right now.
Not at all.

♪ Oh! Too hot to handle ♪

I was never good at tests, not gonna lie.
I was a naughty kid in school.

I'm single.

He's practically single.

So really we can do what we want.

Ugh, I want to get in the shower.

- I'm gonna have to leave.
- What?

I'm leaving now.

- What?
- I'm leaving now.

Well, there's the door, Cam.
Maybe start walking towards it.

Nope, that's the shower door.

Have a nice shower.

That was hard.

Why do I like girls so much?

Lana, I hope you're watching, love,

because that might be
the hardest thing I've had to do here.

Cam might have doused
the flames of passion in the shower...

Let's have fun.

...but the prize fund
could still be in hot water.

- What?
- What? What?

I think, like,
Cam needs to liven up a bit.

I'm just looking for a bit of fun really,
so I'm gonna keep flirting with Chase.

I think he's a great guy.

It is weird, like, sharing a bed with Em
after our chat.

I'm hoping
she gives me a bit of space tomorrow,

just to kind of get my head sorted.

So with a restless sleep ahead
for Cam,

there's still the teeniest matter
of Melinda and Marvin.

Massaging oil. What the f*ck?

$55,000 at stake
for just one night of no nooky.

All alone in a sexy love nest,

this could be a redemption story
to remember.

Oh, we're f*cked!


Ah, jeez.

- Hola.
- Good morning.

With Larissa leaving,
my mind is pretty made up

that things with Elle
just aren't gonna go anywhere right now.

Too often in my life,
I break things off with someone

and then jump straightaway
into something else.

Joey, Carly, how you doing over there?
Middle bed.

Originally, I thought it was Chase's bed,
but Carly stamped her dominance on that.

It's like when your ex-girlfriend
gets the dog and the apartment.

- That's me right now.
- I'm the dog.

She got Joey in my bed.

I mean, I was bothered
by the whole Carly situation,

but me and Tabitha are great.

I'm genuinely happy.
I've never been more at peace.

It's the first time
you're not waking up sweaty.

Your hair's actually curly and fluffy.

- Mmm.
- How mental is that?

So soft!

Even though Cam has had doubts
about our situation,

we've worked so hard
on getting to know each other

and building a relationship
that he'd be stupid to throw it all away.

You guys think
Mel and Marvin did anything?

Um, I'm worried.

All they got to do is get
a bit carried away in the moment.

Yeah, true.

I spent the best night ever.
Like, one of the best nights of my life.

Oh, f*ck!

Call me cynical, but usually
when a man has a grin that big

and claims he had the best night ever,
it usually means one thing.

With time in the retreat
drawing to a close

and with Marvin and Melinda yet to emerge
from their possible den of iniquity,

the rest of the residents are
soaking up the sun while they still can.


It does make me worried.
Why have we not seen them?

I'll do the talking.

You couldn't have put
two hornier people in that suite.

That is the ultimate test then, isn't it?


We've been through a lot together.

If they did,

I can guarantee that everyone in the house
is gonna be really pissed off.

Like, for real mad.

♪ So lie to me ♪

♪ Go on and lie to me, yeah ♪

The money's on the line.

Friendships. Our friendships, all of this.

- Respect completely lost.
- Hundred percent.

♪ So lie to me
Go on and lie ♪

They don't look happy.
They don't look happy.

Does anyone else
have the feeling

this day is about to take a very bad turn?

How was last night?

It was great. It was great, guys.

What happened?

We... We couldn't successfully complete.

- Shit, man.
- Really?


Are you joking?

- You had one job!
- We ain't got no money left.

- Are you serious?
- I'm actually pissed off.

Just pull the Band-Aid off,
guys. Let's get this over with.

There was literally so much...
Our respect, money, your own respect.

I am literally shocked.

They couldn't manage
to keep off each other for one night?

That's not a big ask.

Are y'all being serious or not?

Hell no, we ain't spent nothing!

I've never seen
a group of people so happy

for their friends to not have sex.

This is how my friends react when I do.

We did it.

Buzzing for you both, you know?

- Whoo!
- Well done, guys!

- Wait, so no kissing, nothing?
- Nothing!

- We put a bench in the bed like this.
- And pillows.

A what?

I need to see what went down.

Oh, you look so good
right now.

No! Nothing!

Marvin, stop!

Stop. I'm moving.

You gonna sleep on there?

- You put the bench right there.
- It stays right here.

I'm serious.

they've definitely set the benchmark.

Sorry, guys, couldn't resist.

- We didn't touch anything.
- Nothing!

Aw, so proud of you two.

It feels so good
to have this achievement with Melinda.

We've come such a long way

and now we have proved everybody
that we can make it.

You've grown!

I've never been that happier
in this whole retreat.

- You both just radiate...
- Aw, Marvin!

I'm gonna cry!

It's clear that
a lot of people in here have progressed.

I hope that everything can be okay
between me and Em.

But I just need some space
and a bit of time

to make sure
that I go through with the right decision

and that everything is clear
in my own head.

- I can touch her now.
- Yeah!

♪ What you get is what you see ♪

♪ I won't pretend I'm what you need ♪

♪ There's no in-between ♪

♪ This is take or leave ♪

That's the sweet potato fries I ate today.

- And two sandwiches.
- I'm a growing boy.

- That's what my mom would say.
- He's a growing boy.

What's going on?

- How's it going, lad?
- You look like you've seen a ghost.

Yeah, I'm all right. Just, like,
overthinking in here, bro, overthinking.

♪ The trouble with love is ♪

♪ You just have to trust it ♪

♪ For it to be lost ♪

You're the first person
I told about this, but...

Tabitha came in the shower yesterday...
I was just in the bathroom, chilling.

She came in,
said she kind of like fancied me.

Got very flirty. She asked me
to get in the shower with her.


- Here we go again.
- You did?

I wanted to so badly.

I'm always chasing the next thing,
'cause it's exciting.

I always like to... I'm never content.

It's like I'd rather cut it off in here

than have to go outside this retreat
and possibly see what happens

and then potentially hurt...

End up hurting me.

I said no
to getting in the shower with Tabitha,

so I think that shows
I've grown quite a bit already,

but I'm struggling to commit to Em
at the moment.

I'm too scared to just jump into something
and to commit to something

because I don't know
whether it's gonna work or not.

It's lonelier
having someone different every night

than it is
just having that one consistent figure.

- It's easy, but lonelier.
- Yeah, it's easy but it's lonely.

If you cut things off with Em,
can you really leave the retreat

and say that you've changed?

- Probably not.
- Probably not, no.

He has a great thing with Emily.

Very rarely
does a connection like theirs happen.

He should be so content with Emily,

and if he's not, you really
don't need to string her along any longer.

The promise
of winning back $25,000

seems to have our guests nice and relaxed.


But this ain't
my first retreat rodeo.

I'll believe nothing
till I hear it from Lana herself.

- Ooh!
- Lana!

Hey, Lany.

I'm praying and hoping,
but you can never know with these two.

Last night, Marvin and Melinda

faced the ultimate test of restraint
in the suite.

I can confirm that... rules were broken.

- Oh, love it! We love to hear it!
- We love to hear it, baby!

The prize fund
now stands at $55,000.

I'm extremely proud.
They set aside their own urges

and they considered
each and every one of us in the retreat.

We couldn't touch each other or anything.

And I think
that has brought us closer than ever.

We're so happy together.

For you guys.

- Yeah!
- Finger snap.

That little cone
sure knows what she's doing.

This feels like a big turning point.

From now on, it's genuine growth
and meaningful connections.

Ain't that right, Tabitha?

We've definitely got
more money in the bank to spend now,

so we might as well just have a big orgy.
That's what we're here for.

I'm joking. We're not.
But it would be more fun.

That's a totally different show,
which would be on pay-per-view.

Marvin and Melinda.

I would like to reward you
with a date this afternoon.

Well deserved.

But I have further announcements.

Oh God.

Lana, don't play like that.

The "but" can only mean bad news.

All romantic connections matter

and must be nourished
with time apart from the group.

This is why I am sending
all partnered guests on a final date.


Chase and Tabitha,
you will go this afternoon.


Tabitha makes me feel
like a kid in a candy store.

It's gonna be a good day.

- That's cute.
- Yeah.

- You might get the green light this time.
- Maybe.

Second date with Chase. So excited.
I want to bring out his fun, naughty side.

So we'll see how the date goes.

Cam, Emily...

Joey, and Carly,
your dates will be later tonight.

- We need a date.
- Yeah.

- We need a date night.
- We do.

I'm excited to go on a date with Joey.

We're good to each other.
We get each other.

I want Lana to see that and to be like,
"Carly, this is who you should be with."

It is time for you all
to look at your development

and assess what you want from your future.

Please use this time wisely.

This date is fairly big,
you know, for me and Em,

'cause I think the decision as to whether
I am gonna commit to her long-term,

I feel like I have to make it
on this date.

It's crunch time, decision time.

You heard the cone.
It's one day of turbo-dating

to figure out where the heck
these relationships are heading.

It's all about the couples today.

That just leaves Nathan and Elle
to keep each other company.

I just started to realize that you really
don't need to have someone in here.


I felt like me and Nathan,
we had an infatuation,

because I was new and we'd just met
and, you know, we both look nice.

I feel like maybe we should
just be friendly with one another,

'cause he's so funny,
he makes me laugh so hard.


Don't spill the drink!

First up for their date,
last night's MVPs, Marvin and Melinda.

♪ My future looks like
Ooh, ooh, ooh ♪

You like that, huh?

Marvin and I
really haven't been on a date in a while.

Let's pop the champagne right now.

We are so excited right now.



But I need some reassurance here,

because after we leave this retreat,
he's going back to France,

I'm going back to New York City.

To our journey.

Oh! The long journey that we had?

- Yeah. How many times did we break up?
- It was a lot.

But finally I realized
that you were the right one.

Everything has changed
between me and Melinda.

We were struggling and fighting,

and right now I want to be with her

and, yeah, it's kind of perfect.

I feel like the more you struggle
and you fight,

the better it is at the end,
because now our relationship is so strong.

We literally had everything thrown at us
and we came out stronger.

For a long time, I questioned us
and my feelings towards him.

But after the workshops
and me expressing how I feel about him,

and him expressing
how he feels towards me,

my feelings for him
are stronger than ever.

You make me feel better
and be someone better.

Kind of... Yeah.

- You motivate me and I motivate you.
- Yeah!

Baby, that's powerful.

Motivation right there.

How do you see the future between us?

You and I, we only go up from here.

- Yeah.
- There's no going back.

You make me so happy.

This moment is so perfect. Just perfect.

We've got to leave this retreat together,

so I have to ask her
to become my girlfriend,

but, at the same time, I'm really nervous.

♪ Oh, love is a risk
One that I wanna take... ♪

- This is nice.
- Not bad.

- Have a seat.
- Thank you.

All the things I've learned
in this retreat,

I feel like, with my emotions,
I've learned to tap into them

and, right now,
I have such strong feelings for Tabitha.

- Cheers to a second date.
- Cheers.

- To many more.
- Mmm.

I'm here to pour my heart out.
Nothing unsaid.

All stones turned over.

- That's quite nice, isn't it?
- Yeah. It's like, uh... It's really good.


Your eyes, like... like, glow.

You got like these emeralds in your eyes
and it's just so mesmerizing.


I'm learning
all your... your little tricks that you use.

You know, the hair flips
and batting the beautiful eyes.

Oh, darling, it's just the wind.

Chase is full of compliments,
but I don't want a serious relationship.

I'm here to have a good time.

I know a lot of girls.

So I know specifically
when one's really special.

It's now or never.

Like, we're in the fourth quarter.
Game clock's running out.

I'm optimistic, you know?

Like, if it's going good,

I'm gonna work my tail off
to make sure it keeps going good.

I don't care about distance,
time zones, whatever it is.

I'm always up for a challenge.
I'm a competitor by nature.

♪ But I feel it in my bones ♪

♪ Yeah, the writing's on the wall ♪

Honestly... I'm just gonna be honest, like...

It is basically
like a little holiday romance.

It's not as serious as we think.

Ah, sh**t.

I'm happy doing me

in the company of others,
but I wanted to let you know

how I was feeling.

I genuinely feel a bit heartbroken.

In a sick way,
it does feel nice to feel something,

because it showed I actually cared,
but, yeah...

Poor Chase.

Come on, Tabitha. Time to say
something nice to soften the blow.

I did have a little flirt with Cam.

Yeah, that's not what I meant.

There was a scenario,
we were in the bathroom together

and he literally was coming over
and having a look at me in the shower,

- so it got a bit intense.
- Yeah.

I'm happy that's out
in the open, for sure.

Then, for him to realize
that, you know, I'm here... have a bit of fun.

I came here to get to know everyone,
so I'm not gonna

spend all my time

- getting to know you.
- Mm-hmm.

There is options.
I'm sure there is for you too.


It's a lot of information
to take in right now.

But, uh, I'm just sitting here thinking,

It really sucks.

I was really hoping
to continue to grow with her.

♪ I got Paris on my mind ♪

In French, we would say...

- What does that mean?
- I'm falling for you.

I'm falling for you as well, baby.

There's nothing more
I need to know about Melinda right now.

I feel like I'm the man she needs
and she's the woman I need.

And, yeah, um, the thing is, like...

I know it's time. I've never been
this nervous in my whole life.

My heart is pounding.


Here it goes. I'm ready.


Now I'm ready to be full into you.

I want you to be my girlfriend.

- Really?
- Yes, of course.

I'm one happy woman right now.

The feeling is very mutual.
I want you all to myself.

- I want to be your boy.
- No, don't, don't!

I got to teach you French, because
you're gonna come, visit my mom.

I'm definitely coming to visit Moms.

For a guy to tell his girl
that he wants her to meet his mom...

What? That is a big step.

- I gotta come to New York too.
- You're definitely coming.

- Green light. Go, go, go!
- The green light.

I've got a girlfriend right now!


Marvin celebrating
no longer being single?

- That's special.
- It really is.

Whoo! That first round of dates
was eventful.

And back at the retreat, tensions
are already building for round two.

Don't know if you noticed Cam's been
a bit quiet the past few days.

He pulled me to the side last night
at the party

and he just let me know that, um,
he's having doubts about our relationship.

- About you two?
- It was just completely unexpected.

Well, to be... I feel like you stir up
emotions in him that scare him.

- And that's not necessarily a bad thing.
- Mmm.

That's a very vulnerable place for a man,
you know what I mean?

Do I give him time to miss me
or do I just carry on being me?

- Like...
- Ooh, that's such a weird space to be in.

- Yeah.
- Especially when you like someone so much.

All I wanna do
is, like, straddle him and cuddle him

and rip his clothes off,
but I can't do any of those things.

Lana, for one, and now because
I don't know if he wants me to do that.


I think he's gotta remember
this is a two-way thing.

I've given him my all,
let all my walls down.

You know,
this isn't my usual style at all.

There's only so long I can wait.

I feel ya, honey,
but not long till your turn.

- Here's the happy couple.
- Oh!

- Okay!
- You have no idea.

You two are glowing.

- Aw.
- Sit down. Bring it in.

Smiling like a Cheshire Cat, isn't he?
I mean, his face is just stuck.

We went on a yacht.

Oh my God!

We had champagne, we had food.

- You wanna tell them?
- You tell 'em!

So, guys,

we are official right now.

She's my girlfriend!

It's amazing.
Out of all of the couples in here,

I think they've had
probably the hardest path in the retreat,

but they've done everything right recently
and, uh, I couldn't be happier for 'em.

It was a perfect moment
and I will remember this my whole life.

- Are you in love?
- Wow.


Oh my God!
Stop it, you're actually making me sick.

They are so in love!

There's love in the air today.
I'm official with Melinda.

Everything's going great.

- I'm excited, guys.
- I'm excited for you too.

Seeing Marvin and Melinda looking
so loved up is making me a bit sad.

Like, I want that back with Cam.

♪ Live forever
Oh, oh, forever ♪

♪ We live forever in the summertime ♪

♪ We live forever
Oh, oh, forever... ♪

Are we excited for our dates?

Are you gonna dump me?

not a question you stay silent on, Cam.

And you're definitely
gonna need to do some talking now.

- There he is.
- Hi, bro.

I just, uh... just got back
from my date with Tabs.

I have a little hunch I know
exactly what he wants to chat about.

I'm looking at his face
and he already has that cheeky grin.

What are you smiling about, bro?
I'm about to come for you.

Oh, damn, it's on.

The shower showdown.

Chase is a big boy, isn't he?

I think he could do some damage
to my face, I'm not gonna lie.

So what... what did she say to you?

Cam doing
the don't offer up information

they didn't already have trick. Nice.

She said she was in here.
Something about a shower.

Tabitha, this is literally not what I need
right now.

Yeah, so basically,

I was just chilling in the bathroom,
uh, she came in.

She asked
if I wanted to get in the shower with her.


Uh, and I was very close.

I'm... I'm not gonna lie to you.
I was. But I said no.

I'm, uh, really upset, uh, really hurt.

I really liked her.

But Cam says he didn't get in the shower.

I'm sitting here thinking, "Tabitha's hot.
Like, he must be a changed man."

So it's like, I'm glad, man to man,

I got this whole thing squared away
before I jumped to conclusions,

but, like, now you got
another challenge ahead of you.

Are you gonna tell Em?
You gonna break it to her?

I'm just gonna be honest with her
and see how the chat goes.

I guess we'll see.

♪ They say you know when you know ♪

♪ And I'm not ready to go ♪

♪ So if you're not ready yet, I'll wait ♪

Oh my God.

How beautiful is this?

Oh, cheese, you know?

- After you.
- Thanks.

I've given Cam chance after chance.
I've been patient. I've been supportive.

But no matter how much I like him,
this isn't a game.

This is my emotions, my feelings.

- You like cheese, don't you?
- I love cheese.

- I love cheese as well.
- I love cheese.

Will we work out? Will we not work out?

- There you are.
- Thanks.

I will be absolutely gutted if we don't.
I don't know what he's playing at.

Yeah, my head's all over the shop.

I appreciate you being patient with me

and allowing me
to come to certain decisions.

There is one thing.

It's... better coming from my mouth
than anyone else's.


I need to tell Em
about the situation with Tabitha.

Normally, I would just lie and lie and lie
until I was caught out,

but this time, I want to tell her.

There was an incident, um...

with Tabitha.


Uh, and she kind of came into the shower,

she got a bit flirty with me,

and asked me
to get in the shower with her.

You obviously gave her a reason
to think you'd get in the shower with her.

She said, "Do you find me attractive?"
and I said, "Yeah, I do."

She is an attractive girl.
We can both agree on that.

Possibly? No?


♪ I'm so sick and tired ♪

♪ Of all these pointless
Playground games ♪

Hurt once again.

Mugged off once again.

Given Cam's reputation,

yeah, I do feel like I'm being played
right now.

That does hurt my feelings a bit,
to know that was happening behind my back.

- Mmm. But I didn't.
- Mm-hmm.

I just thought, "I don't want to do it."
I messed up the Christina situation.


And with this situation,
I'm being honest with you.

Yeah, and I appreciate your honesty,
but it's obviously shit to hear.

♪ Say that you'll be here ♪

♪ Say that you'll be here till the end ♪

I thoroughly and truly care
about that boy.

And if it's just
being thrown back in my face, then,

drop me out.

♪ Say you'll be with me till the end ♪

I'll be honest. I do not know
which way this one's gonna go.

You know how to make a cocktail?

- Yeah.
- Yeah?

- You can teach me.
- We'll do it together.

Okay, so I can believe
our wonder cone commandeered a yacht,

orchestrated a sunset dinner,
and ordered a makeshift bar,

but, come on,
did Lana really chop that fruit?

Lana has outdone herself.

The girl got me a bar,
tequila, and a hot guy.

♪ Why don't you dance with me? ♪

I can't dance.

Oh, honey, no, you can't.

I'll shake, you bake.

I've never made a cocktail professionally.

Oh my God!

Joey is so fun to be around.

He's just himself, he doesn't care.

- Our first date.
- I know. Cheers.

I feel like, with Chase,

I never got a green light,
'cause Lana knew he sucks,

but I hope, with Joey,
a green light means,

"This is the path for you
and this is the guy you should be with."

What are you feeling with us?

- Tough question.
- Mm-hmm.

- I like where we are.
- I like where we are, too.

And I think
if we're really, really meant to...

be, uh... be something together...

- Mm-hmm.
-'ll happen.

I think so too.

This is all kinda new to me.

Usually, I wouldn't talk about emotions
and stuff like that.

And being here, especially with Carly,

it's became easier and easier.

You're really nice to me.
I tell everyone that.

I always say nice things about you.

I don't have anything bad
to say about you. I mean that.


I normally go for douchebags,

guys that think they're the best,
won't give me the time of day,

but in reality are really insecure,
and Joey is the complete opposite.

Yeah. He's good for me, for sure.

For two weeks, me and Chase were together,
and he's never made me feel like this.

Lana knew we weren't meant to be together.
She could see it.

I couldn't see it,
because I do the same thing back home.

You've shown me that I should not
be with someone like that.

Breakthrough, Carly.
I am so proud.

Lana, are you satisfied?

♪ It's all or nothing ♪

♪ It's all or nothing
There's no other way ♪

♪ No holding back
No holding back ♪


"This kiss is incredible.
Is it still green?"

Aw, this is so romantic.

Wanna pull your pants off?

Uh, maybe not.

♪ Breaking through, what more... ♪

Having a green light definitely shows me
that she sees what I'm doing,

and also Joey is right,
Joey is good for me.

Hopefully keep it going.

Seriously though,
we've got to work on those moves.

I understand it'd be annoying,

but, with you, I didn't want to just do
the exact same thing like I always do

and I wanted to be honest with you
and let you know I was having doubts.

I couldn't figure things out
in my own head until

you know,
I had a bit of time just to think.

I am so nervous right now.
I am literally shaking.


I have seen this look many a time.

The vibe is not right

and that's that really.

Yeah, like, I think...

We're the only two
that have been together since day one.

You are kinda like my best mate in here.

My best mate who I want to sleep with
and do dirty things with...

...but that's how it's supposed to be.

And that's why I panic,
'cause I'm just like,

"This girl's come along
in a situation I didn't expect."

- I'm pretty sure you didn't expect this.
- Mmm.

And for once,
I'm just gonna go with my gut.

So, like,

do you

want to be my girlfriend?


Like, genuine.

- Shut up! Are you joking?
- No.

I'm being deadly serious.

♪ Whoa, you're so amazing ♪

- I thought you were gonna dump me.
- No, you are what I want.

I am buzzing.

He just melts my heart.

And, for once, I'm actually speechless.

We can't even kiss. We haven't got...

♪ You're so amazing ♪

I've lost my head, fully lost
my watermelon jubbly pot, over a girl.

Your watermelon jubbly what now?

Come here!

I feel happy. I do.

I feel... I feel very happy.

- We haven't even, like, had sex.
- I know!

What if the sex is shit?

Ah, it won't be.
I'm gonna back myself on that.

Of course
you're gonna back yourself.

We were speaking the other night,
you said nice things and I got a semi,

and that's weird.

What, non-sexual?

Emotional semi.

An emotional semi.

I trust my d*ck. I do.

I trust my d*ck big time.

What do you think after this retreat?

In all honesty,
like, when I look at my future,

like, I just see you being by my side.

Yeah. That's the same with me.

I do think I love him. Just a little bit.

OMG, was that a second L-b*mb?

I want you to be part of my life.

I want you to meet my mates,
meet my mum, my dad, my family.

I think I've definitely
fallen in love with the girl. Yeah, 100%.

And that's the hat trick.

Said it.

Haven't told her that yet,
so keep it schtum, please, everyone.

Love is well and truly
in the air tonight.


Tell them the big news.

We had a very nice date.
We had some cheese.

The other big news.

- We had some red wine.
- No, the actual big news.

Straight up with you,
asked her to be my girlfriend.

- What?
- Oh!

Like, how...

That's love there.

I'm sitting here thinking,

"Ugh, I really like Tabitha."

But it was never meant to be.

My OGs know how I've felt about this guy
since day one.

Cam grew a lot during this whole retreat
and he's becoming a real man.


- Cam, man, I'm so happy.
- Who is he? What have you done with Cam?

I finally see that cheesy grin
and I'm not worried.

Yeah, I'm happy for him.

You wanna try that again,

No, I am.

I can't. Can I do a different question?

let's just move on, shall we?

I couldn't be happier.

- Good.
- Yeah.


Well, that's the day
wrapped up nicely.

Don't think we have anything else to do,
so let's roll the end credits,

pop the little "next episode" button

down in the right-hand corner and...

Ugh! Lana!

Oh, hello, little fella.

She just can't help herself,
that little cone of hers.

Good evening.

- Good evening, Lana.
- Hey, Lana.

on a great day in the retreat.


Snap, snap, snap!

You have all
made significant progress.

Your prize fund stands at $55,000.

- Mmm.
- Wow.

- That's a lot, innit?
- Yeah.

As you know, your time here
has almost come to an end.


...having completed my final analysis,

I must inform you

there is still one more
important announcement I must make.

Oh la la!

Ooh! This is tense! Lana,
you're keeping me on my toes right now.

She's up to no good. I can feel it.

now we need the "next episode" button.

Man, this show
knows how to do a good cliffhanger.

See you guys in a few seconds.

♪ Whoo, turn it up! ♪

♪ Oh, oh-oh ♪

♪ Turn it up! ♪

♪ Oh-oh, oh, oh ♪

♪ Whoo, turn it up! ♪

♪ Oh, oh-oh ♪

♪ Turn it up! ♪

♪ Oh-oh, oh, oh ♪

♪ Whoo, don't mess with me ♪

♪ Don't, don't, don't mess with me
Oh, oh-oh ♪

♪ Don't, don't mess with me ♪

♪ Don't, don't, don't mess with me
Oh-oh, oh, oh ♪

♪ Whoo, don't mess with me ♪

♪ Don't, don't, don't mess with me
Oh, oh-oh ♪

♪ Don't, don't mess with me ♪

♪ Don't, don't, don't mess with me
Oh-oh, oh, oh ♪