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03x12 - Stress and the City

Posted: 04/17/24 17:05
by bunniefuu
Oh, my God! This is amazing!

- It's gorgeous, right?
- Beautiful!


There's just so much you can do
with it, so much space.

See, this is what
I was talking about

with the confessionals
on the sides.

Well, we could hide those.

You could hide the
confessionals. It's not gonna...

I, uh, I was thinking
maybe we could put, like

some photo booths in them
or something.

- That could be fun. Totally.
- Yeah.

We were thinking maybe,
like, the band up there

and the runway down the middle.

Totally, yeah, just straight
down the middle for sure.

And I know back there is a

there's a big changing
section, so...

'And this is such a huge space,
and it's an absolutely'

beautiful space,
don't get me wrong.

But there,
we're gonna have to make it

look like there's a lot
of people in it.

'I think we have to draw it.'

I think we have to look at it.

And, I'll pull together
a bunch of references

and furniture ideas
and drawings.

Right, 'cause,
she's gonna have...

I know Amy's gonna have,
I mean need

every detail in front of her
visually, so...

This is many more discussions
now that we've found

the space, thank you.

Well done. Great.

[instrumental music]

- Hi, Whitney. How are you?
- Hi.

- 'Hi, Lauren.'
- How are you?

So, we're going to send you
to New York again.

- You've both been?
- Yeah.

'You're gonna go,
uh, on the red-eye'

to meet with Amy Astley
and her whole staff

'to present everything
that we discussed'

'for the Young Hollywood party.'

- Okay
- So, you'll do the whole

run-through as we did
at Viviana.

'She needs to see
all the pictures'

'and you should take
all the inspirations'

and all the changes
that we made.

This is them.

These are the ones that we had

and Amy's seen these.

'But the ones
with all the new ideas...'

- She hasn't seen any of those.
- She hasn't seen any of that.

- So you wanna get the drawings.
- Right.

And the color scheme
and the flowers.

And then you'll come back
right after the meeting.

- Right.
- 'So, you know that'

'it's serious business
in New York.'

You'll do a great job.
I count on you.

'Come back successfully
and quickly, okay?'

- Okay. Thank you.
- Thank you.


Oh, man. I can't believe it.

I haven't been to New York
in so long.

- And we get to go together.
- I'm excited.

I'm really excited.

'I did not wanna make
this presentation by myself.'

As soon as she was like,
you're going to New York

I just, like, my closet
ran through my brain.

I was like, "Oh, my God.
What am I gonna wear?"

I mean, obviously.
Do you know what's so funny?

- What?
- I totally have a dress

on reserve for our next meeting

with Amy Astley, so
I don't even have to shop now.

[instrumental music]

- Well, look who it is.
- What up, bro?

- What's up...
- Hey, let me call you back.

What are you doin' here
pickin' up a little paycheck?

Yep, I do Saturdays
at Area with Brent.

Well, I haven't seen you in,
what, three months?

It's been a while.
I've been chillin'.

So, Brody left you a message
on your birthday.

We called you on your birthday,
and we didn't get a callback.

With Brody and I,
it's as simple as this.

I've been Brody's loyal
best friend for so many years.

I've defended him.
I've fought for him.

And then he started
hanging out with LC

who all she does is bash
my name, try to tear up

my relationship with Heidi,
all these things, right?

Lauren's my friend.
Brody's my friend.

And he should be able to hang
out with whoever he wants.

And if you can't accept that,
then you guys

are never gonna be friends.
He called you on your birthday.

Maybe that was a little way
to reach out to you.


If you wanna continue
your friendship with him

you go reach out,
you go call him

and you go talk to him.

It's, it's all about
moving forward.

- 'Alright.'
- I gotta go spend my money.

[instrumental music]

Hey, you ready to go to lunch?

You're never gonna guess
who I just ran into.

- Who?
- Frankie Delgado.

Oh, yeah, he works
for Brent sometimes.

What'd he have to say?

He was just like

you got to understand.

There's two sides of it, like

Brody can't believe that you

wouldn't be friends with him

over talking to Lauren.

I was like,
it's not about that, Frankie.

It's about that
I wouldn't do that.

And Brody's
not the kind of friend

I have been and will be to him.

So many people have said
bad things about Brody.

Am I friends with those people?
Yeah, right.

It's like, that's the difference
between Brody and I.

He'd be friends with somebody
who says bad things about me

I wouldn't do that
with my friends.

- Right.
- I mean, I...

I don't care. I really don't.


[instrumental music]

[upbeat music]

[Lauren] 'Thank you.'


Hey, we're here
to see Amy Astley.

Okay, you can just have
a seat over there

and her assistant
will be right out to get you.

- Okay, thanks.
- Thank you.

We really stepped it up here.

Do I look like
"Teen Vogue" Barbie?

I don't think I would
ever wear this

into the office at home.

It's just, like, a whole

different world out here.

- Did you practice at all?
- Um, not really.

I'm a little nervous.
I'm like, dripping.

Lauren and Whitney?

- Come on in.
- Hi.

Alright, girls. Thank you.
See you in the morning.

- Hi, Lauren, nice to see you.
- Hi. How are you?

How are you doing?
Good to see you.

Hi, Whitney.
Oh, you got all your stuff.

- Yeah.
- Okay, have a seat, girls.

- Great to see you guys.
- You too.


Whitney, it looks like you
have all your presentation

for the Young Hollywood meeting.

- Ready to go.
- Great.

I'm looking forward
to hearing that

this afternoon with the staff.

'I think having the Marc by Marc
Jacobs Show there.'

You know, it's gonna be a week
after the New York Show.

And he's never done that before

'you know to restage a show,
e-especially in LA.'

So I'm happy that we were able
to convince him

that that's a good thing to do,
and actually, Lauren

I have heard
from Lisa Love that you

are a big fan of Marc Jacobs.

Mm-hm. He's my favorite.

- He's your favorite?
- 'Yeah.'

I've spoken to Kate Waters
who works with Marc.

'So, she said she'd love
to meet you and talk to you.'

Oh, wow.

So, we have to send you down

to Marc Jacobs, um,
now, actually.

Oh, okay.
So I'm not doing the meeting?

No, you're not gonna do
the Young Hollywood meeting.

'Um, Whitney can handle it.'

And you have about 20 minutes
to get downtown.

'Do you know your way
around New York?'

- Um, not...
- Taxi time.

- Great.
- 72 Spring.

- Okay, now?
- 'You're going now.'

- Alright. Bye.
- Bye.

[instrumental music]

and I'm really in a hurry.

[music continues]

[instrumental music]

Okay, um, I'm-I'm just gonna
get out here.

Hi, I'm here to see Kate Waters.

I'm Lauren, from "Teen Vogue."

Hi, Kate. Lauren's here.

[music continues]

- Are you Lauren?
- Mm-hm.

- Hi, I'm Kate Waters.
- Oh, hi.

- Nice to meet you. Good.
- How are you?

Come on, back with me, actually.

- Okay.
- We're working today, we're...

You know, we have
our fashion show next week

so we're doing
a big casting today.

So, Amy said that maybe
you'd be able to help with that.

Yeah, of course.

I know you maybe didn't think

'you were gonna
be doing this today.'

'Do you want other shoes?'

No, I'm fine. Thank you.

We really appreciate it.
We have a lot going on.

So, let me introduce you
to Michelle

I wanna introduce you to Lauren.

Lauren. Nice to meet you.

Michelle's gonna let you know
how you can help

and what you're gonna be doing.

Let's introduce you to Venetia.

'This is Venetia Scott.
She's our stylist.'

Hi. Lauren. Nice to meet you.

So, I guess I'll have you
kind of running back and forth

doing a lot of different
things, but for the most part

you're just gonna be
stationed right here.

You'll have to do the
finishing styling, tuck them in

tie their bows, give them shoes

and then send them to me,
and I really want them to be

a hundred percent styled.

- Okay.
- Thank you.


[instrumental music]

[Amy] 'Hi, guys.'

So, Whitney, I'm so glad
you could come from LA

to spearhead our
"Young Hollywood" meeting today.

This is Whitney's first time
to present to us as a member

'of our staff,
not just as an intern.'

So we're counting on you.

And, um, why don't you
go ahead and take us through

the, uh, location first?

Okay. Okay.

So, I have all these boards.

Um, what I just wanted
to start out with was

kind of the bird's-eye view
of the whole surrounding area

and the church, this will...

You'll come in right here
and go straight outside for...

- Is there valet for the cars?
- There will be valet. Yes.

So, they'll do the pictures

and then they'll immediately
go outside.

- So, they go out to the garden?
- They go out to the garden.

There's this huge tree
in the middle

that they want
to, um, hang chandeliers from.

- How many chandeliers?
- Um...

Um...I'm not sure on the number.

'Cause too many
is gonna look, mm.

- Yeah, a little too much.
- 'Too much.'

'So, yeah, um, what else do I
have here?'

I have all these outside,
I know they're working

they like
a lot of wicker, maybe.

This is actually, looks a little
sort of weathered.

- 'Do you think it's too brown?'
- 'Yes.'

- 'Yeah.'
- 'Mm-hm.',
there is a straight runway

which will just be a carpet.

- Mm.
- 'But...'

- I think no carpet. Tacky.
- 'Yeah.'

- Mm-mm. Okay.
- Too sloppy.

It just makes it less
complicated, as well

to get the party started
after the show.

We don't have to roll it up.

- 'No carpet.'
- Okay, so, we'll nix that idea.

And... Okay, so, then,
these were the florals.

Where are these
flowers going, exactly?

- Um...
- 'Where do they go?'

I think that,
um, probably lining

maybe lining the side,
the walls.

They look like table top
arrangements to me, though.

So, you can go back and maybe
fine-tune some of these things.

- Okay.
- Alright. Good.

Thank you.

[instrumental music]

- Anybody dressed?
- You guys got to be quick...

Lauren, you're gonna wanna
pay attention to this.

If a girl comes back
and the shorts are too big

clamp 'em right in the back.

- 'Alright.'
- 'Ooh, they fit.'

Here you go.
You can slip this on.

I'll clip them for you.



I was just gonna
introduce you to Marc.

Hi. I'm Lauren.
Nice to meet you.

Hi, nice to meet you.

- What you doing?
- I'm alphabetizing.

You're alphabetizing.
That's very important.

- It's nice to meet you.
- You too.

- 'Take care.'
- Bye.

[instrumental music]

♪ Oo ♪

♪ Oo ♪♪

I packed so much stuff
and hardly wore any of it.

My bag was, like, full.

♪ I got to meet Marc Jacobs ♪♪

I can't believe it.

I'm gonna go like,
give Lisa Love a hug

and then run away 'cause I'm
afraid of what she'll do to me.

'Oh, so, I never really
heard from Amy about'

'how I did
in the presentation...'

I wonder if she's given
a review to Lisa yet.

I know, I wonder what Lisa
will say when I get back.

I'm really curious,
you never know what's said

'behind closed doors, you know?'

Well, I'm sure we'll find
at that tasting tomorrow.

- Okay. Are you ready?
- Yeah, I'm ready.

Back to LA we go.

Sad to say goodbye.

- I'm happy to go home.
- Yeah.

- I miss Brody.
- Oh!

'I mean, not that I didn't
have fun with you, but...'

We'll be back.

Hi, how are you?

[Lauren] 'JFK airport, please.'

[instrumental music]

[telephone ringing]

[Brody] 'What's up?
You've reached Brody.'

'Leave me a message,
and I'll get back'

'to you as soon as possible.'

Yo, Brody, what's up?
It's Spencer.

Hit me up, some things
we need to talk about.

[instrumental music]

- Hi.
- Welcome to Patina.

We're here for the
"Teen Vogue" tasting.

Yes, you actually are
the first one to arrive.

Would you like to have
a seat at the bar?

- Yeah, sure.
- Thank you.

You're welcome.

'The food here is really good.'

I think it'll be perfect
for the Young Hollywood party.

- I'm so excited.
- 'I'm so hungry.'

Me too. I'm a little nervous.

I still haven't heard
how I did in the presentation.

the first one to tell us

when we've done something wrong.

It sucks.

- Hello!
- Hi, how are you?

Good, how are you?

- Hello, how are you?
- Nice to see you.

You too.

Whitney, you're over here.

Well, while
we're waiting for that, um...

I spoke to Amy this morning,
and she said the meeting

went well, and they said
that the whole

presentation was great.

'Over all New York is very
excited about the party.'

We heard about the dress
you were wearing.

Was it bad?

Well, it was
very dressy, wasn't it?

I'd expect you
to be in the office

like that every day now.

[all laughing]

- Cheers.
- Cheers.

- To the Young Hollywood party.
- To the Young Hollywood party.


[instrumental music]

[doorbell ringing]


- Surprise.
- Hello!

What up?

Oh! Welcome back.

I missed you.

Come on in.

Lot of candles in here.

Trying to set the mood here?

What's going on here?

So, what about New York?
Tell me.

- How did it go?
- It went really well.

We basically got there,
and she was like...

I didn't even know
what I was doing

and I went to the meeting,
and she sent me away

immediately to go downtown and
go to

the model casting
for Marc Jacobs.

And I got to help out,
and I actually got to meet him.

Um, so are you okay?
What's going on?

- Yeah, I, um... Spencer.
- Spencer?

'He called and left me a
message. He was reaching out.'

He misses me and, you know...

So, I haven't
called him back yet

and I don't think I'm going to.

You don't wanna make up
with him?

I mean, I-I love Spencer,
but I don't think

I could ever look at him
the same, ever.

I mean, It's like, I just don't
ever think that we'll be...

best friends again, you know?

Well, I know that the reason,
like, you guys stopped

stopped talking
was because he was bothered

that you were hanging out
with me.

I just don't want
to be responsible

at all for breaking up
a friendship

especially not one
that lasted so long.

You know what I mean?

I made this decision.

Uh, the reason why I don't
wanna talk to him

is for my own reasons.

So, listen, I think there's
too many pillows in between us.

Maybe, you know, just a little

you could come and give me
a hug or something.

- Oh!
- Oh!

Give me a hug.


- Now I'm cozy.
- Are you?

Little bit.

How about we forget all the BS?

I'll always be there for you

and you'll always
be there for me.

- Okay.
- Okay?


My candles worked, didn't they?

They did, actually, what
have you got in those things?

♪ Maybe tonight ♪

♪ I'll think it over ♪

♪ But maybe tonight
I need to hold you ♪

♪ It's alright ♪

♪ Darling I won't
let you go... ♪

♪ I've got to see you ♪

♪ So I can't believe you
you're not the kind ♪

♪ That will take this
for granted ♪♪