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01x09 - Breaking Point

Posted: 04/18/24 10:04
by bunniefuu
[music playing]

- If Dad was to
have you take over the farm,

do you think you
could handle it?

- 50%
better within a year.

I don't think I get the respect
from my dad and brothers

I deserve.
They don't take me serious.

I think you and I

are probably the only
ones that would actually

be able to run anything.

- I don't see
him stepping up yet.

- I just feel like
my voice is never heard.

- I am building
a new home along with Alli.

- She's a good girl.

It's like finding a diamond.

- When are
you going to ask her?

STEVE: I think--
I think it's time.

Even though I grew up around
a really bad marriage,

I do think that I'm going
to be a good husband.

[music playing]

- How are things
going with you and Galyna?

- I stored all
her stuff in my basement.

Any plan you had

of her moving into her own
place is pretty much gone.

- I know, right?

- OK,
just drop it there.

Thank you.
[ON] BROOKE: Good to see you.


- It's her or
I. There is no other way.

BROOKE: Steve.

We're not going to be able
to see each other anymore.

[music playing]

devil has come to--

- Tell me
about your weekend.

How many girls did you have?

- Just one.

me at the bottom.

- It takes
a lot of capital,

a lot of patience to reach
where you kind of need to be.

- I do not have
a good feeling about it.

- We got
this hedge fund.

We're at the finish line.

She's like the most
critical piece.

- She's
establishing dominance.

- I won't
answer to nobody.

I was born a free man.

Imma die a free man.

[music playing]

- OK, I
love the outside.

OK, this is so cute.


- Hello, guys.

Welcome to the crib.

- Yeah, good.


- Thank you.

- OK,
this is so pretty.

I love it.

ALLI: Does it
smell like a new house?

[OFF] KACIE: It does.

- It's just pretty.

I'm obsessed.

It looks like it's
coming together nicely.

So wait, are you
officially living here now?

- No.

We're not allowed to until
we get our occupancy permit.

You want me to show
you guys around?

- Yes.
[ON] KACIE: Yeah.

- Sure.

- OK, This
is our bedroom.

We love our view because
we get the lake view.

So our closet.

- Wait.

ALLI: There's
a story behind this.

- What is this for?
[ON] ALLI: Is this not like a--

GALAH: Bridal dress?

ALLI: I'll show you
pictures because I tried it on.

I actually really--

- I actually
want to try it on, too.

KACIE: I want
to try it on, too.

- We got to work
on getting engaged first.

So that's probably
not what that's for.

- Let's
pop the champagne

before we talk about that.

- So this
is our basement.

We just wanted it to be like
a big entertainment area.

And he's got the gym.

Yeah, he loves this.
He sits in there.

I feel claustrophobic
if I get in there.

- I love
Alli's new house.

I am very happy
for her and Jesse.

I know it's exactly
what they wanted.

- So this is the pool.

It's just going to
be like a sport pool.

- I want something
like that with Cole.

And just makes me like excited
and hopeful for the future.

- Oh!
[ON] ALLI: He did good, yeah.

He did really most part.

- Oh, my god.

- We have like the
good popcorn, all the candy.

- Can I have them?
[OFF] ALLI: Oh, yeah.

- This
makes me want a house.

ALLI: Wait, guys, I
want to pop some bottles.

GALAH: Oh my
god, let's do it.

These are so pretty.

KACIE: Get Jesse
on the champagne kick?

- The boys don't
know what, you know, flirting,

taking us on nice dates are.

They just-- they
don't understand.

GALAH: They truly don't.

- I mean,
honestly, they really don't.

- Cole is not--
[ON] ALLI: It's concerning.

- Not a flirt.

- Jesse's flirting is,
I'm going to push you really

hard and think it's hilarious.

[chuckles] I'm like,
how old are we?

- No.

Yeah, that's only OK if
you're in middle school.

- I don't even
know how Cole flirts.

- You want one?
[ON] KACIE: Lunchables?


- Lunchables, man.

You can't beat a Lunchables.

Probably one of the best
dates I've taken you on, huh?

- It really is.

- Steven flirting
with me is, let's go over

all of our goals for the week.

- [chuckles]

- Oh, no.

- Alli and Kacie and
I have gotten so much closer

over the last few months.

I'm just happy that we've been
able to spend so much more

time together because
I felt so isolated

whenever I was in Gallatin.

But now, we're always
making an effort to all

get together and hang out.

- These boys are not
keeping up with their promises.

- No.

- Let me tell you.
They're not.

- That's
why you have to hound

their ass until they do.

- Maybe that's
what I need to do,

get Jesse to propose to me.

- Do you ever
bring it up to him?

- Hmm-mm.

- I feel like it
is like a touchy subject.

- Yeah.
Oh, 100%.

Like, you have to
know how to like

walk around the conversation,
because if you don't, he'll

get mad.

Every person we meet, it's, when
are you guys getting married?

When are you guys
getting married?

- Well,
yeah, because--

- I get it.

- Y'all are
moving into a brand-new

house together.

Five bedrooms.

Like, this is--

I feel like a huge step.

- Oh, yeah, 100%.

I think it's almost just
as big of a commitment.

- It is.
[ON] ALLI: Yeah.

- So like,
what is the difference?

- Yeah.

- Have
you ever considered

giving him an ultimatum?

Like, I'm not going to
move in unless you propose.

- We've lived
together for years.

We don't ever put
pressure on it.

- However, you can't
let him get too comfortable.

- I know.

- Alli and Jesse have
been together for 10 years.

And there's still no ring.

I know that all of
the McBee boys kind of

have this issue with commitment.

But, come on.

- Would it
be nice to be engaged?

Yeah, definitely.

But like, I'd be too
scared to like go up to him

and kind of like-- not
pressure him but, like,

tell him how I actually
feel, you know.

I'd be too scared.

I'm definitely more
to it than that.

- I'll tell Cole
to have a talk with him.

- That will backfire.

And you guys will
both end up single.


[music playing]


A mystique is going down.

Something on the dangerous.

Hey, boy.

[metal clattering]

- I'm going
to move that back.

- Oh, there's all
the wrenches and pliers.

- I haven't seen this
built since the last two rains.

But it got about an
inch to an inch and 1/4.

- That's a big rain.

COLE: That is.

That's huge.

This field ain't too big, but
it sits right off the highway.

So I was like, man, I want
it to look good, you know?

But they replanted a field
right by Jesse's new house.

But he came out of sod.

So I don't really
want to go stop there

because it looks horrible.

[country music]

It's almost the end
of planting season.

My dad and I, we want to make
sure there's no-- no field

that we have to replant.

I've been out in the field
longer than my brothers,

and I have done way more than
my brothers out in the field.

I've helped run it now.

And it's what I
love and want to do.

STEVE: The corn will
be chest-high this week.

- OK.

- It'll be
reaching your chest.

And soybeans should be--

in the next seven days, they'll
be 12 to 14 inches tall.

COLE: Yeah, sweet.

I can already say they
look a little better

than they did two weeks ago.

- Do they?

COLE: Yeah,
a little thicker.

[car door dinging]

STEVE: Well, it looks
like they're filling in.

- Yeah.

Still some thin spots
out here, though.

I'm not a fan of how
thin it is in some areas.

- Yeah,
it's a little spotty.

- It is.

- What-- did Jesse
brought in-- the agronomists

were out?
[OFF] COLE: Yeah.

- And
what did they say?

- It's right
there at that fine line

where we could have
replanted or could not.

STEVE: I would have
looked at this and replanted it.

We were done so early.

I'm not really
sure why we waited.

- I guess, I just was
still just questioning myself

because I haven't really been
making those decisions yet

for the ranch.

But that's where I need to
grow up and start maturing.

- You're 23.

You're going to be 24.

At 22, I was running
my own company, making

every decision for everybody.

Did I make all the right ones?

Nobody's going to.

But I made more
right than wrong.

You got to trust your instinct.

Nobody cares about this ranch
like, you know, like you do.

You got to have the confidence.

And if you're wrong,
then you'll learn.

And next time you'll do that--
but that's-- that's what it

takes to run that, to run
this size of operation

and have that done.

- I've been wanting
to take on a bigger role

and I want to become more.
I want the ranch to do better.

And I want to be the reason
that it's doing better.

- Cole, you know,
I trust your decision-making.

I will live with
the wrong decision.

But making a decision,
trust your gut.

Go with it.

- My dad, he was
just harder on me in general

than my brothers.

I have been out there
sweating blood and tears.

- For how many years?

I've been digging ditches
since I'm 12 years old.

- He's probably
a little harder on me

because he thought, you know,
maybe he had to be, you know.

Maybe I needed a little
more yelling at than them.

I almost feel like it's because
my dad and I are a lot alike.

I think I'm going to replant.

We've got four
chances of rain coming

in at the end of the week.

- That's what my
decision would be too, bud.

- As soon
as it dries out,

I'm going to get one over here.

- Hopefully,
it'll be dry by tomorrow.

I see so much of myself in Cole.

I think we both have a lot of
the same personality traits.

Passionate, high
strung, emotional,

and life of the party.

You know, probably saying
a lot of dumb shit.

But he's always trying
to do such a good job.

And I see that.

- A couple
of weeks late,

but we're going to get it.

- Yeah.

- That
won't happen again.

[music playing]

- What's that?

- Our bar
was a little boring.

[ON] ALLI: Are you going to--

- --check this out.

- --be
making some cocktails?

- No.

But I'll be drinking them.

I probably should have
got flowers for you.

- Do you now?

- But this
was made for flowers.

- Honey,
that's not for flowers.

That's for wine.

I think it's called something.
[ON] JESSE: Decanter.

- Decanter, yeah.

I couldn't think of the name.

Now we got some nice
glasses, I can actually

use them because the girls
brought over some champagne

for us.

- What girls?

- Kacie and Galah.

- Why'd
they came over?

ALLI: Well, girl talk.

- Do I even want
to know what was said?

- I mean, it was a
good conversation, actually.

I think that they feel
some type of way about you

not proposing to me.

Well, I think Galah
feels a certain way.

- Galah feels
a certain type of way?

ALLI: Yeah.
[ON] JESSE: Really?

What'd she say?

- Well, she just
was asking about you,

and this house, and
us moving in here,

and me still not having a ring.

She felt-- she thinks
that's a big step maybe

to do before I get a ring.

- Interesting.

Did you agree?

- I mean, when
I told her how I felt,

I just said that--

- That she
shouldn't be in our business,

and that it's not
really her problem.

- You tell her that.
You tell her that.

- She hasn't
been here the whole time

and doesn't know
anything that's happened

or how we've lived our
lives over the past decade?

[ON] ALLI: All right.

All right.
Maybe you should tell her that.

- No, I'm just saying.

- I mean,
the bottom line,

it pretty much was
like, you know,

if she was in this situation.

I kind of asked her like, what
would you do if you were me?

And she was just
like, you know, like I

would tell him how it is.

I'd say, ask him
to put a ring on it

before I move into this house.

- Or what?

- I don't--

I mean, probably
break up with you.

[music playing]

- To have Galah
butt into our relationship

like that, it's
frustrating because I want

to do this on my own timetable.

- When
are you going to ask

her the age-old question?

- I think it's time.

- I think it is, too.

- I just don't
understand why everybody

has to have something to say.
Like, they live their own lives.

We live our-- you don't
see me going out of my way

to give them advice to you?

- Oh, like
when you're angry.

- I mean, it's not
just me that it's affecting.

It's you, too.

- I get it.

I get it.
Your time.

- It gets old.

[music playing]

- How are you doing?
[OFF] TREVOR: How are you?

- Good.
I'm Steve McBee.

TREVOR: Trevor Reynolds.

- Trevor,
nice to meet you.

[ON] WOMAN 2: Hi.

- I'm Steve McBee.
Nice to meet you.

- Nice to meet you.
[ON] STEVE: Likewise.

What's up, buddy?

How are you doing?
Did you have a good trip?

How are you doing?

- Oh, yeah.

I'm Steven McBee.

- Come on in.

So Bradley, our new
GM that's starting

at Liberty, and then Trevor is
our new maintenance manager.

They're both up here today.

So make them feel welcome.
[ON] WOMAN 3: Yes.

- Part of the family.

- Anytime we're
bringing on new managers,

we want them to get
to know us personally.

We want them to get to see
us outside of the

workplace environment.

- I'm
excited because--

- I'm
really, really excited.

- --like
Liberty location

is our like flagship location.

I'm a little bit-- you know, we
all are like very possessive,

possessive about that.

- We
want to get to know

them and their families,
what's important to them.

And really, there's no better
way to do it than good food

and a good game of pickleball.

- I was at the landing
last night with my mom.

And me and my mom
went to the bathroom.

And f*cking Brooke was
sitting up there with him.

- Oh, god.
[OFF] TEEGAN: Listen to this.

Jake was riding home with Kylee.

And Jake's on the phone.

And Jake goes, Teegan,
this is Brooke.

And it was Kylee.

[music playing]

- And I
was like, hi Brooke!

It's so nice to meet you!

Blah, blah, blah, blah.

They get home, then
Steve's like, that's

the wrong f*cking name!

- [chuckles] Oh, no.

- So let's
have drinks and dinner.

I need to have a
shot in your hand.

Get in here.

We're all family.
Here it is.

[interposing voices]

COLE: Cheers
to McBee family.

- You're my person.

Hi, person.

- Go, do you.

I'm going to have like 300
people at Saturday night.

- OK.

- You look
super cute on top of that.

- Thank you.
I appreciate that.

GALYNA: I know that
Steve does not want to have

a one-on-one relationship.

But it hurts me
enormously to see

him flirting with other women.

- I was just trying
to help solve the situation.

- You take
care of your whore.

How many girls did you have?

- I really
wasn't counting.

Say, what up?

- What up?

- Tuesday
I have my ticket.

You're coming.


- That's Kylee.

- My dad's girl.

- Wait.

- I think Steve's
going through a midlife crisis.

He has three
different girlfriends

right now that we know of.

- Hi, Kylee.

Are you coming to the

- I know that
Steve is seeing other women.

It's really disrespectful.

That makes me feel like shit.

- She can't
come to the farm!

- You
talk to these women

who are hotter than Galyna, but
you can't break up with Galyna?

I don't believe Galyna knows
everything that goes on,

because if she knew
everything, he wouldn't have

to lie whenever she goes out.

- Where did Galyna go?

- To sleep in the car.

- If she did know
everything, oh, my god,

the world would be ending.

[country music]

[insects chirping]

[music playing]

GALYNA: Here it is.

ERENA: It looks good.

GALYNA: It does.

Doesn't it look so good?

- Yeah, when is
this supposed to be done?

- Probably beginning
of next year sometime.

So this is the main
floor, obviously.

And this is going to
be a big kitchen area.

And here is going to be
like a big island table.

And then it's going to have
like that hibachi area, too.

- Oh.

- Yeah.

So this is going to
be a living room.

- What is all this--

- --behind you?

- So this
is extra bedrooms.

So this is going to
be a big pantry, OK.

And I'd like to have
some counter space here.

- So you're
for sure moving in here?

- I hope so.

[chuckles] We just sold the
house, so my stuff is here.


- Where
does that one go?

- This one's
going to go downstairs.

OK, just drop it.

- Well, I
mean, I know that.

But still, I don't know.

So that's kind of a
big step for Steve, so.

- I mean, she's
so hell-bent on being

in a relationship.

You know what I mean?

Seven days a week.

Like, every night.

- But
no one wins in that.

Like, she's
miserable, obviously.

Do you think she
had fun last night?

- That's Kylee.

- My dad's girl.

- Yeah.

- None
of you guys are happy.

So like, why?

I can't wrap my head around it.

- Right.

[dramatic music]

- Yeah,
it's definitely

a big step, considering it.

He thinks that, you
know, constantly

kind of happening all the time.

So you know, it's a big
step for Steve, for sure.

- Like
what type of stuff?

- Hmm?

- Like
what type of stuff?

- He's not sure
about the full commitment.


- Yeah.
So aren't you a little scared?

- I am terrified.

[chuckles] Steve does not
know the latest circumstances

with the venture capital deal.

Do you think we're on the
right track for the approval?

- Kind of
was waiting a bit

till you get some kind of a
track record of stabilization.

Nothing goes as fast as
exactly you want it to.

- I feel so much
pressure with everything that

is happening in terms
of the businesses

and my relationship with Steve.

I know that if I can
secure this investment,

our relationship is
going to get better.

So much better.

You know, I'm terrified.

- Why risk it, then?

[music playing]

- So when I'm
saying, Galyna, we could date,

but I don't want to
come home every day.

You're suffocating me.

I don't know what she hears.

Do you want me to come home and
say, oh, hey, I met this girl,

Kylee, and I had sex with her?

I mean, nobody does that.

I'm saying, hey,
I don't want to be

in a one-on-one relationship.

I told her, you know,
that's who I am from day 1.

- See, what she's
doing is her perception of what

she wants you to be, her
perception of what you can be

is based on what she's trying
to make up in her mind.

- That's not--

You're your own person.

You're your own person.

You're going to live the
life you want to live,

and you've told her that.

- And you
know, I've told her over

and over, go date other guys.

No, you're my perfect person.

- Well,
apparently, you're not.

Otherwise, she wouldn't be
going through this shit show.

- My
relationship with Galyna

is definitely a
situation that could end

in a very bad scenario for me.

And this venture
capital deal, we're

hoping to bring this thing
across the finish line.

And once it's done,
hopefully, things with Galyna

and I will calm down.


So what she sees

in you that makes you perfect,
I'll never understand because--

- I tell
her the same thing.

[train bell dinging]

Switch that water out.
[ON] COLE: Yeah.

that back there.

Thank you.

You got to get down here
and get the down payment

for the meat facility.

Getting this deal closed.

If you're running the ranch,
you're running the farm,

and you're the one putting
your John Hancock on the loans

and cutting the deals, you
need to understand banks

and how they work.

Cole spends all his time
on the farm and ranch.

Runs equipment.

For him to go to
that next level,

I want Cole to learn
the financial side.

You need to know everything.

As much as you
know about farming,

you got to know about
finance and banking.

If you can't borrow money,
you can't be in business.

- So how
does this work?

Obviously, they weren't the
bank for that meat facility

that they had.

- No, we're
assuming that loan.

But we've got to get the
cash to pay the difference.

We've got to get a
quarter million dollars.

- My dad doesn't
have any schooling at all.

He just graduated high school.

And look where he's at today.

- How are
you doing, buddy?

- Good, sir.

How's it going?
[ON] STEVE: I brought him.

- What's
this guy doing here?

- I
brought the braniac.

- Nice, nice.
Come on back.

- You
can learn anything

you want to learn
without going to college,

if you're willing
to do the research,

put the energy and effort
into it, and follow through,

then you can do or be
anything you want to be.

- So you
brought the muscle?

Or what's going on with Cole?

- Yeah, I
thought, if in case

we were going to talk rates.

- Oh.

- He's my-- you know,
he takes care of breaking legs

and arms, and stuff like that.

- Are you
buying something?

- Yeah.

So we're going to buy
this meat facility.

[music playing]

I'm waiting for this venture
capital deal to go through.

But we just agreed to
buy a new meat facility.

It's nice, isn't it?

- It is nice.

- This will
become the RTE packaging room.

In here is the hanging cooler.

You can hang up to

So this is where you package
your steaks, your ground meat.

This meat facility.

It's going to be my baby.

It's going to take
us to the next level.

- We build and paid
for everything through loans,

through the banks.

I love to cut a deal, too.

I'm kind of a deal junkie.

So when deals
present themselves,

trying to solve the problem
on how do I buy this,

how do I get it financed,
just trying to figure

out how to cut the deal.

So I'm assuming they're loan,
which is a good rates at 4.5.

Do you have any 4.5 loans left?

- Just ran out.
[ON] COLE: Yeah.

- Just ran out.

Freshly out of any 4.5 rates.


- We're
going to need that.

- It's a
well-built facility.

I mean, it's well
built. Like, brand new.

- And you feel like
you got the cash flow to pay

for this if it runs slow?

- Yeah, APEX
will break it even.

So everything on top of
that would be additional.

Do you see what I'm saying?

- My dad is a
very good negotiator.

He, uh-- he doesn't
really give in or give up.

You know, he'll work
through anything.

And it's very impressive.

We're a lot alike.

You know, we're both
pretty good talkers.

And we both-- actually,
we both love work.

We like to work hard.

And I guess there was a lot
of ways that I am like my dad.

- Like always,
I trust your word.

And as long as you keep up
your end of the bargain,

we're always going
to be here for you.


- Well,
I appreciate it.

I know we've had a
longstanding relationship.

- And yes, sir, we have.

And we appreciate the interest.

- That's right.
[ON] JOE: Yeah.


- Sorry.

- There's that.

You can just sign.

- All right.

Even though we
have a lot of debt,

I'm highly, highly,
confident that Greg

will come through with
the additional capital

of $105 million.

- Do you want me to
make those payable to you?

- Yes.

- OK.

- You know,
yes, the risk is there.

But you got to take an
advantage of an opportunity.

Wherever the opportunity
presents itself--

all right, brother.

- OK.
[ON] STEVE: --thank you.

- All right, gentlemen.
[ON] STEVE: As always.

- We'll see you.

Have a good weekend.

- OK.

[music playing]

- Yes, sir?

- Do you want maps
of wherever you planted at?

- You
just did the one in Cox?

If you would just
sh**t me a photo

with like a rough estimate,
and I'll send it off to him.

- OK.
[ON] STEVEN JR.: Perfect.

Thanks, sir.

What's going on?

GALYNA: What's up?

- I was
going to talk to you here.

What's going on
with you and my dad?

It seems like something's wrong.

- I-- I--

I know you know how I am.

- Let me just
shut your door real quick,

so my dad doesn't
decide to walk in.

- You know how I am.

I am like-- I'm trying to make
a light of it out of everything.

And I tried to smile
every single time.

But at the same
time, I'm a human.

I'm just so committed
to your father.

I'm like, nobody else.

And they--

- I know you are.

I think you-- you
view my dad as a--

your perfect person.

And he is who he is.

And I don't know if
you're ever going

to be able to change that.

And so I just don't
want you to keep

hurting yourself and trying
to change a man that--

he's not going to change.

- I don't
even try to change him.

I just don't-- I think people
think that I try to change him,

I don't.

I want him to be who he is.

I just don't know how
to deal with it myself.

- But if it
keeps hurting you like that,

- He does.

[chuckles] Oh my god, he does.

- I don't
think it's healthy for you.

GALYNA: It's really not.

- I am concerned
over what happens with Galyna.

I know that my dad's
not going to change.

I don't want to see you dedicate
your life to someone that

isn't willing to reciprocate.

So really, it all
comes down to Galyna

making the decision
for herself, to make

a better change for herself
and her life and her--

her mental health and well
being, and just move on.

- I'm never
going to give up.

He's-- you know?

He is my person.

It's going to probably hurt
me for the rest of my life.

- He is obviously
a very, very damaged person.

And there's a lot of trauma
that goes back to his childhood.

My dad had a very rough
relationship with his mom,

to the point that
she kicked him out

of the house at 12 years old.

She believed in a lot
of interesting things.

And so whenever my
dad was 12 years old,

she went to a palm reader.

And the palm reader told
her that her third child

would be nothing but trouble.

And my dad was her third child.

And from that day
on, he was already

starting to show
the signs of being

the wild child of the family.

And so she went home that day
and said, get out of my house.

I think he's got a jaded
mindset towards women

because of that situation
he went through as a kid

and getting basically kicked
to the curb and abandoned.

I can tell you unequivocally
that my dad loves you.

He is obviously a
very damaged person.

And you can vent to me any time.


- Same as here.

You're the best.
[ON] STEVEN JR.: Yeah.

I love you.

- I know.

[music playing]

- They're
still out there?

- Yeah.
Cash, come on!


come on!

Go outside.

Come on.

What are you doing?

Going big time,
with lots upright.

The cops don't call
your mom if you're fine.

- I am hungry.

I haven't ate today.

- I'm starving.

You know where the fastest
thing that can be made?

Cheese quesadilla.

- [laughs]
No, I was going to say.

- That's what
I always get anyways.

I get cheese quesadilla.

- I was
going to say queso.

- All right, here's
the picture before I edited it.

Will you edit it
better than that?

- Send it to me.

- I think we have been
doing good lately, don't you?

- Yeah, but
right now, your Instagram

looks like you're single.

[music playing]

- It's weird
how Steven and Galah

make a post on Instagram.

And now, Kacie, I think
she wants the same thing.

- Why
won't you post me?

- Why is it
so important to girls

to be posted on Instagram?

- Um, because
girls like to feel special,

and they want a sense of like
security in their relationship.


- I think we
should be talking about how

to spice up our sex life.

- Oh, my god.

- I am
ready for the queso.

Would you like a Coke?

- Diet
Coke Zero, please.

Coke Zero, OK.

- Can I get a
strawberry marg on the rocks?

- OK.

- This table is small.

- It is.

- Romantic.

- Me and my
dad the other day, I

was talking to him, and he
wants to see me take charge.

- You got to
trust your instinct.

You got to have the confidence.

And if you're wrong,
then you'll learn.

That's what it takes to
run this size of operation.

- Yeah, I want
the ranch to do better.

And I want to be the reason
that it's doing better.

I feel like I've been mature.

- I think so.

- Margarita.

- Thank you.

Coke Zero.

- Thank you.

- That's spicy.

- My mouth
was on fire over here.

- It's not
usually that spicy.

- Speaking of that.

- Oh, god.

I think we're fine.

We still have sex every day.

- I think we just
need to keep it spicy.

- Break up sex?

- Yeah, I think
we need to get into it.

- You
want to break up?

- Oh, maybe get
in a fight or something.

- You
want me to role play

as the crazy ex-girlfriend?

- A few times,
you weren't role-playing.

- [chuckles] So
I got something sent to me.

- What?

- Um, a
screenshot of your dad's

little girlfriend's Instagram.

- Yeah, that's
my dad's girlfriend.

What do you mean?

- She posted
a picture of you.

- I didn't see this.

- You're tagged in it.

- When
did she post this?

- I don't know.

- That is
my dad's girlfriend.

- Why do you
take pictures with him?

- I wasn't.
I was just in the bar.

[indistinct chatter]

- Tell him.

- Why won't
she post your dad?

Why does she have to
post my boyfriend?

- I don't know.

Probably because she
doesn't want to see people.

- She's
embarrassed of your dad?

- She
doesn't want people

to know she has a 50-year-old--

- Is she going
to be your stepmom one day?

- Um, I don't think so.

I don't know.

- No.

- I just feel
like, it'd be weird

if my dad started dating her.

Yeah, Galyna would k*ll her.

- Galyna
would k*ll her.

- If I was her,
I would move out myself.

I would be done.

Galyna needs to move on
and date somebody else.

- That's what
I was about to say.

She needs to go get married.

- She needs to
go find somebody else.

- I want her
to keep working for us.

- She can go find
somebody else and get married.

She knows that my
dad's a ticking time

b*mb, until it just blows up.

[music playing]

You better be nice,
or just-- you'll want

to be good on her good side.

[mellow music]

- Well,
what do you think?

Take the pugs?

- You
can take Gunther.

But not the-- the little dorks.

[door creaking]

- Steven told me he
had a conversation with Galyna

about my relationship with her.

Galyna shares that
she's not doing well.

- I
think people think

that I tried to change him.

I don't.

I want him to be who he is.

- She is
such a good person.

She's such a good human.

I don't want her to be hurt.

Jump, Gunner.

[water splashes]

- Is it warm?

- Jump in all at once.

The water is almost
like therapeutic.

I feel like if I
take her swimming,

get her out in the
sunshine, we can

have an honest conversation.

There you go.

Oh, the leap.

The leap of faith.
[ON] GALYNA: [chuckles]

- You
smell like a wet dog.

- He is a wet dog.

- I know.

- [chuckles]

- What?

You want to eat it?

You know, we have
to get him back up.

[grunts] The sun feel good?

- It's so good.

- Is it
bringing you back to life?

- Good.

I love the sun.

- You
know, when you smile,

it releases like chemicals
and stuff in your body

and makes you in a better mood.

How are you doing?

- It's
like I constantly feel

the pressure to be perfect.

And like, I'm not doing
things right or like.

And-- and I'm a constant
embarrassment to everybody.

That was my entire
life with my father.

This is why my
anger and my pain--

my so much pain,
like, comes out,

that I can't even control it.

That's what happens.

I just want somebody to
be proud of me one time.

[music playing]

- I feel so
bad hearing you say that.

It makes me-- it makes
me sick to my stomach.

Because you are so far from
an embarrassment from how--

whatever you think from
when your dad or whatever

happened in your life.

Galyna's father had
different views on women.

He wanted all boys.

He was mad when
he had a daughter.

He didn't even want her
to get an education.

He was like, it's
a waste of time.

You don't need a
driver's license.

You don't need to drive.

I mean, you need to just be
barefoot and pregnant kind

of mentality.

Galyna feels like she's
a second-hand person.

Like, hand-me-down clothes.

I mean, that makes me
sick to think that you

feel that way
because I am so, so

proud of what you accomplished.

- I feel that
Steve respects me and believes

in me as a human being.

And I think he sees
me so much different

than anybody else
did, or appreciates

me as anybody else did.

And this is why I love him.

There will be no
other man for me.

- And you're
part of our family now.

There's no-- you can't get out.

I mean, even if you start
dating some other guy

and you do whatever--

- I'm not
gonna ever date anybody.

- No, I'm just saying,
you're part of our family.

Just because I say I don't want
to be married or be in a seven

day a week relationship.

If I was going to be in a
relationship or be married,

that would be you.

It would be you.


understand you love Galyna, but
are you in love with Galyna?

- You know,
that's a question that I--

I mean--

[music playing]

[SINGING] Love like love.

I don't know how to
separate those two, I guess.

Like, in love or, you know.

But I guess, I--

yeah, I'm not sure
how to answer that.

[SINGING] Now that
I'll lose my mind.

Sorry if I found out.

Ah, ah, I feel lost.

I found.

- This is Galyna.

PHONE]: Hey, Galyna.

It's Greg.
[ON] GALYNA: Hey, Greg.

PHONE]: How are you?

- Doing great.

Just doing business every day.


I wanted to talk to
you about the deal.

- OK.

GREG [ON PHONE]: It looks
like we're not going to be

able to proceed as planned.

- I don't
understand that.

What do you mean?

Like, what do you mean?

We won't be able to offer

you the full amount.

- Um, what
do you mean by it's

not going to be a full amount?

PHONE]: We'll only be

able to offer you $20 million.

- $20 million is
not even close to enough.

It's going to allow other
companies to get into market

and claim the-- the space.

GREG [ON PHONE]: They're
not too keen on, you know,

spending that kind of capital.

- But
I just want you--

I want to advocate for
ourselves, too, because I

know how different we are.

And please, take that
into consideration.

I want this to stay in between
two of us for right now.

PHONE]: All right.

- Thank you, Greg.


If this deal is not
going to go through,

that could be the
end of the company.

It just puts me in a
very difficult position.

[birds chirping]

[bird squawking]

- What's
up, knucklehead?

Oh, good boy.


Good morning.

- How are you?
[ON] STEVE: I'm good.

How are you?

- Good.

Just catching up on some
emails since kind of--

- Catching
up on some emails?

GALYNA: I brewed
some extra coffee.

There's actually
sugar-free creamer.

- Oh cool.

- Yeah.

What you have going on today?

- Uh, 23rd Street.

- 23rd Street?

- Right.

[music playing]

- I haven't
told Steve the latest news

that I heard from Greg.

- Oh, that's
actually a good creamer.

It tastes good.

- I
still think that I

will be able to reconvince
Greg and deliver the investment

that we really need.

- Well, I suppose
I'm going to get after it.

- Yes, sir.

- Have a good day.

- Have a good day.

- Have
a good day, buddy.

Are you going to be good?

What are you going to destroy
today, huh, knucklehead?

[music playing]

[SINGING] Born to be,
being called a liar.

I try to sleep, but
the world's on fire.

I got the right amount
of b*ll*ts, ready to fly.

I got the right amount of
b*ll*ts, and I'm ready to die.

- Oh, crap.

Well, I've come to
the office today.

Boss has asked me to give her
the keys to the Nashville house

to Brooke.

- If you
ever want to use

the Nashville house with your
friends, you better f*cking go.

I know you love Nashville.

If you don't, I will
be beyond offended.

I'll search you down.

- [laughs]

- I'm serious.

- I don't know.

I don't care.

It's none of my business.

I'm just doing what I'm told.

[phone ringing]

PHONE]: Hey, Tessa.

What's going on?

- Galyna's
car is sitting outside.

[ON PHONE]: Oh, no.

Is Brooke there now?

- Uh, no.

She hasn't got here yet.


Woo hoo!

Are you here?

Are you here, Galyna?


Tessa, is that you?

- Why are you
working on Saturday?

that something new?

- [laughing]
Well, you're usually

not up here on Saturday.

- I'm always
working on Saturdays.

- Well,
not here technically.

GALYNA: I know.

- Oh.

- What's going on?

- The boss is
having me meet somebody

here, just so you know.

And I have to give 'em the
keys to the Nashville house.

I kind of feel uncomfortable
about this whole situation.

- Tessa.

- It's Brooke.

- Are you serious?

- Yeah.

She's supposed to be
decorating the place.

Maybe there's nothing to--
maybe there's nothing to it.

Maybe it's all--

- [speaking russian]

- Let's give her
the benefit of the doubt.

- [speaking russian]

[phone ringing]

As expected, he doesn't answer.

[phone ringing]

GALYNA: Just starts
to give the keys out.

[moody music]

[SINGING] The devil's
on my shoulder

singing a haunted lullaby.

- Tessa?

[moody music]

Hey, Tessa.


- Yes.
[ON] BROOKE: Hey, how are you?

- Hey.
Good, good.

- Good.

I was just coming by to pick up
the keys that were left for me.

- What the
f*ck are you doing here?

[moody music]

- I really
feel this inner peace.

I've been wanting
to get something

off my chest for a while now.

I mean, I'm ready.

I know that I've made
mistakes, and I'm not--

I'm not perfect.

But I definitely want
to try to be for you.

- Oh my god.

[ON] GALYNA What the
f*ck are you doing here?

- I was told to
come here and pick up keys, is

actually what I'm doing here.

- Oh, you're
so freaking pathetic.

- You're the
one that's running around

here pretending like
you're in a relationship

with somebody that's telling
everybody else that you're not.

- I've seen the
best people fall from grace.

He's had a lot of trauma.

- I know
what trauma is.

- She must have
done something to her mic.

STEVE: This deal,
we bet the farm on it.

She turned it off.

- Yeah.

It's off.

- And
where we ended up

is worst-case scenario
for me right now.

I don't know.

I don't want to fail the boys.

There's some days I could just--

I think I could just disappear.

[crowd noise]

MAN: What is going on right now?

- My
dad definitely usually

doesn't usually get
this drunk this early

and everybody's here.

- I never really
been speechless before.

But in this moment, I
honestly feel speechless.

COLE: Dad's not in
the right mental state

to be running this farm.

I know we've been

fighting back and forth over
who should lead this place.

[suspenseful music]

[audio logo]