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03x15 - With This Ring...

Posted: 04/17/24 17:07
by bunniefuu
[Heidi] So, I've been thinking
and I think it's time

we really set a date
for the wedding.

I say we elope to Cabo.


'I can't believe we're
still fighting about this.'

Our wedding needs
to be in a church.

'I didn't even think
guys really cared.'

I don't. That's why I'm saying.

Yeah, so let me do
what I want if you don't care.

I mean, why don't I just plan it

and you don't have
to worry about it?

Uh, I'm just not gonna
think about it anymore.

From now on, it's on you.
You decide.

Great solution.

Just tell me
what day to be there.

Uh, I'll-I'll wear a suit.


[instrumental music]

[Jarett] 'Keep it going.
You're doing great.'

'Progression up.'

'My nostrils are gonna bleed.'

- One.
- Ugh! Yeah.

'Five, four, three,
two, one. Go. Pop up.'

- Keep, keep your guard up...
- How many?

Good. Relax.

We should go to Big Wangs.

- Have you ever been there?
- Where?

- Big Wangs. It's a sport bar.
- Never.

We can go there when
we don't wanna go out.

Yeah! You wanna go to Big Wangs?

- Big Wangs?
- Yeah.

Definitely. You got it.

It's a plan. Good workout.
You guys did well.

Okay, that was good.
Thank you so much.

- Later, girls. Good workout.
- Bye.

[Lauren] 'Whitney and Jarett.'

[Whitney] He's so nice.

- Why you giving me this look?
- I'm just sitting here.

Honestly, I have no expectations

whatsoever with guys, like

when I'm ready
for someone, like, yeah

okay, then maybe
I'll have some expectations.

Date and go out
and flirt and have fun.


We should all
get ready together.

[Audrina] 'Yeah.'

Look at you. You're excited.

It should be fun.

We need to get Whitney
back in the game.

- Starter.
- Yeah.

[instrumental music]

[Heidi] Wow.

This is beautiful.

'I know you're gonna love this.'

♪ Here comes the bride ♪♪


Looky, looky.

It's so pretty.

'Look at the ceiling.'

Look at the stained glass.

So beautiful. Hello!

'Hi. How are you today?'

Good. How are you? I'm Heidi.

- Hi, I'm Martha Campbell.
- Nice to meet you, Martha.

- Spencer. Pleasure.
- Spencer.

Hi, I'm one of the pastors here.

And I understand that

you are interested
in getting married here.

We are. We are.

We offer a whole,
uh, wedding package

and it begins
with premarital counseling.

And we require that.

- That's a real important part.
- 'Okay.'

And also, we offer
a wedding coordinator.

'We have books of flowers'

and help you
with music selection and...

They're just wonderful.

You need to probably book
six months out.

I thought we were doing it
this month.

- No, guess again.
- 'I will leave you to it.'

- I'm gonna go to my office...
- Thank you so much.

...and I'll come back
in a few minutes.

- Alright, you guys take care.
- It's nice meeting you.

- Thank you.
- Aah! I'm gonna sit down.

This is perfect.

What more could you want?

It's a great church.

'I can't wait.'

[instrumental music]

Cute, lady. You know we're
going to a sports bar, right?

- I know. Whateves.
- Just checking.

We got lingerie
with moccasins and tights.

That's how I do it.

I guess I got to get
in my clothes now.

She really wears,
like, no makeup.

- She doesn't need it.
- Ah, to be a natural beauty.

Are you searching
through her stuff?

No, I was just looking.
I wasn't, like rifling.

'I wanna see her outfit.'

'Do a little twirl
in that, Whitney.'

- Be like this.
- Like, I'm gonna twirl tonight.

Be like, whoo,
and twirl in a circle.


Hello, shorts.

I feel like I'm
a backup dancer right now.

You'll look cute for Jarett.

- I guess.
- What do you mean you guess?

- I mean...
- Get excited, lady.

I'm totally excited.

- Big Wangs.
- Big Wangs.

[Whitney laughs]

[instrumental music]

[Whitney] 'Cheers, girls.'

Cheers to Whitney joining us.

Whitney joining us.

To my new favorite place.

- 'Jarett's here.'
- Oh, my God. Jarett's here.

- 'Oh, that's Jarett!'
- 'Jarett's cute.'

Jarett's cute.
Is that what you said?

Cute, yeah. He's really cute.

What's up, Whitney?

Hi! How are you?

- How's everything?
- Good. How are you?

I'm doing well.

Whatever one you want.
Pick a color.


[Whitney] 'Oh!'

[music continues]

Jarett, you said
you weren't very good.


[music continues]

Probably here.

[up beat music]

[instrumental music]

- We're almost on top.
- Okay.

- I'm happy you came.
- I'm a little behind but good.

We couldn't have picked
a better day either.

I know. There's not
one cloud in the sky.

There's the Hollywood sign.

- There it is.
- We made it to the top.

Oh, finally.

Jumping jacks. Ready?

I can jump. I think.

Yeah, good. Three more.

Three, two and one.

- Good.
- Whew!

Look. This way now.
Ready? Watch.

- We're gonna air punch. Okay?
- Okay.

- Watch. Hands up.
- Yeah.

Right, left, just like that.

- Okay.
- Move your hips.

Thirty seconds, twenty nine.

'You throw a mean punch.
I wouldn't mess with you.'

- Yeah, alright.
- 'I would not mess with you.'

That's it. An aggressive girl.

Three, two and one. Relax.

I'm sure you have all the guys
after you already, right?

- No.
- Have a seat right here.

- Okay.
- 'Alright. Take a breather.'

Awesome view, huh?

- It really is.
- This really is the best job.

It's not like an office job
where you're sitting at a desk.

No, I wear shorts and T-shirt
to work every day

'instead of a suit and tie,

You're pretty fashionable
in your shorts and T-shirts.

You think so?


'Hey, so, do you wanna
grab some drinks tonight?'

- 'Yeah.'
- We'll make it a date.


- Okay.
- Cool.

- How you feeling?
- Pretty good?

- Good workout.
- 'Good workout.'

- You made it. Come on.
- Thank you.

- Good job.
- Yeah, thank you.

You got dirt and stuff
all over you.

- Everywhere?
- All over.

- You can wipe it off for me.
- You got it.

La Cantina, 8 o'clock?

- I'm down.
- I'll pick you up.


[instrumental music]

I'm definitely wearing a crown.

'Think of the pastries
we can get at the wedding.'

Ah! The catering.

Where do you buy
bride magazines, by the way?

Is it a crime that I bought
little bridal magazines?

- Not even a little bit.
- Oh, okay.

I just don't think
you'd need 'em.

Bride one, bride two.

'Oh, we're getting serious now.'

What do you have to figure out
in there?

Whatever I want to figure out.

What dress I'm wearing,
and stuff.

I just never thought I would
ever want to get married.

This is just so crazy, like,
"Whoo! Looking to get married!"

And look, we can get China
with our names on it.

[instrumental music]

[Whitney] 'Jarett asked
if he could take me out'

so I was like, whatever.

Oh, he hearts you.

I don't know
if he hearts me, but...

- 'What?'
- No, it's just cute.

I'm not even gonna think about
it, I'm just gonna, like...

Please, it's a first date.
First dates are exciting.

Yeah, first dates are exciting
but first dates

can also be
really uncomfortable.

[instrumental music]

[Jarett] 'Have you ever been
here before?'

- 'No, never.'
- It's gonna be fun.

It's a beautiful night out.

- Yeah.
- Beautiful night out.

'Fabulous night out.'

Thank you.

- So, this is the place.
- This is so nice.

- It's chill.
- 'Yeah.'

- This is it.
- Thank you.

- Thank you.
- 'You're welcome.'

Cheers. To having fun.


You are dressed beautifully.

'Oh, thank you very much.'

I don't really come out
to Hollywood so much, you know.

You don't like to come here
'cause you don't wanna get...

It's not even about the scene.

Like, you know,
I'll go out to these places

and just go dancing
and not involve myself, but...

We should have been to a place
where we could have danced.

I mean...

You're ready to dance.

Maybe not at this point.

Maybe in a couple hours.

Couple hour. Cheers to that.

Cheers, cheers to dancing
in a couple hours.

I'm gonna hold you
accountable on that.


But, yeah, I don't know...

- What's your sign?
- 'I'm a Pisces.'

- Pisces.
- Why? Do you, like, know signs?

No. I feel like that's the
biggest question with someone.

- Oh, what's your sign?
- I don't really know.

I don't really know much
about my sign, but yeah.

So, what is your dream?

What do you see yourself
doing in LA, yeah

in, like, a couple years?

I take the training thing
seriously, you know.

I started working with a record
label training a bunch of girls.

They're getting ready to go on
tour with their record album.

So, we'll this this
only from New York.

You're only one that hustle.
'You're from New York, right?'

'You're on the hustle
from the fashion industry.'

'You're so busy. You probably
don't have time to date much.'

I just came out
of a relationship.

- Oh, you did?
- Yeah.

And now I'm having fun.

Yeah, that's how I am.

I got out of a relationship
in May.

- Now you need time to relax.
- Yeah!

I don't wanna be
attached to anyone.

I just wanna,
like, enjoy myself.

You're right, that's the reasons
I asked you to come out.

- We're two single people.
- 'Yeah.'

- Yeah!
- Having fun.

- 'Exactly.'
- Right?

- Cheers.
- 'Cheers.'

- You like the cheers.
- Cheers again.

[instrumental music]

[door closes]

- Welcome home, sweetheart.
- Hey!

'How was work?'

Long, tiring.

Well, you can sleep,
uh, in the car.

'Where are we going?'

'We're going on
a little adventure.'

I packed for you. Don't worry.

For what? Aah!

We're going to Las Vegas
to get married.

I got us the honeymoon suite.



Did you already pay for this?


I really hope
you're kidding with this.

Why would I be kidding?

Because I told you
I don't want to elope, like.

We already went to the church.

We already talked
to the minister.

Lots of people get married
on their own

without family
and friends there.

It's just distractions.
And it's not about them.

'It's about us getting married.'

But it's about me, too,
and I want them there.

Like, my dad walking me
down the aisle

'like, that means a lot to me.'

I don't understand how you
don't realize that by now.

I've been telling you
how much this means to me.

I just don't get how you don't
care how I feel about this.

It's not about not caring.

'You're making it all
these other things...'

'No, I'm not. I just want our
family and friends to be there.'

Like, is that
so much to ask for?

'I'm sick of these surprises.'

I'm sick of coming home
and being, like

what's gonna be there,
what's going on?

This isn't, like,
Spencer's relationship

and you decide what we do.

'We're not supposed
to be fighting'

about our wedding
this is suppose to...

'We're not fighting
about our wedding.'

We're fighting
about wedding planning

which is such a hassle.

I mean, if I'm too much
of a hassle for you

then I'm sorry,
like, I don't know.

Maybe we should just
think about it longer.

[instrumental music]

[door closes]

[music continues]

[instrumental music]

- Hey, girlie.
- Hey.

- What are you doing?
- What's up?

I haven't seen you all day.

I know. I've kind
of been hiding out.

- Hiding?
- 'Yeah.'

- Why? What's up?
- 'Not a lot.'

I just kind of... in a huge, huge fight
with Spencer last night.

'I come home, and there
are two bags packed there.'

And he just kind of says

"Oh, we're going to Vegas."

and I was like,
"What are you talking about?

"Do you not even listen
when I speak?

Like, do you not hear
anything I say?"

Whoa, he can't make that
decision without you, though.

I got so mad and I was like

you know what, when you decide

'that you want to take
this seriously, let me know'

and he left, he left the house.

Like, I wouldn't even...
I wouldn't have left, you know?

I mean, I can't see, I could
see leaving to blow off steam.

Like, if we can't even
figure out a fight

how are we supposed to figure
out our lives together?

You guys just gotta put
everything out on the table.

I don't know.


[instrumental music]

Thank you. Can I have some,
do you have any sweetener?

- Sweetener? Okay.
- Yeah. Thank you.

So I have to tell you
about my date.

- I've been dying to tell you.
- I know. Really?

It was actually
really, really comfortable.

I mean, as far as first dates go

you know, you usually
don't know what you're doing.

Did he dress up?

He wore a V-neck American
apparel shirt, I think.

Like a really tight shirt.

Shoes. The shoes tell it all.

- I wasn't into the shoes.
- Ooh.

I got more of a friend vibe
from him.

Do you think he, like,
got friend vibe from you?

Like, was it, like,
an obvious friend vibe

or do you think
maybe he likes you?

He invited me to go out
after with him.

So, like, I mean,
I guess that's a good sign.

It felt good
to get out there too.

Wait, how did you end it?
Did you kiss him?

No kissing.

I think for the most part a guy

can tell if you wanna kiss him.

I don't have a rule.

You know, if I'm feeling it

I'm not opposed to it.

'But what happens if a guy'

'goes in for it
and that's your rule?'

- You go to the side.
- Oh.

- Awkward. That's so awkward.
- Not really.

You can make it,
like, not awkward.

Knowing me,
I would make it awkward.


[instrumental music]

[door closes]

Honey, I'm home!

Where'd you sleep last night?

Uh, at my parents' house.

- Really?
- Yeah.

I found you these there.

Thank you.

They smell great.

You don't like them?

I love them.

So, um...can I call a truce?

You can apologize.

I'm so sorry
that I did not respect

your need to have
the wedding of your dreams.

And I want to do
whatever in the world

makes you happy forever
and I love you.

And if that means big wedding

let's have the biggest
wedding ever.

No more surprises.

I just don't want...

Just last night was just so...

I don't know. I don't
even know how to describe it.

It was the first time we slept
apart, our first big fight.

I didn't realize it was
such a big ordeal for you.

I just can't believe
you didn't sleep here.

I can't believe you left.

Like, I wouldn't have left.

I'm sorry.

Apology accepted.

And I would like you
to not throw this down

because I want you to marry me.

And I'm so sorry.

I just get all stressed out

thinking about
a big production and ordeal

when all I really want
to do is just marry you.

Thank you for the flowers.
Thank you for the apology.

- I'll take it.
- I missed you.

[instrumental music]

[theme music]