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01x01 - The Architect and the Lawyer

Posted: 04/18/24 09:34
by bunniefuu
Call Carmi.

Hello, Architect?


please prepare all my
contracts for signing.

I’m around España now.

I’ll arrive at 8:15 AM sharp.

It’s all prepared, Architect.

Just reminding you
of your 8:30 am meeting

with the president and the CEO.

Carmi, I know.

I saw it on my calendar.

Thank you.

Bye, Carms.

- What?


Hello, Ke.

Hello, where are you?

I’m here, in the parking lot.

You weren’t answering my text.

I thought something happened to you.

You’re so dramatic.
I’m here, I’ll be right there.

Oh no, my umbrella.

I’m getting off, see you.


What a day!

Ma’am, ma’am.

It’s raining, ma’am.

- Yeah. Thanks.
- Let’s go

Good morning, Architect.

Good morning.

Good morning, Architect.

Good morning.

Architect, let me take those.

- Thanks, Carms.
- Tissue?

Oh, what happened to you?

Isn’t it obvious? I’m soaking wet.

As usual, you didn’t bring any umbrella.

I’ll gift you one
on your birthday.

You know, Ke, you’ve been saying
that since college. Don’t bother.

Hurry up, they're waiting for you.

Dad, Mom. Sorry, I’m late.

Luna, what happened to you?

I was stuck in traffic,
then it suddenly rained.

I told you to get a driver

so that you wouldn’t
have to worry about that.

That way, you won’t be late.

I’m sorry.

So what is this meeting all about?

Is this about the project in Santa Rosa?

No, no... It’s not about that.

Oh, so what is it?

Well Luna,

with the passing of
Attorney Ramos two months ago.

The company has been looking for

somebody who can fill up
the position of Head Legal Counsel.

And those are big shoes to fill.

You know that Attorney Ramos served
our company for twelve years.

Were you able to find someone?

Fortunately, yes.

Oh that’s good to hear.
Knowing your standards,

you hired the best person for the job.

Yes, he is the best person for the job.

- He is.
- Actually you know what,

he used to be a defense lawyer.

And now, he has his own law firm.

And also a bar topnotcher.

Wow, impressive background.

Who is he? I would like to meet him.

Here, take a look.

Attorney Kalix Jace Martinez.

He will be our new Head Legal Counsel.



We just want you to know
before we tell everyone.

How did that happen?


we interviewed several lawyers
and he stood out.

Why didn’t you tell me
before hiring him?


I understand you have history
with Attorney Martinez,

but that was during college,
you were still young then.

And besides I told you.

We interviewed several lawyers–


Out of all the lawyers
that you interviewed,

you still chose Kalix?

He was the best one available for us.

And besides, I really
believe in his principles

and credibility as a lawyer.

He’s really good for the company.

Principles and credibility?

I don’t know about that.


we really thought that

this wasn’t going to be
an issue to you

because what happened
between the two of you–

But Mom–

Sorry! Sorry!

- Sorry, sorry. I’m sorry! Come on.
- Luna!

- Are you already tipsy?
- Come on, Luna.

- No. I’m not tipsy yet!
- Oh my god!

Come wipe this off,
we might find someone handsome here.

It’s just that Luna
hasn’t gotten any sleep yet.

She studied all-night.

Oh, are you okay?

- I’ll buy you water, just a minute.
- Via, come on, I’m okay.

Yanna’s being slow
with passing the sh*ts too.

Wow, alright then.

You know guys,

just let Luna be drunk
so she can get herself a boyfriend.

Gosh, look at her,
she’s all dried up.

- Hey! What do you mean dried up?
- Just kidding, I’m kidding.

- You’re crazy.
- Kidding.

That’s not true.

It’s just that the one I deserve
hasn’t come around yet.

So now I’m just prioritizing my studies.


That’s good though,
study first before flirting.

Jeez, you can do that
at the same time.

Just remember,

drink more than moderately,
study hard and–

- Flirt responsibly!
- Flirt responsibly!

Here you go. Silly you.

Finish that.

Take it straight
because that’s the last shot.

I’ll buy another bottle.

Oh, nice!

I’ll definitely drink this straight
up to make the most of it.

It’s so far going here.

You should all be grateful
that I love you guys.



just reminding you that
we still have classes tomorrow.

My Papa’s strict,
so our cut-off is at 12 midnight.

Fine, then!

- Okay.
- Jeez!

Okay, okay.

Girls, I want to make a toast to us.

Since highschool,
we’ve always been high achievers

and I’m high-key proud of us.

Now that Luna, Kierra,
and Via are sophomores,

and Yanna and I are juniors in college,

things are gonna get tough.

But let’s continue chasing after
our goals and dreams, okay?

That’s right!

We may drop when we drink,
but we never drop our academics.

- Never!
- Never!

We’ll throw up but we’ll never
throw off the Dean’s list.

- Yeah!
- Yeah!

- Yeah, that’s right.
- Right?

Guys, I love it.

But I also have a good cheer–

For our friendship and our dreams.

- Cheers!
- Cheers!

Oh my god, he’s here.


My new crush.

So that’s why we came here,
to see your crush?

Stay low-key, don’t look their way.

They’re about to sit.


Come on–

- Which one is he? Which one?
- Come on, girls.

The one wearing black.

- Come on!
- They’re all wearing black.

The one wearing a gold necklace.

Hey, find someone handsome?

Someone handsome? Anyone?

You found someone handsome?


No– What?

N-no, she’s stuttering.


- No one!
- Who? Who is it?

No one!

- No?
- No one?

He’s so hot.

You know, you’re too slow.

If I were you, I’d be long gone.

Go already, go for it, come on.

I can do this.

- I can do this.
- Go!

Let’s go!

One more shot, one more!

- She can do this!
- Let’s go! Let’s go! Let’s go!

- Yes, yes!
- I can do this, okay?

Hey, where are you going?

All right!

- Let her be,
- Really? Seriously?

- This is rare, let’s support her.
- Really? Seriously?

Let’s go, let’s go.


I’m Sam, and you are?


Sorry, what?



Adonis, can I sit here?

Adi, you need to move your car,
someone’s going out.

Excuse me.

What do you need?

So grumpy.


Nothing, we don’t need anything.

Come on, let’s just go.


Oh my gosh, hi!

KJ, you’re here.

And with your taxation book,
what are you a nerd?

The hell, you’re a nerd. You’re a nerd.

Midnight snack!

Instant noodles again.

Of course, we should save up

so we can drink more and
buy art supplies at Jomar’s.

Why don't you make Jomar your boyfriend
so that we can really save up?

- Crazy!
- Just kidding.

Hey, you know,

I feel bad for Sam.

She was ignored by
her crush earlier, right?

You really felt bad for Sam?

She’s pretty, she can quickly find
someone new and more handsome.

I agree with that.

But speaking of handsome–

You like that guy from
Katipunan, don’t you?

The one with Sam’s crush.


Of course not.




Stop pretending. The guys from
Sam's school were really handsome.

Didn’t I tell you, Ke?
I’m not into rich kids.


You’re rich too.

What if his parents won’t like me?

Then just like in soap opera,

I am offered millions
just to stay away from him.

Then let’s just accept the money.

We can use that for our drinking sessions

and we wouldn’t be eating
instant noodles at night.

We’ll be having caviar and tartufo.

Wait a sec, how did we get here?
You’re good at changing topics.

I just asked if you were into him.


Oh you’re being defensive.
You’re into him, huh?

You’re into him?

You’re into him.

Admit it.



He’s a ten,


so stern.

And looks like he has
a girlfriend, so I’ll pass.

So you really are into him.

That was a lot of talk,
you even brought up soap operas.

You know,

it seems that you’re too focused
on romance.


Let’s just study first.


Come on, can’t you rest a bit?
Look at the time.

Oh please, I still have energy.

I should submit this on time.

You know I can’t afford
to be out of the dean’s list.

You know what they say,

you get hired easily
if you're a consistent dean’s lister.

Hey, we’re still
in our second year.

That’s far from now.

Your parents isn't really
giving you any pressure.

Not really.

I just don’t want to disappoint them.

Of course, I am
the next generation, Architect Valeria.

That’s why I’m giving my best this early.

At this rate,

once you graduate
you’ll be a lead architect already.

Lead Architect, Louisse Natasha Valeria.

Then include to your company–

Architect, Kierra Ynares.


Okay, fine. I’ll work
on my plates, too.

Our group being grade-conscious
can really be motivating.

I’m sure they’re all studying, too.

But, I’ll eat first.

I’m almost done anyway.


Excuse me.

Hello, Dad.


Where are you now?

I’m in the elevator already.

Okay, just wait
for me in the clinic.

Alright, see you.

Kalix… Kalix.

Just be extra careful, Sevi.

It won’t be good
if that gets injured again.

It might be worse.

Avoid straining your ankle
as much as possible.

In a few days, you’ll be
able to walk properly.

Just maintain minimal movement, okay?

All right, Doc. Thanks a lot.

Why didn’t a veterinarian check on you?

Because your doctor wasn’t available.

- Huh? Huh?
- Huh? Huh?



Here, your special request.


But if I didn’t reach out,
you wouldn’t even come visit me, huh?

Where’s Ke, by the way?

You keep complaining.

Come on, Ke still has class.

So, how’s this stupidity going?

Have you ever seen a King Tiger
that looks like a kitten?

A kitten?

What kitten? Check this out.

Hey, I might get bashed by your fans,

thinking that I was
the reason for your injury.

Wow, you’re concerned?

Of course, I’m concerned.
You’re my best friend.

Besides, you might not be able
to go back to school.

Since you’re the team captain,
we won’t win in basketball.

Here, eat.
Your worms might be getting hungry.


Have you eaten already?

I really heard the name “Kalix.”

Hey nuthead!

What are you talking about?


I have a new crush,
I met him at the Pop-up.

Oh… Really?

Was it that “Kalix?”

He’s so handsome and tall, too.

But I can’t find him online.

Oh no, that’s unusual.

If he doesn’t have any socials,

he might be hiding something.

Stop overreacting.
Are you referring to yourself?

Huh? Me?

I’m a good boy.

Ah, good boy.

- So you’re a good boy, just like a dog.
- Yeah, ain’t I?

- All right then, Sevi.
- Ain’t I? Ain’t I a good boy?



You lunatic, you’re completely nuts.

Good boy.

Well, what’s the full name
of this Kalix?

I don’t know yet
since we’ve only met twice.

But you know, I’m totally on cloud nine,
I feel so giddy.

I know.

But it’s just a happy crush.

He’s so handsome and
it's just for some inspiration.

For inspiration?

Why would you still need one,
when you already have me?


See this?

See this?

Yuck, that’s disgusting.

Hello, mom.

Sorry, I’ll be home late.

It suddenly starts raining
and we just finished our project.

Yes, please tell Dad I said hi.

I’ll text you
when I get to the condo.

Bye, mom.


I haven’t read the cases yet.


Yes, I’ll send them over.

Okay, I’ll se–


It’s so annoying,
the rain just keeps pouring.

I don’t even have an umbrella.

Sorry, I didn’t bring an umbrella.


Were you talking to me?

Don't mind me, I’m not
trying to borrow an umbrella.

Hello, how are you?


I’m still waiting
for the rain to stop.

I’m starting to get hungry,
I haven't eaten yet.

Don’t be silly, I don’t have a boyfriend.

You’re studying in Katipunan, right?


I saw you at the Pop-up last time.

You study here?

Yes, right there.






Management Engineering?

Legal Management.

When are we going to
hangout in Katipunan?

Wow! I thought Katip is too far?
Happy crush for sure.

Sam, you coming?

All right! Let’s hangout in Katip tomorrow!
More chances of seeing him.

I've only been
in their campus a few times.

Right. So this is where they eat.

Am I pretty?

Ke! Come on.

- Yes, you look good.
- Jeez.

I told you, your make up’s perfect
and you even let your hair down today.

Of course. We travelled all the way
so I have to make the most out of it.

Oh, Sam is coming.

Her class is done.

You know, I want to study here
but they don’t have Architecture.

So many hotties.

Stop it, Ke.
I’m looking for someone.

- Oh my god, there he is!
- Huh?

- You are so annoying.
- You just expected too much!

Hey, Luna.

There he is. He’s really there now.

- There he is.
- You can’t fool me again, Ke.

Silly, there’s your crush.
That’s your crush, right?

Not this time, Ke. Stop.

You’re so stubborn,
he’s right there.


Let's hangout later?

That’s right!

He’s so hot.

- Calm down, calm down.
- He’s so hot.

How do I look?
Do I still look good?

Wait, who’s that?

- Huh?
- She acts like his girlfriend.

Look here.

Your hair’s so messy.

There, handsome.

Anyway, I'll go to the cafe
if you wanna hang out.


You think she’s his girlfriend?

- Girls!
- Maybe not, maybe just a close friend.

- Hi!
- Hey, hi.

Have you been waiting long?

Not really, but what’s the plan tonight?

Our friend here wants to go out.

Kalix might see you, Ke.

I have an idea that
would make Luna happy.



Hi! Hi guys.

What’s up?

They’re friends now?

That’s how it’s done,
you just move on quickly.

We’ll have a small party
at my condo tonight.

There’ll be food and drinks.

If you guys want to come,
you can bring your other friends too.


Just send us the loc.


I’m down, too.


You, KJ?


I still have stuff to do.

Too bad.

Your perfect brows and flowing hair
have been wasted.

All right, I’ll see you guys later.


If you change your mind, just come.


I’ll go ahead, bye.


I actually miss hanging out with him.

Me too.

Bro, let’s go on a road trip to Baguio!

I’m trying to save up on gas, bro.

Yes, inflation's f*cked up.

I agree.

That's true! This bottle
of tequila is 1,500 now.

Even the jeepney fare went up now
with an additional two pesos.

You ride the jeep?

Yes, everything’s going crazy expensive.

That’s true.

Everything’s going crazy, right Luna?

You’re crazy.

Come on, join us.

- Go ahead, I’ll finish this first.
- Okay.

Hey, are you okay?

I’m just not in the mood.

Go ahead, enjoy yourselves.

KJ, my man!

Yo, five second shot.

I’m not drinking.

Did you bring your taxation book?

- Hi Kalix.
- Boring.

Well, are you in the mood now?
You feel better now?


- There’s still chips there, help yourself.
- Sure.

Sam, I'll go ahead too.

- Okay, bye! Thank you.
- We’ll go together.

- Thank you.
- Bye... bye.

- Bye.
- Bye.

Come on, sleep in the bed.
It’s much more comfortable.

Hey, you’re too slow.

Hurry up.

I’m just trying to prepare myself.
Don’t be too excited.

Girls, we’ll go ahead.

Alec's gonna show me his…


Aren’t we going home?

Let’s go. I’m tired and sleepy.

No. We’re not going home yet. Not yet.

- Excuse me.
- Huh? Let’s go home.


You really don’t want to drink?

I’m good.

Oh, because you’re reading, huh?

What is it?

For school.

Legal Management, right?


What year level are you?


Just so you know, I’m in second year.

Just sharing.

He’s so hard to talk to.
One question, one answer.

Just get straight to the point.

Bro. Bro?

Buy us some more alcohol.
We’ve run out of drinks.

Or should I buy?

You’re drunk.

What are you saying, bro?
I’m not drunk.

Don’t be a killjoy, bro. Come on.


Hey, Kalix!

Kalix, she’ll go with you.

Luna will go with you.


- You’re gonna buy something too, right?
- I have something to buy!

You smoke?

I saw you buy one pack a while ago.

No, it’s for Leo.

I stopped smoking last year.


Health reasons.

You’re so hard to talk to, you know?

One question, one answer.
You even give short answers.

If this was an essay,

you’ll barely pass.


You smoke?


No, it stinks.

You’ll be a lawyer, right?

Yes, you?

Me, a lawyer? Of course not.

I mean, what’s your plan?

Oh, to be a lead architect.

Then the school you chose, it’s good.

By the way, why are you
always in my school?

My parents are both doctors there.

Wow! Why didn’t you
just take Medicine?

Being a doctor would suit you.

I’m sorry, did I say something wrong?

I’m sorry.

No, you’re good.

Sorry, what’s your name again?

We’ve been talking for a while now
and you don’t even know my name.

Why are you asking?

I can’t?

Louisse Natasha Valeria.

Too long.

You can call me, “Love.”

Just kidding! Luna.

You can call me Luna.

I guess you’ll add me to your socials?

I’m not active there.

But you do have socials?

Type in your socials.

@kalixjm in IG.

KJ Martinez in FB.

That’s why I couldn’t find you.


Ah, I mean–

KJ? Why KJ?

It’s my nickname, short for Kalix Jace.

Ah, too long.

Can I call you "Mine" instead?

Hey, I added you to my socials.


Aren’t you going to accept it?

- I’ll think about it.
- Hey, wait!

- Hi, Kierra.
- Hi, Kierra.

- Hi, Luna.
- Hi.

He still hasn’t accepted your
friend and follow request?

Not yet.

Zero post, 2345 followers, 342 following?

Later, another would be added.

One, a.k.a @lunavaleria.

But it’s been a day and still no update.

Maybe he hasn’t seen it yet.

Or maybe he just forced himself
to give me his socials.

Maybe he’s just not online.

Or maybe he just doesn’t care.

Maybe he’s just busy.

Or maybe he just doesn’t like me.

Maybe this is it.

Oh, someone else accepted.

You know, just manifest it,
they say it works.

I wouldn’t want that.

This is it, he will never
accept my requests.

If that’s the case,
there’s nothing we can do.

Maybe this is just some Cebu lechon
or Pampanga’s tocino, jeez.

- Ke, look! Look!
- Why? Why?

Wait, wait.

So you are now friends
online and in real life,

so you know what to do.

Yes! I’ll be starting the operation–

- Hashtag
- Hashtag



Luna and Kalix!

Wow, you are a love team already?

Hurry and message him first.

Okay, I’ll send him a message.

What are we going to say?

Hi, thanks for accepting. Send.

He types so slow,
what is this, a letter?

He said, “hey!”

He said, “hey!”

Hey! Hey!

He said, “hey!”

Luna: So what’s your thought
on Hernandez v. CA?

Kalix: Tf?

L: Why?

L: I’m curious about the case.

K: What are you curious about?

L: The case.

K: Did you even read it?

L: Of course.

K: What’s the ruling?

K: See?

K: You don’t even know.

L: I do know.

L: The decision of the CA,

L: is affirmed.

K: All right, then.

K: Tell me the facts.

L: You want a fact?

L: Here's a fact:

L: If I would be given
the chance to make a law,

L: It would be the
right to have you.

K: Wtf

Let’s see if you can ignore this.

Good morning, woke up like this.

See, it worked. Shit!

I’m pretty. I’m so pretty!

All right then, what’s “caspering?”

Caspering is the friendlier
version of ghosting.

They just slowly leave you hanging.

Luna: Class is done.
Just chilling with my friends.

So how about this, what’s “haunting?”

Kalix: ?

Haunting is easy.

L: Did you eat already?

K: Yes, you?

L: Wow! You’re asking me
if I have eaten?

L: Will you get mad if I don't?

L: Just kidding.

L: Yes, I just had lunch.

L: When are you coming back to our campus?

K: Why?

K: You want to see me?

Seriously? Is that okay?

Hey, are you listening?


Oh that’s why she’s not listening,
she’s busy flirting.

K: On Wednesday, I guess.

He said Wednesday.




Oh, you’re here?

Yes, I said I would visit on Wednesday.


Sorry, I forgot.

Come, sit here.

Come closer.

You smell nice. What’s your perfume?

That’s not important.

So what are you doing here?

Did you visit your parents?

No, they're busy now.

I came here to see someone.

Is that someone named Luna?

No, actually my friends are here.

At Dapitan.

Is that so?

Then why aren’t you in Dapitan?
Why are you here?


I just wanted to say hi.

How are your plates?

You have a high word count today.

I'm finishing it now,
it's due tomorrow.


How are your cases?

Done for next week.


Such an ideal student, perfect!

I’ll check that later.

Tell me about your parents.

What kind of doctors are they?

My mom is a neurosurgeon
and my dad is an Ortho.


How many siblings do you have?

My sister is in med school and I–

Sevi’s so irritating.

You know what,

just take the call.

I’ll talk to you later.

Hey, Sevi, what is it?
You’re so annoying.

It's been two days since the last time
I heard from crush. I miss him!

Huhu the flirting
has come to an end!

OMG, they’re going to Astro bar!
Let’s go, Ke! I need a Wing Girl.

Let’s invite the girls.


Let’s shot!


If you can’t find me later,
don’t look for me.

Just remember,

- study first and flirt responsibly!
- study first and flirt responsibly!

Adi and Leo are here!

- Hi!
- Adi!

- Hi girls!
- Hi!

Hello girls.

Let’s party later.


I thought Kalix was with them,
where is he?

He’ll be here soon, don't worry.

- Let’s just dance. Let’s go!
- Let’s dance.

Let’s go!

Guys, I’ll just go to the bathroom.


I’m tired. I’ll just sit down,
I’ll just sit.


I’ll sit.

I’ll go with you.

Let’s go.

What, now it’s just the two of us.

Via, are you sure you’re okay?

Yes, I’m fine. I’ll just take a rest.


Oh hey. Hi!

Where’s Yanna? She’s taking too long.

Haven’t you gotten
used to her yet?

She’s taking so long.

Fine, let’s just dance.

Hey, I'll go over there.
Wait a minute, just wait.

Hi, wanna take a shot?


I’m Shan, by the way.


Nice meeting you.

Are you single?


Wanna change that?

- Cheers.
- Cheers.


I’m sorry.




Hey, you didn’t tell me you were here.


What’s wrong, why are you ignoring me?

Not even a hello?

Or just a hi?


Hey, wanna shot?

Saw you on the dance floor.

You’re gorgeous.

You’re gorgeous.

Thank you.

I’m Marcus.

Is there a problem?


One more shot.

One more.


Luna, where are you?
We’ll go to a different bar.


I’m heading out,
I’ll be out.

Good morning.

No! We’re not hiring him.

Luna, he already signed the contract.

Actually, he’s coming in today
for our initial meeting.

Are you serious?

No, I’m not ready to meet him.

I really cannot, I’m really sorry.

Architect Valeria.

It’s been a while.

Amazing! I’m glad you
thought of coming home.

Don’t get mad right now, please,
forgive me already.

Whatever! You owe us an explanation.

Okay… Okay!

He brought me to his condo.

I slept at Kalix’s place.

I puked all over his bathroom.

Look at this.

Do you think they’re together?

They look like they’re just friends.

I'm not sure.

They’re always together.

So? We’re always together, too. But–

Hi, Kalix.

This is my friend, Sevi.

Sevi, this is Kalix.

Hey bro, Sevi.

You’re Sevi.

A good relationship is built on honesty.

That’s why as early as now,
I'm asking about him and Amethyst.

Are you in a relationship?


Do you have a crush on Amethyst?

I have to go.

Thanks for the dinner.

Why? Are you mad?

You’re confusing me, Luna.