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03x08 - For Better or Worse

Posted: 04/17/24 17:03
by bunniefuu
So is this a new thing
we're doing?

I need to know
because I'm really...

No, I don't really have, like,
too many clothes right now.

- I need to go shopping.
- Really?

- I do.
- I have a ton of your clothes.

By the way, thank you for
all my workout t-shirts.

Oh, my God, you suck.

- Thank you.
- Sure, You're welcome.

Yeah, but I, I do want you
to meet my girlfriend.

- Girlfriend? Really?
- Yeah.

She's so cool so...

- What's her name?
- Katja.

Yeah, we're gonna
move in together.

It's bread course here,
homemade biscuits

'uh, homemade butter.'

- Thank you.
- Thank you.

But I want you to meet her
so I'm, I wanna have

like, a housewarming party.

So...would you like to?

I would love to meet her.

[instrumental music]

♪ Let's go ♪♪

[instrumental music]

I went to lunch
with Jason yesterday.

- You did?
- Mm-hmm

How was that?

It was good. It was kind
of weird, though.

I guess he has a girlfriend
who he's, like, moving in with.

What? That was fast.

It was just kind of, like,
"I have a girlfriend

and we're moving in."

It's like, "Oh, wow."

Yeah, I thought that was kind of
weird that he didn't tell me

and he wants me to meet her.

And he's having a get together
thing at his house.

- I'll go with you.
- Will you really?

- Yeah.
- Okay, thanks.

'We're still goin' out
tonight, right?'

Mm-hmm. Yeah.
Whitney's comin' too.

Oh-ho! So that should be fun.

[instrumental music]

So you're goin' out
on your first

big photo sh**t
for the magazine.

We're sh**ting a band called
Red Jumpsuit Apparatus.

This is a huge sh**t.

There's five guys and bands are
notoriously difficult.

If there is a problem,
it's your problem.

It's no one else's
problem anymore.

Take the help that you need.

- You take Lauren with you.
- 'Right.'

Make sure that everybody acts
appropriately, alright?

Okay, yeah. Yeah.

- I, I can handle it.
- Good.

You know, you better handle it.

I will. I have no choice,
really, at this point, huh?

Uh-huh. This is it.

Yeah, well, great,
thank you very much.

- Bye.
- 'Bye.'

[instrumental music]

Are you excited?

but just with looking.

Are you excited for your dress?

Oh, yeah. I can't wait.

We should get you this one
as the bridesmaid one.

I'm don't see
any a Vera Wang's.

'Oh, I can't wait
to show you this dress.'

It's so pretty.

I can't believe I'm really
gonna be a bride soon.

My heart is beating so fast.

How do you feel about it,

Excited but it's, I mean, it's
way, it's, it makes it so real.

- 'Is Spencer excited?'
- 'He better be.'

You, like, talk about it
and you think about it

but when you look in the mirror
and you're, like, wait.

Do you ever think
maybe this isn't it, right?

Well, I don't think so.

Like, I believe
people fall in love

but I think, like, at this age,
it's easy to fall out of love.

That's why I get scared.

Obviously, you're not
in the right mind frame

but for me, it's just,
it's different.

Like, I, I don't wanna picture
my life without him.

And, like, I would feel,
like, my soul mate's gone.

I just try not to be
naive about it.

Like, one of my best friends

dated her boyfriend
for five years.

They just broke up. So...

[instrumental music]

'Okay, so we just have
to try these on

and write down their sizes,

Yeah, and then just take
pictures of them in it.

- That's easy enough.
- Really easy.

- Hello.
- Hi!

- Hi, how's it goin'?
- Good, how are you?

- Hi.
- Hello, everybody.

- I'm Whitney.
- Hi, Whitney.

- Duke.
- Hi. Lauren.

- How's it going?
- Hi. Alright.

We have jeans for you
guys to try on.

- Yeah.
- 'Cool, sounds good.'

Well, we definitely trust you

seeing from your outfits
so far, very cute.

Oh. Thank you.

Here, there's a twenty eight.
That's small.

Thirty two. This is what
I was, here you go.

- You can try 'em.
- Thank you.

- 'What size are you?'
- 'What did you say?'

These are a ladies' eight.

'These are girl jeans.'

So what's goin' on tonight?
So anything goin' on?

Tonight, uh, I think
we're gonna go over

to a little dive bar.
- Oh Really!

You guys should come. If you
guys aren't doing anything.

'Yeah, I would,
I'm definitely going out.'

Well, I'll have to check
my schedule but...


They'll be fun to
go out with tonight.

Yeah, I'm excited.

Do you think
that's okay though?

I mean, I don't see why not.

[instrumental music]

- Hi, guys.
- Hi.

Thank you.

- Hi, guys.
- Hi.

Good to see you guys.

- This is Audrina.
- How you doing?

So should we just
get sh*ts first?

- You gonna take round of sh*ts?
- Yeah, let's do that for sure.

'You know, you guys
have the photo sh**t tomorrow.'

So I don't know
how smart that is.

Have you ever had
a buttery nipple?

'What about a redheaded slut?'

Oh, I like redheaded sluts.

'Have you ever had
a redheaded slut?'

A few.

I'm just hoping that
you guys will do at least

one shot with us.

- Let's take one.
- I'll take one.

- Alright.
- I hope I don't get wasted!

[instrumental music]


Oh, God.

So do you guys have
plans after this?

Or is this about
the end of the night?

'So you guys have the
photo sh**t tomorrow.'

Like, we actually
have to work it

and, like, be there
pretty early so...

I know you guys probably wanna
go somewhere else, huh?

- Well, we are.
- You are.

And you guys
are more than welcome

to go where we're gonna go.

You guys can't be late tomorrow.

- 'Are, are we good with Jager?'
- 'Can we do Jager?'


[instrumental music]

[instrumental music]

- Good morning.
- Morning.

You look tired. I can't believe
you got up so early.

It was hard enough
for me to get up.

Oh, I know, I just hope
the band isn't late.

- Because we kept them out.
- Hopefully not.

Otherwise, you're gonna
get the rap for it.

I'm not gonna get the rap.
I'm not the boss.

- Whitney will, huh?
- Yeah.

- You look so tired.
- I am tired.

You need, like, a power nap
when you get home from work.

Oh, wait, we're going
to Jason's thing tonight.

Do you think
it's gonna be awkward?

It's always weird meeting
your boyfriend's ex-girlfriend.

When she knows you guys were
together for a long time.

You lived together so...

I mean, I'm gonna try
to be really nice to her

but I just feel like...

I can't believe they're moving
in together already.

[instrumental music]

'This is not gonna be fun.'

'I know. My head is k*lling me.

'I just really don't wanna
throw up.'

- 'Where's the band?'
- 'I don't know.'

'They promised
they'd be here on time.'

I hope we don't get in trouble
for keeping them out late.

Hey, they're running
a little late?

Yeah, I don't know.

'Maybe they had car trouble.'

Oh, thank God, they're here.

Do you need me
to do anything, boss man?

So, I'm gonna have you go look

for the 32s in this style,

And then once you find them,
steam them and come back.

Aye, aye.

And I will take care of Elias.

Oh, you.

- Okay.
- What are you trying to do?

Why are you holding jeans?

- We wanna change your jeans.
- No way, sorry.

- Really?
- I really like these a lot.

These are really nice, though

and they're small,
they're really small.

I know, but I don't like them
'cause they're not mine.

I really just like these a lot.


You have to meet
with Lisa tomorrow.

I know.

She'll be like, "Whitney... do not have
a future in this."

'Exactly like that.'

'You do not'

you do not have a future."

[instrumental music]

Are you so excited
to go register?

So excited to go register?


Look, China. This is China.

This is what you're
so excited for?


That's gonna be
an expensive one.

Glasses, we need glasses.

- We have enough glasses.
- What do you want?

You wanna register
at Blockbuster?

- Yeah.
- Not happening.

Whoo! What do you want?
You want some more of these?

I bet you do.

Oh, I've always
wanted one of these.

This is a dangerous thing
for you to have.

'Are you just over this

'You don't wanna do this?'

I don't know what we really
need from anybody.

We have everything
that we need.

But you're the one
who asked me to marry you

and you don't even seem like
you're into any of this.

I just think it's silly
to make people buy us

a bunch of stuff that
we're not gonna use.

Oh, now, you're all sad.

We'll resume this
on a different day.

[instrumental music]

It's good seein' you.
Seriously, I'm happy you came.

- This is cute.
- Audrina!

- Hi! Congratulations.
- How are you?

- Thank you. How are you?
- Good.

- There's a lot of people here.
- Hello.

Hey, darlin'. How are you?

- Good, how are you doing'?
- Good to see you.

- Katja!
- Ton of people here.

- Lauren! This is Katja.
- Hi.

'Hi, I'm Lauren,
nice to meet you.'

- Nice to meet you, too.
- This is Audrina.

- Hi, nice to meet you.
- 'Nice to meet you too.'

How are you?

- 'Lauren.'
- Yeah?

'You want a drink?'

[indistinct chatter]

- You okay?
- Mm-hmm.

- This is so stupid.
- 'Shut up!'

We've got something to say.

'Well, some of our
best friends in the house'

right now
just got engaged.

Jason and Katja,
this is to you.

[people cheering]

- 'Congratulations!'
- 'Hey.'

Outstanding, guys.

Is it bad that
I really wanna leave?

[instrumental music]

What! What's-what's
that face for?

Nothing, I'm just keeping
it to myself.

I know you don't like her but...

I think you're being an idiot
but that's your decision.

- What do you mean by that?
- Why would you get engaged?

- You're 20 years old.
- You've known me for so long.

I mean, it's just like,
I've always liked to be

in a relationship
and I found somebody

I really, really care about.

Why are you in such a hurry?

When I talked to you,
your parents

got married
at like 20 years old.

They dated for six years before.

They were like high-school

You didn't know her
in high school.

You've been dating her
for, like, four months.

Seven months.

You're a big liar.

Six months and some odd days, I


I just thought
you'd be happy for me.

You really want me
to be happy for you?

- 'You don't want to be?'
- Hi, baby.


- Having fun, baby?
- Yeah, I'm chillin'.

[instrumental music]

- You're okay?
- Congratulations.

[upbeat music]

'Whitney, we need to talk
about the photo-sh**t.'

I thought I did okay.

You ran the set.
You did the call sheet.

I tried, yeah.

I did everything that you asked.

And diva moments?

Um, there was one point
where one of them

didn't really wanna take off
this pair of pants

he was wearing but...

What did you do?

I, I mean,
I told him I understood.

We had all gone out
the night before.

It was our way
of getting to know them.

That's beyond your job.

'Going out with them
is beyond my job?'

We wanted to entertain them make
them feel comfortable

because they were only in LA for
a certain amount of time.

They were late because
they were out the night before

or they were late because the
car didn't pick them up on time?

I don't know the details
of why they were late.

I just want respect on every
sh**t that we do.

And it's very hard
for them to respect you

if you've been out
the night before.

Okay. I'm sorry.
I didn't mean...

No, you know what?
You just need to step it up now.

'As I said before..'

if something goes wrong
on the sh**t, it's your fault.

- Right.
- It's your responsibility.

You need to be the boss.

[instrumental music]

- Here you go, princess.
- Oh, thank you.

- Let me get this for you.
- Thanks.

So, what did you wanna ask me
about the wedding?

I was thinking maybe fall?

Or should we do it
in the spring or..

I think we need to look
at some calendars.

I have a great church
picked out.

- I think we go to Tibet.
- We're not going to Tibet.

We're gonna fly
our whole family to Tibet?

Why do we have to have
our whole families there?

Well, I thought
we were eloping.

I want the wedding
and we need to register.

And I want the dress know.

So marriage this is what
a little girl dreams of.

I mean, you really don't think
your parents would mind

if they're not even there
for the actual wedding?

I haven't really spoken
to my parents

too much about me
getting married.

You haven't told your parents
that we're getting married?

I can't believe you haven't
told your parents.

- Why, are you embarrassed?
- Embarrassed?

- Why would I be embarrassed?
- Why wouldn't you tell them?

[upbeat music]

So, basically, I just got

a nice little
ass whipping from Lisa.

- Really?
- 'It was not really good.'

So I think the gist is

I'll just have to do
a better job next time.

So you seem a little dazed.

- I'm just out of it today.
- What's going on?

We had Jason's party
last night that we went to.

Oh, and you met his girlfriend?

- Well, I met his fiancee.
- Fiancee?

- They just got engaged.
- Oh, my God.

- I can't believe that.
- It was weird.

Of course, it's weird.

You just dated him a year ago

and then all of a sudden
he has a fiancee?

Like, that is so strange.

It's not even weird
in that way.

It's just like I think I just
have an idea in my head

of how I'd want my, like, party

where I'd announce
my engagement to be.
- Yeah.

And it, it didn't include a keg
or a Bob Marley poster.

'You know what I mean?'

Like, it was really, like,
it was diffi...

It was difficult
to take seriously.

You know, the program
he's in he's not even

supposed to be dating anyone.

And, like, I just
don't wanna be the one

to pick up the pieces again.

And you won't. Don't let
yourself be that person.

You know, like, maybe
the best thing is to not

talk to him for a while
and let him fall down

and let him pick himself
back up.

Yeah, but I've seen him fall
down. He falls hard.

There was a point where I was
there last night looking around.

It really just hit me
all at once

I was like,
"This could have been me."

And as much as I love Jason,
I'm so glad it's not.

♪ And she could be
something dear ♪

♪ Oh oh oh ♪

♪ And she could be something ♪

♪ Oh ♪

♪ Oh oh ♪

♪ And she could be something ♪

♪ Oh oh ♪

♪ Oh oh ♪

♪ And she could be something ♪

♪ Oh oh ♪♪♪

[theme music]