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06x04 - This Is Goodbye

Posted: 04/17/24 18:05
by bunniefuu
Previously on the hills...

Ryan didn't know what to make

Of brody.

]] I still don't understand,

Like, why he'd be mad at me.

But in the end, he made it

Official with audrina.

]] so does that mean we're


]] you mean like you were

Thinking that we weren't?

]] brody just couldn't let go.

]] I just don't know what their

Deal is.

Like, is she dating him, or is

She not?

]] they seem like they're happy.

But we started hanging out, and

I kind of liked it.

]] I think we need to change

Something here in the, in the

Score area.

]] shut up.

]] spencer continued to lose all

Sense of reality.

]] I'm being so serious right


I will personally carry you off

This property.

]] you're fine.

]] holly was scared she was

Losing her sister for good.

]] you can call me!

]] I don't even have your

Number, and he's always with


]] but no one could have

Predicted what was about to

Happen next.

]] hey.

]] why hello, gorgeous.

]] what amazing timing.

]] yay, sisters.

]] hi, sis.

[both talking at once]

]] oh, this is gorgeous out


Where do we even start?

]] I know, I feel like this

Should be lunch one of, like,


]] right.

]] we need to make this more


]] I know, we do.

Especially since it's like only

Us left now in the fam.

]] I know.

]] how is your family?

Like, your parents.

]] aside from the stuff with

Heidi, they're great.

]] oh, my god.

]] well, what about spencer?

Is he talking to anybody in your


]] no. They have no friends.

They have no family.

I mean, they have no one.

]] you have no idea the things

He said to me.

Like, in a threatening nature.

]] like what?

]] he's like, "I'll have you

Escorted off the property."

Like, "move back to colorado if

You know what's good for you."

]] you're scaring me right now.

]] I don't know what to do.

And it's so frustrating because

It's, like, I just miss my


]] I've never had to deal with a

Problem like this where people

Have lost their minds, and it's

Not because of some substance.

]] all I want is for her to be


I'm just, I'm so worried about


]] screw that.

I don't want her to be happy,

I want her to, like, be normal



at the blank page before you

open up the dirty window

let the sun illuminate

the words

that you could not find

reaching for something

in the distance

so close you can

almost taste it

release your inhibition

feel the rain on your skin

no one else can

feel it for you

only you can let it in

no one else

oneo one else can

speak the words on your lips

drench yourself

in words unspoken

live your life

with arms wide open

today is

where your book begins

the rest is still unwritten


like a hurricane

in the heart of

the devastation

he's a natural disaster

she's the last of

the american girls

]] hello.

]] how are you?

]] look how cute you look.

]] mwah.

]] so what's going on?

]] what's not going on?

]] you're so little now too.

]] what have you been up to?

]] um, I've been hanging out

With brody a little bit.

]] really?

]] yeah, but I don't know what's

Going on.

]] I think that's one thing

Spencer's really missing in his

Life is brody.

]] I bet.

]] you know.

]] they were so close.

Well, like, remember at my

Party, the fight that

Stephanie and spencer got into

And how, like, the veins in his

Neck were popping out when he

Was talking about her, and he

Was just--

I mean, I have never seen him

Like that before.

I mean, I was scared of him.

I don't know how you...

]] 'cause you know spencer.

]] yeah, but he's not the same.

Yeah, he's definitely not the

Same, though.

]] but he's fun crazy.

]] but it's kind of scary.

]] he's just being really

Intense and--

Like he's just had too much.

]] I don't know.

I mean, I can't tell you what to

Do, but if he's losing his mind,

I mean, you can't stick around.

]] it's just really hard because

It's, like, I don't have my

Family anymore, and I don't

Really have the same core group

Of friends anymore and--

]] I mean, that stuff you can

Change, you can change all that.

And you have me, you have

Audrina, I'm sure, and--

]] I wanna focus more on, like,

Love and, you know, like, I love

Him more than anything.

It's like, who am I without


[rock music]

when two worlds collide

and disappear

you make the seconds

feel like year

there's just no way

no way, no way without us

with this love

Messed up that ending pretty



]] hi.

]] oh, snap.

]] I like it.

]] you made me nervous.

I was like, "uh-oh."

Hey, baby.

]] hi.

]] take an hour, man?

]] yeah, we'll cut it--I'll come

Back after.

Thanks, dude.

]] bye.

]] see ya. It's good to see ya.

You finally made it.

]] this is where you always hide


]] yeah, this is our whole--

]] this is kind of like the man


]] yeah, in a sense.

I mean, we got, like, fine


]] crystals?

Did spencer give that to you?

]] no, no, no, no.

]] I know, kristin and I want to

Set up, like, a night out at

Wonderland with everyone.

]] with everybody?

]] well, not everyone.

Like you bring your friends,

I'll bring my friends.

]] everyone?

]] not everyone.

]] again?

As awesome as that sounds--

Well, I mean, you understand.

]] yeah.

It's a little intense at times.

]] yeah.

]] ♪ should have left my phone ♪

at home 'cause this is

a disaster

calling like a collector

sorry, I cannot answer

not that I don't like you

I'm just at a party ª

and I am sick and tired

of my phone r-ringing

top calling, stop calling

I don't wanna think anymore

I left my head and my heart

on the dance floor

]] no.

]] only one.

]] no, no, no, I don't want.

]] lame.

]] oh, the girls are here.

]] hello.

]] hello, frankie.

]] hello, audrina.

]] hi.

]] hey. Oh, whoo!

]] hey!

]] oh, my god!

I'm just kidding. What up?

]] I'm good. How are you?

]] you do?

I've never done it before.

]] stop it. Yes, you have.

]] audrina, cheers.

There's some things that I'd

Like to talk to you about.

There's a lot of things that I

Haven't said to you that I

Wasn't able to talk about when I

Had a girlfriend.

You know what I mean?

Just like, life.

]] I just tend to be friends

With kristin.

Like, we're chill.

I don't want to overstep

Another's bounds--

]] kristin, what, what?

Well, what does that mean?

Kristin has dibs?

I think we need to talk about


[club music]

♪ ♪

[dramatic music]

♪ ♪

]] is that spencer?

That's spencer.

You guys.

]] yo, spencer's here.

]] oh-ho!

]] what up, dude?

What's up, buddy?

How did you make it out to

Come kick it with the boys?

]] the warden released me.

]] the warden.


]] spencer.


]] I would love for you to come

Out and kick it more, I would.

Get out of that whole little

Thing that you've been doing

For--just for a second.

Come on the boat with me.

Come chill.

Right now, you are so stuck in

Your marriage.

And I can tell, you're not happy

Right now, you're not.

Am I right or am I wrong?

You know you're not.

]] I don't know, dog.

]] no, I don't.

]] hey. Get over here.

]] you are the lamest fáááing

Girl in this club.

]] dude, relax, bro.

]] I hate that bitch.

Excuse my french.

]] you're fáááing being a

Weirdo, bro.

I'm over it.

I don't wanna hear anything you

Have to tell me.

]] you're up in my face, dog.

Walk the fááá away.


These people don't know how

Fááá dangerous I am.

Like, I just really had to,

Like, hold myself from smashing

His fáááing head off.

You know, like--

Like, this is, like--

[rock music]

I think I can

figure it out

but I'm gonna need

a little help

to get me through it

to get me through it

]] I like this place.

]] I do too.

]] heidi called me and kristin

And she wants to do lunch.

And she sounded like something

Was wrong.

]] like what?

]] I don't know.

She wouldn't say.

She just said she wants to have

Lunch with us 'cause she needs

To talk to someone.

]] I don't know what's happened

But earlier, like, I saw my


He looked so thin.

]] he was so mean to everyone.

]] he has no reason to hate.

]] it seems like he has so much

Aggression inside.

]] I don't understand.

Like, what's happened to him?

]] I don't get it either.

That's why kristin and I are,

Like, let's go to lunch with

Heidi and see what's up.

Like, something's wrong.

]] she'll go have lunch with you

And kristin, but won't speak to

Holly or I.

That's such bullsááá.

We were so there for her.

I planned her freakin' wedding.

]] I know you did.

]] I don't know.

He's a loose cannon and heidi is

There for the ride.

]] well.

We'll see what she has to say at


]] tell me what happens.

]] I will.

]] try to, like, bring me up.


]] do you wanna know if it's

Good or bad?

]] oh, yeah.

]] ♪ I'm not asking the reason ♪

♪ you take me over-- ♪

]] hi.

]] how are you?

]] good.

]] oh, my god. Okay.

]] have you talked to heidi?

]] no, but what was the deal

With spencer last night?

]] I know, how crazy is that?

It's all a little extreme.

I had lunch with her recently,

And she's crazy.

]] she's, like, in spencer-land

All the time.

]] I think that he's just, like,

Really gone off the deep end.

]] hi, you guys.

]] hi.

]] hi, how are you?

]] oh, look at those shorts.

]] I made them.

]] are you serious?

]] yes.

]] they're so cute.

]] wow, you made the shorts?

]] those are really, really


]] thank you.

]] I have to ask you a question.

]] okay.

]] 'cause this kind of tripped

Me out.

Okay, last night, spencer

Was so rude.

So I mean, don't you think he

Owes me an apology?

]] apology for what?

]] he yelled at me for no


]] I think he's just had a lot

Ing on and, you know, with,

Like, our families and

Everything that's happened.

I think he's just--

]] but it's almost like you're

In denial.

You don't wanna believe what

You're going through.

]] yeah, exactly.

]] okay, all guys are a little

Bit controlling, so if you ever

Think something different...

]] spencer's always been,

Like, very, like, kind of crazy

And wild, but never, like, angry

Like he is now.

I don't know anyone who would be

Okay with that.

]] here's the thing.

You don't know me.

Spencer didn't change me.

I changed myself.

I don't have time, I don't have


That's why I've cut people out.

[lolene's rich]

hollywood, hollywood

I hear you calling

my name

I, I, I, I


I got a craving

for fame

until I'm there

I'm gonna front

like I don't careª

cause I walk like I'm rich

I talk like I'm rich

I spend like I'm rich

hey, hey, hollywood

]] hey, you.

]] where's ryan?

]] sleeping.

]] oh, really?

]] is he coming?

]] [laughs]


]] what's up?

]] what do you got?

[all talking at once]

]] are stephanie and lo coming?

]] yeah, they should be here.

]] oh, speak of the devil.

]] hi.

]] I like the beard.

]] hey!

]] ♪ I'll be chilling ♪

♪ like royalty ♪

]] ♪ hollywood, hollywood ♪

]] oh, my knight in shining


]] you guys have this, like,

Secret love for each other,

Don't you?

]] I know.

]] you want some?

You want some?

]] you guys should kiss. Kiss.

]] oh, should we?

]] all right.

]] come here.

]] oh--

]] oh, whoa, whoa, whoa!

]] oh, my god.

]] I can't believe they came.

]] hi.

]] I've never walked through

That many people in my whole


]] oh, my god, what's wrong with


]] crystal power.

]] I had to walk in with my

Stone of courage.

]] what, they're not even gonna

Say hi?

What the fááá?

]] this is morganite.

Close your eyes and see what you


]] oh, my god.

Heidi just pulled out crystals.

]] I don't--I don't know.

]] okay, this one is for


It opens your mind into


So it helps you to really think

And it's for protection when

You're in a w*r zone.

]] oh, I like it.

]] I've been trying since they

Started to get together

To be understanding of

Their relationship.

It's just gone beyond the point

Of being respectful to anybody.

]] what are you gonna do now?

]] there's gonna be a holly and

Spencer fight.

]] I hope so. I hope so.

I will kick his little fáááing

Ass punk bitch across town, and

Then he can shut up once and for


]] I don't let her go on tv, no


The only thing heidi does is

Read and write poetry and pray--

]] and read books.

]] and pet puppies and read


So she is logged out of the


]] I'm about to lose it.

I can't stand it.

She was so rude, heidi.

I've never seen her like that.

Why do I keep sticking up for

You when you just walk all over

Me and treat me like #@#@?

]] I'm not gonna try anymore.

]] oh, I'm not either.

They've isolated themselves from


I cry, I cry

but I cry

]] let's get out of here.

]] all right, let's go.

you make me dance

like a fool

forget how to breathe

shine like gold

buzz like a been

just the thought of you

can drive me wild

ooh, you make m

]] do you want some coffee?

]] yes, please.

]] you want cream in it?

]] no.

]] no?

]] I'll take black.

I need a phone charger, though.

]] I like your shirt.

It looks good on you.

]] you need to stop doing jess

And bobbie's laundry because you

Are definitely shrinking some


]] that's my shirt.

It's supposed to be that small.

]] so we made out, I guess.

I don't remember that--

]] I'm glad you don't remember


]] I remember when we got back

Here, I remember everything

About that, but--

]] I don't.

That's the part that I blacked

Out at.

]] I sure remember that.

]] I think what we have going on

Is good.

]] what, me and you?

]] yeah.

This little thing, whatever this

Little thing is.

]] I'm gonna be honest, though.

]] what?

]] I'm really enjoying being


]] yeah, so am I.

God, heidi and spencer last


He's very possessive of her.

]] yeah, but she's, I mean--

]] I mean, she lets it happen,


]] they're in their own world.

]] yeah, they are.

They most definitely are.

]] I mean, it's the pratt


]] yeah.

]] they're all out of their


Should we go back to bed?

]] yeah.

Leave the crop top on, though.

yeah, yeah

we gotta start looking at

the hands of the timeª

we've been given

if this is all we got

then we gotta start thinking

if every second counts

on a clock that's ticking

]] well, I'm glad they really

Got to witness, like, what

Spencer and heidi were doing

Last night at voyeur with the


]] sitting in the corner by

Themselves talking to strangers

About crystals and aliens?

]] yep.

]] audrina's already over at


]] okay.

]] I mean, we're only, like,

Five minutes away, right?

]] yep.

]] okay.

]] I don't know, I just, I keep

Flip-flopping from being angry

To just being so sad.

]] I think that at this point,

You have to let go.

]] I don't know.

I know holly wants to, like, go

To their house, and, like,

Kidnap heidi.

]] yeah.

]] because, like, she thinks

Spencer is, like, the one doing

All this.

]] yeah, well--

]] I mean, I really just wanna

Be like, "holly."

]] yeah.

]] like, "it's your sister too."

]] that's why we're going to

Kristin's, to help you guys

Figure it out.

lonely lay the day

I can't remember you at all

and it's not easy

to say that day

has already come and gone

]] oh, my god.

]] so I think that we all kind

Of wanna talk about the same

Thing, right?

Heidi and spencer and--

]] mm-hmm.

]] well, audrina and I sat down

With heidi recently,

And she seemed really crazy.

]] I'm sorry, I just think she's


]] heidi is so, like, there's

Nothing going on behind those

Eyes anymore.

]] like, there's no emotion.

]] I just don't know, like,

Where they took a left turn,

Like, into legitimate, like--

]] crazy town.

]] my mom can't even hear about

Her anymore.

She feels like she's talking

About a child that she lost,

That died.

]] sometimes I almost feel like,

Though, heidi might feel


Like, when I had the barbecue

And we saw how crazy spencer

Got, like--

]] and she didn't say anything.

]] yeah, she didn't say

Anything and just sat there, and

I almost feel like she's afraid

That spencer's just gonna lose

It and go crazy on her.

When I saw him at my house

Yelling about you, and you're

His sister, like, it's scary,


Like, he could snap any minute.

And if I was married to him,

I would be scared.

]] I know my brother is really

Mean at times, but I think that

Heidi is manipulative, and I

Think that she loves that role.

]] I'm not saying she's the

Victim because she's put herself

In this situation.

]] I think that how heidi deals

Th her guilt--because she is

Guilty on all counts--is that

She hides behind spencer.

And she plays the role of a


Stephanie, I completely
agree with you.

]] the both of them, their

Actions at this point to me are


I can't continue living, even

Hearing about stuff that she's


It's just sad.

]] neither one of them have

Anyone left.

No friends, no family.

They've pushed every single

Person out of their lives.

]] to me, how I have to think

About it is what you do with an

Addict, you know?

You just, you have to just stop

Being there for them.

]] we've done everything that we


]] there's nothing else.

I mean, it's not like--we can't

Go to their house and make them

Be better people or, like,


They are who they are.

]] yeah.

I think I wanna cut them out of

My life.

]] I mean, I feel like I've

Tried everything I can and I'm


]] so we'll just stop talking

About them, all of us.

]] yeah, you don't have to talk

About them anymore.

]] their names will not cross my


]] holly.

]] you know, that's my sister.

She's, like, the only person in

My life that's always been there

'cause I was there the day she

Was born and I've been--we've

Been together ever since, and I

Just don't even know.

I just feel like she's gone


And I don't want my family to

Have to be this way anymore, and

I don't want your family to have

To go through this either, it's


cause I have lost

all that I can

from my side

and when you think of me

again, though

I tried

I tried

this is good-bye


ba ba ba

ba ba ba

ba ba ba

ba ba ba ba-ba


ba ba ba