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04x09 - If She Never Met Spencer

Posted: 04/17/24 17:43
by bunniefuu
'Thanks for helping me
with my homework.'

Mm-hm. Got more?

Yeah, I got more where
this came from, too, so...

Hey, have you seen much
of Stephanie lately?

'No, not really.'

So do you have plans
already for tonight?

No, not tonight.

Um, if you wanna go

I think I'm gonna go to, um

S Bar to go meet Holly
for a drink.

- Is she living here now?
- Yeah, she moved here.

- 'She's staying with Heidi.'
- Oh, really?

She's still kind
of getting settled

like, getting to know
people and stuff.

- Yeah, definitely.
- She actually mentioned.

She's, like,
Heidi said it was fine.

- 'Mm-hm.'
- But it's, like...

I'm worried
she's trying to play, like

matchmaker with me
and her sister.

I understand your position,
like, it is awkward.

But I don't wanna turn away,
you know

a friend who I was friends with.

Well, drinks are harmless.

♪ I need love ♪

♪ Real love ♪

♪ True love ♪

♪ I need love ♪

♪ Real love ♪

♪ Without my ♪♪

- What are you doing tonight?
- Oh, my God.

'I have a date
with this guy, Colin.'

He's really nice,
I've seen him around for a year

but I've just never really
thought anything of it.

And he asked me out on a date
to go to dinner.

That's good. That's great.

I don't know. I haven't
told Justin, so whatever.

- You don't have to.
- He doesn't tell me who he's...

'Yeah, exactly.'

Are you kind of hoping
this will make him jealous?

Well, maybe a little. I mean, I
don't have a ring on my finger.

- 'Yeah, exactly.'
- I'm not married.

♪ We all know
just how the story goes ♪

♪ Out there's a place where
the streets are made of gold ♪

♪ And everyone
is an angel-headed soul ♪

♪ In California I'm told ♪♪

Have you, like, seen Lauren
anymore or anything?

'I'm seeing her again tonight.'

She seems really happy.

She said, basically,
she hasn't been so happy

since a couple of years ago.

It seemed like
she was missing you.

Obviously, hearing
from you all the things

and you guys catching up,
like, you don't think I wanna be

catching up with her
and hearing about

how her life has been
for the past two years?

That was my best friend,
and now I'm the only one

who can't talk to her
because of something

I had nothing to do with?

I think it's hard, too,
because I think Lauren thinks

she was the only one
hurt in this, you know?

I've been the one on my own
and to lose my best friend

and to lose all my friends.

'You know,
it's just been so hard.'

Well, I know you talked about
giving her, like, a letter.

Do you still think
about that at all?

I mean, maybe I will
write her a letter

but I just don't think
she'll read it.

'When it comes
to your friendship'

she knows who you are,
she knows your heart.

Maybe she just forgot.

Well, maybe she needs
to be reminded.

♪ We had it all ♪

♪ And I thought we had
broken down those walls ♪

♪ But I'm stronger
than you think ♪

♪ Singin' I have said it ♪

♪ Ah forget it ♪

♪ Ah it's water
under the bridge to me ♪♪

Thank you.

So you used to work at Saddle
Ranch. You ever ride the bull?

That was my first job in town
when I first moved to town.

I was the bull operator.

So how did you get into,
um, what, is it Sony?

I just always, I went to shows

since I was,
like, 15 and a half.

As soon as I got my permit,
I was, like

I'd go every night to shows.

And I just... All my
connections, I just love music.

I've always been into music
also, but I've never, like

I've never pursued it
for a career.

It's, like, fun for me. It's not
like work. It's hanging out...

Of course, it's an ideal

it's an ideal job
if you like music.

- Yeah.
- Awesome.


This one's kinda strong.

I know, like, exes
that I went with they

like, drink too much and
it causes fights all the time.

- Oh, I'm the happiest drunk...
- Really?

Yeah, I love everybody
when I'm drunk.

Like Justin.

It's, just, whenever he drinks

we get in, like, fights.

He just, like,
gets this cocky attitude.

- It's like...
- I'm not that way at all.

- I get, like, a bigger smile.
- Happy.

- You're a happy drunk.
- I'm like the happiest drunk.

That's how I am.
I'm like that.

Oh, yeah?
You have beautiful eyes.

Thank you.

I was gonna see if you wanted

to go get dinner
again or something.

Drinks, maybe tomorrow night.

- Where do you wanna go?
- I don't know.

I'll figure it out. Something.

- Let's do it.
- Beautiful.

♪ Whisky please ♪

♪ Welcome to my love trap ♪

♪ It's just a matter of time
before you fall ♪

♪ Into my love trap ♪

♪ And you'll be mine ♪♪

Cute man at bar, come serve.

Ooh, eye contact. Nice.

- 'Hey.'
- Hello.

- Holly.
- Hi.

- 'Hello!'
- You guys have met before.

Good to see you.

So fancy. How are you?

You look pretty.
I love your shirt.

Yeah, can I get another one?
It was so good.

- I love it.
- It's amazing.

- Did you want to try this?
- Yeah, I'll try the vanilla.

Perfect. Thank you.

When I met you at Joel's

were you living in LA
then or just visiting?

Yeah, no, I was living
with, uh, Lauren and then Heidi.

How long did we share a bed for?

Like, in that loft?

On the air mattress?

- Didn't it, like, pop?
- Yeah.

'I haven't seen her
in a long time'

but you remind me
so much of her.

So, you like, her and I grew

pretty far apart, you know?

And, uh,
these last couple years

it's just so hard
to get a hold of her.

'Like, right when I moved back,
that's when everything changed.'

And it was, like,
she started dating Spencer.

'It was hard.
We all kind of do that.'

'We drift away
from who we really are.'

And, like, in these
last couple weeks

she's even been
the one saying it.

'She's been talking
about old times'

'and she really misses you
in her life.'

I mean,
it's water under the bridge.

It's just done
and things have happened

and it's changed
the situation, you know?

You remind me so much
of Heidi, like

with how you speak and,
like, your mannerisms.

- Really?
- You really do.

♪ Now this is real
just let the wave take you ♪♪

- Hey.
- Hey, how are you?


Look at how cute
this new stuff is.

'Ooh, really pretty.'

Alright, I'll get to this.

What's up?

What's this?

Somebody sent me a letter.

'It's from Heidi?'

- Can I read it?
- Obviously.

"Lauren, I just
wanted to tell you

"how sorry I am
about everything.

"I'm so sorry for every negative

"or hurtful comment
I have ever said.

"That is not how I feel
or who I am.

"I think you are a great person

"and I will always
cherish our memories.

"Thank you for everything
you have ever done for me.

"I really wish things
didn't turn out this way

"but I take responsibility.

"This whole thing has also
been really hard for me.

'Sincerely, Heidi Montag."'

Seems like a very
genuine letter.

Why now, why is she, like,
randomly writing this to me?

She must feel really,
really lost and lonely.

I think she's bummed
that Holly came back

and we just jumped
into being friends again.

Heidi must feel like she has
absolutely no girlfriends

and, like, she clearly
really misses you.

You know, what's funny
is even after all this time...

...she still can't just
blame Spencer.

That's loyalty.


♪ You know she's got me crazy ♪

♪ Touch ♪

♪ Yeah touch ♪

♪ Just touch me ♪

♪ Where I am ♪

♪ Look what good company ♪♪

- Hey.
- Hey.

- How are you doing?
- Good. Sorry I'm late.

- It's all good.
- How are you?

How was your work today?

It was a long day.
I'm just, like, tired.

- Yeah.
- Tired from last night.

- It was fun. I liked it.
- Yeah? Really?

I, like, didn't go
to sleep, really.

- You didn't?
- 'Yeah.'

Justin called and like,
we were talking and...

That sucks.

'You probably don't
wanna hear about him.'

I-I really like
hanging out with you a lot.

Like, you're a great girl,
and I feel like

I connect with you a lot,
but last night

you also talked about that guy
and I was, like

wondering what's going on
with that, or...

No, no, no, it's not like we're,
like, boyfriend and girlfriend.

- I didn't, I wasn't sure.
- I enjoy your company.

'But I don't know,
as far as Justin'

'I've known him for so long'

and it's just, like,
weird right now.

Right. It's tough.

It's tough.

So that's the only thing

like, holding me back.

♪ Oh you ♪

♪ Are making everything ♪


♪ It's not over ♪

♪ Ooh yeah ♪

♪ And just say the words ♪

♪ One time I say the words ♪

♪ One time I say the words ♪

♪ You ♪♪

[doorbell rings]

- Hi.
- Hi, babe.

How are you?

- How have you been?
- Good.

This is so nice.


Oh, I love it.

Thank you.

'How are you tonight,
Miss Holly?'

I am great.

- How are you?
- 'Good.'

Do you want food?

I'm cooking.

- Take your pick.
- Ooh.

- I'm not a big cooker.
- 'I guess not.'

You have such
a nice kitchen too.

What are we gonna do? I gotta
find a man that can cook.

So did you get
a letter from Heidi?

It just said sorry.

Which she's already said, but...

What are you gonna do?

Just know that she's been
talking a lot more lately.

Just hating how everything's
happened and...

Yeah, but it was her choice,
you know?

It's, I mean, it's super sad

'but she basically just said
all she wanted was forgiveness'

and I forgave a long time ago.

Does she, I mean,
I don't know how to say it.

She has, like,
good friends, right?

Um, she has me.

The thing is, I would love
to be, like, that's fine

but it's not about her,
you know?

It's about the person
she's always with.

'Because I just,
I can't bring myself'

to be civil to him
after what he did to me, so...

That's the only thing that... in the way?


♪ Hear me ♪

♪ Oh no no no ♪♪

[rock music]

What's up, lady?

I went on that date
with Colin last night.

I think the last one,
the last date.

So you're done with Colin?

I mean, he took
my mind off of Justin

and what was going on with us.

But then whenever he started
asking me about Justin...

Oh, gosh.

I mean, I had
to tell him the truth.

Is it always about Justin?

Until I find a guy
where I completely forget

about Justin, Justin's always
gonna be in the picture I think.

- Oh, JB.
- One day I'll be over that guy.

What's your rush? You don't
have to get over him now.

'But you should tell him
that you've been dating

'before someone else does.'

But if he really doesn't care

that I go on dates
with other guys, then...

- That, that's really weird.
- Yeah.

'Speaking of weird'

I went to S Bar
with Holly and Loey

and the next morning woke up
and had a letter

in our mailbox from Heidi.

'So then Holly came over
last night and, like'

I don't really know, like

the right way to handle that
because I love Holly

and I want
to be friends with her

but I think that
she's always gonna have

you know, Heidi on her mind.

It must be hard though
'cause I'm sure

Holly reminds you
so much of Heidi.

- Yeah.
- Like, of the old Heidi.

That was a great couple
of years that we had.

We had so much fun.
We were the best friends.

And I think it's better
to look back at that

and be like, I'm so glad
that we were friends then

and not, like,
be angry towards her

because like, she really was
a really good friend to me

for a long time and...

Do you think
if Spencer's out of the picture

you would maybe reconsider?

It's not so much her

that I have
a difficult time handling.

It's him
and they're always together.

- And he's always in her head.
- 'So...'

Do you know what is really
weird to think about though?


Where do you think
we'd all be...

...if Heidi never met Spencer?

I think it would
be totally different.

Isn't that weird to think about

how one person
coming into someone's life...

Can change everything.

- He really has.
- Yeah.

♪ Then it was easier ♪

♪ It was easier ♪

♪ To turn our heads ♪

♪ And look the other way ♪

♪ And it was easier ♪♪

Oh, it's so warm.

If I get this tattoo g*n

could I tattoo on your butt?

Don't even start with that.

I'm just asking.

What's up, dude?
Anything? Anything fun?

'Um, uh...'

'I'm gonna tell you
about the date I went on.'

- The what?
- 'I don't know.'

It was, like,
an innocent, fun date.

Dinner with Colin.

He pull your chair out?

Pulled my chair out,
opened the door.

You got a winner, dude.

- He was nice.
- Yeah?

Nice is good.
Nice gets you far.

It went so far, he's not here.

'I wish I would have met
the old nice chap.'

You're dating too.

Can I do that?
Will that make you mad?


I mean, have you put
a lot of thought into this?

Have you really
thought about it?

There's ways to go
about things, you know?


And maybe immaturely sometimes.

You're a heartbreaker.

Things change.

Not for long.

♪ Don't shut me out ♪

♪ Just let me in ♪

♪ Don't shut me out ♪♪

- Hey.
- What are you doing?

Looking at pictures from
when mom was here and stuff.

You know, I saw
Lauren the other night.

Talked about that letter
you gave her.

Yeah? What did she say?

She said that she missed you

and that there's a big part
of her that's really sad

that you guys can't
be friends again.

But that's what she's saying.
That's how she feels, you know?

She's making it that way,
you know?

If she came up to me and was
like, "Look, I got your letter."

"Things have happened. Let's
move on. Let's be friends."

'You know, I would
be okay to do whatever.'

Because, obviously, I miss her

and, you know,
that was my best friend.

So maybe it's one step closer.

Yeah, I really think so.

I think that you and Lauren
can be friends again after...


What are you doing?

Why are we discussing her?

Well, we were talking
about the letter

'that Heidi wrote to Lauren.'

I just wrote a letter
saying, you know

'I'm sorry
how everything's happened'

'and wish you the best.'

And maybe one day
we can be friends

and maybe not, you know?

So now since Holly moves in

you start keeping
secrets from me?

It's not a secret.

When you don't tell somebody

something, that's a secret.

It's not her fault if she feels

like she can't talk to you.

Who's talking to you
is what I wanna know.

I'm her family.

- Shh.
- Spencer!

He's the reason why you and
Lauren can't be friends again.

He's not the reason.

She said it straight up,
it won't happen

as long as you and Spencer
are together.

'That's what Lauren said.'

Either way,
I'll take credit for that.

I think it's great
that you guys aren't friends

'so it's a win-win.'

If it's her fault or my fault

it's great that you do not
have her in your life.

So she's not gonna
be friends with you...

- That's not the point.
- For as long as we're together.

So what's the point?

'The point is,
there's still a chance.'

And especially since
it doesn't involve you

it sounds like a great option.

Oh, let go, my dear, let go.

You okay?

♪ And everything comes
with a price ♪

♪ But how much
can you sacrifice? ♪

♪ You feel when you win
you still lose ♪

♪ And no one else
is in your shoes ♪♪

[theme music]