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04x14 - Back to New York

Posted: 04/17/24 17:46
by bunniefuu
[phone ringing]

- 'Hello?'
- Hi, Kelly.

- 'Hey.'
- How are you?

- 'Do you have everybody there?'
- Yeah.

- Everyone's sitting right here.
- 'Here's the deal, you guys.'

'I got a phone call from
Men's New York Fashion Week.'

'They need us to book
some more shows.'

'So we've gone from having two
shows to now having six shows.'

'So I need help in New York,
like, immediately.'

- Okay.
- 'No joke.'

'I'm thinking what we should do
is bring Lauren'

'and Whitney out to New York.'

'They can help do the line-up.'

'The dressing, the calling.'

- Okay.
- 'Okay.'

'I'm just hoping
that you can pull this off'

'because Andrew Buckler's
the biggest boy on the line-up.'

'So that backstage
is gonna have to run tight.'

'Alright, yeah. W-we're on it.'

thank you very, very much.'

Alright, thank you.
We'll see you soon.

- 'Thanks. Bye.'
- Bye.

'It sounds like
they're so crazy over there.'

It's gonna be insane.

Has Alex called you lately
or has he just texted?

Yeah, he called me

'and we've texted
a bunch of times.'

'I'm excited.'

Back to New York.

♪ I know it might be
a surprise ♪

♪ I want to open yours
just to see ♪

♪ Me to follow to lead ♪

♪ So what's it gonna be... ♪

Okay, you're all wearing
black, which is very good.

So this is your... Can you hang
up the phone, please?

Hello? Can you
hang up the phone?

Hello? Bye, click, see you.
Thanks for calling.

'You guys are gonna
have to listen up.'

We have three shows today,
it's Men's New York Fashion Week

'and it's total chaos.'

If somebody comes up to you
at the front check-in

and they act
like they own the world

'do not roll your eyes at them'

do not say, "I'm sorry,
you're not on the list."

Ask for somebody senior, okay,
and we'll get those people in

because chances are they didn't
go there to crash a show.

Where's your black?

Uh, we have it f-for later,
for the fashion show.

Okay, good, 'cause everybody
else is wearing black.

Alright. So you guys are gonna
run to Andrew Buckler.

He's in final fittings.
This is the end of the end.

It's his last chance
to get all those details.

It's the most important
part of the job.

- 'Do whatever's asked of you.'
- Okay.

By the way, your boy Alex
is in the show.

I just wanna give you
the heads-up.


'He's gonna be walking
the catwalk tomorrow night.'

And just, so you know,
your best friend's

probably gonna be seeing him
in his underwear.

- A lot.
- That doesn't bother me.

That doesn't bother you?

Does it bother you?

No, I'm fine with it.

♪ Tell me where you are
and I'll find you ♪

♪ Tell me what it takes
to see this through ♪

Thank you.

♪ get to you ♪♪

- Is this it?
- I believe so.

Your boyfriend's here.

My boyfriend?

♪ Oh oh oh oh ♪

♪ Oh oh oh oh ♪
♪ Whoa oh oh ♪

♪ Oh oh oh oh ♪
♪ Whoa oh oh ♪

'We can pin them before.'

Try and do this
while he's changing

is gonna be like...a nightmare.

Belly in. That's better.

'There we go.
Hi, ladies. How are you?'

How are you doing?
Thanks for coming to help.

Yes. We're here to help.
Whatever you need.

Great, well, we've gotta get
some clothes on Adam

'so I think we'll start
working on that.'

How's it going, Adam?

- You ready for me?
- Ready for you.

- Are you ready for us?
- I don't know.

'Can you, um... Can somebody
help him with his shoes?'

Where are you from, Adam?

Where're you from?

We're both from
Los Angeles area.

'Born and raised.'

Did you move here to model?

I don't know.
Maybe, maybe not.

Who knows?

'Alright. That looks good.'

- Go ahead with the necklace.
- Here you are.

How old are you?

How old are you?

I'm 23.


How long are you all
in town for?

We leave tomorrow.
It's a short trip.

Okay, great, so
we check-in for a walk.

Who's the next guy
we gotta get some clothes on?

- Alex.
- Alex.

Alex, how's it going?
Good to see you.

- What's up?
- Welcome back.

Hi. How are you?

- Good to see you.
- Good to see you too.

Okay, Alex, we need
to get your clothes off.

You got your underwear on?

Cool. Excellent, dude.

Here you go.

'That should be zipped
all the way up.'

'That's good.'

'I'm gonna get somebody else.'

Do you wanna grab Dominic?
Where's Dominic?

Have you met Alex yet, Lauren?

- This is Lauren.
- Lauren. Nice to meet you.

You guys, like,
know of each other.

- 'Yeah, she told me that...'
- From what I've told you., you guys met last time
she was in New York.

- It was nice to meet you.
- Yeah. You too.

- Bye.
- I'll see ya.

Good luck with the rest
of the fittings.

Thank you.

'Alright, guys.'

Bye, nice to meet you.

We'll see you at the show.

- That guy Adam's so cute.
- Yeah.

And Alex is nice, right?

- He's really nice.
- 'Really nice.'

[rock music]

Man, you really wanna get up?

It's so early.

I could get us breakfast
delivered here.

And we could chill out.

No, I gotta go figure out
what to do.

Why're you in such
a bad mood, yo?

Because I got fired from my job
that I've worked really hard at

for three years
by being such an idiot.

I feel like that party
needed a little entertainment.

I can't believe I really let
it all just happen like that.

I'm gonna go work
on my resume.

You could put me down
as a reference.

People can call me,
and I would be like...

"Heidi was the best
employee I've ever had."


We could take advantage

of your first free night ever.

- Celebrate somewhere.
- I don't know.

I just don't really
feel like going out.

'You can't let this get to you,
and if we go out'

and have a night
on the town and have fun

you won't be thinking
about it.

Maybe you're right.

I'll go out tonight.

I'll be in the other room.

Make sure to list me
as your number one reference.


[instrumental music]

♪ This is how
I strut my stuff ♪

♪ This is how
I strut my stuff ♪

♪ Camera flashes ♪

♪ My eyes closing ♪

♪ I ain't ready ♪

♪ For such a pose yeah ♪

♪ Walk the catwalk ♪

♪ Hear the boys talk... ♪

Dino, you wanna come with me
for one second?

- Yeah. I'm leaving at 9 a.m.
- That was quick.

So, what's up, are you done
with hair and make up?

I don't know.
W-what's your opinion?

You just look like you have
a really bad, like, fake tan.

- Really?
- That's what it looks like.

I thought I looked
more like a raccoon.



Back to work.

Well, you and Lauren
get all the boys.

- Just go. You know what to do.
- Alright.

Go in there and grab them
and then send them out.

Everyone out.

- Okay, Stan?
- Stan!

- Where's Stan?
- You're Stan? Don't move.

'Stan. Corey.'

'Dressers, when I speak,
you listen.'

'Come over here, please.'

- Um, no.
- We don't know yet.

- Kelly hasn't told us.
- Yeah, basically, like...

We have to leave
our nights open.

Oh, okay.

- 'Oh...'
- Oh, awesome.

Yeah, if we can get off.
We totally, like...

Oh, wait. Is it starting?


'Alright, everybody. Ready?'

'Go for it. Yeah.'

♪ People say I'm a sl*ve ♪

♪ Can't stop myself no no ♪

♪ The time slips away ♪

♪ Don't finish what I start ♪

♪ I'll take it to the grave ♪

♪ Won't you remember me ♪

♪ Perfection's what I crave ♪

♪ I suffer for my art ♪

♪ Dun dun dun-dun dun-dun-dun ♪

♪ Dun-dun-dun-dun-dun dun dun ♪

♪ Dun dun dun-dun dun-dun-dun ♪

♪ Dun-dun-dun-dun
dun-dun-dun dun ♪

Alright, finale.

on the catwalk, yeah?'

'Five, four, three, two, one.'

'Give me the designer.'

[cheering and applauding]

- 'Perfect.'
- 'Good job.'

Okay, deep breaths.
We can relax and go out tonight.

I'm kind of excited.

Wait, so what about Alex?

Alex is really nice.

He's just, like,
really, really nervous.

Well, Adam's cute.

And tonight should be fun.

♪ Oh back then
we were kicking laughing ♪

♪ All relaxing and taking
things for granted ♪

♪ We did anything
for just that little rush ♪

This is, like, our first
free second of the day.

I'm excited.


[instrumental music]

- They're good.
- Yeah, that's my roommate.

'One of my best friends.
He lives with me.'


This is my girlfriend Allie.

- Lauren.
- What's up? Allie.

Nice to meet you.

Alright. Next song
is called "Sunday Morning."

[instrumental music]

'This place is cool.'

That's so cute.

Yeah? Hi.

How long have you
been here for?

A couple minutes.

- More friends upstairs?
- Yeah.

- I feel bad leaving her alone.
- Yeah, no, I hear you.

I'm gonna go sit with her for a
second and I'll come back and...

Okay, cool. Alright.

[cheering and applauding]

Thank you very much, guys.

You guys are an awesome crowd.

Thank you.

Uh-oh. This is my boy
Jay, my best friend.

Nice to meet you.

- Best friend Jay.
- Hi. I'm Whitney.

- Nice to meet you.
- 'Whitney and Lauren.'

- You did really well.
- That was good?

Yeah, that was great.

Yeah, we enjoyed it.

Yeah. Yeah.

He's so hot.

So hot.

[instrumental music]

♪ I want to give another
little thing a try... ♪

This is beautiful.

I love it up here.

Oh, my gosh. Gorgeous.

♪ Then I'll know exactly
how you're gonna fall ♪

♪ I know what you're wanting ♪

♪ I know what you're needing ♪

Uh, babe, you wanna get
a water or something?

I don't think
we should drink tonight.

May we please get
two bottles of water?

Oh, my gosh.
I think I just saw Brent.

- I'll be right back.
- No, don't say anything.

- I'm just gonna say...
- No, don't say anything.

Please. Leave it alone.

Alright, well, I'm gonna
use the restroom.

I'll be right back.

May I have a few words
with you, sir?

I saw you here,
and I've just been feeling

so awful about the situation
with Heidi.

She's been working with you
for, like, four years now.

She lives and breathes SBE.

I mean, I know
'cause I never see her.

Moral of the story is,
there's no excuses here at all.

I don't really understand why

every time you come around,
there's problems.

That * * * in Vegas,
and that night.

Like, it was our biggest
thing in the world

and like, you just can't,
like, I don't understand.

I mean, I totally get you,
but, I-I'm not out to...

Honestly, it's, like,
this is not a conversation

for me and you to have,
I don't even know you.

And Heidi should be having
this conversation right now.

She-she told me never to come up
to you or go to anything.

Um, this is all me.
Just being...

This makes me
a little uncomfortable

to be honest with you.

You didn't work for me.
Heidi worked for me.

I don't wanna see you
at any of...

I don't even wanna see you
around my stuff.

- I'm gone.
- You're, like, bad news.

♪ Ooh ♪

♪ I'm back
to square one again ♪♪

I'm just trying to think
about this for a second.

No, I can't be too forward.

I have, like, a...

Like I just have to kind of,
like, wait for a second.


- I got you a shot.
- You got me a shot?

I'm finally gonna have
a shot with you now?

- Oh!
- Alright, alright.


- Thanks for coming.
- Cheers. Thank you.


- Sure, why not?
- 'Alright, guys.'

Yeah, whatever.

Oh, my god.

What? What?

♪ As we come alive ♪

♪ Come alive ♪♪

- I had to try.
- Why did you do that?

Not that there
was like any chance.

Now I should probably go say
something, but I don't want to

'cause he probably doesn't
wanna talk to either of us.

You can't get fired twice.

Alright, I'll be back.

I'm so sorry
Spencer came up to you.

I told him not to.

We just happened to be here.

And we saw you, and I'm so
incredibly embarrassed

and I'm so sorry for how
everything happened.

Y-your boyfriend's
a nightmare.

- What's wrong with you?
- I know. I'm sorry.

- You are an adult.
- I know, I know.

You are responsible
for your own actions...

I take responsibility.
I completely do.

You can't let people
like that influence your life

and make bad decisions for you.

Well, it was my decision

and I made a wrong decision,
and I know.

Don't you know that you are
the company that you keep?


Like, you can't just have people

like that in your life,
because they will constantly...

I mean, but he's not
a bad person, you know.

The bottom line is, I'm very
sorry about what happened

'at work, and if there was
ever anything'

I could do or any way

I could possibly get any kind
of job with you guys again.

I mean, if you could just
consider it, you know.

I don't...
I mean, that's...

I-I don't know.


That's the last thing
on my mind right now.

But I mean I'm more than happy
to talk to Sam.

But I put a lot of faith and
trust in you, know.

Nothing like that would ever
happen again, you know.

I don't know.
I don't know.

- I gotta get back to work.
- Alright.

Well, it was good
to see you.

- Bye, Heidi.
- Bye.

♪ I had a master plan for you ♪

♪ But you let me down ♪

♪ I am over it now ♪

♪ I am over it now ♪

♪ I had a master plan... ♪♪

I'll tell you right now,
if you just walk away

she'll come to you.

The other guy
with the pink T-shirt.

Do you know who that is?

'He told us that he's
the brother'

of your ex-girlfriend.

I went out with her
for nearly five years.

- You know what I mean, so...
- That's a really long time.

I got out of a relationship
a year ago.

- It-it sucked.
- It's hard.

It's like the worst
feeling ever.

Yeah, but,
you know, I-I mean

it's really hard at first

but, you know,
over time, you realize

that it's, like, maybe that
was the right thing for me or...

- Hey.
- Are you leaving?

No, no, when you have
a second, meet me over there.

- Okay.
- Alright.

Do-do you wanna go speak
to him? I'm gonna go...

- I mean, not really, but...
- Why?

- What's the deal with that?
- I don't know.

- Just this guy that...
- Is that the ex-boyfriend?

No. No, no.

The ex-boyfriend lives in LA.

Oh, that's a start.

- That's a good start.
- Yeah.

I'll steer clear
from that guy.

- Oh, yeah?
- Come and check out our place.

- You wanna come with us?
- Okay.

Thanks for coming down.
I appreciate that.

- We're leaving.
- I feel bad.

I should go say goodbye
to him really fast, and then...

- No, no, no.
- No?

You know
what just happened, right?

No, not really.

Your girl just beat it
with that Australian kid.

I don't...

I don't really think
that's exactly what's going on

but she just met him
right now.

I'm just saying
that's what just happened.

♪ Butterflies ♪

♪ You lift me up ♪

♪ Gave me wings ♪

♪ And now I can fly ♪

♪ You give me butterflies ♪

♪ Like a storm you came in ♪

♪ And you changed my life ♪

♪ You give me butterflies ♪

♪ You lift me up ♪

♪ Gave me wings ♪

♪ And now I can fly ♪

♪ You give me butterflies ♪

♪ Like a storm you came in ♪

♪ And you changed my life ♪♪