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01x01 - Family Succession

Posted: 04/18/24 09:59
by bunniefuu
[gentle music]

[country music]

STEVE: I spent the majority
of the lion's share

of my life building,
acre by acre, piece

by piece, this farm and ranch.

I feel connected to the land.

It's in my blood.

It's in my DNA.

[horse whinnies]

You're all right.

They ain't going to bother us.

I'm Steve McBee.

I'm the owner of
McBee Farm and Cattle.

Company in Gallatin, Missouri.

This is honestly as good as
I've seen our fields look.

I don't want to
get too optimistic,

but combined, that's $27
million in crop grain

we could have this year.

That could be so huge, dude.

STEVE: We came from nothing.

We were dirt poor.

I mean, the whole
family in the same room.

And all I ever wanted is to
own my own farm that somebody

cannot take away from my
boys and I. I thought,

man, I want to
have at least 1,000

acres to give all the boys.

That's good dirt.

That's a perfect
planted corn field.

We farm 40,000 acres.

We run a couple thousand head
of cattle at any given time.

We're on our way to
being a billion dollar

company, with a B.
But we have more

enemies than I could name.

I mean, I... everybody
knows the McBee's.

People have tried to
take everything from us.

[music playing]
Struggle at your feet.

STEVE: They stole
$100,000 worth of stuff.

STEVEN: I got randomly selected

for the most intense government
inspection you can have.

Somebody stole my hitch.

WOMAN: What?

[SINGING] Devil's got you beat.

STEVE: I am just so fortunate

and blessed to have four boys.

They all live on
the ranch, and they

all have their own houses.

It took years and years of
hard work, blood, tears.

This is something that
we will never give up on.

They would have to remove us
from this land to take us out.

There's a thin line
between love and hate,

and there's a thin line
between success and failure.

I've told them many times they
can spend their life building

someone else's dreams, or
they can work for theirs elf

and build their own dreams.

[SINGING] Devil's,
devil's got you beat

[theme music]

We're just burning
this field right here.

Can you guess who
we're still waiting on?

We told him 10:45 over here.

STEVEN: You guys don't
have this done yet?

MAN: Oh, he's finally here.

Oh, yeah.

I don't want to
hear your bullshit.

MAN: [ON] MAN: Hey.

Just waiting on big
brother to help you out.

All right.

Jesse, Jake, you guys want
to throw on backpack blowers?


Cole, you want to handle
the propane torch?

Whenever we're in the
full swing of planting

season, we have to make sure all

the fields are ready to go.

There it is.

Let's go.

You go and you light it on
fire, and that wind takes it

and it burns it pretty freaking
fast, cleans up the field.

It's just a nice burnt field
to go in and plant into.

It's going to burn a
little better than I

thought it was going to
burn. It's pretty hot.

MAN: Hear ya.

Yeah, that fire has no
chance of crossing there.

MAN: I'm a little worried
about this right here.

MAN: What?

MAN: The wind's
going straight south.

MAN: We need the blower.

MAN: Grab the tractor,
bring it over here.

MAN: Jess, run, like
as fast as possible.

MAN: Steven.

Oh, shit, if it gets
into that field,

it's going to keep going.

God damn.

MAN: Dude, it
changed 180 degrees.

MAN: Come on.


COLE: You can do everything
right with a fire.

MAN: Hey, bring the
f*cking thing back up here.

MAN: Shit.

MAN: Oh, shit.

COLE: And it still goes
to hell in a hand basket.

That's hot.

[rock music]

Morning, morning.

How are you, bossy poo?

Sorry, I was wore out.

I was going to be here
early to help you but...

We know you're always late.

I had Steven in
here this morning,

and Brayden helping
me this morning.

Brayden was here that early?


Across the board, we

have 250 employees
working their ass

off every single day.

What's up, buddy?

k*lling it out there, man.

You guys are rocking.

MAN: Yep.

And all the boys work
here at the ranch.

They all want to
prove to me that they

can do better than their
brother and/or that I did.

What's up?

Did you use all the almond milk?

I did last night on
my protein shake.

Dang it, I need a protein
shake this morning.

STEVE: And it's great to
have that competitive spirit

and that drive.

Some day, one of
the boys is going

to have to take over the farm.

I'm just not sure who
that's going to be.

STEVEN: It's pretty boy.

He had to do his hair first
before he came to the meeting.

Oh, I saw his hair flowing.

STEVEN: Uh-huh.

I'm actually jealous of it.

I'm not gonna lie.

[mid-tempo music]

STEVE: I know you guys
aren't gonna believe this.

We're waiting on Cole.

Imagine that.

Cole's the last one here.

[side conversation]

MAN: Well... is he here?

Oh my...

WOMAN: [laughs]

MAN: Woo!

Morning, guys.

I'd say Cole is probably
my favorite brother

to work with.

But he's always late.

Unfortunately, I have to say
Cole's ugly mug pretty much

every day.

STEVE: All right.

We'll dive right
into the meeting.

We are absolutely rolling,
uh, k*lling the acres,

just knocking them out.

I know you guys have
been driving it home,

working late, long hours.

So that does not go unnoticed.

We very much appreciate that.

But, uh, to say our life
is on the line this year

would be... wouldn't say enough.

Something about farming
and ranching... it's

always a financial struggle.

It's not only dangerous,
but the last couple

planting seasons have been so
bad battling Mother Nature.

We'll get massive
floods or a drought.

We just ended up with
little or very low yields.

So yeah, kind of the progress.

We're, like, 67% on, uh,
soybeans, 72% on corn acres,

Planting season is one

of, if not the most stressful
times of the year for me.

STEVE: This is as of 7:00 AM.

This was as of
yesterday morning.

Steven is one word, driven.

He was number 1
in his NBA class.

He wants to outdo Dad.

Steven definitely, um,
thinks a lot of himself.

He's, like, the smartest guy I
know, a 4.2 student, You know?

Whatever you want to say.

But you put him in a piece
of equipment and I am scared.

Let's finish this
planting season

with no injuries, no accidents.

So after you sign the
sheet, Tessa's got

breakfast all ready to
roll. It's hot and ready.

TESSA: Here's what we
got going on, fellers.

STEVEN: Holy smokes.

And you ought to
sniff that, honey.

Oh, it...

I gained 5 pounds just
standing beside it.

TESSA: Everybody doing OK?

Anybody need anything?

I got orange juice, coffee.

No, you cannot have vodka in it.

You're working.

[rock music]

MAN: What's the plan here?

What do we got going on?

We're just burning
this field right here.

Anything with fire is dangerous.

It gets scary at times.

He's going to have to
hit a double-pass on this

if this is how it's going to be.

You can be as prepared
as you want to be.

But the wind changes, and
it's chaos after that.

That's not good.
- That ain't good.

JESSE: If we're not able
to control this fire,

it could burn thousands
and thousands of acres,

burn down fences, burn
down people's houses.

It's very intense, and
somebody can get hurt.

[rock music]


Which number are you
at, or which letter?

- We are pulling up.

PHONE]: All righty.

- All right.


You ain't gonna move, are you?

Maybe Calah can hop
in the back seat.

Gallatin, Missouri,
population 1,700.

If you get on a dating
app and you expand

that radius out 100,

no dating pools around here.

So I usually have to go down to
Kansas City, go to Nashville,

or get on Instagram just
to find women that I may be

interested in, or dating show.


[squeals excitedly] My baby.

Hi. Oh.

- Hey.
- Hi.

How are you?

I'm good. How are you?

I'm good. Good to see you.

[mid-tempo music]

Calah and I met on a dating
show called Joe Millionaire.

She was born and raised
in Dallas, Texas.

She's an incredible person,
absolutely gorgeous.

But we learned very quickly
that being on a TV show

is completely different than
actually dating in real life.

We're on Steven time.

He acts like nobody else
has a life other than him.

The world revolves around him.

CALAH: I'm kind of
excited to be at the farm

today. Nice weather.

STEVEN: Missed it?
- I don't know if I...

really nice weather.

I don't know if I would go that

far to say I missed it, but...

I'm definitely more
of a city girl.

Honestly, there is not a lot
to do up here to have fun.

The Wi-Fi doesn't
work the majority

of the time, so no TV.

I think there's a gas
station and a Subway.

You've never fished?

CALAH: I have fished!

All you do is bait it.


Reel it up.

Crank it.

And then you jerk it.


I don't know what
type of fishing

you were doing.


JESSE: Can you guess who
we're still waiting on?

We told him 10:45, over here.

[phone ringing]

I'm headed your way.

You're headed our way?

PHONE]: Yes, sir.

You guys have the propane torch?

We got everything
except for you.

you're going to have my ass

here in about 15 minutes.

That means you're still...

was a little tied up.

All right, well, we'll be here,

baking in the sun with no AC.

PHONE]: You guys

could use the sun tan anyways.

You look a little pasty.

All right.

We'll be here.

Missed you.

CALAH: Missed you, too.

Take it off!



We're going to be doing
this in the hottest

part of the day, at this rate.
- Yeah.

That's why I was really wanting
to get done in the morning.

Steven always insists
that he wants to help,

but fieldwork is
not Steven's work.

He shows up, and it's just
like a tornado goes through.

And then he leaves early
and makes you deal with it.

STEVEN: Do you guys
not have this done yet?

COLE: Oh, he's finally here.

Oh, yeah.

I don't want to
hear your bullshit.

JAKE: Only hour and a half late.

STEVEN: All right.

Jesse, Jake, you guys want to
throw on the backpack blowers?


Cole, you want to handle
the propane torch?

Which one of these was empty?

What are you doing?

I'm going to direct.

No, I did the disking.

You do the propane.

That's what we talked about.

JESSE: Yeah.


Thanks, guys.

Appreciate that.


Controlled burns.

We like to call
them "uncontrolled

controlled burns."

No matter how many
precautions you take,

there are so many things
you really cannot control.

Hang on.

It's not one to light.

It's on, ain't it?

I think it's on, maybe.

No, it's definitely not on.

COLE: No, it's not.

JESSE: This is not one to light.

I wouldn't look down it.

STEVEN: There it is.

Let's go.

Is this flammable?

STEVEN: It'll burn for sure.

This is going to be a slow
burn, because the wind

isn't blowing, which
is good. COLE: Yeah.

It's pretty hot.

JAKE: Hey, we should
just go ahead and turn

these off and save fuel.
- I know.

I was thinking that.
STEVEN: Oh, yeah.

Down here, yeah, that fire has
no chance of crossing there.

All right.

Knock on wood, at least.

COLE: Yeah, we said that...

STEVEN: Jesse, and then
we'll be able to control it.

COLE: I'm a little worried
about this right here.


COLE: The wind's
going straight south!

STEVEN: Oh, shit.

Hey, you guys better
hurry up there!

I would probably hurry!

JESSE: What?

COLE: We need the blowers!

They went from straight
north to straight south!


Grab the tractor!

Bring it over here!



COLE: Like, as fast as possible!

STEVEN: Oh, shit.

If it gets into that field,
it's going to keep going.


You can do everything
right with a fire,

and it still goes to
hell in a hand basket.

Dude, it changed, 180 degrees.

COLE: Come on! Steven!


COLE: Hey, bring the
f*cking thing back up here!


That's hot.

STEVEN: Oh, shit.

If it gets into that field,
it's going to keep going.

Damn wind did a 180-degree
switch on us up here.

COLE: Wind's going
straight south!


Let me get on the trail!

Get this!


Hey, bring the f*cking
thing back up here!

What are you doing?!

JESSE: [coughs] Oh, shit.

COLE: Not doing nothing!

Come on!

JAKE: It's going that way now!

COLE: What?

JAKE: Wind switch!

COLE: I'll get on the trail!

You get that!


God damn.

STEVEN: Oh, f*ck.

That always f*cking happens.

I f*cking hate fires.

Why do we keep doing this?

JESSE: Necessary evil.

Oh, man.

COLE: Steven thinks he can

run the farm better than me.

He's so certain that he's going
to be one that takes it over

and he's going to
be one that runs it.

I don't think Steven has what
it takes to run the farm,

you know.

He can do all the office work,
but when the day comes and one

of us has to take over the farm,

I'm pretty confident that
my dad knows it's me.


That was a shit show.

[Steven laughs]

Why would you not let me go down

the trail when you get done?

I can't back in there.

STEVEN: I didn't see the spot!

COLE: Because you
were going too fast.

You're not... instead
of blowing it out,

you're blowing it up in the air.

Whenever I could just
drive down this nice road

I already have, and you could
have put the one spot out.

Right there, I was
trying to stop it, dude.

There was no stomping it out.

It wasn't easy to
put out with the leaf

blower either.

[sighs] Shit.

I should have stayed
in the office.

COLE: Yeah.

I'll bring, like, more guys,

too, than two if I need to.

I mean, you want me
to bring, like, four

guys to help knock it out?

I feel like I got burnt.

From what?

Uh, jumping in there.

JESSE: You ain't do nothing.

Thanks, Spencer. I
appreciate it, brother.

SPENCER: You bet. Thank you.

STEVE: We'll see you. Bye.

What's happening?

Oh, just finished up the burn.

JESSE: We were about 10
to 15 feet away from not

being able to stop it.

STEVE: What? Wow.

COLE: Yeah, we were
probably a few minutes

away from calling
the fire department,

till we got it under control.

STEVEN: So here's
exactly what happened.


We started the south
end of the back burn,

and then the back burn,
we thought, burnt out,

so Cole and I went to the
north end, and we lit it.

But then it turned
into a south wind,

so then the back burn
reversed direction.

And then where I
lit on the north end

took off to the north.

COLE: Across the tree
line, into the tree

line in the other field.

So then you're fighting

two fires instead of...

STEVEN: Two fires, and
they were both going...

And neither of them
were controlled.


Oh, shit.

If it gets into that field,
it's going to keep going.

COLE: Hey, guys, hurry up there!

STEVE: You guys have had a
disastrous year with burns.

COLE: Steven...

I was about to say,
all of our burns

that we've done with
just us and Jake


COLE: Yeah, me, Jesse, and Jake

we're fine. We had
to wait on him.

He was, like, at
least 45 minutes late.

STEVEN: You guys could
have started without me.

COLE: No, you told us to wait.

JESSE: You told us to wait.

COLE: Steven was freaking
out there for a minute,

wasn't he?

I thought it was just

going to be like a quick
after-lunch fire deal.

JESSE: It would have
been before lunch, if you

would have showed up on time.

It wasn't our fault.

It's never your fault.

COLE: It started
with you being dumb.

STEVEN: Well, if the wind
wouldn't change directions...

You mean, if Mother Nature would

do what you expect it to do?

STEVEN: I actually...
we took our time...

COLE: I do think...

I think you lit
it a little fast.

We're about out of
insurance claims,

just so you guys know.

So maybe put a little
thought into that

before you risk something.

STEVEN: Everyone is good
at what they do every

day, right?

If I put Cole in here
doing this paperwork,

what would he do?

He'd suck.

So how can you expect me to be
doing all this shit every day,

and then go out
there to the field

and be good at what I
do... like, good at that?

COLE: 'Cause you
grew up doing it.

It's like muscle.

It, like, atrophies.

It shrinks whenever
you don't use it.

I might not know how
to run a tractor,

but I know how to
work a computer.


Aren't you cool.

We got spreadsheet
boy over here.


STEVE: How's it going?

You guys k*lling it, k*lling it?

GALYNA: Did you
email me that list

that you were working on?

OK, perfect.

Thank you.

Hey, hey.

GALYNA: Hey, how are you?

About ready to get together?


STEVE: All right.

GALYNA: This is the check list.

So we're pretty much done
with the first half of it.

STEVE: The presentation
that we're putting together?


Financially, the
last couple of years

have been so hard
and such a struggle.

The amount of debt
on the farm and ranch

is just about astronomical.

So we started McBee's
Coffee N Carwash,

something that had consistent
cash flow and margins.

You know, mitigate
our risk to the farm.

The thing is, anytime
you open a car wash,

it's a very, very
substantial loan,

and it's cost me a lot of money.

I had to collateralize all of
the equity out of the farm.

This is the blue sky

page that we've talked about.

STEVE: OK, this is the
additional revenue stream?

- Looks good.

Right now, we're $50 million
in debt with the car washes,

so we literally
bet the farm on it.

You're going to send
this stuff to Greg Sunday

evening so he can
review it prior

to sending it to New York?
- Yes.

- Perfect.

Galyna is our CFO,
and she's been working

with a hedge fund out
of New York on a capital

investment of $105 million.

And frankly, we need it.

GALYNA: Currently, we
have already 15 lots,

so we want to grow it
to a minimum of 100

over the next five years.

You've been self-funding it.

At some point, you'll
need outside capital.

Oh, for sure.

I mean, you know, the
thing is, everything

is cross-collateralized.

If we don't land that
capital and move forward

in the next 6
months to 12 months,

we could lose
literally everything.

I know you understand
the depth of what

we have riding on this.

That's why you and I
make such a good team.

You handle pressure better
than anybody I've ever seen.

That's why you own

You set the systems up.

You've put that in place.

You know I sincerely mean that.

Galyna is one of the
hardest-working, brightest

women I know and
has helped transform

our company over the last six
years into what it is today.

STEVE: I mean, Galyna is
from the Soviet Union.

That's where she's from.

While I was in
Russia, I met a man.

He ended up moving
me to United States

through a fiance visa, commonly
known as mail-order bride.

STEVE: You take somebody that
just came from nothing...

I mean, it's amazing.

I never in my life thought

that I would be where I am
today, having a daughter,

running a company.

I have to pinch
myself so many times.

I'm like, did I really do that?

I need a Moscow mule.

I need my glass of wine.

Yes. Well, let's go get a drink.

- Yes, sir.
- You ready?

Let's do it.


[thunder rolling]

GALYNA: Good morning.

You want some coffee?

It's breakfast.

GALYNA: You want some coffee?


I have that sugar-free
one that you like.

STEVE: I'm gonna shower.



Boy, it's going to get personal.

Um, I mean, somebody is
going to be brutally honest.

We probably had sex
a month after we met.

How much detail do you want?

GALYNA: What's up, handsome?

Did you sleep good?

I know it was a
little hot last night.

Because of me.


I guess if you're asking
if I'm dating Galyna,

I guess the answer is yes,
because she lives at my house.

I mean, I've told
her multiple times

that I do not want to be
in a committed relationship

with anybody.

Galyna, you want an omelet?

GALYNA: Yes, sir.

Can you add salmon in it?

I was married for 28 years,

and we got divorced a
year and a half ago.

She has a house in town.

She sees the boys all the time,
and I'll love her every day

as the mother of my boys.

But not being able to
keep the family together

is definitely my
biggest regret in life.


STEVE: There you go, Pugs.

Have at it.

When the boys were young, we
were like the perfect family.

Galyna, this is ready!

I've made some mistakes,
obviously, but yeah, I'm not

going to be married again, so.

You know, call that

whatever you want to call it.

It's probably not fair
to whoever's in my life,

but I'm not doing it.

You like it?

I love it.


All right, have a good morning.

I'll call you.

OK, bye.

[music playing] Running it,
sticking up in the game.

Kissed it, but
she hugged it, man

I got some things
all on my brain

I hit it for y'all run a train

I call it la
resistance, talk, talk.


The A-team's here.

Oh, yeah.

STEVE: We do cookouts with
our farmhands, probably,

at least once a month.

What's up, buddy?
Doing all right?

FARM HAND: How you doing?
- I'm well.

I'm well.

I just think it means
a lot to the morale

and to let them know how
much we care about them.

PIETER: It's one thing you

said that I won't ever forget.

If you're here for a
paycheck, go the f*ck away.

If you're here to farm, farm.

That's right.

No, hey...

PIETER: I'm not
here for a paycheck.

STEVE: Guys are going
to have to volleyball.

CALAH: All the girls are
going to go to the dock.

STEVE: You can do it!

I want to see some guys do some
sets before I pick my team.


PIETER: I mean, Galyna's
probably the top

thrower there, because she's...

She ain't on my team.

I want to spike it on her head.

ALY: How's Steven
been for all this?

Is he... is he
liking this or no?

Things have been good.

Things have been positive.

We know that we love each other.

So I don't know.

We're just... we're

yeah, we're trying
to make it work.

We'll see what happens.

It's been really good, though.

I wonder what they're
talking about.

I think...

See, like, he's so
weird about that.

Like, he does say, like, yes,
we're exclusive, but I just...

The longer they talk,

the more trouble
we're going to be in.

Oh, shit.

That Calah is going in now.

I can tell, she's,
like, yelling.


COLE: Dude, she's,
like, doing that

lean forward and that, like...


STEVEN: I've always
looked at and made fun

of those people that
couldn't hold a relationship,

or they break up, get
back together, break up,

get back together.

So now that I find myself in one

of these on-again,
off-again things,

I don't want to
put a title on it.

I don't want to make it public.

Let's figure this out.

And once we feel really
solid about things,

then I'll move forward.

STEVE: There's no
"everybody's a winner" here.

Somebody's got to lose, and
it's not going to be our team.

Is it just me, or do you guys
think, like, Cornels looks

like Maverick on Top g*n?

Out there, playing
sand volleyball?

STEVE: So zero, zero.

GALYNA: Let's do it.

STEVE: Come on!



Oh, oh, oh, over!



CALAH: So how are you and Cole?

KACIE: I feel like
we've been together

almost five years,
and like, we have

rocky stuff in our relationship,

but we always go
back to each other.

COLE: I'm about to go stop this.

It's going to be me that
ends up in trouble somehow.

Most recently, this was
the longest break we took.

And, like, the whole time, I
knew, like, Cole misses me.

Like, I know Cole wants me back.

Kacie's going in
on Cole right now.

It's her talking. I can tell.

I can see her arms moving...

JESSE: She started doing the...

She's going in on me right now.


I would say Kacie
and I definitely have

a passionate relationship.

You know, the highs
are really high.

The lows are lows.

I mean, that's how
it's always been.

We haven't officially
said we're official,

but we're pretty close to it.

I mean, a week from now,
I couldn't tell you,

and a week ago, I
don't know. I forgot.

STEVE: That's close.

Here we go!

Goose, goose!

That's you, Galyna!


[galyna laughs]

Try to put a little
more ass in it!

I'm watching you.

Have you all talked
about getting married?

Have you all talked about
getting engaged at all?

I don't really like to
talk about it a whole lot,

because he gets irritated if
someone's like, you guys have

been together almost 11 years.

Like, when are you
getting married?

When are you married?

Like, it doesn't need
be forced upon us.

Like, we live together.

We've lived together
for a long time.

If it was up to
Alli, or pretty much

anybody other than
me, I think that we

would already be married.

And it has been 10 years.

I know that's a long time.

My biggest fear of getting
married is screwing it up.

I've made mistakes in
Alli's and I's relationship,

and it's just
something that I never

want to do if I get married.

I think you should go down
there and interrupt her.

I think we need to
walk down there.

Go down there and talk
about only happy things.


Actually, I'm going
to take Calah food.

Oh. Oh.

STEVEN: Mm-hmm.

I think that they're
both emotionally

immature, for sure.

They've gotten
better, definitely.

ALLI: Yes.

CALAH: But, like,
I think a lot of it

does have to do with
their parents' marriage.

It does.

I think seeing how my
parents' marriage fell

apart and how messy
the divorce was,

it's definitely weighed
on my relationship,

strained my relationships.

And I think it's
affected all of us boys.

That's what you're taking Calah?

- Yeah.
- Three cheeseburgers?

I'm going to eat one of them.

I mean, I want to
eat one of them.

What are you guys doing?

STEVEN: We're taking
our girls food.

Men of the year here, Brayden.

This is how you be a gentleman.

COLE: Hey, guys. STEVEN:
What's up, y'all?


So, like, anything
bad you guys just

said, let's just forget it.


Thank you!


STEVEN: I burnt yours.

CALAH: That's so nice of you.

Game point!

GALYNA: Game point!

FARM HAND: Oh, look at him go!



In your face!


You did it.

[ominous music]

STEVE: So I found
out this morning

that we got robbed.

They stole a truck.

It was a dump bed truck,
an expensive truck.

Get to work!

I said, are you
ready to get to work?

What's up, bossy boo?

Just trying to figure

out who stole that shit.

You got any leads on it yet?

I don't know.

It's just so hard to tell.

I hate to make
accusations or speculate,

but you kind of know how it
is in this... we don't get

no love from the community.

I mean, you know how it is.

I know.

STEVE: Just trying to figure

out who stole that shit.

You got any leads on it yet?

I don't know.

So I found out this
morning that we got robbed.

They stole a truck.

It was a dump bed
truck, expensive truck.

Jealousy is an ugly thing,

and I don't know why people
want to be like that.

It's like they've
forgotten their roots.

I love and I think so much
of the boss and the boys.

Because when I come to the farm,

it was less than 800 acres.

I've been here when we...
the years we struggled

and no one knew about it.

And it's sad. It really is sad.

It's crazy.

You would think
that everybody would

be supportive in
a small community

and get behind somebody,
so to create jobs

and try to make things better.


I don't know.

The ramifications go
beyond just the fact

that they just stole
all our equipment.

I mean, that could push us
into a red-line situation,

just from the cost of insurance,

to operate the farm and ranch.

A lot of people base who you are

or who the boys are by other
people's perception of them.

Gallatin, Missouri,
here is very small town,

very small community.

Most people...
their families have

been here for generations.

A lot of them are
neighborly, and some,

they just like gossip.

When the boss and the
boys came in here,

there was a little bit
of talk about them.

But when Cole started
going to school,

that's when people
started taking notice.

It was about time
boss man started

buying up a lot of ground.

And a lot of locals
didn't like it.

And so a lot of people
didn't like boss man.

A lot of people here still
in Gallatin probably don't.

At this point in
juncture, I don't

know what to even tell you.

Because I think you've
tried to do all the good

and right things to
make peace or try

to get along with everybody.

We have more enemies
than I could name.

I mean, I hear so much
bullshit every day,

that I was a drug
dealer, I was a kingpin.

We have stuff that happens.

It's so crazy.

I've had better days.

STEVE: We have theft.

We have sabotage,
destruction of our equipment.

I mean, it's like the
whole world's against you.

I mean, we get chosen
for every audit.

Like, these random audits

it's absolutely
selective enforcement.

This special agent with
the state of Missouri

just stopped by the car wash.

That's crazy.

If you have a little
bit of success,

you're going to suffer a
lot of hate and jealousy.

I mean, we get robbed
here, it's $100,000.

Our insurance is
so... we're, like,

on the verge of getting...

See, I wondered about that.

We can't turn it in.

I'm not even turning it in.

So there's no... there's
no recouping that.

So now, there's
$100,000 less that we

got to replace this
equipment with,

that could have went to people's

So they're not robbing
just... they're robbing us.

All of us.

They're robbing all of us.

That's sad. That's sad.

[rap music] I bet
you thought that you

could run away from me.

Let go.

That way.

STEVEN: All right,
let's get these two.

COLE: No, that boy...
STEVEN: Oh, shit.

My bad. [Laughter]

[rap music]

[RAPPING] You can run until
the devil's had his fun.

But bang, bang,
bang goes the g*n.

STEVE: Do you hear
the mowers got stolen?

Truck, trailer, and mowers?

Always freaking something.

STEVE: There's a
little black car.

And then they drove out
right through the front gate.


I want to know who did it.

And maybe it's a
complete stranger,

but so many times, it's not.

STEVEN: We've set
up a good fence

and a good security system.

But at the end of the day,
you can only do so much.

And if people are trying
to steal from you,

they're going to
figure out a way how.

STEVE: You got news.
- Hey.

STEVE: You got news.

I can see it on your face.

I remember seeing
a black Challenger

ripping down this road.

And the car's from Jamesport.

STEVEN: That's definitely
louvers on the back.

You can see them
shining from the lights.

Dude, that is.

One, two, three, four.

STEVE: Let's go.

Let's go.

I'm confident that's the car.

COLE: It's happened
too many times.

It's time to make a point.

JESSE: I just want to
catch somebody so we can

make an example out of them.

Let's get this m*therf*cker.

STEVE: Did you hear
the mowers got stolen?

Truck, trailer, and mowers?

I want to know who did it.

I remember seeing
a black Challenger.

I know where the car parks.

STEVE: Let's go.

Let's go.

Let's get this m*therf*cker.

COLE: It's time to
make a point to people.

It's happened too many times.

JESSE: I just want to
catch somebody so we can

make an example out of them.

STEVEN: Oh, I hope this is it.


Oh, I do, too.

Oh, it's someone local.

So I mean, if we get in a
fight here, what do they...

STEVEN: Cross that
bridge when we get there.

STEVE: Yeah.

These f*ckers have our stuff.

Whenever you get
something stolen from you,

time is of the essence.

After 24 hours, it's
in a different city,

a different county,
hell, a different state.

I'm gonna check
their f*cking barns,

their property, everything.

I'm going to walk right
up to their barns.

If they come out of the
house, I'll be like,

call the sheriff, bitch!


Call the f*cking sheriff.

Sheriff's already called.

He's on his way, boy.


My dad grew up poor,
and he knows the feeling

of not having anything and
seeing rich people around you

and wanting that.

And he could have done
the same thing, you know.

He could have went right
down the road and just stole

and not went to work.

He's never been a guy who
would go try to steal anything,

try to take anybody's things.

He's always worked for
everything he's ever gotten.

STEVE: That's f*cking
crazy, them dumb asses.

They don't think we had cameras?

STEVEN: They're so stupid.

STEVE: What are
they going to do,

be riding our
lawnmowers out there,

mowing when we drive by?

[phone rings]

STEVEN: Hello?

COLE: Hey.

Who is that?

Crazy, isn't it?

COLE: Yeah.

Let's f*cking go.

f*ck them, dude.

STEVE: It's good to be here.

This is the address for
the purple car, right?


All right.

[rock music]

There's a mower right
there, an orange mower.

Is that not a mower?

By the door?


Better be careful
pulling up here.

Did you get... did
Jesse get a hold

of the sheriff?

STEVEN: Yep, he already did.

[dog barking]

They think that's
where this guy lives?

That is where he lives.

[dog barking]

STEVEN: How are
you? STEVE: Good.

How are you?

Whether they have
family or friends,

they're all locals that are
around here, stealing from us.

No one's coming up from
the city to take our stuff.

MAN: We had a couple of things

stolen from our
property. STEVE: Yeah.

I mean, they stole
two zero turns,

our dump truck, our trailer,
$100,000 worth of stuff.

STEVE: And we got
the car clear as day.

They're just getting
the final deal.

Dark-colored, but they got the
louvers on the back window.

They're getting the
plates now, so...

STEVE: You wouldn't mind us
looking through your barns

just to clear you, would you?

STEVE: No, that
answer is good enough.

I don't need to look.

I asked him specifically

if he would mind
if we go on in back

and look through his barns.

He's like, go, go right ahead.

So I don't think
there's anything there.

I mean, he was going
to let us go look.

In a small town like this,
when there's only, like, three

or four officers,
you have to do half

your own detective
work, and you're

going to make wrong decisions.

I would love to catch
somebody robbing me.

It just wasn't today.

I guess we're just going to head

back to the office for now.

That's the fifth time we've
been robbed this year.

Thank you, guys.

STEVE: You know, honestly,
it makes me so mad.

I hope I don't end up actually
ever catching somebody,

because I don't know that
the anger would overtake me

and the outcome
would not be good.

[music playing] When
the devil calls.

When the devil calls.

Hell's coming down
these bloody rails.

We're about to
work these calves.

You going to come down here?

Yeah, so we're ready to go.

COLE: We'll see what we
can do, the old cowboys.

[music playing]

STEVE: Ah, good-looking
herd, beautiful sunset.

JESSE: Have you heard
any more about the mowers

that got stolen?

Any updates at all?

STEVE: No, they're...
they're long gone.

JESSE: This is about
the worst thing that...

I mean, somebody works so hard
for something, and to just

have somebody come
in and take it,

with no regard to what
it took to get it.

STEVE: We can't have
any more claims.

We couldn't have any more claims

to claim before that
claim, and here we are.

So I'm pretty much just
about to give up on it.

JESSE: That's frustrating.

STEVE: Well, you just
stay after the grind,

and you... and you get a
win every now and again.

Keep you in the game.

About to hit planting season.

Make or break the year
on planting season.

That's all timing.

Getting it in, getting it done.

STEVEN: I'll tell you what.

After the last few years, I'm
ready for a damn good year.

STEVE: Boys, we got a...
we got some change coming,

some big changes
coming down the road.

You know, I wanted to come
out here and talk to you guys

and let you know, I know
we're always in a lot of debt,

and we've taken on so much
debt with the farm and ranch

and trying to continue to grow.

And we have an opportunity now
with a hedge fund out of New

York that Galyna's been
working on to potentially

borrow $105 million.

Crazy. STEVEN: Wow.

COLE: That's a lot of zeros.

JESSE: That's crazy.

Big boy money.

Wall Street money.

I mean, for them to come
in from New York City

you know, I've never even
been to New York City.

I've never been to New York.

JESSE: I've never been there.

Can't even imagine.

It's like it might as

well be another country to me.

I've never even... you know.

And here they are,
coming in, and telling

us that they've
looked at the biggest

companies in the country.

It's a game-changer deal for
our family, for the farm,

for the ranch.

And I think about all
that and everything

we always dream about and
talk about as a family.

I just don't know what

to think about the corporate
world coming out here.

Are they going to make
us change who we are?

Because I ain't
losing these boots

and cowboy hats anytime soon.

Like, they do things a lot

different than we do it here.

I mean, what's the biggest
deal you've ever done?

Not anything close to that.

$13 to $15 million.

I mean, you look at
where we're at right now.

We're... I mean, we're $60,
$65 million in right now.

And that's all... every
dollar is guaranteed.

If we don't make it work,
they come and take my house,

your house, everything we own.

Well, my dad has never
been scared of risk.

So he definitely puts the cart
ahead of the horse at times.

And sometimes that gets
us into a lot of trouble.

STEVEN: My dad is not one to
tell us about the problems

and struggles he's facing.

So for him to be
telling us about this,

there's a lot of stress
on his plate right now.

What are you guys
thinking on that?

You know, it's not just us.

We've got a lot of families
to feed, a lot of people

to write checks to, you know.

We have a good team and
a lot of people around us

that are great people, and...

STEVE: We wouldn't be where

we were at without our people.

COLE: No, we wouldn't be.

STEVE: They're family.

STEVEN: I think I'm
speaking for all of us

when I say we'd rather die
than watch this place go down.


STEVEN: We ain't
losing this farm.

sh**t, this is our home, man.

This is our everything.

I don't know about you guys.

I want my kids to grow up here.

I want them to...

STEVEN: I absolutely do.

I want to be here
till the day I die,

and I want them to be here
till the day they die.

STEVE: You in?

STEVEN: I'm all in.

BRAYDEN: I'm in.

Let's do it.

I like it.

I mean, we've never
backed down from anything.

So why start now?

You better be nice to Galyna,

because we need her for this.

I am nice to Galyna.

STEVEN: Maybe be extra nice.

STEVE: This deal, it's
just a ginormous risk.

Like, huge risk.

I mean, putting it
all on the line.

[music playing] Save my soul.

Before I'm dust and bone.

You look smoking hot.

Galyna has no idea
I'm dating Brooke.

Should I just walk away now?

You and I are probably

the only ones that
would actually

be able to run anything.

JESSE: I don't see
him stepping up yet.

I have been out there,
sweat and blood and...

I've been digging ditches

since I'm 12 years old!

Why can't the girls go?

It's a boys trip.

So I don't have
anything to worry about?

COLE: You know I am.

KACIE: You're bad sometimes.