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01x05 - Boys to Men

Posted: 04/18/24 11:00
by bunniefuu
[melodic chime]

[Latin pop music plays]

Would you be annoyed if they had sex
and they cost us money?

Not a f*cking chance.

Go in, son, get those bickies.
Have a nibble.

Taste that apple pie.

[he laughs]

[Bryce] I think everyone's a little bit
jealous of hashtag Sharonda.

I have little to no faith that, um,
they just held hands all night.

♪ We're gonna shake it up ♪

You feel good?

Of course.

I feel like I just won the lottery.

The question is,
did Rhonda see your bonus balls?

Because if Sharron did get
a lucky dip last night,

it could cost the group a fortune.

I'm sure they'll come back
grinning from ear to ear this morning.

[Kelz] Mate,
he better not cost me money, man.

[Kelz groans]

[Sharron] Screw money.

[he laughs]

God, we owe Lana
after last night. [laughs]

That is the last thing that's on my mind.
It's not even in my mind

when I'm with you.

Like, when I'm looking at you,
I don't care.

Like, I'm just gonna do
what I feel is right.

And last night, like,

you really made me feel...
You really made me feel good.

[Sharron] Had a great night.

Last night was amazing!

Got to spend time with Rhonda.
Got to see her...

nice physique. She got to see my... Woody Woodpecker. [laughs]

I'm happy.

Ain't nobody gonna rain
on my parade. Not today.

The suite is
Lana's ultimate test of chastity...

It just felt good.

...and it sounds like
Sharron and Rhonda have screwed up.


♪ Show me a new light ♪

♪ I need a man who's on the same side ♪

♪ To lift me up and show me real life ♪

I'll be honest,
getting parted was never great, but...

everything happens for a reason.

I think it'd probably be worse
if, like, she goes back to him,

'cause then that would
mean something, but...

at least Harry knows if I wanted
to grab something, I can take what I want.

- You look perfect in the morning.
- You also look perfect in the morning.

[they laugh]

[Chloe snorts]

My plan of action
is to dig deep with Bryce.

He's not my usual type,

but his personality
is definitely worth getting to know more.

Just in case he is a geezer in disguise.

I don't know if I'd be able to
live on a boat though, because...

I do get quite seasick.

It is so weird that
you start dreaming about everybody,

- because you spend all day with them.
- I literally had a dream about everyone.

You start dreaming
a lot of really weird dreams,

and waking up pretty excited. [laughs]

I looked at Chloe this morning,
and I'm thinking, hashtag Bhloe.

Gross, Bryce.


Hashtag noey.

[David] There's definitely an aura,
an energy,

a horny, frustrated tension
in this place.

I'm starting to look
at the fish differently.

- [laughter]
- I could do bad things.

- That's how long it's been!
- Oh, my God, it's been so long.

[Bryce grunts]

[David] Are you gonna try and focus all
your sexual energies towards Francesca?

- That's the question.
- You got burnt.

If me and her, like, start talking again

I'm beyond meaningless sex.

- [David] Yeah!
- I want to make love.

- [Bryce] You're not allowed to, though.
- [laughter]

This retreat is a f*cking roller coaster.

I have to see her every day,

which sucks...

'cause she's so attractive.

[David] Do you reckon you would
with Chloe?

[Bryce] I think if the fireworks light,

I might just toss the watch for a second.

Be like, "Lana, don't worry about it."

[they laugh]

Right, I'm gonna f*ck a wall,
or I'm gonna find a deeper connection.

- Oh.
- [David laughs]

Oh, boys. You have all the maturity
of a schoolyard farting contest.

Don't worry, though.

Lana has something up her sleeve
that is about growing your inner manhood

rather than the one in your pants.

Wonder what the girls are discussing.

Climate change?

I'm sick of
all these bloody dreams I'm having.

I'm dreaming about
shagging everyone in the house.

Guess not.

- I'd be a cowgirl, I would.
- Yeah.

Oh, yeah!

[she whoops]

I kind of rushed into things
with Kelz right away,

but there's still unresolved feelings
that I have for Harry.

Harry is the one that I want.

I think I have a lot of work to do,
and I have no idea

if he's even interested in me anymore.

Harry is always in my head.


Thanks for a great night.

Come on.

Bye. Thank you for being
so good to us, Lana.

With touchy-feely Sharonda
checking out of the suite,

the guys are eager
to catch up with lover boy himself.

I'm just curious to see
where the big dog is.

- You know what I mean?
- The big... [grunts]

See if he let it out of the cage,

- you know?
- [Harry] Yeah.

[they cheer]

[Harry] Here he is!

He's not wearing his shirt!
Look at him smiling!

Look at that grin!

[David] He came in with the biggest smile
on his face.

Like, you don't grin like that
for a cuddle.

[he laughs]

Like, that's for sure.

- [Chloe] There she is.
- Wearing his shirt!

She's wearing his shirt.

[Francesca] Oh, my God,
you're wearing his shirt!

Tell us everything.

We need the juicy stuff.

[Rhonda] Soon as we walked in the room,

it was beautiful.
Like, it was candles, champagne.

The bed was just a massive bed.
The bathroom was literally...

The bathroom had, like, a tub. Um...

So, obviously the sexual tension was high.

[Bryce] I'm not gonna lie, I had, like,
this weird tingling sensation downstairs,

and I'm like, "Uh-oh, come on,
calm down, big guy."

- We, like, made out.
- [Chloe] Yeah?

- [Francesca] Okay.
- Just like, I felt like it was forever.

[she gasps]

And it was just like magnets.

I ran the tub water. Turned on the water.
Poured a little oil in there.


I just dropped everything.
Honestly, guys, probably cost us money.

[they groan]

- Did he, like, touch you?
- Yeah.

Did you guys have sex?

[Sharron] I got to the point where
I was just like, um...

...I can't have sex with you.


[he sighs]

- You didn't?
- You didn't?

- Oh, my God, I'm proud of you!
- [Chloe] What?

- [Francesca] Oh, my God!
- [Chloe] Oh, my God! Give me a hug.

But it's deeper than that.

And this is why.

I was gonna do myself and her a disservice
by me f*cking her.

That's what I'm used to doing at home.
I don't wanna f*ck it up,

and I don't want to stop our growth
and my growth as a person.


It took a lot for me to just be like,
"Look, we can't do this."

It was a challenge that I was put in
to see if this is the real Sharron.

The guy that's standing in front of you
now is the new Sharron that I'm becoming,

and I like it.

Maybe the boys are making progress.

- And, I mean, it was hard.
- I bet.

I bet it was rock hard.

- Maybe not.
- Bro, I could poke a hole in the wall.


Harry's already been there, Sharron.
How sexy are the walls in this place?

How do you think she took it?

She didn't take it.
That's the problem, mate.

- She didn't take it. That's the problem.
- [Sharron laughs]

- That's the whole problem.
- She didn't take it!

[David] She's getting frustrated.

He's like, "No, I'm gonna do
some self-preservation."

[all laugh and talk at once]

I was like, "No, I can't do this! No!

No! I got more respect for myself."


We're all, you know, really proud, man.
That's a big deal.

Sharron and Rhonda are paving the way
for the whole retreat.

They're setting an amazing example.

Hopefully, I can find something like that.

I still like Francesca,

but I'm not gonna give her
the time of day

because of what she did with Kelz.

I think Francesca needs to tell me
how she feels and apologize.

Yeah, we may have costed
a little bit of money.

- But you've got a real connection.
- But from that, he grew so much more.

He took, like, such a big step
to literally say,

"We have the right to do what we want,
'cause no one's around,"

and he still didn't do it.

He respected me and didn't want to
go back to the old Sharron.

Like, I was so proud and amazed.

This could be the start
to a new relationship.

I'm happy as hell.

[squeals] Oh, boy!

- [Chloe] Aww!
- [Nicole] Aww, yay!

- That's really cute.
- I'm so proud of you.

Ahh, everyone's feeling warm and fuzzy.

Well, not everyone.

I don't give two shits about Rhonda
and Sharron.

They can do whatever they want.
I literally don't care.

I think they're so boring.
Like, I really have no interest

in what they're doing
in that secret room or whatever.

Hard to believe Haley comes from
the Sunshine State.

We're not gonna sleep in the same bed.
Nothing's gonna change.

- Why not?
- You keep putting it in that situation...

You sit in a barber shop long enough,
you're gonna get a haircut.

And if you sit
on a sun lounger long enough,

you're gonna start spouting nonsense.

It's actually just hit me
that this whole experience

is, like, so deep, man.

- [Nicole] It's so deep.
- [Francesca] Yeah.

It's like we're in
sexual rehabilitation...

[Nicole and Francesca] Yeah.

- ...but with our minds.
- Yeah.

- Group hug.
- Finally, Chloe gets why they're all here.

Two more weeks,
and she'll notice there are cameras.

Girls' hideaway.

Here we go. About to be bankrupt.

I didn't think I cared about the money,
but it does kinda suck

losing money
to people you don't care about.

When people you don't like kiss
and f*ck it up, it's annoying.


Last night, Lana gave Sharron and Rhonda
the keys to a private suite

so they could
get to know each other better.

However, I think she had
a different kind of pillow talk in mind.

Bankruptcy day.

If I had a financial adviser,

and I was like, "In the last couple weeks,

I've blown money
on kisses and titty licks."


[melodic chime] Hello.

[all shout] Lana!

- Lana!
- Yippee!

[Lana] Sharron and Rhonda
have breached the rules.

Like rebels, Lana!

f*ck no.

The list of offenses includes kissing...

[all] Aww!

inappropriate touching of the... [bleep]

constant use of the... [bleep]

in the... [bleep]

Bloody hell.

God knows how much money they've spent.

They're animals.

[Lana] Not to mention the... [bleep]

[Harry exhales]


Whoo! [laughs]

Uh, naughty little fingers.

Sharron is my boy,
but him and Rhonda, that's just...

I look at them, and I just get a headache.

You know when you get a bill
sent to your house,

and you're like, "Oh, f*ck's sake."

You know the bill's gonna come through.
I'm just waiting for the bill to come.

[narrator] Well,
at least the bill was itemized.

[Lana] Sharron and Rhonda's actions
have cost the group...

sixteen thousand dollars.

[Nicole] Feck's sake.

It's the most expensive private suite

that I've never stayed in,

but I've paid for.

[Lana] You failed
the ultimate test of chastity.

However, I recognize that
by not going all the way,

you have demonstrated a level of growth
that is encouraging,

and you are forming a deeper connection.

[cheers and whoops]
- Oh! That's all right!

[Matthew] We've lost money,
but, on the flip side,

I've seen massive growth
from my boy Sharron.

The fact that they were able
to go into the suite

and showed restraint...

Claps for you, buddy.

I'm super impressed.

Rules are meant to be broken.

[David cheers]

If you guys feel like
there's a connection, make it rain.

Making it rain.

Me and Sharron may have lost money,
but it was definitely...

was worth it.

The prize fund stands at $78,000.

That's a lot of money, still.

[Francesca] Sharonda are both just happy.

I want whatever they've got going on.

I just have to follow
what my heart's telling me to do.

So, it's time for me to get my boy back.

Even though the prize money
is in free fall...

If you want the top,
you can't have the lube.

...Bryce is determined to rack up
some fines of his own.

You trying to get me naked, Bryce?

Um... [laughs]


[Francesca] Let's go talk.

Should we go over here?

...Francesca has taken Rhonda
for a wander.

[Francesca] I want to talk to Rhonda,

because I thought I had it
all figured out, and clearly I didn't.

Maybe she has some advice,

because I deserve a second chance,
and Harry deserves a second chance.

So, our second chances

should just make their way
back to each other.

Every time he walks into a room,
my heart drops, still.

I can't control it,
and I wish that I could.

I wish that I could just...

- [Rhonda] Move on.
- Done, but I can't.

But if you knew, in your heart,

every time Harry walks in the room,
he's giving you these butterflies,

why did you even move forward with Kelz?

As the accountant, he'd be handy
for filling out your tax return.

Maybe because Kelz was giving me
everything that Harry wasn't,

and I was hopeful,

but there's something
that's just missing there.

- Like a void filler at the time?
- It was a void filler, yeah.

- Okay.
- I need your, like, honest advice here.

You have what it takes
to figure this shit out.


Seeing me and Sharron going through
what we were going through

and having that opportunity
gives her hope.

So, who knows?

Maybe Francesca and Harry
may take a step in that direction, too,

because they know it's possible.

Tell Harry exactly how you feel.
Regardless of how he feels.

- Tell him how you feel first.
- [Francesca groans]

If he shuts me down,
I'm gonna be so upset.

But at least you know.

- Yeah, no, you're right.
- Would you rather, "I wonder" or know?

Yeah, you're right.

[Francesca] I have no idea
if he even wants to talk to me anymore,

or if he just sees me as...

some little floozy.

I feel stressed.

Don't worry, Francesca.

Looks like your beefcakes
are fighting over you.

When I say "fighting,"

they're bitching...

to other people...

at other ends of the retreat.

I was definitely upset and hurt by

the Kelz and Francesca situation.

Just doesn't make sense.

Kelz pounces as soon as I'm gone.

I'm just gonna be like, "Bro, do you not
have actual mates on the outside?

'Cause if that's how
you treat your mates..."

Didn't even f*cking talk to me about it.

Harry's probably gonna go
all bro-code on me.

Blah blah blah blah blah.

He's been like a wounded puppy
who wants her back.

I'm just gonna tell him how it is.
Tell him that...

"Bro, do you know
how much of a fool you look?"

I'm gonna tear him apart
in front of everyone.

[Kelz] Harry is like a young cub,
slowly prowling.

Do you know what I mean?
Slowly prowling to get to me.

He gets a whiff of a lion...

[lion roars]

[Kelz]...he starts to run away.

I'm still staying king of the jungle.

King of the jungle?

Well, I'm sorry, your Royal Highness,
your queen prefers Prince Harry.

After a day of big spending
from Sharron and Rhonda...

and big talk from Harry...

- Welcome to my den.
- [Sharron] Lion!

[David roars]

...looks like Bryce is ready
to take a big step with Chloe.

- [they laugh]
- [Bryce] I know, right?

Or should I say, hashtag Bhloe?

- How have you been?
- Today has been so hot.

You look... [clears throat]

...very beautiful.
You make me a little nervous, actually.

Why do I make you nervous?

You're too beautiful for me.

Chloe has really been kind of
making her way into my mind...

a lot, recently.

- Guys in Essex are a bit rough and ready.
- Yeah?

So, I'm not used to, like,
proper, classy guys.

But, I mean, I could get used to it.

You know, I have to be a good boy
over here.

- Why do you have to be a good boy?
- 'Cause we have rules.

I just feel like I need to release...

that sexual tension.

- Do you know what I mean?
- Mm-hmm.

And how will you be paying for tonight?
Cash or card?

I'm so used to doing naughty things
then connecting with someone,

and now I'm like,
"Oh, it is so systematic."

Lana wants us to get to know someone,

but then I'm like,
do I fancy him sexually? I don't know.

But I don't want to get to know someone
if I don't fancy them sexually.

So I think I'm just gonna
go in for the k*ll.

It's hard to find a girl
who actually is sweet and genuine,

and you're beautiful.

It's like,
you're like the perfect package.

Thank you.

- Why don't you kiss me then?
- You want me to kiss you?

♪ We should just level up ♪

♪ Let's take it to the next phase ♪

♪ I've been feeling some things
are never enough ♪

- What do you feel after that one?
- [Bryce laughs]

I don't think it was green.

- I forgot about the watch.
- Yeah, me, too. I forgot.

I don't wanna cost more than three grand,

Oh, shit, is that like a...

[he mumbles]

Now when I look at her,
I'm like, "Oh, my God." I just...

It's like, I don't know if it's the fact
that I haven't, like, exploded in days,

but I'm just like,

"Wow, this girl is everything."

Well, you can kiss
another three grand goodbye.

You're down to a cool $75,000...
and counting.

[Bryce] Smell that.

Yeah, you smell good.

How much money can we lose in one night,

Um, I'm limiting myself to three grand.

It was the best three grand
I've ever spent in my life.

- Really?
- Yeah.

- Best three grand?
- Yeah.

Is it just me, or is Chloe already
regretting smooching Sailorman Bryce?

Why don't you just sleep on it?

Oh, f*ck.

[Kelz laughs]

[Matthew] You're too big, man!

- [Nicole] Good night, everyone.
- [David] Night, yeah!

- [Kelz] Night, guys.
- [Haley] Night.

♪ I know that you feel it ♪

♪ No, I'm not ready... ♪

[melodic chime]

What's happening?

My back hurts.

I'm sorry, mate.

- Do you want me to give you a back rub?
- No, thanks.

Ooh, another rejection for Kelz.

♪ I'm thinking that we're going too fast ♪

♪ So please don't... ♪

But on the morning after
the hookup before,

how's Chloe feeling?

[Chloe] Bryce is really lovely.

I just don't know if the spark

and the connection is there for me.


Ah, well. Bryce while it lasted.

I can't have someone that's that intense,

even though I was the one
that asked to kiss him yesterday.

I just need a little bit of sugar,
just a little bit of sugar.

Is that what it is?

I just looked at him and was like...

"Kiss me."

What was he like when you said that?

- Was he like, "Okay!"
- He f*cking jumped on me.

- Did he?
- He kissed me.

But I was just like... [groans]

I don't know.

[groans] Sparks weren't flying.

I needed to kiss him to see.

The chemistry just wasn't there.
There was no fireworks.

It was more like a...

[blows raspberry]

Chloe, I'm sure everyone
will be really delighted

you wasted three grand
on a... [blows raspberry]

[blows raspberry]

But he'll do the...

[Nicole] Yeah.

- [Rhonda laughs]
- [Nicole] Yeah.

And I'm like... [groans]

At least you tried it, babe.

- Yeah.
- And good on you.

While Chloe has a bit of a wobble...

she is trying to embrace the process.

Haley, however,
is in a very different place.

I'd rather just be honest and everyone
hate me than, like, have to, like,

cringe trying to be friends
with people I don't like.

It's hard for me to make an effort
when I get talking to someone,

and I'm just, like,
"Oh, my God, shut up. Stop talking."

I don't think I'm learning anything

other than everyone
in this house is an idiot.

I don't think Lana's process is doing
anything for them 'cause they're stupid.

And I really don't care
about Lana's process.

Hey, do you. Whatever makes you happy.

I really hope there's an elimination,
so I can f*cking leave.

Don't say that.

Vote for Haley.

Haley isn't the only person
speaking her mind today.

Young cub Harry has found the courage
to take a stand against "Kelz the Lion."

[Harry] Kelz swooped in after me,

and I would appreciate
if we sat down and had a chat,

"Hey, bro, this is how I feel.
This what I'm gonna do."

For me, there's a whole lot
of lost respect,

and I would've appreciated
if you'd just said, "Hey, bro," like...

"I know it's a shit time,
but I really want to...

crack on with Frankie."

You had your shot. It didn't work out.

Fair play. Walk away, your lesson learned.

I don't need to play dirty.

- That's not me to begin with.
- Well, that's how it looks.

If you think I've snaked you,
that's something that's with you.

I thought me and you were, like, close,

and I thought it would've been
a conversation we'd have had.

You had the first leg.

You had the first leg. You lost.
I had second, and I'm smashing it.

Kelz, you do know you got dumped, right?

Whatever. She was like, "I would never be
attracted to him, never sleep with him."

The difference between me and Harry

is age and experience.

And he's got all the blueprints.

He's got the height.
He's got the looks, he's got the chat.

The fact he was able to get Frankie
at that young age, that's...

Gotta applaud to that.

But there's levels to this shit.

I'm not trying to sound
condescending whatsoever, yeah?

Here comes something condescending.

But we're not in the same league.

Might be playing on the same pitch,
but different leagues, bro.

I couldn't really give a f*ck about
what he thinks about different leagues

or whatever. I think it's hilarious.

He does underestimate me,
and the alpha that I am.

Kelz, I see straight through
your bullshit.

With Harry and Kelz
bickering like five-year-olds,

the rest of the boys
are acting like horny teens.

[David] It's the up and down,
anti and clockwise.

It's like blowing a trumpet.

I think it's time Lana stepped in
with a lesson in maturity.

[melodic chime]

[Lana] Emotional maturity
is a key ingredient

to forming long-lasting relationships,

and it's a quality
the boys are clearly lacking.

I have invited Deva,
the Heart Warrior Guru,

to lead a male-only workshop
to help them clean up their act.

[Deva] Male-only workshops
are really important

because it gives the men a chance
to really take down a certain guard,

and when we're not around the opposite sex
and we have that shield down,

then there's a whole wealth
of tapping into oneself

that doesn't happen
when you have females around.

You're right, Deva,
us females are the worst.

Luckily, we've sent the girls
to the bedroom,

so they don't spray
their hormones everywhere.

I bet a girl's going to walk in right now
with all the boys.

Hundred percent.
That's exactly what's gonna happen.

Zero percent, more like.

We're actually trying to drum
some maturity into these horn dogs.

- [they shout]
- [Harry] What's happening, boss?

Okay. All right.

- [David] Yes!
- [Harry] What's happening?

My name is Deva.
I would love to awaken a part...

of the heart...

that maybe hasn't been felt before.

This experience

is called "The Warrior of the Heart."

Big fellow's come in, all strong,

long pants.

And it's hot as it is.
My balls are already sweating.

I couldn't imagine
how sweaty his balls would be.

I actually don't wanna think about that.

Well, you just did, and now we all are.

There's something
that we all have in common.

What is that?

Sweaty balls?

We come from this plane, from the Earth.

[Sharron] Is this some type of joke?


y'all got to be kidding me.

We're going to use the Earth as a means

to connect all of us,

so that we feel like one united form.

So, here's what you're gonna do.

I'm gonna have you take a scoop

and put it in your hand.

You're going to place this

on the man before you

as a warrior of the heart.

Muddy hell.

It looks like Kelz and Harry's fight
is about to get dirty.

Take a nice scoop, gentlemen.

What is Lana doing?
I didn't sign up for this shit.

You can start spreading that in.

Really, you know, cover that body.

[Kelz sighs]

Definitely won't be able
to show my face after this.

[quiet laughter]

It takes a lot of strength to get naked
and just rub mud on each other.

That is in itself, like...

a ballsy action.

Just, "Tell me about your Monday, bro.

Your skin is really soft.
I love mud, too."

- See what this man is doing right here?
- Yeah.


- Units, connected.
- [Kelz whispers] Jesus Christ.

This is a totally different take
on being one with the Earth.


I'm gonna stand by your side, tribe,

and we're gonna shout

as if we want the islands way out there
to hear us,

that we're choosing
our own hearts to be liberated.

[they yell]

- [Matthew shouts]
- [group yells]

- [Harry shouts]
- [group yells]

[David shouts]

[Bryce howls]

I feel better.

Okay, heart warriors.

Here's our next task.

You see this beautiful blank canvas?

You can write one or two or three words

that represents

that very thing
that has been holding you back.

Try not to think too much.

Way ahead of you, Deva.

[Bryce] I drew a clock, 'cause I'm, like,
a pretty intellectual thinker.

I try to think about the future...


it's coming.

Does a clock start with a 12 or a one?

No wonder Bryce can't find love.

He's turning up an hour late
for all his dates.

[Matthew] I honestly have
a deep fear of fear.

I'm scared of denial.
I'm scared of success.

I have fear of disappointing my family.

A fear of not finding love,
a fear of finding love. I have...

Fear is real, man. It is so real and it...

It's just, yeah, fear is...

my biggest enemy.

It's a weird experience, but some of
the strangest things I've done in my life

have brought me closer to
the people I've been with at the time.

If successful, the guys will connect
with their inner feelings.

If not, then at least they'll have
a basic art qualification to show for it.

It's like a cloud, right,

but at the same time there's fire,
as well.

But this also symbolizes
blackness and loneliness.

My pride sometimes stops me
from being who I want to be.

And the fear of failure.

It's a lot with trust, isn't it?

Finding someone that you can trust,
and letting someone in.

I think that's the hardest thing

in essence,
you're making yourself vulnerable.


Now is the time...

to reveal yourself.

I want you to see
the vulnerability in the other person,

the very thing
that you've imprinted off of your heart.

- Are you all ready to be free?
- Yes!

And allow the other person
to look at the poster

while you're looking at theirs.

Seeing you without judgment,

and for being here with you
through this process of letting go

and moving forward.

[he sighs]

Definitely, I seen Harry
in a different light.

The puppy is no longer the puppy,

but has now become
like a younger brother.

I like Harry.

[Deva] Allow yourself to be seen,

and embrace this man.

[Harry] I feel like me and Kelz

broke down some barriers there.

There is so much stubbornness,
and it sucks.

It's one of my worst traits.

Even in this situation with Francesca,
I've just been a stubborn little shit,

and I've learned so much about myself
and about my attitude on situations,

and that I just need to just...

Just grow up, essentially.

I am here with you to get past this.

- All right.
- I appreciate you, bro.

[he sniffs]

[Deva] So, it's no longer
a barrier in your life.

[Sharron] I already had trust issues
before coming in here.

I come from a family where I didn't trust
anybody besides my brothers and mom.

I'm not a person that shows much emotion.

So, to be able to sit down

and put on paper
exactly the things that bother me,

allow me to see

where I needed to grow or where
I needed to kind of find my strengths.

Rhonda definitely has
something coming her way.

This is part of who I am.

The new Sharron.

Bring it in here, dude.

My heart...

is on the right track.

In this next and final phase
of this process,

we're going to destroy that very thing
that has been holding you back.

Place the staff in your hand
and point it towards...

this object...

this objectified non-truth.

I'm a heart warrior, man.

I'm a heart warrior!

I'm gonna live!
I'm gonna choose to deny fear.

I'm gonna step forward, man.
Gonna do it with my brothers.

This is not your truth.

So leave it in the past.

Are you ready?

[all shout] Yes!

Wait, where's Mel Gibson?

- [Deva] Go!
- [they yell]

[Deva] Tear it up!


Picking up the litter felt like
community service, to be honest.

[they shout]

Unable to contain themselves any longer,

the girls have decided that they, too,
can showcase growth and maturity...

by heavily objectifying the guys
from a distance.

- Oh, my God!
- Oh, my gosh.

- Oh, my God!
- Oh, my God!

- Oh, my God!
- No way!

They look like tiny
little miniature sexy men,

in, like, tiny bits of water,
like, flashing...

splashing on these tiny
little miniature bodies.

You call it small,

I call it perspective.

Like, I never thought that I'd get
that upset about all the other lads

showing their weakness
and showing their vulnerability.

It was a really special experience for us,

and I'm so glad that
it's brought all the lads together.

Bros for life.

- [Nicole] They look so sexy in the water.
- [Francesca] They look so hot.

- They all look unreal.
- [Francesca groans]

Harry's just so sexy
covered in all that mud.

I just... All I want to do is just
run down into the water,

and grab Harry and jump on him
and tell him how I feel.

It was just, like, one of
the hottest things I've seen and...

so hot. [laughs]

♪ I'm a warrior ♪

[they cheer]

♪ A warrior ♪

[Chloe] This is actually
one of the most beautifulest places

- I've ever been to.
- [Nicole] Yeah.

♪ A warrior ♪

♪ Warrior ♪

♪ If you get it, get it ♪

♪ If you really want it ♪

♪ Yeah, do what you've got to do ♪

♪ Make it come to life ♪

Your hair looks good like that.

Was that a compliment from Haley?

I think I need to go lie down.

So, I wrote down "broken family,"

and I drew, like, a mom
and six little boys.

[Rhonda] With all his problems,
I'm very appreciative

he's able to kind of put his wall down
a little bit,

and by the end of this,
Sharron is gonna become a better man.

And it's just an amazing thing.
Like, I love being around Sharron.

I got emotional, and I was like,
"Damn, I can't get emotional."

I was like, "Whoa,"
and I was like, "Bro," like,

- "I'm an emotional wreck."
- No, you're not.

- Yes.
- I've seen the strongest man in my life

break down in tears, and it just
made me respect him even more.

Do I feel like I've grown?


I don't know. Shit is crazy.

♪ Light it up ♪

♪ Only love can light it up ♪

As Sharron is opening up
about the new man he's becoming,

Francesca is trying to make amends
and get her old bae back.


You got this. You can do this.

He's gonna shut me down, I know it.

♪ This boy came into my life ♪

♪ And I miss him so much ♪

- [David] Hundred percent.
- Yeah, he's... He...

Hey, sorry.

- Can I interrupt quickly?
- Of course, yeah.

[David] Um, enjoy your chat.

- See you in a bit.
- See you in a bit.

[Harry sighs]

- Hey.
- What's happening?

Not much. How are you?


- Yeah.
- You good?

- Yeah.
- Yeah?

Yeah. Um...

I mean, there's been a few things that

I definitely wanted
to talk to you about a little bit.

It's been, like, kinda weighing heavy
on my shoulders,

'cause I didn't know
how you were gonna react.

I'm not the person to, like,

have to chase a guy
or, like, anything like that, but...

obviously, like...

I really don't think that I've been able
to get you out of my head.


Obviously, the connection
hasn't gone away.


I'm the type of guy
that's just, like, stubborn.

- Yeah.
- I would just be, like, "Take a hike."

Block you, and never see you again.

[Francesca] Oh, my God.

This is t*rture.

All I want is to, like...

Doesn't need to be quickly, but I would
like to get back to the way things were

with you and I, and I don't really
want to be spending my time in here...

with anyone else but you.

It's just, like,
what my heart's telling me to do.

[he sighs]

I was so upset about the Kelz situation.

- Like, I was so gutted.
- I didn't think you cared, at all.

'Cause I didn't want to do that,
because then if you saw that I cared,

- then it's just more a*mo and I look weak.
- It wasn't a*mo.

I wasn't with Kelz for any reason.

I was like, "All right, cool,
Harry doesn't give a f*ck about me, so...

I'll give Kelz a shot."

But the entire time, I just
couldn't stop thinking about you, so...

♪ And I still want more ♪

♪ And I still want ♪

♪ All the fire and all the flames ♪

Are we going to see, like, a slap
or a kiss or something?

♪ And I still want more ♪

♪ And I still want you ♪

[Harry] I know that...

this is hard for you to do,
because it's not in your, like...

You've never done it,

and it's hard for me to forgive, like,
and I just...

Yeah, I don't know.
I just look weak in front of...


Wait a minute.

Are you really going to
end the show there?

You motherf...

♪ Turn it up ♪

♪ Oh, oh-oh ♪

♪ Turn it up ♪

♪ Oh, oh-oh ♪

♪ Turn it up ♪

♪ Oh, oh-oh ♪

♪ Turn it up ♪

♪ Oh, oh-oh ♪

♪ Don't, don't mess with me ♪

♪ Don't, don't, don't mess with me ♪

♪ Don't, don't mess with me ♪

♪ Don't, don't, don't mess with me ♪