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03x14 - Forgive and Forget

Posted: 04/17/24 17:06
by bunniefuu
- Hi, girls!
- Hi.

I want you guys to go
to this event

and cover it for Teen Vogue.

It's, uh, Norman Lear's event to
celebrate the power of the vote.

I'd like you to go,
enjoy yourselves.

- Awesome.
- And this is it. Alright.

- Thanks.
- Thank you.

Oh, here. There's a website.

What is...

'This is really exciting.'

Oh, here's a list of everyone
who's going.

- 'What?'
- What?

It says Brent Bolthouse is
a member on the advisory board.

'Isn't that Heidi's boss?'


Do you think Heidi
will be there?

I don't know.

Well, we'll see when
we get there, right?

And we'll handle
the situation accordingly.

[rock music]

- Hey!
- Hey.

What are you doing?

- Third cup of coffee.
- Yeah?

I'm, like, way over caffeinated.

Uh, have you heard
about that event

tonight the declare yourself?

- Yeah.
- Yeah, Brent gave me a ticket.

- Are you going?
- Yeah, I'm gonna go.

- Yeah, we should go together.
- Yeah, definitely.

I heard it's like one of
the biggest events of the year.

Brent was saying.
Big red carpet.

Yeah, it'll be fun. It's a good
cause, too, you know?

- Yeah.
- Give me a call.

Let me know at what time
you're heading over and stuff.

Okay. Perfect.

[instrumental music]

[cameras clicking]

This is a party where
we don't have to work.

I know. We can enjoy ourselves.

- Ah!
- Let's mingle a little.

It's probably the best
assignment we've gotten yet.

[laughs] I know.

She said, actually said,
"Enjoy yourselves."

[Lauren] 'The chick who was in
"Devil wears Prada?"'

[Whitney] 'Yeah, yeah, yeah.'

The really ridiculously, like,
hot guy is here.

- What?
- I know.

- Where?
- Way over there.

There's a couple cute guys here.

'I know. I was gonna say that
same thing to you.'

This is the first event
we haven't worked, actually.

- This event looks amazing!
- I know.

Everyone went outside.
Do you want to go out?

Yeah, let's go outside.

Want to grab a table?

- 'Food.'
- Wait.

Where's Audrina tonight?

Why wouldn't...
Why didn't she come to this?

Uh, because Lisa only gave us
two tickets

and because she's on a date.

She's on a date
with Justin Bobby?

[instrumental music]

Why didn't you get that stuff
that you put in your hair

and it makes it into dreads?

'Cause that defeats the purpose,

'I got my,
I'm not a receptionist anymore.'

I'm more involved.

'I get to help out with artists'

and I got my own little cubicle
in the back

like a table
and my own computer and...

Bigger responsibility.

Tomorrow we're working
with Sean Kingston.

And we're going to "Jimmy
Kimmel," and he's performing.

- You're not nervous, are you?
- I am a little nervous. I am.

Just 'cause I don't know
what to expect.

It's, like, my chance to really
prove that...



So did you ever get my phone
call that I called you?

Did you leave a message?

I called you that next morning.

Wait, when was that?
That was like last week.

Dude, if I tell you
I'd call you, I call you.

I know I have to work
all day tomorrow

but afterwards,
do you want to go out after?

Yea... Yeah.

I'm there.


[rock music]

[indistinct chatter]

Oh, God. Heidi's right there.

You know that girl
I told you about?

She's standing over there
with her friend.

It's all for them.

Oh, my God.
She's, like, right there.

Is this horrible for you?

I'm like, it's horrible for you.

I think I'm gonna go up
and say something to her.


I'm Whitney, by the way. Hi.

- Nice to meet you.
- Hey.

'I just haven't talked
to you, so I wanted to see

how you're doing
and what's going on.

If you want to apologize to me,
I'll talk to you.

Well, you know that
I didn't do anything, so...

Having your boyfriend

do your dirty work
doesn't make you innocent.

My dirty work? I don't have
anything to do with it.

Your sex tape and whatever
has nothing to do with me.

You think it's okay for someone
to say those things about people

'and go on
and think it's funny?'

I mean, nothing's funny.

It has nothing to do with me.

It has nothing to do with you?

- 'No, it has nothing...'
- Nothing to do with you at all?

You think it's okay
that he went and did that?

- That my boyfriend went...
- It's-it's okay?

I had nothing to do with you

and anything that you've done
with your ex-boyfriend.

That has nothing to do with me,

Okay, you can keep saying that
and make yourself think

you're a good person,
but you're a bad person.

I didn't do anything wrong.

Okay. So, have a great night.

Night, guys.

[instrumental music]

[instrumental music]

- Hey.
- 'Hi.'

- Do you want some vegetables?
- Oh, yeah.

I know.


How was your night last night?

We weren't sure if Heidi
was gonna be there, but she was.


She, like, came up
and tried to talk to me

like everything was normal.

- Did she come up by herself?
- 'No.'

'Some other girl was there
with her.'

And she's like,
"Hi, how are you?"

Like, "This is so silly."
You know.

And I was just like, well,
you know, "You did a bad thing.

It's not silly.
You said these things about me."

She's like, "I didn't have
anything to do with it."

Whether she said things
about me or not

she knows that Spencer did.
And she knew he was doing it.

- 'She was doin' it and she...'
- And she let it happen.

Sometimes doing nothing
is just as bad.

What did she say, just nothing?

She just...
She's just in such denial.

How do you go to sleep at night,
like, next to someone

knowing they can do
terrible things

like that to people?

She used to be so,
like, just fun.

People change.


'So, you gotta work
with Sean Kingston today?'

- Yeah.
- 'I got to work, too.'

- We should go get ready.
- 'Okay.'

[instrumental music]

Your picture's gonna be up here,


Let's go. Sound check.

- With, with Samantha. Yeah.
- Yeah.

- 'Yeah, I know this song.'
- You're like, wait! I know.

[instrumental music]

You know, I was supposed to go
out with Justin tonight.

- It's not gonna happen.
- No, I know.

I mean, we probably won't be
done till, like, 8:30.

'We were supposed to go out
at seven.'

No, you won't. Honestly,
there's no way in hell.

- You can see Justin any day.
- I know. I'll just call him.

I mean, I could have him
come by.

- No, don't do that.
- No harm.

- I'm at work, yeah.
- You're at work, yeah.

I'll just call him tomorrow.

- Whatever. Yeah.
- This is fun.

[instrumental music]


- 'How are you?'
- Good. How are you?

Our night was quite eventful
last night. Ha-hah.

I don't understand
what she wants to say to me.

She doesn't wanna apologize,
she doesn't wanna admit

she's wrong,
so until that happens

I don't really have
anything to say.

Right. She doesn't know that,
though. She's just gonna...

- Seriously?
- What?

- Seriously.
- What?

She's on my freakin' IM.

[keys clacking]

She IM'ed you?

'What'd she say?'

[Lauren] '" I think we should
meet up and talk."'

Wha... I don't know does she
need so badly to say to me?

What are you saying?

"What do you want
to talk about?"

'That's what you said?'

'"I would like to put this
behind us. Everything."'

'Is that what she just said?'

What's going on?

'What's-what's happening?
Fill me in.'

- 'Lauren?'
- Sorry.

Is everything okay?
I just want to help.

No, no, no. it's fine.
I'm just...

She wants to meet up after work.

What do you think?

Just get it over with.

[instrumental music]

'Okay. Wait, wait, wait.'

[Heidi] 'Real quick,
we're gonna bug you'

'for some autographs for
the people'

'that did the show for us.'

- 'How you like it...'
- 'Miss Jimmy.'

Thank you.

It's just gonna get
a whole lot more.

I know.

- It means you're poppin'.
- Oh, I'm sorry.

It means you're poppin'.

Basically, when you're famous

in the streets
we say you're poppin'.

- 'Okay, so you're poppin'.
- So, it's not...

You're poppin'. Yeah.

And not "You rocked the house."

- I tore it up.
- Okay.

- Don't say "Rock the house."
- Or shut it down.

- Oh, we shut it down.
- Who rocks the house.

That's what I'm talking about.

Cute ladies!

Bye, Sean. Thank you so much.
You did great.

Thanks, Sean.
It was great working with you.

- Oh, my.
- That was so much fun.

He's like a big teddy bear.
I love him. He's the nicest kid.

We're gonna put the autographs,
these with the CDs.

No more reception for Audrina.

Audrina is sitting
at a cubicle next to me.

Justin? No, I'm not gonna call.

No, you're not calling Justin.

You're gonna take my phone away.


[instrumental music]

- Good evening, sweetheart.
- Hi, love.

I was just reading this
interesting little iChat

on, uh, my computer.

'And unless hell's freezing
over currently'

it's pretty much the craziest
iChat I've ever read.

- What?
- '"Hey, it's Heidi.'

I think we should meet up
and talk."

Oh, the one with me and Lauren.

"What do you wanna talk about?"

You don't have to read the whole
thing to me. I wrote it.

Thank you. Um, I know.

I figured, you know,
I saw her at declare yourself

and I tried to talk to her and,
like, apologize for things then.

And I guess, you know,
she didn't hear me then

so I figured this has all gotten
out of hand.

It's like, it's just to a point

where I need to go over
and talk to her.

I was like, well,
we were friends for too long.

- 'Just... Why not, right?'
- Well, be careful.

You're heading
into the lion's den.

But life's too short to keep
having all this anger

and hatred and whatever.

[instrumental music]

Look what we got
from Mr. Sean Kingston.

- Sean. He sent those?
- Yeah, they're so pretty.

He's only 17 and he's sending
flowers already?

He's a ladies' man.

It says, "It was great
working with you.

Thanks for all your hard work.
Sean Kingston."

I seriously was nervous.
I thought I didn't...

I didn't know
how it was gonna be

if he was gonna be a,
like, a diva.

Yeah. How he was gonna act.

- But you did good. Very good.
- 'Thanks.'

I feel like everything
is different now.

Like, I have my own cubicle
next to you.

'I got to work
with a huge artist.'

- You're moving up.
- This is good.


[instrumental music]

[doorbell rings]


- I brought you these.
- Thanks.

Watch out, 'cause they have
a couple thorns right there

and they might prick you.

- This looks very different.
- It is different.

- It's very nice.
- Thanks.

'Wow. I must say,
I'm very impressed.'

You are very clean.
Did a maid come?

No. Audrina makes me clean.



Um, I just wanted to talk to you

and I'm so sorry about how
things went the other night

when I saw you.

Just been so frustrated
and I know you have been, too.

And so many he said-she said,
stupid rumors and this and that.

And I can swear to you
on my life

and to God and to everything

that I really had nothing
to do with that.

But did Spencer?

I mean, I don't know if Spencer
had anything to do with that.

- You're lying to me.
- I'm not lying.

If Spencer did anything,
I'm sorry on his behalf.

I can't control Spencer.
I have nothing to do...

You know he did it,
though, Heidi.

Don't look at me and tell me

that you don't know
'cause you know.

Do you think I had an idea
what was going on?

I think that you know that
Spencer did this.

I think you don't want to
believe it because you love him

'and I understand that.'

'Because sometimes
when you love people'

you want to believe
they're good.

Lauren, he's not bad.
He's not bad.

He did this to me and you want
me to say he's a good person?

- Yeah, but, Lauren...
- I really...

I really, really wish
you could know how bad it was.

I mean, I wish I could
take it back.

You don't think that
I miss you as a friend?

'You don't think that I wish
that none of this happened?'

I had no idea anything was
happening. I really had no idea.

Heidi, sometimes whether you did
something or you did nothing

it's just as bad.

I'm not Spencer,
and I can't control Spencer.

How can you hate someone so much

that you literally want to
make them wish they were dead?

Spencer doesn't hate you.

I'm so sorry if...

'This is the person that'

went around and made calls

and made an effort to make sure

'that everyone would hear
these things about me.'

This is the person
that you want to marry

'and spend the rest
of your life with.'

'And you have to live
with that.'

- Lauren, I love Spencer.
- Good. You know what?

You really must love him to
stick by him through all this.

I'm not saying
Spencer's an angel.

Well, I didn't come here to
fight with you. I really didn't.

'I just came here to say'

'I really am sorry for all that
you've been through'

and I'm so sorry for things
that have happened this way.

[Lauren] 'I appreciate that.'

It was really hard
for you to apologize.

I understand that,
and I really do appreciate it.

But the only thing, really,
that there is to do

is to forgive and forget.

'So, I really do.'

'I want to forgive you...'

...and I want to forget you.

Yeah. Well, this...
It was great seeing you.

The apartment looks great.

And I hope
you have a great life.

So...have a great night, Lauren.

[instrumental music]


[music continues]

[instrumental music]